SFRM Commissioning and Field Testing _ Structural Fire Resistance Content From Fire Protection Engineering

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SFRM Commissioning and Field Testing Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM), more comm only referred to as sprayapplied fireproofing, is a passive fire protection mate rial intendedfor direct application to structural building members. Michael J. Rzeznik , P.E. | Fire Protection Engineering SHARE



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Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM), more commonly referred to as spray-applied fireproofing, is a passive fire protection material intended for direct application to structural building members.

Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM), more commonly referred to as spray-applied fireproofing, is a passive fire protection material intended for direct application to structural building members. The intent of this material is to increase the fire resistance characteristics of those members, primarily through insulation. The fire resistance of structural building elements provides an important contribution to the fire protection system design implemented in building construction. Com missioning and field testing of SFRM is not only important in new construction, but now w ith the recent enactment of

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renovation requirements in many jurisdictions, such as Local Law 26 of 2004 in New Y ork City,1 retroactive special inspection of SFRM in existing structures is becoming a requirement whenever SFRM is exposed as part of a building renovation. SFRM materials come predominantly in cementitious-, gypsum-or mineral-fiber-based forms. The fire-resistive qualities of SFRM m aterials differ with the specific characteristics of each material, as well as the manner in which they are prepared and applied. Further, the ability of SFRM to protect a given structural assembly varies with the characteristics of the mem bers being protected. Because of this, laboratory testing is used to ev aluate fire resistance ratings for com plete assemblies of structural mem bers, including the cha racteristics of their a pplied thermal protection.


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The relative fire resistance of an assembly is measured by its performance when subjected to standard fire endurance tests such as ASTM E1 19. This includes the type of SFRM applied to the structural m embers, along w ith its minimum required thickness, density and bond strength. However, the method with which to field verify that the installation is consistent with the intention of the manufacturer and with the tests conducted in the laboratory is outlined in other ATSM standards. These standards, specifically ASTM E 6052 and ASTM E 736, 3 form the basis for the testing and com missioning process for SFRM. The controlled environment and ca re associated with preparing a structural test assembly for the laboratory fire endurance test can vary greatly with the amount of time and attention available during the application of SFRM to a structural assembly in the field. For this reason, field verification of SFRM installation is critical to the building commissioning process. In the laboratory, only the most skilled laborers are used for preparation of the structural test assemblies to ensure that the tests perform as expected. However, on the construction site, the skill level and training of the installers cannot be



SFRM Commissioning and Field Testing | Structural Fire Resistance content from Fire Protection Engi…

controlled. Furthermore, in the laboratory the environmental conditions for the preparation of a test assembly, such as temperature and the presence of obstructions, are controlled, whereas environmental conditions at a job site are subject to change in ways that could inhibit proper SFRM preparation a nd application. Thickness One of the more obvious critical elements for a properly installed SFRM is its applied thickness. Proper SFRM thickness is critical to ensure that sufficient insulation is available to mitigate the passage of heat from a fire to the structure being protected. The level of therma l protection provided by the installed-SFRM mu st be at least equivalentto that provided for the test assembly-during the standard test. ASTM E 605 specifies procedures and methods with which to evaluate SFRM thickness, wh ile taking into consideration the realities of field installations. ASTM E 605 recognizes that an objective and consistent method is required with which to evaluate the general compliance of SFRM application in the field with the design assembly tested in the laboratory. The test also recognizes that the nature of the SFRM a pplication process does not permit a predictable homogeneous thickness to be achieved. Therefore, the standard permits for limited inadequacies in specific m inimum thicknesses, provided the impact on the thermal protection by the SFRM to its structural m ember is negligible. The thickness of SFRM as installed on a structural member should be measured with a calibrated thickness gauge, consisting of a needle or pin for penetrating the SFRM and a sliding disk oriented perpendicular to the needle. See Figure 1. ASTM E 605 requires that the ga uge be gra duated to take measurements in a minimu m of 1 mm (1/16-inch) intervals. The disk should have a friction device to hold it in place after inserting the pin into the SFRM. This device will allow for the pin to remain in place as the thickness gauge is removed from the SFRM, thereby allowing for increased accuracy in measurements. In instances when the density of SFRM is too thick for a standard-depth gauge to be used, smalldiameter holes (slightly larger than that of the depth gau ge pin) should be drilled into the SFRM. Thickness measurements can then be taken by inserting the depth ga uge into these holes, which should then be filled in with SFRM after gathering measurements. Because SFRM c annot be installed predictably at a homogeneous thickness, evaluating SFRM thickness based on individual point thickness measurements would not provide sufficient data with which to determine the general level of thermal insulation provided by the material. Similarly, evaluating the general compliance of installed thicknesses of SFRM in a localized region of a building cannot provide a global representation as to how the SFRM was installed throughout other areas of the building. Out of recognition that the consistency in the application of SFRM may change over the course of the day due to a change in the personnel, the time of day or the quality of the mixed product, the testing procedure outlined in ASTM E 605 requires that comprehensive local tests that encompass all surfaces of the structural m embers being protected throughout the building be included in the representative sample of thickness tests.

