Setting Goals Is Greate, But Taking Massive Action To Achieve Those Goals Is Priceless

May 1, 2017 | Author: Randall Wiley | Category: N/A
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Have you ever set goals before? Most likely you have. If you have, did you accomplish them in the time frame you gave yo...


Setting Goals Is One Thing. Taking Massive Action To Achieve Goals Is Another Have you ever set goals before? Most likely you have. If you have, did you accomplish them in the time frame you gave yourself? If not why? Goal setting is a VERY powerful way to set your intention with the things you want to accomplish, achieve, and become in every area of your life! I personally have been setting goals for the last couple of years but have really been being really specific the last few months through great mentor-ships I’ve developed. But why do so many people not achieve there goals? I can tell you why, it’s because they do not take massive action on achieving those goals. There is no follow through. They hit a roadblock or challenge and quit and give up on their dreams and goals and go back to doing the same thing they were doing before. They go right back into their shell. The way I look at it, a lot of all people go through so much of their lives looking back on missed opportunities. If you really sit down and think about it though, you start to realize that you have nothing to lose. I’d rather get in the ring and get knocked out than sit around and come up with 1000 excuses about how there is no way I will do anything but get knocked out. You see you learn from experience. Whenever you attempt to change yourself as a person or change your lifestyle, it isn’t always going to be easy. When you start something new you there is going to be an adjustment period and there are going to challenges you have to overcome in order to achieve you goals. That’s why people quit, or even worse don’t start something at all; because starting something new is REALLY hard and usually feels like you are going no where fast. The people who make it through that initial adjustment will eventually get to a level where progress is really fast and noticeable, and for them it will become natural and fun. It may take new knowledge you currently do not have in order to get over a challenge but remember the knowledge is accessible to you. When I first decided that I wanted to start a home based business it was really hard for me to even take the smallest step towards success. You see I was doing it all wrong. I was coming up with excuses on the different challenges I had in building the business which then caused procrastination and trying cheap incorrect marketing tactics that did not work to build my business. I have learned now that a true Entrepreneur should focus on how I can overcome my challenges and how I can FIX my problems and once I made this shift in thinking I started to achieve my goals and see success. Here is an exercise I want you to try. Get out a piece of paper or open up a word document and write down all your regrets. I guarantee that most of them happened because of one thing, not taking action. Not doing this to make you feel bad. Set goals, Action necessary to achieve goals, daily action items. Keep where you can read it everyday….

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