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Mamun Muztaba AMC, BIM

-he early day  “ Initially strategos refered to a role (a general in command of an army). Later it came to mean ‘the art of the general‘, which i to ay the !ychological and beha"ioral #ill with which he occu!ied the role. $$ By the time of %ericle (&' BC) it came to mean managerial #ill (adminitration, leaderhi! orientation, !ower). And by Ale*ander‘ time (++ BC) it refered to the #ill of em!loying force to o"ercome o!!oition and to create

/hat i 0trategy1 It derives from the Greek "στρατηγία" (strategia), "oce of genera, command, generashi!" #trateg$ descri%es ho& an organi'ation intends to achieve its o%ectives and mission  method or !an chosen to %ring a%o*t a desired f*t*re, s*ch as achievement of a goa or so*tion to a !ro%em +he art and science of !anning and marshaing reso*rces for their most ecient and eective *se +he term is derived from the Greek &ord for generashi! or eading an arm$  strateg$ is a set of o%ectives, !oicies and !ans that, taken together, de-ne the sco!e of the

2oal 0trategy 3b4ecti"e -actic .  e   m  o   t c  e   u   h   t  o   s   t   y   i   w   r  o   v e  a   p   h   e   m   t   r   s   r  i  o  c  h  i e   f   p   e   l .   n  d  a   b   a   l   t o  a  g  y   r   p  o a  d   r   u   e   e   s  e   t   b   n   s  a  t   i   i a   h   n d  a   t  a   r  e  e   s  t  c   s   s   e   s   i  o   i   t   m   u   s    l   n   y   i  a   s  a   a   u  o  e a   o   s   v e   e  g    i o  n   i   y   t   g    l   t  i  v   e   h  i e   A   r  a   z a  t  o   "   t    i  c  o   !  e c   t   t      n  i  a   c  a  o  b   A  g a .   e   t o    4    s   i   n    b  e .  o  r  a  l  s   o   c   y       i  a   t  g  e g   c  g o   A  n   u  t a   t   a   n   i   a   t   r   A   r  s  u   s  t   y o   p  u  i  t  h a   w

-he trategy i about winning 5 0trategy is the formulation of organizational missions" goals" ob!ectives and action plans.

-hree 0ubidiary Conce!t to 0trategy .om!etitiv e advantage /istinctive ca!a%iities

#trategic -t

Michael Porter (1985) #irms select marets in which they can e$cel and present a moving target to their competitors by continually improving their position

%istinctive capabilities are those characteristics that cannot be replicated by competitors" or can only be imitated with great difficulty.

 A firm must match its capabilities and resources to the opportunities available in the e$ternal environment.

%ur!oe of %lanning %lanning

&he process of setting goals and courses of action" developing rules and procedures" and forecasting future outcomes.

0et the tandard to facilitate control

%ro"ide direction

Manager engage in !lanning to6

Minimize wate and redundancy

7educe the im!act of change

0trategic %lanning and 8uman 7eource  0trategic


 ' Procedures for maing decisions about the organization(s long-term goals and strategies  0trategic

8uman 7eource Management (087M)

 ' &he pattern of human resources deployments and activities that enable an organization to achieve its strategic goals.  8uman

7eource %lanning (87%)

 ' Process of anticipating and maing provision for the movement )flow* of people into" within" and out of an

--Reciprocal Reciprocal and and interdependent interdependent relationship relationship -+nvironmental -+nvironmental scanning scanning critical critical for for both both

Human Resources Planning

Strategic Planning

Characteritic of an 9ffecti"e 87M 0trategy ,

&he purpose of HR strategy is to capitalize on the distinctive competencies of the organization and add value through the effective use of human resources.

9*ternal and Internal :it6 #it is an important consideration when designing HR programs. e loo at two types of important fit /. #itting HR strategy to overall organizational strategy )+$ternal fit*" )HR managers must be included in strategy discussions to be sure this happens*

0. 1ining the various HR programs to other functional areas and to each other )2nternal fit*. - A fit with other functional areas" such as mareting. - And a fit among all HR programs. :ocued on 7eult &he hard wor of deciding on strategy is not its formulation but its implementation and the tracing of results. &he HR3 strategy must be result oriented and measurable.

-he %roce ;iew of 0trategy Com!etiti"e = Indutry Analyi

What  i our buine 1 8ow do we create value 1

(>/here do we tand1>)

/hat are our organizational and/here do we want to go 1>)

Im!lementation and Control (>8ow do we get there1>)

Who are we in buine with 1 8ow i our buine
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