Shivaji maharaj

January 8, 2017 | Author: Manish Kulkarni | Category: N/A
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ममममम ममममममममम Maratha Samrajya Maratha Confederacy


1674 – 1820

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Political Map of South Asia around 1758 AD

Shivaji I (leader from 1 Sambhaji I (1680-1689) Rajaram (1689-1700). Y Tarabai (regent 1700-1 Shahu I (1708-1749). S Ramaraja (1749-1777). Shahu II (1777-1808). S Pratapsinh (1808-1839 Shahaji III (1839-1848) 1848 to Great Britain Pratapsinh I (adopted) Rajaram III Pratapsinh II Raja Shahu (1918 - 195 Pratapraje (1950-1978) Udayanraje Bhonsle (1


1st Rajgadh & then shifted to Raigadh





Chattrapathi - 1674-1680 Shivaji - 1681-1689 Sambhaji - 1689–1700 Rajaram - 1700–1707 Tarabai - 1707–1747 Shahu - 1747–1777 Ramaraja History - Established

April 21, 1674

- Ended

September 21, 1820

Area 1,000,000 km² (386,102 s q mi) Population - 1700 est. 150,000,0 00 Hon, Rupee, Paisa, Mohor


The Maratha Empire (Marathi: मराठा सामाजय Marāṭhā Sāmrājya; also transliterated Mahratta) or the Maratha

Confederacy was a Hindu state located in present-day India. It existed from 1674 to 1818. At its peak, the empire's terri

Contents [hide] 1 Brief History

2 Chhatrapati Shivaji (c. 1645-1680) 3 Sambhaji (c 1681-1689) 4 Rajaram and Tarabai (c 1689-1707) 5 Shahu (c 1707-1749) 6 Ramchandra Pant Amatya Bawdekar (1650-1716) 7 Peshwa Baji Rao I (1720-1740) 8 Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao (1740-1761) 9 The Decline of the Empire 10 Legacy of the Empire 11 Maratha rulers 11.1 The Royal House of Chhatrapati Shivaji 11.2 The Royal House of Kolhapur 11.3 Peshwa 12 See also 13 Notes 14 References

Brief History

After a lifetime of exploits and guerrilla warfare with Adilshah of Bijapur and Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, the local king S

The Maratha Empire was at its height in the 18th century under Shahu and the Peshwa Baji Rao I. Losses at the Third B

Chhatrapati Shivaji (c. 1645-1680) Shivaji

Chhattrapati Shivaji Raje Bhosale, founder of the Maratha Confederacy

The Hindu Marathas long had lived in the Desh region around Satara, in the western portion of the Deccan plateau, whe

Sambhaji (c 1681-1689)

This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable s material may be challenged and removed. (February 2009)

Shivaji had two sons: Sambhaji and Rajaram. Sambhaji, the elder son, was very popular among the courtiers. He was a

When they were brought face to face with Aurangzeb, the latter offered to let Sambhaji live if he surrendered all the Mar

Rajaram and Tarabai (c 1689-1707)

Rajaram, Sambhaji's brother, now assumed the throne. Satara, whence Rajaram had moved the capital, came under sie

Malwa was a decisive battle for the Maratha empire. The Mughals lost their eminent position on the Indian subcontinent

Shahu (c 1707-1749)

The extent of Maratha Empire

After Emperor Aurangzeb's death in 1707, Shahuji, son of Sambhaji (and grandson of Shivaji), was released by Bahadu

In 1713 Farrukhsiyar had declared himself Mughal emperor. His bid for power had depended heavily on two brothers, kn

An army of Marathas commanded by Parsoji Bhosale, and Mughals, marched up to Delhi unopposed and managed to d

Maratha Emperors (1674-1818) Shivaji

(1674 - 1680)


(1680 - 1689)


(1689 - 1700)

Queen Tarabai

(1700 - 1707)


(1707 - 1749)


(1749 - 1777)

The Peshwas (Prime Ministers) (1712-1818) Balaji Vishwanath




Balaji Bajirao


Madhavrao Ballal






Sawai Madhavrao


Bajirao II


Nana Sahib


(Peshwa period: 1689-1708) Ramchandra Pant Amatya Bawdekar was a court administrator who rose from the ranks of a local Kulkarni to the ranks

When Chatrapati Rajaram fled to Jinji in 1689 leaving Maratha empire, he gave a "Hukumat Panha" (King Status) to Pa

He received military help from the great Maratha warriors - Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav. On many occasions h

In 1698, he happily stepped down from the post of "Hukumat Panha" when Rajaram offered this post to his wife to Tara

But owing to his loyalty to Tarabai against Shahuji (who was supported by more local satraps), he was sidelined after ar Peshwa Baji Rao I (1720-1740)

After Balaji Vishwanath's death in April, 1719, his son, Baji Rao I was appointed as Peshwa by Chattrapati Shahuji, one

Shrimant Baji Rao Vishwanath Bhatt (August 18, 1699- April 25, 1740), also known as Baji Rao I, was a noted general w Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao (1740-1761)

Baji Rao's son, Balaji Bajirao (Nanasaheb), was appointed as a Peshwa by Shahuji. The period between 1741 and 1745

Nanasaheb encouraged agriculture, protected the villagers, and brought about a marked improvement in the state of the

Eighteenth century painting of a Maratha Soldier ( by François Balthazar Solvyns)

The Decline of the Empire

The Peshwa sent an army to challenge the Afghan led alliance of Indian Muslims that included Rohillas, Shujah-ud-dow

Even today the phrase in Marathi, "meet your Panipat", has a similar meaning as the phrase "meet your Waterloo" does

After 1761, young Madhavrao Peshwa tried his best to rebuild the empire in spite of his frail health. In a bid to effectively

In 1775 the British East India Company, from its base in Bombay, intervened in a succession struggle in Pune, on beha

The last Peshwa, Nana Sahib, born as Govind Dhondu Pant, was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II. He was one o

Today the spirit of the Maratha Empire is preserved in the Indian state of Maharashtra, "Great Nation", which was create

Legacy of the Empire

Ruins of the Raigad fort, which served as a capital for Maratha Empire

Often painted as a kind of loose military organization, the Maratha empire was actually revolutionary in nature. It brough

From its onset, Religious tolerance and religious pluralism were important pillars of the nation-state since they were fund

The Maratha Empire was unique in that it did not adhere to the caste system. Here, the Brahmins (Peshwe) were the pr

Since its start, many people of talent were brought into the leadership of the Maratha Empire which made it one of the m

The Marathas militarily controlled huge tracts. Their policy of religious tolerance gave equal importance to Hindu interes The empire also created a significant navy. At its height this was led by the legendary Kanhoji Angre.

Maratha rulers The Royal House of Chhatrapati Shivaji

See also Bhosale family ancestry Chhatrapati Shivaji (1630-1680) Chhatrapati Sambhaji (1657-1689) Chhatrapati Rajaram (1670-1700) Queen Tarabai Chhatrapati Shahu (alias Shivaji II, son of Chhatrapati Sambhaji) Chhatrapati Ramaraja (nominally, grandson of Chhatrapati Rajaram and Queen Tarabai))

The Royal House of Kolhapur Queen Tarabai (wife of Chhatrapati Rajaram) in the name of her son Shivaji II Chhatrapati Sambhaji (son of Chhatrapati [Rajaram] from his second wife) Chhatrapati Shahu IV of Kolhapur

Peshwa Sonopant Dabir (1640-1674) Moropant Trimbak Pingle (1674-1683) Moreshwar Pingale (1683-1689) Ramchandra Pant Amatya (1689-1708) Bahiroji Pingale (1708-1711) Parshuram Tribak Kulkarni(Pant Pratinidhi) (1711-1713)

Balaji Vishwanath (1713-1720) Baji Rao I (1720-1740) (son of Balaji Vishwanath) Balaji Bajirao (son of Bajirao I) Peshwa Madhavrao (2nd son of Balaji Bajirao) Narayanrao Peshwa (3rd son of Balaji Bajirao) Raghunathrao Peshwa (brother of Balaji Bajirao) Sawai Madhavrao Peshwa (son of Narayanrao) Chimnajee Madhavarao (26 May 1796 - 6 Dec 1796) (brother of Bajirao II, adopted by Madhavrao II's wife) Bajirao II (son of Raghunathrao)

Amritrao (Brother of Bajirao II), Peshwa for a short period during Yashwantrao Holkar's rule on Pune. Bajirao wa Nana Sahib Peshwa the second (adopted son of Bajirao II)


aji I (leader from 1655, Maharaja 1674-1680) bhaji I (1680-1689). Eldest son of Shivaji I. am (1689-1700). Younger son of Shivaji I. bai (regent 1700-1708). Wife of Rajaram. u I (1708-1749). Son of Sambhaji I. araja (1749-1777). Grandson of Rajaram and Tarabai; adopted son of Sha u II (1777-1808). Son of Ramaraja. psinh (1808-1839) aji III (1839-1848) to Great Britain psinh I (adopted)

psinh II Shahu (1918 - 1950) praje (1950-1978) anraje Bhonsle (1978 till present)

atta) or the Maratha

18. At its peak, the empire's territories covered much of South Asia.

peror Aurangzeb, the local king Shivaji founded an independent Maratha kingdom in 1674 with Raigad as its capital. Shivaji died in 1680, le

a Baji Rao I. Losses at the Third Battle of Panipat in 1761 suspended further expansion of the empire and reduced the power of the Peshwa

ortion of the Deccan plateau, where the plateau meets the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats mountains. They had resisted incursions in

e by adding citations to reliable sources. Unverifiable

ar among the courtiers. He was a poet, great politician and a great warrior. In 1681, Sambhaji had himself crowned and resumed his father' live if he surrendered all the Maratha forts, turn over all his hidden treasures,disclose the names of all the Mughal officers who had helped

moved the capital, came under siege in 1700 and eventually was surrendered to the Mughals. At about the same time Rajaram died. His wid

sition on the Indian subcontinent forever and the subsequent Mughal Emperors became titular kings. The Marathas emerged as victorious

Shivaji), was released by Bahadur Shah, the next Mughal emperor under conditions which rendered him a vassal of the Mughal emperor bu

ended heavily on two brothers, known as the Saiyids, one of whom had been the governor of Allahabad and the other the governor of Patn

lhi unopposed and managed to depose the emperor. In return for this help, Balaji Vishwanath managed to negotiate a substantial treaty. S

s of a local Kulkarni to the ranks of Ashtapradhan under guidance and support of Shivaji Maharaj. He was one of the prominent Peshwas fr

umat Panha" (King Status) to Pant before leaving. Ramchandra Pant managed the entire state under many challenges like influx of Moguls

naji Jadhav. On many occasions he himself participated in battles against Mughals and played the role of shadow king in absence of Chatra

fered this post to his wife to Tarabai. Tarabai gave important position to Pant among senior administration of Maratha State. He wrote "Adn

atraps), he was sidelined after arrival of Shahuji in 1707. The post of the state Peshwa was given to Balaji Vishwanath in 1713. Ramchandr

shwa by Chattrapati Shahuji, one of the most lenient emperors. Shahuji possessed a strong capacity for recognising talent, and actually cau

Baji Rao I, was a noted general who served as Peshwa (Prime Minister) to the fourth Maratha Chhatrapati (Emperor) Shahu between 1719

he period between 1741 and 1745 was one of comparative calm in the Deccan. Shahuji died in 1749.

ed improvement in the state of the territory. Continued expansion saw Raghunath Rao, the brother of Nanasaheb, pushing into Punjab in th

ncluded Rohillas, Shujah-ud-dowlah, Nujeeb-ud-dowlah, and the Maratha army was decisively defeated on January 14, 1761 at the Third B

hrase "meet your Waterloo" does in English.

s frail health. In a bid to effectively manage the large empire, semi-autonomy was given to strongest of the knights. Thus, the autonomous M

ession struggle in Pune, on behalf of Raghunathrao (also called Raghobadada), which became the First Anglo-Maratha War. That ended in

Peshwa Baji Rao II. He was one of the main leaders of the 1857 battles against British rule. He encouraged the people and the Indian Princ

"Great Nation", which was created in 1960 as a Marathi-speaking state. The territories of Baroda were combined with Kutch to form the sta

revolutionary in nature. It brought certain fundamental changes initiated by the genius of its founder, the celebrated Shivaji. They can be su

nation-state since they were fundamental beliefs of Shivaji, the founder of the empire.

e Brahmins (Peshwe) were the prime ministers of the Kshatriya (Maratha) emperors and Kshatriya Dhangar (Holkars) were the trusted gene

mpire which made it one of the most socially mobile regimes. Note that the ruler of Indore was a Dhangar, a Shepherd; the rulers of Gwalio

qual importance to Hindu interests and acted as an important back-pressure against the expanding Mughal influence. Today's partitioned In

Kanhoji Angre.

by Madhavrao II's wife)

olkar's rule on Pune. Bajirao was later reinstated by the British.

ed son of Shahu I.

tal. Shivaji died in 1680, leaving a large, but vulnerably located kingdom. The Mughals invaded, fighting an unsuccessful 25 year long war

d the power of the Peshwas. In 1761, after severe losses in the Panipat war, the Peshwas lost control of the Kingdom. Many sardars like Sh

had resisted incursions into the region by the Muslim Mughal rulers of northern India. Under their leader Shivaji Maharaj, the Marathas free

d and resumed his father's expansionist policies. Sambhaji had earlier defeated the Portuguese and Chikka Deva Raya of Mysore. To nulli

l officers who had helped him and embrace Islam. Sambhaji refused, and instead sang praises of Mahadev (Lord Shiva). Aurangzeb ordere

time Rajaram died. His widow, Tarabai, assumed control in the name of her son Shahuji. Although she offered a truce, this was rejected by

as emerged as victorious after a long drawn-out and fiercely-fought battle. The soldiers and commanders who participated in this war achie

of the Mughal emperor but his mother was still held captive to ensure good behaviour from Shahuji. He immediately claimed the Maratha th

other the governor of Patna. However, the brothers had a falling-out with the emperor. Negotiations between the Saiyids and Peshwa Balaji

ate a substantial treaty. Shahuji would have to accept Mughal rule in the Deccan, furnish forces for the imperial army, and pay an annual tri

the prominent Peshwas from the time of Shivaji, prior to the rise of the later Peshwas who controlled the empire after Shahuji.

enges like influx of Moguls, betrayal from Vatandars (local satraps under the Maratha kingdom) and social challenges like scarcity of food. W

king in absence of Chatrapati Rajaram.

atha State. He wrote "Adnyapatra" मराठी: आजापञ who have explained different techniques of war, maintenance of forts and administration etc

anath in 1713. Ramchandra Pant died in 1716 on Panhala fort.

ng talent, and actually caused a social revolution by bringing capable people into power irrespective of their social status. This was an indic

ror) Shahu between 1719 until Baji Rao's death. He is also known as Thorala (Marathi for Elder) Baji Rao. Like his father, despite being a B

pushing into Punjab in the wake of the Afghan withdrawal after Ahmed Shah Abdali's plunder of Delhi in 1756. In Lahore, as in Delhi, the M

ary 14, 1761 at the Third Battle of Panipat. The Marathas were abandoned by Suraj Mal and Rajputs who quit the Maratha alliance at a dec

. Thus, the autonomous Maratha states of the Gaekwads of Baroda, the Holkars of Indore & Malwa, the Scindias (or Shinde's) of Gwalior (

aratha War. That ended in 1782 with a restoration of the pre-war status quo. In 1802 the British intervened in Baroda to support the heir to t

eople and the Indian Princes to fight against the British. Tantya Tope, his general, led the war and struck terror into the hearts of the British.

with Kutch to form the state of Gujarat. Gwalior and Indore were merged with Madhya Pradesh, Jhansi with Uttar Pradesh. Vestiges of Ma

ed Shivaji. They can be summarized as below:

ars) were the trusted generals of the Brahmin Peshwas.

pherd; the rulers of Gwalior and Baroda were from ordinary peasant families; the Peshwas of the Bhatt family were from ordinary backgroun

nce. Today's partitioned India is substantially the area of the Maratha confederacy.

ccessful 25 year long war from 1682 to 1707. Shahu, a grandson of Shivaji, ruled as emperor until 1749. During his reign, Shahu appointed

dom. Many sardars like Shinde, Holkar, Gaikwad, PantPratinidhi, Bhosale of Nagpur, Pandit of Bhor, Patwardhan, and Newalkar became k

Maharaj, the Marathas freed themselves from the Muslim sultans of Bijapur to the southeast, and became much more aggressive and began

a Raya of Mysore. To nullify any Rajput-Maratha alliance, as well as all Deccan Sultanates, the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb himself headed

