Sham Daa Mcq

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This pdf contains MCQ Design and analysis of algorihm(DAA)...


Question A B C D Ans 1960 Bellman in_________ 1950 1953 1949 2 Dyanamic Programming invented by a U.S. Mathematician Richard optimization. solving detecting None of the above 1 Dyanamic Programming is typically applied to ________problems topdown horizontal Bottom up. all of the above3 Which approach Dyanamic programming uses for problem solving? matrix chain multiplication optimal binary search tress 0/1 knapsack problem all of the above. 4 which is the application of dyanamic programming? TRUE. FALSE 1 The Greedy strategy will not work for 0-1 Knapsack problem. Sorting Algorithm Prim’s Algorithm. Dijkstra’s algorithm None of the above 2 Specify the algorithms used for constructing Minimum cost spanning tree. Forest. is known as Region threaded tree None of the above 1 Collection of sub trees that are obtained when root node is eliminated Cubic. Quadratic nlogn logn 1 State time efficiency of OBST Quadratic. Cubic Square None of the above 1 State space efficiency of OBST Time and space requirement is high Optimality should be checked storageatisall needed levelsfor Allalloflevel the above. 4 Which one of the following is drawback of dynamic programming? a set of feasible solution is generatedproblem and optimum is divided solution into is many small picked subproblems decision up. sequences None ofare thegenertrd above 1 In greedy methode all the vertices and circuit all the vertices of graph only G and few novertices circuit. and only circuit few vertices 2 and no vertices Spanning tree of graph G contains Linear problems Optimization problems Quadratic problemsBi-Quadratic problems 2 Algorithms based on Greedy technique are used for solving__________ n kThe number of leaves in such a(ntree — 1) k +n1internal nodes n(k —is1) + 1. In a complete k-ary, every internal node has exactly k children. with

n (k — 1)


O(| Ealgorithm |) +| V| logcan | V|). (| V | log | V using |) O ((| | + | V |)log| 2 V |) structure with time complexity? V|2) Let G (V, E) an undirected graph with positive edge weights.O(| Dijkstra’s single source-shortes path be O implemented theEbinary heap data Queue Heapto be used is Tree 3 To implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm on unweighted graphs so that it runs in linearStack time, then data structure non regular graph regular graph. complete graph 3 A graph in which all nodes are of equal degree is known as multigraph MST Knapsac Optimal storage onBoth tapesA and B.4 Which one of the following is an example of subset paradigm? Greedy Method Dynamic Programming.Divide and Conqure None of the above 2 Which method definitely gives an optimal solution? all level Last level all of the above1 In dyanamic Programming Optimality should be checked at First Level. topdown. bottom up horizontal vertical 1 Greedy method uses_______approach. forward topdown backward A&C 4 The multistage Graph can be solved using ________approach. k>=2. where k>2 k
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