Service Manual NovAA 800 en

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Service instructions

novAA 800




 Analytik Jena AG Konrad-Zuse-Str.1 07745 Jena  Germany Phone + 49 3641 77 70 Fax + 49 3641 77 92 79 Email

[email protected]


 Analytik Jena AG Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 D-07745 Jena  Germany Phone + 49 3641 77 7407 Fax + 49 3641 77 7449 Email [email protected]

General Information

Copyrights and Trademarks

novAA is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG in Germany. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. The use of the symbols ® or TM is omitted in this manual.



Technical documentation

 Analytik Jena AG

© Copyright 2018 Analytik Jena AG


novAA 800


Contents 1  1.1  1.2  1.3 

General Information ........................................................................................................ 7   Notes on this service service manual manual .......................................................................... ......................................... ............................................. ............ 7   Intended use ............................................................................................................... 8  Warranty Warran ty and liabili liability............................... ty................................................................ .................................................................. ................................... 9 

2  2.1  2.2  2.3  2.4 

Technical description ..................................................................................................... 10   AAS techniques ............ ....... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 10   Opticall principle Optica principle ............................................................. ............................ .................................................................. ........................................... .......... 12  Measuring Measu ring principle principle ............................................ ............................................................................. ...................................................... ..................... 13   Structure Structu re of the serial number number ........................................................................ ....................................... ........................................... .......... 14 

3  3.1  3.2  3.3  3.4  3.5 

Specifications ................................................................................................................. 15  novAA 800 technical technical data ............................................................... .............................. ........................................................... .......................... 15  Minimum Minimu m requirements requirements of the ASpect LS softwa software re................................................... ............................. ...................... 19  Data for the graphite furnace technique technique ............................. ............................................................... ...................................... .... 20  Data for the flame flame technique ............................................................... .............................. ...................................................... ..................... 21    Accessories data .......... ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 22  

4  4.1  4.2  4.3 

Installation conditions ................................................................................................... 24   Ambient conditions .......... ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 25   Energy supply supply................................................................. ................................ .................................................................. ........................................... .......... 26  Gas supply ................................................................................................................. 27 

4.4  4.5  4.6  4.6.1 

Exhaust unit .............................................................. Exhaust ............................. .................................................................. ................................................ ............... 29 Space requirement, requirement, weight and device layout................................. ........................................................... .......................... 30   Minimum Minimu m requirements requirements of the control computer................................. ...................................................... ..................... 34   Available accessories .......... ..... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 35  

5  5.1  5.2  5.3  5.3.1  5.3.2  5.3.3  5.3.4  5.4  5.4.1  5.4.2 

Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions............... ....................... ................ ................ ................. ........... 42   Housing Housin g and connections ................................................................ ............................... ........................................................... .......................... 42  Lamp turrets turrets and lamps lamps ........................................................................................ ....................................................... ..................................... .... 46  Electrotherma Electro thermall atomizer ....................................................................................... ...................................................... ..................................... .... 47  Graphite Graph ite furna furnace ce .................................................................................. ................................................. ...................................................... ..................... 49  Gas flows flows in the furnace furnace shell ........................................ ......................................................................... ........................................... .......... 50  Graphite Graph ite tube variants, furnace parts and inserts ..................................................... 52  Furnacee camera.............................................................. Furnac ............................. .................................................................. ........................................... .......... 53   Flame system ............................................................................................................ 53   Automatic gas control .............. ........ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 53   Burner-nebuli Burnernebulizer zer system ................................................................. ............................... ............................................................ .......................... 54 

5.4.3  5.4.4 5.5 

Burner and and flame typ typee .................................................................... ................................... ........................................................... .......................... 57 Sensors ...................................................................................................................... 58  Electronics Electro nics ................................................................. ................................ .................................................................. ................................................ ............... 59 

6  6.1  6.1.1  6.1.2  6.2  6.2.1  6.2.2  6.3  6.3.1  6.4  6.4.1  6.4.2 

Work instructions for service work ............................................................................... 61  Installation Install ation ................................................................ .............................. ................................................................... ................................................ ............... 62  Basic device device .............................. ............................................................... .................................................................. ................................................ ............... 62   Accessories .......... ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 63   Softwaree .............................................................. Softwar ............................. .................................................................. ...................................................... ..................... 66   ASpect LS .......... ..... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 66   Emula flag flag overview.................................................................. ................................. ................................................................. ................................ 68  Graphite Graph ite techni technique que ....................................... ......................................................................... ............................................................ .......................... 69  Replacing Repla cing the graphite parts ................................................................ ............................... ...................................................... ..................... 69  Flame technique........................................................................................................ 75  Burner height height drive ............................ ............................................................. ................................................................... ...................................... .... 75  Replacing Repla cing the burner detection ................................. .................................................................. ................................................ ............... 76 

6.5  6.5.1   6.6  6.6.1 

Lamp turrets turrets and lamps lamps ........................................................................................ ....................................................... ..................................... .... 77  Adjustment ........... ...... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 78   Opticall system................................................................ Optica ............................... .................................................................. ........................................... .......... 79  Slit groups ................................................................................................................. 79 




novAA 800

6.6.2  6.7 

Wavelength drive................................................................. Wavelength ................................ .................................................................. ..................................... .... 81  Recalibration Recalib ration (recal) with an external external pyrometer ..................................................... ................................ ..................... 82 

Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 84 

TeamViewer as a remote maintenance tool ... ........... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ............. ..... 86 

9  9.1  9.2 

Pin assignment ............................................................................................................... 87  Pin assignment assignment on the AAS controller....................................................................... controller........................................................ ............... 87  Plug connections connections on the HCL output stage ..................................... ............................................................... .......................... 88 


Functional Function al diagr diagram am .............................................................. ............................. .................................................................. ..................................... .... 89 



Recommended tools and replacement parts ............................................................... 90 


novAA 800


Illustrations Fig. 1  Fig. 2  Fig. 3  Fig. 4  Fig. 5  Fig. 6  Fig. 7  Fig. 8  Fig. 9  Fig. 10  Fig. 11  Fig. 12  Fig. 13  Fig. 14  Fig. 15  Fig. 16  Fig. 17  Fig. 18  Fig. 19 

Sample chamber of the novAA 800 D .............................................................. 10  Sample chamber of the novAA 800 F........................................................... ............................................................... .... 11  Optical diagram of the novAA 800 ................................................................... 12  Data on the type plate ....................................................................................... ........................................................................ ............... 14  Dimensions of the novAA 800 – front view ..................................................... 31  Dimensions of the novAA 800 (with AS-FD autosampler + Fluidik module) 32   Dimensions of the novAA 800 (with ( with AS-GF autosampler) ............................. 33  Installation diagram for the novAA 800 with exhaust unit ............................ 34   AS-FD autosampler with separate Fluidik module .......................................... 36   AS-GF autosampler ........................................................................................ .............................................................. .......................... 37  SFS 6 injection injecti on module .................................................................................. 39  Scraper on the 50 mm burner head ............................................................. 40   HPT burner head ............................................................................................ .................................................................. .......................... 40  novAA 800 – Side view with carrying handles ............................................ 42  Supply and control connection panel ........................................................... 43  novAA 800 rear view with connections and fuses f uses....................................... 43  Fuses and electrical connections............................................................... ................................................................... .... 44  Gas and cooling water connections .............................................................. 44  Lamp turret with reader ............................................................................ ................................................................................ .... 46 

Fig. 20  Fig. 21  Fig. 22  Fig. 23  Fig. 24  Fig. 25  Fig. 26  Fig. 27  Fig. 28  Fig. 29  Fig. 30  Fig. 31  Fig. 32  Fig. 33 

Graphite furnace in the sample chamber ..................................................... 47  Graphite furnace, opened.............................................................................. ................................................................ .............. 49  Inner and outer gas flows in the graphite furnace ...................................... 5 50 0  Graphite furnace shell ................................................................................... 51   Variants of the graphite tube ........................................................................ ......................................................... ............... 52  Furnace shell, adapters and inserts .............................................................. 52  Nebulizer-mixing chamber burner system ................................................... 55  Mixing chamber and nebulizer, disassembled ............................................. 56  Exploded view of the mixing m ixing chamber and nebulizer ................................. ............................. .... 5 57 7  Burner types ................................................................................................... 58  Modular HS connections ............................................................................... ......................................... ...................................... 65  Modular hydride system connection diagram di agram ............................................. 65  Hydride system heated cell head .............................................................. .................................................................. .... 6 66 6  Preset screen screenshot ............................................................................... ................................................................. .............. 67 

Fig. Fig. 34 35  Fig. 36  Fig. 37  Fig. 38 Fig. 39 Fig. 40  Fig. 41 

Electrodes and.................................................................................................. graphite tube sheath............................................................ 69 Furnace tools 69  Burner height adjustment ............................................................................. 75  Lamp turret w. reader .......................................................... .................................................................................... .......................... 77  Recal with external pyrometer – example ................................................... 82  Recal w. external pyrometer – example ....................................................... 83  Pin assignment (10-1508-300-83) (10-1508-300-83) ............................................................. .......................................................... ... 87  Plug connections of the t he HCL output stage (rough diagram) ...................... 88 







novAA 800


novAA® 800

General Information

General Information


Notes on this service manual


This service manual was created for trained and authorized service personnel of  Analytik Jena and its partners. The user manual describes the following models of the novAA product family:  

novAA 800 D – combined device for the flame and graphite furnace techniques


novAA 800 F for the flame technique


novAA 800 G for the graphite furnace technique

 All of these devices are collectively referred to as the "novAA 800" in this manual. Any differences between the models are explained in i n the relevant section. The illustrations display the combined novAA 800 D device unless unl ess otherwise noted. The instructions listed are intended as a guide for installation, maintenance and repair work; they do not, however, take the place of technical training! The "Work instructions for service work" chapter is subject to continuous updates and changes. Refer to the revision number of the document for this! The installation, maintenance and repair of a novAA 800 and its accessories is not permitted without the proper training and accompanying authorization. The transfer of this service manual to end customers and unauthorized persons is also not permitted. Conventions

Instructions for actions which occur in chronological order are numbered and combined to action units. Lists which are not in chronological order are shown as itemized i temized lists, sub-listings as bullet points. Warnings are indicated by warning triangles and a signal word. The type, source and consequences of the danger are stated together with notes on preventing preventi ng the danger. The meanings of the signal words used are explained below.

Elements of the control and analysis program are indicated as follows:  

Terms used in the program are identified ide ntified with SMALL CAPS (e.g. FILE menu).


Buttons are indicated by square brackets (e.g. [OK])


Menu items are separated by arrows (e.g. F ILE  OPEN).



General Information

Symbols and signal words

novAA® 800

The following symbols and signal words are used to indicate hazards or notes in i n this service manual. The warnings are always placed before an action. acti on.

WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may cause death or very serious injuries (potentially crippling).

CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may cause light or minor injuries.

 ATTENTION Provides information on potential material or environmental damage.


Intended use The novAA 800 is an atomic absorption spectrophotometer with deuterium background correction that can be used for the sequential determination of traces of metals and semi-metals in liquid or dissolved samples during routine analysis and also for research purposes. Depending on the model, the device is i s equipped with a transversely heated graphite tube atomizer and/or a flame atomizer. For the hydride technique and the HydrEA technique (as a coupling with the graphite furnace) there are hydride systems for batch and continuous operation. The novAA 800 may only be used for atomic absorption spectrometry with the techniques described in this document. Any departure from the instructions for proper use may lead to warranty restrictions and reduced manufacturer liability in the case of damage.

