Setting Up Netxms on Windows

June 9, 2016 | Author: warrior_joy | Category: N/A
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Instruction on setting up NetXMS in Windows...


SETTING UP NETXMS ON WINDOWS What you will need:  

A computer (running Windows Operating System) installed with NetXMS Server. You can visit their website to download it ( A computer installed with database engine (e.g. Microsoft SQL, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite)

Instructions on installing NetXMS Server in Windows: 1) Download NetXMS server from or go directly to netxms-1.2.11.exe.

2) Follow the installation instructions.

3) After with the successful setup, the Server Configuration Wizard will appear. Click Next.

4) In Select Database window, you can either choose from the available database engines and database drivers (native and ODBC) Note: If you chose ODBC, you will manually configure the ODBC source, and choose whether you create a new database or choose from existing database. When you chose to create a new database, you need to fill up the DBA login name with your credentials in the database you installed together with the password. You will be the one responsible in choosing the Database name, DB login name, and DB password. However, if you choose to Choose from existing database, you will be not required to fill up the DBA login name and password. Click Next. Note: If you are using Microsoft SQL with Windows authentication, you can simply put * as a login name and password can be left blank.

5) In the next Window, you will be required to choose from the polling parameters. You can choose to configure it now or you can configure it later when you have successfully installed NetXMS server. When Run IP discovery process was checked, NetXMS server will automatically discover your IP network.

6) On the next window, enter address of your SMTP server. NetXMS will use it to send notification e-mails. If you have mobile phone attached to management server via serial cable or USB, select mobile phone driver and COM port; otherwise, select "". 7) Then next window will prompt you for logging method. Either check Event Log or select file, and press the Next button. 8) The Windows Service Configuration windows will appear in the next Window.

In most situations, you can run NetXMS server under Local System account. You may need to run it under specific account if you are using Microsoft SQL database and Windows authentication, or for security reasons. 9) Follow the next prompts until you are done in server onfiguration. 10) Run NetXMS Server for the 1st time. The default User name is admin and the default password is netxms.

When you successfully logged in, you will see the NetXMS User interface.

At first, all the capabilities of the agents in the network are set to no. To be able to set the isAgent capability to Yes, install the NetXMS agent. INSTALLING NETXMS AGENT IN WINDOWS 1) Delete the nxagentd file from the etc directory of NetXMS. (follow only if you are installing it in the Server itself). Download NetXMS client from or go directly to nxagent-1.2.11.exe. 2) Run the installer package on target server. Installation wizard will be shown. Follow the prompts until the NetXMS Server window opens.

Enter IP address or host name of your NetXMS server. You can specify multiple management servers, separating them by commas. Press the Next button to continue. 3) In Subagent Selection Window, you can select which subagents you wish to load. Each subagent extends agent's functionality, as described below:       

ecs.nsm Adds possibility to calculate checksum of web pages; ping.nsm Adds possibility to send ICMP pings from monitored host. Ping round-trip times can be collected by management server; logwatch.nsm Adds possibility to monitor Windows Event Log and textual log files; portcheck.nsm Adds possibility to check network services (like FTP or HTTP) from monitored host; winperf.nsm Adds access to Windows performance counters. This subagent is required if you need to collect CPU utilization from monitored host; wmi.nsm Adds access to WMI counters; ups.nsm Adds support for UPS monitoring. UPS can be attached to host via serial cable or USB.

4) Follow the next prompts to finish installation. INSTALLING NETXMS WEB SERVER IN WINDOWS 1) Download NetXMS web server from or go directly to netxms-webui-1.2.11.exe.

2) Run the installer package. Installation wizard will be shown. Follow the prompts until the Select Components window opens.

Press the Next button and follow the prompts until the Select Master Server window opens.

3) On the Select Master Server window, enter DNS name or IP address of your NetXMS server.

4) Press the Next button and follow the prompts until installation finishes. GETTING TO KNOW NETXMS 1) In the main interface of NetXMS you can see a lot of functions that it has and menus as well. To be able to configure NetXMS, go to Configuration -> Server Configuration. Here, you can see the parameters that NetXMS has. For the detailed list and description

of each variables, check



2) To choose what IP or network address the NetXMS search for, go to Configuration -> Network Discovery.

For a detailed information about Network




3) After several configurations and the nodes you are looking for are already found (you can manually add node through Infrastructure Services -> Create node), right click on the node and you can see its fucntions.

At first, all the capabilities are set to No. But after installing NetXMS agent by following the instructions above, you can see your server becoming an agent as well with isAgent

turning to Yes (if still No, right click the node and select Poll -> Status & Poll -> Configuration to force it to look if it has the agent capability or not.

4) To configure other agents, there are two methods to do it. Method 1: Right click on the server’s node and click Edit agent’s configuration file.

