shamballa and agharta1

September 21, 2017 | Author: Derrick Gwynn | Category: N/A
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Authored By:

Dr. l\1alachi Z. York For The Holy Tabernacle Ministries Of The World


Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


Introduction The Fact That There Are Subterranean Worlds, And People Living In The Interior Of The Earth, Is Not A Secret. In Fact, This Is Quite Ancient. In All Of The Ancient Teachings Of The Egyptians, Zu Aztecs, Mayans, Hindus, Etc., There Are Legends Of The Inner World. Behind Every Legend, There Can Be Found Some Truth. A Group Of Facts Around Which The Legend Was Built. In The "The Egyptian Book Of The Dead", A Strange And Mysterious Boatman Had Charge Of The Souls Of The Dead. The Boat Would Either Transport The Human Soul Up Into The Region Of The Stars, Or If The Soul Needed More Basic Training Or Possibly More Discipline, ' The Boatman Would Pilot The Souls Along The River Styx And This River Led Deep Down Into The Interior Of The Earth. Many Of The Chambers Of The Pyramids Lead To The Inner World.

Figure 1 This Is Myself Going Into The Step Pyramid Of Saqaara Which Leads To The Center Of The Earth

A Legend Of The First Inca "Manco Capac" Related That He And His Followers, The Founders Of The Inca Realm, Came From Underground Caves, While The People Of That Time Had Great Respect For Snakes Because Of "Uruguay," The God Of Underground Treasures. This God Is Depicted As A Large Snake Whose Tail Has A Hanging Pendant From It, With The Head Of A Deer And Many Little Gold Chains. In Southern, And Central America, As Well As In Mexico, The Ancient People Did Acknowledge The Existence Of Subterranean Caves, Chambers Or Tunnels. The Zu Aztecs Of Mexico Believe That Just As There Are Thirteen Heavens (Sometimes Nine Or Twelve), There Are Nine Subterrestrial Levels Through Which The Deceased Must Pass Before Reaching The Underworld," Mictlan", "Land Of The Dead," Also Called Chiconamictlan, "Ninth Place Of The Dead". The Lord Of This Underworld Is Mictlantecuhtli, "The Lord Of The Dead".

Figure 2 This Vessel Is Thought To Be Mictlantecuhtli



Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


The Mayas Of Yucatan, Also Believed In The Existence Of Underworlds. They Were Icy Cold As Are Most Subterranean Chambers Or Tunnels. These Underworlds Were Presided Over By "Ah Puch", The Lord Of Death. The Underground In The Mayan Sacred Writings, The "Popol Vuh"; As Well As In The "Book Of Chilam Balam Of Chumayel." When Peru And Chile Were Ruled By The Incas, They Also Reveal Knowledge Of The Underground "Supai", The God Of Death, Had An Underground Dwelling, A Much-Feared "Place Of Darkness." "Pachacamce", The God Of The Earth, Caused Underground Rumbles In Subterranean Places Where Huge Stones Fell After He Had Shaken The Earth. In The Small Village Of Casal Paula, Italy, In The Year 1902 A.D., Workmen Who Were Digging A Well, Literally Fell Into The Earth. What They Discovered (Or Rather Re-Discovered) Was The Outer Room Of The Maltese Cave Entrance. Since The Well Was To Be Dug For A House Which Was On The Main Street Named "Hypogeum Of Hal Saflienti', Named After The Street Beneath In Which It Was Discovered. A Hypogeum Is The Latin Name For An Underground Structure. Later, This Series Of Underground Rooms Was Discovered To Have Been Located In The Middle Of An Ancient Neolithic Village. From The Construction Of The Entrance Stones, It Is Now Assumed That At Certain Times, A Human Sacrifice Was Chained Before The Entrance. The Entrance And The Walls And Ceilings Of Some Of The Passageways And Rooms Have Been Found To Be Decorated With Red Ocher And Primitive Art Designs, However, When First Discovered, The Three Caves Were Crammed With As Many As 30,000 Skeletons Of Men, Women, And Children.

