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JUNE 2007


Issue 5: June 2007 Technical Journal Don’t Tango with the Tangler..................................1 Mine Kits ......................................................2 Tangler Gun ..................................................3

Planet of Mystery The Ul-Mor .........................................................4 Annals of Xa Shrishen Traldor .................................6

On the cover As the starship “Cyclope” earns its namesake by navigating towards a mysterious vortex, the sky itself screams protest with a violent storm. I came across this amazing picture when a friend sent me a link to the artist’s Epilogue.net gallery. After contacting the author, he gave me permission to share it with all of you! “Cyclope” by Jan Patrick Krasny © 2005

New Rules Starport Layovers ................................................8 Starflight: Starfighters in Alpha Dawn.......................9

Foreword Equipment Combat Armor .................................................. 15 Motion Tracker .................................................. 16 Sentry Guns ..................................................... 17 Pulse Rifle........................................................ 18 Yazirian Disc-Grenades........................................ 19 Inertia Wall ...................................................... 19 Blastaxe .......................................................... 20 New Equipment Tables........................................ 20

Archetypes Vrusk Pistolero .................................................. 21 Desperado .................................................. 21 Slinger....................................................... 22 Fated Mercenary........................................... 23 Vrusk Pistolero Edges and Flaws............................ 24

Locations Sathar Listening Post .......................................... 25 City Tiles ......................................................... 26

Adversaries Xenomorphs (from the “Alien” movie saga) .............. 27 Creature Summary............................................. 34

Character Races Vimh............................................................... 35

Adventure! General Yan-Soon.............................................. 37 Double-Edged Sword Subplot................................ 37 Pirate Trust ...................................................... 38 Sanctuary City .................................................. 38

Classifieds Shameless Project Plug ....................................... 40 STAR FRONTIERS, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, and the WIZARDS OF THE COAST logo are trademarks belonging to Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used here without permission. © 2001 Wizards of the Coast. All Rights Reserved. The free distribution of this revised edition of the out-of-print game system is not intended to detract income from Wizards of the Coast.

I have been very pleased watching this project take off. I’ve seen many other Star Frontiers projects pop up and fade away over time. Some were very well thought-out, some were... well... So what makes this project any different? I’ve been wondering about that. I worry that after all these months of hard work, the support for the project will fizzle. But each month I get surprised by last minute submissions that make my jaw drop. The creativity and talent of the Star Frontiers fan community amazes me. I think that’s the difference between this project and those that all have met ill fates. First of all, it’s not “my” project anymore. In fact, in this issue, the only actual articles that I wrote were few in number (though I did do a lot of custom art). The difference is you: the reader. Each issue gets downloaded MANY times (in the month of May, issue #4 was downloaded 1,206 times!) and so your talent and creativity is being placed in the hands of many readers. I get feedback from many people who tell me that they enjoy the collaborative works of this webzine – even if they don’t particularly care for the actual game upon which it’s based! So where are we headed? I’d like to see more creative writing in the future (and am excited that not one but two people have offered to start a monthly serial). Other than that, just more goodies like we’ve been providing.

Question for all of you: Many people have commented that they’d like to have real copies of this webzine in their hands... a real magazine. I think that’s beyond the scope of what we can do. However, how much would you be willing to pay for an annual perfect-bound book that includes all the issues asis, just compiled into a single volume for purchase on www.lulu.com? Bill Logan [email protected] Last Revision: 06.04.2007

Don’t Tango with the Tangler

Adventurers often use variable timer grenades to set impromptu charges to damage doors and such. For a Tangler grenade, this makes an excellent booby trap for when you’re being followed!

By Larry Moore

•Detonation Button – This simple type of grenade delivery system has two buttons, one for the thumb and one for the forefinger. It’s not possible for the forefinger button to be accidentally pressed while in a pocket. When both buttons are pressed at the same time and then released simultaneously (as in a throwing motion presumably), the charge is set and will explode within 34 seconds – just enough time to hurl it at an enemy. This detonation method is very popular and found readily throughout the Frontier because it’s mechanically simple and quite compact.

Tangler grenades are a staple for any would be traveler. Not only are they harmless, but in the right hands can be effective in capturing NPC's you wish to interrogate. Depending on the situation, they are simply a way to subdue a misguided enemy from harming you or your party... or even himself.

Delivery Systems Like other grenades, tanglers are normally thrown after pulling a pin. However, there are other types of delivery options, as discussed below. Note that these options don’t change the cost of the grenade; they are just types of grenade delivery systems that may be selected on purchase. Referees may wish to require specification of grenade type, or may assume any modern grenade in the Frontier can do any of these as desired. These delivery systems can be used with any grenade but this article is mostly focused on the Tangler grenade. •Pin-Pulling – A removable pin is pulled from the top of the grenade while a handle lever is held in place, but nothing happens. The pin can even be reinserted without anything bad happening. When the operator releases the handle, however, the grenade is set and the charge will fire in 3-4 seconds (just enough time to hurl it away). This is the standard, classic form of grenade delivery. •Variable Timer – These types of grenades lack either a pin or a handle lever. Instead they have a small dial (with a setting between 1 and 10) and a pushbutton. When the dial is set and the button is double-pushed, the variable timer begins its countdown. A setting of “1” results in a countdown of 1 turn (six seconds) while a setting of “10” results in a countdown of 10 turns (1 minute). Once the button is pushed, the timer is committed and cannot be modified. If a character has a demolitions skill and spends a turn doing it, he may disassemble the variable timer from the grenade before the time expires with a successful Defuse Charge roll. When the timer expires, the grenade explodes.

