Sheikh Sami Ullah (Internship Report)

June 27, 2019 | Author: ubshahid | Category: Sap Se, Coca Cola, Internship, Brand, Beverages
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Internship Report...


Internship report

Sheikh Sami Ullah

Departme Depa rtment: nt:


Location: Head office, Lahore Pakistan.

Duration: Two Months

Sheikh Sheikh Sami Ullah Ullah “Internshi “Internship p Report” Report” Page Page 1

Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 Applying for an internship at (CCBPL)...........................................................................................3 Introduction to CCBPL....................................................................................................................4 Project during internship..................................................................................................................7 Identification of duplicates aterial in !AP...................................................................................." Identification of redundant B#$%s of finished goods in the copany%s !AP................................& Identification of redundant and in acti'e B#$%s of !eifinished goods fro copany%s !AP * Creation of P+ $$ authori,ation atri- and singleroles. Conclusion and recoendation to fello/ students0....................................................................1

Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 2

Introduction 2he follo/ing report outlines y internship report at Coca cola e'erages Paistan ltd. 2he first  part of this report gi'es introduction aout the CCBPL. And the second part focuses on y responsiilities as an internee at CCBPL.

Applying or an internship at !CCBP"# 5uring y 6th seester of Bachelors in Business Adinistration I /as applying for internships opening in 'arious $ultinational copanies. !o therefore I applied in CCBPL and got an opportunity to /or /ith the. ollo/ing /ere the factors /hich help e to decide CCBPL • • • • •

it%s a /ellstructured organi,ation in Paistan CCBPL o/ns a good reputation in the aret 8or force di'ersity Learning organi,ation Appreciates inno'ations ro this point of 'ie/ I a 'ery satisfied /ith y decision9 ecause I had e-posure to a 'ariety of usiness acti'ities and I /as ale to participate acti'ely and directly /ith the highly professional eployees.

Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 3

Introduction to CCBP" :ision 2heir 'ision is to ecoe a aret leader in ready to drin segent /hile adding estinclass 'alue to all staeholders.

$ission CocaCola Paistan e-ists to refresh the consuers9 inspire oents of optiis through our  rands and actions as /ell as enefit all staeholders9 /hich /e /ill do /ith highest social responsiility and /ith uncoproising coitent to/ards ;uality of our products and integrity in our operations.

:alues 2heir Core :alues underlie e'erything /e do. 2hey li'e y the for t/o reasons< they are good and right in thesel'es9 /orthy of adherence e'en at the ris of loss of profitaing opportunities9 and they epitoi,e our Copany%s integrity9 /hich they elie'e /ill produce 'alue for our staeholders o'er the long ter.

Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 4

Accountaility 8e act /ith high sense of responsiility and hold oursel'es accountale.

Passion 8e put our hearts and ind into /hat /e do.

Integrity 8e are open9 honest9 ethical and /e trust and respect each other

2ea/or 8e collaorate for our collecti'e success

Creation o Coca$Cola Be%erages Pakistan "imited

CocaCola= originated as a soda fountain e'erage in ""6 selling for fi'e cents a glass. >arly gro/th /as ipressi'e9 ut it /as only /hen a strong ottling syste de'eloped that CocaCola  ecae the /orldfaous rand it is today.

As a part of its dri'e to enhance the ;uality9 a'ailaility9 and iage of CocaCola products9 2he CocaCola Copany estalished a ne/ Copany in Paistan in &&69 y the nae of ?Coca Cola Be'erages Paistan Liited@ (CCBPL or Copany).

CCBPL is a part of CocaCola ece /hich is si-th largest +# ottler in the 8orld. It has a  presence in ten countries including 2urey9 +a,ahstan9 +yrgy,stan9 A,eraijan9 ordan9 Ira;9 Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 5

2urenistan9 2ajiistan9 !yria9 and Paistan. CCI has 4"D shares of CCBPL /ith $anageent Control.

CCBPL started the process of ac;uiring and in'esting in locally franchised ottling operations. 2his process /as copleted in 1**6 and9 thereafter9 all anufacturing and selling rights of Coca Cola products are no/ /ith CCBPL.

CCBPL has 6 plants and 3 /arehouses throughout the country and ser'es a population of ore than 7* illion /ith a production capacity of  illion physical cases. CCBPL is a significant player in the gro/th of Paistan%s econoy since it is one of the country%s top foreign direct in'estents in $CE (ast $o'ing Consuer Eoods) usiness and is one of the ajor ta- paying e'erages copanies of Paistan.

Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 6

Project during internship

2he project I /as assigned for y internship tenure /as to /or on copany%s $aster data. 2he copany had to reipleent its !AP (supply chain) according to the teplate pro'ided y (Coca cola Icece). Following were the tasks which I was assigned and copleted during internship.

. 1. 3. 4. F.

Identification of duplicates aterial in !AP. Identification of redundant and inacti'e B#$%s of finished goods fro !AP. Identification of redundant and in acti'e B#$%s of !eifinished goods fro !AP. Creation of P+ $$ authori,ation atri- and single roles. Creation of 'ehicles on Be'erages Ad'ance !ales Inforation syste (BA!I!).

Following were the Major tasks of the project:

!"P: Is a Eeran ultinational soft/are corporation that aes enterprise soft/are to anage  usiness9 It%s an enterprise resource and planning (>GP) soft/are that help large scale organi,ations in their different fields such as inance9 !upply chain and HG.

!"P #!uppl$ %hain& CCBPL is also using a supply chain odule to anage its Production and logistics9 Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 7

It helps in production planning9 anaging production through different /ays9 and logistics.

