Sexually Superior Men - J. a. Kemper

April 27, 2017 | Author: mmtruffaut | Category: N/A
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Sexually Superior Men The Five Sex Moves That Separate the Men from the Boys in the Bedroom J. A. Kemper, M.A.

Bryant Press * Los Angeles

Copyright © 2013 by J.A. Kemper All rights reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America Bryant Press

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

Contents Unleash the Power of the Clitoris 1 Sexual Encounter Scenario #1 The Hipster Grind 2 Sexual Encounter Scenario #2 The Sneaking Snake 3 Sexual Encounter Scenario #3 The Buckin’ Bronca 4 Sexual Encounter Scenario #4 The Rear Sergeant 5 Sexual Encounter Scenario #5 The Leg-Lift Squeeze 6 Oral Orgasm Mastery 7 How to Tell if She’s Faking 8 The Toys Women Enjoy & How to Use Them


UNLEASH THE SECRET (AND CRUCIAL) POWER OF THE CLITORIS Have you ever wondered why women don’t usually want sex as much as men? If something gave you an orgasm, wouldn’t you want that something over and over again? The truth is, if a woman is brought to orgasm, she will, without question, come back for more – again and again and again. The problem with most sexual technique guides and advice columns is that they do not provide enough specific, detailed instruction from start to finish, to show a man exactly what he needs to do and when he needs to do it to bring his partner to climax. The five Sexual Encounter Scenarios detailed in this book derive from the following fact about female sexual anatomy: During intercourse, the clitoris is analogous to the head of the penis and the vagina is analogous to the shaft. You can cum when the head alone is stimulated, but not when the shaft alone is stimulated, right? The same is true with regard to the clitoris and vagina. The clitoris and vagina require simultaneous stimulation for orgasm to occur in 90% of women. Men are virtually assured an orgasm with every sexual encounter. For women, however, that certainty does not exist. And that is the primary reason that women are not as interested in sexual encounters as men. Women love and enjoy orgasms just as much, and possibly more, than men. Orgasm is the most pleasurable physical experience achievable in the natural world. There is no reason why anyone, male or female, would not want to experience it – and often. But because the clitoris is situated in a place that does not provide it with adequate stimulation through straight intercourse, orgasm for women is nearly always produced by direct clitoral contact with another part of the body simultaneous with penetration. The fault does not lie with the man; it lies with nature’s placement of the clitoris. It is important to remember that the clitoris is similar to the head of the penis. Rub your penis head. Feel that? That’s what it feels like when a woman rubs her clit. Now just hold onto your shaft and stroke it without stimulating the head at all. That is equivalent to what a woman’s vagina feels like inside with penetration. You notice that when you’re not stimulating the head, you’re not getting as turned on? That’s exactly what’s happening to women when you just penetrate them and pay no attention to the clitoris. Now imagine that all women you slept with would only stimulate your skin on your shaft and completely ignored your head. Would you really want to keep having sexual encounters with those women? No, because you would know that it would all only end in frustration and you having to finish yourself off alone later in the bathroom. After a while, that creates a kind of loneliness and frustration that just makes sex a burden to women rather than the passionate, exciting, pleasurable adventure it should always be. Luckily, we all can beat nature at her own game and create mind-blowing orgasms in our partners with just a little creativity, intelligence and finesse. In researching female orgasm, Masters and Johnson were the first to determine that the clitoral structures surround and extend along the vagina, determining that all orgasms are of clitoral origin. More recent research has determined that some women can experience a sustained intense orgasm through stimulation of the clitoris and remain

