Should Hindi be the ofcial language o India? C onstitution, India is a multi-lingual nation. It has 22 Introduction as per the Constitution, languages. But people in India give their frst preerence to English language. It is used as a medium o communication in most o the schools and oces. There has been a massive uproar b the !odi government as"ing the ministers and ocials to use the #indi language l anguage ever$here. !r. !r. !odi gave his speech in #indi at the Bhutanese parliament during his frst ocial overseas trip. %ll the government oces in India $ill have a #indi sot$are installed in their sstems. %ccording to the ne$ government, all the ocials and emploees should be $ellversed in #indi. The !inistr o E&ternal %'airs (!E%) is all set to promote #indi as the ocial language. The *ational +anguage status or #indi is a long debated subect across the nation toda. toda. es es #indi should be the ocial ocial language. /. Indian Constitution The Indian Constitution C onstitution states that #indi should be the ocial language o India. It should be in 0evanagari script. 1till, man regions are not read to accept this act. 2. Widely spoken Though India has 22 languages, #indi is the most $idel spo"en amongst all. #indi is the th most $idel spo"en language in the $orld. 3. Hindustan India $as previousl "no$n as 4#industan5. 4#industan5. The $ord itsel i tsel implies that India is the land o #indi spea"ing people. #ence, it should be the ocial language o the nation. 6. Identity Even beore independence, #indi $as considered to be the ocial language. Toda, Toda, English is a global language but it does not mean that $e should adopt it. 7e should tr to promote our o$n identit. identit. . Rural India %round 89 o the countr resides in villages $here people are a$are o #indi mostl. mostl. It $ould be tough or these people to accept English as their ocial language. *o #indi should not be the ocial language. /. No record :uarat #igh Court has passed a statement saing that #indi is not the language o the countr. countr. The Constitution has stated #indi as the ocial language and not the national language. #ence, it is not necessar to use #indi as the ocial language. 2. Multiple languages India ollo$s multiple languages. ;or e&le, i a Tamilian Tamilian oins a ob in some other region, region, he might have to spea" the local language. I he oins an !*C, he might have to spea" English. #ence, English can be used as the common language or the nation. 3. Right to speak %round 22 languages e&ist in this nation and, thus, people have the right to spea" in an o those languages. 6. Harmony Creating a debate upon a language to be ocial or not disturbs the harmon o a nation.
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