•Voice Command – This higher-tech delivery system has a button on it’s top, and a highly amplified microphone receiver. It has a small amount of electronic memory. The character presses the button and speaks a command word into it, then release the button. From that point on, if the microphone senses the voice pattern speaking the command word, it will detonate. The voice command detonation option isn’t all that popular because it has a limited range (the microphone won’t detect the character’s voice past 15 meters). Additionally, there have been some isolated cases of accidental detonation when improperly stowed. Voice recognition technology is more popular in the Voice Command Mine kit (see below). •Impact Detonation – This type of grenade delivery system has no identifiable button, handle, pin, or technology. It has tail fins to force proper orientation in flight. Inside the body of the grenade, it detects sudden impact when the grenade hits its target at a significant velocity, as if it had been thrown. This type of grenade is dangerous to drop accidentally!

Entanglement A small charge in the center of the grenade is surrounded by hundreds of polymer threads made of an adhesive elastomeric material. Upon contact with oxygen, the hardening process begins. It typically takes mere seconds for the liquid threads to harden. The charge inside is harmless even when discharging next to a character. As hundreds of sticky polymers shoot out in all directions, they entangle anything in they touch. The solidifying of the polymers is a sticky affair and adheres to characters, creatures, wood, metal, stone, and even glass. Its effects are messy, and can cause destructive effects to moving mechanical parts when their servos become overworked. The strands are strong enough to stop a fan blade from spinning... and can stick a character or NPC to a wall and keep them there.


The typical blast radius for a tangler grenade is 3 meters. Tangler mines (see below) can be much larger depending on the manufacture but typically its 5 meters.

Avoiding Entanglement The only real way to avoid being entangled by these nonlethal grenades is to avoid being struck by the solidifying sticky strands. This is accomplished by making a Reaction Speed avoidance roll and either diving out of the blast radius (must start the next turn prone) or interposing something between the blast and yourself (like ducking behind a wall or a crate).

Partial Entanglement This is an optional rule and may be ignored by Referees who want to keep entanglement simple. Using this rule, a player’s character isn’t necessarily doomed to become a slave on a pirate ship (or whatever) just because he failed his Reaction Speed avoidance roll and became entangled. It’s possible he’s not fully tangled. It can add a dramatic element to the story when the opponent thinks you’re bound and gets a nice surprise when he learns (the hard way) that your gun hand wasn’t bound at all... Whenever your character becomes tangled, roll 1d10: d10 Entanglement Effect 1 One leg partially entangled. Character cannot walk, but can still have use of his other limbs. His inability to maneuver gives opponents a +5 to hit him and gives him a -5 to hit others. 2 Both legs entangled. The Character is unable to walk or dodge, though he still has use of his arms. Reduced mobility gives opponents a +10 to hit him and his lack of coordination causes the trapped character to have a -10 to hit others. 3 One of the character’s hands (determine randomly) has become stuck to his weapon (or other item) and is stuck to a wall, post, door, floor, etc. Of course, he is unable to use that limb to do anything, but the rest of his body is still free to act. Reduced mobility gives opponents a +10 to hit him and his lack of coordination causes the trapped character to have a -10 to hit others. 4 The character’s arms are stuck to his own torso. He can still walk or run, but his entire upper body (except head) is stuck solid. Reduced mobility gives opponents a +20 to hit him and his lack of coordination causes the trapped character to have a -20 to hit others. 5 The character’s head has been covered by tangler threads and he is having trouble seeing or breathing. Because he can’t see, his ability to fight is extremely restricted (-20 to hit, +20 to be hit). Because he can’t breathe but never got a proper breath to hold before the tangler hit, he’ll have to make a Stamina check every turn or else take 1d10 points of damage due to suffocation. Of course, since Dralasites breathe through their skin, they are immune to this suffocating effect. 6 Attempt to dodge failed – character is prone and stuck to the floor quite thoroughly. He can’t move or attack, but can look around and talk and breathe normally. 7-9 The character is stuck fully to a nearby table, chair, crate, wall, creature, etc. He is quite vertical but held fast. He can look around, talk, listen, and breathe quite well. 10 The character is stuck fully in an awkward position (perhaps he was trying to succeed in his avoidance roll and got tangled in mid-leap). His awkward position will cause him great discomfort during his captivity. His breathing is labored and his blood is rushing to his head. He can talk but finds it difficult. He may even lapse into and out of unconsciousness due to his blood pressure and breathing.