in the orgasmic phase for much longer than original studies indicate, evidenced by genital engorgement and color changes, and vaginal contractions. There is always the question, “What about the G-spot and reports of women who have intense orgasms induced by penetration alone?” The answer is that, statistically, approximately 10% of women report the ability to experience a “G-spot orgasm” or are able to reach orgasm just through straight intercourse. 100% of women are able to reach orgasm via clitoral stimulation (except, of course, those with serious medical conditions, physical injuries, etc.) The purpose of this manual is to provide you with the tools to satisfy 100% of women, not just 10%. OXYTOCIN. Oxytocin is an intense, pleasure-inducing chemical in the brain that is not only released during orgasm, but also causes orgasm. At normal levels, oxytocin elicits a mild underlying desire to kiss and cuddle. Once the cuddling begins, oxytocin levels rise steadily, and the hormone stimulates the smooth muscles and sensitizes the nerves in erogenous zones such as the earlobes, the neck, and the genitals. As arousal builds in intensity, production of oxytocin greatly increases. Research suggests that oxytocin causes the nerves in the genitals to fire spontaneously, ultimately causing orgasm. Research has found that men's oxytocin levels quintuple during orgasm, but women's levels skyrocket. Women’s brains are literally drenched in oxytocin during peak sexual arousal, and this is the reason many women are able to achieve multiple and full body orgasms. Oxytocin makes us feel good about the person causing it to be released and promotes a desire to be touched, which causes a bonding effect between the people touching. Even thinking of someone we love can stimulate the release of this hormone. Oxytocin also plays a significant role in our sexuality. Higher levels of oxytocin result in greater sexual receptivity, and because oxytocin increases testosterone production (which is responsible for sex drive in both men and women), sex drive also increases. So when you can bring your partner to orgasm, oxytocin does the job of creating a state of mind and state of desire in her that draws her, often even against her own will, to seek more of this good thing from its source – YOU. Oxytocin does not just create sexual desire in women: coupled with estrogen, it creates a desire to be penetrated (that is, it makes her strongly crave intercourse in addition to clitoral stimulation). The fact that sex increases oxytocin levels can be very helpful for women who complain that they never feel like sex. Having sex, even when you have little desire, will actually affect you in ways that will result in a greater sex drive. This also explains, at least in part, why many women find that the more sex they have, the more they want, and the less sex they have, the less they want. Because of oxytocin’s role in physically and psychologically bonding women to men, it is believed to be the key to genuine monogamy. In other words, if you want your partner to stay in love with you, you need to sustain the production of oxytocin. And to accomplish that, you will need the skills detailed in the chapters that follow.


In my songs, the sex is all subliminal. It’s subliminal, spiritual. ~Ziggy Marley

Nature was kind enough to create the penis in such a way that simultaneous shaft and head stimulation are simple and straightforward during intercourse. Simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and vagina requires a little more creativity. But once this is accomplished – and with just the right finesse – a woman can come just as easily and as often as a man. Giving her this pleasure is the one thing that will make her want more sex with you and draw her to you in a way that nothing else ever can or will. Face-to-face intercourse is by far the most popular sexual position for women, for a variety of reasons. First, most women like to be held and have a good deal of close bodily contact during lovemaking. Second, a woman’s breasts and lips – two major sources of erotic stimulation – are on the front of the body, where they can be seen and stimulated by you during sex. The Hipster Grind is the most effective clitoral arousal-inducing position. This position allows you to stimulate the G-spot and clitoris simultaneously, and it also assists in mutual orgasm. The following steps will take you from foreplay to multiple orgasm within minutes:

1. The more aroused your woman is before you enter her, the faster she will cum once you do, so start with this exciting little tease: a. Place the tip of your penis between her lips and gently thrust your hips so the head of your penis slides between her lips and rubs against her clit. b. Stay hovered over her and gently thrust so the head of your penis slides back and forth over her clit. Imagine a hot dog in a bun, just sliding up and down. This is intensely stimulating to a woman and you will know it when she starts pressing up against you and squeezing you with her legs. c. While stimulating her clit with the head of your penis, lean over and kiss her and stroke her breasts. Just a couple minutes or less of this will get her ready and primed to take all of you. 2. Now move further up your woman’s body so that the base of your penis, where it meets your pubic bone, can make contact with her clitoris when you thrust.

3. Although you may feel the urge to start pounding away with great enthusiasm, resist this urge and know that she will take a few moments longer to reach that point. Always remember, teasing her, rather than just giving it all to her at once, will make her want you more than ever.

4. Now that you’re in position, slowly slide your head into her vagina and thrust as though you were doing it in slow-motion. Slow, gentle thrusts allow her to feel and savor ever inch of you – head, shaft, balls – and, believe me, this is intensely arousing.

5. While you’re slowly pulling in and out of her, lean over and whisper in her ear, “You feel soooo good.” Any woman who is told this while she is being gently made love to will open up and lose any remaining inhibitions she may have. You may even be surprised to feel her vaginal walls tighten around you immediately after you say this. The response is immediate and the effect is always tremendously stimulating.

