Sergeant Philip - Charousek 39 S Games of Chess 1919-OCR 238p

October 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Sergeant Philip - Charousek 39 S Games of Chess 1919-OCR 238p...







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1  away emidd o A. E. Ho 's Je Gk  pho To  Ah Dng Yog: h pho Smar lad, o l mes way Fo ds wh oy does t ty Ad It  wih ear qck thouh the tha th o ows . Now y ll  o swe he o Of d that woe  hoo o Re whom ow o d the ame dd fe h      od a eay-aeed hed l o t  the eh dd d d uwtheed o s s Te aad bife ha  

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omprable wer b uton, and tha moreover  th ey of reltvel wek playes The ttemen  Mohy only plyed v hundred games of che n hi whol lfe  very dicul o beev hat he acqu his w  however no by conan prctc bu b  nurl gf whc we ma c c..  we ke ' iuiton i no to b denid Now Chouek mut hav tis am gif o play hs codrabl laterh thn Moph nd nHenbegan nvronment anl no more favoubl to th gme h te ew Orlens of Moh oyhd Hi fm w or where orphs ws well-o ; nd povert povert cano  held o make tudy of che Ye  the earle gam whch  er th tudy genu   we poss of harouek we nd he mark of genu r ht, f Moph did no rqur price with mte o mk hm a mater either   harouk Bu the dels of  hi hiory ory ar he t rgumen conc concg g s ulity Rudolf hrouek w bo on Sepemr 19 1 8 87 73 a lenmetz Bohema, oe to tzs bhplace, ague At th age of v wk he w akn by s fam to lv at Debreczin Hungr, wth the reult tht he becme n th words of he Hugn Lopold Hoer • n lguge uca on nd r, perecty Mgyred  We ow nothg   h early ers excep tha, whe he w ve s faml moved gin to Pelc  th it w w whie h w   th Gmnaum Gmn aum a Mikolcz tha h le le ches  889  a ad d ha h culva ha culvaed ed the th e gm  Ka (K (Kh hau) au) he old old ol free cty n nohea Huga wher h w tudyng awanoher pont of mty to Mophy It i id t   h cicumtnce would o low him o buy h n Habc  he orrowed  from  shoofelow d cop  ou b hd   Hoer vouche for h fact th no a sngl ur of ot ved at  ad ouek earl rorded gam gam do no dprov dprov  em emen en Whe Whe  rfore rouek  came o noice a a chepla  S h   Deusche Shahzitng, J 88  2 r  o  of te m  te sam gaz, Nvbe�. 96 p 50  S     r 0 was is irday an  ae  e Ce Ml July-A 896 p 2 M l. • Ce  the qoao  h P L o p 




 Hungay he owe hs stength  at  gam to  k

owge an th aorsai natura gt Up to 6  or nowge of Charouse's o onti onti  awyer;; an h ma ma  t   b any any e qai  a a awyer  auac  o on n garian ch-payr, Gyua Maotz   a o anohr who  sn o be graer the ge eza Mocy o Bast.  mah   at  gam  gam agast  agast Movz s a a eary  0; bAths mst  srely b an ror (ame   A A ohand  ohand game aganst m  sgn  3 arose ray payd os h  possiby orma mahs wt boh Maoet an Moy  a ary as 5 Two yer or ht he ente or a Hngan ornn toramen orgas by th   paper e p h rst o t we hl he ater I   w bgn o be on  surr grou. n th Ap  o that y he wnt to apest to  pay a h ag  on  o the strongst Hnga Hnga  payrs o the ay Proo1· y Vtor) Exer o the chl  at S Fhrar Shweissenb Shwe issenbrg) rg) h math w wss one o tn game up  an aos was he oneror by   o 1  wt 3  ra, a sor whih a on proe him o be o mastrcas. un  he im Chaous  continud o rde at uaps un  o th Nrmrg ouamnt   ws th yr o th  ogrss o the ean Chs Aaon. t ha bn  tnth  t nth ogrss  agre  two yr peiousy o ho ts ongress at N urm  brg  bt som suneranng ao a  t Asao ci  to met esewhere hrpn he Nrembrg h Cb incng th amous Dr aasch ho o a ti  neqal rcord  a tur ntpyer bro away ro rom m  th Ascat Ascaton on an  aone an netoa omt h a prizt o a ae unprcee i ermay  mpeey mpe ey ine ine th props props o th oci oci ng ng  t  mt at c ch h on Jy 0  hong wo tom tom   whh th st ps e to R. H as o rao n W Ch o r On  he  oher ha th Nrmbrg  o rcv no s tha irynn ens or thir  G Mvz   Hr  s h r•  ss      h D o of 92 -  Detsch Shahzeitu,    