Shiva). Aurangzeb ordered him and Kavi Kalash to be tortured to death. Sambhaji and Kavi Kalash were brutally tortured for over a fortnig

ruce, this was rejected by the emperor. Then Tarabai heroically led the Marathas against the Mughals; by 1705, they had crossed the Narm

rticipated in this war achieved the real expansion of the Maratha empire. The victory also set the foundations for the imperial conquests ach

ely claimed the Maratha throne and challenged his aunt Tarabai and her son. This promptly turned the now-spluttering Mughal-Maratha wa

Saiyids and Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath, a civilian representative of Shahu, drew the Marathas into the vendetta against the emperor.

rmy, and pay an annual tribute. But in return he received a firman, or imperial directive, guaranteeing him Swaraj, or independence, in the M

after Shahuji.

ges like scarcity of food. With the help of Pantpratinidhi, Sachiv, he kept the economic condition of Maratha empire in an appropriate state.

orts and administration etc.

l status. This was an indication of a great social mobility within the Maratha empire, enabling its rapid expansion.

s father, despite being a Brahmin, he took up leading his troops. During his lifetime, he never lost a battle. He is credited with expanding th

Lahore, as in Delhi, the Marathas were now major players. By 1760, with defeat of the Nizam in the Deccan, Maratha power had reached

Maratha alliance at a decisive moment leading to the great battle. Their supply chains cut off, the Marathas attacked the Afghans in an act

(or Shinde's) of Gwalior (and Ujjain), Pawars of Udgir and Bhonsales of Nagpur (no blood relation with Shivaji's or Tarabai's family) came i

oda to support the heir to the throne against rival claimants, and they signed a treaty with the new Maharaja recognizing his independence f

o the hearts of the British. Rani Lakshmibai was his childhood playmate and he had brotherly relations with her. Both of them fought agains

Pradesh. Vestiges of Maratha control over Delhi can still be found in Old Delhi in area surrounding the "Nutan Marathi" school and Mahara

e from ordinary backgrounds; and Shivaji's most trusted secretary Haider Ali Kohari was from an ordinary family. All the groups of the Maha

s reign, Shahu appointed a Peshwa (prime minister) as head of government under certain conditions. After the death of Shahu, the Peshw

, and Newalkar became kings in their respective regions. The empire gave way to a loose Confederacy, with political power resting in a 'pe

ore aggressive and began to frequently raid Mughal territory, ransacking the Mughal port of Surat in 1664. Shivaji Maharaj proclaimed hims

Aurangzeb himself headed south in 1682. With his entire imperial court, administration, and an army of about 400,000 troops he proceeded

tortured for over a fortnight. The torture involved plucking out their eyes and tongue and pulling out their nails. The later part involved of re

hey had crossed the Narmada River and entered Malwa, then in Mughal possession.

he imperial conquests achieved later, under the Peshwas.

ering Mughal-Maratha war into a three-cornered affair. The states of Satara and Kolhapur came into being in 1707, because of the success

ainst the emperor.

or independence, in the Maratha homeland, plus rights to chauth and sardeshmukh (amounting to 35 percent of the total revenue) through

re in an appropriate state.

credited with expanding the Maratha Empire created by its founder,Chh.Shivaji maharaj, which reached its zenith twenty years after his dea

ratha power had reached its zenith with a territory of over 250 million acres (1 million km²) or one-third of the Indian sub-continent.

ked the Afghans in an act of desperation as their forces had not had a meal in three days. The defeat at Paniput checked Maratha expansio

or Tarabai's family) came into being in far flung regions of the empire. Even in the Maharashtra itself many knights were given semi-autonom

nizing his independence from the Maratha empire in return for his acknowledgement of British paramountcy. In the Second Anglo-Maratha

oth of them fought against the British. He encouraged Indian soldiers to rise against the British. Though he was defeated in this war of inde

arathi" school and Maharashtra Bhavan.

All the groups of the Maharashtrian society like CKP, SKP, Vaishyas, Bhandaris, Brahmins, Kolis, Dhangars, Marathas and Saraswats were

eath of Shahu, the Peshwas became the de facto leaders of the Empire from 1749 to 1761, while Shivaji's successors continued as nomina

ical power resting in a 'pentarchy' of five mostly Maratha dynasties: the Peshwas of Pune; the Sindhias (originally "Shindes") of Malwa and

i Maharaj proclaimed himself emperor taking the title (Chhatrapati) in 1674. The Marathas had spread and conquered some of central India

000 troops he proceeded to conquer the sultanates of Bijapur and Golconda. During the eight years that followed, Sambhaji led the Marath

he later part involved of removing their skin. On March 11, 1689, Sambhaji was finally killed, reportedly by tearing him apart from the front a

7, because of the succession dispute over the Maratha kingship. By 1710 two separate principalities had become an established fact, even

the total revenue) throughout Gujarat, Malwa, and the now six provinces of the Mughal Deccan. This treaty also released Yesubai, Shahuji'

twenty years after his death. Baji Rao is thus acknowledged as the most famous of the nine Peshwas.

an sub-continent.

checked Maratha expansion and fragmented the empire. After the battle, the Maratha Confederacy never fought again as one unit. Delhi/Ag

were given semi-autonomous charges of small districts which led to princely states like Sangli, Aundh,Bhor,Bawda,Jat,Phaltan, Miraj etc.

he Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803-1805), the Peshwa Baji Rao II signed a similar treaty. The Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818), a la

efeated in this war of independence he is viewed as a glorious patriot in Indian history.

athas and Saraswats were well-represented in the Empire.[2]

sors continued as nominal rulers from their base in Satara. Covering a large part of the subcontinent, the Maratha Empire kept the British f

"Shindes") of Malwa and Gwalior; the Holkars of Indore; the Bhonsles of Nagpur; and the Gaekwads of Baroda. A rivalry between the Sind

ered some of central India by Shivaji Maharaja's death in 1680, but later lost it to the Mughals and the British. According to Indian historian

, Sambhaji led the Marathas, never losing a battle or a fort to Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb had almost lost the battle. In early 1689, Sambhaji ca

him apart from the front and back with 'Wagh Nakhe (Tiger claws, a kind of weapon), and was beheaded with an axe. This grievous death

e an established fact, eventually confirmed by the Treaty of Warna in 1731.

eleased Yesubai, Shahuji's mother, from Mughal prison.

again as one unit. Delhi/Agra was controlled by Mahadji Shinde from Gwalior, Central India was controlled by Holkars from Indore and Wes

da,Jat,Phaltan, Miraj etc.

tha War (1817-1818), a last-ditch effort to regain sovereignty, resulted in the loss of Maratha independence: it left Britain in control of most

a Empire kept the British forces at bay during the 18th century, until dissension between the Peshwas and their sardars, or army commande

A rivalry between the Sindhia and Holkar dominated the confederation's affairs into the early 19th century, as did the clashes with the Britis

ording to Indian historian Tryambak Shankar Shejwalkar, Shivaji Maharaj was inspired by the great Vijayanagara Empire, a bulwark agains

n early 1689, Sambhaji called his commanders for a strategic meeting at Sangameshwar. In a meticulously planned operation, Ganoji Shirk

axe. This grievous death was given to him at Vadhu on the banks of Bhima river, near Pune.

kars from Indore and Western India was controlled by Gaikwad's from Baroda.

t Britain in control of most of India. The Peshwa was exiled to Bithoor (near Kanpur, U.P.) as a pensioner of the British. The Maratha heartla

ardars, or army commanders, tore at their cohesion.

the clashes with the British and the British East India Company in the three Anglo-Maratha Wars. In the Third Anglo-Maratha War, the last

Empire, a bulwark against Muslim invasion of South India. The victories of the then king of Mysore, Kanthirava Narasaraja Wodeyar agains

ed operation, Ganoji Shirke and Aurangzeb's commander, Mukarrab Khan attacked Sangameshwar when Sambhaji was about to leave the

ritish. The Maratha heartland of Desh, including Pune, came under direct British rule, with the exception of the states of Kolhapur and Sata

glo-Maratha War, the last Peshwa, Baji Rao II, was defeated by the British in 1818. Most of the former Maratha Empire was absorbed by Br

arasaraja Wodeyar against the Sultan of Bijapur also inspired Shivaji Maharaj [1]. As per legend, Shivaji Maharaj was the first king in India w

aji was about to leave the town. A small ambush followed and Sambhaji was captured by Mughal troops on 1 Feb, 1689. He and his adviso

ates of Kolhapur and Satara, which retained local Maratha rulers. The Maratha-ruled states of Gwalior, Indore, and Nagpur all lost territory,

mpire was absorbed by British India, although some of the Maratha states persisted as quasi-independent princely states until India became

was the first king in India whose vision encompassed the dev (god), desh (country) and dharma (religion).

b, 1689. He and his advisor, Kavi Kalash were taken to Bahadurgad. Aurangzeb humiliated them by parading them wearing clown's clothes

d Nagpur all lost territory, and came under subordinate alliance with the British Raj as princely states that retained internal sovereignty unde

y states until India became independent in 1947.

m wearing clown's clothes. Later, Sambhaji and Kavi Kalash were tied upside down to camels with Mughal soldiers throwing stones, mud, a

d internal sovereignty under British 'paramountcy'. Other small princely states of Maratha knights were retained under the British Raj as well

rs throwing stones, mud, and cow dung at them.

der the British Raj as well.

Maratha rulers The Royal House of Chhatrapati Shivaji

Chhatrapati Shivaji (1630-1680) Chhatrapati Sambhaji (1657-1689) Chhatrapati Rajaram (1670-1700) Chhatrapat Chatrapati Sambhaji, ) Chhatrapati Ramaraja (nominally, grandson of Chatrapati Rajaram - Que

The Royal House of Kolhapur

Queen Tarabai (wife of Chatrapati Rajaram) Chatrapati Sambhaji (son of Chatrapati Rajaram from second wife) Chh


Balaji Vishwanath Bajirao the first (brother Chimaji-appa) Balaji Bajirao (brother Raghunathrao, Cousin Sadashivra Vishwasrao) Narayanrao Peshwa (younger brother of Madhavrao, murdered by uncle) Raghunathrao Peshwa (uncle "Barbhai" conspiracy) Sawai Madhavrao Peshwa (son of Narayanrao) Bajirao the second (son of Raghunathrao) Am second, for a short period during Yashwantrao holkar's siege of Pune, Bajirao reinstated by British later) Nana Sahib Bajirao the second, lived in Uttar Pradesh in exile)

m (1670-1700) Chhatrapati Shahu (alias Shivaji II, Son of Chatrapati Rajaram - Queen Tarabai)

am from second wife) Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj

athrao, Cousin Sadashivrao-bhau) Peshwa Madhavrao (elder brother ghunathrao Peshwa (uncle of Narayanrao, ousted in coup named son of Raghunathrao) Amritrao Peshwa (brother of Bajirao the y British later) Nana Sahib Peashwa the second (adopted son of

Bhonsle The Bhosle or Bhosale (pronounced Bhoslay) were a prominent Maratha clan who served as rulers of several states in India

The most prominent member of the clan was Shivaji, the founder of the Maratha empire. His successors ruled as maharajas fr In addition to the Bhonsle Maharajas of Satara, rulers of the Bhonsle clan established themselves at Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu

After the British defeat of the Marathas in the Third Anglo-Maratha War in 1818, the Marathas were forced to accept British rul

Flag of the Maratha Bhosale/Bhonsle

Lineage: Suryavansh or Solar clan Original kingdom: Mainawati, Tuljapur, Raygad fort (Raigad) and Burhanpur Current kingdoms: Kolhapur, Satara, Nagpur Akalkot and Thanjavur. Colour of throne, canopy, sign (Nishan), and Horse (Varu): Bhagwa (Ochre), *Heraldic sign (Nishan): Rudra on flagpole Clan goddess: Jagdamba Bhavani, Tulja Bhavani, chittoud Bhavani, *Clan godd: Eklingji, Bada Mahadeo of shikhar shingna Guru: Shankkayan, *Gotra: Kaushika, *Veda: Rigveda *Mantra: Gayatri mantra

Surnames:Aher, Awatar, Ubale, Aadhale, Bhondve, Desale, Dhole, Kacchawah, Kalse, Kanse, Kanase, Kadoo, Kharade, G [edit] Notable Bhosale Subclans Ghorpade Kharade Desale Shisode Sawant

Maharajas of Satara Shivaji I (leader from 1655, Maharaja 1674-1680) Sambhaji I (1680-1689). Eldest son of Shivaji I. Rajaram (1689-1700). Younger son of Shivaji I.

Tarabai (regent 1700-1708). Wife of Rajaram. Shahu I (1708-1749). Son of Sambhaji I. Ramaraja (1749-1777). Grandson of Rajaram and Tarabai; adopted son of Shahu I. Shahu II (1777-1808). Son of Ramaraja. Pratapsinh (1808-1839) Shahaji III (1839-1848) 1848 to Great Britain Pratapsinh I (adopted) Rajaram III Pratapsinh II Raja Shahu (1918 - 1950) Pratapraje (1950-1978) Udayanraje Bhonsle (1978 till present) [edit] Maharajas of Thanjavur Venkaji (1674-1686) Shahji (1686-1711) Sarabhoji I (1711-1727) Tukoji (1727-1735) Bava Sahib (1735-1736) Maharani Sujana Bai (1736-1738) Sawai Shahji (1738) Sayaji (1738-1739) Pratap Singh (1739-1763) Tusalji (1763-1787) Amar Singh (1787-1798) Sarabhoji II (1798-1824) Shivaji (1824-1855) 1855 to Great Britain [edit] Maharajas of Kolhapur Shivaji I (1700-1712) Shambhoji (1712-1760) Sivaji II (1760-1812) (adopted from the family of Khanwilkar) Shambhu (1812-1821) Shahoji I (1821-1837) Shivaji III (1837-1866) Rajaram I (1866-1870) (adopted from the family of Patankar) Shivaji IV (1870-1883) Shahu IV (1883-1922) (adopted from the family of Ghatge) Rajaram II (1922-1940) British rule (1940-1942) Shivaji V (1942-1947) Shahoji II (1947-1949), titular Maharaja 1949-1983 (adopted from the family of Pawar) 1948 to India

Shahu II as titular Maharaja (1983-present) [edit] Maharajas of Nagpur Raghoji I (1738-1755) Janoji (1755-1772) Mudhoji I (1772-1788) Raghoji II (1788-1816) Mudhoji II (1816-1818) Raghoji III (1818-1853) 1853 to Great Britain

he Bhonsle of Satara and Kolhapur were descended from Sivaji's sons, Sambhaji and Rajaram.

atara came under direct British rule in the mid-nineteenth century when their rulers died without male heirs; Kolhapur continued as a princely

Pedgaonkar, Shisode, Sawant, Bhosale, Hivrale, Sarupye, kotwal(Total 37)

pur continued as a princely state until India's independence in 1947, when the rulers acceded to the Indian government.

Shrimant Shivaji Shahaji Raje Bhonsle Chatrapati Shivaji was the famous Maratha king who had the utmost courage to stand against the vast ocean of Mughal rule,

Although his original name was Shivaji Bhosle, his subjects lovingly gave him the title of 'Chatrapati' or the 'Chief of the Ksha

Born on 19th February 1630 at the Shivneri Fort to a valiant Maratha regent Shahaji Raje and a dedicated mother Jijabai, Shi

A young boy of 16 is not known to win battles, but his mother's teachings, father's struggle and a pride in the motherland gav

as an able warrior and leader with the seizure of the Torna Fort which was initially under the Bijapur Kingdom. With this recog

His major breakthrough came with Battle of Pratapgarh against Afzal Khan, the general of the Sultanate of Bijapur, which ma

He won it through sheer planning, speed and excellent generalship. This was followed by many other battles against the Sult

Battle of Pavan Khind, Battle of Vishaalgad and others.Chatrapati Shivaji is most famous for his valor to challenge

Although Emperor Aurangzeb tried to capture all the forts and territories under Shivaji he could not achieve much success

But a temporary pause was put in Shivaji's successful ventures by the brave Hindu General Jai Singh, sent by the Mughal Emperor and what followed is popularly known in history as Shivaji's trip to and astonishing escape from Ag Although after this incident, Shivaji remained dormant for sometime, he rose yet again against the Mughals in the y

Shivaji Bhosle Chhatrapati Reign

1664 - 1680 Coronation June 6, 1674 Full name Shivaji Shahaji Bhosle Titles Kshatriya Kulavantas,GoBramhan Pratipalak Born February 19, 1630 Birthplace Shivneri Fort, near Pune, India Died April 3, 1680 (aged 50) Place of death

Raigad Fort


Sambhaji Sai bai Soyarabai Putalabai Kashibai Sagunabai Manjulabai Sakavaarbai Gunvantibai[1][2]


Offspring Father Mother Religious beliefs

Sambhaji, Rajaram, and six daughters

Shahaji Jijabai Hinduism

Shivaji Bhosle (Born:February 19, 1630, Died: April 3, 1680), commonly known as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (

Shivaji’s ideology of Hindavi Swaraj and subsequent expansion of the Maratha Empire, was partly responsible for r

Shivaji established and set up a competent civil rule with the help of well regulated and disciplined military and well

A large portion of his kingdom was a coastline and he secured it with a potent navy under his commander Angre. H

[edit] Early life [edit] Birth

Shivaji was the youngest son of Shahaji and Jijabai Bhosle. Shivaji's birth date was a matter of controversy but rec

Shahaji Bhosle - Shivaji's father - was the eldest son of Maloji Bhosale of Verul (present day Ellora, Maharastra). M

Shahaji continuing the lead of his father played an important role in various Deccan wars. He began service with th

He sent Jijabai off to the safety of Shivneri fort which was under his control. It was here at Shivneri that Shivaji was

After this episode Ahmednagar fell to the Moghul emperor Shah Jahan, and shortly thereafter Shahji as Nizam's Ge [edit] Foundation of empire

Chhattrapati Shivaji Raje Bhosle, founder of the Maratha Empire.

