Shred Factor

May 1, 2017 | Author: charlesperez | Category: N/A
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Copyright 2013 DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given in this guide are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given in this guide are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.

SHRED FACTOR We have all heard the term “Ripped To Shreds” before when referring to a person. This simple means someone that is incredibly cut with a defined arms and six-pack abs everyone wants... Unfortunately, less than 2% of the population can say they are “ripped to shreds” and this number only seems to be decreasing by the year... UNTIL NOW! My mission is to make a dent in that small percentage by helping 10,000 individuals by the year 2016 see their abs. And with the workouts I have put together for you below, you will be well on your way to achieving that goal. Nothing brings me more joy than receiving an email with the news that a client of mine was finally able to see their abs! It's interesting, abs seem to be the epitome of health. And I tend to agree. If you are able to see your abs, 9 times out of 10 you are also incredibly healthy (that is if you go about it properly). With the five workouts provided for you below, you will be well on your way to directly eliminating belly fat all while building up a TON of core strength and lean muscle. And stick to these workouts long enough, and you will be joining the ranks of the 2% of people who can be called “Ripped To Shreds”. Let's dive in and get going and let the SHRED FACTOR start taking place inside you. To your success, Dennis Heenan, CPT Founder: Creator: Brainiac: P.S. Don't forget my other sites... - Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more. – Revolutionary six-week workout programs that combines the two most powerful fat burning workouts on the planet! – The brand new, most simple fat burning nutrition plan on the internet today. Period. Join us on Facebook at

Tips Before Starting 1. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise, be sure to get instruction from a certified trainer. 2. If something hurts or feels off, don’t do that exercise. There are plenty of alternates that you can add in. Please feel free to email dennis (at) fatburningnation (dot) com for ideas! 3. Because this is a new program, be sure to start slow to avoid injury. Pushing too hard after not working out for a while will only lead to injury or being overly sore. 4. If you find you need more rest in between exercises, feel free to take it. Over time you should work on shortening your rest periods. 5. This program is demanding so if going three days per week is too much, start by going two days a week with your third day being an “active rest” day (walking, hiking, etc.). 6. Always warm up properly. Be sure you are fully warmed up before starting your workouts. 7. Use a foam roll and stretch consistently. This will greatly help with eliminating soreness throughout the program. 8. Get good rest. You must allow your body to recover from your workouts so be sure you are getting good sleep. 9. Drink lots of water. This will keep you hydrated and allow you to lose fat more easily. 10. Have a cool down period at the end of each workout that includes stretching and foam rolling.

This is important! Strength Training Guidelines: Below are some guidelines that you should read through before jumping into the program. The reason I have put these together is to help maximize results while eliminating tons of soreness. Yes, you will get sore and that is fine. What you want to avoid is getting so overly sore that you have to miss a workout. •

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Always start with a warm up: Your warm up should consist of some dynamic stretching, foam roll, and warm up sets. For example, start by doing some bodyweight squats, lunges, and push-ups before starting. Always be sure your body is fully ready to go before starting. Ease into the program: As was stated, this is a challenging program so be sure to ease into it. Always have perfect form: It is much better to have perfect form doing less repetitions than have bad form performing lots of repetitions. Form is very important, so keep focused on it throughout the workouts. Finish with a cool down period: Once you have finished your workout, always perform a cool down with some stretching and foam roll. This will help eliminated soreness and get you better prepared for the next day. Track your progress: This is very important as you go throughout the program. Be sure you are tracking everything that you do. This includes the weight you used, the amount of rest you took, and how long your workouts take. Drink lots of water: Be sure to keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you. Get good rest. Sleep and recovery time is going to be huge on this program. Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night to allow your body to recover and grow.

Note To Beginners: This is a challenging program, so be sure to start slow. If an exercise to to challenging, be sure to substitute something in it's place. If doing 3 circuits is too much, start by only doing 1-2 and build up over time. Safety is always your first priority, so go at your own pace and build up to doing more and more as each start getting in better shape.

