Shamanic Crystals Judy Hall

February 15, 2017 | Author: Jo Pinto | Category: N/A
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Shamanic Crystals Judy Hall Extracted from The Crystal Bible, New Crystals and Healing Stones and The Crystal Encyclopedia l!" stones not in the  Crystal Bible# $ost $ost sh sham aman anic ic crys crysta tals ls are are high high %ibr %ibrat atio ion n ston stones es that that brin bring g abou aboutt multidimensionalhealing but these only wor& if your own %ibrations are in harmony harmony with the stone' stone' (fa crystal crystal does not appear to wor& for you, hold it and gently concentrate on yourpalm' )ou may feel a tingle and your body will shift slightly as it attunes to thecrystal' (f so, perse%ere, sitting for ten minutes a day until the crystal begins to wor&'(f not, choose another crystal' * high high %ibra %ibrati tion on crys crysta tall may may brin bring g abou aboutt a stro strongr ngrea eact ctio ion n or heali healing ng challenge' (f this occurs, remo%e the crystal immediately and hold a +reen han h anto tom m or Smo& Smo&y y -uart -uart. . poin pointt down down towar towards ds your your feet feet to faci facilit litat ate e therelease of energy mo%ing easily out of your body' /ait a day or two before using thehigh %ibration crystal again' Brandenberg Cha&ra0 all but especially the soma cha&ra 1 abo%e the third eye at the hairline, andt andth he past past life life cha& cha&ra ras s 1 behi behind nd the the ears ears on the the bony ony ridg ridge' e'* *ll Brandenbergs whether clear, smo&y or amethyst, carry the %ibration ofeach colour colour'' * us usefu efull aid to multi2 multi2dim dimens ension ional al spi spirit ritual ual wor&, wor&, 3inner 3inner window windows4 s4 orphantoms assist in loo&ing within or tra%ersing the spiritual planes and gent gently ly brea brea& &old old patt patter erns ns and and ties ties'' This This high high22%ibr %ibrat atio ion n crys crysta tall is an indisp indispens ensable able aid for healin healingan gand d 5ourn 5ourneyi eying, ng, and for explo exploring ring the pure, pure, eternal blueprint that lies behindexistence' be hindexistence' (t returns a body to that purity of  %ibr %ibrat ation ion and and inte intent ntio ion n that that came came befor beforea eany ny impri imprint ntin ing g from from eart earthly hly incarnatio incarnations' ns' Emanating Emanating in6nite in6nite compassion compassion to all ofcreation, ofcreation, Brandenberg Brandenberg brings about deep soul healing and forgi%eness' This stonespeeds reco%ery fro from illness or acc accide ident and is excelle llent for for house clea learing' * Smo& Smo&yB yBra rand nden enbe berg rg is the the 6nes 6nestt tool tool a%ai a%aila labl ble e for for remo remo%i %ing ng impla implant nts, s, attachments attachments,, spiritposse spiritpossession ssion or mental in7uence in7uence and this is the stone par excellence for transformationor transition'

8ther shamanic stones0*ctinolite Cha&ra0

heart, solar plexus, third eye*ctinolite is an excellent stone for psychic shielding' Expanding the aura andcrystallising its edges, this stone connects you to higher awareness and brings body,mind, psyche and spirit into balance' *n e9ecti%e aid to %isualisation and imagery'*ctinolite assists the body to ad5ust to changes or traumas' *egirineCha&ra0 higher heart thymus#*n excellent crystal for generating and focussing energy beams for use inhealing a person or en%ironment, *egerine remo%es emotional energy bloc&ages andenhances positi%e %ibrations' Extremely helpful in psychic attac& or negati%ethin&ing, it repairs the aura after attachments ha%e been remo%ed and turns negati%ethoughts positi%e' This stone helps you see the bigger picture and *egirine healsrelationship problems and o%ercomes the grief of separation' Encouraging sincerityin all that you do, *egirine empowers the :uest for your true self and the ability todo what is needed from the heart' This stone encourages following your own truthwithout conforming to the ideas or ideals of others, or to group pressure, and focusesyour goals wisely' Boosting the body4s self2healing systems, it enhances the healingenergy of other crystals'


third eye and higher crown'*grellite surfaces things 2 fast' (t shows where you ha%e been attempting tocontrol others and supports you in allowing them independence and self2respect'Bringing to your attention matters that you ha%e repressed and buried deep withinyour psyche, and which are bloc&ing your soul growth, it also helps you to face yourown inner saboteur and to access untapped potential' This stone detects bloc&ageswithin the physical or aura, to which it has a distincti%e energetic response, althoughother crystals may be re:uired to heal the condition  *5oiteCha&ra0  third eye, crown, lin&s heart and throat*n extremely high %ibration and rare stone, *5oite wraps the soul inuni%ersal lo%e' (f your %ibrations are in harmony with this stone it brings about aprofound spiritual re%elation and serenity' * puri6er for the emotional body andinstilling in6nite peace, *5oite creates emotional and en%ironmental calm, gentlydrawing out and transmuting toxic emotions and old grief' /orn o%er the thymus, itdissipates stress from the physical body and, harmonising the etheric blueprint withthe physical body, attunes to a state of perfect health' *5oite draws &armic wounds orimplants out of the body no matter at what le%el or from which timeframe theyoriginate, and gently heals the resulting space with unconditional lo%e, reframingcellular memory'

*5oite with Shattuc&iteCha&ra0  higher heart or third eye *n excellent energy conduit,

this combination is one of the most powerfulprotections against electromagnetic smog and psychic attac&' Creating a protecti%ebubble around the aura that &eeps you safe no matter where you may be, it enablesyou to remain open spiritually' (n times of stress, wearing this stone allows you toexperience profound peace and to remain centred in yourself';armically, *5oite with Shattuc&ite assists the process of atonement, reconciliationand reparation, releasing the need for such acts where these ha%e become a bloc&ageto spiritual progress especially if a subtle carryo%er of past life morti6cationpractises' (t teaches the di9erence between atonement and at2onement and opens theway for the &arma of grace to operate'  *mblygoniteCha&ra0 solar plexus, higher crown, opens and aligns all* useful stone for gently releasing emotional hoo&s from the solar plexus,*mblygonite assists in ending relationships without angry conse:uences' (t can beused to grid areas of discordance or public disorder, bringing peace and tran:uillity,especially where young people are in%ol%ed' (n healing, *mblygonite acti%ates theelectrical systems of the body and can be taped o%er the thymus to protect againstcomputer emanations in those who are sensiti%e'

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