Seveso Disaster

November 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  University: MSTU Date: March 2012   Introduction to PETROCHEMIC PETROCHEMIC!S !S and I"DUSTRI! PO!#MERI$TIO" %ro& Re'inin( to Po)y&ers and P)astics

MiniPro*ect M+OR CCIDE"T "!#SIS

Imagine that you work for a petrochemical company. Through a recent discussion with colleagues, your big boss has learned about a catastrophe that occurred some years ago in a different company and he would like to know more about it. He has asked his assistant to search the literature for some pieces of information about:

,rou- . / The Seveso Disaster However, after looking at what his assistant has quickly gathered from Internet, he realizes that he does not have the time necessary to (o throu(h a)) this in'or&ation you can also find other  pieces of information by yourself! e)i&inate the non/re)evant docu&ents 'ind out hat occurred sort out the &ost si(ni'icant 'acts ana)ye the root causes o' the accident and dra the &a*or )essons ) essons hich cou)d co u)d 3e use'u) 'or ' or his on co&-any4 co&- any4 "o, because he is the boss, he si&-)y as5ed your (rou- to do the *o3 'or hi& . #nd because he is the big boss, you had better do that, and do it well$ %lease, &ointly prepare a %ower%oint document which will summarize the results of your work and be ready to collectively present it to your boss, with some complementary oral comments. 'ou know that your big boss is always in a hurry. "o your %ower%oint document should be sh shor ort: t: &a6 &a6i&u i&u& & 7 s)ide s)idess. 'o 'ou u shou should ld str striv ivee to give give on only ly th thee most most impo importa rtant nt pi piec eces es of information and not to bother your boss with non(significant details. If you have to present in front of him, do not read the slides: this makes your boss very, very nervous and unhappy$ He is a fast reader and goes through your slide much faster than you can read it aloud. #lso, he has the disagreeable habit of asking surprise questions to anyone in the group) so all members of your group should be prepared to give a collective answer at anytime during the  presentation, on any part of it. If you have diverging views within the group, no problem$ 'ou simply need to *agree to disagree*. +ut your boss should clearly feel that you have worked collectively. P)ease hand out a -a-er co-y 8 an e)ectronic version 9on a c)ean US 5ey;< o' your (rou-=s PoerPoint -resentation 'or Thursday March 17 a'ternoon4 Se)ected tea&s i)) &a5e a 17 &inute ora) -resentation -resentation on %riday March 1> &ornin(4 ,ood )uc5;



Seveso disaster -rom ikipedia, the free encyclopedia /526, in a small chemical The Seveso disaster was an industrial accident that occurred around /0:12 pm 3uly /4, /526, 9ilan  in the ombardy ombardy  region in in  Italy. Italy. It resulted in the highest manufacturing plant appro7imately 08 km north of  9ilan known e7posure to  to 0,1,2,;(tetrachlorodibenzo(p(dio7in 0,1,2,;(tetrachlorodibenzo(p(dio7in  T/? which gave rise to numerous scientific studies and standardized industrial safety regulations. The @A @A  industrial safety regulations are known as the "eveso II =irective. =irective. Contents

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