6. As you hear her breathing quicken and feel her vagina clenching you more and more, you know she’s now ready and wanting more. At this point, she has reached the state of mind that you were probably at several minutes ago – wanting penetration hard and fast.

Remember that with The Hipster Grind you want to be moved up her body so that your pubic bone makes contact with and rubs her clitoris with penetration. Once you’re there, you can begin the hard, fast penetration you both are craving. Many women like to be told that they are about to be penetrated very deeply and some will ask for deeper penetration, especially when highly aroused.

7. For especially intense clitoral stimulation, encourage your woman to wrap her legs around yours, placing her feet on your calves. This stretches her legs slightly, which moves her clitoris even more towards you penis.

8. While thrusting, reach down and slide your hand under her buttocks and rock her pelvis up and even more into you. In this position, her clitoris will make contact with the base of your penis and she will be stimulated both internally and externally.

9. The most important element of this technique is that as she pushes up on the top of your shaft, you resist with less force than she pushes. Now, on the way back down, as you push down against her clitoris, she will instinctively resist with less force than you push. The result is a series of grinding collisions with the clitoris and your pubic bone, along with the standard friction of thrusting.

10. As orgasm approaches, rather than speeding up just keep gently rocking so that the orgasm comes naturally rather than being forced or “chased.” This is an incredibly intense experience for women that will make her want you again and again and again.

The Hipster Grind improves a woman’s chance of orgasm with intercourse tremendously. The clitoris is about 2-3 cm closer to the front of a woman’s body than the vaginal opening. The Hipster Grind allows the man and woman’s combined thrusting to stimulate the clitoris, despite its distance from the “main event.” This position is the most effective variation of the missionary position to stimulate the G-spot and clitoris and to assist mutual orgasm. In this position, the woman also has more control over the pace than in classic missionary: she can pull you towards her with her thighs. Her clitoris rubs against the base of your penis, adding extra stimulation. Also, if you’re less well endowed, this position and method will make you feel bigger to her.


Sex is a two-way treat. ~Franklin P. Jones

Side-by-side sexual positions provide maximum opportunity for cuddling, caressing and kissing, in addition to providing easy access for clitoral stimulation. Side-entry sexual positions allow for maximum bodily contact, which is intensely stimulating to women. In many side-entry positions you will be able to cuddle your woman, and your hands will be free to caress her and fondle her vulva and clitoris. The most effective of these positions is known as The Sneaking Snake: 1. Your woman lies facing away from you with her knees drawn up, as she may be upon awakening in the morning, for example. Cuddle into her body from behind, and press your “package” against her vulva while you caress her arm, then side, then hips and legs.


Once again, the tease is especially important to get women warmed up and ready, so

gently grind your package against her most sensitive area while not asking for anything more. She will get there without ever having to be asked. Feeling a man’s hard (or even soft) member gently rubbing against her vulva will cause the woman to desire even more contact. This tease is extremely stimulating to women, and if you don’t take further action after a minute or two, I guarantee that she will reach for the source of the pleasure and direct it for her further enjoyment.

3. Once you feel your woman beginning to press back into you, you know you’ve hit that button and you are both on the same page. Now curl around and gently enter her while still on your side.

4. Lie still with your penis inside her for a few moments (about five-to-ten seconds) and then start moving it around in circular and side-to-side motions. The most erotic parts of a woman's vagina are at the entrance and the areas immediately inside, so the more shallow you stay early on in the sexual encounter, the more stimulated she will become and the more ready she will be for deeper penetration.

5. Now reach around and caress the front of her body and kiss her neck and back while you start penetrating her. Begin with slow, gentle thrusts with an occasional “hold” at the end so that she can feel and absorb the sensation of having you “fill” her.