Shahaji appointed young Shivaji, under the care of his mother Jijabai to manage the Pune holdings. A small counci

Shivaji Statue in Mumbai His mother made an indelible impression on him with her teachings, with her love for the homeland and its people.

Furthermore, his mother, having lost her father and three brothers to a treacherous plot hatched by the regional kin

Her piety and commitment to indigenous culture and her recounting of tales from the great Indian epics of Mahabha

Shahaji's vision, and Jijabai's teachings and motivation, and the able training by military commanders such as Gom [edit] Confrontation with the Regional Sultanates

At the age of 17 Shivaji carried out his first military action by attacking and capturing Torna Fort of the Bijapur kingd

By 1654 Shivaji had captured forts in the Western Ghats and along the Konkan coast. In a bid to sabotage this mov

[edit] Battle of Pratapgarh/ Pratapgad Main article: Battle of Pratapgarh

Afzal Khan, after leaving Bijapur to confront Shivaji, first desecrated the temples of goddess Bhavani in Tuljapur an

Wagh nakh

Shivaji, armed himself with a weapon called wagh nakh (tiger claw), and chilkhat (armour) prior to the meeting.Afza In the ensuing battle of Pratapgarh in the dense forests, which was fought on November 30, 1659, Shivaji's armies

Immediately after slaying Afzal Khan, Shivaji galloped up the slope towards the fortress with his lieutenants and ord

Maratha troops commanded by Shivaji's captain Kanhoji Jedhe, swept down on Afzal Khan's 1,500 musketeers; re

Meanwhile, Moropant led the Maratha infantry toward the left flank of the main portion of Adilshahi troops. The sud

The Maratha cavalry under Netaji Palkar pursued the retreating Adilshahi forces, who were attempting to join up wi

This great and complete victory made Shivaji a hero of Maratha folklore and a legendary figure among his people. T

Subsequently, the Sultan of Bijapur sent an elite Pashtun army comprised mainly of Afghani mercenaries to subdue

The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, now identified Shivaji as a major threat to the mighty Mughal Empire. [edit] Battle of Kolhapur Main article: Battle of Kolhapur

To counter the loss at Pratapgad and to defeat the newly emerging Maratha power, another army, this time numbe

This victory alarmed the mighty Mughal empire who now derisively called Shivaji "Mountain Rat" . Aurangzeb the M [edit] Battle of Pavan Khind Main article: Battle of Vishalgarh

In 1660, Adil Shah, once again sent Siddi Johar an accomplished general to put down Shivaji. He ordered his large

At that time Shivaji was camped at the Panhala fort with a small part of his army, near present day Kolhapur, on the

Shivaji sent misleading messages to Siddi Johar indicating that he was willing to negotiate and was looking for acco

Sensing that enemy cavalry was fast closing in on them Shivaji sought to avoid defeat and capture. Baji Prabhu De

In the ensuing battle of Pavan Khind, Baji Prabhu Deshpande fought relentlessly. He was almost fatally wounded b

Thereafter a truce was made between Shivaji and Adilshahi through Shahaji, acknowledging and formally recogniz Ghod Khind (khind = " a narrow mountain pass") was renamed Pavan Khind (Sacred Pass) in honor of Bajiprabhu

This remained the situation until the death of Shahaji. Henceforth the Marathas became a formal and recognized p

[edit] Clash with the Mughals [edit] Shaista Khan In January, 1660, Aurangzeb sent his maternal uncle Shaista Khan, with a large army to defeat Shivaji. He was an

Shaista Khan, seized Pune and the nearby fort of Chakan. Although he held Pune for almost a year, he had little fu

Shaista Khan kept the security in Pune very tight. Shivaji planned a daring attack on Shaista Khan amidst tight sec

After overpowering and slaying the palace guards, the Marathas broke into the mansion by breaking through a wall

Within twenty-four hours of this daring attack, Amir-ul-Umra, Shaista Khan left Pune and headed North towards Agr

[edit] Surat and Mirza Raja Jai Singh

In 1664 Shivaji invaded Surat, an important and wealthy Mughal trading city, and looted it to replenish his now depl

Aurangzeb was enraged and sent Mirza Raja Jai Singh I, with an army numbering well over 100,000 to defeat Shiv

[edit] Trip To Agra and Escape

In 1666, Aurangzeb summoned Shivaji to agra, along with his six year old son Sambhaji, on the occasion of his fifti

From his spies, Shivaji learned that Aurangzeb planned to shift him to Raja Vitthaldas's Haveli and then to possibly

After several days and weeks of sending out boxes containing sweets, Shivaji hid himself in one of the boxes and m

Dr. Ajit Joshi in a book Agryahun Sutka, concluded that Shivaji likely disguised himself as a Brahmin priest after pe

[edit] Preparing for War

In the years 1667-69, Shivaji adopted a low profile and began to aggressively build up his army. His army now cont

[edit] Battle of Sinhagad

Kondana fort, on the outskirts of Pune, was still under Mughal control. Uday Bhan Rathod, the fort keeper, led an a

Tanaji Malusare surveyed the fort and its defenses for some days. The fort was extremely well guarded. One very s As the advance party reached the top, they threw ropes for others to climb. Meanwhile Tanaji's brother

Tanaji and Uday Bhan came face to face and a fierce fight ensued. Uday Bhan broke Tanaji`s Dhal [Defence shield

When Shivaji reached the fort after the victory, he was deeply bereaved by the loss of his good friend Tanaji. He sa

[edit] Coronation

Shivaji was formally crowned Chhatrapati (Chief, or King of Kshatriyas), on June 6, 1674 at Raigad fort, and given t

He was bestowed with the Jaanva, (in Hindi the Janeu the sacred thread), with the Vedas and was bathed in an ab

Shivaji then was conferred with the title of "shakkarta". He started his own calendar. A few days later a second cere

[edit] Rule

Shivaji was an able and competent administrator and established a government that included such modern concep

Shivaji is well known for his benevolent attitude towards his subjects. He believed that there was a close bond betw He laid the foundations of the modern Marathi identity and infused it with strong martial and moral traditions.

Shivaji successfully lead and marshalled his forces to cope and overcome several major enemy invasions of his ter

He was an innovator and an able commander, he successfully used effective tactics including hit-and-run, strategic

Toward the end of his reign he had built up the Maratha forces to be over one hundred thousand strong, and was a

Shivaji's kingdom served as a Hindu bulwark against Islamic powers within India. His brilliant strategic and tactical m

[edit] Character

During his long military career and his many campaigns his strong religious and warrior code of ethics, exemplary c

Shivaji was once offered as a war booty an extremely beautiful young lady, by an uninformed Maratha captain. She

He boldly risked his life, his treasure and his personal well being and that of his family, to openly challenge his imm

He did not spend any resources on projects designed for self-aggrandizement or vanity, instead he was propeled b

Shivaji did not believe in being treated as a royalty, in fact he mingled freely with his subjects to spend time with the

Shivaji struck a deep chord with his followers and the citizenary. And the high level of admiration and respect he ea

[edit] Revolution in military organisation

M.V. Dhurandhar's painting of Shivaji.

Shivaji's genius is most evident in his military organisation which lasted till the demise of the Maratha empire. He w

A standing army belonging to the state called paga; All war horses belonged to the state; responsibility for their upkeep rested on the Soveriegn. Creation of part time soldiers from peasants who worked for eight months in the field and supported four months Highly mobile and light infantry and cavalry were his innovations and they excelled in commando tactics; The introduction of an centralized intelligence department, a potent navy, and regular chain-of-command; Introduction of field craft viz. Guerrilla warfare, commando actions, swift flanking attacks; Innovation of weapons and firepower, innovative use of traditional weapons like tiger claw or 'Baghnakh'. 'Vita' w Militarisation of almost the entire society, including all classes, with the entire peasant population of settlements a

[edit] Father of Indian Navy

Shivaji realized the importance of having a secure coastline and protecting the western Konkan coastline from the a

[edit] Forts Main article: Shivaji's Forts

Pratap Gad

Shivaji constructed a chain of 300 or more forts running over a thousand kilometres across the rugged Western Gh

[edit] Promotion of Sanskrit

The house of Shivaji was one of the Indian royal families who were well acquainted with Sanskrit and promoted it. T

Shivaji continued this trait and developed it further. He named his forts as Sindhdurg, Prachandgarh, Suvarndurg e

After his death Sambhaji, who was himself a Sanskrit scholar (his verse - Budhbhushanam), continued it. His grand

Sambhaji issued one danapatra (donation plaque) which is in Sanskrit composed by himself in which he writes abo

1. Yavanarambha gritat mlechakshaydiksha: It means - Shivaji had taken a sacred oath and was on mission to d 2. Dillindraman pradhvanspatu: One who has defeated the Mughal Emperor of Delhi 3. Vijayapuradhishwar prathtarmanya bhujchachayay: One whose help was sought by Adilshahi King of Vijaypur[ci

[edit] Religion

As per legend, the family deity of the Bhosle's, goddess Bhavani gave a divine sword to Shivaji.

Shivaji made available to Ramdas a fort named Parali Fort to establish his permanent monastery there. The fort wa

Chhatrapati Shivaji was a devout Hindu and he respected all religions within the region. Shivaji had great respect fo

He also visited Mouni Maharaj temple and Samadhi at Patgaon (Bhudargad Taluka near to Gargoti) in Kolhapur dis

Shivaji allowed his subjects freedom of religion and opposed forced conversion.[19] The first thing Shivaji did after a

Shivaji had respect for the Sufi tradition of Islam.[20] Shivaji used to pray at the mausoleum of the great Sufi Muslim His Mavala army's war cry was 'Haar Haar Mahadev' (Hail Lord Shiva).

He commanded the respect and fealty of the muslims under his command by his fair treatment of his friends as we

Kafi Khan, the Mughal historian and Bernier, a French traveler, spoke highly of his religious policy. He also brought

Shivaji applied a humane and liberal policy to the women of his state.[20] There are many instances in folklore, whi

Shivaji's sentiments of inclusivity and tolerance of other religions can be seen in an admonishing letter to Aurangze

"Verily, Islam and Hinduism are terms of contrast. They are used by the true Divine Painter for blending the colours

[edit] Southern expedition

Towards the end of 1676, Shivaji defeated and captured the forts at Vellore and Gingee near Bijapur, Karnataka, m

[edit] Death and succession It is said that he died due to contracting a disease Bloody Flux,[citation needed] Intestinal anthrax.[citation needed]

Ruins of the Raigad Fort, which served as a capital for Maratha Empire.

A few months after Shivaji's death, Aurangzeb's son, Prince Akbar, rebelled against his father and was sheltered by

The indomitable Marathas adapted very well to the huge but slow moving Mughal menace and fought Aurangzeb to

Eventually a broken, defeated Aurangzeb retreated in sickness from the Deccan in 1705. The final Mughal withdraw

Sir Jadunath Sarkar, a noted Indian historian and scholar, estimated that about 500,000 Mughal soldiers and 200,0

[edit] Legacy

A statue of Shivaji in the Birla Mandir, Delhi

Because of his struggle against an imperial power, Shivaji became an icon of freedom fighters in the Indian indepe

School texts in Maharashtra describe Shivaji's rule as heroic, exemplary and inspiring and he is considered the fou A sectarian political party, the Shiv Sena, claims to draw inspiration from Shivaji.

The World Heritage site of Victoria Terminus and Sahar International Airport in Mumbai were renamed Chatrapati S The School of Naval Engineering of the Indian Navy is named as INS Shivaji. [edit] Literature and Movies Main Article: List of movies on Shivaji

Shivaji is a source of inspiration for a number of artists, directors, actors, writers, shahir (ballad composer), poets an

Sriman yogi is a novel written on Shivaji's life by Ranjit Desai. Raja Shivachhatrapati is a biography authored by Ba

Marathi playwright Vasant Kanetkar wrote 'Raigadala Jevha Jaag Yete' (When Raigad awakes), a play based on th

Star Pravah- the Marathi channel of Star India Network now has a multi-crore TV serial Raja ShivChhatrapati on th

Mee Shivaji Raje Bhosle Boltoy is a yet-to-be launched Marathi film which tries to convey how Shivaji would have r [edit] Associates

Some of Shivaji's close associates were also his primary army chieftains, and have entered folklore along with him. Antaji Konde-Deshmukh Baji Jedhe Baji Pasalkar Baji Prabhu Deshpande Balaji Avji Chitre Bapuji Mudgal Deshpande

Chimanaji Deshpande Dhanajirao Jadhavrao Firangoji Narsala Fullaji Prabhu Deshpande Gangadhar Pant Gomaji Naik Haider Ali Kohari Hambirrao Mohite Hiroji Farjad Jiva Mahala Kanhoji Jedhe Deshmukh Keso Narayan Deshpande Kondaji Farjand Lay Patil Koli Murarbaji Deshpande Nanaji Deshpande Neelkanthrao Surnaik Netaji Palkar Prataprao Gujar Rango Narayan OrpeSarpotdar Sambhaji Kavji Santaji Ghorpade Suryaji Kakade Tanaji Malusare Yesaji Kank

Under Shivaji, many men of talent and enterprise rose into prominence. They carried forward his mission and ensu [edit] Accounts of contemporary foreign travellers Many foreign travellers who visited India during Shivaji's time wrote about him.