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CLASSIFIEDS FIRE PROTECT ION ENGINEER CITY OF MADISON, WI FIRE DEPARTMENT The City of Madison Wisconsin, is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Fire Protection Engineer. The services provided include code consultation, plan review, onsite inspection, issuing approvals, and g ranting permission for occupancy. Acceptable qualifications include two years of related experience in professional fire protection engineering work; degree in fire protection engineering or technology. Other demonstrated combinations of training and/or experience that result in the possession of the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform the duties of this position w ill be considered. Salary range: $61,418-$73,884 plus excellent benefit



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package. Application form: Full Job Description: The City of Madison is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEER, GS-11/12/13 Duties: This is a challenging position in the Fire Marshal Division. The incumbent serves as the Authority having jurisdiction to enforce na tional fire codes, investigate incidents of fire or explosion and develop and coordinate program policies and procedures concerning fire protection systems requirements. Provides technical support and guidance to the U.S. Capitol Police and other responding organizations during emergency operations involving firefighting, hazardous materials mishaps and rescue. This position will include testing and acceptance of fire alarm systems for the Capitol Visitor Center which is scheduled to open in 2007. Qua lifications required: Applicants m ust meet the qua lification requirements of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Qualifications Standard Manual: These positions have a basic requirement of a degree, or combination of education and experience as outlined in the OPM Individual Occupational Requirements for the GS-0804: Fire Protection Engineering Series. Information regarding requirements for these positions may be found at Additionally, one year of specialized experience is required that is equivalent to the next lower g rade level in the normal line of progression of the position to be filled. How To Apply: Applicants may submit a resume to LaVerne Cox in the Employment and Classification Branch via one of the following methods; Email: [email protected] or FAX: (202) 226-9755 or Hand Deliver resumes (without an envelope) to: Human Resources Management Division, Ford House Office Building, Room H2-178, 2n & D St., SW, Wa shington, DC. Q uestions concerning this recruitment should be referred to LaVerne Cox, Human Resources Specialist, at (202) 226-5552. NOTE: Due to security screening of all incoming mail delivery, please do not mail applications as they will not be received timely.

ASTM E 605 requires that thickness tests be conducted randomly at a rate of one bay per floor or one bay for every 930 square meters (10,000 square feet), whichever is greater, for each structural member being tested. Local jurisdictions may adopt alternate requirements in terms of the number of random samples to be taken and how many point thickness tests are required when calculating a sam ple's averag e thickness. However, the basic principles outlined in the ASTM E 605 requirements evaluating SFRM thicknesses remain intact. A series of point thickness measurements are to be collected in each of these randomly selected locations. The specifics related to the series of test measurements differ depending on the structural member being tested. For example, a standard H-column requires a minimum of 24 individual point thickness measurements to make up a single ASTM E 605 thickness measurement. Similarly, a standard I-beam supporting a floor/ceiling assembly will require a minimum of 18 individual point tests to make up a single requirement thickness measurement. Once the random beam is selected, a 0.305 m (12-inch) length is selected in which the test measurements will be taken. Along one end of the sample length, a total of nine point test measurements are taken as follows, moving around from one side of the beam to the other;2 (1) at the underside of the top flange, (2) in the middle of the web, (3) on top of the bottom flange, (4) at the flange tip, (5) at the underside of the bottom flange, (6) at the other flange tip, (7) at the top of the other bottom flange, (8) in the middle of the other side of the web and (9) at the underside of the other top flange. See Figure 2. Once these measurements are taken, an identical series of measurements must be taken at 0.305 m (12 inches) from that point. These 18 thickness measurements represent the



SFRM Commissioning and Field Testing | Structural Fire Resistance content from Fire Protection Engi…