6. As penetration deepens and the pace quickens, her orgasm won’t be far away if you reach around and rub her clitoris* as you thrust. Slide your middle finger up and down over her clitoris and between her lips in rhythm with your thrusting and you will ignite an intense orgasm within five minutes. * Many men are unsure of exactly how much pressure is required or desired when stimulating the clitoris with their fingers. An easy way to think of it is to imagine the clit as a doorbell that you’re going to push. Use the amount of pressure you would use if you were pushing a doorbell button. Soft, light flicking and rubbing is intensely stimulating early in foreplay, then as she becomes more excited, use doorbell-button pressure. As she approaches orgasm and/or writhes in pleasure, provide a slight bit more pressure, but don’t go full force and squash it like a bug. Men can sometimes underestimate their own finger strength, so always remember that a little light pressure is far more pleasurable than a lot of hard/heavy pressure. Another good measure is how much pressure you like on the head of your penis – it’s about the same as the clit. You want lighter stimulation in the beginning and can take (and want) heavier stimulation after you’re aroused.


To succeed with the opposite sex, tell her you’re impotent. She can’t wait to disprove it. ~Cary Grant

The woman-on-top sexual positions are a favorite of many women. For women who like to be in control and for men who enjoy watching her as they make love, The Buckin’ Bronca is the best. And with deep penetration as an added bonus, this position can increase the sexual pleasure for both partners by adding new sensations to your encounter. 1. As with all positions described in this book, a little pre-penetration foreplay is always the best way to get your woman primed for lovemaking and desperately wanting of you. It doesn’t have to be the long, drawn-out task that many perceive it as. Women can, and will, be aching for release when the right buttons are pushed at the right time. With your woman on top of you, encourage her to hold your penis firmly and masturbate you while touching her vagina with the tip of it. This way, she can completely control how much pre-sex teasing she receives and you are free to caress her legs and be teased yourself.

2. If your woman is shy or hesitant, hold your penis yourself and move it over her clitoris and vaginal lips while she hovers over you. Do this until you both are so aroused that neither of you wants to hold back any longer. 3. Once the penis enters the vagina, the woman is in control of it in a way she cannot ever be when being penetrated in any other way, and control is one of the first reasons women give when stating a preference for the woman-on-top sex position. 4. This means she can lean slightly forward and grind her clit into your pelvis as she pumps. The combination of deep penetration and constant clitoral stimulation, all controlled by her, leads to some of the most intense orgasms a woman will ever have – and all you really have to do is sit back, caress her breasts, legs and stomach, and enjoy the view. 5. Most women are extremely aroused by cervical stimulation, and deep penetration in this position enables such a woman to enjoy your penis stimulating her cervix. This can be pleasant for you, too. Some men say that hitting the cervix with their penis is one of the best parts of intercourse. The cervix is the lowest part of the uterus and projects down into the top of the vagina. It can usually be felt by a woman herself if she squats and inserts her middle finger into her vagina. Almost all men can play with their partner's cervix unless they have especially short fingers. 6. Once in this position, the woman can change the rhythm and angle of penetration as she wishes by rocking backwards and forwards and from side to side, swiveling her pelvis or moving up and down. 7. Most men who engage in The Buckin’ Bronca admit that when it comes to finishing the sex act, they prefer to switch back to being on top. The reason you like to be on top for the big finale is the same reason women enjoy being on top – they have complete control over which of their buttons get pushed where and how hard, and that makes for the best orgasms. So resist the desire to flip her over before she has cum. If she arrives first, she will be more than happy to assist you in arriving, as well – and she will want to take that ride again, and again.


The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform. ~Alfred Kinsey Deep penetration in rear-entry sexual positions is highly arousing to a woman’s sensitive G spot. In front-entry positions, the G spot does not receive as much stimulation. Deep rear-entry sex positions are excellent for such women. The man’s penis can be maneuvered to hit the right spot or to massage it gently, whichever the woman prefers. Even if your woman is not sensitive to G-spot stimulation, she will experience very delightful sensations, many of which are highly arousing. With greater interest than ever before in the G-spot, research suggests that rear-entry lovemaking is often preferable from the woman’s point of view. In The Rear Sergeant, the man’s penis stimulates the front vaginal wall and is therefore highly exciting to his woman’s G-spot. 1. For hard, deep thrusting, try having sex over the edge of the bed, chair or a cushioned table. Position the woman so that she is comfortably leaning over the bed, chair, etc. 2. Resist the urge to plunge right in. Instead, tease her with the tip of your penis so that she can experience the excitation of anticipation. Slip it in between her lips and gently