Non-observance of safety instructions


If the safety instructions are not observed when using the novAA 800, this is i s regarded as deviation from the intended use. Safety instructions i nstructions can be found on the device itself, in the manual and in the descriptions of the applicable work steps.


novAA® 800


General Information

Warranty and liability The warranty duration and liability comply with the legal requirements and the provisions in the general terms and conditions of Analytik Jena. Deviations from the intended use described in this user manual result in limitations of the warranty and liability in the event of a damage. Damage to wear parts as well as broken glass is i s not included in the warranty. Warranty and liability claims are excluded for personal injury and material damage if they can be attributed to the following causes:  

any use of the device other than the intended i ntended use


improper commissioning, operation and servicing of the device devi ce


modifications of the equipment without prior consultation with Analytik Jena


operation of the device with faulty safety equipment or improperly fitted safety and protection equipment


inadequate monitoring of the device components subject to wear


use of other than original spare parts, wear parts or consumables

   

improper repairs errors due to non-observance of this user manual



Technical description

novAA® 800

Technical description


 AAS techniques The following atomization techniques are available for the devices of the novAA 800 product family:  Atomization technique

novAA 800 F

novAA 800 G

novAA 800 D 

Burner-nebulizer system (flame technique)


Transversely heated graphite tube (graphite furnace technique)


Cell unit (hydride and mercury cold vapor technique)

Transversely heated











graphite tube with Ir/Au coating (HydrEA technique)

Fig. 1

Sample chamber of the novAA 800 D

In the combined novAA 800 D device, the flame atomizer and the graphite furnace are both attached to a bracket on the height adjustment that can be tilted by 60°. Tilting the bracket forwards into a locking position puts the graphite furnace into the optical axis. Tilting the bracket backwards up to an adjustable stop puts the flame unit into the optical axis. Since both atomizers are aligned ali gned with the axis, changing from one atomization technique to the next can be done in i n a few minutes. The ASpect LS control and analysis software uses the height adjustment to automatically move the atomizer 10


novAA® 800

Technical description

into the correct operating position. The depth of the atomizer within the sample chamber is preset at the factory and can be manually m anually adjusted for the flame atomizer via an adjustment screw. The novAA 800 F (flame) and the novAA 800 G (graphite) are both equipped with only one atomizer.

Fig. 2

Sample chamber of the novAA 800 F

The core element for graphite furnace mode is a closed, cl osed, transversely heated graphite furnace into which the samples are loaded from the top. For flame mode, the novAA 800 is designed as a double-beam instrument, which can also be used in single-beam operation. The core element for flame mode is i s the mixing-chamber-nebulizer system with direction-independent stable nebulizer. The time-controlled SFS 6 injection module can be used for the flame injection technique. It links sample segments in a constant flow of carrier solution by switching valves. Hydride techniques with the latest-generation hydride systems (HS 50, HS 55 modular, HS 60 modular) are the preferred processes for the detection-sensitive determination of the hydride-forming elements As, Bi, Sb, Se, Sn, Te and Hg. The cell unit of the hydride systems is placed on the mixing m ixing chamber instead of the burner in the novAA 800 D and F and on a clamped cl amped nozzle in the novAA 800 G.  Alternatively, the combined novAA 800 D device and the novAA 800G allow the coupling of the hydride technique with the graphite furnace technique. The HydrEA technique ("Hydride technique with Electro-thermal A tomization") tomization") consists in accumulating metal hydrides or mercury vapor on the iridium-coated or gold-coated graphite tube and atomizing them at temperatures of 2100 °C (metal (met al hydrides) or 800 °C (mercury). This achieves a very ver y high sensitivity.



Technical description


novAA® 800

Optical principle The novAA 800 is a double-beam instrument, which can be used in single or double beam mode, depending on the selected technique. On the left side the 8-lamp turret (item 8 in Fig in Fig 3) is 3) is arranged vertically. The lamp turret accepts 1.5" hollow cathode lamps (HCL) as the primary radiation source. In front of the lamp turret there also is a vertically arranged deuterium hollow cathode lamp (D2-HCL) (item 7 in Fig in Fig 3) for 3) for the classical background compensation.  An optical beam splitter (item 9 in Fig in Fig 3) with 3) with reflection and transmission fields combines the radiation of the active primary HCL with the continuum radiation of the D2 HCL and simultaneously splits it into a sample and a reference beam. Identical beam paths with the same beam distribution and density in i n the spatial angle used for both radiation sources ensure optimal background compensation with the D 2 HCL. The reference beam is routed behind the sample chamber. A rotating sector mirror (item 5 in Fig in Fig 3) with 3) with 90° reflection and transmission sectors combines the sample and reference beams. For the graphite furnace technique with D2 background correction, the novAA 800 is operated as a single-beam instrument.

Fig. 3


Optical diagram of the novAA 800

1 2 3 4

Monochromator mirror Mesh Slit aperture Si-hybrid receiver

5 6

Sector mirror Atomizer: graphite furnace or burner-nebulizer burner-nebuliz er system

7 8 9

Deuterium hollow cathode lamp (D2 HCL) Lamp turret with 8 hollow cathode lamps Beam splitter mirror


novAA® 800

Technical description

The sample beam or combined sample/reference beam is projected onto the entrance slit of a mesh monochromator (items 1 and 2 in i n Fig 3) 3).. The mesh monochromator is equipped with fixed slits of 0.2 nm / 0.3 nm / 0.5 nm / 0.8 nm / 1.2 nm bandwidth. It selects the resonance wavelengths specified for the element. el ement. The wavelength of the monochromator is set according to the theoretical number of iterations, based on the zero order as an initialization point and corrected by an amount which is calculated from the device-specific wavelength profile which is in the form f orm of a polygonal curve. 9 grid points are distributed equally over the range of the wavelength from the zero order to 860 nm.  A peak-pick program is used to find respective line maximum. The wavelength is set via a linear drive with a resolution of 0.0056 nm per step.  A silicon hybrid receiver (item 4 in Fig in Fig 3) 3) at  at the output of the monochromator measures the intensity of the incoming radiation synchronously with the clocking of the light sources.  A connection for the optic purge (Fig. 18, pg. 18, pg. 44)  44) is  is a standard feature and is located on the device's rear panel – the use of a gas to purge the optics is i s always possible. Air purge kit (APK)


The optional air purge kit (APK) accessory can be used to purge the spectrometer with purified compressed air. The use of this equipment is i s advised when the novAA 800 is used in an operating environment with large quantities of dust, such as a mi mine. ne.

Measuring principle The element-specific absorption of the radiation of a hollow cathode lamp is measured me asured by atoms in the basic state. In this, the absorption signal is a measure for the concentration of the relevant element in the analyzed sample. The HCL delivers a line spectrum from which a suitable resonance line is i s decoupled by the monochromator. The continuum radiation of the D 2 HCL is used to compensate for f or the background absorption. The radiation of the line radiator (primary HCL) with its very v ery narrow baseline (resonance line) is weakened element-specifically and non-specifically by scattering. In doing this, the total radiation is recorded. The radiation of the D 2 HCL is mainly weakened by the broad-band, non-element-specific absorption, the minimal element-specific proportion is negligible. Calculating the difference between the two signals results in the element-specific absorption. In flame mode, the novAA 800 can be used both as a single-beam and as a doublebeam instrument. For the hydride technique the device is used as a single-beam single -beam device because a zero calibration is performed immediately imm ediately before the integration period. For the flame technique, double-beam operation is preferred for on-the-spot measurements in the "mean value" or "continuous mean value" integration modes if it is not possible to wait until the end of the warm-up period of the lamps.



Technical description


novAA® 800

Structure of the serial number The serial number and the electrical connection data can be found on the type plate on the rear of the device.

Fig. 4


Device type and model

2 3

Voltage / frequency Average power consumption

4 5

Max. power input Serial number of the device


CE mark



Data on the type plate

The serial number of the contrAA 800 can also be found in the lamp chamber interior (top). The serial number always has the following structure:

10-1510D-ARXXX Serial number Manufacturing location

Manufacturing year (encoded) Device variant (F, G, D)



novAA® 800




novAA 800 technical data



Graphite furnace technique in single-beam operation with deuterium background

correction   Flame technique in single si ngle or double-beam operation with deuterium background correction  

Hydride and mercury cold vapor technique in single-beam operation with deuterium background correction


HydrEA technique in single-beam operation with deuterium background correction

Background correction


Deuterium background correction with current-controlled D 2 HCL



Dual-beam arrangement with beam splitter and rotating sector mirror for coupling in the reference beam path


High light yield and baseline stability


Quartz coated mirror optics


Silicon-hydride receiver S 12749


Purging the optics with inert gas is always possible A gas is fed into tthe he device via the appropriate device connection for this.


Using the air purge kit (APK) is also an option. Purified air is used as a medium for the purge. (Purging is recommended when operating the device devi ce in dusty environments.)



Modified Czerny-Turner layout with flat hologrid, automatic wavelength and slit size setting

Wavelength range

185 to 860 nm

Slit width

0.2 nm, 0.3 nm, 0.5 nm, 0.8 nm, 1.2 nm

Lamp turret for HCL

PC-controlled 8-lamp turret for fully automated operation with a write/read unit (RFID) for the use of encoded lamps.

Hollow-cathode lamps HCL, encoded

The use of unencoded lamps is possible. Lamp type: Glow discharge lamps for 68 elements with line radiation in the UV/VIS range Lamp current

2 to 20 mA


electrical timing 50 Hz

Power supply

2 power supply units, electrically stabilized - for active lamps - for preheating




Deuterium hollow cathode lamp D2 HCL

novAA® 800

Lamp type: Glow discharge lamp with continuum radiation in the UV range

Lamp current

5 to 35 mA


electrical timing 50 Hz


Total absorption

operating modes in absorption

Specific and unspecific absorption

Display types


-0.01 to 3.00


 Value range: 5 characters (0.0001 to t o 99999), unit can be selected freely


0 to 1; possible in flame mode


0 to 2,000,000 counts

normalized intensity

0 % to 100 %

Measurement frequency (single value sequence)

Single-beam operation Dual-beam operation

Signal analysis,integration type  

Mean value Rep Repeated eated mean mean value value Maxim Maximum um valu value: e: Maximum value of the absorbance Integral value: time-integrated absorbance

Integration time

0.1 to 600 s

 Autozero (AZ measuring time)

0.1 to 600 s


0 to 600 s

Energy measuring time

0.3 s


three stages: off  low  high

Measurement processing

50 Hz 25 Hz

Type of measurement


value displays

Absorbance, emission, concentration

Number of digits

3, 4 or 5

Units of concentration

mg/L, µg/mL, ng/mL, g/L, ng/L or user defined

Results display window

 Alphanumerical values Bar chart of integrated values (bar graph) Chronological sequence of the single peak Overlapping peaks Graphical peaks overview

Special windows

Temperature-time program (furnace program) Optimization of the furnace program Mercury / hydride report Concentration values in the reference curve Peak plots with variable integration limits


novAA® 800


QC window (Quality Check)

Blank QC value – Blank control chart QC control samples – Mean value control chart – Recovery control chart QC sample/matrix duplicate determination – Discrepancies control chart (trend control chart) – Range control chart – Accuracy control chart (SD control chart) QC sample increase – Recovery percentage chart

Statistical methods

Sigma statistics – Mean value formation with standard deviation (SD), relative standard deviation (RSD) Median statistics – Mean value with range (R) and relative range (R %)

Confidence interval

Choose between: absolute, relative or interruptible Selectable confidence interval: 68.3 % (1 σ) 90 % (1.6 σ) 95.4 %(2 σ) 99 % (2.6 σ) 99.7 % (3 σ) 99.9 % (3.6 σ)


Calibration techniques

Standard calibration (recalibration) Descending/ascending runs calibration Standard addition  Addition calibration

Reference curve

Linear, variable weighting functions

adjustment Number of standards

Non-linear, variable weighting functions 1 to 30

Number of addition concentrations

1 to 30


Two-point recalibration with display of the recalibration factor

Supply voltage

230 V ~


50 / 60 Hz

Power fuse installation in the building

35 A, safety fuse, slow blow, single phased Do not use automatic circuit breakers!

Power consumption

2400 VA

Maximum current consumption

28 A for a period of 8 s or 40 A for 1 s

novAA 800 D + G power supply




novAA® 800

Output socket

Same as input voltage For connection of accessories: PC, compressor, hydride system

Device fuses

Overvoltage category

II according to DIN EN 61010-1

Degree of contamination

2 according to DIN EN 61010-1

Safety class


Protection type

IP 20

The fuses of the power supply may only be changed by customer service personnel from  Analytik Jena or by personnel authorized author ized by Analytik Jena. gL-G fuse links (10×38 mm²) compliant with 60947-3. Fuse number


Protected circuit


25 A/T

Power supply


25 A/T

Power supply

G fuse links (5×20 mm²) compliant with IEC 60127. Fuse number


Protected circuit


T 6.3 A/H

Socket for external accessories


T 6.3 A/H

Socket for external accessories


T 2.5 A/H

Transformer, primary side, NTL


T 2.5 A/H

Transformer, primary side, NTL


T 0.08 A



T 0.25 A



T 3.15 A


Fuse number


Protected circuit

F1 internal

TR5-T 100 mA

Measuring lead, graphite tube furnace

Fuse for the furnace

Power supply novAA 800 F

Supply voltage

230 V ~


50 / 60 Hz

Power fuse installation in the building

16 A, single phase

Power consumption

1350 VA

Output socket

Same as input voltage For connection of accessories: PC, compressor, hydride system


Overvoltage category

II according to DIN EN 61010-1

Degree of contamination

2 according to DIN EN 61010-1

Safety class Protection type

I IP 20


novAA® 800

Instrument fuses

Ambient conditions


G fuse links (5×20 mm²) compliant with IEC 60127. Fuse number


Protected circuit


T 6.3 A/H

Socket for external accessories


T 6.3 A/H

Socket for external accessories


T 2.5 A/H

Transformer on the primary side, SNT

F4 F5

T 2.5 A/H T 0.08 A

Transformer on the primary side, SNT D2 HCL


T 0.25 A



T 3.15 A


 According to DIN ISO 90022-2:2003 / 01 Corrosion protection

The device is resistant to corrosion caused by the samples used during analysis

Working temperature

+5 °C to +40 °C

Humidity during operation

Max. 90 % at +40 °C

Transport temperature (desiccant)

-40 °C to +70 °C

 Air pressure

0.7 bar to 1.06 bar

Recommended max. operating altitude

2000 m

The required ambient conditions for the novAA 800 are identical for operation and storage. Dimensions and weights


The models of the novAA 800 product family have identical dimensions but different weights. Mass

novAA 800 D 130 kg novAA 800 G 125 kg novAA 800 F 95 kg

Dimensions (W x H x D):

820 mm x 600 mm x 770 mm

Transport of the device

Only possible with use of the accompanying, securely screwed on carrying handles.

