SES 47.1 Protective Coatings Specification Rev 08

February 8, 2017 | Author: Cheehoong Yap | Category: N/A
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Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08


MARCH 2012 PAGE 2 OF 50

This Specification sets out the Standard requirements to be complied with by the Contractor carrying out work directly or indirectly for Sarawak Shell Berhad or Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited. For a given Contract or Purchase Order, the documents related thereto may specify requirements that deviate from or quality those set out in this Specification. The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying any and all such deviations and qualifications, and ensuring that the work is completed in strict accordance therewith.



Details of Revision



To combine and supersede the current SES 47.1 Rev. 5 and SES 47.2 Rev 3, with a new title, changes in some coating systems & thickness (CORAL’s recommendation), addition of maintenance painting philosophy and warranty, exclusion of coatings for building.




Additional definitions


Edited content on cross-references


Additional information for clause on permits


Additional safety requirement for blast cleaning equipment added


Removed revision year for surface preparation reference standards, to use latest revision as per Clause 9.0 References,,,, 3.2.10

Removal of the word ‘isocyanide free’ after the final coating ‘aliphatic polyurethane’


Addition of coating system requirement for aluminium helidecks

Removal of coal tar epoxy coating for initial and maintenance painting for bottom plate and added requirements for proposed coating system.


Addition of note on coating system requirement for super duplex stainless steel and high nickel steel


Addition of 2nd coat to coating system


Addition of the 3.2.14 Studbolts and Nuts Coating Specification


Addition of salt spray test method as per ISO 9227 and defects assessment method as per ISO 4628-1/2/3 and ageing resistance test as per ISO 20340


Removed requirement to sweep-blast galvanized steel to be consistent with surface preparation requirements as per


Addition of coal slag as abrasive, quantified maximum level of chlorides in abrasive and requirements for abrasive recycling. Use of copper slag as abrasive prohibited.


Addition of wet abrasive blasting and water-jetting requirements


Addition of colour requirement for multi-coat systems


Edited reference clause


Addition of 9.0 References



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08


Rev. No.




PAGE 3 OF 50

Details of Revision Appendix 1

Change in colour coding as per current requirement for offshore facilities

Appendix 2

Change in colour coding as per current requirement for onshore facilities

Appendix 7

Addition of Appendix 7 Appendix D ISO 4628 Studbolts and Nuts Defect Assessment

Appendix 8

Addition of Appendix 8 Visual Rust Scale ISO 4628-3


Edited misspellings


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


MARCH 2012

Re-structured SES 47.1 Rev 7 to include DEP Protective Coatings for Offshore Facilities requirements, Revised surface preparation requirements for water jetting and wet abrasive blasting Include surface preparation requirements for internal tank and vessel coatings Revised new product qualification to follow DEP Revised coating system code Addition of TSA coating Revised Quality Assurance and Quality Control requirements Update of coating system for stud bolts and nuts to follow ASTM B 841 and MESC SPE 81/007 Deletion of topside helideck drawing in Appendix 6 and to refer to SES95.4 for the topside helideck drawing Appendix 1 and 2, Colour Coding revised to follow RAL Colour Code Deletion of Appendix 3 on Glass Flake Polyester Generic Specification Deletion of Appendix 4 on Glass Flake Epoxy Generic Specification Deletion of Appendix 7 on Appendix D ISO 4628 Deletion of Appendix 8 Visual Rust Scale ISO 4628-3 Include ITP examples.


Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited


SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 4 OF 50

Table of Contents PART I  INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................7  1.0 

SCOPE .....................................................................................................................................7  1.1  DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS...........7  1.2  DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................7  1.2.1  General Definitions ...................................................................................7  1.2.2   Specific Definitions ...................................................................................8  1.3  CROSS REFERENCES .............................................................................................8 

PART II SPECIFICATION.......................................................................................................................9  2.0 

PAINTING CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................9  2.1  GENERAL ..................................................................................................................9  2.2  QUALITY....................................................................................................................9  2.3  WARRANTY ..............................................................................................................9  2.3.1  New construction, refurbishment and renovation maintenance programmes .............................................................................................9  2.3.2  Spot repairs ............................................................................................10  2.4  SAFETY ...................................................................................................................10  2.4.1  General ..................................................................................................10  2.4.2  Personal Protection ................................................................................10  2.4.3  Safe Handling of Coating Materials ........................................................10  2.4.4  Permits ...................................................................................................10  2.5  EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................10  2.5.1  General ..................................................................................................10  2.5.2  Blast Cleaning Equipment ......................................................................10  2.5.3  Coating Spraying Equipment ..................................................................11  2.5.4  Earthing and Maintenance of Equipment ................................................11  2.6  SCAFFOLDING, STAGING AND ACCESSIBILITY ..................................................11  2.7  PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURAL MEMBERS .........................11  2.8  WEATHER PROTECTION .......................................................................................11  2.9  RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................11  2.9.1  Painting Contractor .................................................................................11  2.9.2  Painting Inspector ...................................................................................12  2.9.3  Blaster/Painter ........................................................................................13  2.9.4  Inspection Equipment .............................................................................13 


SURFACE PREPARATION ....................................................................................................14  3.1  GENERAL ...............................................................................................................14  3.2  PRE-CLEANING OF SURFACES AND SOLVENT CLEANING ...............................14  3.3  SURFACE PREPARATION BY ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING..............................14  3.3.1  General ..................................................................................................14  3.3.2   New Construction and Modifications.......................................................15  3.3.3   Maintenance Painting .............................................................................15  3.4  ABRASIVE BLASTING MATERIALS .......................................................................15  3.5  ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF SURFACE CLEANING ...........................................16  3.5.1   General ..................................................................................................16  3.5.2   Power Tool Cleaning ..............................................................................16  3.5.3  Water Jetting ..........................................................................................16  3.5.4   Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning ..................................................................17  3.6  SURFACE PREPARATION FOR SHOP PRIMED SURFACES ...............................17  3.7  SURFACE PREPARATION FOR INTERNAL COATING OF TANKS AND VESSELS.................................................................................................................17 


APPLICATION OF COATING SYSTEMS ...............................................................................18  4.1  GENERAL ................................................................................................................18  4.2  MIXING AND THINNING .........................................................................................18  4.3  OVERCOATING ......................................................................................................18  4.4  CARBON STEEL/ CRA JOINTS ..............................................................................19  4.5  INTERNAL COATING OF TANKS, VESSELS .........................................................19 



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited




SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 5 OF 50

APPLICATION METHODS.......................................................................................19  4.6.1  General ..................................................................................................19  4.6.2  Spray Application....................................................................................19  4.6.3  Brush Application....................................................................................19  4.6.4  Roller Application....................................................................................20  REPAIR OF DEFECTS ............................................................................................20  4.7.1  General ..................................................................................................20  4.7.2  Inadequate Coating Thickness ...............................................................20  4.7.3  Contaminated Surfaces ..........................................................................20  4.7.4  Coating Damage not Exposing Steel Surface .........................................20  4.7.5  Coating Damage Exposing Steel Surface ...............................................20  4.7.6  Repair of Zinc Silicate Primer .................................................................20 


QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL...............................................................21  5.1  QUALITY ASSURANCE ..........................................................................................21  5.1.1  Quality Plan for the Implementation of this Specification ........................21  5.2  QUALITY CONTROL ...............................................................................................21  5.2.1  General ..................................................................................................21  5.2.2  Status and Progress Reports..................................................................22  5.2.3  Rejected Work and Equipment ...............................................................22  5.3  CLEANED SURFACES ...........................................................................................22  5.3.1  General ..................................................................................................22  5.3.2  Residual Salt Contamination ..................................................................22  5.3.3  Surface Dust...........................................................................................23  5.3.4  Surface Profile ........................................................................................23  5.4  COATING APPLICATION AND COATED SURFACES...........................................23  5.4.1  General Visual Coating Appearance.......................................................23  5.4.2  Dew Point, Air Humidity and Substrate Temperature..............................23  5.4.3  Wet Film Thickness (WFT) .....................................................................24  5.4.4  Dry Film Thickness (DFT) .......................................................................24  5.4.5   Holiday Testing .......................................................................................24  5.4.6  Adhesion ................................................................................................24  5.4.7  Antiskid system for helidecks and walkways...........................................25  5.4.8  Inorganic zinc primers ............................................................................25 


COATING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENT...................................................................................26  6.1  COATING SYSTEM SELECTION ............................................................................26  6.1.1  Service temperature ...............................................................................26  6.1.2  Compatibility with Existing Coating Systems ..........................................26  6.2  COATING MATERIALS ...........................................................................................27  6.3  COATING SYSTEM PRODUCT APPROVAL REQUIREMENT ...............................27  6.3.1   New Product - Coating System Qualification ..........................................27  6.3.2  New Products - Internal Coating System Qualification Requirements for Pressure Vessel ................................................................................27  6.4  PAINTING AND COATING SYSTEM SCHEDULES FOR EXTERNAL APPLICATION .........................................................................................................28  6.4.1  Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steels Maximum Operating Temperature < 120°C .............................................................................28  6.4.2   CARBON STEEL AND LOW ALLOY STEELS WITH OPERATING TEMPERATURE > 120°C ........................................................................................29  6.4.3  Steel Structures / Members (Primary and secondary including boat landing and caissons) in All Zones (Splash, Spray and Atmospheric Zones); Risers above Splash Zone, piping equipments in Spray Zone. ......................................................................................................29  6.4.4   Offshore Platform Decks and Helidecks .................................................29  6.4.5   Galvanised Steel ....................................................................................30  6.4.6  Stainless Steel ........................................................................................31  6.4.7  Carbon Steel Storage Tank and Vessels ................................................31  6.4.8  Timber Decks .........................................................................................32  6.4.10  Living Quarters, Pressurized Building, Control Room (Interior)...............32 



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited



6.6  6.7 

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PAINTING AND COATING SYSTEM SCHEDULES FOR INTERNAL APPLICATION .........................................................................................................33  6.5.1  Internal surfaces of tanks and vessels, with service temperature up to 60°C ...................................................................................................33  6.5.2  Methanol storage tank, storage temperature maximum 40˚C .................33  6.5.3  Glycol storage tank .................................................................................33  COATING SYSTEM FOR VENDOR SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT ................................34  COATING SYSTEM FOR STUD BOLTS AND NUTS ..............................................34  6.7.1  General ..................................................................................................34  6.7.2  Coating System ......................................................................................34  6.7.3  Transportation ........................................................................................34 


MAINTENANCE PAINTING ....................................................................................................35  7.1   GENERAL ................................................................................................................35  7.2   CORROSION CRITERIA FOR RUSTING ................................................................35  7.3  BLISTERING............................................................................................................35  7.4  CRACKING, FLAKING AND CHALKING .................................................................36  7.5  STAINLESS STEEL SUBSTRATES ........................................................................36  7.6  TYPES OF MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................36  7.6.1  Preventive Cleaning ...............................................................................36  7.6.2  Spot Repair ............................................................................................36  7.6.3  Refurbishment ........................................................................................36  7.6.4  Renovation .............................................................................................37 






Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited


SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 7 OF 50


SCOPE This specification establishes the detailed requirements of SSB/SSPC with respect to coating systems, equipment, materials, surface preparation, application, inspection and testing requirements to be employed for new construction projects and maintenance of both onshore and offshore oil and gas production facilities and processing installations. This SES is a revision of the SES of the same number dated October 2008. This specification is not applicable to submarine installations such as pipelines and risers, which are covered elsewhere (DEPs). This revision is written to bring the specification largely in line with the requirements of DEP, Protective Coatings for Offshore Facilities.


DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Unless otherwise authorized by SSB/SSPC, the distribution of this SES is confined to companies forming part of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group or managed by a Group Company and to their nominated Contractors and nominated sellers. This SES is intended for use in oil & gas production and treatment facilities in SSB/SSPC. If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more stringent than in this SES the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable as regards safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all cases the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this SES which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local regulations. The Company may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned with the object of obtaining agreement to follow this SES as closely as possible.

1.2 1.2.1

DEFINITIONS General Definitions The Company is Sarawak Shell Berhad/Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited (SSB/SSPC). The Contractor is a company that carries out all or part of the design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project, or operation or maintenance of a facility. The Company, when referring to SSB/SSPC, may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor. The Manufacturer/Supplier is a company that manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor. The word shall indicates a requirement. The word should indicates a recommendation.



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited



SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 8 OF 50

Specific Definitions

Surface Profile Atmospheric Zone Splash Zone Spray Zone Submerged Zone HAT LAT Dew Point Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Wet Film Thickness (WFT) Nominal Dry Film Thickness (NDFT) Holidays Hot Dip Galvanising Micron Pot Life Shelf Life Substrate Pigment Thinner Teepol Spot repair Refurbishment Renovation Water Jetting

Definition in accordance with ISO 8503-1, the micro roughness of a surface generally expressed as the height of the major peaks relative to the major valleys Region from 6m above HAT upwards Region from 3m below LAT up to 2m above HAT Region between the splash zone and atmospheric zone The region below the splash zone including seawater, sea bottom and buried zones. Highest astronomical tide level Lowest astronomical tide level The temperature of a given air water-vapour mixture, at which condensation starts Thickness, in microns, of the dried or cured paint or coating film Thickness, in microns, of the wet coating film A Dry Film Thickness specified for each coat or whole coating system Pinholes and small defects in a coating system, penetrating the entire thickness of the coating A process whereby steel articles are zinc coated by immersion in a molten zinc bath. One-thousandth of a mm Time interval, after mixing of paint or coating materials, during which the mixture can be applied without difficulty or loss of final coating quality. Maximum interval in which a paint can be transported and stored in undamaged and unopened packaging without any influence on its application or performance providing the ambient conditions are within the limit set by the paint manufacturer, Surface to be coated Solid colouring agent in paint Volatile liquid added to ease application of paint A cleaning detergent A localised coating repair process applicable where ≤ 1% of the coated surface area shows visible rusting. Refer to clause 7.7.3 in this SES for details A broad coating repair process applicable where >1% and ≤10% of the coated surface shows visible rusting. Refer to clause 7.7.4 in this SES for details. The total removal and reinstatement of the coating, a process applicable where >10% of the coated surface shows visible rusting. Refer to clause 7.7.5 in this SES for details. Definition in accordance with SSPC SP12/ NACE No.5 - Water discharged from a nozzle at pressures of 70 MPa (10,000 psig) or greater to prepare a surface for coating or inspection.

Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting

Definition in accordance with SSPC SP12/ NACE No.5 – Water-jetting performed at pressures above 210 MPa (30,000 psig)

Sweep Blast

A surface preparation process whereby the blasting process is carried out using fine grade abrasives and which passes quickly over an existing coated surface to provide surface roughness for adhesion.


CROSS REFERENCES Where cross-references to other parts of this Specification are made, the referenced section number is shown in brackets. Other documents (specifications, standards and guidelines) where this Specification is based upon are listed in 8.0 References. Where differences occur between this Specification and the referred documents this specification shall apply.



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08


MARCH 2012 PAGE 9 OF 50




GENERAL The Contractor is, in addition to his responsibilities under the general conditions of the contract, responsible for the quality of the work, which shall be performed in strict accordance with this specification and all other relevant documents, such as site regulations, local or national requirements and safety rules. In case of contradicting requirements or discrepancies between this Specification and other relevant documents the Contractor and/or Manufacturer shall obtain a written ruling from the Company before proceeding with the work affected. The coating Contractor shall ensure that up-to-date technical data and safety sheets are obtained from the Manufacturer/Supplier before commencing coating. The coating Contractor shall ensure that coating products which have deteriorated during storage or have exceeded their shelf life shall not be used.


QUALITY The Contractor is fully responsible for all Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Testing. The Contractor shall submit, in detail, proposals for implementing this specification and demonstrate that his plan provides the quality assurance and control required. The obligations of the Contractor are explained in more detail in Section 5.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control.


WARRANTY Contractors undertaking coating work, for both new construction and for maintenance carried out in accordance with this Specification, shall guarantee the quality of their coating work.


New construction, refurbishment and renovation maintenance programmes Five (5) years after acceptance date of the completed coating work for liquid coating systems, ten (10) years for thermally sprayed coating systems: 1. The degree of rusting shall not be worse than rust grade 7-S (0.3%) according to ASTM D 610. This degree of rusting shall only be allowed in localized areas and not be scattered over the total surface area coated. 2. Visual cracking and flaking of the coating system is not allowed. (Rating 0 as per ISO 4628-4 and ISO 4628-5, respectively). 3. Blistering is not allowed. 4. No excessive loss of gloss shall be observed in the topcoats specified for the atmospheric zone. The topcoat on steel floors is not included but the topside of the helideck shall be included. 5. For thermally sprayed coating systems, the acceptable degree of rusting shall not be worse than Ri 0 (0% rusting) as per ISO-4628-3. Initial acceptance of the new coating work, refurbishment and renovation by Company or its representatives will not relieve the Contractor of his obligations covered by this section.



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited



SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 10 OF 50

Spot repairs For spot repairs carried out on/offshore for coating systems no longer under warranty, the warranty period shall be two (2) years after completion of the applied repair coating. The same requirement as per section (2.3.1 (1)) shall be adhered to. Surfaces not fulfilling these quality requirements shall be repaired, and the Contractor shall bear all costs necessary for the repair. Surfaces that have suffered mechanical damage in normal service or chemical damage caused by abnormal service conditions fall outside this warranty. Initial acceptance of spot repair work by Company or its representatives will not relieve the Contractor of his obligations covered by this section.

2.4 2.4.1

SAFETY General The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of safety related to the painting work to be done.


Personal Protection The recommendations for personal protection and for protective equipment as given in the paint manufacturer’s data sheets, and/or indicated on the containers, shall be met in full.


Safe Handling of Coating Materials Handling, mixing and application of the paints and coating materials shall be done strictly in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommended procedures for the assurance of personal safety. Safety precautions shall be clearly described on the technical data sheets of paints and coating materials supplied, as well as on the containers. Where this Specification indicates restrictions on the use of certain materials, these limitations shall be strictly adhered to.


Permits All necessary permits for the work shall be obtained before work commences. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to know what permits are required and that he is familiar with the systems concerned.

2.5 2.5.1

EQUIPMENT General Equipment shall be maintained in good condition such that the requirements of this Specification are clearly met.


Blast Cleaning Equipment The compressed air supply for blasting shall be free of water and oil. Adequate separators and traps shall be provided and these shall be kept emptied of water and oil. Accumulations of oil and moisture shall be removed from air receivers by regular purging. Air compressors shall not be permitted to deliver air at a temperature in excess of 110°C. The abrasive shall normally be discharged with a pressure of 7 bar (101 psi) measured at the nozzle (with a hypodermic pressure gauge). The pressure shall not under any circumstances fall below 5.6 bar (88 psi) for normal cleaning operations.



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited


SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 11 OF 50

Nozzles shall be discarded and replaced when the nozzle diameter has increased through wear by 50% of the original diameter. Abrasive blast cleaning equipment shall be of an intrinsically safe construction and equipped with a remote shut-off valve triggered by the release of a dead man’s handle at the blasting nozzle. 2.5.3

Coating Spraying Equipment The spraying equipment to be used shall meet the recommendations and instructions set forth by the Manufacturer for each specific coating system. Normally application will be by airless spraying. If air spraying is to be used, an adequate moisture trap shall be placed between the air supply and the pressure pot feed to the gun. The traps shall continuously bleed off any water or oil from the air supply. Suitably working regulators and gauges shall be provided for the air supply to all paint spray equipment. Gauges shall be regularly checked for their accuracy.


Earthing and Maintenance of Equipment All mechanical equipment shall be earthed and precautions shall be taken to prevent the build up of static electricity. In particular, blasting equipment, its operators and the equipment being blasted shall be properly bonded to prevent the occurrence of electrostatic discharges.


SCAFFOLDING, STAGING AND ACCESSIBILITY Scaffolding for coating work should be constructed bearing in mind that it should provide easy and sufficient access for correct preparation, coating and inspection of all surfaces. Operators should be able to stand up with body and arms free of scaffolding or staging and the structure being worked on.


PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURAL MEMBERS It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all equipment, structures and any other areas not being coated, are protected from mechanical damage, damage caused by grit during grit blasting, paint droppings, or over spray, to the entire satisfaction of the Company representative. Examples of items, parts and areas to be protected are: valve spindles, glass, glass faced pressure gauges, compressors, pumps, etc., cables or stainless steel pipework, grating, control desks and panels, equipment identification plates, or any areas of the structure not being painted at that particular time.


WEATHER PROTECTION The Contractor shall supply all the weather protection, scaffolding and any other equipment necessary to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with this Specification and to the agreed programme. This includes e.g. heating and air drying equipment if required.

2.9 2.9.1

RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Painting Contractor Painting contractors shall have the personnel, organisation, qualification, procedures, knowledge and capability to produce surface preparation and coating application of the required quality on complex structures. Company reserves the right to evaluate painting contractors and to reject their services if they fail to meet the qualification level required.



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08


MARCH 2012 PAGE 12 OF 50

Functional areas to be evaluated shall include the following: ‰ Management Procedures o Company policy o Organisation and Personnel o Administrative and Management Procedures o Technical Capabilities o Personnel Qualifications o Technical Resources o Procedures o Equipment, Facilities, and Experience ‰ Quality Control o Personnel Qualifications o Inspection Procedures and Recording Systems ‰ Safety o Safety Procedure and Record-keeping Systems o Resource Materials 2.9.2

Painting Inspector All painting inspection shall be carried out by certified personnel described below.