slide it up and down so that it rubs against her clit. 3. Remember the hot dog in the bun analogy and after you’ve gently titillated her with your tip, really start rubbing that hot dog into that hot bun. The more she feels your member stimulating her extremely sensitive external genitalia, the more she will long for you to penetrate her. Never forget this: the tease is crucial. 4. The aroused vagina widens greatly at the top end and this can be felt with the insertion of a finger or two. While you are stimulating her external genitalia with your penis, insert one or two fingers (depending on her size) and gently begin to digitally penetrate her. When you feel her vagina contract around your fingers, you know she’s aroused and ready for full penetration. 5. She wants you right now, but don’t let her have you yet. The goal is to make her want you as much as possible, and to do that, a little more penis play is in order. Slip just the head of your penis into her and then pop it out and rub it on her buttocks or lower legs. Do this several times while also caressing her ass, legs and/or lower back. 6. In this position, she will be able to angle her pelvis in several different ways according to how far she leans forward and how she supports herself, so follow her lead and begin thrusting at whatever angle she has comfortably fallen into. Whatever angle she chooses was chosen by her because it is providing the most pleasure, so just go with it. 7. By altering the angle of her thighs to her stomach, the woman can change the degree of penetration even if the man stays in exactly the same position. As she brings her knees nearer to her chest, the penis goes in deeper. Now she can find just the right angle to give her the best sensations. 8. In The Rear Sergeant, the woman’s thighs are at an angle to her body and penetration is quite deep, and can on occasion be very deep. For the man who likes to see his woman’s buttocks and anus, this position can be extremely stimulating. If both partners like it, the man can caress her buttocks and stimulate her anus. 9. Once rhythmic penetration has begun, most women will begin to self-stimulate their clitoris, but many women are inhibited and feel that it is inappropriate to touch themselves while their man is stimulating them. If she is not taking care of herself, a particularly arousing thing for you to do is thrust into her and hold yourself against her for several seconds while you reach down and use your had to press your testicles into her vulva and clitoris. Rub your testicles around her external genitalia and you will feel

those tell-tale vaginal contractions of excitement. The warm, soft tissue of testicles feels like heaven when rubbed softly against a woman’s vulva and clit. 10. Now release that “hold” and begin rhythmic penetration again. Lean forward, reach around and directly stimulate her clitoris by sliding your middle finger between her lips and moving it up and down in time with your thrusts. By “up and down,” I mean slide your finger from the top of her clit where it meets her pubic bone down to where her vaginal opening is, and back. That motion, in fact, is how most women masturbate. They slide their finger(s) (usually middle or middle and pointer) between their lips and over their clit repeatedly until they cum. 11. Penetration is extremely good with The Rear Sergeant. The man has a large range of possible movements and the woman can be taken very forcefully, which many enjoy. For all of its pleasures and advantages, rear-entry sex is not always perceived as being very romantic. For many couples, though, this is not a drawback since most women will want to be taken with passion on some occasions, while on others they will want tender and romantic intercourse. Many women in therapy and amongst themselves say that they greatly enjoy being taken passionately. It is proof to them that they are so desirable that their man cannot keep his hands off them, which is in itself both sexually flattering and arousing.


Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go, it’s pretty damn good. ~Woody Allen

The missionary position is the most popular sexual position for several reasons. Many women consider it the most romantic position, mostly because the couple is always face-to-face. Every expression is noticed, both partners are free to kiss, and each person can see that they are being loved – something that is not possible in some other positions, such as rear-entry ones. The missionary position, being such a passive one for the woman, also absolves her of the responsibility of making everything happen. It allows women to relax and enjoy lovemaking more than when they are expected to take a dominant, active role. Many women experience great pleasure from being dominated during intercourse and some women feel less inhibited and enjoy sex more if the man is in control and makes everything happen. Missionary position sex is ideal for this. The man, being on top, controls the thrusting and can pin the woman down to the bed and take her roughly and at his pace. The Leg-Lift Squeeze position allows very deep penetration when the woman raises her feet above your shoulders, and it is the best for providing direct clitoral stimulation without the use of

hands or artificial means: 1.

The woman lies over the edge of the bed with her legs open.