Unentanglement Characters or creatures with a maximum STA score of 100 or more can break out of entanglement in a single turn. Those with a lower stamina must wait for a friend to administer solvaway (a small vial with enough dissolving agent to free one character from captivity) or for the strands to begin breaking down. After 30 minutes, the material strength of the hardened strands begins to break down. The decay is quite rapid, and stuck creatures or characters will be able to break it apart and let the pieces crumble around him. Some scientists claim that large amounts of exposure to tangler threads and/or solvaway can have negative effects on health, though the amount of exposure would have to be extreme for even a minor health-related malady. For game purposes, assume the threads and solvaway are both perfectly safe.

Mine Kits These mine kits could be purchased for any type of grenade. Tangler mines are set in place and activated, then have special sensors (see below) to determine when they should detonate. They make fantastic perimeter defenses and non-lethal wards against intrusion. A mine kit has two parts. First is the grenade itself, which mounts into the kit. Second is the sensory cluster, which act as the method of detonation (replacing whatever “delivery” type the grenade had previously). There are six basic types of tangler mine sensor clusters, as shown below: •Pressure Sensor – This is the standard, classic form of mine sensor cluster. It assumes the mine will be burried into the ground or under debris. It has a simple weight cell that relays analog weight levels back to a central processor, where it compares the detected weight against the sensitivity adjustment set during the setting of the charge. It takes 5 turns to dig, bury, cover, perform a weight tare, calibrate the setting, and conceal. Any creature equaling or exceeding the weight setting will detonate the grenade and be tangled. If desired, the mine’s detonation can be delayed 2 turns after the weight is released, in an attempt to entangle a larger group being followed by a party’s scout who set it off. •Proximity Sensor – This sensor can come in one of two forms: electromagnetic proximity sensor or laser-eye sensor. The electromagnetic sensor detects the presence of an electric field, either a bioelectric field generated by a living being or an activated defense screen (such as a sonic screen concealing the noises of an approaching intruder!). The laser-eye sensor is actually a beam and a receiver, which wirelessly reports data safely back to the mine central processor through a simple radio frequency transmitter/receiver pair. The mine will detonate if it detects the light beam is broken or the signal is somehow interrupted. It takes 2 turns to properly set and calibrate a mine equipped with a proximity-sensor cluster.

•Motion Sensor – Using technology similar to the Motion Tracker (see this issue’s Equipment article), this sensor cluster detects movement in the proximity of the mine. It can be calibrated to filter out repetitive motion (such as rotating satellite antennae) and can even have filters put in place to define minimum and maximum speeds and sizes of detected motion. When the proper sized object or creature moves at the proper speed, it will detonate the tangler. It takes 2 turns to set and calibrate a filter array for a mine equipped with a motion sensor cluster. •Time Delay – Instead of a sensor, this cluster simply comes with a series of dials and buttons used to set a desired countdown. It can be set from 0 to 999 and can have hours, minutes, or seconds selected. Once selected and the “Initiate” button is pressed, the countdown begins. When it’s done, the grenade in the mine kit will be detonated. Although not commonly used with Tangler grenades, it certainly could be. It takes only a single turn to set a mine equipped with a time delay delivery cluster. •Photon Sensor – This type of sensor is set to detect either light or lack thereof, depending on the presence or lack of light in the turn directly following the turn in which it is set. Thus, if it is dark when the mine is set, the mine will detonate as soon as light becomes present. If it is light when the mine is set, it will detonate when darkness is detected. This can be used as a booby trap: simply place in a dark room near the door, and when the door is opened and the light in the hallway pours in, the person opening the door will be surprised. It takes only one turn to set a mine equipped with a photon cluster. •Voice Recognition Cluster – This very modern cluster has a programmable logic controller that is programmed by simple voice recognition pattern. Simple commands are used to set and define its operation. It is very expensive to purchase and is destroyed by the mine’s detonation (as are all sensor clusters). The character setting the mine simply speaks his command set to the mine “Mine. Activate. Motion Sense. One meter movement size. Ten meter minimum movement rate. One hundred meter maximum movement rate. Initiate.” Its operation can be set to do any of the above sensor cluster types. It’s also possible to set up exclusion rules (identification of friend or foe: IFF transponders) so allies never get affected. Voice Recognition Clusters are also quite difficult to defuse because they require programming knowledge to identify how they’ve been set. It takes only a single turn to set a mine equipped with a voice recognition cluster. Mine Kit Equipment Mine Kit*

Cost (CR) 20

Weight 1kg

Turns to set --

Sensor Cluster Motion 40 1kg 2 Pressure 35 1kg 5 Proximity 45 1kg 2 TimeDelay 25 1kg 1 Voice 150 1kg 1 Photon 20 1kg 1 * (doesn’t include grenade. Blast radius of 3 meters)