Minimum requirements of the ASpect LS software Computer

Resolution 1280x1024 pixels or higher Mouse / trackball 2 x USB-2.0 interfaces

Operating system

PC with Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 (32 bit or 64 bit)





novAA® 800

Data for the graphite furnace technique

Graphite furnace

Sample type


Tube type

IC tube (wall atomization) Omega IC tube  All tube types are pyro-coated.

Sample volume

max. 50 µL

Temperature setting

The temperature can be set from room temperature to 3000 °C in increments of 1 °C.

Temperature-time programming (furnace program)

Up to 20 steps can be freely programmed within determined limits, 0 to 999 s/step in intervals of 1 s Temperature increase (gradient): 1 °C/s to 3000 °C/s linear, and No Power (NP) Control of inert gas and auxiliary gas Insertion of injection and enrichment steps Determination of the starting point for autozero and integration

Cooling water

min. 2.5 L/min, sediment-free, 20 to 40 °C

Inert gas

Argon 4.8 and superior Permitted components: Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrocarbons Humidity

≤ 3

ppm ≤ 10 ppm ≤ 0.5 ppm ≤ 5 ppm

Consumption: Max. 2 L/min (depending on the temperature-time program) Inlet pressure:

600 to 700 kPa

 Auxiliary gas: Compressed air, oil-free, grease-free, particlefree Inlet pressure: Safety circuits ensuring protection against

Furnace adjustment


600 to 700 kPa

Overheating of the graphite furnace transformer Graphite tube rupture Overheating of the graphite furnace (switch-off at T ≥ 95 °C) Operation with an opened graphite furnace Operation with insufficient cooling water levels Operation with insufficient inlet pressure of the inert gas

Software-controlled height adjustment of the graphite furnace in the beam path Height

4 to 18 mm, automated


Factory preset


novAA® 800



Data for the flame technique

Flame types

 Acetylene-air flame (standard), Acetylene-nitrous oxide flame for elements e lements that cannot be easily atomized, such as boron, aluminum or silicon  Acetylene/air

Single-slot burner, 50 mm, encoded single-slot burner, 100 mm, encoded

 Acetylene/nitrous oxide

Single-slot burner 50 mm, encoded


Compressed air and N2O (nitrous oxide)

Inlet pressure:

400 to 600 kPa

Nebulizer flow  Air N2O

400 to 600 NL/h 320 to 480 NL/h

 Auxiliary oxidant (air or N 2O)  Air N2O

3 levels: 75 / 150 / 225 NL/h 3 stages: 60 / 120 / 180 NL/h

Fuel gas




Inlet pressure: Consumption:

80 to 160 kPa 40 to 315 NL/h

Production of the sample aerosol Operating principle

Pneumatic radial clearance nebulizer


Platinum-rhodium cannula, PEEK


Throughput rate 4 to 6 mL/min

Integrated monitoring of the correct filling level (80 mm water column) Operating principle

Float, corrosion proof


4 to 18 mm, automated


Factory preset The novAA 800 D permits manual adjustment


0 to 90°, manual

Monitoring of

Burner and burner type Fuel gas pressure Inlet pressure oxidant (air and N 2O)

Burner adjustment

Safety circuits

Oxidant flow through Siphon filling level the nebulizer Flame





novAA® 800

 Accessories data

AS-GF autosampler

AS-F autosampler

 Autosampler for adding liquid samples, completely PC-controlled Sample tray

108 positions

Sample vessels Special vessels

100 pieces, 1.5 mL 8 pieces, 5 mL

Pipetting volume

1 to 50 µL

Purge volume

0.5 mL, number of purge cycles can be selected

Program methods

Standard Modifier Dilution  Addition  Automatic enrichment


7.2 kg

 Autosampler with no dilution function, completely complete ly PC-controlled Sample tray 139/15 Sample vessels Special vessels

129 pieces, 15 mL 10 pieces, 50 mL

Sample tray 54/ 50

AS-FD autosampler

Sample vessels

54 pieces, 50 mL

Power supply

via the basic AAS device

Purge bottle



6.5 kg

 Autosampler with dilution function, completely PC-controlled P C-controlled Sample tray 139/15


Sample vessels Special vessels

129 pieces, 15 mL 10 pieces, 50 mL

Sample tray 54/ 50 Sample vessels

54 pieces, 50 mL

Dispensing unit in the Fluidik module

5 mL

Power supply

via the basic AAS device

Purge bottle


Bottle for diluent


Mass (total)

10.0 kg


6.5 kg

Fluidik module

3.5 kg


novAA® 800

Injection module


Model: SFS 6 (Segmented Flow Star), PC-controlled Stable burner conditions ensured by continuous purging and constant temperature conditions


Sample volume for individual analysis

300 µL (minimum volume)

Power supply

via the basic AAS device

Model: KM 5, air cooler with thermostat; CFC-free

cooling unit

Piston compressor

Tank capacity


Set temperature

35 °C


max. 3 L/min

Model: PLANET L-S50-15, standard compressed air supply for the flame technique Tank capacity

15 L

Dimensions (diameter x height)

400 mm x 480 mm

Power supply

230 V, 50 Hz or 230 V, 60 Hz



27 kg

Max. operating pressure

800 kPa

 Automatic burner head cleaning device for nitrous oxide ox ide flame, PC-controlled Power supply

Air purge kit (APK)

via the basic AAS device

Purging of the spectrometer with purified air Dimensions (H x W x D)

245 mm x 265 mm x 260 mm

Power supply

100 – 240 V 50/60 Hz

Power consumption

Max. 15 VA


2 x T1.6 AH


3.2 kg

For further information, refer to the operating instructions of the air purge kit (APK). Hydride system

Chemical generation of hydrides in flow injection and batch mode; devices with modular design for easy adaptation to changing requirements Models

HS 60 modular, HS 55 modular, HS 50


Hydride technique, mercury-cold-vapor technique and HydrEA

For further information, refer to the operating instructions of the hydride system.



Installation conditions

novAA® 800

Installation conditions  ATTENTION The device may only be assembled, assem bled, installed and repaired by customer service personnel from Analytik Jena or by personnel authorized by Analytik Jena. Any unauthorized interference limits the any warranty claims.  Assistance is required during some stages of the installation process. The service engineer tests the device and documents the test in the test report of the novAA 800. The operator is responsible for everything not included in the original delivery which is, however, needed to operate the novAA 800. Operation of the novAA 800 requires certain local and system-specific system -specific conditions:  

Suitable installation space


Space requirement


 Ambient conditions


Supply of inert gas, fuel gas and oxidant


Exhaust unit


Connection to the local power grid

CAUTION Observe the safety instructions! Observe work protection regulations. Warnings regarding potential danger do not replace valid work protection regulations! Possible dangers when working with the novAA 800 are:



Risk of burning due to flame and hot burner parts


Danger from electric current


Danger of UV radiation


Danger of ozone or nitride oxide formation


Danger when handling compressed gas cylinders


Danger from toxic and chemically aggressive substances


novAA® 800


Installation conditions

 Ambient conditions The novAA 800 may only be operated within a closed environment. The location must be set up like a chemical laboratory. The location must meet the following requirements:  

The installation site must be devoid dev oid of dust, drafts, vibrations and caustic fumes.


Do not place the novAA 800 near sources of electromagnetic el ectromagnetic interference.


 Avoid placing the novAA 800 in direct sunlight and near any heat radiating from from heaters. In extreme cases, provide air conditioning in the room.


 A separate room is recommended for sample preparation and storing storing chemicals.

The following ambient conditions must be met in the room the novAA 800 is operated in: Temperature range

+5 °C to +40 °C

Humidity during operation

Max. 90% at 40 °C

Transport temperature (desiccant)

-40 °C to +70 °C

 Air pressure Recommended max. altitude

0.7 bar to 1.06 bar 2000 m

The ambient conditions for the novAA 800 are identical for operation and storage.



Installation conditions


novAA® 800

Energy supply WARNING Observe the power connection! During electrical installation, observe all VDE regulations regul ations and local regulations! The power supply must be correctly grounded. Do not use an adapter in the power cabling.

novAA 800 D + G

The novAA 800 D and novAA 800 G are operated on a single-phase single -phase alternating current network. The current level can reach 40 A for a short period (1 s) during maximum heating. The supply voltage to the novAA 800 should not drop more m ore than 6% during this phase. In the case of deviations dev iations from these values, please contact  Analytik Jena Appropriate accessories can be supplied. Optimum device function depends strongly on a correct power connection with adequate cable cross-section. The power connection on the building buildi ng side must be protected with a 35 A slow-blow fuse and must be installed near the installation site before delivery of the novAA 800. The instrument cable is 3 m long. The CEE surface socket (two-pole + E Blue 5UR 3 206-2 220/32, Siemens) is supplied according to the terms of delivery.  All other components (e.g. PC, hydride system, etc.) are connected via the 5-socket 5-socket power strip supplied with the device, which is plugged into the t he rear of the novAA 800D and G and connected to the same phase as the basic device itself. Observe the permitted operating voltage if you are using your own PC/printer configuration and wish to connect this to the 5-socket power strip. To avoid sudden voltage v oltage fluctuations, do not connect the novAA 800 to the same electrical circuit as other power-intensive devices.

Switching-on conditions

Supply voltage

230 V ~


50 / 60 Hz

Power fuse installation in the building

35 A, safety fuse, slow blow, single phased Do not use automatic circuit breakers!

Power consumption

2400 VA

Maximum current consumption

28 A for a period of 8 s or 40 A for 1 s

Output socket

Same as input voltage For connection of accessories: PC, compressor, hydride system

Power consumption of the hydride system novAA 800 F

650 VA while heating the cell 400 VA in continuous operation

The novAA 800 F is operated on a single-phase alternating current curre nt network. Optimum device function depends strongly on the proper power connection . The power connection must be protected by a 16 A slow-blow fuse on the building side. The instrument cable is 2 m long.  All other components of the novAA 800 (e.g. PC, printer etc.) are connected via the 5socket power strip supplied with the device, which is plugged into i nto the rear of the novAA 800 and connected to the same phase as the basic device itself. If you use your



novAA® 800

Installation conditions

own PC printer configuration and connect the printer to the 5-socket power strip, observe the maximum permissible operating current. To avoid sudden voltage fluctuations, do not connect the novAA 800 to the same electrical el ectrical circuit as other power-intensive devices. Switching-on conditions

Supply voltage

230 V

Frequency Power fuse installation in the building

50 / 60 Hz 16 A, single phase

Power consumption

1350 VA

Output socket

Same as input voltage For connection of accessories: PC, compressor, hydride system

Power consumption of the hydride system


650 VA while heating the cell 400 VA in continuous operation

Gas supply WARNING Risk of explosion due to leaking acetylene! Risk of the build-up of an oxygen-deficient atmosphere caused by leaking gas! The operator must ensure that the connector type used on the outlet side of the gas pressure regulator complies with national requirements. The operator must carry out the necessary safety leakage tests on all gas supply lines and connectors to the device on a weekly basis For this, possible pressure llosses osses from closed systems and lines under pressure must be determined. Any leak needs tto o be localized and corrected immediately. If the gas is i s supplied via compressed gas cylinders,outside these must attached to the wall with cylinder mounts m ounts in an upright position of thebelaboratory.