Here, you can see the agent’s configuration file. If you already installed NetXMS agent to other computers that you want to monitor by following the instructions in installing NetXMS agent, then it will not be a problem. Add the IP address of the client in MasteServers. Method 2: Go to the NetXMS Directory and go to etc. Click nxagentd.conf and you can edit the configure file for the agent there.

Here is the detailed list of available parameters




5) After successfully doing it, you can see that the capability of the nodes you configured has the agent capability now.

DATA COLLECTION CONFIGURATION 1) To be able to see what NetXMS node is monitoring, right click on the node and go to Data Collection Configuration.

Here you can see what that specific node is monitoring. To add New Parameter, right click on it and select Add New Parameter or you can see an Add New Parameter button in the upper right. 2) The New Parameter Window opens. If you want to use the NetXMS agent capability, go select NetXMS agent as the origin.

3) The Parameter selection window will open. You can see the available list of parameters which that agent can monitor.

After picking one, you will see that the information regarding the parameter be displayed in the New Parameter’s Properties Window.

You can adjust polling interval in the Polling interval section. (Polling interval means the time it will continuously check for updates on the parameter). 4) You can also set thresholds for the specific parameter by going to Threshold section. Here, you can set the threshold you want and place what alarm you want it to display its threshold message by clicking Add.

Set the instance to the Drive you are monitoring (for instance if Drive C: then you put C: in instance).

5) You can also transform the values NetXMS displays by going to Transformation section and setting different calculations. (e.g. ($1 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) . “ GB”) to check values in GB. Also, you need to set the Data Type to String in General section. 6) After doing these, click OK. If you want to edit it again, double click on the parameter or right click on the selected parameter and select Edit. You had just successfully created a parameter. You can check its current value by right clicking on the parameter and selecting History. CREATING DASHBOARDS 1) To see a graphical view of the parameters you are monitoring in the specific node, you should create Dashboards. To do this, go to Dashboards -> Create new dashboard. You can see this in the Object tree alongside with the nodes you are monitoring.

2) After creating a dashboard, right click on it and click Properties. Go to Dashboard Elements and click add to see the list of graphs to be used as graphical representation of data. In this example, we will use Gauge.

3) After clicking Gauge, you can either double click on it or click Edit.

This window will appear where you can configure the node’s parameter to be displayed. To be able to so, you go to Data Sources. Add the parameter you want by choosing the node.

4) After adding it, you can adjust the gauge in Gauge tab. You can choose what kind of representation it will display in the Gauge Type and you can set the green, yellow, and red warnings as well (NOTE: Text data type does not display Red warning in the latest version). In this example, we will use Dial.

5) After finish configuring, click OK until you go back to the main user interface. Double click on the dashboard you created and the data will be graphically represented based on the configurations you made. You had just finished creating a dashboard.

USING BUSINESS SERVICES 1) Select Business Services in the Objects menu. 2) Right click on it and select create Business Service.

3) After creating a business service, right click on it again and select Create node link this time. This will enable NetXMS to monitor the availability (Uptime and Downtime) of the specific node.

4) After creating the node link, click on it and you can see the uptime and downtime of the node from Today, This Week, and This Month. You can also right click on the node link and select Availability Chart which will display like this.

5) You can also add Service Check in the node by right clicking on the node link and selecting Service Check. You can also add scripts in the service check you created. Ex. If ($node->status !=0) { $reason = “*** Check failed ***”; return FAIL; } return OK;

ACTIONS CONFIGURATION, EVENT CONFIGURATION, EVENT PROCESSING POLICY NetXMS is a very flexible and useful network monitoring tool not only that it can set threshold and monitor other computers’ drives, filesystem, temperature, etc., but it also has a function where it can send an e-mail, send messages, forward event to other NetXMS Server, etc. Here are the steps on how to create these. 1) Click on Configuration->Actions Configuration. Right click on it or click the plus button in the right side. It will display the actions that it can do.

In creating SMS actions, make it sure that you already configured the SMS in Server Configuration by:  Setting AllowDirectSMS value to 1  Correctly specifying the SMSDriver and SMSDrvConfig

2) After creating actions, go to Configuration->Event Configuration. When you open it, the list of thresholds will be displayed. You can add a threshold by clicking the plus button or right clicking and selecting New event template.

In this example, we created a template that will generate when the drive’s usage reached high percentage. 3) In order to trigger the event template you just created, try to go back to the DCI you made in Data Collection Configuration. Click on the drive, for instance, drive C:.

We set the threshold to trigger when it is greater than 80. We also set the recently created event template as our Activation event. 4) After setting the event template to the node, the next thing to do is go to Configuration->Event Processing Policy. You will see the list of policies created. To add a policy, right click on any policy and select Insert before or Insert after whichever you want. 5) For the step by step instructions on creating it, follow the screenshots provided below.

After following the screenshots above, you can receive messages in your mobile phones whenever the threshold is reached.

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