Identification of duplicates aterial in !"P !ince the organi,ation is using !AP for their Business transactions. 8hile /oring on !AP the organi,ation faced soe prole as soe duplicates aterials /ere created in the soft/are y different users on different territories. Before starting our /or /e recei'ed the latest list of aterials e-tracted fro !AP. 2here /ere alost ore than 37*** aterials created in soft/are. 2he duplicates /ere found into different departents and different locations of the copany. 2he different departents include areting9 production9 coercial (sales)9 logistics /hich includes the transport fleet and the sales centers across Paistan. 2he criteria /e selected to find the duplicates /ere different fro departent to departent. 8e also set criteria that those aterials /hich are not in usiness fro last t/o years should e reo'ed fro the list. 8e found duplicates fro procedures soe /ere found y applying a forula in the $! e-cel9 soe /ere found y 'isiting the Coca Cola plant and !ales center9 soe /ere found y consulting the different departents /here the aterials elongs to. And the ost critical thing /as to identifying the aterials eye to eye. 8e found alost *** duplicate aterials in different categories and alost 1*** aterial inacti'e that /orth illions of rupee. 2he aterials /ere found in Production9 ra/ aterials9 shop floor9 production lines and the fleet. Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 8

2his tas can e ore accurately perfored if the concerned people of the different departents are attached to it. 2his e-ercise helps the copany to get a clear picture of the aterials they use9 aterial /hich are not in use and /hat type of aterials to use in near future.

Identification of redundant '(M)s of finished goods #F*+T& in the copan$)s !"P CCBPL is dealing /ith its 'ariety of rands in Paistan. 2hey are dealing in CocaCola9 Coca Cola (diet)9 !prite9 !prite ero9 anta9 and !prite 3E9 $inute $aid Pulpy #range9 $inute $aid Pulpy 2ropical9 $inute $aid leon9 +inley /ater and !plash. 2hese finished products are a'ailale in different stoc eeping units (!+J). 2hese finished products are ade y soe ra/ aterials9 /hich are coined to ae a finished  product. 5ifferent finished goods are fored y different Bill of $aterials (B#$). B#$%s consist of ra/ aterials9 production 'ersion9 production ;uantity and ;uantity of aterial used to anufacture a finished good. I also oser'ed that a single product is anufactured y different B#$%s in different plant due to soe constraints. Lie ***l pet ottle is only anufactured in Eujran/ala Plant. 2here /ere alost ore than 7*types of finished products depending upon their si,e and  pacing. $ost of the finished goods are anufactured fro different B#$%s e'en if the locality is sae.

Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 

8e set the criteria that B#$%! /hich are not in use fro last t/o years9 or duplicate in nature should e highlighted and to e discussed it /ith Planning and logistics departent so that /e can decide the future of that particular B#$%s. 2o /or on this tas /e used !AP and its different transaction to e-tract the B#$%!9 aterial used in B#$%! and the ;uantity produced in each B#$%!. 2his tas /as 'ery sensiti'e and /as tie taing ecause further decision aing regarding the production has to e done on this e-tracted data. Identification of redundant and in actie '(M)s of !ei-finished #H"L'& goods fro copan$)s !"P All the ao'e entioned finished goods are ade up of !ei inished goods. !eifinished  products are also as iportant as finished products. !eifinished products are also called ra/ aterials. 2hese sei finished products are also ade y soe ra/ aterials9 /hich are coined to ae a seifinished product. 5ifferent sei finished goods are fored y different Bill of $aterials (B#$). B#$%s consist of ra/ aterials9 production 'ersion9 production ;uantity and ;uantity of aterial used to anufacture a seifinished good. I also oser'ed that a single product is anufactured y different B#$%s in different plant due to soe constraints. Lie $$P# is only anufactured in Lahore Plant. 2o /or on this tas /e used !AP and its different transaction to e-tract the B#$%!9 aterial used in B#$%! and the ;uantity produced in each B#$%!. 2his tas /as 'ery sensiti'e and /as

Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 1!

tie taing ecause further decision aing regarding the production has to e done on this e-tracted data.

Creation o P& '' authori(ation matri) and single roles  "his task #as $one to align the re%or$ o& ''(P) emplo*ees. +,o-t o, roles/ Role 0es%ription/ ame/ mplo*ee I0 in S+P R/ mplo*ee I0 in +%tie 0ire%tor*/ S+P I0 an$ $es%ription.  "his task #as er* important &or the %ompan* ,e%a-se it has to &ollo# the template proi$e$ ,* ''I. +,oe mentione$ in&ormation ha$ to ,e aligne$ in s-%h a #a* that ea%h emplo*ee $ata is aaila,le #itho-t an* $is%repan%ies

Conclusion and recommendation to ello* students: $y personal e'aluation for y internship is positi'e. I had the chance to /or in one of the top notch Be'erage industry of the /orld. I enjoyed /oring in the B!E departent of the copany ecause of dynaic processes and high le'el of responsiility9 /here a student can get practical no/ledge aout the corporate Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 11

structure. #ther enefits to e entioned are gaining e-perience of !AP (supply chain) and BA!I!. 8hereas I ha'e also ipro'ed y I.2 and $icrosoft >-cel sills 2here is a learning atosphere in the organi,ations9 /hich is 'ery helpful in the professional grooing of students /ho really /ant to achie'e soe position or a status in their Career. In the end I /ould suggest y uni'ersity adinistration that they should recoend their students for internship to the CocaCola e'erages Paistan ltd.

Sheikh Sami Ullah “Internship Report” Page 12

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