Gases in the graphite furnace technique

The inert gas argon is used to protect the t he graphite components of the atomizer which are subject to extreme temperatures. The inert gas is also used as a means of transport for the pyrolysis components produced during the analysis. The purity of the inert gas is extremely important for the analysis and for the service life of the graphite tubes. Introducing an auxiliary gas during the pyrolysis (e.g. compressed air) can accelerate the ashing of the sample, i.e. the separation of the matrix components. The auxiliary gas is fed in through the "Auxiliary gas" connection (item 2 in  Fig. 18 on page page 44)  44) on  on the rear of the device. The inlet pressure on the spectrometer must be between 6 and 7 bar (600-700 kPa). The pressure hose for argon is included in the delivery. The standard hose length is 5 m. If different hose lengths are needed, please contact the Analytik Jena customer service department.



Installation conditions

novAA® 800

Recommended inert gas

Inlet pressure


 Argon 4.8 or superior

6 to 7 bar

Permitted components:

(≙ 600 to 700 kPa)

Max. 2 L/min (depending on the temperature-time program)

Oxygen ≤ 3 ppm Nitrogen ≤ 10 ppm Hydrocarbons ≤ 0.5 ppm Humidity ≤ 5 ppm  Auxiliary gas: Compressed air, greasefree, particle-free Gases in the flame technique

6 to 7 bar (≙ 600 to 700 kPa)

The flame technique requires an oxidant (compressed air or nitrous oxide) as well as acetylene as a fuel gas. The purity of the gases is extremely important for the analysis. The PLANET L-S50-15 piston compressor can be used to supply the compressed air. If compressed air is supplied via an in-house i n-house compressed air supply system, please consult the service department at Analytik Jena. Nitrous Nit rous oxide and acetylene are supplied via compressed gas cylinders or an in-house supply system. The pressure hoses are supplied. The pressure reducing valves valve s are optional.  

Hose length for cylinder connections 5 m


Hose length for compressor


It is also possible to connect other hose lengths. Please consult the service department at Analytik Jena. Fuel gas and oxidant

Inlet pressure


Compressed air, oil-free, grease-free, particle-free

4 to 6 bar (≙ 400 to 600 kPa)

Max. 825 NL/h

N2O, oil-free, grease-free, purity 2.5

4 to 6 bar

Max. 660 NL/h

(≙ 400 to 600 kPa)



0.8 to 1.6 bar

Purity 2.5 (for flame photometry): Better than 99.5 Vol% relative to C2H2, acetone-free

(≙ 80 to 160 kPa)

Max. 315 NL/h


novAA® 800


Installation conditions

Exhaust unit CAUTION Risk of poisoning due to leaking gases! Switch on the exhaust unit prior to starting the novAA 800. Extract the exhaust air from the laboratory and prevent congestion! Correct extraction can only be ensured by an exhaust hood installed inst alled directly above the sample chamber. The exhaust unit should remove health-hazardous combustion residue of the flame as well as any ozone that is produced during combustion. Ozone is produced when air reacts with UV radiation from the hollow cathode lamps and the burner flame. Use a suction device made of heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant material. The first 6 m of the exhaust unit should be made of metal. Parameter




Exhaust capacity for nitrous oxide flame

Approx. 8 to 10 m3/min

Exhaust capacity for air flame

Approx. 5 m3/min

Exhaust capacity for graphite furnace technique

 Approx. 1 m3/min

Exhaust capacity for graphite furnace technique (for high acid concentration > 5 %)

 Approx. 5 m3/min

Hood opening

Approx. 300 x 300 mm

Distance to the upper edge of the device

Approx. 200 to 300 mm

Tube diameter

Approx. 100 to 120 mm



Installation conditions


novAA® 800

Space requirement, weight and device layout The novAA 800 is a compact device intended to t o be mounted on a table. The required space is a result of the number of components needed for measurement. When placing the device and the system components, observe a minimum m inimum clearance of 15 cm to walls and neighboring installations. The PC with the monitor, the printer and the keyboard are placed beside the basic device. The PC and printer may also be placed on a separate side table. The workbench must be positioned in a way that allows easy access from fr om all sides. In addition to that, the workbench must meet the following requirements:  

Minimum dimensions: 1800 x 700 mm, select the height based on ergonomic aspects.


Load capacity of the workbench: min. 180 kg


Table surfaces: resistant to wiping, scraping, corrosion and water

The autosamplers for the AS-F or AS-FD flame mode are mounted in the sample chamber of the novAA 800. The storage bottle for the purging liquid of the AS-F or the Fluidik module of the AS-FD are placed next to t o the AAS device. The AS-GF autosampler for the graphite furnace technique is mounted in the sample chamber. The accessories for the hydride technique (e.g. HS 60 modular) are placed on a separate table in front of the novAA 800. The air purge kit can be placed next to the novAA 800 or on a separate side table (length of the connecting hose: 2 m). The following are located on the floor near the device:  

Cooling unit KM 5 The mobile KM 5 cooling unit must be placed with a minimum clearance of 15 cm on both sides to ensure optimum circulation of the cooling air inflow and outflow.



The collecting bottle for residual sample liquid, residual autosampler purging liquid and residual liquid of the hydride system


The PLANET L-S50-15 piston compressor (only for the flame technique)


novAA® 800

Installation conditions


Width [mm]

Height [mm]

Depth [mm]

Weight [kg]

novAA 800




D: 130 G: 125 F: 95


250 340

550 350

380 460

7.2 6.5






Fluidik module





HS 60 modular





HS 55 modular





HS 50





 Air purge kit (APK)





Cooling unit KM 5





PLANET L-S50-15 compressor

∅ 400


Waste bottle

∅ 200


On the workbench


Under the workbench

Fig. 5


Dimensions of the novAA 800 – front view



Installation conditions

novAA® 800

Fig. 6


Dimensions of the novAA 800 (with AS-FD autosampler + Fluidik module)


novAA® 800

Installation conditions

Fig. 7

Dimensions of the novAA 800 (with AS-GF autosampler)



Installation conditions

novAA® 800

Fig. 8


Installation diagram for the novAA 800 with exhaust unit

Minimum requirements of the control computer


PC Pentium 1 GHz with 512 MB RAM

(minimum requirements)

Hard disk with 40 GB, 43 cm color monitor (17")  VGA graphic card Resolution 800x600 pixels or higher CD-ROM drive Ports: 2 x USB port (USB 2.0 Highspeed) USB cable length shorter than 3 m

Operating system


Windows 7/8/10 Professional – 32/64 bit


novAA® 800

Installation conditions

4.6.1   Available accessories The following accessories are available for the novAA 800 and can be connected connecte d to existing systems. For detailed information, please refer to the service and user manuals of the respective accessory. AS-F / AS-FD

Manual or automatic sample supply can be employed em ployed for the flame technique and for the mercury-hydride technique. Automatic operation and multi-element analysis requires the use of an autosampler. The control software of the novAA 800 sets the parameters and controls the functions. The novAA 800 can be operated with the following autosamplers:  

The AS-F autosampler is an automatic autosampler.


The AS-FD autosampler also has a dilution function.

The autosamplers use sample trays with the same diameter. The following sample tray t ray types are available: 139 positions

Sample tray with 129 sample positions for 15 mL vessels on the outer track and 10 sample positions for 50 mL vessels on the inner track

54 positions

Sample tray with 54 positions for 50 mL vessels

The sample trays should be selected according to the requirements of the sample analysis:  

available sample volume


type of signal evaluation

The software-controlled autosampler arm reaches all the positions intended for taking samples. The dipping depth into the sample and the t he special vessels is preset; it can, however, be adjusted via the control software. The novAA 800 supplies the autosamplers with operational voltage. The sample tray and the autosampler arm are driven by stepper motors. m otors. The tray is rotated. The autosampler arm can be rotated and lowered by 120 mm.  At the top of the AS-F autosampler autosampler next to the sample tray there is a purge vessel with an overflow. In the AS-FD autosampler, the purge vessel is located in a plastic block together with a mixing vessel.  A diaphragm pump delivers the purging liquid from the supply bottle bottle into the purge vessel – this action cleans the dipped cannula by purging it inside and out. During the purging process a second diaphragm pump pumps any excess purging liquid to the waste receptacle located underneath the table.



Installation conditions

novAA® 800

Fig. 9

AS-FD autosampler with separate Fluidik module

1 2

Sample tray with cover Autosampler arm

4 5


Change-over valve with dispensing syringe (5000 µL) 6

Storage bottle for diluent Fluidik module Storage bottle for purging liquid

The AS-FD autosampler features a separate Fluidik module with a dispensing syringe (5000 µL). The Fluidik module is electrically connected to the autosampler and is supplied with operating voltage via the novAA 800. Standards or samples are diluted in the mixing m ixing vessel by first placing the concentrate into the mixing vessel. The diluent is then added at a high dispensing speed (max. volume: V = 25 mL).  A fixed waiting time ensures complete mixing. A diaphragm pump extracts the residual liquid that has not been drawn in by the nebulizer. The AS-FD autosampler with dilution function provides the following advantages:



Preparation of standards for calibration by diluting one or several stock standards in the mixing vessel


Dilution of the sample if its concentration is too high, i.e. its element content is higher than 110 % of the calibration standard with the highest concentration


Dilution of all samples at freely selectable sel ectable dilution ratios up to a ratio of 1:500


novAA® 800


Installation conditions

In the graphite technique, the AS-GF autosampler is used to introduce i ntroduce liquid samples. When using the HydrEA technique, it routes the reaction gas into the graphite tube. Manual pipetting is not recommended because of the poor reproducibility rate. The AS-GF autosampler accepts defined volumes of different solutions and places them into the graphite tube. It allows the  

addition of 5 modifier solutions to the sample solution


transfer of the sample solution to the thermal pretreatment in the tube


enrichment of samples


placement of components in the preheated tube


separate transfer of components with intermediate purging


automatic preparation of standards by dilution or by different volumes


fixed, preselected or intelligent sample dilution


fully automatic multi-element mode (night mode possible)

The sample tray of the AS-GF has space for 100 sample vessels vessel s (with V = 1.5 mL) and 8 central vessels for diluents, special samples, standards, modifier solutions, etc. (with  V = 5 mL). 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 10

Autosampler arm with cannula locking system Tube guide with dispensing tube Sample tray with sample tray cover Dispensing syringe (500 µL) Waste bottle Storage bottle for purge solution (or diluent)

AS-GF autosampler

The AS-GF is attached to the respective receptacles provided in the t he sample chamber and electrically connected to the novAA 800. The device parameters of the AS-GF can be set with the ASpect LS control software.



Installation conditions

Hydride systems

novAA® 800

The hydride systems available range from simple batch systems for f or users with small sample volumes to fully automated continuous devices with flow injection. i njection. HS 50:

Most simple batch system with a pneumatic operating principle. The quartz cell is heated by the acetylene-air flame.

HS 55 modular:

Batch system with electrically heated cell unit with or without "Hg Plus" module for mercury detection. The reduction agent solution is dispensed by a single-channel hose pump.

HS 60 modular:

Hydride system for continuous flow injection operation with electrically heated cell unit with or without "Hg Plus" module.

More information on the hydride systems can be found in the relevant accessory manuals. SFS 6 injection module

The SFS 6 injection module (Segmented (Segment ed Flow Star) is supplied as an optional accessory. It can be used together with an autosampler or in i n manual mode. The SFS 6 ensures reproducible conditions in the flame. It permanently draws in purging or carrier solution, allowing the burner to maintain a constant temperature. t emperature. Small sample volumes can be measured m easured in a reproducible manner and gauged against a carrier solution. The operating principle of the SFS 6 injection i njection module is based on a m magnetic agnetic valve with two inlets and one outlet to the nebulizer. nebulizer . The sample intake hose is located l ocated at the energized inlet. It is dipped directly into the sample or is connected to the autosampler cannula. The non-energized inlet is i s connected to the intake hose for the purging or carrier solution. There are two switching states:  

Basic state: The sample path is blocked, the purging solution path is free


 Active state: The sample path is free, the purging solution path is blocked

The SFS 6 injection module is controlled controll ed via the ASpect LS software.



novAA® 800

Installation conditions

1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 11


Connection for the control cable Tube to the purge solution Support Short piece of tube to the nebulizer cannula Sample intake hose (at the energized inlet)

SFS 6 injection module

Use of the automatic cleaner of the burner head (scraper) is i s recommended for continuous and fully automated operation with a nitrous oxide flame. When working with the nitrous oxide flame, and particularly when working with a flame with very high fuel gas content, such as that used for determining the elements silicon, tungsten, molybdenum and tin, a carbon deposit will gradually build up on the slot of the burner. If these deposits are not constantly removed, rem oved, the burner slot will become clogged. This would lead to a low reproducibility of the measurement results. Once activated in the software and stored as a method m ethod parameter, the scraper guarantees a continuous and reproducible measuring process without any disturbances and interruptions. You can choose among various cleaning intervals depending on flame composition and need. On the other hand, the scraper can also be used for the automation of the burn-in process of the nitrous oxide flame. When activated in the flame control window, a cleaning step is executed every 30 s. The scraper is fixed to the burner head with two finger screws. It can be detached if it is not needed. The scraper can be retrofitted to a 50 mm burner.