Tangler Gun

Although not common in the Frontier, the tangler gun is an extremely effective tool for law enforcement personnel and bounty hunters who prefer to bring them in alive rather than dead. It is a heavy pistol with a large fore-end, capable of firing tangler gelpacks that explode on impact, releasing their strands into the air, expanding and immediately beginning their hardening process. The bullets fired by the gun are not hard, nor are they selfpropelled. They are gelatinous and encased in a tough outer plastic wrap designed to rupture on impact. The gun itself doesn’t fire through explosive means. No gunpowder or rocket fuel is used. Simple air compression is used, forcing air into the TanglerClip, causing the gelpack to be launched straight and true. The sound made by the tangler gun (as well as the general pneumatic nature of the weapon’s delivery of its payload) has earned the weapon the nickname “spitball.” The weapon has a 20-SEU PowerClip in the handle, but this is simply to power the rapid air compressing pneumatic delivery system. The ammunition for this unusual weapon is the TanglerClip, which is a large cylinder with ten chambers, each with a tangler gelpack loaded into it with a thin plastsheet cover (to keep it from falling out when the gun is pointed downward). When the trigger is pressed, the PowerClip energizes the pneumatics and forces air into the chamber – breaking the plastsheet cover and launching the gelpack. The force of the air then rotates the cylinder clockwise to the next available cylinder. The weapon can be fired up to three times per turn in this manner. When the TanglerClip is depleted (10 shots), 1 SEU is drained from the PowerClip (it was drained gradually by firing those ten shots). When the PowerClip is depleted, the weapon can still be fired but must be pumped manually by pulling back on the top/back of the pistol. Pumping it in this manner builds up pressure without power, but reduces the rate of fire to one shot per turn. Tangler Gun Cost: 250Cr Weight: 2 kg Damage: Entanglement Ammo: 10 shot TanglerClip Rate: 3 when powered, 1 when manually pumped Defense: RS Avoidance Roll Range: 5/10/20/40/80 Ammo Cost: 25Cr (10-shot TanglerClip) Skill: Projectile Weapons


Ahhh... Volturnus. Many of us got our first taste of Star Frontiers in a starliner plummeting towards the desert planet, fated for adventure. It all started with the first module in the series, SF0. Who would know the voyage would lead the characters into such an amazing story? This article allows you... that’s right you... to have a chance to help the story of the planet of mystery evolve. Do you have anything to contribute to the legacy of this adventurous locale? Have you created statistics for situations or environments that arose? Do you have some pictures of the creatures or characters you’ve met along your journeys? Have you come up with more details on the Star Devils or perhaps more Sathar constructs left behind? Or have you developed further adventures entirely? I for one don’t want to feel like the story of that amazing world is over. Author’s Introduction: The following race description assumes that the events of ‘The Volturnus Adventure’ were successfully resolved, and some several years have since past. In addition to the Mechanon expansion into space, other races of Volturnus have also ventured out. The Eorna were prodigious genetic manipulators and have successfully molded a few races worthy to travel the stars. Much of this race is taken from existing material (SF0, SF1, SF2)

Ul-Mor Adapted by R. Kevin Smoot.

In terms of frontier history, the nomadic race of cephalopods called Ul-Mor has only recently begun traveling through space. Since their discovery on the planet Volturnus of the Zebulon star system, the Ul-Mor have spread out and now small communities of the species can be found on many systems, especially on the multi-cultural core worlds.

Physical Structure Ul-Mor resemble octopi adapted to life on land. Like octopi, the Ul-Mor have eight large limbs. Each limb ends in five small tentacles useful for grasping and manipulation. They walk on the four largest and more muscular limbs, using the other four more dexterous limbs to hold weapons or tools. Despite all the limbs, Ul-Mor are not especially fast movers, in the past having made up for this by riding mounts of various types. The Ul-Mor also have a ninth limb, a tentacle about 30 centimeters long. This tentacle is an extension of their central nervous system. The end contains a hard cartilaginous point encasing a series of nerve endings. The Ul-Mor can insert the tip of this tentacle into the fatty tissue surrounding the spinal cord of other creatures, achieving a nerve link that allows them to communicate directly with the creature’s mind. The Ul-Mor use this tentacle so effectively that they can achieve a direct mind link with nearly any being. Despite their obvious origins, Ul-Mor are no longer adapted for the water and cannot swim any better or longer than most


other frontier races. Ul-Mor must breathe air, so breathing apparatus must be used for any underwater escapades. There are unsubstantiated rumors of a Volturnian race similar to Ul-Mor who are still completely water-dwelling.

Senses The Ul-Mor senses of sight and touch are the most developed. Cephalopod eyes are quite advanced, seeing full color ranges and well-defined senses of depth and distance. Their sight is also quite adapted to bright light as well as dim areas with little light. The sense of touch is remarkable in Ul-Mor. Their entire skin surface is covered in receptor nerves, and even more so in their dexterous limbs. The degree of nerve control by Ul-Mor allows them to utilize all four manipulating limbs simultaneously without any hint of handedness (see racial abilities below).