The Abbe Carre was a French traveller who visited India around 1670; his account was published as The French traveller Francois Bernier wrote in his Travels in Mughal India. "I forgot to mention that during pillage [edit] References

1. ^ Chhatrapati Shivaji. p. 18. ISBN 8128808265. 2. ^ Shivaji the Great. p. 193. ISBN 8190200003. 3. ^ The Presidential Armies of India. W.H. Allen. p. 47. 4. ^ a b "Itihaas - Shivaji assumes the title of Chattrapati". Sify Corporation. 5. ^ Shivaji and Indian Nationalism. Central Pub. House. p. 130. 6. ^ Setumadhavarao S. Pagadi. (1993). SHIVAJI. NATIONAL BOOK TRUST. p. 21. ISBN 8123706472. http://bo 7. ^ Shivaji and His Times. Longmans, Green and co. p. 20. 8. ^ a b c "Gazetter of the Bombay Presidency - Poona - MUSALMANS 1294-1760 - Nizamshahi". http://www.mah 9. ^ "Shivaji Maharaj’s birth date is in debate". 10. ^ "JIJABAI - Her Parent's House Reduced To Ashes". 11. ^ SHIVAJI THE FOUNDER OF MARATHA SWARAJ. B. I. S. M. Puraskrita Grantha Mala. 12. ^ Kamat, K. L.. "Short Bio: Maratha King Shivaji". Kamat's Potpourri. 13. ^ [1]

14. ^ 'Rigveda to Raigarh making of Shivaji the great'. Manudevi Prakashan. 2005. 15. ^ edited by Om Prakash. (2001). Encyclopaedic History of Indian Freedom Movement. Anmol Publications. p 16. ^ Shivaji and His Times. Longmans, Green and co. p. 294. 17. ^ Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) (2007). The Mughul Empire, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, ISBN 81-7276-407-1, 18. ^ Patil, Vishwas - "Sambhaji", Mehta Publishing House, Pune (2006) ISBN 81-7766-651-7 19. ^ Mughal Rule in India By Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Herbert Leonard Offley Garrett,ISBN 8171565514, 9 20. ^ a b c Zakaria, Rafique, "Communal Rage in Secular India", Popular Prakashan, Mumbai (2003) 21. ^ Central Chronicle Letter D. Pande. Retrieved on 2007-03-07 22. ^ Book Review IMC India. Retrieved on 2007-03-07 23. ^ Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. p. 145. [edit] Further reading

Shivchatrapati- Ek Magowa by Dr Jysingrao Bhausaheb Pawar. Apte, B.K. (editor), Chhatrapati Shivaji: Coronation Tercentenary Commemoration Volume, Bombay: University o Duff, Grant, History of Marhattas, Oxford University Press, London Link - V.D.Katamble, Shivaji the Great, Pune : Balwant Printers - English Translation of popular Marathi book "Shriman Kasar, D.B., Rigveda to Raigarh - Making of Shivaji the Great, Mumbai: Manudevi Prakashan (2005) Vishwas Patil - Sambhaji, Mehta Publishing House, Pune (2006) ISBN 81-7766-651-7 Purandare B. M. (author), Raja Shivachhatrapati, he is the most popular and most enigmatic historian of Maratha Sriman Yogi Joshi, Ajit, Agryahun Sutka, Marathi, Pune: Shivapratap Prakashan (1997) More, Vasantrao, James Laine: A research scholar or a barbarian?, Marathi, Shivsangram Prakashan (2004), Ko Laine, James, Shivaji: Hindu king in Islamic India, London: Oxford University Press 2003. Parulekar, Shyamrao, Yashogatha Vijaya durg, Vijay Durg (1982) Jyotirao Phule, Chatrapati Shivaji Raje Bhosle Yanche Powade, Marathi, (1869) Sarkar, Jadunath, Shivaji and his times, Calcutta Zakaria, Rafique, Communal Rage in Secular India, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai (2003) Work of D. G. Godse Rajendra Ghorpade Mouni maharaj guru of raje shivaji Mahesh Tendulkar, Runzunjar Senapati Santaji Ghorpade - a book on Santaji Ghorpade. Vishwas Patil, Panipat - a book on the battle of Panipat. Ranjit Desai, Swami - a book on Madhavrao Peshwa [edit] See also Chhatrapati Marathas Maratha Empire Bhosle family ancestry Marathi people List of people known as The Great Maratha clan system Marathawada [edit] External links Chhatrapathi Shivaji Listen Shivaji's Stories(Powade) Great Escape from Agra in 1666

Succeeded Preceded by Chhatrapati of the by new state

Maratha Empire Sambhaji 1674 – 1680

Raje Bhonsle Chhatrapati Maharaj

st the vast ocean of Mughal rule, single-handedly.

atrapati' or the 'Chief of the Kshatriyas' for his undaunted ability to protect them all under the safe shelter of his leadership.

d a dedicated mother Jijabai, Shivaji was a descendent of the 96 Maratha Clans who were well known as brave fighters or 'Kshatriyas'.

and a pride in the motherland gave the young Shivaji his first achievement Bijapur Kingdom. With this recognition, there was no looking back.

e Sultanate of Bijapur, which made him a hero of the Marathas overnight.

any other battles against the Sultanate of Bijapur, in warfares such as Battle of Kolhapur,

mous for his valor to challenge the mighty Mughal Empire, at the time ruled by Aurangzeb. could not achieve much success due to Shivaji's clever leadership qualities and guerrilla tactics.

General Jai Singh, sent by the emperor. Upon this, Shivaji decided to negotiate with the nd astonishing escape from Agra, where he was kept a prisoner by Aurangzeb. n against the Mughals in the year 1670 with the Battle of Sinhagad. Soon after this victory he was coroneted on 6th June, 1674, as the Kin

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Marathi: छतपती िशवाजीराजे भोसले) The Great King of INDIA and Great INSPIRATION OF world is called as Great

re, was partly responsible for re-establisment of Hindu rule and its re-emergent assertiveness throughout the mainland of present day India

nd disciplined military and well structured administrative organizations. The then prevalent practices of treating women as war booty, destru

under his commander Angre. He was very successful in keeping foreign naval ships, particularly Portugese and British, under check. For his

a matter of controversy but recently a consensus has been reached and is deemed to be 19 February 1630.[7][8][9] He was born on Shivner

ent day Ellora, Maharastra). Maloji Bhosale's was deeply insulted by Lakhuji Jadhavrao, a sardar in Nizamshahi, due his refusal to allow hi

wars. He began service with the young Nizam of Ahmednagar and together with Malik Amber, Nizam's minister, he won back most of the di

ere at Shivneri that Shivaji was born. In the meanwhile entire Jadhavrao family including Lakhuji and his three sons were murdered in Nizam

hereafter Shahji as Nizam's General responded by attacking the Mughal garrison and regained control of this region again. In response the

Pune holdings. A small council of ministers was appointed to assist and train Shivaji in administration. This council included Shamrao Nilka

the homeland and its people. Shivaji learned much from his father's failed attempts at political independence: his exceptional military capab

lot hatched by the regional king Nizamshah, was opposed to those who she considered alien rulers, due to their derision and callousness t

great Indian epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana molded Shivaji's character and helped him to be peerless (as confirmed by even otherw

ary commanders such as Gomaji Naik Pansambal and Baji Pasalkar were the main influences which groomed Shivaji into a brave and fear

Torna Fort of the Bijapur kingdom, in 1645.By 1647 he had captured Kondana and Rajgad forts and had complete control of the Pune regio

t. In a bid to sabotage this move of the Marathas under Shivaji's able leadership, Adilshah had his father - Shahaji arrested by deceitful me

oddess Bhavani in Tuljapur and Pandharpur. The intent was to get a roiled, disturbed, and shaken Shivaji out in the open to face him in a p

mour) prior to the meeting.Afzal Khan attempted to stab Shivaji in the back with a dagger as they embraced at the onset of their meeting. Sh

ber 30, 1659, Shivaji's armies attacked Bijapur's (Afzal Khan's) forces and engaged them in swift flanking maneuvers.

ess with his lieutenants and ordered cannons to be fired. This was a signal to his infantry, which had been strategically placed under the cov

l Khan's 1,500 musketeers; resulting in a complete rout of the musketeers at the foothills of the fort. Then in a rapid march, a section of Adi

n of Adilshahi troops. The suddenness of this attack on Afzal Khan's artillery at close quarters made them ineffective in providing artillery co

o were attempting to join up with the part of their reserve forces stationed in the nearby village of Wai. They were engaged in battle before t

dary figure among his people. The large quantities of captured weapons, horses, armour and other materials helped to strengthen the nasc

Afghani mercenaries to subdue and defeat Shivaji before he could substantially expand his army. In the resulting war of Panhalgadh, Bijapu

ty Mughal Empire.

another army, this time numbering over 10,000, was sent against Shivaji, commanded by Bijapur's renowned Abyssinian general Rustemjam

ountain Rat" . Aurangzeb the Mughal emperor was now actively preparing to bring the full might and resources of the Mughal Empire to bea

n Shivaji. He ordered his large army north to Kolhapur, Maharashtra to confront and defeat Shivaji once and for all.

ar present day Kolhapur, on the borders of his dominion. Siddi Johar's army camped near Panhala, cutting off supply routes to the fort. Shiv

otiate and was looking for accommodation, understanding and mercy. With this news Adilshahi soldiers relaxed , and Shivaji escaped unde

at and capture. Baji Prabhu Deshpande, a brave Sardar along with 300 soldiers, volunteered to fight to the death to hold back the enemy at

was almost fatally wounded but he held on and continued to attack until he heard the sound of cannon fire from Vishaal Gaad, signalling S

wledging and formally recognizing the independence of Shivaji's Kingdom. Also, as the terms of peace, Panhala Fort was awarded to Siddi J Pass) in honor of Bajiprabhu Deshpande and the soldiers who selflessly fought and died to save their king and country. A small memorial

me a formal and recognized power in the Deccan.

y to defeat Shivaji. He was an experienced commander who had defeated Shahaji in the same region in 1636. Within three years Shivaji ha

r almost a year, he had little further success. He had set up his residence at Lal Mahal, Shivaji's palace, in the city of Pune.

Shaista Khan amidst tight security. In April 1663, a wedding party had obtained special permission for a procession; Shivaji planned an atta

ion by breaking through a wall. Chimanji and Netaji Palkar first entered to provide cover to Shivaji MAharaj.Babaji Deshpande

and headed North towards Agra. An angered Aurangzeb transferred him to distant Bengal as a punishment for bringing embarrassment to

ted it to replenish his now depleted treasury and also as a revenge for the capture and looting of Maratha territory by Shaista Khan.

ell over 100,000 to defeat Shivaji. The Mughal forces proved to be unstoppable in the early battles and Shivaji decided to come to terms wit

haji, on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. Aurangzeb's plan was to send Shivaji to Khandahar, modern day Afghanistan to consolidate the

s's Haveli and then to possibly kill him or send him to fight in the Afghan frontier. As a result Shivaji planned his escape. The entire plan of e

mself in one of the boxes and managed to escape.Sambhaji, his six year old son had been smuggled out a couple of days earlier. Shivaji an

elf as a Brahmin priest after performance of religious rites at the haveli grounds and escaped by mingling in within the departing priestly ento

p his army. His army now contained about 40,000 cavalry, backed by 60,000 infantry, a strong navy and a potent artillery. The Mughals had

athod, the fort keeper, led an army of about 1500 Rajputs and Mughals for the protection of the fort. On February 4, 1670 Shivaji deputed o

emely well guarded. One very sheer cliff caught Tanaji's eye. This side was least guarded as one could not possibly imagine climbing the fo

le Tanaji's brother Suryaji moved close to the gates of the fort, namely Kalyan Darwaja, with another 300 Mavalas. The gates were soon op

e Tanaji`s Dhal [Defence shield] with a single blow, Tanaji was not deterred and proceeded to tie a piece of cloth around his left hand for pr

of his good friend Tanaji. He sadly commented "Gadh ala puhn sinha gela" (The fort was conquered but the lion was lost). Thereafter Konda

674 at Raigad fort, and given the title Kshatriya Kulavantas Sinhasanadheeshwar Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Pandit Gaga Bhatt

edas and was bathed in an abisheka. Shivaji had insisted on an Indrabhishek ritual, which had fallen into disuse since the 9th century.

A few days later a second ceremony was carried out, this time according to the Bengal school of Tantricism and presided over by Nischal P

included such modern concepts as cabinet (Ashtapradhan mandal), foreign affairs (Dabir) and internal intelligence.[12] Shivaji established

at there was a close bond between the state and the citizens. He encouraged all accomplished and competent individuals to participate in th

ial and moral traditions.

ajor enemy invasions of his territories. He was also unceasing and inexorable in expanding his kingdoms boundaries. His success was driv

including hit-and-run, strategic expansion of territories and forts, formation of highly mobile light cavalry and infantry units, adaptation of stra

ed thousand strong, and was able to effectively keep the Mughal forces in check and on the defensive while expanding his kingdom southw

brilliant strategic and tactical maneuvering on battlefields and his acute management and administrative skills helped him to lay the founda

ior code of ethics, exemplary character and deep seated and uncompromising spiritual values directed him to offer protection to houses of

nformed Maratha captain. She was the daughter-in-law of a defeated Muslim Amir (local ruler) of Kalyan, Maharashtra. Shivaji was reporte

y, to openly challenge his immensely larger enemies to defend and achieve freedom and independence for his country. And in that lay the

ity, instead he was propeled by his sense of Dharma (sacred duty) to his people and country which lead him to directly challenge the dange

subjects to spend time with them to better understand their thoughts, issues and challenges. It is reported that he enjoyed simple meals of

f admiration and respect he earned from his followers and subjects sets him apart from most other Indian kings or chieftains in the recorded

e of the Maratha empire. He was one of the pioneers of commando actions, "Ganimi Kava" a term used for such a warefare, (though the ter

eld and supported four months in war. in commando tactics; ular chain-of-command;

er claw or 'Baghnakh'. 'Vita' was a weapon invented by Shivaji; ant population of settlements and villages near forts actively involved in their defence

rn Konkan coastline from the attacks of Siddi’s fleet[15][16] he had realized the tactical advantage of having a strong navy and decided to p

across the rugged Western Ghats.Each were placed under three officers of equal status lest a single traitor should deliver it to the enemy. T

with Sanskrit and promoted it. The root can be traced from Shahaji who supported Jayram Pindye and many like him. Shivaji's seal was pre

, Prachandgarh, Suvarndurg etc. He named Ashta Pradhan (council of ministers) as per Sanskrit nomenclature viz. Nyayadhish, Senapati e

hanam), continued it. His grandson Shahu spent his entire childhood in Mughal captivity, which affected his taste. But even he showered gif

himself in which he writes about his father as: oath and was on mission to defeat invaders y Adilshahi King of Vijaypur[citation needed]

nt monastery there. The fort was subsequently renamed as "Sajjangad"(Fort of Decent/Holy ones).

on. Shivaji had great respect for Warkari saints like Tukaram and Sufi Muslim pir Shaikh Yacub Baba Avaliya of Konkan .[18]

near to Gargoti) in Kolhapur district. Shahaji had donated a huge piece of land to Shaha-Sharif Durgah of Ahmednagar. (The names "Shaha

The first thing Shivaji did after a conquest was to promulgate protection of mosques and Muslim tombs. One-third of his army was Muslim, a

soleum of the great Sufi Muslim saint Baba Sharifuddin. He also visited the abode of another great Sufi saint, Shaikh Yacub of the Konkan,

treatment of his friends as well as enemies.

ligious policy. He also brought back converts like Netaji Palkar & Bajaji in to Hinduism. He prohibited slavery in his kingdom.

many instances in folklore, which describes Shivaji's respect for women, irrespective of their religion, nationality, or creed.

dmonishing letter to Aurangzeb, in which he wrote:

Painter for blending the colours and filling in the outlines. If it is a mosque, the call to prayer is chanted in remembrance of him. If it is a temp

gee near Bijapur, Karnataka, modern-day Tamilnadu. These victories proved quite crucial during future wars. Jinjee served as Maratha cap

tinal anthrax.[citation needed] The funeral ceremony was arranged in Raigad in presence of his son Rajaram, and wife Soyarabai. After Sh

his father and was sheltered by Sambhaji.[23] Thereafter, in 1681, Aurangzeb, his army, entourage and the royal court moved in mass to th

enace and fought Aurangzeb to a stalemate. And towards the end of the second decade the Marathas gathered more strength and began to

705. The final Mughal withdrawal came two years later. He had spent most of his remaining resources and manpower trying to defeat the M

000 Mughal soldiers and 200,000 Marathas died during this decades long epic struggle for dominance of the Indian sub-continent.

m fighters in the Indian independence struggle that followed two centuries later.He is remembered as a just and wise king and his rule is ca

g and he is considered the founder of the modern Marathi nation; his policies were instrumental in forging a distinct Maharashtrian identity.

bai were renamed Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus and Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport respectively in Shivaji's honour, as have many pu

hir (ballad composer), poets and orators. In Marathi, Bhalaji Pendharkar directed on the movie, 'Raja Shivaji' in which the main role was pla

is a biography authored by Babasaheb Purandare on his life which was later brought out as Jaanata Raja (जाणता राजा), a musical tale of Shi

ad awakes), a play based on the complex relationship between Shivaji and Sambhaji. Shahir like Tulsidas and Agandas had written heroic b

ial Raja ShivChhatrapati on the life of Shivaji. The serial was launched in November 2008 and is expected to run for more than 100 one-ho

nvey how Shivaji would have responded to the problems faced by the 'Marathi manoos' today. Mahesh Manjrekar plays Shivaji in the film.

ntered folklore along with him. These include:

forward his mission and ensured the defeat of the Mughals in the War of 27 years. These include Ramchandrapant amtya, Santaji Ghorpa

was published as Voyage des Indes Orienteles mele de plusiers histories curieuses at Paris in 1699. Some quotes: "Hardly had he won a t to mention that during pillage of Sourate, Seva-ji, the Holy Seva-ji! Respected the habitation of the reverend father Ambrose, the Capuchin

?id=HsBPTc3hcekC. d=N5mIVt_Zd-0C. ooks?id=YX9JAAAAMAAJ. Retrieved on 2006-11-20. 21. ISBN 8123706472. om/books?id=7xNFAAAAIAAJ. - Nizamshahi". ivaji-maharajs-birth-date-is-in-debate/. /biographies/greatpersonalities/jijabai/page10.htm. Retrieved on 2006-11-19.

vement. Anmol Publications. p. 274. ISBN 8126109386. .com/books?id=7xNFAAAAIAAJ. Bhavan, ISBN 81-7276-407-1, pp.609,634

ey Garrett,ISBN 8171565514, 9788171565511 n, Mumbai (2003)


Volume, Bombay: University of Bombay (1974-75),M1. opular Marathi book "Shrimanyogi". Prakashan (2005)

enigmatic historian of Maratha times, especially that of Shivaji. He is revered throughout Maharashtra as "Shivashahir".

angram Prakashan (2004), Kolhapur

6th June, 1674, as the King of the Marathas. Under his dedicated rule, the small independent land 'Hindavi Swaraj' went on to become a lar