Installation conditions

novAA® 800

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 12

HPT burner head

Connection cable for scraper Finger screw Scraper Burner setting screw Finger screw 50 mm burner head

Scraper on the 50 mm burner head

The HPT burner head, which consists of a 50 mm burner, a hinged hi nged holder and a slit quartz tube, is available as an option for f or the air-acetylene flame. The HPT burner head is used to increase the residence time of the atoms in the flame, which helps to achieve higher sensitivity particularly for volatile elements such as Cd, Pb, Zn and Hg. The quartz glass has slits with a length of 50 mm on opposite sides to allow the flame to pass through. The holder ensures that the slits are aligned with the burner head. The HPT burner head is recommended for use up to an acetylene-air ratio of 0.16 to prevent the deposit of soot on the quartz tube.

1, 4 Tension spring 2 Slit quartz glass 3 50 mm burner 5 Handle 6 Hinged holder

Fig. 13


HPT burner head


novAA® 800

Planet L-S50-15 piston compressor

Installation conditions

If no in-house compressed air supply is available, avail able, a compressor should be used to provide the compressed air for the acetylene-air flame.  Analytik Jena offers the PLANET L-S50-15 L-S50-15 piston compressor as an optional accessory. The compressed air is free from water, dust and oil. At a maximum operating pressure of 800 kPa and with a 15-L air cylinder, the compressor complies with the requirements for compressed air supply.

 ATTENTION For the installation and maintenance of the device, please observe the information provided in the operating instructions of the PLANET L-S50-15 piston compressor. Air purge kit (APK)

The air purge kit (APK) is used in combination with the novAA series atomic absorption spectrometers (novAA 800, novAA 400 P Flame) to purge the air of the spectrometer. The purging process with purified and dried air prevents the ingress of dust and corroding vapors into the optical area of the spectrometer.

 ATTENTION This significantly improves the quality of the chemical analysis and the service life of the spectrometer even under difficult ambient conditions.



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

novAA® 800

Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions


Housing and connections The power switch is located on the right side of the novAA 800. The right device side also contains an easily accessible connection panel with interfaces for PC and accessories. The media connections for gases, cooling water and electricity, electri city, as well as the fuses, are located on the rear panel. The power connection for the power strip supplied to connect the accessories is also located on the rear of the device.  A pair of carrying handles are fastened to the left and and the right sides of the device for transport and installation. After installation, the handles are unscrewed and the openings are sealed with the plugs supplied with the device.

Fig. 14

1 2

novAA 800 – Side view with carrying handles

Clamp for fastening the device cover Connections for PC and accessories (see below)

3 4

Carrying handle Power switch



novAA® 800

Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

1 2 3 4

Fig. 15

Supply and control connection panel

Fig. 16

novAA 800 rear view with connections and fuses

1 2 3 4

Connecti Connection on for compressed air Connection for fuel gas (C2H2) Connection for nitrous oxide (N2O) Type plate

5 6

5 6 7

Connection for graphite autosampler autosampler Connection for flame autosampler autosampler Connection for hydride system (HS) Connectio Connection n betw. novAA – PC (service only) Connection for cooling unit (+5 V) (GND)


Connectio Connection n betw. novAA 800 – PC

Gas and cooling water connections (see Fig. (see  Fig. 18)  18)  Fuses and electrical connections (see Fig. (see  Fig. 17)  17) 



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Fig. 17

novAA® 800

Fuses and electrical connections

novAA 800 D + G: 1 Fuses F3-F9 2 Power connection for accessories (with provided power strip) 3 Power connection line for novAA 800 4 Fuses F1, F2

novAA 800 F: 1 Fuses F3-F7 2 Fuses F1, F2 3 Power connection for novAA 800 4 Power connection for accessories (with provided power strip)

The novAA 800 D is equipped with connections for the following gases: Inert gas (argon) and auxiliary gas (e.g. compressed air) for the graphite furnace technique and fuel gas (acetylene), nitrous oxide and compressed air for the flame technique. The novAA 800 G does not have any connections for the flame gases. The novAA 800 F does not have the connections for inert gas and auxiliary gas. 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 18

Gas and cooling water connections

Connection for inert gas (argon) Connecti Connection on for auxiliary gas Connection for purging purging gas or the aair ir purg purgee kit (APK) Cooling water return flow "Water out" Cooling water inlet "Water in"



novAA® 800

Type plate

Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

The type plate is located on the rear of the device. The type plate contains the serial number and the electrical connection data. Information on the type plate

novAA 800 D+G

novAA 800 F

Manufacturer (with address)

 Analytik Jena, 07745 Jena, Konrad Zuse Str. 1, Germany

CE marking Waste disposal symbol acc. to WEEE directive

Meaning: Do not dispose of as domestic waste!

Device type and model

 AAS novAA 800 D  AAS novAA 800 G

 AAS novAA 800 F

 Voltage / frequency

230 V ~

230 V ~

50 / 60 Hz

50 / 60 Hz

Power consumption

2400 VA

1350 VA

Max. current consumption

max. 28 A/8 s or max. 40 A/1 s


Serial number

S-NR 10-1430D-AQXXX (D = model specification)

The serial number can also be found f ound in the top of the lamp chamber.



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions


novAA® 800

Lamp turrets and lamps The novAA 800 has an 8-lamp turret with a write/read unit (RFID) for encoded lamps. The coded lamps are equipped with transponders. The following information is saved: lamp type, element(s), serial number, maximum / recommended lamp current and operating hours. The use of unencoded lamps is possible. The lamp l amp turret is designed for hollow cathode lamps with a standard bulb diameter of 37.1 mm. The individual lamps are rotated (PC-controlled) into the beam path, switched on and adjusted according to the pitch circle in steps of 0.1 mm.  A second heat circuit ensures that a second HCL can be preheated at the same same time. The continuum radiator, a deuterium hollow cathode lamp (D 2 HCL), is installed in a separate holder.

Fig. 19

1 2

Lamp turret with reader

Reader for RFID chip Lamp with RFID chip


Carrier plate for 8 lamps



novAA® 800


Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Electrothermal atomizer The electrothermal atomizer (EA) is an integral part of the novAA 800 D and G variants, and a core element for working in EA mode and with the HydrEA technique.

Fig. 20

1 2 3 4

Graphite furnace in the sample chamber

Cooling water connections: red hoses Furnace clamps with electrodes Furnace window Gas connections: white and black hoses

5 6 7 8

Fuse on the graphite furnace High-voltage power cable Sensor connection for cooling water temperature Dispensing opening with graphite funnel insert

The furnace system is equipped with a graphite tube that is i s heated by contact elements positioned transversely to the sheath of the tube. The transversely transversel y heated graphite tube serves as an atomizer for the liquid li quid sample injected with the AS-GF autosampler. The required temperature of the graphite tube in the furnace is regulated by means of a microprocessor-controlled electrical heater.



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

novAA® 800

Graphite furnace characteristics:  

Constant temperature ratios along the entire tube length


Realization of linear temperature-time curves according to a sensorless control model on the basis of saved thermoelectrical parameters and an adaptive control


Independent protective gas flows symmetrical to the furnace center, which ensure effective purging of the graphite tube and furnace windows and also ensure fast f ast and safe transport of the thermally disintegrated products of the sample for disposal


Low consumption of protective gas while ensuring effective protection against interference by the oxygen in the ambient air.

When combined with the deuterium background compensation, the graphite furnace technique achieves high levels of selectivity and sensitivity, allowing the determination of traces and ultra-traces even in samples with a complex matrix. During analysis, each sample goes through one furnace program (temperature-time program). The furnace program consists of four basic steps:  

Drying the sample


Thermal pretreatment, separation (ashing or pyrolysis) of distorting accompanying sample substances (matrix)

   

 Atomizing the sample Heating the graphite tube and preparing for the next measurement

The operator has the option to optimize these basic steps for each analysis problem with the ASpect LS control software.  A safety circuit prevents the graphite furnace in the novAA 800 from continued and uncontrolled heating in the event of a communication comm unication failure between the control PC and the AAS. The temperature sensor is attached to the rear of the stationary part of the furnace (item 7 in Fig. in Fig. 20) 20).. The safety circuit disconnects the main m ain power supply of the device if the cooling water temperature reaches ≥ 85  °C. This prevents damage to the device resulting from continued heating of the furnace. Once the cooling water temperature has fallen below the shutdown temperature, the novAA 800 can be switched back on and re-initialized. re-initiali zed.



novAA® 800


Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Graphite furnace The contact surfaces of the transversely-heated graphite tube are pneumatically pushed against circular electrodes and held in this position. The electrodes are installed in two water-cooled metal bodies, the stationary and the movable part of the furnace. There is another graphite component located between the metal bodies that support the electrodes, the furnace shell. Together with the electrodes, it forms an enclosure around the graphite tube, which stabilizes the thermal radiation conditions of the graphite tube and also guarantees chemically inert conditions. conditi ons. The graphite tube can be pre-adjusted by means of defined support points in the furnace while the atomizer is open. When the movable part of the furnace is i s closed, the tube is lifted to its final position in a reproducible repr oducible movement and pressed into the contacts without coming into contact with the furnace shell.

Fig. 21

1 2 3 4 5

Graphite furnace, opened

Furnace window Stationary part of the furnace Graphite tube, inserted Dispensing opening with graphite funnel insert Furnace shell

6 7 8

Furnace window Movable part of the furnace, opened Seal of the water channel

When changing from the wall-type tube to the platform tube, ensure that these special graphite tubes partially cover the free opening for the beam passage on one side. si de. When selecting the respective technique, the motor-driven height adjustment is controlled by the software to move to the optimum height position.



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

novAA® 800

5.3.2  Gas flows in the furnace shell Purging gas / protective gas

The furnace shell houses the gas channels for the separate supply of the inner gas flow (purge gas) and the outer gas flow (protective gas). Oxidizing Oxidizi ng and reducing gases can be added to the mixture of the inner gas flow to support pyrolysis.

 ATTENTION When using air, temperatures higher than 500 °C should be avoided to prevent prev ent the graphite tube from corroding.

The purpose of the inner gas flow is to remove rem ove all gases that are produced during the drying process and pyrolysis from the graphite tube. Furthermore, the inner gas flow prevents analytes from condensing on the furnace window and has an influence on the dwell time of the analyte atoms within the beam path. During atomization the inner gas flow is usually interrupted i nterrupted to allow the atoms to stay within the beam path of the graphite tube as long as possible. possibl e. The desired result is a high sensitivity. The outer gas flow washes around the graphite tube and is directed to the outside through the funnel insert in the dispensing opening just like the inner gas flow. The outer gas flow surrounds the graphite tube permanently with inert gas to protect it from oxidizing with the ambient air's oxygen.

Fig. 22

Inner and outer gas flows in the g graphite raphite furnace

1, 3 Inner gas flow (purge gas) 2 Outer gas flow (protective gas)



novAA® 800

Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

 A cylindrical joint to the stationary part of the furnace is used to distribute the heat in the furnace shell and for dissipating the heat. This allows the heating up of the interior walls of the atomizer to such high temperatures that the analytes (of the sample) are prevented from condensing. The cone attachment on the opposite side of the furnace shell forms a precisely defined gap in the rotatable part of the furnace together with the insulating ring, ensuring that the cell interior is securely sealed against the ingress of ambient air. In the event of a tube rupture in the furnace f urnace shell, the insulating ring in the movable furnace part prevents a short circuit between the furnace parts. The furnace shell is drilled through in the t he direction of the optical axis, the outer cylinders support the furnace windows (quartz cell windows). For cleaning, cl eaning, the windows can be pulled off with a twist.

1, 4 Cylinder for furnace windows 2, 3 Support: cone attachment

Fig. 23

Graphite furnace shell



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

novAA® 800

5.3.3  Graphite tube variants, furnace parts and inserts There are two graphite tube variants: the standard graphite tube (wall-type tube) and the omega graphite tube (with platform).

