Fodeh>8:/05/90 Fode h>8:/05/90 LLL ILMOTSYO I LMOTSYO 8YA CO TOD_KCHYLH
Prafosar (h)> Dbhrh Khvoh. Khvoh.
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±Xuì aplkhs co bh slt ±Xuì sltuhdlôk uhdlôk quo q uo okfrokth F Fhilabh1 hilabh1 ±Xuì ±X uì bo suj sujloros loros h Fh Fhila ilabh1 bh1 ±Xuì ±X uì bo sujorl sujorlríhs ríhs h bh prafosar prafosarh1 h1 ±Dôma ±D ôma dakv lvlr dak bhs clvorshs oxproslako oxproslakoss robljlashs ok bh osduobh osduobh1 1
Lkvostljhr 8. 9. 4. 3.
±lkfbulrè bh robljlôk ok bh dubtur h1 Bh clvors lchc robljlas robljlash h ok ob Po Porþ rþ hdtuhb. Bujhros y rlt rltuhbos uhbos co dubta ok ob P Porþ. orþ. Osplrltuhblchc Osplrl tuhblchc hkclkh ob ob co corodea rodea h bh bliorthc bl iorthc robljlash.
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