OF world is called as Great Shivaji Maharaj.laid the foundations of the Maratha Empire. Shivaji was younger of the two sons of Shahaji Bhos

nland of present day India after being ruled by various Muslim dynasties. The ideology of Hindavi swaraj was in part the inspiration that pro

omen as war booty, destruction of religious monuments, slavery and forceful religious conversions were firmly opposed under his administra

ritish, under check. For his foresight of establishing of one of the first large scale naval presence he is referred to as the "Father of Indian N

9] He was born on Shivneri Fort, Junnar, 60 kilometres north of Pune and was named Shiva after Shivai, Goddess of the fort, whom his mot

due his refusal to allow his daughter Jijabai's (Shivaji's mother) marriage to his son - Shahaji. This lead Maloji's to aggressive conquests to

e won back most of the district for the Nizam from the Moghuls who had gained it during their attack of 1600.[8] Thereafter Lakhuji Jadhav,

s were murdered in Nizam's court while they had come there to join his forces. Unsettled by this incident Shahaji Raje decided to part hims

ion again. In response the Mughals sent a much larger force in 1635 to recover the area back and forced Shahaji to retreat into Mahuli. Adi

cil included Shamrao Nilkanth as Peshwa (Prime Minister), Balkrishna Pant as Muzumdar, Raghunath Ballal as Sabnis, Sonopant

exceptional military capabilities and achievements, his knowledge of Sanskrit, Hindu ethos, patronage of the arts, his war strategies and p

derision and callousness toward the local population. Jijabai thus instilled in Shivaji a natural love for self-determination and an aversion to

confirmed by even otherwise inimical chroniclers, Khafi Khan) especially in his tolerant attitude towards other religions as well as in his fair

hivaji into a brave and fearless military leader as well as a responsible administrator. Shivaji along with his mavla friends took a blood oath t

e control of the Pune region.

ji arrested by deceitful means, and he sent one army against Sambhaji, Shivaji's elder brother at Bangalore (led by Farradkhan

he open to face him in a pitched battle. Instead, Shivaji sent a letter saying he was not eager to face Afzal Khan and sought some type of u

onset of their meeting. Shivaji was unharmed due to the armour he wore under his clothes, and he counter attacked Afzal Khan with a wag

ically placed under the cover of the densely covered valley, to immediately attack Afzal Khan's forces.

pid march, a section of Adilshahi forces commanded by Musekhan was attacked. Musekhan, Afzal Khan's leiutenant, was wounded and sub

tive in providing artillery cover for the main portion of their troops. And as a result of this the rest of their troops rapidly succumbed to an all

engaged in battle before they could regroup and were defeated prior to reaching Wai.

ed to strengthen the nascent and emerging Maratha army.

war of Panhalgadh, Bijapur's Pashtun army was decimated by the Maratha troops. The intense and bloody battle ended in the uncondition

ssinian general Rustemjaman. With cavalry of 5000 Marathas, Shivaji attacked them near Kolhapur on December 28, 1659. In a swift move

the Mughal Empire to bear down on the potential Maratha threat.

ply routes to the fort. Shivaji, decided to escape to a nearby fort Vishalgad, where he could regroup his soldiers to fight a decisive battle.

and Shivaji escaped under the cover of a very stormy night. Johar's soldiers captured a small group of the Marathas apparently including S

to hold back the enemy at Ghod Khind to give Shivaji and the rest of the army a chance to reach the safety of Vishaal Gad.

Vishaal Gaad, signalling Shivaji had reached safety of the fort. The result was the death of 300 Marathas and 1286 of Adilshah's troops in t

ort was awarded to Siddi Johar.

ountry. A small memorial stands even today in the pass in recognition of the heroism of Bajiprabhu and his courageous men.

ithin three years Shivaji had lost most of his conquests to a relentless attack by Shaista Khan and his army numbering over 100,000.

on; Shivaji planned an attack using the wedding party as cover. The Marathas disguised themselves as the bridegroom's procession and e

i Deshpande another man provided protection to Shivaji maharaj from back side as he entered just after him. Shivaji then confronted Shais

inging embarrassment to the Mughals with his very personal and ignoble defeat in Pune.[4]

y by Shaista Khan.

cided to come to terms with Aurangzeb. In the treaty of Purander, signed between Shivaji and Jai Singh, Shivaji agreed to give up all of his

hanistan to consolidate the Mughal empire's north-western frontier. However in the court, on May 12, 1666, Aurangzeb made Shivaji stand

scape. The entire plan of escape displayed Shivaji's excellent ability to carefully analyze, plan and to flawless execute toward a successful

e of days earlier. Shivaji and his son fled to the Deccan disguised as sadhus (holy men). Some accounts claim that after the escape, rumou the departing priestly entourage.[citation needed]

artillery. The Mughals had the impression that he was now a spent force and would not cause them any more trouble. But Shivaji was on a

4, 1670 Shivaji deputed one of his most senior and trusted generals, Tanaji Malusare, to head a mission to capture Kondana.

bly imagine climbing the fort from this steep side. Tanaji decided to scale this cliff to enter the fort. He used a monitor lizard(known as ghorp

s. The gates were soon opened and once inside, all his soldiers joined Tanaji in the surprise attack.

around his left hand for protection and to stanch the bleeding, and he continued to fight. Tanaji was killed by Uday Bhan in a fierce battle. S

was lost). Thereafter Kondana fort was renamed Sinhagad (Lion Fort) to honor Tanaji Malusare's bravery and sacrifice.

andit Gaga Bhatt, a renowned Brahmin from Varanasi, officially presided over the ceremony declaring that Shivaji's lineage was bonafide a

since the 9th century.

presided over by Nischal Puri.

e.[12] Shivaji established an effective civil and military administration. He also built a powerful navy and erected new forts like Sindhudurg a

dividuals to participate in the ongoing political/military struggle. He is remembered as a just and welfare-minded king. He brought revolution

ries. His success was driven by his fierce and urgent determination to establish a free and independent homeland, and in this goal he was s

try units, adaptation of strategic battle plans and formations, whereby he succeeded in out-maneuvering, time and time again, his vastly big

nding his kingdom southward to Gingee, Tamil Nadu.

elped him to lay the foundations of the future Maratha empire in India.

er protection to houses of worship, non-combatants, women and children. He always showed respect, defended and protected places of wo

ashtra. Shivaji was reported to have told the lady that her beauty was mesmerizing and that if his mother was as beautiful as her, he would

ountry. And in that lay the foundations of the greatness of Chhattrapati Shivaji Maharaj, which was based not as much on his successes on

irectly challenge the dangerous, powerful and oppressive rule of the Sultans and the Mughals. His legacy is heroism, selflessness, freedom

enjoyed simple meals of crushed onion and ‘bhakris’ - a type of Indian peasant bread with his foot soldiers (mavlas). This reflected his 'dow

r chieftains in the recorded Indian history. Even today he is venerated in India and especially in the state of Maharashtra with awe and adm

a warefare, (though the term "commando" is modern).[14] Shivaji was responsible for a lot of changes in military organization. These includ

ong navy and decided to purse this idea. Shivaji was concerned about the growing dominance of British India naval forces over Indian wate

d deliver it to the enemy. The officers (Sabnis, Havladar, Sar-i-naubat) acted jointly and provided mutual checks balance.

him. Shivaji's seal was prepared by him.

z. Nyayadhish, Senapati etc. He got Rajya Vyavahar Kosh (a political treatise) prepared. His Rajpurohit Keshav Pandit was himself a Sans

But even he showered gifts on learned Brahmins. Serfoji II from the Thanjavur branch of the Bhosle continued the tradition by printing the f

nagar. (The names "Shahaji", the father of Shivaji, and "Sarfoji", the uncle of Shivaji, are derived in deference to this Shah Sharifji.)

of his army was Muslim, as were many of his commanders: one of his most trusted general in all his campaigns was Haider Ali Kohari; Dar

ikh Yacub of the Konkan, and sought his blessings. He called Hazrat Baba of Ratnagiri bahut thorwale bhau, meaning "great elder brother"

rance of him. If it is a temple, the bells are rung in yearning for him alone."[20][21][22]

ee served as Maratha capital for 9 years during 27 years of war.

d wife Soyarabai. After Shivaji's death, his elder son Sambhaji and Soyarabai , fought for control of the kingdom. After a brief struggle Samb

court moved in mass to the Deccan to wage an all out war for the complete destruction of Maratha power. This was the beginning of the tw

more strength and began to turn the tide of the war. The Mughal forces were dealt several serious body blows by able Maratha generals like

ower trying to defeat the Marathas and ended up significantly weakening the once mighty Mughal Empire. Aurangzeb's heirs never again c

an sub-continent.

wise king and his rule is called one of the six golden ages in Indian history.

ct Maharashtrian identity.

honour, as have many public buildings and spaces in recent years. The Interstate Bus Terminal of New Delhi has also been named after S

hich the main role was played by the famous Marathi actor Chandrakant Mandare. Apart form this movie, 'Maratha tituka melawawa','Gad a

राजा), a musical tale of Shivaji's life. Kusumagraj has composed a famous poem on Shivaji's general Prataprao Gujar' Vedat Marathe vir dau

andas had written heroic ballads on him. Kavi Bhushan has composed in Hindi, a famous work 'Shivraj Bhushan'.

for more than 100 one-hour episodes. plays Shivaji in the film.

ant amtya, Santaji Ghorpade, Dhanaji Jadhav, Parsoji Bhosle, Harji raje Mahadik and Kanhoji Angre.

es: "Hardly had he won a battle or taken to town in one end of the kingdom than he was at the other extremity causing havoc everywhere a her Ambrose, the Capuchin missionary. 'The Frankish Padres are good men', he said 'and shall not be attacked.' He spared also the house


j' went on to become a large kingdom ranging from the Northwest India to the East.Though not much is known of his personal life except th

e two sons of Shahaji Bhosle and Jijabai. His father, Shahaji was a Maratha general who rendered military services at various times the Bija

art the inspiration that propelled the succeeding generation of Marathas to establish independent kingdom in India prior to their eventual hu

posed under his administration. Shivaji himself was a religious, devout and tolerant Hindu who worshipped with deep faith. Shivaji changed

as the "Father of Indian Navy".[6] Building and securing seaside and land based forts played an important role in Shivaji’s military history. H

s of the fort, whom his mother Jijabai during her pregnancy used to worship. Shivaji was fifth son born to Jijabai, 3 of whom had died as infa

o aggressive conquests to obtain a higher station and an important role under Nizamshahi, something that eventually lead him to achieving

hereafter Lakhuji Jadhav, Shahaji's father in law attacked Shahaji and surrounded him at the Mahuli fort along with Jijabai who was 4 mont

Raje decided to part himself from Nizamshahi and raise the banner of independence and establish an independent kingdom.

to retreat into Mahuli. Adilshah of Bijapur agreed to pay tribute to the Moghuls in return for the authority to rule this region in the year of 16

abnis, Sonopant as Dabir and Dadoji Konddeo as teacher. Apart from these ministers, military commanders Kanhoji Jedhe and

s, his war strategies and peacetime diplomacy. He was inspired and informed by his family's vision of independence and freedom.

nation and an aversion to external political domination.

gions as well as in his fair and kind treatment of women and non-combatants.

riends took a blood oath to fight against the Mughal empire at Rohideshwara temple. And young Shivaji, energetic and enthusiastic as he w

y Farradkhan) and another against Shivaji at Purandhar (led by Fattekhan). However both Bhosle brothers defeated the invading armies se

and sought some type of understanding. Shivaji upon carefully weighing his options, strategically decided to confront and surprise Afzal Kha

ked Afzal Khan with a wagh nakh and bich'hwa, spilling his blood and entrails on the ground. Thereupon Afzal Khan's deputy,

ant, was wounded and subsequently fled the field.

pidly succumbed to an all out Maratha attack. Simultaneously Shivaji's Sardar (captain), Ragho Atre's cavalry units swooped down and atta

ended in the unconditional surrender of Bijapuri forces to Shivaji.

r 28, 1659. In a swift movement, Shivaji led a full frontal attack at the center of the enemy forces while other two portions of his cavalry atta

o fight a decisive battle.

has apparently including Shivaji, only to realize he was a look-alike dressed like Shivaji, sent out to create a diversion and facilitate the real

86 of Adilshah's troops in this fierce battle.

ering over 100,000.

groom's procession and entered Pune. Shivaji, having spent much of his youth in Pune, knew his way around the city and his own palace o

vaji then confronted Shaista Khan and severed three of Shaista Khan's fingers with his sword as he fled through an open window. Shaista K

agreed to give up all of his 23 forts and 400,000 rupees to the Mughals. He also agreed to let his son Sambhaji become a Mughal Sardar an

gzeb made Shivaji stand behind mansabdars (military commanders) of his court. Shivaji took offense to this seeming insult and stormed ou

cute toward a successful outcome. He feigned almost fatal sickness and requested to send most of his contingent back to Deccan. Therea

at after the escape, rumours of Sambhaji's death were intentionally spread by Shivaji himself in order to deceive the Mughals and to protect

ouble. But Shivaji was on a war footing and aimed to directly take on the combined might of the Moghul empire. Shivaji was more than prep

re Kondana.

tor lizard(known as ghorpad in Marathi named "Yeshwanti" with a rope tied around its body for climbing this cliff on a moonless night.[citatio

y Bhan in a fierce battle. Seeing their leader mortally wounded, the Maratha soldiers started to back-up and retreat, Suryaji and Shelar Mam

i's lineage was bonafide and recognized Kshatriya.

ew forts like Sindhudurg and strengthened old ones like Vijayadurg on the west coast. The Maratha navy held its own against the British, P

ng. He brought revolutionary changes in military organisation, fort architecture, society and politics.

d, and in this goal he was supported by the high level of loyalty, respect and commitment he received from his soldiers, followers and citizen

d time again, his vastly bigger and determined enemies.

nd protected places of worship of all denominations and religions.

eautiful as her, he would have been handsome as well. He told her to go back to her family in peace, unmolested and under his protection.

much on his successes on or off the battlefields, or on the strength of his arms, or his brilliant strategies or his noble birth but was truly base

sm, selflessness, freedom, independence, brotherhood and unwavering courage, and as such he is a great role model for the ages.

as). This reflected his 'down to earth' character.

rashtra with awe and admiration and is viewed as a hero of epic proportions.

rganization. These include -

al forces over Indian waters and start building his navy forces to tackle this issue. For this very reason he is also referred to as the “Father

Pandit was himself a Sanskrit scholar and poet.[17]

e tradition by printing the first book in Marathi Devnagari.[citation needed]

his Shah Sharifji.)

was Haider Ali Kohari; Darya Sarang was chief of armoury; Ibrahim Khan and Daulat Khan were prominent in the navy; and Siddi Ibrahim w

aning "great elder brother".