Figure 3 The Hypogeum Or Underground Tomb Of Hal Saflieni In Malta Is A Maze Dug Out Of The Limestone 2


Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


It Is ~aid That There Are A Few 'Burial Chambers' Inside Of These Vaults. They Are Only A Few Square Feet, Being Just Large Enough For One To Crawl Through. There Have For Years Been Rumors, That One Of These 'Burial Chambers' Does Not End, However, It Continues Into Deeper And Unexplored Caverns Beyond. This Was The Subterranean Passage And Chamber Which Was Referred To Years Ago In An Article Which Appeared In The· August, 1940 Issue Of National Geographic Magazine. The Article Stated The Following Concerning Several People Who Disappeared In These Catacombs Without A Trace: "Many Subterranean Passageways, Including Ancient Catacombs, Now Are A Part Of The Island's Fortifications And Defense System. Supplies Are Kept In Many Tunnels; Others Are Bomb Shelters. Beneath Valletta Some Of The Underground Areas Served As Homes For The Poor. Prehistoric Men Built Temples And Chambers In These Vaults. In A Pit Beside One Sacrificial Altar Lie Thousands Of Human Skeletons. Years Ago One Could Walk Underground From One End Of Malta To The Other. The Government Closed The Entrances To These Tunnels After School Children And Their Teachers Became Lost In The Labyrinth While On A Study Tour And Never Returned. " The Tunnels Under The "Hypogeum" Have Been Sealed Off Ever Since A Sc.hool Teacher Took 30 Students Into The Caves And Disappeared, Guide And All. It Was Stated That The Walls Caved In On Them: Search Parties Were Never Able To Locate A Trace Of These People. It Is Said That For Weeks The Wailing And Screaming Of Children Was Heard Underground In Different Parts Of The Island, However No One Could Locate The Source Of The Sound. These Underground Entrances Have Been Sealed Off And Nobody Is Allowed To Investigate The Site.

Figure 4 The Funeral Chamber Under The New Grange Burial Mound In Ireland Is Covered By A Vaulted Roof Some 20 Feet High. The Stones Are Arranged In Horizontal Layers One Above The Other, Overlapping On The Inside Edge, Each Stone Being Held In Position By The One Above. 3



Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth

Patterns Of Scrolls, Spirals And Zigzags Cover The Surface Of These Dressed Stones Forming The Passageway To The Funeral Chamber Of A Burial Mound On The Island Of Gavrinis OfTThe Coast Of Brittany. Some Countries Such As: Switzerland Have Complete Cities Underground. Up In The Mountain Range In An Area Known As Lucerne And In German, Luzern-Sud. The Country Has A Population Of 59,574 People. Luzern-Sud Lies 25 Miles Southwest Of Zurich Which Is The Largest City In Switzerland. It Is An Important Tourist Resort And Textile Center. Below This Tourist Resort, Is A Hidden Staircase Beneath An Underpass That Leads To An Underground City That Can House 20,000 People. The City Is Equipped With Schools, Hospitals, Generator~ Television, Housing And Everything That You Could Possibly Conceive. This Actually Exists.


Figure 5

If You Don't Believe Me, Go Investigate. These Cities Will Serve As An Escape When Catastrophe Hits The Planet Earth. Now, Taking Into Consideration That The Population Of Lucerne Out Numbers The Space Availability In The Underground Cities Means That Everybody Won't Be There. This Tunnel Could Be Another Link To One Of The Caverns To The Inner World.

Figure 6 Luzern, Switzerland Where Underground City Is Located.

Figure 7 This Expressway Is Leading To Luzern-Sud. This Photo Is Blurry Because It Has Been Enlarged.




