Shifu Yan Lei Instant Zen Your 7 Day 5 Minute Shaolin Workout (1)

April 30, 2017 | Author: Sérgio Ricardo Dos Santos | Category: N/A
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Instant Zen: Your 7 Day, 5-Minute, Shaolin Workout Shifu Yan Lei

Instant Zen: Your 7 Day, 5-Minute, Shaolin Workout Written by Shifu Yan Lei Photography by Manuel Vason

CREDITS Copyright Shifu Yan Lei [email protected] Design by CoolGraySeven Photography by Manuel Vason Edited by Cat Goscovitch

DISCLAIMER I strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Shifu Yan Lei ad Yan Lei Media Ltd from any and all claims or causes of action. 3

Shaolin Martial Arts: What The Body Was Invented For

There’s an ancient Buddhist story about a wrestler who wore a precious jewel in his hair. During a match, he received a blow to his head. Without him realizing it, the jewel dropped into his wound. When the wound healed, the jewel was covered by a scar. Every day the wrestler looked for his jewel, never realizing that it was inside him all the time. This is the same for all of us. Peace and enlightenment are not and never have been outside our mind. All we have to do to access this great peace is come back to our natural state of being with the practice of Shaolin Martial Arts. 4

From Mountain To Modern Life Shaolin Martial Arts are the only exercise I’ve come across where every muscle is engaged and we’re simultaneously building flexibility, strength, endurance, balance, and power. They then teach us how to move in our modern life, whether that’s carrying our groceries home or climbing the stairs to the subway. Everything becomes part of our training: total mind-body wellness.


Meet Shifu Yan Lei

“I unlock the peace and strength that is already within you.” Optimal health and fitness is not reserved for Shaolin Monks, it’s your birthright. Whether you’re a private student here in London, someone who attends my Shaolin Summer Camp in China or you train at home with my DVDs, downloads and books, I’ll show you how it can transform your life just as it has transformed mine. My name is Shifu Yan Lei. I’m a 34th generation fighting disciple from the Shaolin Temple in China. The author of Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity (now in its 4th reprint), Instant Fitness: The Shaolin Kung Fu Workout. And the creator of the Shaolin Warrior series of DVDs, which teach a graded path to Shaolin. 6

What Is Shaolin Martial Arts?

If aerobic exercise were the secret to good health then footballers and Olympic Champions would be the healthiest people in the world.

Shaolin Monks train as hard as Olympic athletes but their martial arts deepens as we get older. Why is this? Because they practice an internal exercise called Qigong. I’m forty-three, and I still train as intensively as I did when I came to the Shaolin Temple thirty year ago at the age of thirteen. 7

Two Wings Of A Bird A bird can’t fly with one wing. You can’t be 100% healthy and fit without a balance between internal training such as Qigong ns external training such as Kung Fu or any exercises that raises your heart level. These are the two wings of a bird. Qigong is your Yin training, which melts the barrier between your mind and body. Kung Fu is your Yang training, which pushes your limits and raises your awareness of your unlimited capabilities.

Shaolin Martial Arts combines internal Qigong, and external Kung Fu training into one fully combined unit. Meditation, massage, flexibility, fitness, strength, balance and revitalizing the body are all part your Shaolin Workout. 8

Not all Qigong and Kung Fu Is Created Equal


All of my teachings come directly from the Shaolin Temple in China so you can be assured you’re learning an authentic form just as if you were studying at the temple yourself. If you train on a regular basis you can learn effectively and at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. One of the biggest challenges in training alone is motivation. This is why I write blog posts, newsletters, post free video content on YouTube, and I’ve also created a group on Facebook just for students to post their questions and inspiration to. I have students who have been studying with my DVDs since the first one I made ten years ago. I have no interest in wasting my student’s valuable time or my own. Everything I teach in my DVDs, books and downloads can be learnt effectively as long as you keep up a regular workout. You can also use my DVDs to compliment the training you learn with a local teacher. 10

Shaolin Qigong: The Secret Of Longevity

If I were only allowed to do one exercise to improve the health of my mind and body I would choose Shaolin Qigong. A strong and healthy body can only be strong from the inside out. Qigong oxygenates our internal organs, refreshing the supply of blood, removing internal blockages and turning back the clock. Kung Fu doesn’t do this, yoga doesn’t do this, and meditation doesn’t do this. 11

8 Treasures Qigong

When the Bodhidharma arrived at The Shaolin Temple he found the monks were weak from sitting meditation so he developed a unique system of exercises called Qigong to energize the monks and help them gain enlightenment. Hundreds of years later, a Shaolin monk took the eight most effective movements. This is the Qigong I teach in The Way Of Qigong Volume 1 and Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity. The first part of this Qigong will be part of your 5 minute Shaolin workout. The extract is taken from Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity. 12

Optimize The Energy Matrix Of Your Body Shaolin Qigong is the so-called secret of Shaolin Monks. It optimizes the energy matrix of our body. After the Qigong, the monks do self-massage with a bamboo brush.