After a brief struggle Sambhaji was crowned king.but before the death of shivaji maharaj he went to mughal prince & against maratha empi

as the beginning of the twenty seven year war, initially the Marathas were overwhelmed by the might and the great power of the Mughal em

able Maratha generals like Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav. They effectively employed lightning fast and highly mobile attacks, tactic

gzeb's heirs never again challenged the Marathas and within eighty years of Shivaji's death, they were themselves finally overtaken and utte

s also been named after Shivaji.

a tituka melawawa','Gad ala pan sinh gela' and many more movies specially in Marathi were made on his and his associates' life.

ujar' Vedat Marathe vir daudale sat'. performed Lata Mangeshkar and Hridayanath Mangeshkar.

using havoc everywhere and surprising important places. To this quickness of movement he added, like Julius Caesar, a clemency and bou He spared also the house of a deceased Delale or Gentile broker, of the Dutch, because assured that he had been very charitable while aliv

his personal life except that he was married to Saibai, Soyarabai, Kashibai, Putalabai and Sagunabai and had two sons and three daughte

s at various times the Bijapur Sultanate, Deccan sultanates and the Mughals.[3] Shivaji with his ideology of Hindavi Swaraj (freedom for Hin

a prior to their eventual humiliating defeat by the British Empire. This ideology was neither directed against Islam nor aimed toward propaga

eep faith. Shivaji changed rules of military engagement prevalent in that era. He pioneered Ganimi Kava, guerilla tactics, which leveraged va

Shivaji’s military history. He conquered, constructed and renovated many strategically located forts to defend and secure his kingdom.

of whom had died as infants and only Sambhaji survived. While Shivaji was accompanied mostly by his mother, Sambhaji lived with his fat

ally lead him to achieving the title of Mansabdar (military commander and a imperial adminstrator). Leveraging this new found fame and po

th Jijabai who was 4 month pregnant. After seeing no relief coming from Nizam, Shahaji decided to give up the fort and planned his escape

is region in the year of 1636.[8] Thereafter Shahaji was inducted by Adilshah of Bijapur and was offered a distant jagir - land holdings, at pr

oji Jedhe and Baji Pasalkar were appointed to train Shivaji in martial arts. In 1644, Shahaji had Lal Mahal built in Pune for his wife and his s

ce and freedom.

c and enthusiastic as he was, wasted no time in setting off on a path of freedom and glory.

ted the invading armies securing the release of their father. Thereafter, Afzal Khan, a seasoned commander and an accomplished warrior,

ont and surprise Afzal Khan under the guise of diplomatic negotiations. A meeting was arranged between Afzul Khan and Shivaji at the foo

han's deputy, Krishnaji Bhaskar Kulkarni and his bodyguard Sayyed Banda attacked Shivaji with swords but Jiva Mahala, Shivaji's personal

s swooped down and attacked the large but unprepared Adilshahi cavalry before they were able to be fully geared up for battle and succee

portions of his cavalry attacked the flanks. This battle lasted for several hours and at the end Bijapuri forces were soundly defeated and Rus

sion and facilitate the real king's escape. Siddi Johar's soldiers realized that the imposter was Shivaji's barber and that Shivaji and his army

city and his own palace of Lal Mahal.Chimanaji deshpande-one of the childhood friend of Shivaji had played role of loyal bodyguard during

an open window. Shaista Khan narrowly escaped death; lost his son, many of his guards and soldiers in the raid.

come a Mughal Sardar and serve the Mughal court of Aurangzeb

ming insult and stormed out of court and was promptly placed under house arrest, under the watch of Fulad Khan, Kotwal of Agra.

t back to Deccan. Thereafter, on his request, he was allowed to send daily shipments of sweets and gifts to saints, fakirs, and temples in A

he Mughals and to protect Sambhaji.[citation needed]

hivaji was more than prepared to squarely face the great dangers inherent in waging a war against a the powerful Mughal empire - he was

on a moonless night.[citation needed] Perhaps this was the first time in the history of wars where a lizard was used to climb a fort.[citation ne

at, Suryaji and Shelar Mama stepped up and assumed leadership. Shelar Mama an Old Sardar in his 70s faced and challenged Uday Bhan

own against the British, Portuguese and Dutch[13] till Maratha internal conflict brought their downfall in 1756.

diers, followers and citizens.

and under his protection. His behaviour, was noted by those around him, to be always of the highest moral caliber. He clearly and unambi

e birth but was truly based on his selfless and courageously fierce actions he undertook against any and all enemies, on behalf of his belov

model for the ages.

referred to as the “Father of Indian Navy”.

navy; and Siddi Ibrahim was chief of artillery.

e & against maratha empire.

at power of the Mughal empire. Under the overpowering and unrelenting Mughal assault the endangered Maratha capital was forced to be

ghly mobile attacks, tactics initially developed and effectively used by Shivaji.

s finally overtaken and utterly dominated by the Peshwa's Maratha Sardars, namely Scindia and Holkar.

associates' life.

aesar, a clemency and bounty that won him the hearts of those his arms had worsted." "In his courage and rapidity he does not ill resemble n very charitable while alive."

o sons and three daughters, as a ruler, his name is compared to that of Napoleon, Julius Caesar and the Swedish King Gustavus Adolphu

vi Swaraj (freedom for Hindustan) decided to directly challenge Bijapur Sultanate rule and eventually the Mughal empire, to establish the M

nor aimed toward propagation of Hinduism.[5]

actics, which leveraged various factors like demographics, speed, surprise and focused attack. In comparison to his enemies, Shivaji had s

d secure his kingdom.

Sambhaji lived with his father Shahaji at Banglore (present day Bengaluru). During the period of Shivaji's birth, the power in Maharastra wa

is new found fame and power he was able to convince Jadhavrao to give his daughter in marriage to his son Shahaji.

rt and planned his escape.

jagir - land holdings, at present-day Bangalore, but he was allowed to keep his old land tenures and holdings in Pune.[10][11]

Pune for his wife and his son Shivaji. A royal seal in Sanskrit which read, This is the royal seal of Shivaji, son of Shahaji. This royal seal is f

an accomplished warrior, was then sent to destroy Shivaji, in an effort to put down what was seen by Bijapur as a regional revolt.

han and Shivaji at the foothills of Fort Pratapgad. Shivaji got word that Afzal Khan planned to slay him during the meeting.

Mahala, Shivaji's personal bodyguard fatally struck them down with a 'dandpatta' (medieval weapon). Afzal Khan managed to stumble out o

d up for battle and succeeded in completely routing them in short order.

soundly defeated and Rustemjaman ignominiously fled the battlefield.

that Shivaji and his army were headed to Vishalgad.

of loyal bodyguard during this attack.

Kotwal of Agra.

s, fakirs, and temples in Agra as offerings for getting well.

Mughal empire - he was fighting for independence and as such feared no earthly power, he had taken a solemn oath to achieve freedom o

d to climb a fort.[citation needed]

nd challenged Uday Bhan and killed him. Suryaji, then stepped in front and center to rally the troops and lead them back on the offensive. T

er. He clearly and unambiguously embodied the virtues and ideals of a true nobleman.

mies, on behalf of his beloved Vatan (sacred homeland/nation). He defied overwhelming odds stacked against him by the mighty Mughal em

a capital was forced to be moved and evacuated from Raigad to Jinjee in the south and for a time it seemed that Aurangzeb's objective of s

y he does not ill resemble that great king of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus."

h King Gustavus Adolphus, who were all great rulers in their own respect. He incorporated modern administrative concepts such as cabine

empire, to establish the Marāṭhā Sāmrājya or the Maratha kingdom for thr Marathas, by the Marathas and of the Marathas. Shivaji succeed

his enemies, Shivaji had smaller army and thereby was obliged to make to follow guirella warfare to help overcome this great imbalance.

e power in Maharastra was shared by three Sultanates - Bijapur, Ahmednagar, and Golconda. Most of the then Marathas forces had pledge

hahaji. This royal seal is for the welfare of people. This seal (the rule of the seal) will grow like the new moon grows, was handed to Shivaji

regional revolt.

managed to stumble out of the tent to get help but was immediately slain by Shivaji's associate Sambhaji Kavji, before he could alert his com

oath to achieve freedom or die trying. In January 1670 Shivaji launched a major, multi-pronged assault on Mughal garrisons in Maharashtra

m back on the offensive. The Marathas now re-commenced their ferocious attack on the Mughal defenders and captured the fort.

m by the mighty Mughal empire and the sultanates, he overcame and succeeded in face of unprecedented level of succeedingly difficult cha

Aurangzeb's objective of stamping out the Maratha threat, once and for all, would be achieved. However, in the following months and years

concepts such as cabinet, foreign affairs, internal intelligence and others and commanded an extremely well trained army. This apart, he w

Marathas. Shivaji succeeded in establishing control of small portion of the present state of Maharastra in western India, during his lifetime.[4

me this great imbalance.

Marathas forces had pledged their loyalties to one of these Sultanates and were engaged in a continuous game of mutual alliances and agg

ws, was handed to Shivaji. Thus Shivaji started his career as an independent young prince of a small kingdom on a mission. Shivaji used th

efore he could alert his commanders or raise an alarm.

l garrisons in Maharashtra. Within six months he had regained most of his old territory and more. From 1670 to 1674 Shivaji expanded his

aptured the fort.

succeedingly difficult challenges and trials.

llowing months and years the tide of the war began to change.

ned army. This apart, he was a king who was just and kind and showed tolerance towards all religions and languages. He himself was profi

India, during his lifetime.[4] At its peak the Maratha Empire rule spread upto Attock in Pakistan.

mutual alliances and aggressions.

a mission. Shivaji used the title of Raja (king) only after Shahaji's death.

674 Shivaji expanded his kingdom to include major portions of Maharashtra and far in to the south including parts of modern-day Karnataka

ges. He himself was proficient in Sanskrit and Marathi, and patronized art of all kinds.Shivaji succumbed to fatal illness spanning many wee

of modern-day Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

llness spanning many weeks in 1680 and his empire was taken over by his son Sambhaji. But this did not remove the imprint he left on the

e the imprint he left on the minds of all Indians. Chatrapati Shivaji's name will forever be remembered in folklore and history as the great kin

nd history as the great king whose rule is considered as a golden era, which showed the light of freedom, paving the way for India's Indepe

he way for India's Independence later.

Shrimant Sambhaji Shivaji Raje Bhonsle Ch 'Birth name:' Sambhaji Bhonsle

'Title:' 'Birth:'

Emperor and High Protector of the Maratha Empire May 14, 1657 Purandar Fort near Pune, India March 11, 1689

'Birthplace:' 'Death:' 'Succeeded by:' Rajaram 'Marriage:' Yesubai Shahu 'Children:' [edit] Early life

Sambhaji was born on Purandar fort [1] A scholar of Sanskrit and seven other languages[citation needed], Sambha [edit] About Sambhaji

Chatrapati Sambhaji wrote several poems including a highly prestigious Sanskrit poem book “Budh bhushan”. He e Sambhaji was a very brave, courageous and powerful Man. His personality, attitude, intelligence and qualities had

Sambhaji is also known for his political acumen. He had given shelter to Akbar, the son of Aurangzeb, to cause wid [edit] Estrangement and reconciliation with father

Interestingly enough, Sambhaji joined forces with Aurangzeb for almost a year. Shivaji had gone further south for h [edit] Coronation Annaji Datto, Somaji Datto wanted to oust Sambhaji so that they could get to play a bigger role in the affairs of the [edit] Attack on Burhanpur

Bahadurkhan Kokaltash, a relative of Aurangzeb was in-charge of Burhanpur, a Mughal stronghold. He left Burhan [edit] War with Mughals Main article: War of 27 years

Within a year or so of Sambhaji's coronation, Sultan Muhammad Akbar took shelter with him and sought Sambhaji'

It was a disproportionate battle in all senses. Aurangzeb's army was at least 8 to 9 times larger than Sambhaji's. Hi The Marathas led by Sambhaji fought single-handedly against all the enemies. To make matters worse, there was [edit] War with Siddis of Janjira

Janjira was under the Siddis. Janjira was strategically a very important place and a mighty fort in the Arabian Sea, w [edit] War with Chikkadev Rai of Mysore Hearing about the intrusion of Chikkadev Rai into Maratha territory, Sambhaji had sent his Diwan [edit] War with the Portuguese of Goa

There were chances of Portuguese providing supplies to Mughals and allowing unloading of Mughal ships at the Po

Sambhaji warned Siddis, Chikkadev Rai and Portuguese from crossing the path of the Marathas and ordered them [edit] Capture and Execution

Stone arch at Tulapur confluence under which Sambhaji was executed

In early 1689, Sambhaji called his commanders for a strategic meeting at Sangameshwar in Konkan to decide on th

Sambhaji and his Men were surrounded from all sides. Marathas took out their swords, roared ‘Har Har Mahadev’ a There were small attacks by Ramdasi people from Battis Shirala’s Math (group related to Samartha Ramdas

Ganoji’s hunger for Maratha land in the form of watan led to his enmity with Sambhaji. Sambhaji like his father- Shi

After learning that Sambhjaji had been captured and produced before him as a prisoner, Aurangzeb felt very happy

Sambhaji's Samadhi(Mausoleum) built at the place where he was cremated, Vadhu

When they were brought face to face with Aurangzeb, the latter offered to let Sambhaji live if he surrendered all the

Despite the torture, Sambhaji refused to submit to Aurangzeb's conditions. In so doing he earned the title of Dharm [edit] Immediate aftereffects of Sambhaji's execution

With Sambhaji's death, Maratha confederacy was thrown in a disarray. He was succeeded as leader of the Marath

Sambhaji's torture and heroic death unleashed an unprecedented unity and heroic spirit among the Marathas. Aura

Aurangzeb spent the last 25 years of his life in the Deccan in constant war with the Marathas till his death on 3 Mar [edit] Legacy

There is some dispute among historians about Sambhaji's ability as a ruler. Some historians have portrayed him as

It is quite interesting to look at his own version. After he assumed the charge of Chhatrapati, he issued a Danapatra

Raje Bhonsle Chhatrapati Maharaj

languages[citation needed], Sambhaji quickly gained a firm political standing in the Maratha kingdom and, by the time of Chhatrapati Shivaj

rit poem book “Budh bhushan”. He even composed poems in Hindi language.[citation needed]

titude, intelligence and qualities had gained him the respect and appreciation of everyone who visited the Maratha Durbar.

, the son of Aurangzeb, to cause widespread revolt against Aurangzeb.[2]

. Shivaji had gone further south for his campaign to capture the forts of Adil Shah leaving Deccan in charge of Sambahji. In the meantime,

play a bigger role in the affairs of the state and use it to their advantage. They even poisoned Sambhaji's food, but, Sambhaji was fortunatel

a Mughal stronghold. He left Burhanpur to attend a wedding, giving the charge of Burhanpur to Kakarkhan. The careless and bigheaded Ba

helter with him and sought Sambhaji's aid in winning the Mughal throne from his father Aurangzeb. On hearing about the death of Shivaji M

to 9 times larger than Sambhaji's. His whole empire was around 15 times bigger than Sambhaji's. However, Sambhaji led the fight valiantly

. To make matters worse, there was a devastating famine in the region for two years in 1686-87.

nd a mighty fort in the Arabian Sea, with cannons embedded all around. It also had high economic importance. Traders had to cough up he

had sent his Diwan to Chikkadev Rai. But the Diwan was insulted in the Mysore Durbar. Seeing this, Sambhaji became infuriated and decid

g unloading of Mughal ships at the Portuguese ports in Goa. Thus, Sambhaji undertook a campaign against the Portuguese in Goa. Portug

h of the Marathas and ordered them to refrain from helping Aurangzeb in any way. In this way, Sambhaji nullified any threat that the Marath

gameshwar in Konkan to decide on the final blow to oust Aurangzeb from Deccan. In order to execute the plans soon, Sambhaji sent ahead

swords, roared ‘Har Har Mahadev’ and pounced upon the numerous Mughals. A bloody skirmish took place. However, owing to the numbe

p related to Samartha Ramdas's follower) this attack was also assisted by local Maratha soldiers but this attack was unsuccessful and Dixit-

mbhaji. Sambhaji like his father- Shivaji Maharaj had abolished the custom of giving away watans, as this led to the people’s suffering, from

a prisoner, Aurangzeb felt very happy. He stood up from his royal seat and offered prayer to God and bent towards land. Kavi Kulesh captu

Sambhaji live if he surrendered all the Maratha forts, turn over all his hidden treasures,disclose the names of all the Mughal officers who had

so doing he earned the title of Dharmaveer (Protector of the Religion) by which he is known to this day. Aurangzeb ordered to cut Sambhaji

s succeeded as leader of the Marathas by his younger brother Rajaram. The Commander in chief of Maratha army, Mhaloji Ghorpade, who

eroic spirit among the Marathas. Aurangzeb continued his grim war against the Marathas for another 18 years but could not subjugate the M

h the Marathas till his death on 3 March 1707. In 1737, within 50 years of the torture and death of Sambhaji, Maratha JAT Allied armies ente

me historians have portrayed him as ineffective and alcoholic. This was just a misinformation by the Mughals. Also many who were denied

f Chhatrapati, he issued a Danapatra which is a eulogy right from his great grandfather Maloji to himself. He writes about him'Balbhavendra

time of Chhatrapati Shivaji's coronation in 1674, he was able to impress visiting dignitaries with his acumen, intelligence, personality and, m

mbahji. In the meantime, Aurangzeb, realising the opportunity to finish off the Maratha empire in the absence of Shivaji ordered his comma

t, Sambhaji was fortunately saved. Their plot was uncovered the first time around, however, Sambhaji forgave them. Still, they conspired th

areless and bigheaded Bahadurkhan also took with him a territorial army, to showoff at the wedding. Sambhaji had tricked Mughals by mak

out the death of Shivaji Maharaj, Aurangzeb had come to Deccan in 1680 AD to bring down the Maratha Empire. The Mughal army, which

bhaji led the fight valiantly and did not let Aurangzeb win even a single major victory. The tenacity and sheer will of the Maratha resistance

raders had to cough up heavy amounts to bypass this spot. Marathas had earlier tried conquering Janjira, but to no avail. Sambhaji wanted

came infuriated and decided to teach Chikkadev Rai a lesson. Marathas marched into the Tamil state. But, Chikkadev Rai too put on his ar

ortuguese in Goa. Portuguese like Chikka Dev Rai, were driven by arrogance. Marathas stormed Goa and started conquering Portuguese any threat that the Maratha kingdom had from these 3 powers. Sambhaji also beat back the two Mughal armies of 100,000 (a lakh) troops

oon, Sambhaji sent ahead most of his comrades and stayed back with a few of his trustworthy men. In a meticulously planned operation, o

wever, owing to the number of Mughal troops, Sambhaji Maharaj and Kavi Kalash were captured on 1 February 1689. Ganoji Shirke who gu

as unsuccessful and Dixit- Bhat of Shirala and 50 other Maratha soldiers were killed by Moguls while trying to rescue Sambhaji. This inciden

he people’s suffering, from the hands of the watandar and there were chances of the watandars assuming kingship or taking possession of

s land. Kavi Kulesh captured this scene in a small poem which was still remembered in Maharashtra. It was praise of Sambhaji’s courage a

e Mughal officers who had helped him and embrace Islam religion. Sambhaji refused to convert, and instead sang praises of Mahadev (Lor

b ordered to cut Sambhaji's body into pieces and throw it into the river. Residents of nearby village named 'Vadhu' collected as many piece

my, Mhaloji Ghorpade, who succeeded Hambirrao Mohite, died in the ambush at Sangameshwar. A few days after Sambhaji's death, the ca could not subjugate the Maratha state.