Shamballah And Aghaarta ~Cities Within The Earth

Figure 8 Maurice Doreal


In A Book Written By Maurice Doreal (Born Claude Doggins), Who Is The Highly Respected Founder Of The Brotherhood Of The White Temple In Sedalia, Colorado, Says That In Ancient Teachings, The Earth Is Hollow And Inhabited. In Doreal's Book, Entitled "The Inner Earth", He Describes The Inner Earth According To Ancient Teachings. The Ancients Say That, Only The Outer Crust Of The Earth Is Subject To Heat, From A Layer Of Hot Lava Near The Surface. Volcanoes Are Due To That Hot Layer. However, If You Were To Go Down Into The Earth 150 Miles There Will Be No More Uncomfortable Heat. Now It's Quite Comfortable In Temperature, And There Is A Vast System Of Caverns And Tunnels. It Is Said That A Series Of Great Caves And Channels Is To Be Found Inside The Earth Just Below That Belt Of Hot Lava.

One Of Those Channels Completely Encircles The Earth Inside, So That You Could Ride All Around The Inside Of The World Through That Channel And Come Back To The Point You Started From. Going Deeper Below Those Caves And Channels, You'd Come To Some Huge Room Caverns. Some So Big, Doreal States, That A Whole City Could Be Lost Within Its Huge Spaces! However, Down Farther Than Those Big Rooms Is The Fascinating Part. You Now Enter The Deepest "Inner Circle" Of The Earth. Here Is A Tremendous Hollow Space And In The Exact Center Of That Hollow Space -- Floating Freely -- You Would See What Looks Like A Small Version Of Your Sun. It's The Central Globe Or "Sun" Inside The Earth Which Energizes The "Inner Earth". Then There Are The Movies That Were Made Decades Ago, Telling You About The Inner World.

Diagram 1 An Artist's Illustration Of The Black Sun

The Movie "Voyage To The Center Of The Earth" Was 0ne Such Movie. Movies Are Not The Only Means By Which This Information Is Being Put Out. There Have' Been Many Books That Have Been Published On This Topic As Well. An Example Of This Is A Novel Written In 1951 A.D., Which A Kingdom Named "Aghaarta" Is Described As Existing Beneath The Surface Of The Earth Of Antarctica. 5



Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth

The Novel, Written By Robert Dickhoff, Is Said To Be About "... One Of A Large Number Of Subterranean Empires Conjured Up By Imaginative Writers ... " Information About The Underworld Is Even In Children's Comic And Adventure Books. In A Series Of Adventure Books Written By Edward Packard, One Entitled "Underground Kingdom", He Gives You Facts As Well As Fable. The Information Is Out There, And Is Coming From Every Direction- Subtly And Abruptly. It Is Just A Matter Of You Opening Your Eyes. Another Account Involves The Ancient Greek Temple Of Apollo, In Hierapolis Now Known As Pamukkale, Turkey, Which Was Once A Part Of An Ancient Greecian Empire.


Diagram 2

An Article In The January 1989 A.D. Issue Of OMNI Magazine, Referred To Strange Disappearances Which Had Taken Place In A Cavern Adjacent To This Now Broken-Down Temple. The Article Quoted From The Writings Of The Ancient Greek Philosopher 'Stabe', Who Lived Between 63 B.c. And 24 AD. He Wrote About Animals That Would Often Enter The Cave And Never Return. The Article Also Quoted Sheldon Aaronson, A Professor Of Microbiology At Queens College, N. Y., Who Told OMNI That Several Australian Students Had Entered The Cave And Disappeared Just A Few Da:ys Before His Visit In 1987 AD. Sheldon Stated: "The Turkish Government Put Iron Bars Over The Opening To Prevent Other People From Ever Going In. As Far As We Knew, The Au~tralians Were Never Seen Again." According To The Article, The Greeks Believed That The Cavern Was An Opening Into The 'Land Of The Dead Ruled By The Gods Of The Underworld.' Each Of These Stories And Theories Have Their Own Truths. Now I Am Going To Give You The Entire Truth And Facts. I Have Been Telling You For Over 25 Years That There Is A Subterranean World And Is Occupied By Many Different Types Of Beings. When I Introduced The Names "Shamballah" And "Aghaarta" In 1965 A.D., To The Public, People Called Me "Crazy" And Now In The 90's, The Media Is Running Stories AllOver The World About These Two Cities. Ques: Well, What And Where Is Shamballah

And Aghaarta?