Workout Guidelines Below are 5 separate workouts that I have put together for you. There are a few different options on how to perform these workouts: The formats you can use are: 3-Day per Week Format: Day 1: SHREDDED LEGS Day 2: Active Rest Day 3: SHREDDED CHEST Day 4: Active Rest Day 5: SHREDDED BACK Day 6: Active Rest Day 7: Active Rest 4-Day per Week Format: Day 1: SHREDDED LEGS Day 2: SHREDDED CHEST Day 3: Active Rest Day 4: SHREDDED BACK Day 5: SHREDDED ABS/ATHLETE Day 6: Active Rest Day 7: Active Rest 5-Day per Week Format: Day 1: SHREDDED LEGS Day 2: SHREDDED CHEST Day 3: SHREDDED ABS Day 4: SHREDDED BACK Day 5: SHREDDED ATHLETE Day 6: Active Rest Day 7: Active Rest Start by going three days a week (depending on your fitness level) then build up to doing more over time. I recommend starting at 3-days per week for 2-weeks, then 4-days per week for 2-weeks, then 5-days per week for 2-weeks. This will be a good progression. If you are more advanced, start with 4-5 days per week. Your goal in these workouts should be to improve each and every time you do them. That means getting stronger on your lifts, cutting down rest periods, pushing yourself harder in your cardio circuits, etc. The harder you push and the stronger you get, the more results you will see.

SHREDDED LEGS: Warm-up Circuit Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits. • Barbell Squat – 30 seconds using 50% of the weight you will be using in the 1st circuit set • Burpees – 20 seconds • Alternating Reverse Lunge – 20 seconds • Rest 30 seconds and then start Circuit #1 Workout Circuit #1 • Barbell Squats: 12 reps • Leap Ups: 15 reps each leg ◦ Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits Workout Circuit #2 • DB Bulgarian Split Squat: 10 reps each leg (focus on exploding on the way up) • Hanging Raise or Leg Raise to Hip Up: 8-15 reps (depending on fitness level) • Broad Jumps: 20 reps ◦ Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits Workout Circuit #3 • Deadlifts: 10 reps • Hanging Side Oblique Raise: 10 reps each side • Box Jumps: 20 reps • Planks: 60 seconds ◦ Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits Finisher: • Punisher Squats: 20 seconds of squats, 10 second hold X 6 rounds (3-minutes) • Mountain Climbers: 20 seconds on, 10 second hold X 6 rounds (3-minutes)

SHREDDED CHEST: Warm-Up Circuit: Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits. • Bench Press – 30 seconds using 50% of the weight you will be using in the 1st circuit set • Jog In Place – 20 seconds • Pushups – 20 seconds ◦ Rest 30 seconds and then start Circuit #1 Workout Circuit #1 • Bench Press: 12 reps ◦ 15 seconds rest • Decline Pushups: Max Reps ◦ Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits Workout Circuit #2 • Incline DB Chest Press: 10 reps (1 second squeeze at top) • Spider Climbs: 10 reps each side • Clapping Pushups or Regular Pushups: Max reps ◦ Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits Workout Circuit #3 (burn out) • Flat Dumbbell Chest Press: 15 reps • Side Plank Reach Through: 15 reps each side • Close Grip Pushups: Max reps ◦ Rest 15 seconds • Pushups: Max reps ◦ Rest 60-90 seconds and repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 circuits Finisher: • Rocking Planks: 30 seconds • Leg Raise To Hip Ups: 30 seconds ◦ Rest 15-30 seconds, repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds.

SHREDDED BACK: Warm-up Circuit Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits. • Bent Over Row – 30 seconds using 50% of the weight you will be using in the 1st circuit set • Burpees – 20 seconds • Pull-Ups – 20 seconds • Rest 30 seconds and then start Circuit #1 Workout Circuit #1 • Bent Over Row: 10 reps • Pull-Ups: Max reps ◦ Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits Workout Circuit #2 • DB Row: 10 reps each side • Hanging Leg Raises: 50 touches total • Chin-Ups: Max reps ◦ Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits Workout Circuit #3 (burn out) • DB Bent Over Row: 15 reps • Planks: 60 seconds • Pull-Ups: Max reps ◦ Rest 60-90 seconds and repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 circuits Finisher: • Complete as many burpees as possible in 4 minutes!

SHREDDED ABS: Warm-up Circuit Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits. • Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds • Pushups – 20 seconds • Lunges – 20 seconds ◦ Rest 30 seconds and then start Workout Circuit Workout Circuit: Go from one exercise to the next, only resting between full rounds. • Squat Jumps: 15 reps • Hanging Leg Raises: 12 reps • Leap Ups: 15 reps each leg • Decline Weight Raise: 12 reps • Broad Jumps: 15 reps • Hanging Oblique Raises: 12 reps • Box Jumps: 15 reps • Planks: 60 seconds • Sprints in Place: 30 seconds ◦ Rest 60-90 seconds and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds Finisher (Optional): • Burpees: 30 seconds • Squat Hold: 15 seconds • Rocking Planks: 30 seconds ◦ Rest 30 seconds and complete 2 more times!