Speech The Ul-Mor can achieve verbal speech by muscular control over air forced through their respiratory system. The process of verbal speech is difficult and tiring for them. As a race, the Ul-Mor do not have a complex spoken language, since they communicate with each other using mind-link. Ul-Mor prefer their mind-link, but they often understand the spoken word of several languages. Their mind-link ability aids them in the learning process, helping them in understand terms and overall comprehension. In addition to this mind-link communication method, they have developed a sign language used in situations where mind-link proves impractical. The Ul-Mor sign language has been simplified and adapted over the years to allow the more numerous core races to be able to learn. Because of the ease of expression, Ul-Mor Sign language has replaced the PanSLan (Pan-Galactic Sign Language) standard, as the language of choice for hearing and speech impaired individuals and other species that have difficulty with spoken language.

Society and Customs The Ul-Mor were formerly pastoral nomads inhabiting the deserts and rocky barrens of Volturnus, herding indigenous herds of creatures. Unknown to them at the time, the Ul-Mor were being genetically engineered by the Eorna race of Volturnus to eventually fight against the Sathar threat. Eventually as the Ul-Mor accepted the truth of their past, they embraced the other cultures of the frontier. Much of the current Ul-Mor culture is still based on their religion, albeit that religion has had to adapt and change to reflect certain realities that were previously unknown to the Ul-Mor. The Ul-Mor still believe in a concept of ‘Universality of Mind,’ a deity-like concept that encompasses all things. Eventually all will become one with the One. Special Ul-Mor historians called Remembers, record those who have joined the One, forming long genealogies. With new technologies available to the Remembers, they have begun to add detailed genetic information to these histories, and the Remembers are quickly becoming a new kind of Geneticist-Priest type of occupation, with the respect of even the most devoted Vrusk scientists.

The basic social unit of the Ul-Mor is the ‘clutch,’ a kind of multi-partner marriage unit consisting of several Ul-Mor that have all found each other compatible. Formerly the males of the clutch worked as herders, hunters, and protectors, while the females maintained the home and incubated the clutch’s eggs. Modern frontier attitudes have blurred these distinctions and now males and females have each expanded their roles into many new areas. Since the Ul-Mor do not control any major world or population center, their former legal system has since disappeared. They still tend to follow laws to the letter, and tend not to understand legal ‘gray areas’ common in the frontier legal systems of various worlds. Though the Ul-Mor are basically communal beings amongst themselves, they maintain distinct senses of individualism. Gone are the primitive headdresses of feathers and beads, but tattooing has flourished and become a primary outlet for displaying their individual tastes. Ul-Mor have also taken to fashion, especially forms of jewelry, to display how affluent they are.

Attitudes The Ul-Mor have taken a liking to most of the frontier races, seeing each new being as part of the One, and therefore worthy of respect and understanding. Of all the frontier races, the more civic-minded Vrusk are the most appreciated by Ul-Mor. Several communities of Ul-Mor have formally been incorporated into Vrusk MegaCorporations, and both have benefited greatly from the ‘mergers.’ Ul-Mor are rather equally disposed to the other races, although this is sometimes not reciprocated. Many are disturbed by the Ul-Mor preferred communication method. The Ul-Mor do hate the Sathar passionately, which is probably a genetically built-in mechanism that the Eorna race left in the Ul-Mor DNA. Even with the Remembers’ genetic knowledge, no attempts to isolate and remove this genetic code have been recorded.

Ul-Mor have also taken to law enforcement careers. Mercilessly following the letter of the law has been a trademark of the Ul-Mor lawmen and criminals know there will be no negotiating when confronted by one.

Special Abilities Mind Link – Ul-Mor can create a mind-link with another willing creature to allow for full communication. This communication method is generally superior to normal modes of conversation, as emotional content and advanced thinking processes that go beyond typical vocabulary can be conveyed. The result is like having the equivalent of level 8 in language skill (level 6 is normal maximum), or 120% comprehension. Occasionally a particular alien species’ nervous system is incompatible with Ul-Mor physiology and a link cannot be established, however all the major frontier races may be linked. This Mind Link ability has another substantial benefit. UlMor take to hypno-training quite well, being able to learn new skills in half the time and half the cost using this teaching method. In particular, when learning languages, Ul-Mor need only spend 2 experience points per level of fluency instead of the 3 point normally required. Multiple Appendages – All Ul-Mor can use their four dexterous limbs equally well, and players with Ul-Mor characters do not need to choose handedness (like Vrusk). Because of their advanced nervous system Ul-Mor can utilize 4 small tools or weapons simultaneously, giving them up to 4 attacks per turn. Attacking with 2 melee weapons has no penalty. Attacking with 3 melee attacks incurs a –10% penalty to each attack, and 4 melee attacks the penalty is –20% to each attack. This ability does not translate to ranged-weapons equally. Ul-Mor using more than one ranged weapon does not remove the penalty for multiple weapons, although the handedness penalty does not apply. For two weapons the penalty is –10% for each attack, for three the penalty is – 20% for each attack, and for four ranged weapons the


penalty is –30% to each attack. An individual cannot take careful aim with multiple ranged-weapons, ever. Most often, Ul-Mor hold two melee weapons, and one light ranged weapon, and keep one hand free, attacking either ranged or melee as appropriate without penalty. Alternatively they hold two melee weapons and one rifle weapon. Ul-Mor Sign Language – Ul-Mor sign language is an expressive signing language that can be easily taught to others. In addition to the standard starting languages, UlMor begin play with Level 6 skill in the language when they begin their careers.