mtr tonamnt Among ths w Chaouk h comiee having ony the th wk July 20Augt 0 aviab for play and having d (contay to th   hhero prvag n Gen touament) that th ther er houd  bt oe gme a day cod ony accp nnten nt. Threor Chrousek who ha no creenti ecept th tmo tmony ny ofenty Moy1 not choen. Butound whnhimlf Amo Bu who had ofw corse n accept nbl to m to Nuremg Chaousek w bought n a r man  reeve hav ve done   we. It is te that he was welfth on h coest and theo not onee o th egua priz-winners. But aach wa ju on jued ed in ang in th ok o th tounamet hat  ony paye o pr-mnt pr-m nt reput reput took par in this contst contst with th xcption of the two Hungari Hungarian an [Maroczy and Charouek, who brought to t mo than suciet suciet capabity; and o th grat  ot on wa lackig lackig he at at remar remarkk i rathe ratherr too wping fo th  erl am w hih might bom ggt. \Vei, however lke Bu prevnt attndingMx b buine, buin e, von Badeleb Badeleb  by ha ha   whie Bird and Mon to mento no othe, wer aready declinng forc n th ompany of maters, one o whom except th almost equly ineprienced Mrocz, had he met befor th twentytw twentytwoo ye-od-Cha ye-od-Chaouk ouk g wit withh a wn agnst Showte  went on wih two draw te te  ose, a daw a wi  daw two os and a draw then put on thre win win ad nishd wh to os ad a latound vitoy over the word's  hampion, Lke. H to tol l wa thu 8 out of  But when it omes to b aysd it s een that agat th ruar przwner h scor 4 out o 8. n a touamnt with thm lo h sre woud put hm  f th abo k tnt cehtr, and Walbt On th other had h ost to th wo t in  turet oe o thm ing Teichman who w on the sick-lit and agat th boom tnn ony mae 4 points t points t i c car ar that ik  many oth young plays he found it ai to gv o hs b againt h tQgt opnnts. Sven pies hd bn announed y y but in dition v spia on wr present Charouek' big     8  e by  u.




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o m and w  dippinn  h umn. Chrk, hwevr mad apl nd  s ad  nuy y h h H id i d r r Hgan ys w nu and scnd piz wth Tchgn wh was mr hn dub hi g nd w wrd-f s  py r hrk had rn h vs  h gm. Th w agr  py nmch r h f Rsin v gms r h h  and g :s pz Th wn  gm h Ocr  bs Hgrin he hd and h Rsin h fuh Th xpnc gnd h dy d hrsk   rs cnn wih h cnd pz Bu h hd h ssfcn f aig h Tchigin nd Pby n h rnmn nd mg pcng g  v vr r 70 h ws  db in nyn' a pcn md h h s w n  h wds gr mr   his adpd cnry whch cad him cpy   w h rceivd vis v vh h nd was invi invi   vi  cub fr smus nd bdfd xhbiin  h  hs branchs  h g h prvd    w f h  fmu xpnns i ch hisy U ny  is  psb a pr  discvr h da  hs pmancs and ry   h gms  vib r pubcin in  ccin. Chsk k nd Mczy  Twd h d f  896 Chs bd  prduc a ky chs riw in h gy ngug which hy  gv up r h Maga kksg  nhy pubishd a Nagyvd Th st numbr  h appad ay n 17  h gz i spi   ms ny rn r abu a y h Hngrin nguag ing  dub h br  is succs succs Ar h h  hrk did h  p ch cmn uni h dah  m n s   hd  pre hus anyc wiigs in  mr gny undrd n  gy w m b cn  div ur kwg  s cib n  h h  chs r his g A h nd f h  y  Crsk p  m a qudrngr mch a rngd a Bdp b  !c Mk d Dr M Jcby ch  py h ohs ur gms Jb   hr; k h  d  nd  iadh  mah pyd bwn Cus d rcy d  pyr d idny reveed




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HROUSK G


und y roud, togeth wih he oals   leae  h prpl e :

