Sharad Joshi Part 8 (3)
Short Description
Repor tofRapi dRur alAppr ai salofSal t pr oducersi n Nawa waBl ockofNagaurDi st r i ct
Submi mi t t edby
Cent r ef orComm mmuni t yEconomi mi csandDev el opme ment Consul t ant sSoci et y ( CECOEDE DECON ON) Pl o tno :159160,I ndus t r i al& I ns t i t ut i o nalAr e a,Si t apur a,Jai pur -302022, Raj ast han,I ndi a Phno.911412771488/2770812/329483436
FaxNo. :911412770330 Emai l :cecoedecon@i ndi at i mes. com/ m/ sharad_j p1@sancharnet . i n
Report of Rapid Rural Appraisal of Salt producers in Nawa Block of Nagaur District Background As per the worldwide estimates presented by WHO in 2005 with respect to 126 countries Iodine defciency disorder is a major public healt health h prob proble lem m in Indi India a As per per !ati !ation onal al "amil amily y Heal Health th #ur$e #ur$ey y %!"H# %!"H#&2 &2'' only only 50 50( ( o) the the hous househo ehold lds s in Indi India a us used ed ade* ade*uat uatel ely y iodised salt& salt with 15 ppm iodine +onsumption o) iodised salt is much less pre$alent amon, lower income ,roups %-5(' #alt iodisation in$ol$es, o) an iodine compound with salt in a simple operati ration on It produce uces no chem hemical reactio tions /he e*uipment re*uired )or salt iodisation is simple and easy to operate and maintain /he addition o) potassium iodate to salt does not impart any colour taste or odour to the salt ecause o) these characteristics world o$er about 120 countries pro$ide iodised salt access to the population and about 100 countries ha$e le,islation on iodised salt
Overview of Salt Production Ind Indian salt indus ustr try y has made treme emendo ndous pro,ress since nce independence independence today India ran third in the production production o) salt ne.t to 3#A 3#A and and +hin +hina a With ith 20 mill millio ion n tones tones prod produc ucti tion on in 20 2005 05 it contributes 4( o) world production omestically about 6 million tones o) salt ,o )or human and animal consumption and about 4 million tones used )or $arious industrial applications One One o) the the sali salien entt )eat )eatur ures es o) the the Indi Indian an #alt #alt Indu Indust stry ry is the the e.istence o) a $ery lar,e number o) small salt producers about 1100 out o) total o) about 1-000 It is needless to say that the
FaxNo. :911412770330 Emai l :cecoedecon@i ndi at i mes. com/ m/ sharad_j p1@sancharnet . i n
Report of Rapid Rural Appraisal of Salt producers in Nawa Block of Nagaur District Background As per the worldwide estimates presented by WHO in 2005 with respect to 126 countries Iodine defciency disorder is a major public healt health h prob proble lem m in Indi India a As per per !ati !ation onal al "amil amily y Heal Health th #ur$e #ur$ey y %!"H# %!"H#&2 &2'' only only 50 50( ( o) the the hous househo ehold lds s in Indi India a us used ed ade* ade*uat uatel ely y iodised salt& salt with 15 ppm iodine +onsumption o) iodised salt is much less pre$alent amon, lower income ,roups %-5(' #alt iodisation in$ol$es, o) an iodine compound with salt in a simple operati ration on It produce uces no chem hemical reactio tions /he e*uipment re*uired )or salt iodisation is simple and easy to operate and maintain /he addition o) potassium iodate to salt does not impart any colour taste or odour to the salt ecause o) these characteristics world o$er about 120 countries pro$ide iodised salt access to the population and about 100 countries ha$e le,islation on iodised salt
Overview of Salt Production Ind Indian salt indus ustr try y has made treme emendo ndous pro,ress since nce independence independence today India ran third in the production production o) salt ne.t to 3#A 3#A and and +hin +hina a With ith 20 mill millio ion n tones tones prod produc ucti tion on in 20 2005 05 it contributes 4( o) world production omestically about 6 million tones o) salt ,o )or human and animal consumption and about 4 million tones used )or $arious industrial applications One One o) the the sali salien entt )eat )eatur ures es o) the the Indi Indian an #alt #alt Indu Indust stry ry is the the e.istence o) a $ery lar,e number o) small salt producers about 1100 out o) total o) about 1-000 It is needless to say that the