Qualification/Experience The Painting Inspector shall be certified under any one (1) of the following certification programmes: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) Coating Inspector Certification Scheme: Module 1 & 2 NACE Coating Inspector Certification Scheme: Level 1 and 2 IMM Certified Trainer for Protective Coating Technician Certification Scheme Other reputable training institute e.g. SSPC, FROSIO, ICorr, etc

He shall have at least three (3) years experience in painting inspection, and a good working knowledge on all aspects of painting such as procedures, specification, paint performance and application as well as inspection. He shall be able to use paint inspection tools that are normally associated with the works.

Responsibilities The Inspector’s duty is to verify that the requirements of the coating specification are met. ASTM D3276 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates) shall be referred to by the Inspector at all times as an information aid to carrying out his task efficiently. Beside specification verification, the Painting Inspector shall be responsible for witnessing, verifying, and documenting the work at various inspection points: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Pre-surface preparation inspection Measurement of environmental conditions Evaluation of compressor (air cleanliness) and surface preparation equipment Determination of surface preparation cleanliness and profile Inspection of application equipment Witnessing paint mixing Inspecting paint / application Determination of wet film thickness Determination of dry film thickness Evaluating cleanliness between coats Pinhole and holiday testing Adhesion testing Evaluating the curing of applied paints Any other coating related activities (03/12)

Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited





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Blaster/Painter shall be an IMM certified Protective Coatings Technician Level 1 or Level 2, qualified to work at offshore platforms to do painting work as required by the Company. He shall be competent and skilful with the following operations: ‰


Blasting; o Equipment set Up (Type of Nozzle, Compressor Pressure, Type of Hose, After Cooler) o Abrasive (Type, Size) o Surface Quality Achieved Painting; o Equipment (Application Method, Air Pressure, Tip Size) o Paint Used (Product Used, Generic Name, Mixing Ratio, Mixing Method, Thinner, Percent Thinning, Expected Pot Life, Thickness Required)

He shall have a minimum of two (2) years’ experience in blasting and/or painting.

Responsibilities Level 1 Technician shall be allowed to carry out either blasting or painting work depending on his category of certification. Level 2 Technician shall be allowed to carry out both blasting and painting works. Both Level 1 and Level 2 Protective Coating Technicians should be capable of working effectively from scaffolding or temporary structures and at heights up to 30m above water. Performance of all blasting and painting works shall be under the supervision of the Contractor’s Painting Inspector.


Inspection Equipment Both the Inspection Agency, where employed, and the Contractor’s inspector shall provide painting inspection equipment. The appropriate instruments to be used at various inspection points include: ‰ Sling Psychrometer ‰ Surface-contact Thermometer 0° to 150°C ‰ Psychrometric Tables ‰ Electronic Hygrometers ‰ Dew Point Calculator ‰ Surface profile replica tape ‰ Electromagnetic DFT Gauge ‰ Eddy-current DFT gauge ‰ WFT Comb Gauge ‰ Inspection Mirror ‰ Wet Sponge Continuity Tester ‰ High Voltage Holiday Detector ‰ Illuminated Magnifier ‰ Cross-hatch Adhesion Tester ‰ Hypodermic Needle Pressure Gauge ‰ Self- aligning adhesion pull off tester equipment ‰ Soluble Salts Kits e.g. Bresle tester and any others necessary ‰ Blast Nozzle Aperture Gauge ‰ Visual standards



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited


3.0 3.1

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SURFACE PREPARATION GENERAL For optimum paint performance, surfaces to be painted or coated shall be completely dry and free from burrs, weld spatter, flux, rust, loose scale, dirt, dust, grease, oil and other foreign matter before any paint is applied. If the surface has been exposed to a polluted, e.g. salt-laden, atmosphere, it shall be washed down with clean, fresh water prior to blasting or power tool cleaning. After preparation of the substrate surface, any grit, dust etc. shall be removed and a layer of primer or first coat of paint applied before any corrosion or recontamination occurs, normally within 4 hours after blasting. As a general rule, surface preparation shall be carried out by dry blast cleaning in accordance with ISO 8504 – 2. Dehumidification during surface preparation and coating application especially in enclosed areas may be necessary in some adverse conditions (i.e. environmental conditions outside the range of the specifications). NACE 6A192/ SSPC TR 3 may be referred to when it has been determined that dehumidification equipment is necessary. Dehumidification to prevent flash rusting may be accomplished by refrigeration or desiccant, in order to maintain a relative humidity (RH) within an enclosure at less than 50%.


PRE-CLEANING OF SURFACES AND SOLVENT CLEANING This cleaning procedure is mandatory before further cleaning or surface preparation. Prior to the actual cleaning operation, surface contaminants such as oil, grease, hydrocarbon, etc, shall be removed, preferably by degreasing with suitable degreaser or solvent cleaning according to SSPCSP1. The degreased surface shall be further washed with fresh water to remove all traces of the degreaser chemicals. The surface shall be allowed to thoroughly dry before proceeding with any further coating work. This procedure also applies to all metal surfaces to be coated that do not require blast cleaning or power tool cleaning. Excessive rust scale shall be removed by impact cleaning tools or high pressure water jetting. All bolt holes shall be properly degreased prior to grit blasting. All edges shall have been ground to a minimum radius of 2 mm; flame cut areas shall have been ground flush. These and other surface imperfections shall be prepared to Grade P3, ISO 8501-3. If this is not the case, Company shall be informed, and corrective action shall be taken prior to final surface preparation. Offshore maintenance coating projects and tank/vessel internals shall always start with a power washing/ steam cleaning/ 2% Teepol (or equivalent) detergent cleaning to remove dirt and salt deposits. In addition, after a long interval prior to the application of the subsequent layers of a coating system, or after a storm the surface shall be steam cleaned before the application of the next layer.

3.3 3.3.1

SURFACE PREPARATION BY ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING General Blast cleaning shall not be carried out in open areas close to painting operations or wet, coated surfaces to prevent dust and grit contamination. Rough grit blasting will be allowed during the night providing that the surface is subsequently blasted to the specified standard under good light conditions. The illumination of the surface during final blasting shall be at least 500 Lux. Environmental restrictions shall be observed.



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All welded areas and appurtenances shall be given special attention for the removal of welding flux in crevices. Welding spatter, slivers, laminations and underlying mill scale not removed during fabrication and exposed before and during blast cleaning operations shall be removed by the best mechanical means and the edges smoothed or rendered flush. These and other surface imperfections shall be prepared to Grade P3, ISO 8501-3. Blasting shall continue a minimum of 25 mm into any adjacent coated areas, and the edges of existing coatings shall be feathered. The remainder of the existing coating shall be properly shielded or protected to prevent any over blast damage. Blast cleaning shall be to the required visual standard in accordance with ISO 8501-1. The minimum requirement for successful coating application is Sa 2 ½ at the time of coating. Stainless steel shall be thoroughly blasted to provide sufficient surface profile to assure good coating adhesion. The blasting of stainless steel shall be carried out by abrasive not containing iron, e.g. garnet, aluminium silicate or stainless steel grit. New hot dip galvanised surface shall be lightly sweep blasted. Surface roughness shall be in the range of 20µm to 30µm or agreed with the paint Manufacturer. To reduce the risk of unacceptably damaging the substrate while sweep blasting galvanized surfaces it is recommended that a reduced nozzle pressure be used in combination with a small size abrasive. No inhibitive solutions shall be used to prevent rusting after blast cleaning. 3.3.2

New Construction and Modifications The surfaces of carbon and low alloy steelwork for new construction and modification to existing installations shall be blast-cleaned to surface cleanliness of Sa 2½ in accordance with ISO 8501-1 at the time of coating.


Maintenance Painting Maintenance painting shall be organized and carried out in accordance with the requirements in this SES. Requirements for maintenance painting are specified in Section 7.0. To carry out proper maintenance, all parts of a facility should be made accessible for maintenance painting operations in consultation with the Company. This should include the removal of insulation and U-bolts, and the lifting of piping from their supports, where practical.


ABRASIVE BLASTING MATERIALS General descriptions and standards requirements for abrasive materials are given in Table 1. Table 1 Abrasives Specification Type Metallic Natural mineral Synthetic mineral

Generic Name Chilled Iron grit (R) Steel Grit (R) Staurolite (E) Garnet (E) Coal Slag (E) Aluminium oxide (R)

Characteristics >1.7% carbon 0.8% to 1.2% carbon Iron/Aluminium Silicate Calcium iron silicate Aluminium silicate Crystalline corundum

Standard ISO 11124-2 ISO 11124-3 ISO 11126-9 ISO 11126-10 ISO 11126-4 ISO 11126-7

(R): Reusable abrasive (E): Expendable abrasive UIA/T/E/CMC SES47.1REV08.DOC


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Abrasives shall be tested in accordance to tests method specified in ISO 11125 for metallic abrasives and ISO 11127 for non metallic abrasives where applicable. Chloride levels shall not exceed 25 ppm as per test method ISO 11127-7. Maximum allowed conductivity is 25mS/m as per test method ISO 11127-6. Abrasives shall be free from oil, grease, moisture, salts, dust etc. Reusable abrasives shall be kept clean, sharp, and free from contaminants. For full details of acceptance criteria for abrasives, ISO 11124 series and ISO 11126 series shall be referred for metallic abrasives and non-metallic abrasives respectively. Abrasives that are classified as a Scheduled Waste under the Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974 shall not be used. Sand or other materials producing silica dust shall not be used. The use of copper slag as an abrasive is prohibited. For general dry blasting in local fabrication yards and offshore, recycling of expendable abrasives is not allowed, unless equipment specific for the purpose is available and in which case the Contractor shall be required to show that the recycled abrasive meets the cleanliness levels of the original product. 3.5 3.5.1

ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF SURFACE CLEANING General Alternative methods of surface preparation proposed shall only be used after written approval from the Company.


Power Tool Cleaning Surface preparation using power tools shall only be used when blast cleaning is not practical. Power tool cleaning shall be confined to minor areas. Manual cleaning shall be performed using mechanically operated tools (grinders, wire brushes, needle guns, etc.) in accordance with ISO 8504-3. Power tool prepared surfaces shall meet surface finish grade requirement of St 3 at the time of coating in accordance with ISO 8501-1. Use of hand tools, such as hand wire brushes, chipping hammers etc. is not permitted. If the surface being prepared lies adjacent to a coated surface that is not to be refurbished, the power tool cleaning shall overlap the coated surface by at least 25 mm. The minimum requirement for successful coating application is St 3 at the time of coating. Care shall be taken to ensure that the substrate surface does not become polished during power tool cleaning.