Instant Health Massage The Shaolin Temple is famous for body conditioning but they also have a long tradition of self-massage, which is one of the oldest healing practices. Massaging with the bamboo rods of the Instant Health Massage Brush combines sports, acupressure and deep tissue in one massage. Because the self-massage is convenient and cheap – it’s just the cost of a brush – you can do it on a daily basis after you’ve finished your training or if you’re pushed for time, you can do this massage a few times a week.


“Success is making 100% effort to perform at the highest level of your ability. Success is being your own champion.”


Shaolin Kung FuYour Fast Track To Fitness The Shaolin Temple is the home of martial arts. Emperors often enlisted Shaolin monks to help them defend their thrones against invaders. As there were no guns or bombs at that time the monks had to use their bodies as weapons. The Shaolin skills are not a history book; they are something, which are as relevant today as they were thousand of years ago. But these days instead of doing battle with a warlord we do battle with our low fitness level or our weight gain. The traditional forms tap into the innate harmony and energy of our bodies, transforming not only the exterior look of our body but also the interior of our mind. Students have reported an increase in energy, concentration and confidence through the practice of Shaolin.

All Shaolin Forms are made up of Five Fundamental Stances. One of these stancesMa Bu (horse stance) - will make up your 5-minute Shaolin Workout. The extract is taken from Instant Fitness: The Shaolin Kung Fu Workout. 15

Your 5-Minute Shaolin Workout

Your 5-minute workout includes static stamina, Qigong, and Qigong self-massage. It’s optimal to start your day with your 5-minute Shaolin Workout. Don’t do it too close to bedtime because the exercises are energizing and they will make it difficult to sleep. (If you have problems sleeping then do the first part of the sitting Qigong from The Way Of Qigong Volume 2.) 16

how to do your 7 Day, 5-Minute, Shaolin Workout

before you begin Even if you already know these exercises, the day before you begin your training, take some time to read through the instructions a few times before slowly following them. If you have a mirror, check your stance in the mirror to see that it’s correct.


Train Your Heart Out. This is the discipline of the Shaolin Monk Shaolin Martial Arts is a pathway to Zen because the movements cut through the thinking mind. This thinking mind is not the mind that experiences Zen. We have another mind. A mind that cannot be approached from a thinking perspective. Your Shaolin Workout is a refuge. Start off by telling yourself that for the next 5 minutes you will completely dedicate yourself to the workout. If thoughts come up, simply let them go and come back to the practice. Give your heart a workout as well as your body. Keep returning it to the only place of true freedom: Now. Your 5-minute Shaolin Workout is your meditation. Modern research is showing that meditation leads to a more focused, tranquil and happier way of being. And who doesn’t want that?

Now never returns to us. Now is the only place we can be truly alive. Take care of now and you take care of your future.


breathe If you’re new to Qigong then for this 5-minute workout you can use abdominal breathing. If you decide to take up Qigong or you already practice then you will need to use reverse breathing which I devote a chapter to in both of my books. Reverse breathing increases the power of Qigong and is practiced in both Shaolin Qigong and Kung Fu.

Stances If you have knee pain or a knee injury then don’t go low in the stance as it will aggravate it. If you have any pain when you train then stop immediately. There should be no pain when you train. If you have any mobility problems you can do the first part of the 8 Treasures Form from a chair. If you haven’t done any exercise for a while then it’s advisable that you consult a doctor before embarking on any training. 19

Instant Zen: Your 7 Day, 5-Minute, Shaolin Workout


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tuo tian shi push the Tuo Tian Shi sky Push the sky

1) Stand in a neutral position with both arms at your side. REMAIN HERE FOR THREE BREATHS.

2) Step your left foot out to the side, at the same time bring your arms in front of your body and turn your hands so your palms face the ground.

3) Inhale. Keep turning your hands and bring them out to the side.

4) Continue to turn your hands and bring them to the front of your body.


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tuo tian shi Tuo Tian Shi sky push the

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Push the sky

5) Draw them up to your chest and push your elbows back as far as they will go. Feel your chest expand.

6a 6b) Exhale. Place your right hand on top of your left hand as if your hands are holding one small ball and your elbows are holding a bigger ball. Look straight in front of you.

REMAIN HERE FOR THREE BREATHS. Make sure your shoulders are dropped and relaxed. Slightly press your shoulders down and open your chest so that you feel an internal stretch from the shoulders all the way down the arms into your fingers.