success o) #alt Iodisation pro,ramme hin,es on the contribution o) these small salt producers /he recorded production o) iodised salt durin, 2005 was 784 mill millio ion n tones tones and the dome domest stic ic su supp pply ly was 7 767 67 mill millio ion n tones tones Abou Ab outt 18 180 000 000 0 tonn tonnes es was was e.por .porte ted d /he /he *ual *ualit ity y moni monito tori rin, n, repor eports ts )rom )rom the the prod produc ucti tion on sour source ces s and and cons consum umin in, , cent center ers s indicate about 0 percent con)ormin, to the statutory standards laid under 9re$ention o) "ood Adulteration Act /here is a wide $ariation in the iodised salt access across the country the salt producin, and adjoinin, states ha$e less access while the adjoinin, states ha$e about 40( access
+ate,ory I
> 100 acres
+ate,ory II
> 10acres and ? 100 acres
+ate,ory III
+ate,ory I=
3nreco,ni;ed ? 10 acres
#ome 10-7 units in India produce produce salt About hal) a million million acres o) land has been allocated )or salt production o) which -00000 acres ha$e been de$eloped /he units ha$e been classifed into )our cate,ories ran,in, )rom more than 100 acres %+ate,ory I' to :unreco,ni;ed units< o) less than 10 acres %+ate,ory I='
Salt production in Rajasthan /he state o) @ajasthan contributes to as much as 8&10 percent o) the total salt produced in the country and enjoys third position a)ter ujarat and /amilnadu @ajasthan has no land connected with the sea or ocean and most o) the salt is produced )rom the subsoil and lae brines #ambhar 9achabadra and idwana are the major lae sources )or brine 9resently salt is bein, produced in about 100 salt units out o) which 1500 are small salt manu)acturin, units o) less than 10 acre area @ajasthan with an area o) appro.imately -7-000 s* m with )a$ourable ,eo,raphical conditions has ,ot a ,ood potential )or the production o) salt #alt is mainly produced in and around the places lie 9halodi !awa Buchaman #ujan,arh 9aran udha idwana 9achbadra etc where subsoilClae brine is a$ailable )or salt production /he yield o) salt $aries maredly in these areas as has been demonstrated in the ,raph below
"i,ure&1 /hou,h due to its ,eo,raphical position @ajasthan is a suitable place )or the production o) salt in the country due to the lac o) pro.imity to se most o) the salt is produced )rom subsoilCunder,round brines /he composition and density o) the subsoilCunder,round brines in @ajasthan is site specifc coupled with a,e and depth o) the well %brine source' In case o) the subsoilCunder,round brines the well brine mainly contains sodium ions in the )orm o) their chlorides sulphates carbonates and bicarbonates with calcium ma,nesium lithium borates phosphates bromides iodides arsenates etc in insi,nifcant amounts /he )re*uent sand storms occurrin, in the @ajasthan state contribute to the hi,her insoluble impurities in salt /he salt produced in @ajasthan is reported to be o) 45&4( purity with respect to !a+l and the presence o) impurities such as sulphate and trace metals alon, with insolubles mae it unft )or $arious industrial applications Out o) the total salt produced most o) the salt ,oes )or human consumption and a small *uantity produced by #ambhar #alts Dimited ,oes to industries and e$en some salt is bein, e.ported to nei,hbourin, countries lie !epal hutan etc
Production of odised Salt in Rajasthan /he yield o) salt has declined )rom 2007 to 2005 due to climatic )actors aEectin, the *uality o) subsoil brine Howe$er the e.pected yield )or 2006 is close to the a$era,e o) 200- and 2007 @ajasthan has been achie$in, the tar,ets o) production o) salt o$er the years as demonstrated in the table F ,raph below
601 627
#nre"ne d 5741 542-
$otal 6042 657
All "gures in %&&& tonnes
Salt Production in Nawa !awa is the oldest and the most important center o) salt production in @ajasthan #ambhar Dae is the main source o) salt production in !awa #ambhar Dae has an area o) about 1-5 Bm %40 Giles'