2. Slide your penis between her vulva lips and gently thrust so that the head pops up and rubs the clitoris. 3. Grab both of her legs and hold them straight up in the air against your body while you tease her with this gentle gliding motion. This tilts her pelvis upward, opening her up to you and intensifying the clitoral contact with the head of your penis. Although it is often said that women are not as visual as men, the image of her man’s member sliding up over her clit and towards her face, combined with her man holding her legs in the air for more access, is enormously visually and psychologically arousing for women. 4. After you have rubbed her clit and vulva with your penis for a minute or two, start the head-tip-tease again: Pop it in just a bit; then pull out and rub it around her clit again. Pop it in, pull out and rub, etc… 5. When you feel her pushing back against you, or if you slide a finger in and feel her vagina repeatedly contract, you know she is sufficiently aroused to receive full penetration. 6. Enter her as usual and lean forward on her body, taking most of your weight on your forearms or hands. 7. While you are penetrating her, keep holding her legs straight up. Now pull each leg toward the other until they are crossed in front of you to form a ‘V.’ When you cross her legs like this, it causes the inner thighs and vulva lips to place pressure on and stimulate her clitoris. 8. Apply gentle pressure as you cross her legs slightly further. When you feel a little resistance, that’s far enough. It doesn’t take much crossing to stimulate the clitoral area for a woman. Imagine how women in skirts or dresses sit – with one knee crossed over the other so that the thighs are clamped together. This leg-crossing action alone stimulates the clitoris and produces pleasure, as all women know, and that is what makes The Leg-Lift Squeeze the best position for providing intercourse-induced clitoral stimulation without the use of hands or artificial means.

9. Deep penetration in this position can be very passionate and exciting, especially as your woman instinctively pulls her thighs back towards her stomach to let you penetrate her deeply. Most women report enjoying having their man 'fill them up,' and this position is perfect for fulfilling that desire. Very deep penetration in this position brings your pubic bone into contact with her clitoris, causing intense excitement from the combined sources of friction. 10. As the excitement builds with every thrust, you will be able to feel her orgasm approach when she reflexively tightens her crossed legs and her vaginal walls begin to contract and “milk” your penis for maximum pleasure. When you feel these sensations, start pounding vigorously because she is almost there and just needs that final push to put her over the edge.


For male and female alike, the bodies of the other sex are messages signaling what we must do; they are glowing signifiers of our own necessities. ~John Updike

Although oral sex is not technically considered “intercourse,” it is nevertheless a sexual act through which orgasm can be achieved, and is also the most effective method of providing direct clitoral stimulation. This chapter will provide you with all the technical details you need to deliver her to oral heights she has never previously known. 1. As you probably already know, the mouth can be highly arousing when used in the right way on almost any part of your body. So before you initiate direct oral sex, use your mouth to tease and arouse her in much the same way you used your penis to tease and arouse her during foreplay in the previous five scenarios. 2. Gentle kisses to the inner thighs are extremely arousing and titillating. Start by softly kissing her on her inner thigh, near the knee, and work your way up with these kisses to the concave area where her leg and pubic area meet. She will be desperately wanting you to put that warm, soft mouth directly on her vulva and clitoris at this point, but don’t let her have it quite yet. The point is to get her so hot and wanting of it that

once you finally give it to her, it will only take a matter of minutes – or less – to make her cum. 3. Now switch to her other leg and do the same thing – starting from the inner thigh at the knee and working your way up. But this time, while you’re gently kissing her, also begin caressing her vulva and sliding a finger between her lips. Let your fingers rub her clit lightly, just a touch here and there. Tease the clit like your mouth is teasing her thigh. (See notations at the end of Chapter 2 for information regarding the amount of pressure to apply when manually stimulating the clitoris.) 4. When you have worked your way up her second leg and are face-to-face with her vulva, you can now give her exactly what she has been craving this whole time. Reach under your woman’s thighs, pull them apart and open the outer lips to get the best access angle for the delivery of oral pleasure. 5. Gently but firmly start to kiss first around her vulva and then the clitoris as you simultaneously slide a finger into her vagina. (When licking the tip of the clitoris, keep your tongue soft, not tensed. You will use a tensed tongue on her clit only when she is on the verge of, or in the midst of, orgasm. Otherwise, the stimulation will be too intense and she will be turned off, rather than on.) 6. Begin to slowly slide your middle or pointer finger in and out of her as you simultaneously run your tongue up and down her inner lips and over her clit. Start out gently and slowly for about 10 seconds, then apply slightly more pressure for another ten seconds. 7. By now she will be ready and wanting to take more penetration, so insert one (or two, depending on her size) more finger(s) and thrust them gently into her at about a medium pace – slightly faster than you were before. 8. While thrusting your fingers into her, use the soft underside of your lips to rub her clit and gently suck the clit between your lips. Alternate between pressing your mouth down onto her vulva, clit and lips, and pulling up and sucking her clit. Lick your tongue down so that it touches the fingers that are thrusting in her vagina now and then to give her extra charges of stimulation. 9. At this point, while your fingers are thrusting at a medium pace, the rest of the action should look like this: a) For about 3 seconds you use the soft underside of your lips to rub her clit

