Download Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Cost Estimation...
Shell And Tube Tube Heat H eat Exchanger Exchanger Cost Estimation 21 June 2012 Posted by ankur2061 in Technical
As promised in my earlier blog entry "Cost Estimation Of i!ed oof #Cone$ Carbon %teel %torage Tan&s"' today(s blog entry relates to cost estimation of %)T heat e!changers* The e+uations are empirical and the reference is the same i*e*, "Estimate Costs of -eat E!changers E!chan gers and %torage Tan&s .ia Correlations" by Armando /* Corripio' atherine %* Chrien' and arence /* E.ans' Chemical Engineering maga3ine January 24' 1562* There is a bunch of e+uations and it too& some time to program it in e!cel but ultimately it as done* et us get don to the e+uations, Base Cost for CS loating!Head" #00 k$ag %100 &sig' exchanger S( )nits
C/ 7 E8P#6*202 9 0*0140:;lnA 0*014 0:;lnA 9 0*0:611;#lnA$ 0*0:611;#lnA$2$ here, C/ 7 /ase Cost of the -E' m2? > 9 0*060;lnA$ here, = 7 E!changer@type cost factor Design-pressure cost factor, F P
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