Out o) the total lae area only -0 miles area is used )or #alt 9roduction #alt production area o) !AWA is about 180Acre In !awa area salt production was started in =iram #amwat 608 In the be,innin, salt manu)acturin, was done by collection o) water and its e$aporation Dater on in, o) odhpur introduced the plot method )or salt production A)ter that ritish emperors had also )ollowed the same process but they had paid more attention towards the *uality o) salt In present times 9lot method is )ollowed by e$ery salt producer !awa was the frst place where salt production was initiated in @ajasthan /he only source o) subsoil brine here is )rom the submersible pumps set up adjoinin, the #ambhar Dae rine )rom these bore wells is transported throu,h pipelines to the salt pans -& 7 m away )rom the lae boundary #alt is produced )rom the months o) #eptember to Gay with each production cycle tain, -& 7 months 9roduction is stopped in the monsoon months due to una$ailability o) sun li,ht and poor *uality o) brine /he !a+l content o) #alt produced in !awa drops below 46( a)ter the month o) Garch
Salt 'ar(s e)ore establishin, any salt wors the )ollowin, points are taen into consideration& /opo,raphy o) the land at the selected site /he nature and *uality o) the soil and brine /he meteorolo,ical parameters pre$ailin, in the re,ion #ur)ace e.posure )or solar e$aporation o) the brine 9rotectin, the salt wors )rom any natural calamities Annual rain)all • • • • • •
ependin, upon the source o) the brine %Dae brineCsubsoil or under,round brine' and its initial density used in salt manu)acture lar,e areas are re*uired to brin, the concentration o) the brine to a sta,e o) salt production #o the lands should be sli,htly at an ele$ated le$el and should ha$e proper contour %,radients' )or natural brine ow and the soil should be o) imper$ious nature /his
will a$oid intermittent pumpin, o) brine which is a proper desi,n o) salt wors A common salt )arm has sections lie reser$oirs condensers crystalli;ers salt heapin, plat)orm bunds channels and approach roads etc !o o) condensers are decided accordin, to the initial density o) the brine As a ,eneral rule the initial density o) the brine should not be less then 2&250 eJ Howe$er in ,eneral subsoil brine in the density ran,e o) 6&200 eJ is a$ailable in @ajasthan Kach condenser is installed - inch below the pre$ious one so that brine can ow continuously When brine intensity ,oes up to 26 de,ree it is the sta,e o) salt )ormation Here the brine is a$ailable in the )orm o) crystals now salt is collected in the small cone shape heaps #alt is then collected on bunds by labourers and sent )or )urther processin, lie ,rindin, crushin, iodi;ation and paca,in,
)oderate conditions for co((on salt production Sun light* Intensity o) sunli,ht aEects the process o) salt )ormation As intense the sunli,ht crystalli;ation o) salt will be )aster Air + ,ree-e .ow* As hi,h the speed o) air ow salt )ormation will be )aster /u(idity* Humidity is also one important )actor in #alt )ormation I) atmosphere is more humid salt )ormation will tae place slowly I) humidity is less salt )ormation will be )aster $e(perature* As hi,h the temperature salt )ormation will be )aster •
Abo$e conditions production
Salt Production
Season Cost of salt Winter 20&25 days #ummer 8&10 days 20 @sC*uintal
20&25 @sC*uintal 15&
Simple Common Salt Manufacturing Unit Con.
Condens er
+hannel C
+hannel - Bore well
Production 0 On an a$era,e salt production is about 1200&1800 *uintal C bi,ha in !awa area In ,eneral it is obser$ed that per de,ree 100 *uintel salt is produced
Rapid Rural Appraisal @apid @ural Appraisal %@@A' has its ori,in and application in rural de$elopment&related research It is an emer,in, methodolo,y to impro$e the cost&eEecti$eness timeliness and *uality o) rural de$elopment&related research or @@A may describe as a systematic acti$ity desi,ned to draw in)erences conclusions hypotheses or assessments includin, the ac*uisition o) new in)ormation durin, a limited period o) time
O,jectives of the study1 Beepin, abreast o) )ollowin, basics o) the @@A e.ercise we desi,ned a comprehensi$e e.ercise to meet the defned objecti$es /he objecti$es were toL •
Identi)y )actors that limit iodisation o) salt in the project areaM
Identi)y probable benefciaries o) the projectM
Identi)y the major problems is bein, )aced by these salt producersM
Identi)y community structures and or,ani;ations )or salt producers throu,h which their participation and initiati$e could be enhancedM
#tudy local maretin, systems and fnd opportunities )or current projectL