and gently suck her clit between your lips. b) You then press your mouth down onto her vulva and provide a medium amount of direct pressure to her clit with your lips while rubbing your face into her for about 3 seconds. c) Lick your tongue down so that it touches the fingers that are thrusting in her vagina now. d) Now pull back up for another 3 seconds and use the underside of your lips to rub her clit while you suck on it again. 10. Repeat steps a-d above for a minute or two. 11. She will now be sufficiently teased, primed and ready for the big finale. 12. Now, do everything you were doing in steps a-d, but just pick up the pace and pressure. Instead of 3 seconds, suck and alternately press for 1. Instead of thrusting your fingers at a medium pace, slide in one more (if it feels like she’s big enough to take it) and thrust at a faster pace. Within 1 to 3 minutes, she will cum all over you. Guaranteed.


Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place. ~Billy Crystal

There are many reasons why a woman may sometimes find it easier to fake an orgasm rather than admit that she did not have one. She may believe it to be a sign that she is sexually inadequate or frigid; she may have been raised believing that “proper ladies” don’t ask for what they want in bed, so it’s easier just to say everything’s great and finish herself off in the bathroom later; or she might feel like it would be hurtful to you to hear that you did not please her, so she instead acts like you’re the best in the world. Regardless of the reasons, it is important to know the signs of faking so you will be able to genuinely tell exactly what you are doing right, and what you are doing wrong. Only then can you can achieve your ultimate goal of truly mastering the female orgasm. 1. Signs of oxytocin release in women are a tool for men to use in determining if she is faking her orgasm. The orgasmic rush of oxytocin causes the blood vessels to vasodilate, giving us the rosy, glowing sex flush. If your woman claims to have arrived, but is as pale as when you initiated sex, then she is very possibly faking. Check the other signs to be sure.

2. When a woman becomes sexually aroused, the lower third of her vagina becomes greatly engorged with blood to form a barrel of spongy tissue that grips the penis and makes the vagina feel tight. During orgasm, this spongy tissue contracts rapidly and repeatedly for several seconds (and in the case of multiple orgasms – possibly minutes). If you do not feel her vaginal walls repeatedly contracting around your penis during intercourse, or your fingers during oral sex, then she is very possibly faking. Check the other signs to be sure. 3. If she is immediately active after sex, hopping out of bed and doing chores, she very possibly is faking. After a genuine orgasm, her body will require at least a couple minutes to recuperate and for blood circulation to return to normal. If you hear a man observing (which they frequently do) that his partner is always energized after sex while he’s always wiped out, that is a key clue that he is not genuinely pleasing her. 4. If she does not want to cuddle or get close to you immediately after sex, she is very possibly faking. The oxytocin that floods a woman’s brain during orgasm creates an overwhelming bonding urge that cannot be easily resisted. If she reached orgasm, she will feel strongly driven to cuddle up with you and experience some final closeness before returning to her normal self. If you hear a man observing that his partner is wiped out and cuddly for a while right after sex, you know he is getting the job done.


When authorities warn you of the sinfulness of sex, there is an important lesson to be learned: Do not have sex with the authorities. ~Matt Groening

Sex toys can be great for enhancing the sexual experience and hastening orgasm in your partner. With the proper tools and the proper touch, you can make magic happen. The following toys and accessories have been found to be especially satisfying for women. All can be obtained through, the Adam & Eve adult toys catalogue and a variety of other adult toy retailers.