Water Jetting Water jetting may be used for surface preparation where abrasive blasting is not permitted. Water jetting is restricted only to maintenance painting as it does not create a new surface profile. Use of ultra high pressure water jetting (pressure above 30000 psi or 210 MPa) on live piping shall be assessed and approval shall be sought from Company. Corrosion inhibitors shall not be used to prevent flash rusting. The water used for water jetting shall be potable water quality and chloride surface contamination shall not exceed the requirements of Section 5.3.2. Surface cleanliness requirements for water jetting shall be in accordance with SSPC SP-12/NACE No.5 and visual reference to SSPC-VIS 4/ NACE VIS 7.



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All surfaces to be recoated shall be cleaned to NACE No.5/ SSPC-SP 12, WJ-2, Very Through or Substantial Cleaning and shall be recoated at the condition of WJ-2L, Light Flash Rust. The cleaned surface shall be dry at the time of painting. Only coating systems based on surface tolerant primers may be used with this technique. Particular care shall be taken to dry areas which are not self draining. 3.5.4

Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Wet abrasive blasting techniques are similar to those for dry abrasive blasting technique but with a small amount of water added. Wet abrasive blasting is normally used to avoid dust or where fire and/or explosion risks are present. Corrosion inhibitor shall not be used with the water. The minimum acceptable surface preparation grade requirement for wet abrasive blasting are WAB 10 Near White Blast Cleaning with moderate flash rust (WAB10-M) at the time of painting. The visual reference is based on SSPC-VIS 5/ NACE VIS 9. The written standard for near white blast cleaning shall be referred to SSPC-SP10/ NACE No.2 Near White Metal Blast Cleaning. The cleaned surface shall be dry at the time of painting. Only coating systems based on surface tolerant primers may be used with this technique. Particular care shall be taken to dry areas which are not self draining.


SURFACE PREPARATION FOR SHOP PRIMED SURFACES All shop-primed surfaces shall be re-blasted to Sa 2½ prior to coating unless otherwise and specifically agreed with Company.


SURFACE PREPARATION FOR INTERNAL COATING OF TANKS AND VESSELS Prior to surface preparation, internal tanks and vessels that have been used shall be pre-cleaned as per section (3.2). Visible surface imperfections, welds and edges, shall be prepared to Grade P3, ISO 8501-3 prior to blasting. Welds shall be continuous and ground to a smooth rounded contour with a minimum 2 mm radius. Stitch welding is not permitted. Surface preparation is carried out by dry abrasive blast cleaning to surface cleanliness of Sa 2 ½ at the time of coating in accordance with ISO 8501-1. Surfaces that are not to be coated, such as threads, metal to metal seals, etc, shall be masked or otherwise appropriately protected. Surface irregularities that cannot be adequately ground shall be corrected either by welding or caulking. The area to be caulked shall be filled and shaped with compatible caulk, putty or filler. The putty shall be compatible with the coating material. Coating vendor advice shall be sought on the compatible putty or filler to be used with the coating system. The use of caulk shall be kept to a minimum.



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In general, the coating systems in this SES cover the application to surfaces prepared by dry abrasive blasting. Any surfaces to be coated shall be dry and rendered dust free prior to the application of the first coat. This can be accomplished by blowing off the surface with clean dry air or by using an industrial vacuum cleaner together with a clean, dry, stiff brush. The blasted surfaces shall be examined for traces of sludge, oil, grease or other contamination, and tested for the presence of soluble salts. If present they shall be removed by solvent washing or, for salts, by water washing or steam cleaning, and the areas re-blasted. To ensure that only correctly blasted surfaces are coated, a minimum of 100 mm around the edges of prepared areas shall be left uncoated, unless adjoining a coated surface. When adjoining a coated surface, the connection to the existing paint film shall be made as described in this section. Coatings shall not be applied to edges prepared for field welds or within 50 mm of these edges until the field weld is made and inspected. Blast cleaned surfaces shall be coated with the primer specified within four hours after blasting or within such other time limits as may be specified and before any visible rusting occurs. Changes to the specified time intervals shall require the written approval of the Company representative. 4.2

MIXING AND THINNING All coating materials shall be thoroughly mixed in a suitable container using a power mixer for a time sufficient to thoroughly remix the pigment and vehicle. Sufficient agitation to maintain good mixing shall be applied until the product is used. Coatings containing heavy or metallic pigments that have a tendency to settle shall be kept in suspension during application by a mechanical agitator or stirrer. If during mixing/stirring air is entrapped in the product, sufficient time should be allowed for air bubbles to escape before application is started. This is to reduce the risk of pin-holing in the coating layer to be produced. Only thinners as specified by the paint manufacturer shall be used. Mixing and thinning directions as furnished by the paint manufacturer shall be followed. If a coating material requires the addition of a catalyst or hardener, the pot life under application conditions shall be clearly stated on the label. The pot life shall not be exceeded. When the pot life limit is reached, the container shall be emptied, the material discarded, the equipment cleaned and new material catalysed.


OVERCOATING Overcoating intervals shall be as recommended by the Paint manufacturer and shall be observed at all times with due account being taken of the ambient temperature. Edges of existing coatings shall be feathered towards the substrate prior to overcoating. For multi-coat systems, a mist coat shall be applied over inorganic zinc primers to avoid surface defects. Each layer of a multi-coat paint system shall have a visible difference in colour.



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CARBON STEEL/ CRA JOINTS Where carbon steel components are welded to CRA components, the joint shall be coated with the coating system specified for the CRA with a minimum overlap of 50 mm onto the carbon steel. The NDFT requirements for the connected carbon steel pipe shall be applicable.


INTERNAL COATING OF TANKS, VESSELS Unless otherwise specified by Company, internal coating shall be continuous across the full flange face, up to the bolting line. Ventilation shall be provided during blasting and painting work to ensure both compliance with safe working requirements and curing of paint.

4.6 4.6.1

APPLICATION METHODS General Paint application shall be carried out in strict accordance with the Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations. Coatings shall be uniformly applied without runs, sags, solvent blisters, dry spray or other blemishes.


Spray Application Spraying is the preferred method of application. Lines and pots shall be thoroughly cleaned with the Paint Manufacturer’s recommended cleaner before the addition of new materials. Each coat is to be applied uniformly and completely over the entire surface. All runs and sags shall be brushed out immediately, or the paint shall be removed and the surface re-sprayed. Before spraying each coat, all areas such as corners, edges, welds, small brackets, bolts, nuts and interstices shall be stripe coated, usually by brush, to ensure that these areas have at least the minimum specified film thickness. A complete range of tips with various spray angles as recommended by the Paint Manufacturer for each specific steel configuration to be coated shall be supplied by the Contractor.


Brush Application Brush application may be used under the following circumstances: a) b) c) d)

When spraying for any reason cannot properly coat areas. In those cases where the Company representative considers that application by other means will not produce the required finish, will be uneconomical, or may affect other plant, equipment, property or personnel in or near the worksite. For "touch-up" or repairs to localized damaged areas or areas of incorrectly applied paint, provided that the Paint Manufacturer considers the coating material suitable for brush application. For the application of stripe coats of paint to corners, edges, crevices, holes, welds or other irregular surfaces etc.

Brushes used in brush application shall be of a style and quality that will permit proper application of paint. Good quality natural or synthetic bristle brushes shall be used. Round or oval brushes are considered most suitable for rivets, bolts, irregular surfaces and rough or pitted steel. Wide flat brushes are suitable for large flat areas, but they should not have a width of over 120mm. No extending handles shall be allowed on paint brushes. UIA/T/E/CMC SES47.1REV08.DOC


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Brushes shall be kept in good condition and shall be discarded if damaged or excessively worn. The brushing shall be done so that a smooth coat, as uniform in thickness as possible, is obtained. There should be no deep or detrimental brush marks. Paint shall be worked into all crevices and corners. Runs and sags shall be brushed out. In brushing any of the solvent sensitive type coatings, care must be taken so that no lifting of former coats occurs. During application of each coat all areas such as corners, edges, welds, small brackets, bolts, nuts and interstices shall receive additional coating material to ensure that these areas have at least the minimum specified film thickness and to ensure continuity of coating. 4.6.4

Roller Application Roller application is not permitted.

4.7 4.7.1

REPAIR OF DEFECTS General Before application of any coat of material, all damage to previous coats shall be repaired. All loose paint shall be removed to a firm edge. All surface irregularities and contaminants shall be removed. Hard, glossy surfaces may require sweep blasting to obtain a suitable surface for painting.


Inadequate Coating Thickness Areas with an inadequate coating thickness shall be thoroughly cleaned and, if necessary, abraded and additional compatible coats applied until they meet this Specification. These additional coats shall blend in with the final coating on adjoining areas.


Contaminated Surfaces Surfaces to be over-coated that have become contaminated shall be cleaned as outlined in Section 3.3. The whole of the surfaces to be painted shall then be scrubbed with a 2% Teepol or equivalent detergent /fresh water solution, followed by copious rinsing with fresh, clean, potable water.


Coating Damage not Exposing Steel Surface The damaged area shall first be washed down using a 2% Teepol or equivalent detergent /fresh water solution to remove all contamination, then copiously rinsed using clean fresh potable water, and finally be allowed to dry. The coating around the damaged area shall be feathered (over a width of at least 70 mm) using a dry, abrasive method, preferably grit blasting, to ensure continuity of the patch coating. The full coating system shall then be reapplied strictly in accordance with this Specification.


Coating Damage Exposing Steel Surface The damaged area shall be re-cleaned as originally specified for that item and the full coating system reapplied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The re-cleaning shall carry over on to the secure surrounding coating for not less than 250 mm all round and the edges shall be feathered (over a width of at least 70 mm) using an approved method.


Repair of Zinc Silicate Primer Damaged surfaces of zinc silicate primers shall be cleaned to remove all loose materials and blast cleaned. The surface shall be coated with one coat of the primer that is the same as the damaged primer.



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5.0 5.1 5.1.1

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QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality Plan for the Implementation of this Specification Before commencing any work, a written project-specific quality plan shall be submitted for approval. This plan shall include: a. b. c. d.

e. f. g.

A timetable for the various surface preparation and painting activities in relation to the total work to be done, A description of the paints and materials to be used, Detailed method statement for the coating application works Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP) that details procedures for testing and inspection including the methods to be used, the frequency of their application, the acceptance & rejection criteria, the extent of inspection required and the parties responsible. Appendix 3 provides examples of ITPs for various coating works. Full details of the blast and paint equipment and resources including where appropriate dehydration, temperature and any other environmental control measures, available space, methods of access and of handling, Details of the qualification of the personnel involved in the work together with a clear definition of their responsibilities and lines of communication, Calibration methods of the inspection equipment

Following review and approval by the Company representative the project quality plan may be updated and revised during the work, as and when required. All revisions shall be submitted to the Company representative for approval prior to being included in the quality plan. 5.2 5.2.1

QUALITY CONTROL General The Contractor is responsible for the Quality Control activities required by this specification and laiddown in the Inspection part of the agreed Quality Plan. All inspections and tests (of which the cost are deemed to have been included in the contract) shall be carried-out by an Inspection Contractor that has been approved by the Company, or by the Contractors inspection department, provided the inspection department has been approved by the Company. The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging his painting schedule in such a manner as to minimise the risk of damage to coatings during subsequent lifting, transportation, erection or fabrication operations. The Company representative assigned to the painting work shall be given at least four hours notice of any changes in schedules. No surface cleaning or painting shall be carried out without his prior knowledge and consent. The Company representative may witness all quality control tests, which includes calibration of instruments and checks on the environmental conditions. Before tests are carried out, the Company representative shall have the opportunity to inspect the testing equipment, personal protection and equipment protection devices and environmental control equipment, used or to be used in the performance of the work. Whenever any section is to be assembled that will prevent subsequent inspection of an area, the Company representative shall be notified in time, so that inspection and repair activities can be carried out before proceeding with the assembly.