SHREDDED ATHLETE: Warm-up Circuit Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits. • Bodyweight Squats – 20 seconds • Pushups – 20 seconds • Lunges – 20 seconds ◦ Rest 30 seconds and then start the Workout Circuit Workout Circuit: Go from one exercise to the next, only resting between full rounds. • Kettlebell Swings: 25 reps • Spiderman Push-Ups: 25 reps • Box Jumps: 20 reps • Pushups: 25 reps ◦ Rest 30 seconds • Ice Skaters: 25 reps each side • Tuck Jumps: 15 reps • Single Leg Side Hops: 25 total jumps each leg • Burpees: 25 reps • Double Unders: 50 reps ◦ Rest 60 seconds and move back to the top repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds.

Exercise Descriptions Barbell Squats Target: Entire lower body, core 1. Starting Position: Stand holding the bar across your upper back, squeezing your shoulder blades together. You do not want the bar resting on your spine. Set your feet about shoulder width apart with your feet in a comfortable position facing almost straight forward. Your low back should be in its naturally arched position, and your eyes should be straight forward or a slight tilt up. 2. Movement: Push your hips backwards as if you were going to sit down in a chair, with the pressure and weight on your heels. Lower your body as low or as comfortably as you can. Once you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your heels into the ground and stand back up into your starting position.

Trainer’s Tip: Most people think squat injuries happen because of squatting too low. However, injuries occur when you train your body to only go parallel and then the one instance you go lower than parallel, the injury happens. Training your body from the start to go lower and lower each time will help you avoid injuries. Start slow, and gradually as you get stronger and more flexible, you will be able to go lower and lower.

Leap Ups Start with your right leg on a chair or bench with your left leg firmly placed on the ground. Driving through your right leg on the chair, jumping up as high as you can and switching legs in the air. When you land, land softly with your right leg on the ground and left leg on the chair. Keep switching in this alternating fashion going at a quick yet comfortable speed.

Bulgarian Split Squat 1. Place one leg on a bench or chair making sure that it is secure. With your other leg, take a step forward that is a little further than your normal step. 2. Keeping your core tight, lower your body until your front leg has reached a 90 degree angle. You will then return to the starting position and complete for the allotted amount of time/reps. Once finished, switch legs.

Hanging Leg Raises 1. Starting Position: Start by placing your hands with an underhand grip on the pull up bar and your feet off the ground. Before the movement phase, be sure your core is tight so you are not swinging. 2. Movement: Once you are stable, you will keep your legs straight as you raise them up until they are straight out in front of you. This should be very controlled with no swinging. Once you have reached a 90 degree angle at the top, slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position and repeat.

Trainer’s Tip: This is a very advanced exercise and involves a ton of core strength. Really make sure you are not swaying during this exercise. It should be very controlled by keeping your core tight throughout and really focusing on keeping your body as still as possible!

Broad Jumps Stand in an athletic position on the balls of your feet, knees bent and core tight. Driving through the ground, jump forward as far and as high as you can making sure you land softly. Once you land, repeat immediately.

Deadlifts Target: Full Body Starting Position: Start with the bar about an inch away from your shins, with your hands placed just outside your legs. Your back should be naturally arched, with your knees bent, and butt down. Movement: Clenching the bar with your overhand grip and keeping your back straight, tense your body and stand up with the bar. Keep the bar close to your body throughout the exercise. Many times you will even find yourself scraping your shins on the bar when doing the exercise correctly. Once you have reached the top, slowly lower the bar back down into the starting position.

Trainer’s Tip: Deadlifts take a lot out of you. They are one of the most difficult exercises, especially when doing heavy weight. So be sure to get a good amount of rest in between sets, even if that means taking a 2-3 minute rest period. Hanging Side Oblique Raises Starting: Hang from a bar using a neutral grip. Brace your abs. Movement: Bend your knees, curl your hips back and raise your knees up to one side. Don’t use momentum. Go slow and controlled both ways. Repeat on the opposite side.

