Short Summary of Prevention of Corruption Act

October 29, 2018 | Author: Mandeep Singh Walia | Category: Corruption, Supreme Court Of India, Common Law, Public Law, Politics
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Short Description

Prevention of corruption act in summarized form, corruption law...


The Prevention of Corruption Act came into force in September 1988.

It con consol solida idated ted the pro provis vision ions s of the Pre Preve venti ntion on of Corrup Corruptio tion n Act Act,, 19!, some sections of the Indian Penal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, and the Criminal "a# Act, 19$%.

The so sole le id idea ea #a #as s to br brin in& & al alll rel relev evan antt pro provi visi sion ons s in a si sin&l n&le e Ac Act. t. 'ind 'i ndin in& & th that at br brib ibery ery an and d co corru rrupt ptio ion n am amon on& & pu publ blic ic se serva rvant nts s ha had d considerably increased durin& and after the Second (orld (ar and many ma ny un unsc scrup rupul ulou ous s of offi fice cers rs ha had d am amas asse sed d hu hu&e &e #e #eal alth th,, an and d th the e e)istin& provisions of the IPC and the CrPC #ere inade*uate to tac+le this problem, the Prevention of Corruption Act, 19! #as passed.

The 19! Act declared such corrupt acts offences as ta+in& bribe, misappropriation, obtainin& a pecuniary advanta&e, possessin& assets disappropriate to income, and abusin& official position. -o#ever, the auth au thor orit ity y

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authorities and not in the Central ureau of Investi&ation /CI0. •

The 1988 Act enlar&ed the scope of the term public servant2 and in cluded a lar&e number of employees #ithin its ambit.

esi e side des s th the e em empl ploy oyee ees s of th the e ce cent ntral ral &o &ov vern ernme ment nt an and d th the e un union ion territories,

 the employees of public underta+in&s,

the employees of nationalised ban+s,

officebearers of cooperative societies of the central and the state &overnment receivin& financial aid,









chancellors, professors, and scientists in institutions receivin& finan cial aid from the central or state &overnments or even from the local authorities have all been declared as public servants. •

-o#ever, 5Ps and 5"As, even thou&h performin& public duties2, have been +ept out of the ambit of the Act.

The Act covers all the corrupt2 acts as covered by the 19! Act, /bribe, misappropriation, obtainin& pecuniary advanta&e, possessin& assets disproportionate to income, etc.0. The Act e)tends to #hole of  India e)cept 6ammu and 7ashmir and applies to all Indian citiens, #hether livin& in the country or outside it.

If the offence a&ainst the public servant is proved in the courts, it is punishable #ith imprisonment of not less than  months but e)tendin& to a ma)imum period of $ years. Si) months imprisonment is thus mandatory and the courts have no discretion in this re&ard.

If public servant is found committin& offence habitually, he is to be punished #ith imprisonment of not less than t#o years but not more than seven years, and also a fine.

5.".A. :5.P. is a public servant ; In -abibulla 7han v. State of
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