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The Company representative shall have the right to inspect, at all times, any or all of the surface preparation and coating activities covered by the contract. All parts of the work shall be accessible for this purpose. 5.2.2

Status and Progress Reports In addition to equipment and manpower lists the Contractor shall daily submit inspection reports giving details of weather conditions, air humidity, dew point, temperature, particulars of application, e.g. blast cleaning, paint type and colour, batch numbers applied, wet and dry film thickness, anomalies etc. along with progress of work against the approved programme.


Rejected Work and Equipment The Company representative shall have the right to condemn any tools, materials, testing equipment, staging and scaffolding, personal protection and equipment protection devices, and environmental control equipment, which do not conform to the requirements of this Specification. The Company representative shall have the right to condemn any surface preparation or applied coating system or partly applied coating system that does not conform to the requirements of this Specification. Condemned coating application shall be marked in areas with a compatible paint of contrasting colour. Any condemned equipment, surface preparation or coating application shall be replaced or corrected to a level in accordance with this Specification, at the Contractor’s cost.

5.3 5.3.1

CLEANED SURFACES General Cleaned surfaces shall comply with the requirements as specified in this SES. Surface cleanliness for dry blast clean as a minimum shall be Sa 2½ as accordance with ISO 8501-1. Cleaned surfaces shall be examined for traces of oil, grease or other contaminants. Surface cleanliness requirement for water jetting and wet abrasive blasting shall be in accordance with Section 3.5.3 and Section 3.5.4 respectively.


Residual Salt Contamination Water soluble salt contamination shall be checked in accordance with ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9. The maximum total allowable soluble salts level on the surface shall in accordance with requirements stipulated in Table 2. Table 2 Maximum total soluble salts requirements Coating Category Internal surfaces of vessels and tanks External carbon steel surfaces Stainless steel

New construction 25 mg/m2

Maintenance 25 mg/m2

25 mg/m2 20 mg/m2

50 mg/m2 20 mg/m2

Salts contamination check shall be carried out on each component and at least once per 100 m2. The tests shall be carried out a minimum of three times per day during the progress of the work or as per agreement with the Company. For maintenance painting work, Company representative may request a check for water soluble ferrous ions on pitted surfaces. If the check is thought necessary based on the Company representative’s judgment, it shall be carried out as outlined in ISO 8502-12. The maximum allowable ferrous ion content is 50 mg/m2.



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Surface Dust The dust level on the blast-cleaned surface at the time of coating shall not exceed quantity- rating 2 in accordance with ISO 8502-3. Checks on dust levels shall be made at least once on each component and once per 100m2 of prepared surface and a minimum of three checks per day during progress of the work or as per agreement with the Company.


Surface Profile All blast cleaned surface shall be checked for surface profile before painting application. The surface profile shall be measured by the use of replica tape in accordance with ISO 8503-5. Surface profile checks shall be carried out on each component and at least once per 100m2 and a minimum of two times per blaster per day during the progress of work. Table 3 below shall be used to determine the surface profile for steel surfaces unless otherwise specified by the Coating Manufacturer. Table 3 Relationship between coating thickness and surface profile Dry Film Thickness of Coating 125 to 200 µm 200 to 500 µm 500 µm to 750 µm Above 750 µm

5.4 5.4.1

Surface Profile 25 to 50 µm 50 to 75 µm 75 to 125 µm Minimum 125 µm

COATING APPLICATION AND COATED SURFACES General Visual Coating Appearance Complete coating shall be free from defects such as runs, sags, pinholes, voids, bubbles, orange peel, grit, and dust inclusions or other anomalies. The coating shall be of good visual appearance and the topcoat shall completely hide the colour of underlying layers. If anti-skid systems are applied, the anti-skid material shall be uniformly dispersed on the surface of the coating.


Dew Point, Air Humidity and Substrate Temperature Unless otherwise recommended by the Paint Manufacturer and accepted by the Company, paints shall not be applied when: • • • • • • • •

The surface preparation has not been completed or oil, grease and dust are present on the substrate to be painted The surface temperature is less than 3°C above dew point, The relative humidity of the air is greater than 85%, except for Inorganic Zinc Silicate where up to 90% can be permitted. The air temperature is below 5°C, as it would adversely affect the curing of paints The surface temperature is higher than that recommended by the Manufacturer for application There is a likelihood of a change in weather conditions within two hours after application that would result in air temperatures below those specified above, There is a deposition of moisture in the form of rain, condensation, etc. upon the surface. The available light is less than 500 lux

Dew point determination and humidity measurement shall be done in accordance with ISO 8502-4.



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Wet Film Thickness (WFT) Wet film thickness of the coating shall be checked during the painting operation to ensure correct and even film thickness is applied. The wet film thickness checked shall be carried out accordance with ISO 2808 Method 1A – comb gauge. The gauge mark shall be covered immediately to avoid pinholes.


Dry Film Thickness (DFT) DFT measurements shall be in accordance with ISO 2808. The magnetic ‘banana’ type gauge shall not be used. Calibration of coating thickness gauges shall be done in accordance with SSPC-PA 2. For magnetic substrates, digital magnetic induction type gauges are required with eddy current type gauges used for non-magnetic substrates, The measurement requirement shall be in accordance with ISO 19840 Clause 6.1 Table 1. For the acceptance of an inspected area, the criteria as below shall be fulfilled: a. The DFT of the completed coating system shall be equal to or greater than the specified NDFT. b. The DFT reading of any individual coating layer shall be equal to or above 90% of the specified NDFT. The number of readings between 90% of NDFT and NDFT shall be less than 10% of the total number of readings taken c. The DFT of the individual coating layers shall be maximum 1.5 x the NDFT, except for areas such as corners where overlaps are difficult to avoid. For such areas a maximum of 2.5 x the NDFT may be accepted.


Holiday Testing Holiday testing, also known as pinhole testing shall be carried out in accordance with NACE SP01888 for internal tank coatings, external coatings for buried tanks, vessels and piping and splash zone coatings. High voltage spark testing shall be used for all coatings unless otherwise recommended by the Coating Manufacturer where a low voltage wet sponge procedure may be used subject to approval by the Company. No holidays shall be allowed for the coatings. Defects found shall be marked, repaired and retested in accordance with this SES.


Adhesion Adhesion testing shall be carried out between the coating system and steel substrate. The adhesion testing shall be measured in accordance with ISO 4624 using self aligning adhesion testing method. The minimum pull-off force for coating system with DFT >150 µm is 725 psi (5 MPa) for zinc primed coating systems and 1015 psi (7 MPa) for non-zinc primed coating systems. For Internal tank coatings and lining, the minimum pull off force shall be 1450 psi (10 MPa). The adhesion testing for coating systems with total NDFT ≤150 µm shall be measured with accordance to ISO 2409 with acceptance criteria Class 0. The adhesion requirements for TSA are specified in DEP Thermal Spray Coatings of Aluminium and 85/15 Zinc/Aluminium Alloy. Adhesion testing shall be carried out on each component and at least once per 100 m2 of coated surface. Spots damaged by the adhesion tests shall be repaired in accordance with this SES.



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Antiskid system for helidecks and walkways The surface friction coefficient of anti skid coating systems applied to helidecks shall be µ = 0.8.


Inorganic zinc primers A solvent rub test using Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) in accordance with ASTM D 4752 shall be carried out to ensure inorganic zinc primers are fully cured before over coating.



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COATING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENT All coating systems shall be applied in accordance with this Specification and with the Manufacturer’s instructions. Any conflicting requirements shall be brought to the attention of the Company representative. All coating systems shall be approved in accordance to the requirements specified in this SES. Only Shell and PETRONAS approved coating systems shall be used. Shell approved and qualified coating systems can be identified through reference to the Shell TAMAP Coating List. Coating systems which are included under the PETRONAS Approved Coating System and which have a current PETRONAS certification may also be used where appropriate. Where products that have been qualified to PETRONAS Technical Standard PTS, the Paint Manufacturer shall provide evidence of this in the form of an approval letter from PETRONAS Coatings and Lining Committee, along with a product datasheet and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), providing the information required by ISO 20340:2009 Clause 5.4 and 6.1. For coating systems which are neither listed under Shell TAMAP nor are PETRONAS Approved Coating System, Company advice is to be sought. Statutory requirements for levels of volatile organic compounds are to be met.

6.1 6.1.1

COATING SYSTEM SELECTION Service temperature In general, the design temperature should be taken as the service temperature for selecting a coating system. However, if the design temperature leads to a significantly different coating system than that required for the anticipated operating temperature, coating system selection may be reconsidered. In all such cases, Company’s approval shall be required.


Compatibility with Existing Coating Systems The coating products prescribed by this specification have been selected to be compatible with one another. For new construction, modifications and areas under renovation, all coats within the systems shall be supplied by the same manufacturer. For spot repair and refurbishment where there will be an interface with an existing coating system, compatibility with the existing coating system shall be established. The Paint Manufacturer may be consulted. If there is any doubt about compatibility, patch tests in accordance with ASTM D5064 shall be conducted to evaluate the interfacial adhesion. In general epoxies and polyurethane should not be applied on top of alkyd paints. In exceptional cases this may be done, but only after a thorough investigation of how the proposed coating system behaves with respect to softening and adhesion. In all such cases the paint Manufacturer shall be consulted. Silicate-based paints shall not be applied over organic coatings and shop-primers as there is no inter-coat adhesion.



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COATING MATERIALS All material shall be supplied in the Manufacturer’s original containers, durably and legibly marked with the description of the contents. This shall include the product description or identifier, the colour reference number, the method of application for which it is intended, the batch number, date of manufacture, the shelf-life expiry date and the Manufacturer’s name or recognized trade mark. Different brands or types of paints shall not be inter-mixed. The storage and preparation of paints and other coating materials shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions. Samples for testing the paint being used may be taken by the Company at any time. Should a sample fail to meet the required specification, the Contractor shall remove this paint from areas already covered and recoat them with paint that meets the specification. Paint that has exceeded its shelf life shall not be used without written approval by the Paint Manufacturer and agreement by Company.