Box Jumps 1. Stand in front of a box that is 12-24 inches high. Engaging your core, jump and land on top of the box with your knees bent allowing your muscles to absorb the force. 2. Step down off the box and repeat. Gradually increase the box height according to what is comfortable for you.

Planks/Side Planks Planks: Place your elbows on the floor with hands going straightforward. Place your feet on the floor as though you were to perform a push-up. Keep your back straight and hold yourself up in the plank position by keeping your core tight. You will hold this position for the allotted amount of time! Side Planks: Place your left forearm on the ground and place your right arm straight above you pointing towards the sky. Place your left foot on the ground so that you are resting on the side of your foot, then place your right foot on top of your left. Keeping your back straight, squeeze your core and oblique’s to hold yourself up for the allotted amount of time. Once you have finished the first side, you will complete the same amount of time on the other side!

Mountain Climbers Starting Position: Start in a push-up position with your core tight and back straight. Movement: Fire one leg forward towards your chest keeping the knee low to the ground and your back straight. Once you have reached the chest area with the first leg, return to the starting position and perform the same routine with the next leg. You will continue this alternating fashion for the allotted number of repetitions.

Bench Press: Starting Position: Keeping your back flat on the bench, place your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart (or wherever feels most comfortable). The wider you go, the harder it is on your chest while the closer your grip, the more strain it puts on your triceps. Hold the bar over your chest with your arms straight. Movement: Slowly lower the bar down to your chest. Then push the bar back up to the starting position.

Decline Pushup 1. Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes (knees) to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Elevate your feet onto stairs or a bench. 2. Lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times.

DB Incline Press 1. Lie on a bench with the backrest inclined at 45-60 degrees. Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. 2. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest

Clapping Pushups 1. Starting Position: Get in a push-up position with your hands about shoulder width apart or a little wider than shoulder width. Keep your core tight and your back straight. 2. Movement: Slowly lower yourself down to the floor keeping your core tight and back straight. Once you have reached 2-4 inches off the floor explode upwards clapping your hands together at the top. Land softly and repeat.

DB Flat Press 1. Lie on a bench with the backrest flat. Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. 2. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest

Side Plank Reach Through Start in the side plank position with your core tight and back straight. Using your core to twist, reach your hand through the plank gap until you cannot go any further. Return to the starting position and repeat. Be sure to keep your core tight throughout.

Close Grip Push-Ups 1. Starting Position: Get in a push-up position with your hands forming a diamond below your chest. Keep your core tight and your back straight. 2. Movement: Slowly lower yourself down to the floor keeping your core tight and back straight. Once you have reached 2-4 inches off the floor, pause for a second then push yourself back up into the starting position.

Rocking Planks Get in the plank position with your forearms on the floor facing forward, core tight, and back straight. Using your core, push yourself forward bending at the elbows while keeping your body in a straight line. Once you reach out as far as you can go, return to the starting position and repeat.

Leg Raise to Hip Ups Starting Position: Start with your hands down by your side and legs straight out in front of you off of the ground. Movement: Fire your legs upward keeping them straight throughout. Once your legs have reach the top, you will then thrust your feet towards the sky as high as you can. Once you have reached your highest point, slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Bent Over Row Target: Traps, Lats, Back of shoulders, biceps 1. Starting Position: Standing with your feet shoulder width apart and a slight knee bend, grip the bar a little further than shoulder width apart. Be sure to keep your core tight and back straight. 2. Movement: With the bar in the starting position, pull the bar towards you until it has reached the upper torso area. Pause when you reach the top squeezing your shoulder blades together, and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. Be sure to keep your core tight throughout.

Trainer’s Tip: Do not let your back arch! Especially when the weight gets heavier, it can be easy to just let the weight fall and your back arch. Be sure to keep you core tight and your back straight throughout the exercise. Pull-Ups Target: Core, lats, biceps, rear shoulders (Full Body) 1. Starting Position: Grip the bar with your palms facing forward with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Hang with your arms fully extended and your core tight. 2. Movement: Pull yourself up until your chin has gone past the bar then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.

DB Row Starting: Rest the left hand and left knee on a flat bench, lean over and keep the back flat. Hold the dumbbell in the right hand in full extension and slowly row it up to the lower abdomen. Movement: Keep the low back tensed in a neutral position and the elbow tight to the side. Do NOT round your lower back

DB Bent Over Row: Starting: Push your hips back. Keep your knees bent and back flat and abs braced. Hold dumbbells in each hand. Squeeze the muscles between your shoulder blades and row the dumbbells up. Movement: Keep the low back tensed in a neutral position and brace your abs hard. Do NOT round your lower back.

