]e`ioe whc y rhkhs sjaiefhs kh fe hgprhse kh hkiaiño h igprhsiño djtj`råſtae
Tisite pjr perth khf afihoth
[jge hf shrviaij ye she kh hkiaiño j Igprhsiño
Qefukj y cihovhoike ef afihoth jdrhaiéokjfh ouhstrjs shrviaijs y prh`uotåokjfh quh
Ekquihrh hf shrviaij y sh fh esi`oe uo hxphrtj hoaer`ekj ajo hf
o kh jdrhahr uo shrviaij kh aefikek
Qh sihote y hsphre pere pjkhr shr ethokikj
Hf afihoth hsphre pere shr ethokikj ho uo hspeaij e`rekecfh y ekhauekj sh`þo hf shrviaij ekquirikj kjokh pjkrå shr eshsjrekj y esç gisgj pjkrå geoidhster fj quh khshe
jr`eoizeaiño kh tihgpjs y khf phrsjoef ekhauekj pjr perth kh fe hgprhse pere esç pjkhr esi`oer fe phrsjoe ekhaueke pere hf shrviaij quh khshe hf fihoth y ho hf ghojr tihgpj pjsicfh
Shshrve kh turoj pjr fh`eke kh afihoth
]ese e shr ethokikj
Gihotres hs ethokikj, pjr perth kh fjs ajfecjrekjrhs h fh jdrhah ef`þo tipj kh chcike ajo hf ſto kh leahr e`rekecfh su hsphre y pjkhr jdrhahr uo cuho shrviaij
]rhpereaiño kh fes chcikes jdrhaikes ef fihoth
Hs ffegekj pjr su oughrj kh turoj
igpfhghotj ekhauekjs pere fe prhpereaiño kh fes chcikes
]e`e y sh ve
Hf afihoth rhefize hf pe`j y sh fh pikh aefiſtaer fe ethoaiño quh tuvj pjr perth kh fjs ajfecjrekjrhs y fe aefikek khf shrviaij ajo hf prjpñsitj kh ghnjrer y sh`uir criokeokj uo shrviaij ſtaihoth y kh aefikek
Figpihze y jr`eoizeaiño khf hspeaij
efiſtaeaiño pjr perth khf afihoth y rhefizeaiño khf pe`j
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