Download Service Level Agreement (SLA) Template...
Service Name: insert name here Critcaliy o Business: LEVEL 3
Service Descripton Insert name of level 2 process Insert name of Level 3 process
1 l Insert name of level 4 process e v Insert name of level 4 process l f e s Insert name of level 4 process o s e e c o Insert name of Level 3 process m r a p n Insert name of level 4 process t r e Insert name of level 4 process s n I Insert name of level 4 process Insert name of level 4 process
Insert name of level 2 process e Insert name of Level 3 process c d n n a a m Insert name of level 4 process s r l l Insert name of level 4 process o i f k r Insert name of level 4 process S e P Insert name of level 4 process
Insert name of level 2 process s e t i l i b n i e i s l n C o p s e R
Descripton of he service level by specic clien/cusomer Groups Descripon of output/outcome output/outcome of the process not the process itself
E!ecut"e le"el
#roup$Ser"ice %ead
Mana anaemen
Employ loyee Candida idae
descripon of the overall service at this level
Descripon of the overall service at this level
Descripton of core actvites owned Descripton of he actvites ha will be owned by he specic by he cliens/cuso cliens/cusomer mer clien/cusomer clien/cusom er groups o enable H o deliver he service s ervice
Service Name: New !mployee Developmen "rogram Critcaliy o Business: LEVEL 3
Service Descrpton Recrui& source& and selec employees
Screen and selec candidaes )dentfy and deploy candidae selecton ools )ner"ie* candidaes +es candidaes Selec and re,ec candidaes 'e"elop and manae employees e c d n Manae employee orienaton and deploymen n a a Creae$mainain employee on-boardin proram m s r l l )nroduce ne* employees o manaers o i f k r )nroduce *orkplace S e P E"aluae (e e.ect"eness of (e employee on-boardin proram
Re/uiremen from (e business for (is seri"ce o be deli"ered i b i s n n s e e i o t l i p +es candidaes C s l e Selec and re,ec candidaes R
'escripton of (e ser"ice le"el by speci0c clien$cusomer #ps Descripon of output/outcome output/outcome of the process not the process itself
E!ecut"e le"el
#roup$Ser"ice %ead
Mana anaemen
Employ loyee Candida idae
descripon of the overall service at this level
Descripon of the overall service at this level
'escripton of core act"ites o*ned 'escripton of (e act"ites (a *ill be o*ned by (e speci0c by (e cliens$cusomer clien$cusomer roups o enable %R o deli"er (e ser"ice
Service Name: New !mployee Developmen "rogram Criticality to Business: LEVEL 3 Service #erics
$or% &olume
#easures )amend as appropriae* 1umber of candidaes 1umber of (ires 1umber of ,ob re/uisions
1umber of re,ectons 1umber of o.ers 1umber of campains Candidaes per campain 2f Recruimen sysem sysem
2f recruimen eam
"ailable tme +ime aken o 0ll all poss
pplican failure not0caton Email$p(one en/uiry Cos of recruimen functon
1umber of #'P 4+Es 1umber of %ires Cusomer satsfacton raes
Sandard Service levels #erics
Service Name: New !mployee Developmen "rogram Criticality to Business: LEVEL 3
Sandard Service levels
Ser"ice Merics
Measures 1umber of candidaes 1umber of (ires 1umber of ,ob re/uisions
Merics %ires as 5 of candidaes %ires per 4+E 5 0lled
1umber of re,ectons 1umber of o.ers 1umber of campains Candidaes p pe er cca ampain
5 accepance o 5 of (ires per campain 5 of of cca andidaes p pe er cca ampain
2f Recruimen sysem
2f recruimen eam
87:38 - 9:38 Mon - 4ri
"ailable tme +ime aken o 0ll al alll poss
5 of tme tme used o 0ll a" pos poss
p ppl plic ican an fai failu lurre n not ot0c 0cat aton on
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