Squat Jumps 1. Starting Position: Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat. 2. Movement: When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding into a vertical jump. When coming down, be sure and land softly the repeat.

Decline Weighted Raise 1. Starting Position: Start with the weight behind your head while sitting on a decline bench. 2. Movement: Slowly lower yourself down until you feel your abs are full extended. Once you have reach the bottom, pause the slowly sit back up. That is one repetition.


Trainer’s Tip: There are many different burpee variation exercises. For beginners, you can omit the push-up done in pictures 4 and 5, and instead just perform the squat to jump back, to jump forward to squat up. For more advanced variations, you can add in push-ups as we did in the pictures, and can also add in a squat jump at the end of the movement. Squat Hold Squat down until your knees reach a 90 degree angle. Hold that position with your arms out in front for the allotted amount of time.

Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swing

1. Starting Movement: Start with your stance a little wider than shoulder width apart with your toes pointed slightly outwards. 2. Movement: Squat down with your back completely straight, dropping the dumbbell between your legs. When you have reached the bottom on your squat, you will slightly push your forearms against your groin area to get momentum to swing the dumbbell back up. You will then squat back up while the dumbbell swings up in a fluid motion with the squat. This is a continual movement so once you have stood back up and the dumbbell has reached about chest height, you will repeat the movement again. Trainer’s Tip: Start out using a comfortable weight especially if you have never done this movement before. Kettlebells work best for this movement.

Spiderman Push-Ups 1. Starting Position: Start in a push-up position with your core tight and back straight. 2. As you lower yourself down to perform a push-up, you will bring one leg up (keeping it close to the ground) to the elbow on that same side. One the way back up, your leg will return to the starting position. On the next repetition you will use the opposite leg (the leg you didn't use on the first rep). You will continue in this alternating fashion for the duration of the time.

Ice Skaters 1. Starting in an athletic position with your knees bent and core tight, you will jump laterally to one side landing on only your outside foot. 2. Once you have landed safely, you will jump back landing on your other foot. You will continue in this fashion for the duration of the given time frame. Be sure to start with jumping at a comfortable distance. As you get stronger you can work on jumping further and further.

Tuck Jump 1. Starting Position: Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat. 2. Movement: When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding into a vertical jump. Once in the air, bring your knees up to your chest. When coming down, be sure and land softly. Once you have landed, you will repeat the allotted number of repetitions. Trainer’s Tip: This is an advanced squat jump that you must build up to doing. Make sure you are comfortable doing a squat jump before performing a tuck jump. Throughout the program if you want to replace squat jumps with tuck jumps you may.

Single Leg Side Hops Start on your left leg with your right knee bent back at a 90 degree angle. Keep your core tight. Jump side to side over an imaginary line going as quickly as possible. As soon as your foot hits the ground you should be jumping back the other way. Once you complete all reps on one side, switch legs and repeat.

Double Unders See Video--------> CLICK HERE TO VIEW

Now that you have gone through these awesome SHRED FACTOR Workouts, I know you are ready for more! Here's the thing, I am known as the 'Workout Wizard' and have even been called the 'Clark Kent of the Fitness Industry.' -----------------> I know how to create awesome, done-for-you fat burning workouts... Ones that bring incredibly fast results, are super fun to do, and can be done with zero equipment! If you are tired of not seeing results and want a system that you cannot find anywhere else on the Internet... Then head over to and take my 6-week Superhero challenge. I am so confident that this system will work for you that I risk everything by offering it to you 100% risk free. Listen to my guaranteed: If you do not see more results in the next 6-weeks than you have seen in the previous 6 months, I will return every penny spent! That is how confident I am. This is the exact system I used to get wedding day ready in under 6-weeks. If it can work for me and the 500+ others that have gone through the system, it most certainly will work for you too. Thank you for trying out the SHRED FACTOR Workouts! Now take the next step and go grab the rest of the workouts that are waiting for you:

Click HERE Get the Complete Superhero Sprints System! Dedicated to your fitness, Dennis Heenan, CPT Founder: Creator:

SHRED FACTOR! By Dennis Heenan

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