Ul-Mor Characters Characteristics Average Size

Average Mass Average Lifespan Reproductive System Body Temperature Ability Scores STR/STA DEX/RS INT/LOG PER/LDR

1.75 meters (body .75 meters, 4 muscular tentacles 1 meter each, 4 grasping tentacles, 1 meter length each) 70 kg (very densely muscled) 150 years heterosexual, ovoviviparous 38 degrees Celsius

-5 +5 +5 -5

Author’s Note: These abilities have been extrapolated from stat blocks contained in the module SF0. Those stat blocks include level 2 in melee and thrown weapon skill. The module SF2 (on p.30) has stat blocks that include substantial bonuses to INT/LOG (+15) & PER/LDR (+5 net), but I cannot seem to understand any basis for the adjustments based upon any text description, so I made a judgment call to moderate the adjustments to what I have listed and attribute the SF2 module stats as assumed XP based increases for those warriors. If you see errors in my interpretation, please feel free to adjust as necessary. Movement Walking Running Hourly

5 meters per turn on foot 20 meters per turn on foot 3 kilometers per hour

Special Abilities Mind Link Superior communication can be established with willing participants Multiple Appendages Up to four tools or weapons may be used Ul-Mor Sign Language Automatic extra language skill.


From the annals of Xa Shrishen Traldor www.warrensburgweb.net

These pages are the mission logs of the crew of the Serena Dawn's exploration of the planet Volturnus. This crew set out to explore the system and the system's class M planet. Upon achieving orbit, the Serena Dawn was attacked by a pirate ship and from within by pirates planted amongst the crew. Many of the crew were killed or captured while a number of them escaped. This is an excerpt of the annals of Xa Shrishen Traldor. Editor’s Note: I came across this document while web browsing, and although it uses races and setting information not found in Star Frontiers, it is a fun read and not only appropriate to this article, but very Star Frontiers.

00:02:09:07:08:43:00 = 00/02/18:00 VLT We have evaluated our water supply and realize that at our current rate of consumption that we will run out sometime shortly after day 11VLT. Serena is scouting to the west, looking for the corpse of the creature. If she can find that, then maybe she can find tracks. We figure it had to have had vegetation. That would mean water. Tsestar-sing and Tiinak are organising the first aid kits. Our young dralasite has taken a liking to our botanist. Despite being a stow-away, she seems most ready and eager to join us. I have learned that the young dralasite's parent died several years ago at the hands of pirates. How ironic. Serena Silent-Strike's father died at the hands of pirates, several other crew members have various reasons for hating pirates. I for one have no use for them. I don't know if I will ever recover from what we have been through... If we survive it. 00:02:09:07:12:43:00 = 00/02/22:00 VLT Serena is back. I've just got it all pieced together. It appears she could not find the corpse, nor even signs of where it had been. She travelled several hours west and found no signs of life, but did find one of those things in the sand about a km west of our camp like Shae stepped into. The debate continues: Stay here, move on. Which way to go? 00:02:09:08:09:43:00 = 00/03/15:00 VLT We have decided to see if the mountains are more hospitable. Lacking any other direction, we must go some direction because just sitting here is killing our morale. Ulgar will carry Shae as his foot is badly damaged and Kiroth with do his best to hobble along with us. He is way too big for any of us to be much help with. 00:02:09:08:16:50:00 = 00/03/22:07 VLT We found a small outcropping of rocks, about 5m in diameter and 1m high in places. Scattered with that outcropping is our first cactus. Tsestar-sing is wound up like an ancient hand watch and very excited. She is taking notes and cataloging. Studying and documenting. Her excitement is infectious and the discovery is uplifting. Plants mean water and despite the fact that these are

cacti, I am confident that we will find water long before our supplies run out!

Oh, my. This is a first contact!! And I'm here to witness it!!

00:02:09:09:16:43:00 = 00/04/18:00 VLT We camped during the day and are moving out again at night. Same thing: sand, sand, and more sand. The ground is less rocky than further south.

This is Xa Shrishen Traldor on Volurnous. The time is 12:03:17 on the ninth day of the twelfth month of the second year since the formation of the United Federation of Planets. I am witnessing first contact with the OctopusPeople. Yahir, our Mechali first contact specialist is moving out to greet them flanked by Ulgar Ulgrak-ka, one of our Weren security officers.