Fig. 24


Variants of the graphite tube

Standard graphite tube


Omega graphite tube (longitudin (longitudinal al view)

Graphite tube variant

 Applicable total volume


Standard graphite tube

max. 50 µL

 Aqueous samples (samples not requiring complex analysis)

Omega graphite tube (with platform)

Fig. 25

max. 50 µL

 Aqueous samples (samples requiring complex analysis)

Furnace shell, adapters and inserts


Furnace part / insert



Pipetting insert

Funnel opening to the pipetting channel


Adjusting aid

Adjusting the AS-GF autosampler

3 4

Electrode (2 per furnace) Furnace shell

Electrical contact to the tube wing Receptacle for the graphite tube



novAA® 800


Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Furnace camera Switching on the furnace camera is controlled by the software. The image recorded by the furnace camera is then displayed in a separate window on the ASpect LS user interface. The furnace camera monitors the process, beginning with wit h the injection of the sample into the graphite tube to the completion of the drying process. This allows the operator to control and, if necessary, correct the insertion of the dispensing tube into the graphite tube, the dispensing of the sample and other components as well as the drying procedure. The furnace camera automatically shuts down before the pyrolysis process. The camera looks into the graphite tube from the left. The interior is illuminated by a LED from the right.


Flame system Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy is used for the determination of trace elements in concentration ranges from mg/L to µg/L and for f or the determination of main components. It requires a flame with constant properties. Furthermore, the flame composition must be compatible with the element to be analyzed. Motorized vertical adjustment of the nebulizer-mixing chamber burner system by 14 mm makes it possible to move the flame zone with the maximum absorption into the direction of the beam. The sample solution is drawn in by a pneumatic nebulizer and sprayed into the m mixing ixing chamber. In the mixing chamber the sample aerosol is mixed with acetylene and oxidant before it emerges from the burner slot. The flame is i s either 5 or 10 cm long l ong and a few millimeters wide, depending on the burner used. It is ir irradiated radiated over its full length. For the measurement of main components, the burner can be rotated by max. 90° on the mixing chamber tube (transverse position). This reduces the absorption path. Correspondingly, the sensitivity is lower. It is possible to reproducibly set the rotation of the burner using the scale on the burner.

5.4.1   Automatic gas control The automatic gas control ensures that the flame is supplied with a defined flow of acetylene and oxidant free from pressure fluctuations. It enables safe and hazard-free ignition and extinguishing of the flame. The automatic gas control has three gas inlets for acetylene, air and nitrous oxide.  A proportional control valve sets the fuel gas flow in steps steps of 5-L in a range between 40 and 315 NL/h of acetylene. The airstream first fills fil ls the reservoir with a capacity of 500 cm³ before the air is allowed to flow fl ow to the nebulizer. The air in the rreservoir eservoir is used to extinguish the flame in regular operation and in the event of an accident accident.. The oxidant flow to the nebulizer is calculated from the set configuration and the inlet pressure. The oxidant flow is measured and monitored. m onitored. If auxiliary oxidant is used, the auxiliary oxidant flow (air/nitrous oxide) is regulated in three stages.  A filament ignites the flame. The filament is swung from the rear panel of the sample chamber over the center of the burner. It is possible to switch from the acetylene-air flame to the acetylene-nitrous oxide flame by blocking the air supply and adding nitrous oxide. The acetylene flow is increased at the same time. The acetylene-nitrous oxide flame is extinguished in reverse r everse order. The switching of the flames is executed in a fully automated process controlled by the ASpect LS software.



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

novAA® 800

5.4.2  Burner-nebulizer system The nebulizer generates the aerosol required for the atomization in the flame from the sample solution. The oxidant passes through the lateral connection to enter the nebulizer and flows through the ring-shaped slit formed by tthe he corrosion-proof platinum-rhodium alloy cannula and the PEEK nozzle. The resulting negative pressure draws the sample solution out of the cannula and draws in i n more sample solution. The aspiration rate and the fineness of the aerosol are determined by the relative position of the cannula to the nozzle. It can be set manually with an adjustment screw and a lock nut. The resulting sample aerosol strikes the baffle ball. Larger droplets condense on the baffle ball and run off via the siphon. The fuel gas flow strikes the surface of the baffle ball at a right angle. The aerosol that is produced flows through the mixing chamber to the burner. On the way through the mixing chamber, an equilibrium equil ibrium is reached. More large droplets are separated by gravity and run off via the siphon. The aerosol is dried in the flame. During this process, the size of the droplets must be small. Fast evaporation of drops when entering the flame is required for the atomization of the sample in the hot zone of the flame. Incomplete I ncomplete vaporization of the extracting agent has a negative effect on the accuracy of the analysis result. At the same time, the unvaporized droplets disperse the radiation which results in an increased incre ased background absorption. The mixing-chamber-nebulizer system is designed to allow the generation of a very fine aerosol from the aspirated samples. The system requires little li ttle maintenance because the siphon is located directly next to the nebulizer. Large drops drain off immediately and do not enter the mixing chamber. The impeller retains droplets and stabilizes the aerosol mist. Any liquid residue left iin n the system can run off into the siphon through the continuously rising mixing m ixing chamber tube. Furthermore, the baffle ball must be permanently attached in a central cent ral position relative to the nebulizer. It does not require any readjustment after the mixing chamber nebulizer system is cleaned.



novAA® 800

Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Fig. 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Nebulizer-mixing chamber burner system

Burner Fixing screw for burner Fuel gas supply Screw joints of mixing chamber parts Locking ring of the nebulizer Nebulizer (sample solution supply) Oxidant supply Siphon outlet

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Siphon sensor connection Siphon Siphon sensor Mixing chamber chamber head Auxiliary oxidant supply Safety plug Mixing chamber chamber tube



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Fig. 27

1 2 3 4 5

novAA® 800

Mixing chamber and nebulizer, disassemble disassembled d

Safety plug Mixing chamber tube Impeller Mixing chamber head with connections for gases, nebulizer and siphon Connectio Connections ns for auxiliary oxidant and fuel gas (these point toward the rear)


Nebulizer connection with locking ring 7 Baffle ball 8 Nebulizer with connection for oxidant and connection for sample tube 9 Siphon 10 Siphon sensor



novAA® 800

Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Fig. 28 28


Exploded view of the mixing chamber and nebulizer

Burner and flame type The novAA 800burners: can be operated with the following types of flames and their corresponding  

 Acetylene-air flame with 50 mm single-slit burner (universal burner) or 100 mm single-slit burner for higher sensitivity


 Acetylene-nitrous oxide flame with a 50 mm single slit burner

For laboratory applications that require the determination of elements that are easy to atomize and such that are difficult to atomize, use of the 50 mm m m single slit burner (universal burner) is recommended, recomme nded, as it is not necessary to change this thi s burner for different measurements. Uses of the different flame types:  

The acetylene-air flame can be used for most elements


The acetylene-nitrous oxide flame is required for difficult-to-atomize elements such as boron, aluminum and silicon.



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

novAA® 800

1 2

Fig. 29

50 mm single slit burner (universal burner) 100 mm single slit-burner

Burner types

Burners made of titanium are inert with respect to the t he influences of aggressive sample solutions. The burners can be exchanged easily and can be continuously rotated up to 90° in between 2 stops. One stop is positioned in such a way that the burners are aligned with the optical axis. The 90° stop sets the non-sensitive diagonal position of the burners for determining the main components.

5.4.4  Sensors The burner-nebulizer system is monitored by various sensors to guarantee operational safety.  

   

 A float switch in the siphon indicates the correct level of 80 mm in the water column. Two reflex couplers identify the burner type via code.  A UV sensor monitors the burning flame.

In addition to the aforementioned sensors, the mixing chamber is also equipped with a safety plug which will fall out if the flame blows back into int o the mixing chamber. The ASpect LS control software evaluates the sensor signals and also monitors m onitors the gas pressures and the gas flows as well as the status of the flame.



novAA® 800


Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

Electronics The electronic system includes:  

Power supply unit


Thyristor group

10-1508-210-2 10-1508-210-25 5


Lamp output stage, partially equipped


 AAS controller 3



NIOS board



Receiver PCB S12749-AFE



Combustion chamber PCB



Photometer control



EA controller

10-1508-350-83 10-1508-350-83


Lamp turret control

10-1508-360-8 10-1508-360-83 3


Included with the power supply unit are a switching power supply for +24 V and a transformer for the ignition and burning voltage of the primary HCL (180 V) and D2HCL (320 V) as well as the filament voltage (7 V). The AAS controller combines the device control, the processing of measured valued, the interfaces for the periphery and sector mirror actuation. The NIOS board, which acts as a processor/FPGA unit, is positioned on the AAS controller as a module. The EA controller controls the graphite furnace:  

furnace temperature


cooling water temperature

The lamp output stage switches three heating circuits:  

for the active lamp positions


for the preheat position


for the D2 HCL

The first two heating circuits can be switched to t o every primary HCL position.



Design of the novAA 800 – Component descriptions

novAA® 800

The following drives are part of the photometer control:  




Combustion chamber PCB: 

  burner detection burner head cleaning

   

float sensor in the siphon


drive height adjustment with coupler


injection switch (optional)


The lamp turret PCB in the 8-lamp turret controls the step drive and saves the adjustment status for all positions.



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work

Work instructions for service work  ATTENTION Each work instruction describes a complete repair or setting process. For a description of the components, refer to the corresponding chapters in the user and service servi ce manuals.

 ATTENTION These instructions are not a replacement for proper service training and are intended to provide the best possible support for repair and service work.

 ATTENTION Further work instructions are added to the chapter as required, thus subjecting it to regular update (observe the revision number!).



Work instructions for service work


novAA® 800


6.1.1  Basic device Checking the installation conditions

Installation steps

Check if the following installation conditions are given:  

Does the intended location for the device comply with the t he required conditions (heavy-duty table, exhaust air system, sunlight)?


The "Declaration of readiness for installation" document should be filled out before agreeing on an installation date!


Is the gas supply ensured and do the gas qualities comply with those required?


Is the voltage supply ensured and does it comply to required specifications?


Is help available at the location to possibly aid ai d in lifting the device?


Is a PC available (if not within the supply scope)?

The following steps must be performed to install the basic device: dev ice: 1.  Place the basic device on the work table 2.  Connect the gas supplies via the supplied connection hoses 3.  Remove the transport locks (wavelength drive and atomizer changer) 4.  Establish the electrical connections (voltage) 5.  Connect the control PC 6.  Install the ASpect LS user software 7.  Create the conFig. ini configuration file 8.  Set up the sample chamber (drip guard tray, mixing chamber-atomizer system, graphite furnace, optional accessories) 9.  Switch on the device and wait for self-initialization 10. Start Start and initialize the software  

The device is installed. Optimization and subsequent analytic testing can now commence.



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work

6.1.2   Accessories AS F/FD

The autosampler for flame mode is mounted in the sample chamber and connects to the novAA 800 via communication cable. The following steps must be performed before use: 1.  Remove the basic AS device from its it s packaging and mount it in the sample chamber. 2.  Set the adjustable bolt (right) to the correct distance. 3.  Insert a cannula in the cannula holder.  AS FD only: Place the dispensing module m odule next to the contrAA and connect it with the  AS (connections are unmistakable).

4.  Set up the hoses -> see hose plan 5.  Mount the sample tray. 6.  Connect the autosampler cable with the novAA 800 ("Sampler" connection) and the  AS. 7.  Switch on the novAA 800 -> the AS begins self-initialization self-initiali zation as soon as the 24 V are applied. 8.   Adjust the autosampler in the ASpect LS user softwa software. re. 9.   After the purging solution has been prepared, manually trigger the purge function at least twice.  


The AS F/FD autosampler is now ready!

The AS for graphite mode is mounted on the mounts provided for it in the sample chamber. To align the AS GF horizontally, a stop st op must be mounted in the sample chamber. The following installation steps must be performed: 1.  Mount the supplied stop to the base of the novAA 800. 2.  For the novAA 800 D, remove the burner head before mounting. 3.  Mount the autosampler in the sample chamber and align it roughly. 4.  Mount the hose guide and the dispensing hose on the arm of the autosampler. 5.  Connect the AS GF with the novAA 800 (AS GF connection) with the autosampler cable. 6.  Ready the purge solution in the storage cylinder. 7.  Mount the sample tray. 8.  Switch on the basic device -> the autosampler begins self-initialization. 9.   Align the AS GF with the furnace as described in the instructions (user manual) and adjust the positions on the AS after that. 10. Trigger Trigger the purge function manually at least twice.  

The AS GF autosampler is now ready!