Ans: What And Where Is Shamballah And Aghaarta, You Ask? Shamballah Is The Capital Of The Biggest Subterranean World. This "Palace Of Illumination" Within The Earth Has A Central Sun Which Is 600 Miles In Diameter. The Inner City Is Called AGHAARTA (.::....)~I) Meaning "Through The Hole". The Temple Within This Subterranean World Is Called The "Golden Palace" Or In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) Waalhalla (~I,.JIJ) Meaning "Place Of Illumination" Or "With The Golden Aura" Which Is Located In The Capital Called SHAMBALLAH (..11~) Meaning "Scented By Allah". Shamballah Is A Combination Of The Words Shama Meaning "Scent" And Allah Which Gives You "The Most Beautiful Scents Of Allah". One Of The Most. Outstanding Characteristics Of Shamballah Is That Those Beings Who Visit Or Live In Shamballah, Bodies Carry Uniqu~ Sweet Scents. It Is A Scent Of The Presence Of Allah. Shamballah Itself Is The Holy Place Where The Earthly World Links With The Higher States Of Consciouness. The City Shamballah Is Also Known As ESHARRA. There Are Also Crafts That Come From The Center Of The Earth. As A Matter Of Fact, Many Crafts Seen By People On The Surface Comes From Various Caverns Beneath The Planet Earth. 6


Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


Shamballah Is A Galactical United Nations As Opposed To An Earth United Nations. Shamballah Has The Largest Library And Medical Library On This Side Of The Galaxy. Shamballah Has Climate Contro\. There Are No Volcanoes And Earthquakes. Environment Control Implies That There Is Disease Clmtro\. There Are No Years, Months And Days Being That The Sun Is In The Center Of The Inner World And The Planet Is Not Moving Around Anything. There's NO WAR And NO SPECIE-ISM Which Is Short For RACISM.




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Figure 9 - The Capitol Of The Subterranean

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Diagram 8 The Hollow Earth Complete \Vith Central SUIl As Depicted By Artist Max Fyfield Of Denmark 21



Shamballah And Aghaarta ~Cities Within The Earth


Ques: Were The Caverns Formed Naturally? Ans: Some Of The Caverns Were There Naturally. Some Of Them Have Been Hollowed Out By Beings. The Caverns Are Very Large. Believe It Or Not, There Is A Cavern Connecting To Australia And Through The Atlantic Ocean. This Way They Don't Have. To Come Into Contact With Surface Dwellers Which Would Be Like You Who Live On The Earth. The Humanoid Type Extraterrestrials Are Making Shuttles To Transport Themselves From One Place To The Next. The Ones That Are Humans Have To Travel In Your Time And Space. They Have To Do Things According To How Time On Earth Is Governed. There Are Other \ Beings That Can Step Through Stargates And Into Other Dimensions. Ques: How Are They Able To Power These Caverns? Ans: They Are An Advanced Society By Far, And Have Surpassed People On The Surface Of The Earth In Technology. They Use Power Called Blast Electricity Whose Source Is From The Compression Of Air And Its Connection With Electricity. This Ties In With The Shifting Of Weights Which Was The Secret To The Building Of The Pyramids. They Also Get Their Power From The Energy Grid That Surrounds The Planet Earth. This Is One Of The Main Reasons Why Extraterrestrials Want Your Planet. The Magnetic Field Is One Of The Most Valuable Assets On Your Planet Because It Is An Endless Amount Of Free Energy.