00:02:09:09:17:48:00 = 00/04/19:05 VLT Yahir (the Mechalus First Contact Specialist) and Ulgar are fighting one of those things Shae stepped into. It sprung up out of the sand and tried to bite Yahir. He dodged and has his pulse baton out. Ulgar is weilding his great sword. 00:02:09:09:17:51:00 = 00/04/19:08 VLT The battle was pitched but over in a minute. Ulgar dispatched it quite readily, dispite having to dodge the rocks Tsestar-sing was throwing. Yahir only has a small bump on the back of his head. They have requested that Tsestar-sing NOT help if we are attacked. 00:02:09:09:19:58:00 = 00/04/21:15 VLT We have hid ourselves under our tent next to an out cropping of rocks. Ulgar says a sand storm is building. He told us not to bother setting up the tent, just spread the material out crawl underneath and wrap the edges underneath us up against the east side of the rocks. 00:02:09:10:02:28:00 = 00/04/23:45 VLT The sounds of the wind and the feel of the blowing sand even through the tent material is somewhat a thrill. The air has been dead calm until now. Despite the force of nature, we appear to have placed ourselves out of harms way. I beleive we are beginning to adapt and am becoming more optimistic every day that we will get out of here ok. 00:02:09:10:08:28:00 = 00/05/05:45 VLT The sand storm has ended and we just set up the tent. The sun has returned and is beating down upon us. 00:02:09:10:16:35:00 = 00/05/13:52 VLT A full grown creature like the two that followed Tsestarsing was just sited in the distance. It was traveling west to east. It did not appear to see us and the Weren recommended that we not draw attention to ourselves. 00:02:09:12:01:45:00 = 00/06/15:02 VLT The last day was more of the same until minutes ago. A "sand shark" attacked us. The Weren charged out to meet it to protect us. Kiroth is badly wounded, Tsestar-sing is afraid he will die. This vicious beast is almost 4m long with a huge mouth of teeth and rows of multi-jointed legs that allow it to propel its self through the sand at amazing speeds. Its exoskeleton gives the illusion of a dorsal fin jutting through the sand. Over the dune are over a dozen of the creatures like Tsestar-sing's babies. But these are mounted by octopi type creatures.

Five of the plum-purple riders are closing the distance while.. four..eight..twelve.. fifteen. Fifteen of the riders stay back on the dune. They have clubs and spears in their hands, but do not have them raised, nor leveled. As the get closer, I see that they are decorated with feathers, jewelry, and body paint. Possibly tattoos. They are slowing as they get closer to Yahir..... They are now stopped. The middle rider has just thrown down his weapons and dismounted. He is moving towards Yahir who has since put his pulse baton back on his belt... He is coming right up to Yahir... and went right passed him... What is he...? He is walking up to Tsestar-sing. He has a ninth tendril, much smaller than his other tenticles. By the each of his eight tenticles end in five smaller tenticles that allow the much more precise manipulation of held objects.. He touches her on the forehead with his tendril and she touches his forehead with her hand. Then she begins talking to him, despite that we cannot hear him speak. She says they are the "Ul-Mor" and that their mounts are "Lopers". She says they recognize that we are in bad shape but are forbidden by law to help those who are not members of their tribe. She is searching for some way they could help us without breaking their law. He suggests that we may become UlMor through the Ritual of the Quickdeath. This does not sound good. What do we do? Kiroth will surely die soon without their help, but will we perhaps all die in the Ritual? There is but one course. We have a chance with this ritual, Kiroth has none without each. Each in turn, we agree. They provide medicines for Kiroth to stablize his and place his on a loper. The rest of us are to follow behind them. As we are not tribe members, we may not travel with them, per say. 00:02:09:12:02:43:00 = 00/06/16:00 VLT We are now travelling. We are about 4m behind the party of Ul-mor, but they have scouts off on both sides. I hope Kiroth survives the journey.


STARPort Layovers By RumRogue

When your characters are stuck on a starport, what do they see? Surely it’s not quiet. Spacers of all sorts, rubbing shoulders and doing whatever it is that spacers do when not shooting at pirates and Sathar. Referees can use the following table to add some depth to a group’s stay at port. Use this table as desired: once per day, once per stay at port, or just throw those dice whenever you think it’s a lull in the action and fun. Any of these could evolve into a subplot or entire adventure. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.


Starship being boarded by Port Security. Mechanic removing access panel. Quarantined alien ship. Mysterious Vrusk selling information chip. Two starship Captains arguing. Starship under heavy guard. Stow-away emerging from hiding place. Starbase Guard searching cargo pods. Bar fight spills out into street/passageway. Group of fighter pilots heading for the bar. Legendary fighter jock loading his ship. Maintenance robot running amok. Alarm/siren blaring in the distance. Starbase Guard chasing a smuggler. Drifter selling forged travel papers. Ship on fire in the docking bay. Deaf-mute Human talking with hand-gestures. Exotic beast escapes its travel pod. Mechanic examining laser damage on a ship. Gunfight between guards and pirates in bay. Merchant searching for his crew. Bomb Squad searching corridors and bays. Drifter looking for work for passage. Wounded guard lying behind shipping crates. Group of dock workers looking for a fight. Crew members, apparently lost. Vendor selling exotic plants and animals. Father saying goodbye to his children. Obsolete starship for sale. Dirt cheap. Base Commander conducting and inspection. Mysterious woman taking pictures of ships. Dralasites haggling over the price of parts. Prostitute. Two starship pilots exchanging stories. Yazirian bounty hunters closing in on their target. Quarantined ship. Ambassador preparing to leave. Fugitive looking for passages on a ship Group of drunken pilots. Human beggar. Group of crewmembers gambling. Frightened woman running through the crowd. Security scanning a ships hull.