6.3 6.3.1

COATING SYSTEM PRODUCT APPROVAL REQUIREMENT New Product - Coating System Qualification Where new coating products and/or upgraded versions of currently approved products (e.g formulation changes etc) are to be used, these shall be submitted for a series of full qualification tests before they can be considered an approved product. The test requirements and acceptance criteria are as described in DEP


New Products - Internal Coating System Qualification Requirements for Pressure Vessel Specific testing protocols shall be developed for the qualification of internal coatings for pressure vessels which shall include all or parts of this specification along with specific testing such as coating performance under decompression cycles etc. The Company’s coating specialist shall be consulted for further advice.



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6.4 6.4.1

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PAINTING AND COATING SYSTEM SCHEDULES FOR EXTERNAL APPLICATION Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steels Maximum Operating Temperature < 120°C Table 4 Coating systems for carbon steel and low alloy steels for Non-Insulated systems in the Atmospheric Zone Type of painting work

System Code

Coating Systems

DFT (μm)

Non- Insulated systems in Atmospheric Zone Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to ISO- 8501-1, Sa 2½ New and Maintenance 1A Primer Epoxy Zinc Rich Painting Midcoat High Solids Epoxy Topcoat Aliphatic Polyurethane Total NDFT Minimum Surface Preparation: Power tool cleaning to ISO 8501-1, St 3 Maintenance Painting 1B Primer Surface Tolerant High Solids Epoxy Midcoat Surface Tolerant High Solids Epoxy Topcoat Aliphatic Polyurethane Total NDFT

75 150 50 275 125 125 50 300

Alternative Coating System for sweating pipe work (refer Note 1) Minimum Surface Preparation: Wet abrasive blasting to SSPC-SP 10/NACE No.2, WAB-10 Maintenance Painting 1C Primer Surface Tolerant High Solids 150 Epoxy Topcoat Surface Tolerant High Solids 150 Epoxy Total NDFT 300 Note for Table 4: 1. Note that only epoxy coating systems that have been qualified to be able to be applied over damp surfaces shall be used. Table 5 Coating systems for carbon steel and low alloy steels for Insulated systems in the Atmospheric Zone Type of painting work

System Code

Coating Systems

DFT (μm)

Insulated systems in Atmospheric Zone Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to ISO- 8501-1, Sa 2½ New and Maintenance 2A Primer Epoxy Zinc Rich Painting Topcoat High Solids Epoxy Total NDFT Minimum Surface Preparation: Power tool cleaning to ISO 8501-1, St 3 Maintenance Painting 2B Primer Surface Tolerant High Solids (Surface Preparation: Epoxy St 3, ISO 8501-1) Topcoat Surface Tolerant High Solids Epoxy UIA/T/E/CMC SES47.1REV08.DOC

75 150 225 125 125


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Total NDFT 6.4.2

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Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steels with Operating Temperature > 120°C Table 6 Coating systems for carbon steel and low alloy steels for insulated and noninsulated in the Atmospheric Zone Type of Painting Work

System Code

Coating Systems


Insulated and Non-Insulated Systems in Atmospheric Zone (120˚C - 200˚C) Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to ISO- 8501-1, Sa 2½ New and Maintenance 3A Primer Epoxy Phenolic Painting Topcoat Epoxy Phenolic Total NDFT

100 100 200

Insulated and Non-Insulated Systems in Atmospheric Zone (200˚C - 450˚C) Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to ISO- 8501-1, Sa 2½ New and Maintenance 3B Primer Inorganic Zinc Silicate Painting Midcoat Silicone Aluminium Topcoat Silicone Aluminium Total NDFT


75 25 25 125

Steel Structures / Members (Primary and secondary including boat landing and caissons) in All Zones (Splash, Spray and Atmospheric Zones); Risers above Splash Zone, piping equipments in Spray Zone. Table 7 Coating systems for steel structures in all zones, risers above the Splash Zone and piping and equipments in the Spray Zone Type of painting work

System Code

Coating Systems

Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to ISO- 8501-1, Sa 2.5 New and Maintenance 4A 1st Coat Polyester Glassflake Painting Top Coat Polyester Glassflake Total NDFT 4B 1st Coat Epoxy Glassflake Top Coat Epoxy Glassflake Total NDFT 6.4.4

DFT (μm)

500 500 1000 500 500 1000

Offshore Platform Decks and Helidecks Table 8 Coating systems for offshore platform decks Type of painting work

System Code

Coating Systems

Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to ISO- 8501-1, Sa 2½ New and Maintenance 5A 1st Coat Polyester Glassflake Painting Top Coat Polyester Glassflake Antiskid Aluminium Oxide 20-30 mesh Total NDFT 5B 1st Coat Epoxy Glassflake UIA/T/E/CMC SES47.1REV08.DOC

DFT (μm)

400 400 800 400 (03/12)

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Top Coat Epoxy Glassflake Antiskid Aluminium Oxide 20-30 mesh Total NDFT

SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 30 OF 50

400 800

Table 9 Coating systems for non-aluminium helidecks Type of painting work

System Code

Coating Systems

Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast Cleaning to ISO- 8501-1, Sa 2½ New and Maintenance 5C 1st Coat Zinc rich primer Painting 2nd Coat High solids epoxy Antiskid material Topcoat Epoxy or Polyurethane Total NDFT

DFT (μm)

50 300 100 450

Coating system for aluminium helidecks shall be as for galvanised steel coating system as per Section 6.4.5 below. Company may permit the decks to be left unpainted. However, additional measures may be required for the markings to be conspicuous. For topsides helideck layout/painting for offshore, please refer to drawing no STD.S.2340 and STD.S.2341 in SES 95.4 Helidecks on Fixed and Mobile Offshore Installations. 6.4.5

Galvanised Steel Table 10 Coating system for galvanised steel Type of painting work

System Code

Coating Systems

DFT (μm)

Minimum Surface Preparation: Degrease as per SSPC-SP1 and wash with fresh clean water, lightly sweep blast to provide surface profile of between 20μm to 30μm New Painting 6A 1st Coat Surface Tolerant High Solid 125 Epoxy Top Coat Aliphatic Polyurethane 50 Total NDFT 175 General Notes for Table 10: 1. Hot Dip galvanising shall be carried out in accordance with the requirement of ISO 1461. 2. Maintenance for galvanised steel should be treated as carbon steel under section 6.4.1



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SES 47.1 REV. 08



MARCH 2012 PAGE 31 OF 50

Stainless Steel Where Thermal Sprayed Aluminium coatings are specified, reference shall be made to DEP Table 11 Painting and Coating Guide for Stainless Steel Temperature Range ˃100°C

50°C to 100°C 60˚C Minimum Surface Preparation: Blast cleaning to ISO 8501-1, Sa 2½ New and Maintenance 14B 1st Coat Vinyl Ester Glassflake 500 Painting 2nd Coat Vinyl Ester Glassflake 500 Total NDFT 1000 Where internal tank coatings are required above the temperatures stated above, Company’s recommendations shall be sought. 6.6

COATING SYSTEM FOR VENDOR SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT Equipment supplied by Vendors such as valves, pumps, etc. shall be externally coated with a coating system consistent with the requirements of this SES. Vendors may propose alternative coating systems, however these shall be consistent with the requirements of ISO 12944-5, Exposure Classification C5-M for external exposure and C3 for interior surfaces, Durability Classification – High. In addition, the Vendor shall be required to provide a track record for the coating systems proposed. All shall be subject to Company’s approval. Vendor shall propose coating systems for subsea components. The coating systems offered shall have a demonstrable track record at the specified service temperatures and shall be subject to Company’s approval.

6.7 6.7.1

COATING SYSTEM FOR STUD BOLTS AND NUTS General All carbon steel stud bolts and Nuts shall be coated with a zinc nickel electroplated coating system in accordance with ASTM B 841 with a minimum Ni content of 12 mass %, balance being zinc and PTFE top coat. Others specific requirements, which are a supplement and amendment to ASTM B 841, can be found in MESC SPE 81/007. There are local vendors in Malaysia that can apply the required coating for bolts and nuts. Company shall be consulted for further information. Bare carbon steel nuts and bolts shall not be permitted for use with CRA flanges or components.


Coating System The coating specification for stud bolt and nuts is tabulated in Table 20. Table 20 Coating specification for stud bolts and nuts onshore and offshore location Coating system First Coat Top Coat


Zinc/ Nickel Electroplated, with a minimum of 12% Nickel balance being Zinc Fluoropolymer, PTFE

Transportation The fluoropolymer coated bolts and nuts shall be vacuum packed in corrosion inhibitor impregnated packaging. The packaging shall be a compatible material and resistant to the permeation of moisture. The transport of the coated bolts and nuts shall be done carefully to avoid damaging the coating. Before installation, the coating shall be inspected for possible damage and/or corrosion. The acceptance criteria shall be less than 0.1% rusting on both studs and nuts.



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7.0 7.1

SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 35 OF 50

MAINTENANCE PAINTING GENERAL In general, maintenance painting consists of two types of activity: 1.


Large-scale maintenance which is refurbishment and renovation, necessary because the existing coating has deteriorated or failed and the technical integrity or safety of the equipment is impaired. In this case local repairs are not economically justified and the only option is to apply a new paint system. Localised repair work to rectify damage to a coating caused by corrosion, ageing, modification, hot work, mechanical damage, etc.

Maintenance painting purely for the sake of appearance is not considered an economically justified criterion within the context of this Specification. To determine how and to what extent any damage to a coating should be repaired, it is necessary to: 1. Establish the amount of corrosion present 2. Establish the type and extent of paint defects present 3. Select an appropriate repair procedure, which includes: surface preparation, choice and specification of coating system, application, testing and inspection. 7.2

CORROSION CRITERIA FOR RUSTING To establish the amount of corrosion occurring on carbon and low alloy steels; reference shall be made to the degrees of rusting defined in ASTM D610. The approach for stainless steels is given in (7.5). Degree of rusting and area rusted are given in Table 21 for reference. Table 21 Degree of rusting and area rusted in accordance with ASTM D 610


Rust Grade

Area Rusted (%)

Spot (S)

General (G)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1.0 3.0 10.0 16.0 33.0 50.0 >50.0

None 9-S 8-S 7-S 6-S 5-S 4-S 3-S 2-S 1-S None

None 9-G 8-G 7-G 6-G 5-G 4-G 3-G 2-G 1-G None

BLISTERING The degree of blistering shall be evaluated in accordance with ISO 4628-2.This standard characterizes blistering in terms of size and frequency.



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The acceptance criteria are Degree of Blistering 3 (S3). This phenomenon alone shall not be used as a criterion for urgent maintenance painting provided that the coated surface rusting and blistering is still within requirement in Section 7.6. 7.4

CRACKING, FLAKING AND CHALKING The degree of cracking, flaking and chalking in a coating shall be evaluated in accordance with ISO 4628-4, ISO 4628-5 and ISO 4628-6, respectively. This phenomenon alone shall not be used as a criterion for urgent maintenance painting provided that surface rusting is still within requirement in Section 7.6.


