SHIPPING CONTAINER STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND TERMINOLOGY Figure 4.1 Primary Strutura! C"m#"$e$t% C"m#" $e$t% &"r a Ty#ia! '() ISO S*i##i$g C"$tai$er. Note: On some ISO shelters, some of the primary structural components may be concealed within the wall, roof, and floor panels. The areas where the adjacent panels join will be thoroughly inspected. This inspection will meet the criteria for the Wall eams and the !oof eams.
".#.# C"r$er Fitti$g. Internationally standard fitting $casting% located at the eight corners of the container structure to pro&ide means of handling, stac'ing and securing containers. Specifications are defined in ISO ##(#.
".#.) C"r$er P"%t. *ertical structural member located at the four corners of the container and to which the corner fittings are joined.
".#.+ D""r Hea+er. ateral structural member situated o&er the door opening and joined to the corner fittings in the door end frame.
".#." D""r Si!!. ateral structural member at the bottom of the door opening and joined to the corner fittings in the door end frame.
".#.- Rear E$+ Frame. The structural assembly at the rear $ door end% of the container consisting of the door sill and header joined at the rear corner fittings to the rear corner posts to form the door opening.
".#.( T"# E$+ Rai!. ateral structural member situated at the top edge of the front end $opposite the door end% of the container and joined to the corner fittings.
".#. ,"tt"m E$+ Rai!. ateral structural member situated at the bottom edge of the front end $opposite the door end% of the container and joined to the corner fittings.
".#./ Fr"$t E$+ Frame. The structural assembly at the f ront end $opposite the door end% of the container consisting of top and bottom end rails joined at the front corner fittings to the front corner posts.
".#.0 T"# Si+e Rai!. ongitudinal structural member situated at the top edge of each side of the container and joined to the corner fittings of the end f rames.
".#.#1 ,"tt"m Si+e Rai!. ongitudinal structural member situated at the bottom edge of each side of the container and joined to the corner fittings to form a part of the understructure.
".#.## Cr"%% Mem-er. ateral structural member attached to the bottom side rails that supports the
".#.#) U$+er%truture. 2n assembly consisting of bottom side and end rails, door sill $when applicable%, cross members and for'lift poc'ets.
".#.#+ F"r!i&t P"et. !einforced tunnel $installed in pairs% situated trans&ersely across the understructure and pro&iding openings in the bottom side rails at ISO prescribed positions to enable either empty capacity or empty and loaded capacity container handling by for'lift e3uipment.
".#.#" F"r!i&t P"et Stra#. The plate welded to the bottom of each for'lift poc'et opening or part of bottom siderail. The for'lift poc'et strap is a component of the for'lift poc'et.
".#.#- G""%e$e Tu$$e!. !ecessed area in the forward portion of the understructure to accommodate transport by a goosenec' chassis. This feature is more common in forty foot and longer containers.
Figure 4.' E/#!"+e+ a/"$"metri 0ie "& a Ty#ia! '() ISO S*i##i$g C"$tai$er .
".) 2a!!%, R""& , and F!""r. !efer to 4igure ".)2
".).# Fi-erg!a%% Rei$&"re+ P!y""+ $4!5%. 2 material constructed of laminates of fiberglass, polyester resins, and plywood, also 'nown as sandwich panel.
".).) 2a!! Pa$e!. 6orrugated or flat sheet steel, a ri&eted or bonded aluminum sheet and wall post assembly, 4!5, foam and beam, aluminum, or honeycomb material that forms the side wall or end wall.
".).+ 2a!! P"%t. Interior or e7terior intermediate &ertical component to which sheet aluminum or steel is ri&eted or welded to form a wall panel.
".)." 2a!! ,eam. 8ncapsulated &ertical component to which sheet aluminum or steel is bonded to form a wall panel.This is found in foam and beam panels.
".).- Mari$g Pa$e!. 2 side wall panel of a corrugated steel configured with a flat portion used for the display of mar'ings and placards. $".)2%
".).( Li$i$g. 5lywood or other li'e material attached to the interior side and end wall to protect the walls and9or cargo and facilitate loading operations.
".). Li$i$g S*ie!+. 2 strip of thin metal installed at the bottom of the interior walls to protect the lower portion of the lining f rom damage by materials handling e3uipment during loading or unloading operations.
".)./ 3i P!ate. 2 common name for a lining shield installed on the lower portion of the interior front end wall.
".).0 e$ti!at"r. Two or more de&ices permanently attached to the side or end wall panel that pro&ides openings for the e7change of air $but not water% between the outside and the container interior. $".)2%
".).#1 R""& Pa$e!. 6orrugated or flat sheet steel, sheet a luminum, 4!5, or foam and beam and aluminum honeycomb panel that forms the top closure of the container. $".)2,%
".).## R""& ,". ateral nonstructural member attached to the top side rails and supporting the underside of the roof panel. !oof bows used with remo&able co&er $tarp% assembly are unattached. Not all container designs re3uire roof bows.
".).#) R""& ,eam. 8ncapsulated hori;ontal component to which sheet aluminum or steel is bonded to form a roof panel.
".).#+ R""& Rei$&"reme$t P!ate. 2n additional metal plate on the interior or e7terior of the roof panel adjacent to the top corner fittings that pro&ides protection of the roof panel or top rail components from misaligned handling e3uipment.
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