Short Term Decision Making 56 Practice Questions...
1. LIMITING FACTOR The below illustration assumes a shortage of diret labour as the limiting resoure onstraint. The details of the om!an" three !rodut lines are as follows# $roduts A % C &elling !rie# '() '*) '+) ,ariable osts# '-) '-) '-) nit Contribution# '+) '-) '1) /0!eted demand 1)))units2 ())units2 3))units To !rodue 1 unit of !rodut the diret labour hours for eah !rodut is# $rodut A # 1) hours2 $rodut % # ( hour $rodut C# 1 hour 4ue to una5ailabilit" of labour su!!l" for the forthoming !eriod it is assumed that the o5erall shortage of labour hours is 11)) hours. 6uestion# 4etermine the !rodution mi0 to ma0imi7e the om!an"8s !rofit. -. MA9/ OR %: Com!an" A has to deide whether to manufature internall" or to bu" or ontrat from outsiders. Com!an" A is able to ontrat with another om!an" to su!!l" them read" ma;e at '( eah. The details of Com!an" A internal !rodution osts are as follows# 4iret material. The ost estimate !er unit based on urrent a!ait" of ?)@ is as follows# ' $er unit 4iret material '-.)) 4iret labour '(.)) ,ariable !rodution o5erhead '+.)) Fi0ed !rodution o5erhead '*.)) Total '1*.)) The om!an" sells the !rodut > to its regular ustomer at '-).)). owe5er a nonB regular ustomer has a!!roahed the om!an" to !urhase the e0ess a!ait" at '1? eah. 6uestion# &hould Com!an" A ae!t this s!eial order= *. ood" Com!an" whih manufatures snea;ers has enough idle a!ait" a5ail able to ae!t a s!eial order of -)))) !airs of snea;ers at '3.)) a !air. The normal selling !rie is '1).)) a !air 5ariable manufaturing ost are ' *.() a !air and fi0ed manufaturing osts are '1.() a !air. ood" will not inur an" selling e0!enses as a result of the s!eial order. hat would the effet on o!erating inome be if the s!eial order ould be ae!ted without affeting normal sales= (. 4i0on Com!an" manufatures !art +*D for use in one of its main !roduts. Normal annual !rodution for !art +*D is 1))))) units. The osts !er 1)) units is as follows Direct material………………... Direct labor………………....... Manufacturing overhead: Variable ………………............ Fixed ………………................ otal co!t! "er 100 unit!……..
$260 100 120 160 $6#0
Ce0t Com!an" has offered to sell 4i0on all 1))))) units it will need during the oming "ear for '3)) !er 1))units. If 4i0on ae!ts the often from Ce0t the failities used to manufature !art +*D ould be used in the !rodution of !art *?+. This hange would sa5e 4i0on 'E)))) in rele5ant osts. Also a '1))))) ost item inluded in the fi0ed fator" o5erhead that is s!eifiall" related to !art +*D would be eliminated. &hould 4i0on Com!an" ae!t the offer from Ce0t Com!an"= 3. Rie Cor!oration urrent l" o!erat es two di5isi ons whish had o!erati ng result s for the "ear ende d 4eember +1 1E>- as follows# ale! Variable co!t! ,ontribution margin Fixed co!t! for the divi!ion Margin over direct co!t! llocated cor"orate co!t! ("eratingincomelo!!3
%& '() D*V**(+ D*V*(+ $600-000 $00-000 10-000 200-000 $2/0-000 $100-000 110-000 0-000 $140-000 $ 0-000 /0-000 #5-000 $/0-000 $15-0003 &ine the tro" di5ision also sustained an o!erating loss during 1E>1 rie !resident is onsidering the elimination of this di5ision. A ssume that the tro" di5ision fi0ed ots ould be a5oided if the di5ision were eliminated. If the tro" di5ision had been eliminated on anuar" 11E0- rie or!oration1E>o!erating inome would ha5e been eual to what amount=
D. The !rodution de!artment of Cronin manufaturing om!an" must ma;e a !rodut mi0 deision in light of a shortage of !ound of diret material. The following data are a5ailable for !rodut 0 and "# PRODUCT X
elling "rice "er unit Direct material! Direct labor Variablefactoroverhead ,ontribution margin "er unit
12 $
10 $
4 $ # 77777 189
77777 ,ontribution margin ratio ,M8 ale!3 09 +umber of "ound! of direct material 'euire"erunit 2 1 Maximum!ale!inunit!3 2.000 5-000 4etermine the number of units of !roduts 0 and !roduts " to be !rodued if onl" ?))) !ounds of diret material are a5ailable.
?. %ri;e Com!an" whih manufatures robes has enou gh idle a!a it" a5ail able to ae!t a s!eia l order of 1)))) robes at '? a robe. A robe !redited inome statement for the "ear without this s!eial order is as follows# ale! Manufacturing co!t!: Variable Fixed otal manufacturing co!t! >ro!! "ro?t elling &x"en!e!: Variable Fixed otal elling &x"en!e!
Fi0ed osts inluded in the abo5e foreasted inome statement are '1-))))) in manufaturing ost of goods sold and '1))))) in selling e0!enses. A s!eial order offering to bu" ()))) bas;etballs for 'D.() eah was made to %o"er. There will be no additional selling e0!enses if the s!eial order is ae!ted. Assuming %o"er has suffiient a!ait" to manufature ()))) more bas;et balls b" what amount would o!erating inome be inreased or dereased as a result of ae!ting the s!eial order= 11. The manufa turing a!ait " of ordan Com!an"s failities is +)))) writs of !rodut a "ear. A summar" of o!erating results for the "ear ended 4eember +1 1E>- is as follows# ale!14-000unit!@$1003 Variable Manufacturing and !elling co!t! ,ontribution Fixed co!t! Margin ("erating*ncome
$1-400-000 //0-000 $ 410-000 $ #/5-000 $ 15-000
A foreign distributor has offered to bu" 1())) units at 'E) !er unit during 1E>+. Assume that all of ordans osts would be at the same le5els and rates in 1E>+ as in 1E>-. If ordan ae!ted this offer and reJeted some business from regular ustomers so as not to e0eed a!ait" what would be the total rele5ant inome from ae!ting the s!eial offer= 1-. %lade 4i5ision of 4ana Com!an" !rodues hardened steel blades. OneBthi rd of the %lades 4i5ision out!ut is sold to the Lawn $roduts 4i5ision of 4ana# the remainder sold to outside ustomer s. The %lade 4i5isions estimated sales and standard ost dataBfor the fisal "ear ending une +) 1E>1 are as follows# LAN$RO4CT& ale! Variableco!t! Fixed co!t! >ro!! margin
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