STAINLESS STEEL SUBSTRATES The necessity to carry out maintenance painting on stainless steel surfaces shall be governed by a visual judgment of the existing coating (including the condition of any insulation) since "degree of rusting" is not a relevant criterion for these substrates.

7.6 7.6.1

TYPES OF MAINTENANCE Preventive Cleaning Periodic removal of all contaminants, e.g. salts, dirt, grease, oil, etc., by hosing with fresh water is sufficient if the coating is contaminated but no breakdown or corrosion is observed (i.e. Rust Grade 10). If needed, a 2% Teepol or equivalent concentrated detergent may be used. If conducted regularly this will reduce the impact from the environment and result in longer maintenance intervals.


Spot Repair Spot repair should be considered if the coated area has localized (spot) rusting only and the remaining film is sound adequate. The rusting pattern should be less than rust grade 5-S (3%) spot rusting and/ or less than rust grade 7-G (0.3%) general rusting in accordance with ASTM D610. The areas that are corroded shall be spot blast cleaned to the visual standard PSa 2½ in accordance with ISO 8501-2 at the time of coating. Power tool cleaning is only allowed if spot blasting is not practical and surface cleanliness requirement shall be PSt 3 in accordance with ISO 8501-2 at the time of coating. The cleaned defects shall be touched up to full film thickness. All corrosion products shall be removed and the interface between the sound coat and cleaned areas shall be properly prepared.


Refurbishment Refurbishment should be considered if the whole coated area shows more rusting than described under spot repair but less than rust grade 4-S (10%) spot rusting and/or less than rust grade 5-G (3%) general rusting in accordance with ASTM D610. Refurbishment should not be selected if the rusting pattern is of the pinpointed type as described in ASTM D 610. Any degree of pinpoint rusting shall require renovation. The defects in the existing coating system shall be spot blast cleaned to the visual standard PSa 2½ in accordance with ISO 8501-2 at the time of coating. The remaining part of the existing coating system needs to be sweep blasted. A fine grade of abrasive shall be used to avoid damage to the coating system. The blasted surfaces shall be applied with primer (s) and then the entire surface shall be applied with primer / build coat and lastly followed by applying topcoat to entire surface for a complete coating system.



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Renovation Renovation should be considered if the whole coated area shows more rusting than described under refurbishment or the rusting pattern as described in ASTM D610 is pin-pointed over the whole coated area. This requires total removal of the existing coating system. The existing coating system shall be blast cleaned to the visual standard Sa 2½ in accordance with ISO 8501-1. Surface preparation and application of a new coating system shall be carried out as outlined in this specification.



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PAGE 38 OF 50

REFERENCES In this SES, reference is made to the following publications: NOTES:

1. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto. 2. The DEPs and most referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell Wide Web).

SHELL STANDARDS Protective Coatings for Offshore Facilities


Thermal Spray Coatings of Aluminium and 85/15 Zinc/ Aluminium Alloy


Helidecks on Fixed and Mobile Offshore Installations

SES 95.4

Coatings Requirements for Bolts and Nuts (Amendments/ Supplements to ASTM B 841)

MESC SPE 81/007

Storage Tanks and Vessels

IMP 2.04

Pressure Vessels

IMP 0.01

INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Fabricated Iron and Steel Articles – Specifications and test methods.

ISO 1461

Paints and varnishes – Cross- cut test

ISO 2409

Paints and varnishes – Determination of film thickness

ISO 2808

Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to liquids Part 2: Water immersion method

ISO 2812-2

Paints and varnishes – Pull-off test for adhesion

ISO 4624

Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance – Part 1: General introduction and designation system Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance – Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering

ISO 4628-1

Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings Designation of quantity and size of defects, and intensity of uniform Changes in appearance – Part 3: Assessment of degree of rusting

ISO 4628-3

Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance – Part 4: Assessment of degree of cracking

ISO 4628-4

Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of

ISO 4628-5


ISO 4628-2


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PAGE 39 OF 50

uniform changes in appearance – Part 5: Assessment of degree of flaking Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance – Part 6: Assessment of degree of chalking by tape method

ISO 4628-6

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings

ISO 8501-1

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings

ISO 8501-2

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections

ISO 8501-3

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness

ISO 8502 1-9

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and ISO 8502-12 related products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 12: Field method for the titrimetric determination of water- soluble Ferrous ions. Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Surface Roughness Characteristic of Blastcleaned Steel Substrates

ISO 8503 1-4

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paint and related products – Surface preparation methods – Part 2: Abrasive blast cleaning

ISO 8504-2

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paint and related products – Surface preparation methods – Part 3: Hand – and power-tool cleaning

ISO 8504-3

Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres – Salt spray tests

ISO 9227

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specifications for metallic blast – cleaning abrasives – Part 2: Chilled-iron grit

ISO 11124-2

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specifications for metallic blast – cleaning abrasives – Part 3: High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit

ISO 11124-2

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Test Methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Part 1 - 7


ISO 11125 1-7


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Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specifications for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives – Part 4: Coal Furnace Slag

ISO 11126-4

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specifications for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives – Part 7: Fused Aluminium Oxide

ISO 11126-7

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specifications for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives – Part 9: Staurolite

ISO 11126-9

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Specifications for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives – Part 10: Almandite Garnet

ISO 11126-10

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Test methods for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives – Part 6: Determination of water-soluble contaminants by conductivity measurement

ISO 11127-6

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Test methods for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives – Part 7: Determination of water-soluble chlorides

ISO 11127-7

Paints and varnished – Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems – Measurement of, and acceptance criteria for the thickness of dry films on rough surfaces

ISO 19840

Paints and Varnishes – Performances requirements for protective paint systems for offshore and related structures

ISO 20340

AMERICAN STANDARDS Standard Practice for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc Nickel Alloy Deposits

ASTM D 610

ASTM B 841

Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments

ASTM D1654

Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates)

ASTM D3276

Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test

ASTM D3359

Standard test method for measuring MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers by solvent rub

ASTM D4752

Standard Practice for Conducting a Patch Test to Assess Coating Compatibility

ASTM D5064

Paint Application Specification No.2




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Solvent Cleaning


Near White Metal Blast Cleaning


Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to recoating


Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces by Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning


Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surface by Waterjetting


Dehumidification and Temperature Control During Surface Preparation, Application, and Curing for Coatings/ Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and Other Enclosed Spaces


Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates





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♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 42 OF 50


Item Offshore Structure Steel Below Castellation Point (Shim Collection Splash Zone Substructures), Conductor Pipes, Spider Deck Structural Members, from Cellar Deck up to the Main Decks, Castellation Point Upwards, Beams, Plates, Girders, Floor Panel, Footway and Stairway Supports, Risers, Helidecks Structures Above and Underside of Drip Pan Equipment Skids

Helidecks Markings as shown on the standard drawings STD.S.2340 or STD.S.2341 in SES95.4

♦ ♦ ♦

Bridges Communication Towers Telecommunication Poles

♦ ♦

Handrails Gratings

Pipework except Manifolds, Valve Bodies and Fire Water Lines Valves and Manifolds (for piping and controls & automation)

Colour Yellow

Colour Code (RAL) 1021



Dark Green Yellow Mid Green White Black Grey White Orange/White (in alternate band) Orange at top and bottom. Width of bands shall be about 1/7 of tower height. Orange Galvanized (New) Black (Maintenance Only) Pale Green (with code bands)

6028 1021 6032 9010 9005 9002 2003/ 9010

2003 6019

Gas (including fuel gas)



Crude (including diesel)




Silver Grey



Light Blue





Portable Water





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SES 47.1 REV. 08 MARCH 2012 PAGE 43 OF 50


Colour Code (RAL)




Hydraulic Lines

Light Green



Light Brown




White Grey


Orange/White (in alternate band) Black/Yellow (in alternate band)


White Grey


Light Ivory Mid Green

1015 6032

Red Green Black/Yellow (in alternate band) Red

3002 6028 9005/1021

♦ Fire Water Modules (including living quarters): ♦ ♦ ♦

Interior Walls and Ceiling Exterior Walls Vent Stack Tips

Jib Cranes and Gantry Crane Booms, Monorail Beams, Hoists, Pedestal Cranes Process Tanks, Wellheads, Heat Exchanger, Process Vessels and All Supports

♦ ♦

Panels Rotating Equipment: Pumps, Generators, Motors or Other Moving or Special Equipment Instrumentation - Manufacturer’s Finish, except Control Valve Topworks ♦ ♦ ♦

Open Air Close Air Dangerous Obstructions

Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment



Codes Bands: The code bands shall be placed at all junctions, at both sides of valves, service appliances, bulkheads, wall penetrations and at any other place where identification is necessary. The code bands shall be 25mm wide and the number of bands will depend on the pressure rating as follows: ♦ 150 lb 1 band ♦ 300 lb 2 bands (at 50mm spacing center to center) ♦ 600 lb & above 3 bands (at 50mm spacing above center to center) All colours shall match their coded standard given in RAL Colour Code. In the event that the colour description is contradictory to the colour code, the latter shall precede.



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♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Item Structural Steelwork, Beams, Plates, Girders - Exterior Structural Steelwork, Beams, Plates, Girders - Interior Vent Structures, Bridges Tanks, Heat Exchanger, Process Vessels Communication Towers Telecommunication Poles Vent Stack Tips

♦ Handrails Instrumentation - Manufacturer’s Finish, except Control Valve Topworks ♦ Open Air ♦ Close Air ♦ Dangerous Obstructions ♦ ♦ ♦

Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment Jib Crane Booms, Monorail Beams, Hoists Pipework – Exterior

Pipework – Interior

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ♦

Gas Crude Steam Air Water Portable Water Glycol/Inhibitor/Chemical Hydraulic Lines Condensate Pumps, Generators, Motors, or other moving or special equipment

Colour Aluminium

Colour Code (RAL) -

Silver Grey


White Grey


Orange/White (in alternate band) Orange at top and bottom. Width of bands shall be about 1/7 of tower height. Orange


Red Green Black/Yellow (in alternate band) Red Black/Yellow (in alternate band) Pale Green (with code bands as below) Aluminium (with code bands as below) Yellow Brown Silver Grey Light Blue Green Blue Blue Light Green Light Brown

3002 6028 9005/1021



3002 9005/1021 6019

1021 8011 7001 6034 6032 5015 5021 6025 1011 6032

Codes Bands: The code bands shall be placed at all junctions, at both sides of valves, service appliances, bulkheads, wall penetrations and at any other place where identification is necessary. The code bands shall be 25mm wide and the number of bands will depend on the pressure rating as follows: ♦ 150 lb 1 band ♦ 300 lb 2 bands (at 50mm spacing center to center) ♦ 600 lb & above 3 bands (at 50mm spacing above center to center) All colours shall match their coded standard given in RAL Colour Code.In the event that the colour description is contradictory to the colour code, the latter shall precede.