Work instructions for service work

Hydride system

novAA® 800

The hydride system is directly supplied with a low voltage of 24 V / 5 V via the novAA 800. As there is no separate connection for this, a Y cable is used, which serves as an autosampler cable and which supplies the hydride system with power via an internal switch.  A connection cable for communication between the contrAA 800 800 and the hydride system is also required. The following conditions are required for using a hydride system in combination with the novAA 800:  

argon of quality 4.8, inlet pressure 4-6 bar


110 V / 230 V power supply (note the e-block of the HS!)


positioned next to or in front of the novAA 800

The following steps must be performed for installation: 1.  Place the HS 55/60M hydride system in front of or to the right of the novAA. 2.  Connect the Y cable for voltage supply. Use the "sampler" connection on the novAA 800. Ensure that the basic device and the hydride system are not under power! 3.  Connect the power supply cable. Always use the supplied power strip and connect it to the rear side of the basic device! 4.  Connect the communication cable on the HS and the novAA, "HS" connection. 5.  Place the heated cell head on the neck of the mixing chamber. 6.  Insert the quartz cell for Hg mode, or the quartz cell and quartz window for hydride mode. When using the Hg cell, always ensure that both holding springs are laid over the cell and fixed. Otherwise there may m ay be problems with the optical adjustment of the novAA 800. 7.  The hydride cell is held in position by the retaining clips of the quartz window. 8.  Connect the electric connections for the heating and the t he thermal element on the hydride system. 9.   Align the hydride head in the sample chamber correctly. The The correct burner height relative to the optical beam path is required for this. The correct value is 4 mm. 10. For For HydrEA: Equip the AS GF with a PtRh cannula (replaces the hose guide and the dispensing hose) and establish the hose connection to the HS. 11. T The he hydride system is now ready. Always note the proper activation sequence!  Always switch the hydride system system on first, then the novAA 800. 12. If If activated in the incorrect sequence, the t he hydride system will not be detected during initialization.  

The hydride system is now ready and can be used for measurement.



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work

Thermal element, hydride head Ground connection

Low voltage from the basic AAS device

Communications connection to the AAS device (RS232)

Power supply for the hydride head

Power switch

Fig. 30

Modular HS connections

Fig. 31

Modular hydride system connection diagram



Work instructions for service work

novAA® 800

1 Quartz cell 2 Holder with quartz window 3 Lock

Fig. 32


Hydride system heated cell head


6.2.1   ASpect LS Installation

 Administrator rights are required on the device PC for the the installation and the first start of the user software. Installation is performed by inserting the supplied CD. After automatically starting, the wizard guides the user through the installation and the default settings can be used.  A program folder (Installation files, C:\\Programs\ASpectLS) C:\\Programs\ASpectLS) and an application folder are created in the user directory (C:\\Users\Public users\Public documents\ASpectLS) with full access by default. The device is configured as the last l ast installation step. The software is started for the first time after this. During startup, the wavelength correction curve and the conFig. dat file are compared on the control computer. If any discrepancies are found, the software will ask for the location of the correct parameters via dialog box. The conFig. dat file is created cre ated during the first start; For this, the device parameters must always be selected and compared.


In the configuration editor, the software scope is adapted to the available, connected hardware. The menu can be found via the Presets window via the "Alt + ." shortcut.



novAA® 800

Activating service mode / maintenance mode

Work instructions for service work

For service and maintenance work, the user software can be started in service mode, which provides additional functions. To switch to service mode during maintenance m aintenance or repairs, perform the following: 1.  Start the ASpect LS software. 2.  In the Presets window, activate the [ SERVICE BUTTONS] with the "Alt + ." button combination.

Fig. 33

Preset screen screenshot

 AINTENANCE CE] button and activate the [S ERVICE MODE] function and set 3.  Select the [M AINTENAN an emula flag if necessary.

4.  Exit the window and initialize, then open the software with [OK]. The software can now be used in service mode m ode for this session until the next start. The software will open in user mode with the next start. Permanent activation of the service mode can be done in the configuration editor. "Alt + ." activates the "Service" menu. This permanently activates service mode until the t he configuration file is edited again.

 ATTENTION  AINTENANCE NCE] button For maintenance and repairs, the access in i n service mode via the [M AINTENA must be used. User are generally not to be allowed access in servi service ce mode.



Work instructions for service work

novAA® 800

6.2.2  Emula flag overview If multiple settings are to be combined, the values must be added and entered.  Value



Ignore the waste bottle sensor


Use the EW table for control values (ZEEnit) Show the Zeeman factor (standardized) in yellow in the iv image


 Allow larger sample volumes (EA), simulate the device in the simulation without preconcentration (Mercur)


Ignore the autosampler filling level sensors (during the process)


Correct the thermal wavelength drift (novAA 300) (FL, HS) Component absorption already in the cooling phase (EA)


Peak pick mode according to old design (side button, action)


Logging of peak pick deposits (print)


Allow import of CS-ASS data (individual values) Display of linearity range in calibration curves


Do not overwrite the queckj.dat file (Mercur) Display baseline in dual-beam operation in the sv image (vario6, novAA 800)


Do not perform the EEPROM test


Load forming constants from the formi.txt file (if present) Display the forming factor in the sample window


Show the intensity in the oven graphic image (EA)


Ignore the forming result (no table adjustment)


Maximum resolution of peak film and superimposed peak image.


Always display the test software access button


Allow HCL currents < 2.0 mA


Recording of the measured values of the hardware test (no initializations)

131072 262144

Energy scan with unaveraged values The second instance is initialized like the first instance (realization of a simultaneous measurement operation with two installations in separate directories)


SSA600 test with no graphite furnace monitoring (cooling phase ended)


 Allow (hydride) enrichment for hydride formers for mers (quartz collectors), (HydrEA) allow temperatures of up to 3000°C for HydrEA.


EAS: Omit regulation of the SEV voltage in the cooling phase



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work


Graphite technique


Replacing the graphite parts The electrodes and the furnace shell must be replaced if the device persistently yields poor analytical results which cannot be adjusted by cleaning or replacing replaci ng the graphite tube. 1, 3 Electrodes 2 Furnace shell

Fig. 34

Electrodes and graphite tube sheath

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 35

Insertion tool for furnace shell Extractor Insertion tool for electrodes Allen wrench Ratchet wrench Key wrench

Furnace tools

 ATTENTION The graphite furnace shown in the following photo series has been removed rem oved from the device to ensure a good view for the individual i ndividual work steps. However, the graphite furnace does not need to be removed rem oved from the sample chamber of the contrAA 800 to perform this maintenance work. 1.  Switch on the novAA 800 and start the ASpect CS software (the movable part of the furnace must be pressurized to open/close it). 2.  In ASpect CS, initialize the graphite furnace technique and open the F URNACE /  CONTROL window with




Work instructions for service work

novAA® 800

3.  Open the furnace with the [O PEN FURNACE] button. 4.  Use a pair of tweezers to remove the graphite tube from the opened graphite furnace. Wear gloves when removing the tube by hand. 5.  Unscrew the cover screw from the movable part of the furnace.

6.  Withdraw the retaining pin from the movable part of the furnace and fold the movable part of the furnace downwards.

7.  Carefully loosen the insulating ring with the key wrench and unscrew it completely by hand. Risk of breaking the insulating ring!   Do not tilt the key wrench!



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work

8.  Screw the extractor with the spindle turned back into the movable part of the furnace as far as it will go. Use a ratchet wrench to push the electrode out completely. Remove the extractor from the part of the furnace.

9.  Pull the furnace window off the furnace shell. Remove the pipetting insert.

10. Detach the three gas hoses. To do this, push in the ring on the quick release and pull out the hose. Use the Allen key to carefully unscrew the three gas connectors. To do this, insert the Allen key into the gas connectors and turn the key counterclockwise.



Work instructions for service work

novAA® 800

11. Loosen the union nut on the temperature sensor of the cooling water. Pull out the sensor from the sensor sleeve on the back of the stationary part of the furnace. 12. Use your fingers to unscrew the sensor sleeve.

13. Screw the extractor with the spindle turned back into the stationary part of the furnace as far as it will go. Use the ratchet wrench to fully push out the furnace shell and the electrode. Loosen the extractor and unscrew it again completely.

14. Position a new electrode parallel to the stationary part of the furnace and fasten it with the insertion tool (small bracket). 15. Use the ratchet wrench to insert the electrode as far as it will go. Loosen the insertion tool and remove it. Risk of breaking the electrode!  Make sure that the electrode and the furnace part are parallel when

positioning and inserting the electrode. If the electrode jams, remove the electrode completely and start again.



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work

16. Align   Align the furnace shell with the cylindrical receptacle parallel to the furnace body and fasten it with the inserting tool (large bracket). 17. Insert the furnace shell as far as it i t will go. Loosen the insertion tool and remove it. Risk of breaking the furnace shell! While inserting the furnace shell make sure that it is parallel to the stationary stati onary part of the furnace. If the furnace shell  jams, press it out completely and start again. 18. Screw the sensor sleeve for the cooling water temperature sensor finger-tight onto the screws of the stationary part of the furnace. 19. Insert the sensor in the sensor sleeve and fasten it with the union nut.

20. Check the sealing rings of all three t hree gas connectors and replace them if damaged.

21. Screw the gas connector for the outer gas flow finger-tight into the stationary part of the furnace transversely from below.  Attach the white gas hose to the gas connector.



Work instructions for service work

novAA® 800

22. Screw the two other gas connectors for the inner gas flow to both ends of the furnace shell.  Attach the two gas hoses hoses to the gas connectors. 23. Position a new electrode parallel to the movable part of the furnace and fix it with the insertion tool (small bracket). Insert the electrode as far as it will go into the jaw of the furnace using the ratchet wrench. Risk of breaking the electrode!  Make sure that the electrode does not  jam.

Suction or blow away any graphite dust present. 24. Attach   Attach the furnace window to the furnace shell. Insert the pipetting insert. Note: The identical markings on the furnace window must face upwards.

25. Screw in the insulating ring ri ng by hand before moderately tightening it as far as it will go using the key wrench. Risk of breaking the insulating ring!   Do not tilt the key wrench!

26. Insert the retaining pin into int o the furnace  jaw and the connecting rod (arrow) as far as it will go. The connecting rod positioned toward the front for this.



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work

27. Screw the cover screw into the movable part of the furnace.

28. Close the furnace with the [CLOSE FURNACE] button.  

The electrodes and furnace shell are fully installed installe d in the graphite furnace.

Insert the graphite tube into the furnace and form the tube before re-starting the furnace.


Flame technique


Burner height drive

Fig. 36  

Burner height adjustment


in the optical axis, i.e. when the burner slit is within the optical axis. Step setting: 12 000  

 Adjustment range:

15 mm (10 mm for the flame optimization). Step setting for lowest spot: 0  

Step resolution:

Half-step operation, i.e. 800 steps per rotation = 1 mm lift  

Carriage driven by stepper motor via toothed belts. Ratio: 2 : 1


The burner detection is integrated in the burner height drive



Work instructions for service work

novAA® 800

6.4.2  Replacing the burner detection 1.  Remove the covers from the height adjustment 2.  Unscrew the carriage

3.  Unscrew the burner detection

4.  Undo the cable connection

5.  Insert the new burner detection, connect the cables and mount the carriage (no adjustment necessary) 6.  Screw on the covers



novAA® 800


Work instructions for service work

Lamp turrets and lamps The novAA 800 has an 8-lamp turret with a write/read unit for encoded lamps. l amps. The coded lamps are equipped with transponders. The following information is saved: lamp type, element(s), serial number, maximum/recommended lamp current and operating hours. The use of unencoded lamps is possible. The lamp turret is designed for hollow cathode lamps with a standard bulb diameter of 37.1 mm. The individual i ndividual lamps are rotated (PC-controlled) into the beam path, switched on and adjusted according to the pitch circle in steps of 0.1 mm.  A second heat circuit ensures that a second HCL can be preheated at the same same time. The continuum radiator, a deuterium hollow cathode lamp (D 2 HCL), is installed in a separate holder.

Fig. 37

Lamp turret w. reader

1 2

Reader for encoded chip Lamp with encoded chip (transpond (transponder) er)


Carrier plate for 8 lamps


The lamp turret has no mechanical locking positions. It is permanently (weakly) powered to hold the position. The reference position is delivered by an optocoupler for positioning.


The lamp turret is located on the coupler face in the center of position 1.


The lamp turret has its own controller which communicates directly with the AAS controller.



Work instructions for service work

novAA® 800


 All 8 positions can be used for HCLs, whereby one one position can be active and another preheated.


