Short Test 1 - S12019 - Solution PDF

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The University of the South Pacific Serving the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

School of Computing, Information and Mathematical Sciences IS323: Systems Analysis and Design Short Test 1  –  Semester  Semester 1, 2019 Time Allowed: 50 Minutes SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS  

50 marks (10% of coursework grade) INSTRUCTIONS 1. 

This exam has three sections: a.  Section A : Multiple Choice - 5 marks ma rks  b.  Section B : Short Answer Questions - 15 marks ma rks c.  Section C : Case Studies - 30 marks 2.  Answer all questions in sections A, B and C There are no choices. 3.  Answer multiple choice questions on page 2 of this booklet. 4.  For sections B and C, write your answers in the spaces provided.


You may use calculators. Programmable calculators however are NOT allowed. # of Questions (Section A, B & C): 11

Hand in this examination booklet to the supervisor when you complete the examination.

Name: Tutorial Day:

ID# Time:

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ID Number:

 Answer Multiple Choice here … 




(C)  (C) 


2) 3)

(A) (A)  (A)  

(B)   (B)  (B)

(C) (C)

(D) (D)



(B)   (B) 







(D)  (D) 

Section A: Multiple Choice (5 marks) 1. 

 A questionnaire consists of the following three questions:

Question One: Are you a student? Question Two: How many classes do you have each day? Question Three: How can you make much achievement in your study? Which of the following statement is correct? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Question One and Question Two are open-ended questions. Question One and Question three are open-ended questions. questions . Question One and Question two are close-ended question. Question One and Question three are close-ended question.

Use this portion of a data flow diagram to answer Question 2.


Which of the following shows all a ll of the inputs to “Get client data”?  Page 2 of 8


(A) (B) (C) (D)



An automation boundary is best described as the separation between the _____________.   . (A) automated part of a system and the manual part of a system (B) manual part of a system and its environment (C) automated part of a system and its environment (D) system and its environment One main principle of structured design is that program modules should be designed so that they are . (A) (B) (C) (D)


client data format + client data format + client number + client data format + client + client number + client data

Tightly coupled Highly cohesive Highly engineered Rapidly prototyped

Which of the following is an example of a state event? ev ent? (A) A customer places an order (B) Management checks order status (C) A shirt is worm out (D) Inventory reorder point is reached

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ID Number:

Section B: Short Answer Questions (20 Marks) 6. 

Use this following network schedule to answer questions 6 i) and ii).

Task code  Task name


Duration Starts after completion of task  number(s) 8  None 10 A  6  B  9  None 11 D  7  E  4  C, F  7  None

Produce detailed design of program unit 1

Produce code for program unit 1

Unit test program unit 1

Produce detailed design of program unit 2

Produce code for program unit 2

Unit test program unit 2

Integrate program unit 1 with program unit 2

Produce detailed design of program unit 3

Produce code for program unit 3 Unit test program unit 3

9  5 

H  I 

Integrate program unit 3 with program unit 1 and 2

G, J 

Produce a project project network diagram (AoN) (AoN) using the data in the table above. above. (8 marks) 51/2 marks for the layout and boxes and 21/2 for labels (eg. A8)  

ii) Calculate the duration of this project. (2 marks)  36 36  

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What is the difference between state and temporal tempora l events? Give an example of each event. (3 marks)

Temporal  Temporal  Occur as result of reaching a point in time Based on system deadlines (1 mark)  mark)  Example: (1/2 mark) mark)   Time to send out monthly statements/end-of-week reports e.t.c State  State  Something inside system triggers processing need (1 mark) mark)   Example: Inventory reorder point is reached. (1/2 mark)  mark) 


What characteristics of a project proje ct call for a predictive approach to the SDLC? What characteristics of a project call for an adaptive ada ptive approach to the SDLC? (2 marks) 

  Predictive: Projects are well understood —technology is well known; user requirements are well known; development methodology methodolo gy is well well known; project team is experienced and familiar with the system; and there are few known risks. (1 mark) 


Adaptive: Projects are not well understood—technology is new or unfamiliar; requirements are not very clear; team is not experienced with wit h the type of system or methodology. (1 mark)  

Section C: Case Studies (30 marks) 9. 

Develop an activity diagram based on the following narrative. narrati ve. Note any ambiguities or questions that you have as you develop the model. If you need to make assumptions, also note them. (8 marks) The following describes the Order Processing procedure at Extreme Sporting Inc. Customers place an order request. After order is received, rec eived, the sales person checks the inventory for the availability availabil ity of items on the order. To verify th this is he has to contact the dispatch clerk in the warehouse. If there is not enough stock, the sales person cancels the order. If however there was enough stock to meet the order, the sales person requests for credit card information and at the same time the shipping address from the customer. The shipping details are then passed on to the dispatch clerk who then fills fill s the order and ships it. Page 5 of 8


11/2 marks for swim lines, process 31/2, decision 1 mark, 1 start/stop, 1 mark join/split  Refer to the following case study to answer questions 10 & 11.

Patient Record and Scheduling System  A patient record and scheduling system in a doctor’s office is used by the receptionists, nurses, and a nd doctors. doctors. The receptionists use the system to the enter new to patient when first-time patients visit the doctor. They also use system queryinformation available ap appointment pointment slots and schedule all appointments. appo intments. The nurses use the system to keep tra track ck of the results of each visit including diagnosis and medications. For each visit, free-form text fields are used to capture information on diagnosis and treatment. Multiple medications may be prescribed during each visit. The nurses can also a lso access the information to print out a history of patient visits. The doctors primarily use the system to view patient history. The doctors may enter some patient treatment information and prescriptions occasionally, but most frequently they let the nurses enter this information.

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Use Case



1. Receptionist wants to enter new patient information

New Patient


Record New Patient

Patient # + Confirmation 


2. Receptionist wants to view  Appointment available appointments times.   time

3. Receptionist wants to schedule appointment. 

New  Appointment 



View available  Appointment Times Make  Appointment 

N a m 1 0

e .



s re

e a

C te

 Available times Receptionist a


s n

e E

, v


 Appointment time confirmation 


e n

s t T


p o a b

n le

s e ,a for th

n d

4. Nurse or Doctor wants to record patient visit information.

New Visit

Nurse Doctor  

Record Patient Visit Information

e c

D a

e s

-  s


ti s

n tu

a d

ti y

o u

n s


5. Nurse or Doctor wants to enter prescription information.

New prescription. 

Nurse Doctor  

Record Prescription Information 

Prescription #


(1 g

Nurse Doctor  

2 th


m e

a c

rk o lu


s m

) 6. 

Nurse or Doctor wants to print patient visit history.

Patient visit Nurse history request  Doctor  

Print Patient Visit History

Patient visit history

u n

m s

Nurse Doctor  


b v e

e n

r t,

: T ri g ge r,

Each line is 2 marks  marks  S o P

u a

rc g e

e 7

, o f 8



ID Number:

11. Identify all possible data entities entiti es for this system and draw an ERD showing all

cardinalities. You DO NOT have to list the attributes of entities. (10 marks)

Key data entities needed are: Patient + Appointment + Visit + Prescription Entities: 2 marks Existing 4 entities: 2 marks Relationships: 6

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