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APPENDIX 3 EXAMPLES OF AN INSPECTION TEST PLAN (ITP) FOR COATING WORK Offshore Coating Contractor Company Name Inspection and Test Plan for Atmospheric Zone Coating Work SSB/SSPC Offshore Facilities Project: Platform Refurbishment Coating System: ____________ Item

Inspection test items


Reference Documentation

2.0 2.1

Coating material receipt Coating material receipt

All All


Blasting material receipt



Solvent or detergent cleaning

All surfaces

3.1 3.2

High pressure water wash Climatic conditions (Air temperature, dew point readings)

All surfaces Every two hours

3.3 3.4

Steel temperature Compressed air supply blotter test

Every two hours Twice/shift



Acceptance standard Principal’s Coating Specification, SES 47.1 Rev 08 Contractor Quality Manual, Doc No:___ Contractor Project Quality Plan, Doc No: ___ Principal approved material/ coating system Coating material traceability Legible labels clearly identify • Supplier name • Product name • Batch number • Shelf life • Storage instructions • Date of manufacture Health, safety and environmental information Traceability • ISO 11126/ 11127 conformance • Legible labels clearly identify • Supplier name • Product name • Batch number • Grading • Storage instructions SES47.1 Rev 08, Section 3.2, Solvent cleaning, SSPCSP1, No visible surface contamination from oil and grease SES 47.1 Rev 08, Section 3.2 The substrate surface temperature shall be a minimum of 3˚C above the dew point, the relative humidity (RH) of the air shall be max. 85%, the air temperature is below 5˚C < 50˚C No indication of oil discolouration, no indication of water contamination, ASTM D4285

Report form No.

Inspection(Refer Note 1) Contractor SSB/SSPC R













Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08 DECEMBER 2011


3.5 3.6

Blast Nozzle Pressure Surface profile


Surface Dust


Visual Inspection after abrasive blasting


Residual salt contamination

At least once per 100 m / 3 times per day


Calibration of inspection equipment

Start of production then every 3 hours

5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

First stripe coat application Spray pressure and tip size and fan angle First full coat application Second stripe coat application Second full coat application Third stripe coat application Third full coat application Visual Inspection

All At start of spraying All All All All All All


Dry film thickness

5 per m


Cure Test

2x per sprayer per day


Adhesion Test

1 per 5 m


Coating repair

As required


Every two hours 2 At least once per 100m / 2x per blaster per day 2 At least once per 100 m / 3 checks per day All 2



PAGE 46 OF 50

7 bar minimum at nozzle SES47.1 Rev 08, ISO 8503, Testex Tapes

R W, R, M


Rating 2, ISO 8502-3

W,R, M


P Sa 2½ as per ISO 8501-2, Minimum lighting level 500 lux Residual chlorides shall be ≤ 50 mg/m2 ISO 8502-6 & ISO 8502-9. Pitted areas shall be checked for iron salts, ISO 8502-12, if required Dry film thickness gauges: start of shift and thereafter every 3 hours at approximately the mid range of the coating thickness Adhesion tester: daily Brush applied, worked into corners, edges, crevices To match paint’s manufacturer recommendations 75 microns DFT Brush applied, worked into corners, edges and crevices 150 microns DFT Brush applied, worked into corners, edges and crevices 50 microns DFT Uniform in colour, free from irregularities such as runs, sags, orange peel etc 5 measurements per m2. Target thickness greater than 248 microns with 90% of the reading is ≥ 275 microns Solvent rub test, for inorganic zinc primer, ASTM D 4752, No softening Test shall be performed using self aligning tester in accordance with ISO 4624. Minimum acceptable value 7 MPa. Pinholes, mechanical damage from destructive adhesion testing etc, repair as per approved procedure. Re-test for thickness as per original. Under thicknesses, prepare surface and re-coat as per approved procedure

















V : Visual, M : Monitor, R: Record, H : Hold, W ; Witness, Rev : Review



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PAGE 47 OF 50

Offshore Coating Contractor Company Name Inspection and Test Plan for Splash Zone and Spray Zone Coating Work SSB/SSPC Offshore Facilities Project: Platform Refurbishment Coating System: ____________ Item

Inspection test items


Reference Documentation

2.0 2.1

Coating material receipt Coating material receipt

All All


Blasting material receipt



Solvent or detergent cleaning

All surfaces

3.1 3.2

High pressure water wash Climatic conditions (Air temperature, dew point readings)

All surfaces Every two hours

3.3 3.4

Steel temperature Compressed air supply blotter test

Every two hours Twice/shift

3.5 3.6

Blast Nozzle Pressure Surface profile

Every two hours 2 At least once per 100m



Acceptance standard Principal’s Coating Specification, SES 47.1 Rev 08 Contractor Quality Manual, Doc No:___ Contractor Project Quality Plan, Doc No: ___ Principal approved material/ coating system Coating material traceability Legible labels clearly identify • Supplier name • Product name • Batch number • Shelf life • Storage instructions • Date of manufacture Health, safety and environmental information Traceability • ISO 11126/ 11127 conformance • Legible labels clearly identify • Supplier name • Product name • Batch number • Grading • Storage instructions SES47.1 Rev 08, Section 3.2, Solvent cleaning, SSPCSP1, No visible surface contamination from oil and grease SES 47.1 Rev 08, Section 3.2 The substrate surface temperature shall be a minimum of 3˚C above the dew point, the relative humidity (RH) of the air shall be max. 85%, the air temperature is below 5˚C < 50˚C No indication of oil discolouration, no indication of water contamination, ASTM D4285 7 bar minimum at nozzle 75 µm to 125 µm, SES47.1 Rev 08 Section 5.3.5, ISO

Report form No.

Inspection (Refer Note 1) Contractor SSB/SSPC R












R W, R, M



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08 DECEMBER 2011


/ 2x per blaster per day 2 At least once per 100 m / 3 checks per day All


Surface Dust


Visual Inspection after abrasive blasting


Residual salt contamination

At least once per 100 m / 3 times per day


Calibration of inspection equipment

Start of production then every 3 hours

5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

First stripe coat application Spray pressure and tip size and fan angle First full coat application Second stripe coat application Second full coat application Third stripe coat application Visual Inspection

All At start of spraying All All All All All


Dry film thickness

5 per m

5.8 5.9

Cure Test Adhesion Test

2x per sprayer per day 2 1 per 5 m


Coating repair

As required




8503, Testex Tapes Rating 2, ISO 8502-3 P Sa 2½ as per ISO 8501-2, Minimum lighting level 500 lux Residual chlorides shall be ≤ 50 mg/m2 ISO 8502-6 & ISO 8502-9. Pitted areas shall be checked for iron salts, as per ISO 8502-12, if required Dry film thickness gauges: start of shift and thereafter every 3 hours at approximately the mid range of the coating thickness Adhesion tester: daily Brush applied, worked into corners, edges, crevices To match paint’s manufacturer recommendations 500 microns DFT Brush applied, worked into corners, edges and crevices 500 microns DFT Brush applied, worked into corners, edges and crevices Uniform in colour, free from irregularities such as runs, sags, orange peel etc 5 measurements per m2. Target thickness greater than 900 microns with 90% of the reading is ≥ 1000 microns Solvent rub test, ASTM D 5402, No softening Test shall be performed using self aligning tester in accordance with ISO 4624. Minimum acceptable value 7 MPa. Pinholes, mechanical damage from destructive adhesion testing etc, repair as per approved procedure. Re-test for thickness as per original. Under thicknesses, prepare surface and re-coat as per approved procedure

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W,R, M
















V : Visual, M : Monitor, R: Record, H : Hold, W ; Witness, Rev : Review



Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08 DECEMBER 2011


PAGE 49 OF 50

Offshore Coating Contractor Company Name Inspection and Test Plan for Atmospheric Zone Coating Work SSB/SSPC Offshore Facilities Project: Spot repairs and power tool surface preparation Coating System: ____________ Item

Inspection test items


Reference Documentation

2.0 2.1

Coating material receipt Coating material receipt

All All


Blasting material receipt



Solvent or detergent cleaning

All surfaces

3.1 3.2

High pressure water wash Climatic conditions (Air temperature, dew point readings)

All surfaces Every two hours

3.3 3.4

Steel temperature Visual Inspection after power tool cleaning

Every two hours All



Acceptance standard Principal’s Coating Specification, SES 47.1 Rev 08 Contractor Quality Manual, Doc No:___ Contractor Project Quality Plan, Doc No: ___ Principal approved material/ coating system Coating material traceability Legible labels clearly identify • Supplier name • Product name • Batch number • Shelf life • Storage instructions • Date of manufacture Health, safety and environmental information Traceability • ISO 11126/ 11127 conformance • Legible labels clearly identify • Supplier name • Product name • Batch number • Grading • Storage instructions SES47.1 Rev 08, Section 3.2, Solvent cleaning, SSPCSP1, No visible surface contamination from oil and grease SES 47.1 Rev 08, Section 3.2 The substrate surface temperature shall be a minimum of 3˚C above the dew point, the relative humidity (RH) of the air shall be max. 85%, the air temperature is below 5˚C < 50˚C P St 3 as per ISO 8501-2,

Report form No.

Inspection (Refer Note 1) Contractor SSB/SSPC R













Sarawak Shell Berhad Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited

SES 47.1 REV. 08 DECEMBER 2011



Calibration of inspection equipment

Start of production then every 3 hours


First build coat/primer


5.1 5.2

Stripe coat; first build coat/primer Second build coat application

All All

5.3 5.4

Stripe coat build coat Top coat application

All All


Visual Inspection



Dry film thickness

5 per m


Coating repair

As required



Dry film thickness gauges: start of shift and thereafter every 3 hours at approximately the mid range of the coating thickness 125 µm minimum DFT. Measure wet film thickness (see Product Data Sheet) Brush applied, worked into corners, edges and crevices 125 µm minimum DFT. Measure wet film thickness (see Product Data Sheet). Colour to contrast with first build coat. Brush applied, worked into corners, edges and crevices 50µm minimum DFT. Measure wet film thickness (see Product Data Sheet). Total system minimum NDFT, 300 µm. Uniform in colour, free from irregularities such as runs, sags, orange peel etc 5 measurements per m2. Minimum thickness 300µm over hand prepared surfaces. Pinholes, mechanical damage from destructive adhesion testing etc, repair as per approved procedure. Re-test for thickness as per original. Under thicknesses, prepare surface and re-coat as per approved procedure

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V : Visual, M : Monitor, R: Record, H : Hold, W ; Witness, Rev : Review

General Note: 1. The requirements of inspection, to determine V, M,R,H,W, and Rev are to be negotiated in the Contractor’s ITP. The inspection requirements shown here are examples not minima or absolute Company requirements.



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