tha JAT Allied armies entered Delhi and had re-established Hindu rule over all of western, central and much of northern India. It was the fir

so many who were denied watans by Sambhaji, deliberately spread these rumours to defame Sambhaji Maharaj. Other historians, notably S

s about him'Balbhavendra prasthadhinathanudnyat mallayudhadatt adnyabhanga:It means he(Aurangzeb) asked me to wrestle before him

gence, personality and, most important of all, modesty. Unfortunately, within two weeks after Chhatrapati Shivaji's coronation, his grandmo

Shivaji ordered his commander Diler Khan to lead a large army to attack Sambhaji. Realising the desperate scenario of facing Diler with a h

m. Still, they conspired the second time too and wanted to arrest Sambhaji at the Panhala Fort, where he was staying at the time of Shivaji

ad tricked Mughals by making them to think that Marathas were going to attack Surat, which was twice plundered by Shivaji Maharaj in his l

The Mughal army, which came along totaled about 5,00,000-6,00,000 troops and 4,00,000 animals, which, at that time was perhaps the la

of the Maratha resistance to the Mughal invasion is best illustrated by the story of the Ramshej fort near Nashik. Aurangzeb's commanders

no avail. Sambhaji wanted to capture Janjira. Marathas attacked the fort from all sides. Siddis also retaliated with their cannons and ships. H

adev Rai too put on his armour and decided to face Sambhaji, before Marathas could reach Mysore’s capital. Both the armies were face-to

d conquering Portuguese territory and forts. Portuguese weren’t able to overcome the Marathas. Common people in Goa rose in rebellion a

of 100,000 (a lakh) troops each, which were sent by Aurangzeb to wreak havoc in the Maratha kingdom. In fact, the second army was so ba

usly planned operation, one of the brother-in-laws of Sambhaji-Ganoji Shirke deceived the Marathas and helped Aurangzeb's commander,

689. Ganoji Shirke who guided Mughals through the thorny, thick forests, high cliffs, steep slopes of the Sahyadri deceived Maratha posts i

cue Sambhaji. This incident happened on 3 February 1689. Later with strong army of 20,000 people Julphikarkhan moved towards Karad a

ip or taking possession of their watans.

e of Sambhaji’s courage and glowing of eyes and face of Sambhaji Raje, Kavi kulesh wanted to say that since Aurangzeb have not ever sa

g praises of Mahadev (Lord Shiva). Aurangzeb ordered him and Kavi Kalash to be tortured to death. Sambhaji and Kavi Kalash were brutal

' collected as many pieces of his body as they found, sewed them together and performed the final rites on his body. These villagers later w

Sambhaji's death, the capital Raigad fell to the Mughals and Sambhaji's wife and son were captured. However, Marathas' capital had shift

orthern India. It was the first time after 1192, when Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Mohammed Ghori, that a Hindu army was in control

Other historians, notably S.S. Shivade, portray Sambhaji as a capable ruler. But whatever may have been his inadequacies as a ruler, his r me to wrestle before him to which he refused.' This was during his visit along with his father to Aurangzeb's court in Agra.

s coronation, his grandmother Jijabai died and Sambhaji was left with nobody to nurture him. And the fact that Shivaji was too busy with the

rio of facing Diler with a handful of men and in the absence of Shiavji, Sambhaji decided to play a masterful trick on the moghuls. To bide ti

aying at the time of Shivaji's death. They wanted to crown Rajaram in opposition to Sambhaji as Maratha emperor. They forcefully involved

by Shivaji Maharaj in his lifetime. However, Hambirrao Mohite, the commander-in-chief of the Maratha army was already surrounding Burh

at time was perhaps the largest army in the world. With the help of such a massive army, he brought the Adilshah (Bijapur) and Qutubshah

Aurangzeb's commanders claimed that they would win the fort within hours but the fight for the fort lasted for seven years. Sambhaji utilised

heir cannons and ships. However, the force of the Maratha attack was such that defeat was eminent for the Siddis. But still they weren’t giv

h the armies were face-to-face and poised for a battle. All of a sudden, arrows started pouring in from the Mysore army. They started inflicti

in Goa rose in rebellion and started thrashing the priests, whom they accused of carrying out forced conversions.[citation needed].Sambha

he second army was so badly thrashed that only a few troops could return to the Mughal camp. Thus, Aurangzeb wanted to somehow arres

Aurangzeb's commander, Mukarrab Khan to locate, get to and attack Sangameshwar when Sambhaji was in the garden of Sangameshwar

deceived Maratha posts in-between by posing Sambhaji and Kavi Kalash as prisoners arrested for smuggling diamonds. Ganoji told Muka

n moved towards Karad and then Baramati and finally to Bahadurgad near Bhima river. He and his advisor, Kavi Kalash were taken to Bah

rangzeb have not ever saw such a sharp and courageous man in his entire life that’s why he acknowledged Sambhaji’s greatness by stand

d Kavi Kalash were brutally tortured for over a fortnight. The torture involved plucking out their eyes and tongue and pulling out their nails. T

ody. These villagers later went on to use the surname 'Shivle' or 'Shivale', as per spelling preference, which means sewing in the Marathi la

Marathas' capital had shifted to Gingee with Chhatrapati Rajaram. Infact, Marathas under Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav were runni

Hindu army was in control of Delhi except for a brief period by Hemu in 1556. The Maratha empire would remain the foremost military powe

dequacies as a ruler, his redemption and symbolism came in his death, and it is for this that he is mostly remembered by the Marathi peopl

ivaji was too busy with the affairs of the state did not help.[citation needed]

on the moghuls. To bide time, he decided to send Diler a series of letters convincing him that he disapproved of his father's strategies and w

. They forcefully involved Moropant Pingale, Balaji Awji Chitnis and Chitnis's son in their treachery. Soyrabai, mother of Rajaram was also a

already surrounding Burhanpur. And to his surprise, Sambhaji had also reached Burhanpur in a very short time. Thus, within a fortnight of h

(Bijapur) and Qutubshah (Golconda) empires to his feet. Aurangzeb acquired 2 generals namely Mukarrabkhan and Sarjakhan from Qutub

n years. Sambhaji utilised the available resources very well and made strategically adroit moves by comprehensively defeating the enemies

s. But still they weren’t giving up. But then, there was a lull in the Maratha camp and Janjira was not attacked, on the orders of Sambhaji M

army. They started inflicting fatal wounds on the Maratha army. The long-range, deadly arrows from the Mysore bowmen filled the skies. T

.[citation needed].Sambhaji controlled the irate people of Goa. Seeing the inevitable, Portuguese ruler Count De Alwore and his ministers e

wanted to somehow arrest Sambhaji by deceit, as he concluded that it wouldn’t be possible for him to annex the Maratha kingdom by force

garden of Sangameshwar, resolving some issues and was about to leave the town.

amonds. Ganoji told Mukarrab about the possible routes, to get to and capture Sambhaji and then, return back. It was a meticulously planne

Kalash were taken to Bahadurgad.

bhaji’s greatness by standing up from his royal seat. Aurangzeb humiliated them by parading them wearing clown's clothes[citation needed

nd pulling out their nails. The later part involved of removing their skin. On 11 March 1689, Sambhaji was finally killed, reportedly by tearing

s sewing in the Marathi language.

Dhanaji Jadhav were running riot in the Mughal army![3]

he foremost military power in India till they lost power to the British after 3 Anglo-Maratha wars, the last of which ended in 1818.Internal divi

ered by the Marathi people to this day.

is father's strategies and was himself on the verge of joining Aurangzeb. This lead to the time consuming procedure of asking for Aurangze

her of Rajaram was also a part of this plan. However Sarnobat, the then Supreme Commander of Maratha forces, Hambirrao Mohite, Rajar

Thus, within a fortnight of his coronation, Sambhaji along with Hambirrao attacked Burhanpur. Mughals tried to retaliate but were taken abac

and Sarjakhan from Qutubshahi and Adilshahi empires respectively. However, he was not able to bring an end to the Maratha Empire. It wa

vely defeating the enemies of his kingdom like Siddi of Janjira, Chikkadev Rai of Mysore and Portuguese of Goa and Bassein (Vasai) before

the orders of Sambhaji Maharaj. Other Maratha chiefs were getting anxious and didn’t know the reason behind this. The reason was that S

bowmen filled the skies. Thus, realizing the casualties, Sambhaji retreated for the time being. Sambhaji then ordered all the local cobblers t

Alwore and his ministers even took out the body of St. Xavier and started praying for their safety. And, to their astonishment, Sambhaji had

Maratha kingdom by force.

was a meticulously planned operation. If not for Ganoji, Mughals could have never laid their hands on Sambhaji.[2]

's clothes[citation needed]. Later, Sambhaji and Kavi Kalash were tied upside down to camels with Mughal soldiers throwing stones, mud, a

illed, reportedly by tearing him apart from the front and back with 'Wagh Nakhe (Tiger claws, a kind of weapon), and was beheaded with an

ended in 1818.Internal division among marathas led to defeat against british. Peshwa could not control Maratha knights- Shinde and holkar

ure of asking for Aurangzeb's permission for further course of action. Eventually, Sambhaji was allowed to become an ally of Auranzeb. This

, Hambirrao Mohite, Rajaram's uncle ( Mother's brother) supported Sambhaji since he was the rightful heir to the throne. At the time of Shiv

aliate but were taken aback by the sudden attack of the Marathas and thus, couldn’t do much to save Burhanpur. The Mughals either hid s

the Maratha Empire. It was to be the final war in his life and lasted all of 27 years until his death near Aurangabad in 1707.

nd Bassein (Vasai) before they could turn on him and support Aurangzeb.

his. The reason was that Sambhaji had sent a spy along with some trust-worthy Men in the fort of Janjira to deceive the Siddis. Nobody exc

red all the local cobblers to prepare rubber clothing. Then, these garments were laden with oil. Marathas then started making bows and arr

onishment, Sambhaji had to depart from Goa, as Aurangzeb had again sent about 100,000 (a lakh) troops to run wild in the Maratha kingdo

rs throwing stones, mud, and cow dung at them[citation needed].

and was beheaded with an axe. This grievous death was given to him at Tulapur on the banks of Bhima river, near Pune.

nights- Shinde and holkar and this led to weakening of Maratha Empire. Still, British were defeated at first Anglo-Maratha war which was fou

e an ally of Auranzeb. This allowed Shivaji to finish off his campaign in the south and turn back to Deccan. When Auranzeb came to know o

throne. At the time of Shivaji's death, there was news of impending attack of Aurangzeb's army on Marathas and at such a crucial juncture,

The Mughals either hid somewhere or locked themselves up in the fort of Burhanpur. Marathas plundered all the Mughal treasure in Burha

ve the Siddis. Nobody except Sambhaji knew about this. However, the day on which the spy and his Maratha comrades were going to leave

rted making bows and arrows using a particular local tree. These bows and arrows were ordinary and crude. A piece of cloth was wound at

wild in the Maratha kingdom.

Maratha war which was fought by all Maratha sardars unitedly.Marathas and Tipu sultan are the exception in regard that they were only rule

Auranzeb came to know of the little trick played on him by Sambhaji, he became furious.

at such a crucial juncture, a strong leader like Sambhaji was the need of the hour. Therefore, Hambirrao did not support his own sister and

Mughal treasure in Burhanpur. The Mughals were made poorer by about 20 million rupees. Sambhaji also purchased horses from an Arab

mrades were going to leave Janjira by blowing up the gunpowder and explosives store, they were caught, as a female-servant came to know

ece of cloth was wound at the arrows’ head and it was set on fire using oil. Thus, Sambhaji transformed ordinary arrows into fiery arrows. B

rd that they were only rulers who could defeat British.

upport his own sister and sided with Sambhaji. It was chiefly because of Hambirrao Mohite's support that Sambhaji was able to ascend to h

ased horses from an Arab trader, although the utterly frightened trader, was ready to give away the horses for free. This attack is a perfect

male-servant came to know about this and informed the Siddis. They were all killed and only one managed to escape. Sambhaji got this new

arrows into fiery arrows. But still the Mysore bowmen had longer, stronger, better quality bows and arrows than the Marathas. Marathas the

aji was able to ascend to his rightful place on the Maratha throne in 1681. However Sambhaji pardoned Moropant Pingale and again re-app

e. This attack is a perfect example of careful planning, execution, excellent strategic mobility and immense courage of the Marathas under S

pe. Sambhaji got this news and couldn’t believe his misfortune. He now wanted to destroy the fort and came up with a unique idea of build

e Marathas. Marathas then started attacking the forts in Mysore. The Mysore bowmen started striking from the forts. But, their lethal arrows

Pingale and again re-appointed him on the post of “Peshwa”. Later on there were no differences between Sambhaji and Moropant Pingale

ge of the Marathas under Sambhaji. Marathas safely reached Raigad with all the loot. People of Burhanpur, especially women and children

with a unique idea of building a bridge of stones from the shore leading to the fort. However, the implementation was very risky, difficult and

rts. But, their lethal arrows proved futile, as the oil-laden rubber clothing neutralized the effects of the arrows. Then, Marathas started strikin

haji and Moropant Pingale as they together participated in the 1681 Burhanpur war. Soyrabai (step-mother of Sambhaji) also felt guilty abou

cially women and children weren’t harmed at all.[2]

was very risky, difficult and consumed time. When about half of the bridge was built and victory for the Marathas was inevitable, news came

n, Marathas started striking with their arrows. These arrows would strike the explosives and gunpowder store, causing explosions and man

mbhaji) also felt guilty about what she had done and later died heart-broken. The rest of those who were guilty were either crushed under el

as inevitable, news came that Aurangzeb had sent 100,000 (a lakh) troops to ravage the Maratha kingdom. Thus, Sambhaji had to leave Ja

using explosions and many casualties. The forts of Chikkadev Rai fell into the hands of the Marathas one by one. Thus, Chikkadev Rai was

re either crushed under elephant's leg or thrown down the Raigad fort.[2]

, Sambhaji had to leave Janjira to counter the Mughal army.

Thus, Chikkadev Rai was brought down to his knees and he agreed to abide by the terms of the Marathas.

Shrimant Rajaram Shivaji Raje Bhonsle Chhatrapati M

Reign Coronation Full name

1689 – 1700 1689 Rajaram Shivaji Bhosale

Born 1670 Birthplace Raigad fort Died March 2, 1700 Place of death Sinhagad fort, Maharastra Predecessor Sambhaji Bhosale Successor Tarabai Bhosale Consort Tarabai Royal House Father Shivaji Bhosale Mother Soyrabai

[edit] Siege of Gingee for seven years

Aurangzeb deputed Ghazi-ud-din Firoze Jang against Marathas in the Deccan, but specially sent Zulfiqar Khan to capture Gin [edit] Generals Santaji and Dhanaji

Though Rajaram was not able to move out of Jinji, his young generals Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav continued to har

Santaji Ghorpade whose father Senapati Mhaloji Ghorpade died in the battle of Sangmeshwar along with Sambhaji, was direc With the plight of Rajaram, the rout of the Marathas was almost complete. Aurangzeb was at his zenith of power. But then the

Santaji is credited with the defeat of at least three major Mughal chiefs. One Mughal general Kasim Khan was so badly defeate [edit] Death

Rajaram died of an unspecified illness in 1700 at fort Sinhagad in present day Maharashtra, perhaps due to his weak constitut [edit] An estimate

Rajaram was a cool minded person. He was quite patient and practical. During the time of crisis he remained as a rallying poin [edit] See also Chhatrapati Maratha Empire

Bhonsle family ancestry Khando Ballal [edit] Notes 1. ^ Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) (2007). The Mughul Empire, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, ISBN 81-7276-407-1, p.296 2. ^ Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) (2007). The Mughul Empire, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, ISBN 81-7276-407-1, pp.289,365-70 3. ^ Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) (2007). The Mughul Empire, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, ISBN 81-7276-407-1, p.609 4. ^ Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) (2007). The Mughul Empire, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, ISBN 81-7276-407-1, pp.294-5

to Vellore and afterwards Vishalgarh.[4] Rajaram tried to counter with a siege of the town of Berar, but was checked by Prince Bedarbakht

Santaji and Dhanaji.

d due to magnanimity of the marathas.

av. He was killed when he was alone taking bath by one Nagoji Mane. The severed head of Santaji was presented to Aurangzeb for reward

er young son, Shivaji II. Eventually, Shahuji succeeded Rajaram as the fourth Chattrapati in 1708.

gee fort, he had to give more authorities to his generals which slowly eroded the strong position of the king. However considering the task b

ked by Prince Bedarbakht and Zulfiqar Khan and had to return.

d to Aurangzeb for reward. Such was the tragic end of one of the most distinguished general of cavalry in the contemporary India.

ver considering the task before him, he did his job well. He built a temple at Sindhudurg in the memory of his father.

ntemporary India.

Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj.. Shrimant Rajaram Shivaji Raje Bhonsle Chhatrapati Maharaj (1670-1700 AD) was the younger son of the first Chattrapati Shivaji, step-brother of the second Chattrapati Sambhaji, and took over the Maratha Empire as the third Chattrapati after his brother was tortured and killed by Mughal Emperor, Aurangzeb in 1689. He had a very short reign during which he was furiously pursued by the Mughals He was pampered by his mother and liked by all due to his docile nature.He was decalred chatrapati at the age of 10 by a faction of court after death of Shivaji.However Sambhaji prevailed and assumed the throne.Sambhaji put othere to death but brought up his brother as a prince.Future events proved this.He was vey cultured and accomodative. As Mughals started lying siege to the region around Raigad, the brave widow of Sambhaji, Rani Yesubai sent the young Rajaram to the stronghold of Pratapgad through Kavlya ghat. The Maratha army fought fiercely with Mughals and led the new Maratha King, Rajaram to escape through Kavlya ghat to the town of Jinji (sometimes anglicised to Ginjee) in present day state of Tamil Nadu and its fort via Pratapgad-Vishalgad forts

Aurangzeb deputed Gajiuddin Firoj Jung against Marathas in the Deccan, but specially sent Zulfikar Khan to capture Jinji which was captured in 1698. Rajaram tried to counter with a siege of the town of Berar, but was checked by Prince Bedarbakht and Zulfikar Khan and had to return. However, his generals like Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav continued to harass the Mughal army through guerrilla tactics.Kafi khan writes about them that whenever mughal horses used to refuse to go to water,it was feared that whether they had seen Santaji and Dhanaji. Santaji Ghorpade whose father senapti Ghorpade died in the battle of Sangmeshwar alongwith Sambhaji, was directed by Sambhaji to Raigarh to rescue the queen and Rajaram.The gallant true to the words given to his master secured release of Rajaram from the siege of Raigarh . WIth plight of Rajaram, the route of maratha was alomst complete.Aurangzeb was at his zenith of power.But then the brave Santaji on his own forded the river Bhima even though it was flooded , and attacked the vety centre of Mughal camp.Aurangzeb who was reading the holy Koran was saved due to magnamity of the maratha . Santaji is credited with defeat of at least three major chiefs of Mughals.One Mughal genral Kasim Khan was so badly defeated that he committed suicide.By brilliant tactis of cavalry ,Santaji played havoc right from Poona region to Tanjore region. Unfortunatley he fell out with Rajaram and Dhanaji Jadhav .He was killed when he was alone taking bath by one Nagoji Mane.The severed head of Santaji presentd to Aurangzeb for in reward.Such the tragic Rajaramwas died of an unspecified illness 1700 at thewas Sinhagad fort end in of present day Maharashtra, perhaps due to his weak constitution. Thereafter the Maratha empire suffered a power vacumn until the release of his nephew, Shahuji in 1707. In the interim, Rajaram's wife, Tarabai ruled the empire as regent for her young son. Eventually, Shahuji succeeded Rajaram as the fourth Chattrapati.

Rani Yesubai

''Yesubai'' was the wife of Sambhaji, a Maratha emperor.She was the daughter of Pilajirao Shirke, an illu who was in the services of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.Yesubai was by various accounts extremely beau She was fiercely loyal to the goals of her father-in-law, Shivaji maharaj, of establishing and perpetuating th said that she aided her husband, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj in the daily affairs of state, giving just and was extremely loyal to her husband Sambhaji and was very proud of his audacity and other qualities. She against her own brother when he unjustly demanded of Sambhaji Maharaj a vatan. She was the most favo Maharaj, and was his lifelong faithful companion, friend and beloved.They had a son called Shahaji, but h Aurangzeb as 'Shahu' to obliterate any memories of his grandfather, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Pilajirao Shirke, an illustrious Maratha Sardar, ounts extremely beautiful, wise and prudent. ng and perpetuating the Maratha empire. It is of state, giving just and wise suggestions. She nd other qualities. She did not hesitate to go She was the most favourite wife of Sambhaji n called Shahaji, but he was renamed by ivaji Maharaj.

Rani Tarabai Tarabai is also the name of a small town in São Paulo, Brazil.

Tarabai (1675-1761) was a queen of the Maratha Empire in India. Her husband was Chhatrapati Rajaram, son of S Tarabai was the daughter of the famed Maratha general Hambirao Mohite. She was the niece of Soyarabai, the se

War with the Mughals

The Marathas were continually at war with the Mughals, and in 1700 the Maratha capital Satara was besieged and At about the same time Rajaram, who was the king at that time, died. Then Tarabai assumed control in the name o Tarabai was skilled in cavalry movement, and made strategic movements herself during wars. She personally led the war and continued the onslaught on the Mughals. A truce was offered to the Mughals in such way that it was promptly rejected by the Mughal emperor, and Tarabai c By 1705, Marathas had crossed the Narmada and entered Malwa, which was in Mughal possession. There they de Many well-known commanders, including Udaji Pawar and Hybatrao Nimbalkar, excelled in this offensive. This agg strategy brought ruin upon the Mughals. They were defeated and withdrew from Maratha country. During this uncermonious withdrawal, the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb died at Khultabad Dist Aurangabad

Political intrigues

In order to divide the Maratha onslaught, the Mughals released Shahu on certain conditions. He immediately challe Shahu eventually prevailed thanks to his legal position and in part to the Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath' diplomacy, and After Shahu's death in 1749, Tarabai helped conduct Ramaraja to the kingship. Afterwards, however, she denounc he was not her grandson as he claimed. During this period of weakened royal power, Tarabai exercised great influe She headed one of several factions vying for control within the increasingly fractious confederacy. Hailed as Bhadrakali, her name is still celebrated in countryside in parts of Maharashtra. Noted historian Jadunath Sarkar has written about her, "In that awful crisis her character and strength saved the na Preceded Regent of Succeeded by the by

Rajaram Chhatrapati Maratha Empire Chhatrapati Shahuji 1700–1708

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was coronated a sovereign king, in 1674. His administration was centralised and had 8 misters to look after the affairs of the state. At this time his vast kingdom included whole of costal Maharashtra, Kar and parts of Gujrat and Tamilnadu.

In 1680, he was succeeded by his son Sambhaji, then 23 years old. Some accounts describe Sambhaji as irrespon addicted successor; others marched describe on himDeccan as a shrewd and responsible king. the Maratha empire. After a strug After Shivaji's death, while Aurangzeb with the intention of ending captured and killed by Aurangzeb. Sambhaji's younger brother Rajaram, succeeded him. Enraged by Sambhaji's b by Rajaram fought Aurangzeb. He fought for nearly 10 years, until his death. His wife Tarabai continued the strugg Maratha empire to Karaveer (Kolhapur). With the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 the Maratha struggle ended. Maratha against the Mughals. This was the toughest time for Marathas. For most of the time they fought without a king and

After Shivaji's death, Aurangzeb marched on Deccan with the intention of ending the Maratha empire. After a strug captured and killed by Aurangzeb. Sambhaji's younger brother Rajaram, succeeded him. Enraged by Sambhaji's b by Rajaram fought Aurangzeb. He fought for nearly 10 years, until his death. His wife Tarabai continued the strugg Maratha empire to Karaveer (Kolhapur). With the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 the Maratha struggle ended. Maratha against the Mughals. This was the toughest time for Marathas. For most of the time they fought without a king and

hatrapati Rajaram, son of Shivaji the Great. niece of Soyarabai, the second wife Chatrapati Shivaji.

Satara was besieged and surrendered to the Mughals. umed control in the name of her son, Sambhaji II.

hal emperor, and Tarabai continued the Maratha resistance. possession. There they defeated several Mughal garrisons. d in this offensive. This aggressive Maratha Dist Aurangabad

ons. He immediately challeneged Tarabai and Sambhaji II for leadership of the Maratha polity. Vishwanath' diplomacy, and Tarabai was sidelined for some time. She established a rival court in Kolhapur in 1713. ds, however, she denounced Ramaraja on the grounds that rabai exercised great influence in the Maratha state.

and strength saved the nation".

was centralised and had 8 of costal Maharashtra, Karnataka,

cribe Sambhaji as irresponsible, ratha empire. After a struggle of 9 years Sambhaji was . Enraged by Sambhaji's brutal death, the Marathas lead rabai continued the struggle. She shifted the capital of ha struggle ended. Marathas fought for nearly 30 years fought without a king and without a kingdom.

Shrimant Shahu Sambhaji Raje Bhonsle Chha

Shrimant Shahu Sambhaji Raje Bhonsle Chhatrapati Maharaj (1682-1749) was the fourth ruler of the Chhatrapati Shivaji, and was officially the Raja of Satara (now in the state of Maharashtra, India). More popularly known as Chattrapati Shahuji, he came out of captivity by the Mughals and survived a civil war to g Somewhat of a roi fainéant, he was a good judge of character, but was content to let his Prime Ministers (the Pesh He was the son of the second Chattrapati Sambhaji, who was killed by the Mughals in 1689.

1. Imprisonment

During Mughal-Maratha war of 27 years Shahuji was imprisoned by the Mughals at the age of 7 years after the fall The Marathas emerged as victorious in this long war. The Mughals retreated around 1707 after the death of the the The next Emperor Bahadur Shah released Shahuji in 1707 under conditions which rendered him a vassal of the Mu His mother was still held captive to ensure good behaviour by him and her release could be obtained only in 1719 when Marathas became strong and controlled Delhi. After his release Shahuji had to contend with a competing claim by his aunt, Tarabai and her son, Raje Sambhaji II She set up a competing Kingdom of Kolhapur. With the assistance of Balaji Vishwanath who was later appointed th ‘‘Peshwa (Marathi for Prime Minister) and Sardar Khanderao Dabhade who was later appointed the ‘‘Senapati (Marathi for Commander-in-Chief), Shahuji outmanoeuvered Tarabai in 1714 and consolidated his powe Being a grandson of Great Shivaji and son of Sambhaji, Shahu could not make strong impression on history and th His childhood was spent in royal mughals captivity, he was kept away from his own people, and he could not got an After release from mughals, then caretaker of Maratha kingdom, Rani Tarabai refused to give him throne, which sh Shahu was alone and was not very ambitious like his grandfather and father. Balaji Viswanath sensed opportunity t and helped Shahu to turn Maratha’s loyal to Rani Tarabai towards Shahu. In exchange Shahu appointed Balaji Vis of Maratha kingdom. After civil war Shahu was kept away from regular politics of the empire and was forced to settl Maratha Empire was then governed by Peshwas of Pune.

2. Accomplishments

Shahuji's primary accomplishment was in stabilising the fractured Maratha empire after the defeat of the Mughals b During the War of 27 Years many Maratha nobles became powerful. He was the binding force of the Marathas. Under his patronage his many civilian officers like Balaji or army commanders like Bajirao, Raghoji I Bhonsle the Maratha frontiers. In a real sense he was the emperor of contemporary India, but remained grateful to even we of the great Mughals. During his captivity, Mughals had raised him as a prince and never compromised his honor o He spent his entire childhood and youth, from age 7 to age 28 in the custody of the Mughals. He had passed throug uncertainties of life. Born as a prince, he became a prisoner at the age of 7, became a Chattrapati at the age of 28 empire spreading all over the continent. These events strengthened him.

3. Socio-political revolution

As a patron, he always gave space to the rising talented buds to act and as an authority made those ambitious chie Shahuji was instrumental in giving space to new talents irresepctive their background. His reign saw rise of many li changes in late 19th century as a result of this.Shinde and many more talented people who later became the strong Maratha empire expanded and flourished, especially Bajirao Peshwa and Holkars in North. He is credited with esta which later became a hereditary position. He appointed a young Bajirao as Peshwa on April 17, 1719 after the prem After 20 years tenure of Bajirao, he appointed Nanasaheb, as Peshwa. These three Peshwas were extremely effici acknowledged their efforts to enhance the Maratha Empire. He is also responsible for appointing Sarkhel Kanhoji A Maratha naval chief, in return for his moving loyalty from the Tarabai camp. He appointed Sardar Khanderao Dabha Commander-in-Chief. During his tenure almost all sections of society rose to power. Perhaps Maratha empire was which accommodated many new socio-economic groups which were hitherto miles away from the power. It had ha on the social fabric of the nation. Maharashtra witnessed a spate of social

4. Family

Shahuji had four wives, and fathered two sons and four daughters. He adopted two sons, Meherban Shrimant Fatehsinh I Raje Sahib Bhonsle and Shrimant Rajaram II Raje Bhonsle Chhatrapati Maharaj S in 1745 (who succeeded him as the Raja of Satara).

5. Death

After Shahuji's death in 1749 his adopted son, Rajaram II succeeded him, but he was largely incompetent. The Maratha empire was primarily governed by the Peshwas from then onwards, with the Chattrapatis remaining th

onsle Chhatrapati Maharaj

urth ruler of the Maratha Empire created by his grandfather, ashtra, India). d survived a civil war to gain the throne in 1707. Prime Ministers (the Peshwas) rule on a day-to-day basis.

ge of 7 years after the fall of Raigad, the Maratha capital in Feb. 1689 when his parents were also captured. 7 after the death of the then Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707. red him a vassal of the Mughal emperor. be obtained only in 1719

her son, Raje Sambhaji II (son of Rajaram). who was later appointed the

nd consolidated his power. pression on history and the politics of his time. e, and he could not got any military education. give him throne, which she had defended from might mughals. anath sensed opportunity to become kingmaker hahu appointed Balaji Vishwanath Prime Minister ire and was forced to settle at Satara.

e defeat of the Mughals by Marathas. force of the Marathas. , Raghoji I Bhonsle and many more expanded ained grateful to even weak descendants compromised his honor or that of his mother. als. He had passed through hardships and all hattrapati at the age of 28 and saw the

made those ambitious chiefs to submit before his highness. s reign saw rise of many like Balaji, ho later became the strong support on which the th. He is credited with establishing the position of Peshwa, pril 17, 1719 after the premature death of his father Balaji Vishwanath. hwas were extremely efficient and Shahu always pointing Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre to the position of the first Sardar Khanderao Dabhade as his "Sarsenapati" or aps Maratha empire was the most socially mobile empire from the power. It had had an effect

sle Chhatrapati Maharaj Sahib

gely incompetent. Chattrapatis remaining the titular head.

Shrimant Ramaraja Raje Bhonsle Chhatrapati Mahar

Ramaraja was the fifth monarch of the Maratha Confederacy. He was the adoptive son of Ch the putative grandson of Chhatrapati Rajaram. The early years of his reign were marked by succession, as the dowager queen Tarabai denounced him and alleging that he was not in fa Rajaram and herself. During Ramaraja's reign, the power of the Chhatrapati was almost tota that of the Peshwas or Prime Ministers; furthermore, the Marathas were engaged in con ...M Royal House of Chhatrapati Shivaji. Chhatrapati Shivaji (1630-1680) Chhatrapati Sambhaji C Chhatrapati Shahuji Chhatrapati Ramaraja (nominally) Maratha Empire - The Royal House of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj ... Maratha Empire - Peshwa. Balaji Vishwanath Maratha Empire, Reign of Shivaji, Maratha Empire - Shivaji's Successors, Maratha Empire - Shahu the Chatra The Peshwa, Maratha Empire - The Decline of the Empire, Maratha Empire - Marathas Rulers

The Royal House of Chhatrapati Shivaji, Maratha Empire - The Royal House of Kolhapur, Maratha Empire

apati Maharaj

adoptive son of Chhatrapati Shahuji, and n were marked by controversy over his hat he was not in fact the grandson of ati was almost totally overshadowed by engaged in con ...Maratha Empire - The atrapati Sambhaji Chhatrapati Rajaram The Royal House of Kolhapur. ... th Maratha Empire, Maratha Empire - The - Shahu the Chatrapati, Maratha Empire e - Marathas Rulers, Maratha Empire -

hapur, Maratha Empire - PeshwaBajirao < ...

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