field thickness testing for this one bay or 930 square meters (10,000 square feet) area. Each of these individual point measurements should be carefully recorded, since not only are the individual point measurements important, but the average of these point measurements also are considered when evaluating the pass/fail criteria for each thickness test. With regard to pass/fail criteria, the thickness of SFRM protecting a given mem ber is considered deficient if any individual measurement is more than 6 mm less, or more than 25 percent less, than the required fire resistance design thickness of the listed assembly, or if the ca lculated average thickness of the SFRM is less than that required for the design. In the event that a structural member is found to be deficient in terms of thickness, the member tha t is found to be deficient is to be corrected and retested, along w ith another member of that specific type (e.g., another column if a column failed, etc.), which is to be selected at random, preferably in the same bay or 930 square meters (10,000 square feet), and tested. Certain design assemblies, colum ns, beams a nd trusses may be allowed to have a reduced thickness on flange tips. In these instances, flange measurements an d thickness are to be averaged separately. The same m ay also be true for SFRM applied to the underside of fluted floor decks. Density The frequency outlined by ASTM E 605 for density testing is the same as that required for thickness testing; specifically, one test per structural member type, per floor or 930 square meters (10,000 square feet), w hichever is greater, w ith the specific locations selected at random. For density testing, a .03 m2 (48-square-inch) specimen, with no dimension less than 76 mm ( three inches), is measured in place for thicknessusing the method described previously. The average thickness of the sample is taken as the thickness of the specimen. After carefully cu tting and removing the specimen from the substrate, the specimen should be allowed to cure at no greater than 60 percent humidity for a period of time until successive weight readings differ by less than one percent. Once the dried weight of the specimen is stabilized, the density of the specimen can be calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. A density fa ilure is recorded whenever the calcula ted density falls below the minimu m individual density value of the fire resistance rated design assembly. In the event that a density test falls between the minimum average and minimum individual values for the design a ssembly, an a dditional density specimen should be tested in that same test area. If the average density of the two tested specimens is greater than the minimum average density values for the assembly, then the density test has passed. If the average is not achieved, then those structural elements in that test area must be corrected such that the appropriate density criteria a re ach ieved. Adhesion Testing The ability of SFRM to adhere to the structural member that it protects is another critical performance criterion that must be verified in the field following the application of SFRM. If the SFRM is improperly applied, the substrate is improperly prepared or the conditions in which the material is applied are inconsistent with manufacturers' recommendations, then ineffective adhesion to the structural members could result. In extreme cases, deficient adhesion could result in SFRM delamina tion, as indicated in Figure 3. The adhesive strength of SFRM is mea sured using the m ethods specified in ASTM E 736,3 the Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Mem bers. The specific adhesion strength pass/fail criteria will va ry from product to product and manufacturer to manufacturer; however, recommended adhesion bond strength criteria are on the order of m agnitude of those indicated in the Table 1. The standard SFRM adhesion test is performed at a frequency identical to that for SFRM thickness measurements. The test procedure itself consists of affixing a 51 mm to 83 mm (2 in. to 3-1/2-in.) diameter metal or plastic cap, with a hook attached to the center, directly to in-place SFRM material using a singleor dual-component adhesive. Once the adhesive is allowed to cure, a standard graduated spring scale (see Figure 4) is attached to the cap's hook, and force is slowly applied at a minimum uniform rate of approximately 5 kg (11 pounds) per minute.



SFRM Commissioning and Field Testing | Structural Fire Resistance content from Fire Protection Engi…

Force should be applied until failure oc curs, a predetermined value is reached or until the capacity of the scale is maximized. The cohesive/ adhesive force can then be calculated by multiplying the maximum recorded force (or force at the time of failure) by the area of the cap. This calculated force can then be compared to the minimum adhesion strength requirements listed by the manufacturer to evaluate whether or not the test results achieve the minimum-requirements. Cohesive failure is reported if separation occurs within the m aterial, and adhesive failure is reported if separation occurs at the interface of the substrate and the SFRM. The proper steps should be taken to assure that areas where adhesion tests have failed are rectified and retested such that the m aterial installed conforms to the m inimum standards of the assembly installed. Recent Developments In September 2005, NI ST issued its Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade

Center Towers.4 Some of the recommendations of this report are now making their way 5, 6 into the code and standard test development processes, including recommendationsapplicable to SFRM. Although the specific language to be adopted by the various code and standards bodies remains in the developmental stage, the chang es that are a dopted can be expected to require more rigorous and better documented testing requirements for both newly applied and in-service SFRM.

Michael Rzeznik is with Schirmer Engineering. References 1. Local Law 26, New York City Department of Buildings, The Department of Citywide Administrative Ser vic es, T he City of Ne w York , New Yo rk, New Y ork, 20 04 . 2. AST M E 605, Standard Test Methods for T hickness and Density of Sprayed FireResistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000. 3. AST M E 736, Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesi on of Sprayed Fire-R esistive Material Appl ied to Structural Members, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000. 4. Final Report on the Collap se of the World T rade Center T owers, Nation al Institute of Standards and Technology, September 2005. 5. Status of WTC Recommendations, National Institute of Stand ards and Tec hnology, March 21, 2006, 6. Draft Review of Findings on the NIST Wo rld Trade Center Report, ICC AD HOC Committee on Terrorism-Resistant Buildings, January 20, 2006.





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