Diagram 9 Magnets At The Poles And Surrounding

The Planet Earth

Ques: What Is The Difference Between The Caverns And The Cities Of The Inner Earth And Who Is It Controlled By? Ans: The Center Of The Earth Is A Special Base Controlled By Benevolent Beings Called The DUNAAKIAL Whose Original Home Is In RIZQ Which Is Located In The 19th Galaxy Called ILLYUWN. The Dunaakial Are Hybrids Of The RIZQIYIANS Who Made Their Residence Within SHAMBALLAH. Some Of The Members Of The Dunaakial Tribe Stayed In Shamballah And Others Went Off And Set Up Tribes And Caverns Near The Surface. Malevolent Or Negative Beings Are Allowed To Go In The Cities. However, They Live In The Caverns.



Shamballah And Aghaarta ~Cities Within The Earth


Ques: Do The Dunaakials Have Any Descendants On The Surface Of The Planet Earth? Ans: Yes. Some Of The Dunaakial Went To The Surface Of The Earth An Dmixed In With Surface Beings. This Mixture Breed The Tribes Known Today As The DONGALA WIY And The DANAKIL Of Northeast Africa. . Ques: Is The Story Of Rainbow City Real? Ans: There Is A City Within The Inner Earth Called "Rainbow City" That Was First Discovered In 1942 A.D., By A Professional Musician Named Emery. Emery Was Assigned To The Search Of What He Calls The "Ancient Three", And He Spent Months Flying Over The Antarctic, Looking For Clues. When Emery Discovered The Rainbow City He Sent A Message To A Couple Named Mr. And Mrs. William Hefferlin Of San Francisco (Now Believed To Be Living In Rainbow City With 2,000 Other People). The Hefferlins Wanted To Learn More About The Ancient Three And Little By Little In Their Psychic Conversations With Emery, They Heard The Story Of The Three And The Concealed History Of The Human Race. Countless Millions Of Years Ago, Emery Told Them Humanity Ruled An Empire Of Planets Stretching Over A Hundred Galaxies. At Some Point In Their Conquests, The Ancient Humans Encountered The Race Which Was To Become Their Deadly Enemy, The Snake People And The Ancients Battled For A Thousand Years, With The Advantage Passing First To One Side, Then To The Other. However, It Became Clear That The Snake People Had Won. They Chased The Human Race From Planet To Planet, Scattering The Remnants Of The Human Empire To A Few Lonely Worlds. One Of Them Was The Planet Lahmu (Mars) Known As The "Red Planet". For Hundreds Of Generations The Planet Lahmu Served As A Hospitable Home Of The Ancients. However, As Time Passed The Ancients Realized Mars Was Dying-Its Oxygen And Water Were Slowly Evaporating Into Space. The Great Ruler Of Mars Sent A Fleet Of Spaceships To Earth To Investigate Its Potential As A New Home. The Scouting Party Returned Full Of Praise For The Planet Earth, Especially The Subtropical Antarctic Continent. So The Great Ruler Told Several Thousand Of His Subjects They Were To Leave And Prepare The Way On The New World. They Settled In Antarctica 'And Built Seven Great Cities There, Modeled After The Cities In Mars; Each Had A Distinctive Color And Was Called The Green City Or The Blue City Or The Red City. The Greatest Of All Was Rainbow City. It Was Called This Because It Was Constructed Entirely Of Plastic And Of All Colors Of The Rainbow. Rainbow City Sat Deserted For A Million Years. It Alone Of The Seven Cities Was Free Of Ice, For Hot Springs Beneath The City Kept It And The Surrounding Valley At Room Temperature. Encircled By Walls Of Ice Then, A Thousand Feet High, Rainbow City Has Remained Hidden From Antarcti,ca Explorers To This Day-Except For Emery And His Band. They Occupied The City And Found It Consisted Of Six Levels, One On The Surface And Five Beneath It. Since The Technology Of The Ancients Was Infinitely Superior To That Of "Surface Dwellers", The City Was Found With All Its Incredible Machinery Running As Well As It Had When The City Was Built Two And A Half Million Years Ago. Many People Don't Know It, However, Plastic Is A Relatively ]}Jew Product To Humans. Plastic Was Introduced To You No More Than 50 Years Ago. So Ask Yourself How Did They Get Plastic To Build This City? It Is One Of The Many Things That Was Given To You By Extraterrestrial Beings.



Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth




The Approximate

Diagram 10 Location Of Rainbow City Under Antarctica

According To Author Robert Dickhoff, A Race Of Outer Space Invaders Built The Tunnels Long Before The Great Noaic Deluge.· They Were Martians He Says. Martians Who Carne To Earth And Colonized It Many Thousands Of Years Ago. They Were War Like And Built The Tunnels As A Great Defensive System In Case Of Atomic Or Interplanetary War. Rainbow City Says Dickhoff, Was One Of Seven Magnificient Cities Built By The Outer Space Invaders. All The Cities Were Encased In Miles OfIce. When The Earth Tilted And The Flood Came. All The Cities That Is Except One. Rainbow City Was Near The Opening The Great Door Leading Into The Interior Of The Earth. Warmth From The Interior Kept Rainbow City From Freezing Over. The Rainbow City People Still Use This City As A Spaceship Base. Ques: Isn't The Story Of The Rainbow City The Same As The Rizqiyians, When They Had To Leave Their Planet Rizq?


Ans: Yes. The Stoty Of "Rainbow City" And They Having To Flee Their Planet And Find Salvation On Other Planets, Is Not A New Onc. It Is The Stoty Of The Beings Called The RIZQIYIA S Also Known As The ANUNNAQI, ELOHEEM Having To Leave Their Planet And Take Refuge On Mars In The Milky Way On Kiymar, In Arcturus On Kyltum, In Pleiades On Hamdun And In Orion On Munziyl. This Is Where They Got Their Stoty From. The ANNUNAQI Are A Supreme Race Of Beings Whose Name Is DINNEER In The Cuneifonn Language. They Are Dark-Greenish Brown Skinned Beings, Like Olives With Supreme 9 Ether Hair Texture Or What You'd Call "Kinky" Or "Kingly" Hair. They Look Like Humans With A Fe\.\ Exceptions Such As Their Eyes. ~Onl(;: Of The Anunnaqi's Eyes Are Exceptionally Larger Than That Of Humans. They Are Of Such An Advanced State That If You Confronted One Of Them With A Weapon They Would Let You Shoot Them Rather Than Hurt You. 24



And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth



Figure 21 Enlil

Figure 24 Kaaka

Figure 22 Ninqi

Figure 23 Enqi

Figure 25 Arzy'EI

Figure 26 Udum


Figure 27 Gilgamesh


Figure 28 Balaat

Figure 29 Sharoor


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10'''''' ,~

Figure 30 Anat

Figure 31 Kalkal

Figure 32 Si,·e


Shamballah And Aghaarta ~Cities Within The Earth

Figure 33 Mami

Figure 34 Ninlil

Figure 36 Arinni

Figure 37 Namtar

Figure 39 Murdoq

Figure 40 Nergal


Figure 35 Ninsun

Figure 38 Etana

Figure 41 Arishkegal

The Anunnaqis Nergal Shar'estar Who Was Also Called Erra, And His Wife Arishkegal Were The Rulers Of KURNUGJ, The Underworld Which Was Called Zuab Or Abzu. Now. To Get Back To The Point, We Anunnaqi's On Planet RJZQ, Which Is In The 19th Galaxy Called ILL YUW Were In Trouble Because Of Our Depleting Ozone Layer. The Ozone Layer Was Depleting 3 Times As Fast Because ILLYUWN Has 3 Suns: UTU, SHAMASH And APSU. At A Certain Time Of Year. All Three Suns, Shine On The Planet Rizq At The Same Time. Thus Causing Major Damage To The Planet.




And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


Diagram 11 IIIyuwn

Diagram 12 The Planet Rizq Meeting In The Middle Of The' 3 Suns The Conditions On The Planet Rizq Had Become So Intolerable That We Had To Flee The Planet. We Scouted Out Different Planets For Minerals And Other Resources Such As Gold In Order To Repair Their Dwindling Atmosphere. We Set Up Bases On Mars Called LAHMU And The Dark Side Of The Moon Also Knovv"nAs KINGU.



Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth

Diagram 13 One Of The 30 Mile Long Crafts Used To Transport


Gold And Other Minerals

Here On These Bases, We Assembled 30 Mile Long Crafts To Transport The Minerals We Collccted. These Bases Have Been Reactivated By Humans From Earth And Extraterrestrials. Therc fs A Group Of Humans From Earth Called The "Brain Team" Who Are Being Taught By Extraterrestrials How To Communicate Telepathically And Use Their Minds For Mental War.

Diagram 14 Lahmu (Mars) Base The Planct Mars Has Been The Center Of Attentiol' For Many Years. Now In 1995 A.D., It Is In The Media More Than Ever Before. They Are Setting Up Bases On Mars. When Scientists Discovcred The FACE 0 MARS Back In 1976 A.D. When Photbs Taken Of The Surface Of Mars Proved That There Was Water On Mars That Means Life. There Were Canals And Watcm-ays Photographed On The Planet LAHMU (Ma.·s). On July 20, 1976 A.D., The Viking I Took A Photograph Of An Odd Looking Plateau In The Plains Of Cydonia On Its 35th Orbit. Frame 35A 72 Showed What Looked Like A Mile Wide Human Face Which Bcc~lIl1cKno\\ n As The "Face On Mars."



Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


Figure 42 Different Views Of The Face On Mars NASA Kept This Quiet And Wrote It Off As "An Oddity Of Light And Shading." Viking 2 Landed September 3, 1976 A.D. 1,800 Miles Away From Viking 1. Space Engineers, Vincent Dipetro And Greg Molenar, Later Checked Into The Viking's Photo File, They Discovered That 35 Days Later, On A Different Orbit And Sun Angle The Viking Had Caught The Martian "Sphinx" On Frame 70A13. The Engineers Enhanced The Photos And Came To The Conclusion That The Face Was Of Artificial Origin. Richard C. Hoagland, A Scientist Who Used To Work For NASA, Made A Claim That A Place On Mars Named Cydonia Has The Ruins Of An Entire Martian City Full Of Pyramids, Which Are Geometrically Aligned With The Face And The Larger Five-Sided Pyramid. Hoagland Has Published Books And Videos Entitled "The Monuments On Mars"About His Claims. He Is One Of The Leading Scientists' On This Topic Today. However, Scientists Are Busy Guessing About What The Face On Mars Really (s. ['ll Tell You Exactly What It Is.



Figure 43 Richard

C. Hoag~nd 29


Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth



This Is Adam Notice The GradualTransition Of The Face. Notice How The Face Matches Perfectly With The Face On Mars.

This Is The Picture That Was Taken Of The Face On Mars

Figure 44 THIS IS NO COINCIDENCE!! It Was An Ancient Marker For Incoming Extraterrestrials To Know About The Project Of Homo Erectus To Homo Sapien. As I Mentioned Earlier, The ANUNNAQI Set Up Bases On The Planet Mars 450,000 Years Ago Before Coming To The Planet Earth. Homo Erectus Were Being Abducted From The Planet Earth And Then Taken To A Laboratory On The Planet LAHMU(Mars) Where They Were Being Made Into Homo Sapiens. What You Are Seeing Are Remnants Of Cities, Bases And Monuments Of An Ancient "Egyptian" Type Civilization. For More Information Refer To "Man From Planet Rizq", Scroll #80 And

"Mission Earth And The Extraterrestrial Involvement," Scroll #82. THIS IS THE WHOLE


Ques: You Mentioned Earlier An Inner Sun. How Did The Earth Get A Central Sun? Ans: Okay, Let Me Walk Through This. Millions Of Years Ago When A Motherplane Called NIBIRU Was Coming Through Your Solar System, There Was An Accident. The ANUNNAQI Who Were Aboard This Craft Called NIBIRU; Was On It's Normal Route When The PLANET ANU Meaning "The Heavenly One" Today Known As URANUS, Not Originally Apart Of Your Solar System, Suddenly Came From Behind The PLANET EA Which Means "He Whose House Is Water" Today Known As ,NEPTUNE. Trying To Avoid Hitting URANUS, NIBIRU Veered Off It's Path And Collided With The PLANET MALDEK Also Known As VULCAN And Later Became Known As The LOST PLANET. The Beings On MALDEK Assumed They Were Being Attacked And Sent Out Four Fighter Ships After NIBIRU. These 4 Fighter Ships Were Also Known As The Four Winds-North Wind, South Wind, East Wind And WestWind.



