April 21, 2017 | Author: huangjl | Category: N/A
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Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Cooling of 23% sodium chloride solution

Step 3. Start configuring the exchanger. Beg coefficient to t

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube



R-404 1.132

Sodium Chloride 33.2

Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

-13 -13 903 0.158 1.250

Fluid Name Flow (M), Kg/s Temp. in, °C Temp. out, °C r, Kg/m3 2 m, mNs/m cp, kJ/kg°C

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity Fouling Resistance

145 0.0376 0.0004

Q, kW k, W/m°C R,m² °C/W

145 0.5800 0.0004

LMTD Corrected LMTD

Step. 4 Bundle and Shell diameter Step. 5 Tube side heat transfer coefficient

-9 -10 1050 2.300 4.36

3.5 3.5

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

No. of

Step 6. Shell side heat transfer coefficient

°C °C


0.0125 16


Tube ID, d = Tube Length, L =

0.00925 2

m m

Area of one tube = Cross sectional area of tube =

0.079 0.00007

m² m²

Bundle diameter =



Shell diameter = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe =

0.430258 7382


page number 648

page number 665

Prandtl No. = Length / ID = jh

5.24 216 0.0032

Nusselt number =

40.80 165.86

hi =

The values in this block will keep on changing

Project No.: By:

W/m² °C

Segmental baffle cut 25% page numbe

xchanger Design Spreadsheet MAS




Step 3. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the assumed overall heat transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 1000.00 W/m² °C Then the required transfer A = Number of tubes required = No. of passes = Tubes per pass = Area of tubes per pass = Volumetric flow = Av. Velocity =


41.714 531 4 134 0.00900 0.001254 0.139284


Tube Pitch = Pattern = Baffle Spacing = Area of Shell = Equivalent Diameter, de =

0.015625 Tri. 0.237 0.020363 0.008876


Volumetric flowrate = Shellside velocity = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

0.031660 1.55 6,300

m³/s m/s

Step 6. Shell side heat transfer coefficient

Prandtl No. = Segmental baffle cut 25% page number 673 jh =

17 0.0070

Nusselt number = ho =

114 7,444

R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = Overall heat transfer coefficient =

132.85 m² m³/s m/s

12 13 14 15 16

m m² m

W/m² °C

0.00013 0.00040 0.000042 0.0087 107.9

BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 9 10 11

For 2 tube passes

W/m² °C

BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 0.165 0.148 0.134 0.120

0.017 0.014 0.014

0.109 0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.011 0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

k1 n1 Clearance

For 2 t.p For 4 t.p For 6 t.p 0.249 0.175 0.0743 2.207 2.285 2.499 0.0125

page number 649 page number 649 page number 646

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Spreadsheet Project: Item No.:

Evaporator -


Project No.: By:

Water cooler

Step 5. Start configuring the exchanger. Begin wit this point

Step 1. Input flows, conditions and properties data for shellside and tubeside Tube




Fluid Name




Av. Density Av. Viscosity Av. Heat Capacity

5 5 0.8053 0.011 0.163

Flow (M), lb/h Temp. in, oF Temp. out, oF r, lb/ft3 m, cP cp, Btu/lb·oF

Heat Exchanged Av. Thermal Conductivity

48,000 0.0049

Q, Btu/h k, Btu/h·ft·oF

44,188 0.3351

Fouling Resistance Prandtl No.

0.0040 0.87

R, ft2·h·oF/Btu cpm/k

0.004 13.78

Corrected MTD Corrected MTD

Step 2. Input tubing OD, BWG and length (can be trial and error).

79.0 79.0

Step 3. Estimate the number of tubes per tube pass.

Over all heat transfer Coefficie

86 82 62.42 1.903 1.003

Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of p

Step 4. Select tube arrangement and estimate shell diameter




Tube OD BWG Tube ID, d =

0.5000 16 0.370


Tube Length, L = Flow area per tube, at =

2 0.108 0.262

ft. in.2 ft2

Effective transfer area per tube =

Tubes/pass = lb/h per tube = lb/h per tube per pass = Av. velocity, fps = Tubeside Reynolds No., NRe = Tubeside Friction Factor, f = DP per pass, psi = Nusselt number, Nr = Inside Film Coefficient, hi =


66 3

Equivalent Diameter, de (see


Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs U

1.3 1.18 4,025 0.027 0.00021 7.04 11

Step 6. Check tubeside velocity and DP, shellside D adjust tube length, number of tubes per pass, num baffle spacing. Remember to reset shell diamete required.

n Spreadsheet MAS




BWG/Tube Wall Thicknesses 8 0.165 9 0.148 10 0.134 11 0.120

Start configuring the exchanger. Begin with the total calculated transfer coefficient to this point: Ustart = 10 Btu/h·ft2·oF Over all heat transfer Coefficient, Uo = 9.7 Btu/h·ft2·oF ft2 Then the required transfer A = 63 Number of tubes required = 239 Reset tubes/pass (Step 3), then no. of passes = 2 Total tube count = 132 Tubeside DP (incl. returns) = 5.802 psi ft2 Actual effective transfer area, A = 35

elect tube arrangement mate shell diameter

Tube Pitch Pattern

0.65 Tri.


Shell ID from Tube Count Tables Select Baffle Spacing Number of Baffles = Flow Area across Bundle, as = Equivalent Diameter, de (see table) = Mass Velocity, Gs = Shellside Reynolds No., NRe =

8 5 4 0.064 7.5 171,820 56,431

in. in.

Shellside Friction Factor = Shellside DP =

0.00153 0.357 139.7 179 9.7 0.0% 10.5

Outside Transfer Factor, jh = Outside Film Coefficient, ho = Calculated Uo = Check: % difference, Ucalc. vs Uassum. = Uclean =

heck tubeside velocity and DP, shellside DP. If too high or too low, ube length, number of tubes per pass, number of passes, and/or shell pacing. Remember to reset shell diameter from tube count tables, as .


0.017 0.014 0.014




13 14 15 16

0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065

0.014 0.012 0.011 0.007

MTD Correction Factors R = ( T1 - T2 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) =


S = ( t2 - t1 ) / ( T1 - t1 ) =


( R2 + 1 ) ½ =


( 1 - S ) / ( 1 - RS ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 - ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


2 - S ( R + 1 + ( R2 + 1 ) ½ ) =


FT =



in. lb/h·ft2


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