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Ground crew witting a ship with heavy weapons. Custom official checking travel documents. Expert gunner looking for work. Woman looking for husband. Mysterious figure selling access codes. Individual painting mystic symbols on ship’s hull, while crew watches. 50. Priest blessing group of departing soldiers. 51. Vendor selling war contraband. 52. Two vendors haggling over a deal. 53. Stow-away sneaking on board a ship. 54. Soldiers crowded around a bulletin board. 55. Two soldiers carrying an ammo bin. 56. Mixed group holding a ceremony. 57. Bounty hunters checking arrival logs. 58. Dock guard chasing away on-lookers. 59. Beautiful woman waiting on someone. 60. Work crew installing new equipment. 61. Police officer serving a warrant. 62. Convicted felons being transferred to a shuttle. 63. Wounded soldiers being off loaded from a starship. 64. Foreign dignitary being escorted to his ship. 65. High-tech machinery sitting on dock unguarded. 66. Starship preparing to debark. 67. Dralasite con artists running a parts scam. 68. Vrusk Pilot interviewing a new crew member. 69. Tram hauling engine parts from a warehouse. 70. Yazirian Drifter selling star charts. 71. Repair bots rewiring a ship. 72. Salvage workers dismantling a starship. 73. Human computer specialist looking for work. Credentials are forgeries. 74. Dralasite artist painting portraits. 75. Scream coming from cargo hold on a ship. 76. Elderly Yazarian female in a wheelchair. 77. Vendor selling artifacts. 78. Pickpocket studying the crowd. 79. Group of people purchasing a ship. 80. Dralasite pilot cleaning his sidearm. 81. Crowded bar with patrons waiting in line to enter. 82. Explosion from a ships cargo hold. 83. Foreign dignitary arguing with his attaché. 84. Vrusk scholar looking for passage to dig site. 85. Bounty hunter checking ship registration numbers. 86. Mortician loading body bags into a ship. 87. Experienced navigator looking for work. 88. Group of children playing on a scrap heap. 89. Group of mechanics talking. 90. Bay chief on a stroll. 91. Maintenance crew welding a portal shut. 92. Work crew removing access panels from corridor. 93. Drifter selling drugs. 94. Emergency vehicle racing down corridor. 95. Quarantined ship: deadly virus. 96. Vrusk shopkeeper closing his shop early. 97. Soldiers betting on two dueling robots. 98. Strange green fluid leaking from a cargo tube. 99. Two soldiers talking in private. 100. Expert star pilot looking for work.

Starflight By C. J. Williams

One of the most enjoyable sci-fi elements is when the heroes strap into small fighters and fly out to perform dangerous missions and combat. This aspect of the sci-fi hero seems to have been almost entirely overlooked in Star Frontiers—until now. The uniqueness of different types of fighters and how they’re equipped is sadly missing from the game. The only thing differentiating them in Knight Hawks was whether they were civilian or military. Then articles came along that gave more weapons and defensive options, but still the variety was stale. In fact, in previous information we are counseled not to even use fighters. So what was the point in including them in the first place? In order to make space fighters useable and more unique, one from the other, and to make space combat possible for these small vessels, fighter vs. fighter, we must look to the smaller combat scale of the Alpha Dawn vehicle rules system and analyze how fighters can be used. For this system, the space fighters and shuttles have been reclassified as vehicles, instead of spaceships, as they are little more than cloud flyers with minor modifications for space travel. A fighter has very few gauges that can be found on most space ships. Other treats in this article include more weapons available for fighters and aerospace vehicle system packages. Though this article focuses on fighters, feel free to use this information to design your own aerospace vehicle. There’s even information here that can be used for ground vehicles. Engine size

AEROSPACE FIGHTERS The Knight Hawks rules prove particularly ineffective for space units of size 1 and 2. The smaller the craft, the less relevant the spaceship stats prove to be. As it is, they are just relevant enough for the Assault Scout, but for nothing smaller. To remedy this, these vehicle rules are being extended in this article to units of hull size 2 or less. A whole different scale of damage applies that is not as extreme as large spaceship damage. The vehicles, weapons, defenses, and equipment in this article are by no means exhaustive, but contain all the items this author feels worth use from previous articles and new creations. Most items from other materials are not included here, but are useable with this system.

V Size (KH)

Mass in kg

1 (1)

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