Service Level Agreement (SLA) Template

July 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Service Name: insert name here Critcaliy o Business: LEVEL 3

Service Descripton Insert name of level 2 process Insert name of Level 3 process

   1     l Insert name of level 4 process    e    v Insert name of level 4 process     l     f    e   s Insert name of level 4 process    o   s    e   e    c    o Insert name of Level 3 process    m    r    a   p    n Insert name of level 4 process    t    r    e Insert name of level 4 process    s    n    I Insert name of level 4 process Insert name of level 4 process

Insert name of level 2 process    e Insert name of Level 3 process    c     d   n    n   a    a   m Insert name of level 4 process    s   r     l     l Insert name of level 4 process    o    i    f     k    r Insert name of level 4 process    S   e    P Insert name of level 4 process

Insert name of level 2 process    s    e    t    i     l       i     b    n    i    e    i    s     l    n    C   o    p    s    e    R


Descripton of he service level by specic clien/cusomer Groups Descripon of  output/outcome  output/outcome of the process not the process itself 

E!ecut"e le"el

#roup$Ser"ice %ead

Mana anaemen

Employ loyee Candida idae

descripon of the overall service at this level 

Descripon of the overall service at this level 

Descripton of core actvites owned Descripton of he actvites ha will be owned by he specic by he cliens/cuso cliens/cusomer mer clien/cusomer clien/cusom er groups o enable H o deliver he service s ervice


Service Name: New !mployee Developmen "rogram Critcaliy o Business: LEVEL 3

Service Descrpton Recrui& source& and selec employees

   e    c    r    c    u       e     l    o    S   e    S        i     d    u    r   n    c   a    e      R

Recrui$Source candidaes 'eermine recruimen me(ods Perform recruitn act"ites$e"ens Manae recruimen "endors

Screen and selec candidaes )dentfy and deploy candidae selecton ools )ner"ie* candidaes +es candidaes Selec and re,ec candidaes 'e"elop and manae employees    e    c     d   n Manae employee orienaton and deploymen    n   a    a Creae$mainain employee on-boardin proram    m    s   r     l     l )nroduce ne* employees o manaers    o    i    f     k    r )nroduce *orkplace    S   e    P E"aluae (e e.ect"eness of (e employee on-boardin proram

Re/uiremen from (e business for (is seri"ce o be deli"ered    i     b       i    s    n   n   s    e    e    i    o   t     l    i    p +es candidaes    C   s    l    e Selec and re,ec candidaes    R


'escripton of (e ser"ice le"el by speci0c clien$cusomer #ps Descripon of  output/outcome  output/outcome of the process not the process itself 

E!ecut"e le"el

#roup$Ser"ice %ead

Mana anaemen

Employ loyee Candida idae

descripon of the overall service at this level 

Descripon of the overall service at this level 

'escripton of core act"ites o*ned 'escripton of (e act"ites (a *ill be o*ned by (e speci0c by (e cliens$cusomer clien$cusomer roups o enable %R o deli"er (e ser"ice


Service Name: New !mployee Developmen "rogram Criticality to Business: LEVEL 3 Service #erics

$or% &olume


#easures )amend as appropriae* 1umber of candidaes 1umber of (ires 1umber of ,ob re/uisions

1umber of re,ectons 1umber of o.ers 1umber of campains Candidaes per campain 2f Recruimen sysem sysem


2f recruimen eam

"ailable tme +ime aken o 0ll all poss


pplican failure not0caton Email$p(one en/uiry Cos of recruimen functon


1umber of #'P 4+Es 1umber of %ires Cusomer satsfacton raes


Sandard Service levels #erics


Service Name: New !mployee Developmen "rogram Criticality to Business: LEVEL 3

Sandard Service levels

Ser"ice Merics

Measures 1umber of candidaes 1umber of (ires 1umber of ,ob re/uisions

Merics %ires as 5 of candidaes %ires per 4+E 5 0lled

1umber of re,ectons 1umber of o.ers 1umber of campains Candidaes p pe er cca ampain

5 accepance o 5 of (ires per campain 5 of of cca andidaes p pe er cca ampain

2f Recruimen sysem


2f recruimen eam

87:38 - 9:38 Mon - 4ri

"ailable tme +ime aken o 0ll al alll poss

5 of tme tme used o 0ll a" pos poss

p ppl plic ican an fai failu lurre n not ot0c 0cat aton on

6; 6;5 5 *i *i( (in in
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