Your Results: Results: The correct correct answer for for each question is indicated indicated by a
The complete complete process of locating a service service facility moves moves from the ge neral to the specific, specific, e.g. first first the g eographic area is determined, determined, then the neighborhood, and then the spe cific cific site. A) True B) False
In choosing a location, a solution spa ce that has an infinite infinite number of possibilities is referred to as a 'netwo rk'. rk'. A) True B) False
The maximal covering location problem is concerned with maximizing maximizing the population covered within a desired se rvice rvice location set covering problem problem is concerned with the minimum number of facility locations that will distance, whereas the location serve all d emand points within some sp ecified ecified maximal maximal distance. A) True B) False
Two se rvice rvice providers (A and B) are e qual in every wa y except that se rvice rvice B is twice as far awa y as service service A. According According to the Huff model, if the appropriate Lambda (λ) is four, service B is eight times less attractive than service A. A) True B) False
The first step in choosing a location for a se rvice rvice facility facility involves involves answ ering which of the following questions? A) What is the purpos e of the se rvice rvice and how will success success be measured? B) How many facilities will be constructed? C) Are the po tential sites limited limited due to access, zo ning restrictions, restrictions, labor availability…? availability…? D) All of the above q uestions must be asked.
Which of the following is not an element that is normally considered when selecting a specific site?
A) Accessibility B) Previous uses C) Traffic flow D) Competition
Consider factory outlet centers that are o ften located upwa rds of thirty miles miles away from an urban center. Compared to neighborhood s upermarkets, upermarkets, the lambda (λ) (λ) in the Huff model for these o utlet centers is: A) Greater B) Smaller C) The same D) Unrelated, since outlet centers and supe rmarkets rmarkets are not comparable comparable
Which of the following is a to ol that is used when a ttempting ttempting to locate more than one facility? facility? A) Euclidian metric B) Huff analysis C) Metropolitan metric D) Location set covering covering
The "Food Co urt" often found at malls is an example of _________. A) saturation marketing marketing B) competitive clustering C) deliberate cannibalization D) poor planning
The Internet has begun to change the rules of location selection. What location criterion criterion is most important important for pure Internet services services such as 'eBay? A) Proximity to customers
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Multiple Choice Quiz B) Distance from competition C) Availability of a well-educated w orkforce D) Proximity to overnight shipping
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