Sltamballah And Aghaarta ~Citie.\' Within The Earth


NIBIRli Put Up It's Four Magnetic Force Fields And Destabilized These Four (4) ShIps. And They Moved On As Four (4) Powerful Winds With The Planet-Ship NIBIRU. When NIBIRU Released The 4 Ships. From It's Forcdield, The Craft Called The NORTH WIND Was Lined DIrectly For The PLANET TIAMAT Meaning "Maiden Of L(f'e" Or What You Call The PLANET EARTH. Upon The Impact Of The North Wind, It Caused TIAMAT To Split In T\\o (2) Parts. The NORTH WIND Then Came Back Around Shattering That Half Into Pieces Making Comets. Of Which Halley's Comet Is One, And Asteroids. The EAST WIND Bored A Hole In The Upper Half Of Tiamat (Earth) After The North Wind Had Already Split The Planet In Two. This Caused The Upper Half Of TIAMAT To Wallop In Its Orbit, Setting Large Portions Of It On Fire. The SOUTH WIND That Crashed Into TIAMA T Created The Grand Canyon.

Diagram 15 The West Wind Making The Central Sun

Diagram 16 The Grand Canyon Is The Result Of The South Wind Crashing Into Tiamat 31


Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


The WEST WIND, Also Called The Evil Wind. Tore Into The Center And Gouged Out A Large Hollow Space In The Center Of TIAMAT. The West Wind Became A Tremendous nOO Mile Diameter Sun, And Was Trapped In Place There. With A Sun Screen To Direct The Heat Waves Through The North Pole Away From The Planet Creating The Northern Lights, Or What Is Called Aurora Borealis. These Lights Are Solar Flares Or Sun Flares. This Ball Of Light In The Center Of TIAMAT Was Named APSU Meaning "One Who Exists From The Beginning". Three Other Lost Ships Or Satellites Launched Off NlBIRU Creating A Tetrahedron Of Energy At A 19.5 Degree Angle Around The New Half Of TIAMAT With The Hole Through It, And Was Placed Inside Tiamat's Center. This Sun Traveled Through The Great Hole Called The Abyss, For A Distance Of 3,963 Miles To The Center Of TIle Half Of The Newly Formed Planet QI (EARTH).

Diagram 17 The West Wind Becoming "The Inner Sun" This Was How The Central Sun Also Known As The Black Sun Came Into Existence. The Black Sun Really Isn't Black. It Just Gives The Appearance Of A Black Sun. It Is The Same When There Is An Eclipse Of The Sun And The Aura From The Sun Behind It Is Shining. So It Gives The Appearanc~ Of Blackness. For More Information Refer To "The Hu(v Tablets" And "Mission Earth And The Extraterrestrial Involvement", Scroll #82. 32


Shamballah And Aghaarta -Cities Within The Earth


Diagram 18 These Are Retouched Photos Taken At The Early Part Of This Century. These Are Patterns In The Sky Were Created By The Central Sun. Ques: What Exactly Js Nibiru? -\ns: NIBIRU Is A Craft That Is A MOTHERPLA~F: And A Movable Throne Called . It Is 3 Times The Size Of The Planet Earth- Tllli~ Making It Too Large fo Lome Into The Earth's A.tmosphere, NIBIRIJ Means "Planet Of The Crossing Or Planet That Croues The Skies". Today, It Would Be Explained As "A Shuttle That Is .\'e((-Sustaining And Life Supporting". \1ad
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