7) Inhale. Turn your right hand and place it level with your left hand, your fingers pointing straight out in front of you.

8) Bring your palms back to your chest and push your elbows back as far as they will go. Feel your chest expand.

9) Exhale. Turn your hands and use the side of your hands to push out in front of you. Look at your hands. Bend your wrists back to engage the stretch.

10) Inhale. Turn your palms so they are facing the sky.

11) Bring your palms back to your chest and push your elbows back as far as they will go. Feel your chest expand.


Tuo Tian Shi tuo tian shi Push the sky push the sky

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14) Inhale. Circle your arms back to your chest, palms facing the sky.

12) Exhale. Turn your palms.


15) Bring your palms back to your chest and push your elbows back as far as they will go. Feel your chest expand.

16) 17) Exhale. Stretch your hands over your head and push your palms up to the sky as if you are trying to push the sky away from you. Bend your wrists back to engage the stretch. Eyes look upwards.


13) Push both arms out to the side. Bend your wrists back to engage the stretch. Eyes look at your left hand. REMAIN HERE FOR THREE BREATHS.


Tuo Tian Shi tuo tian shi Push the sky push the sky

18) 19) Inhale. Slowly lower your arms and turn your palms so that they face your body.


20) Exhale. Flatten your palms and slowly push your arms down.

21) Bring both feet together. REMAIN HERE FOR THREE BREATHS.



ma bu horse stance


Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 of Your 5-Minute, Mind & Body Shaolin Workout 1) Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale three times. 2) Move in and out of Ma Bu (horse stance) as many times as you can until your legs feel tired. 3) Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale three times. 4) Move through the first part of the 8 Treasures Form. Repeat. 5) If you have a massage brush, then practice the Instant Health massage, if you don’t then gently massage your body with a closed fist.

By day 3, your legs will be stronger and you’ll feel a little more centred. You will remember all the movements and breaths without relying on the instructions.


Day 3, Day 4, day 5 of Your 5 Minute, Mind & Body Shaolin Workout 1) Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale three times. 2) Move into Ma Bu and stay in that position until your legs feel tired. 3) Move through the first part of the 8 Treasures Form. 4) Move into Ma Bu and stay in that position until your legs feel tired. 5) Move through the first part of the 8 Treasures Form. Repeat. 6) If you have a massage brush, then practice the Instant Health massage, if you don’t then gently massage your body with a closed fist.


Day 6 of Your 5-Minute, Mind & Body Shaolin Workout Walk ten thousand steps or run 5k if you are fit. Keep your mind on your breath and your steps. Notice that even just a few days of your Shaolin training will make the run or walk easier.

Day 7 of Your 5-Minute, Mind & Body Shaolin Workout 1) Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale three times. 2) Move into Ma Bu and try to stay in that position for 30 seconds - 1 minute. 3) Move through the first part of the 8 Treasures Form. Repeat. 4)) Move into Ma Bu and try to stay in that position for 30 seconds - 1 minute. 5) Move through the first part of the 8 Treasures Form. Repeat. 6) If you have a massage brush, then practice the Instant Health massage, if you don’t then gently massage your body with a closed fist. 28

You’ve Done It! Never underestimate the power of 5 minutes! 5 minutes a day is 1,825 a year. I hope that through doing your 5-minute, 7 day, Zen workout, you can see how adaptable Shaolin is. Once you’ve learnt the basics such as The 8 Treasures Form, The Five Fundamental Stances, The Five Fundamental Kicks, stamina and workout, you can then combine your own workouts so that it fits around your life rather than you fitting your life into your workout. 29

How To Continue Your Workout “When you’re standing in a packed tube or in a queue at the grocery store, close your eyes and imagine you’re at the top of a mountain, moving slowly through a Shaolin form.” If you want to continue learning Shaolin as a martial artist then the best DVDs for you are Shaolin Workout 1, 2 and 3 combined with Shaolin Qigong Beginnner’s Bundle, and Instant Fitness: The Shaolin Kung Fu Workout. If you want to get fit then start with my Shaolin Bootcamp or Shaolin Circuit DVDs and combine them with Qigong For Upper and Lower Body. If you’re only interested in Qigong then all you need is Instant Health: The Qigong Workout For Longevity book.


happy training! – Shifu Yan Lei

I teach The Instant Health Massage in my Qigong book and all of my Qigong DVDs apart from The Way Of Qigong Volume 1. SUGGESTED READING Your Complete Guide To Shaolin Qigong; Your Complete Guide To Shaolin Kung Fu; Your Pathway To Zen; Create A Shaolin Temple In Your Home

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