Speci"c techni2ues used1 urin, the @@A e.ercise )ollowin, techni*ues were used to ,et the rele$ant and desired in)ormation )rom diEerent stae holders o) the project which will play a $ital role to understand the real ,rassroot )acts and circumstances o) the project area and selection o) tar,et benefciaries o) the project 1 /he teams tried a ranin, techni*ue on basis o) production capacity o) salt producers and e.perience with iodisation /his techni*ue was use)ul in identi)yin, the diEerent socio& economical ,roups in a $illa,e without any discrimination related to caste re,ion ,ender or other discriminati$e issues 2 /he use o) semi&structured inter$iew not only allows respondents to elaborate their ideas but it also in$ites team to pay more
attention to desi,n conte.t specifc inter$entions - rawin, relationship chart o) respondentsJ raw salt suppliers business chains and relationships in
approach )or current project plant owners and their are clearly indicatin, the the project area
)ethodology1 Study area /his rapid rural appraisal o) Identifcation o) common salt producers was conducted in $illa,es in the !awa bloc o) the !a,aur istrict /he research team be,an by constructin, a conceptual )ramewor that pro$ided a clear outline o) the comple. relationships amon, salt production and its iodisation concerned problems a$ailable local maret and socio&cultural )actors in the study area Techniques of data collection /eam used the )ollowin, in)ormation ,atherin, techni*ues asL semi structured inter$iews o) diEerent stae holders accordin, desi,ned )ormats direct obser$ations and )ocus ,roup discussion Mode of data collection /eam members directly interacted with diEerent stae holders such as common salt producers %lease holders' iodised salt plant owners baners and line departments "inal endnote was prepared a)ter analysis and comparison study o) primary and secondary data Results+ outco(es1 @apid rural appraisal conducted in the $illa,es out o) 10 salt producin, $illa,es 10 salt producin, $illa,es come under !a,aur and Ajmer districts o) @ajasthan Out o) these 10 $illa,es $illa,es come in the !awa bloc o) !a,aur district which is the bi,,est salt producin, area in @ajasthan #tatus o) salt production in the salt producin, $illa,es is as )ollowsL
Status of Salt production in salt producing villages
Su, district
No4 of lease holder s
Salt producti on+ Acre in )$
$otal Area
!awa Gohanpur a Bhahari o$indi urha abdina,a r @ajas Aau
!awa !awa
!a,aur !a,aur
85 -5
86 14
45 2-5
$otal annual salt producti on in )$ 8-850 7765
!awa !awa !awa !awa
!a,aur !a,aur !a,aur !a,aur
-4 18 74 220
0 12 116 172
65 150 670 -050
5-550 14050 7270 7--100
!awa Bishan,ar h Bishan,ar h Bishan,ar h
!a,aur Ajmer
275 1150
-2585 45750
#inodiya ha,
Ajmer /otal
Gap o) #alt producin, area o) !a,aur district is as depicted belowL
=illa,e wise in)ormation collected throu,h "ocus roup iscussion are as )ollowsL
5eneral infor(ation1 urha $illa,e ha$e 602 households ha$in, total population about -858 out o) this 1461 are male and 184 are )emale Household si;e o) the $illa,e is 60 #e. ratio o) $illa,e is 46 /here is no urban population Diteracy rate o) $illa,e is 615( etailed in)ormation about salt production and )acilities at $illa,e le$el are described belowL
Category wise list of salt producers 6with average salt production per annu(7
As per the criteria set )or the cate,ory wise selection o) the salt producers there is no salt producer producin, iodi;ed salt K$ery salt producer is comin, in the cate,ory o) the small salt producer /otal 21 small salt producers are identifed thou,h this e.ercise Dist o) the small salt producer is attached as
Anne8ure*% 2
Average salt production in salt per ,igha
A$era,e salt production in the urha $illa,e is about 00&800 Nuintals per bi,ha Annual Income o) salt producers $aries )rom @s 12500 to @s 2 lacs A$era,e annual income is @s 1 lac
94 Category wise infor(ation1 a)
"acilities a$ailable )or commercial salt production 6SSP7 Dand rine /ube well • • •
• • • •
Gotor Klectric connection #mall house at salt )arm K*uipments used in common salt production
b' 9roblem )aced by salt producersL
$ypes of pro,le(s
SSP 6:7
)SP 6:7
rine Nuality
rinin, Water
@epairin, o) plots 65(
@oad /ransport
Dist o) sill re*uirin, up ,radation
$ypes #alt iodisation
SSP 6:7 -0(
)SP 6:7 0
Gaintenance o) e*uipment
55( Dina,e de$elopmen 25(
0 0
Ktc •
t Gana,emen t
;4 Salt producers perspective on %&: of support cost #alt producers are ready to contribute 6&10( o) the total support cost a)ter #H )ormation
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