 A write / read unit (RFID) is available for encoded lamps.


This is mounted on the lamp turret t urret and connected to the AAS controller.


Managed input: Lamp serial number, lamp type, element(s), maximum lamp current, operating lamp current, service life

6.5.1   Adjustment 1.  Double-click the "ASPECT LS" icon. 2.  Select "FLAME TECHNIQUES" in the preset screen. This also applies for the purely graphite device! 3.  Initialize the device configuration and exit the screen with "OK". 4.  Switch on the HCL in the spectrometer window. TURRET": Under "SERVICE" - "TEST SOFTWARE" - image "L AMP TURRET

  5. "INITIALIZE", then go to position "1". 6.  127 steps is the value under "OFFSET".

7.  Estimate the deposit of HCL radiation to the inlet slit. slit . Enter the step size: 8.  10 steps = approx. 2 mm on the lamp l amp arc. 9.  Set the HCL radiation to the inlet slit with the  (rotate to the right, as seen from above) and  (rotate to the left, as seen from above) buttons. 10.  The "CURRENT STEP SETTING" is displayed. 11. Save the step setting as "OFFSET".



novAA® 800

Work instructions for service work


Optical system


Slit groups Description and function:

5 fixed slits

Slit heights


0.1 mm = 0.2 nm   0.16 mm = 0.3 nm  

0.25 mm = 0.5 nm


0.4 mm = 0.8 nm


0.6 mm = 1.2 nm


Entrance slit: 4.9 mm


Exit slit:


Slit settings are locking positions of the locking disk which is rigidly connected tto o the slit unit.


The locking lever can be adjusted with a tappet.


5.5 mm

The locking positions must be identical with the flow feed position of the stepper motor.

Errors, causes, measures Loud banging when initializing and when changing slits:

Cause Detent positions are not not identical with with the current supp supply ly position of the the stepper motor. Measure: Correct the the clamping of the the slit unit on the motor shaft. shaft.  Adjustment measures:

1.  When the device is switched on, the slit group is initialized and must m move ove to position 3. If the slit carrier strikes hard against the stop or if it skips position 3, tthe he stop must be adjusted via the eccentric screw. The initialization of the slit group must be repeated by switching the device off and on again. 2.   Applying current to the slit group in position 3: "SERVICE" / "INDIVIDUAL COMMANDS" / "SLIT:ON" / "ENTER" The ball bearing must lie exactly in the detent. If the ball bearing llies ies on the flank, loosen the split carrier on the motor m otor shaft and clamp again (observe the distance between the angle and the slit plate of 8.7 mm). 3.  Remove the current to the slit group with the command " SLIT:OFF" and apply it with the command "SLIT:ON". The slit carrier must not jerk, the ball bearing must lie exactly in the detent. Otherwise, repeat the procedure. 4.  Under "SERVICE" / "TEST SOFTWARE" / "DRIVES" in the "SLIT DRIVE" field, switch the slit group one after the other to the 0.2 mm, 0.3 mm, mm , 0.5 mm, 0.8 mm and 1.2 mm and observe the movement of the slit carriage. The slit carrier must not overshoot.



Work instructions for service work

Energy grading of the line radiator during slit change not proportional to slit width:


novAA® 800

Stepper motor or actuator defective or clamping of the slit carriage to the motor shaft is loose.

Measure: Replace stepper motor or or actuator or correct clamping.  Adjustment measures: Replace slit group without laser adjustment:

1.  Mark the position of the slit group on the photometer plate.  Align the new slit group with the marking and fasten it. Establishing the gap center position to the optical axis: 2.   Adjust the locking disk and slit carriage using a tappet. Check that center position is equal to a height of 68 mm at the entrance and exi exitt slits. 3.  Check: Switch on the HCL with neon filling (red) Set the grid to 0 order. The slit pattern from the entrance slit must m ust be in the center on the t he exit slit. 4.  When the device is switched on, the slit group is initialized and must m move ove to position 3. If the slit carriage strikes hard against the stop or if it skips position 3, the stop must be adjusted via the eccentric screw. The initialization of the slit group must be repeated by switching the device off and on again. 5.   Applying current to the slit group in position 3: "SERVICE" / "INDIVIDUAL COMMANDS" / "SLIT:ON" / "ENTER" The ball bearing must rest exactly in i n the detent. If the ball bearing lilies es on the flank, loosen the slit carrier on the motor m otor shaft and clamp again (observe the distance between the angle and the slit sli t plate of 8.7 mm). 6.  Remove the current to the slit group with the command " SLIT:OFF" and apply it with the command "SLIT:ON". The slit carriage must not jerk, the ball bearing must lie exactly in the detent. Otherwise, repeat the procedure. 7.  Under "SERVICE" / "TEST SOFTWARE" / "DRIVES" in the "SLIT DRIVE" field, switch the slit group one after the other to the 0.2 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.8 mm and 1.2 mm and observe the movement of the slit carriage. The slit carrier must not overshoot.



novAA® 800


Work instructions for service work

Wavelength drive Description and function  

Linear actuator


Resolution: Step count: count: 170 steps = 1 nm


Wavelength initialization   The placement of the maximum of the Pb line 405.8 to the switch position, determined by peak pick It is i s saved as "Lambda-just" in the "AASj.dat" file iin n the  ASpect LS folder.  

The wavelength correction curve is determined with element and gas lines of the Pb HCL. It includes 9 support points from the 0 order up to 850 nm and is i s saved as a polygon curve.


The following is corrected with the wavelength correction curve:  

unevenness of the stop strip and spherical calotte


inclination of the stop strip


timing errors of the spindle



Work instructions for service work


novAA® 800

Recalibration (recal) with an external pyrometer In the case of servicing connected to the furnace structure - for example:  

replacing the electrodes,


replacing the furnace shell or the complete furnace,


replacing the recal equipment,

a new calibration, the recal, must be performed. Perform the following steps: 1.  Starting the software  ASPECT LS → TECHNIQUE "GRAPHITE TUBE" → INITIALIZE TUBE TYPE "W ALL" → OK. Wall tube parameter of the spec. resistance

The following measurements must be made with a wall tube of 13 ±0.2 mΩ. 2.  Place the external pyrometer on the novAA 800 and install it. Make sure that the maximum temperature signal is i s observed during adjustment. 3.   Adjust the pyrometer until a maximum possible temperature is displayed. 4.  Open the window SERVICE/TEST SOFTWARE/FURNACE. 5.   Activate the RECAL WITH EXTERNAL PYROMETER.

Fig. 38

Recal with external pyrometer – example

6.   An automatic temperature-time program program is started with the "START" button. The set temperatures are achieved one after the other. 7.  With the "ACCEPT CURRENT RECAL. QUOT." button, the quotient can be accepted and the t he program continues with the next temperature step. The current quotient is accepted after 10 s at the latest and the program continues with the next temperature step. 8.  The temperatures measured by the external pyrometer must be noted by the service technician and entered in the ASpect LS table.



novAA® 800

Plausibility of the calibration curve

Work instructions for service work

The calibration curve must be checked for plausibility. The interpolated curve and the measuring points are displayed in a diagram for this purpose. The service technician must check if all measuring points lie on the curve. If this is not the case, the service technician must m ust check the position of the recal and for a free view into the furnace and make corrections as necessary. The calibration process must then be performed again. If the calculated curve and the measured curve match, the curve can be saved with "S AVE FIT IN EA-CONTROLLER".

Fig. 39


Recal w. external pyrometer – example

If the customer uses his own tubes for analysis after servicing, it is necessary to carry out forming with the newly inserted tubes. This is done under FURNACE/CONTROL/FORMING.




novAA® 800


Software Hardware

RSD values too high

Check the atomizer

in FL mode (>2%)

Check the impeller in the mixing chamber Perform a manual flame optimization

Flame goes out

Check the inlet pressure of the gases Check the flow of oxidant gas Check the flame patterns Check the gas connections and hoses

The heating coil in the igniter is not glowing

The corresponding 4 A fuse in the power supply unit or the heating coil or the control on the Gasbox PCB is defective.

Replace the fuse or heating coil or Gasbox

The igniter does not extend or retract

The clamping of the igniter on the motor shaft is loose or the DC motor with gearbox or the controller on the Gasbox PCB is defective.

Tighten the clamp of the igniter or replace the DC motor or Gasbox

The burner is not detected or incorrectly identified.

The distance of the burner control to the neck of the burner has been set improperly, or the outer side of the neck of the burner is corroded and thus less reflective, or the sensor in the burner detection or the controller on the Gasbox PCB is defective.

Check the connections to the combustion chamber PCB! Set the distance of the burner control to the neck of the burner so that the burner is correctly detected via reflection on the neck of the burner, or clean and polish the burner or replace the burner control or the Gasbox.

The correction of the filling level in the siphon is not displayed

The floater has fallen off of the sensor because the circlip is defective, or the cable in the binder connection has torn or the controller on the Gasbox PCB is defective.

Replace the circlip or the floater sensor, or solder the cable to the connector, or replace the Gasbox

The flame guard is not detecting the burning flame

The cable has torn on the UV sensor or the or threshold level has shifted to a higher voltage

Replace the flame guard cable or the Gasbox Threshold level adjustment: Conditions: Fuel gas flow - 40 NI/h Burner height - 15  Allow liquid to be drawn in



novAA® 800


If the flame goes out, the sensitivity of the flame guard must be increased by increasing the FLW value in the test software (Value – 0 – very insensitive; Value – 24 – very sensitive), the test must be repeated afterward. Flame ignites from the connection block for fuel gas and additive oxidant.

The sealing ring is missing or torn or a screw has been screwed in at an angle to the surface

Replace the sealing rings or screw the screw in vertically

Flame ignites from the safety valve

The sealing ring is missing or torn or the pressure spring has torn

Replace the sealing ring or the pressure spring or the safety valve

The flow of oxidant

The atomizer is misaligned or

 Adjust, clean or replace

(air) through the atomizer is too small (600 L/h). The flame cannot be ignited or takes off.

The atomizer is misaligned or the cannula and/or the nozzle are/is damaged (enlarged ring-shaped gap)

 Adjust or replace the atomizer

Flame keeps blowing out or takes off

The flow of oxidant is too high, e.g. total oxidant flow of 700 L/h switched on, or

Decrease the total flow of oxidant, or switch off the total flow regulation, or set or replace the atomizer

the atomizer is improperly set or (addition of oxidant too high) defective (enlarged ring-shaped gap). The flame edge is irregular or interrupted

Deposits of droplets or particles (crystallization) have formed in the burner slit

Scratch out the burner slit with a wooden stick and blow it out or clean the burner jaws in acid beforehand.

The nitrous oxide flame blows back

The flow velocity of the gases in the burner is too low, e.g. due to an encrusted burner slit or too little flow of nitrous oxide or a leak in the mixing chamber

Scrape the deposit out of the burner slit or increase the flow of nitrous oxide, or locate and remove the leak in the mixing chamber (sealing rings) or replace the Gasbox.



TeamViewer as a remote maintenance tool

novAA® 800

TeamViewer as a remote maintenance tool The supplied software includes a TeamViewer guest module. With TeamViewer, a remote connection to the Service department of Analytik Jena can be established to check and set the novAA 800.  The module can also be downloaded under  under



novAA® 800

Pin assignment

Pin assignment


Pin assignment on the AAS controller

Fig. 40 Pin assignment (10-1508-300-83) (10-1508-300-83) Plug connection




Lamp output stage 3

Line 158:748.25


Magnetic control

Control line 158:324.25 158: 324.25



Cable lighting LED 10-1508-420-91


Chopper motor

Motor line 10-1508-405-91


Photometer actuator 4

Photometer line 10-1508-403-91 10-1508-403- 91


AAS combustion chamber

Combustion chamber control line 10-1508402-91


Power supply

NT 10-1508-260-25



EA controller line 158:333.25 158: 333.25


RFID module

Lamp turret RFID 10-1508-120-91

 X27  X25

Gasbox Lamp turret

Gasbox control line 10-1508-417-91 10-1508-4 17-91 HCL signal line 10-1508-121-91



Pin assignment


novAA® 800

Plug connections on the HCL output o utput stage

Fig. 41

Plug cconnections onnections of th the e HCL HCL output stage (rough diagram)



novAA® 800


Functional diagram

Pin assignment



Recommended tools and replacement parts

novAA® 800

10  Recommended tools and replacement parts Order number

Tool / test equipment

external (e.g. Analyt)

Mass flow meter, 0-2 l/h


Rotameter, 0-10 l/min


Furnace tools


Multimeter, TrueRMS Torx key

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