VIBRATORS Vibrators are used in many different ways by women. The most effective way to get her intensely aroused and ready for penetration is to lightly rub a vibrator over her clitoris while you kiss and caress her. First on the lowest vibration setting, and then faster as you feel her responding. The vibrating sensation on the clitoris is enormously arousing to women and can elicit the equivalent of an erection in less than a minute. Highly Recommended: The Pure™ Silicone Rabbit Vibrator is a very popular and effective

vibrator. The silicone material is extremely realistic and it has 3 rotation speeds. The Rabbit also has the advantage of attached vibrating “bunny ears” that continue to stimulate the clitoris when the vibrator is inserted vaginally.

DILDOS A dildo is similar to a vibrator, but does not have a vibrating option and is generally more realistic than a vibrator. Usually made of latex rubber, they are designed specifically for penetration of the vagina. A dildo is a good idea for a woman who needs a lot of thrusting to reach orgasm because, unlike a real penis, a dildo has endless stamina. If your partner complains that you cum too soon (or you suspect it from her actions), try warming her up with a dildo first. Ideally, you should initially rub or stimulate her clitoris with your hand or a vibrator to elicit the initial arousal required for penetration. When she starts responding with moans or writhing, insert the dildo and slowly work her up to a pre-climax stage. When she is finally at that point of ultimate readiness, pull the dildo and vibrator away, mount her and finish the job yourself. When purchasing a dildo, it is very important to select one that is smaller than you are when erect. This will have the effect of making you feel larger to your woman when you enter her after removing the dildo. It will be especially arousing to her to not only have you mounting her at this moment, but also filling her up even more than she was before. Highly Recommended: The Pink Jelly Slim Jim Dildo comes highly recommended. It is 1” wide and has veined details that make it look and feel incredibly realistic.

PENIS RINGS Placing a ring around the base of the penis will result in a larger, more potent erection because the blood that would normally flow out of the penis becomes trapped instead, causing it to swell. Penis rings should be chosen with care. Never use metal rings, which can cause injury and be difficult to remove. It’s always best to look for flexible or adjustable rings to assure comfort and the right fit. The two rings cited below are especially effective in both the maintenance of the erection and the simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris with penetration. Highly Recommended: Adam & Eve’s Clit Bumper – The Clit Bumper is made of Cyberskin®, a life-like Jelly material that feels smooth and surprisingly realistic. This ring comes with a built-in mini-vibrator and separate ball and cock ring with 5 embedded stroker beads. One-button operation makes activation and use easy in the heat of the moment. Highly Recommended: The Eden Wave Rider cock ring has dual vibrators for optimal stimulation. This jelly ring is snug-fitting and is known to be one of the best at providing the fullest erections.

MISCELLANEOUS SEX TOYS AND SUPPLIES Highly Recommended: The Tongue Vibe is an excellent oral sex enhancement tool. It is a vibrating tongue ring that slips on easily and provides thrilling sensations when used during oral sex with your woman. The tongue vibe comes with its own carrying case for travel and easy access. Highly Recommended: The Extreme Orgasm Clitoral Pump is a 7” purple wand that you can use to pump, suck and vibrate your woman to orgasm – or to the verge of orgasm so you can finish her off in seconds. The pump is designed to simulate the sensations of oral sex and is renowned for its ability to bring women to the edge of orgasm with relative ease. Highly Recommended: Like A Virgin Tightening Gel is a gel that is applied to the inside of the vagina that has been known to enhance vaginal orgasms. The gel causes the vaginal muscles to tighten around your shaft upon entry so the fit is tighter and you feel larger to her. The one ounce bottle contains 40 applications and is easily concealed. Highly Recommended: I-D Glide Sensual Lubicant is greaseless, non-flavored, fragrance-free, non-staining and is excellent for use with condoms, vibrators, dildos or just with your partner. I-D Glide is considered a top sex lube and the 9.6 ounce flip-top bottle is great for one-handed application.

Sex is full of lies. The body tries to tell the truth. But, it’s usually too battered with rules to be heard, and bound with pretenses so it can hardly move. We cripple ourselves with lies.

~Jim Morrison

Sex is emotion in motion. ~Mae West

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