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c coent by  HC'  the rrr  doe ot  oet  oe te e the case :     Charou    Charousek's sek's pormce reds oe of Zukeo'  the great don Inteaona Touame Touame  o 1883 At th cocuo coc uo o the t week pay t ed a i Chaousek woud be one o the ast, sce s core oy showed    n the ecod he de mde  wondefu  Itrde, or he ad won tid  outweek of  however gae and most areous peoce Ad he ad to work ve hrd we hi pincp ope Wabod, coed the ast e by deaut deaut True met woud never hae come o  n if abr abrodt, odt, nstead nstead o Chaous Chaousek ek had won he  prze  t ay be adde added d that Chauek perce percetag tag  th toua ent wa over 76 O hi way back om Ben to Budpet after t great cieveet Carous Carousek ek vsit vsited ed Vienna, d a he guet  the ena Che Cu Cuhe he od ad ad e_w cub had aga aga ated h year-payed  two ee of coutaion gae wth oe o the eang eberschechter, Maco apin ad Fdch  h t se Chaouk had a derent ay n each o the thee gae pyed  In the secod he ad ugo hdich ormer ug champo  ped Sechter and Mro fr a pure oeed by he cub The pue w dvded haousek's ucces at Ber had ed o a erus dicuion  h rght to eet Lsker  a ach o the chapionhip   whch the the chess press o the wod  pa t was was fet that ether Charousek or Psbury gh jutaby chaen chaenge ge the chapo the Coinenta papes dvatng haroek haroek the eicn Pibus cm  the me Jo   axou to eet Chouek but he d ot apparety begin b writng to  direct or Chaousk toward toward the ed  o 9 ent the oog eter to Pais

M jANowsx1,-I hve ust read  seera paper that you hae chaeged e to a ach  have receed n l ge  Beieve e 4c •

  Ce Mon#y Jan, 88 dscs m  pio.

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Bergr, Jnows &. mst be aound wodfy good Hi prng  h oumt w , b h fr o do  wll  us g h p-w m o id h h w o long pb of h nss xr o whih bg ch vioi Chouk rd h Clog Tomn   rsdnt  M M gy ug  h bgg 1899 h lig gy Pz o morNar wh wro oofr for wa h Tourmn mn t h hee ds  d d go fohcmg Ldo Tour o fr. From h rrd of som o h gms wh Dr Ahur Kufm i m h h w o a vit to th h-ro of Mrn  h  n n Tyo Tyo   w i  O Ap 8 t Ng Ngy y y dpt h w hmohge hge of h lug lug d nt dy h w  id  i d wih hmo dad bg l only i h wny-sh yer Wiig i h P L of Ju , 1898 mi rdm sd : 'Th Hugrhogh h w  t rgu h   gn Marhs bn dibd d jsbly s   h mos bri hss g i h oos dys of Ksh  h cop o gr gignic  Mohy  Ksh ompdium bs of hs puy iby o r the wor h sory of h rsb d  r how h somd ad oqrd nd rhd h gol s s g i h mmoy of h fd of hss nd is i i h hisoy of  gm Th r y b hs psod hssm who i for hd h fr w whom h r of he brrd d by h h o nd o mn wy y [from wold i brr h Vi h Vi  ornm] orn m] Suh cls cls  f doo o hs hs m my y   do do o  o mny; mny; y  hrris hrris apr s   bt nd th mnd h gm my fr  be a lil mo h  gm  is h mot pro o whh we ha u harok mos h oy o gg us y gmp io    w h w w  shod kow modt ad rrg hr I I  hok ide owrd he t of whih h w s grt mor me fo of wha a mas h id s  sl mor th R Gt vs ion Mophy duig h mo mo   t vsi o Lodo Lodo tribe  i  toh Mrin Mr in did




orhy's inordie devotion to che a ay time,1 and  ow bow he ed agin i afewa   o wha wha  migh have happeed o Chaouk me of che che  bd  rvived  i o cou coue e h o dogmati dogmati  B ere  he  rvived   o reao o eve tha he would ev hv pee o  e a ayereai ayereainy ny o a  middig awye •ah han wha  he wa wa wih ophy �a en menione efor The ompaion  and    away croppi cropping ng p i coec coecio io wih Charouse Hoe he mo enhiaic dmer he yoner pye  everr had us i i  eve io o a paadox when wit witi i hi oia  oic  Te Fe Fel l  Pau ophy w he greae h-pay o he cy  rhap of a im im; ; Chroe  wa poy hi peor  por  w ay advidy o orphy pyed ches ee  he ew i ahae ad ea Lwha whe wve  wve  yea  yeass  od whi  od whil l Chaouek plyed i he Nueme Io ouament o 896 coi ! me gi e ed d 6 h andpriz v  win n  winn   oy o ow r who   yar ore he di did d no ko kow w he mov mov..  e wod e rah deed who ampd o imae  cieti  ci etic cy y the e eiv ivee che che  powe of oh Chaoe  o u uh h other udden geniu  Jo Clac Wi  gad  to he wo m howev a w poin poin eem woh  attntion ophys ame re chiey on hi pay n mthe and i aua  am  Chao hi on is py in toua  men ophy  hi o ouamn h u o ma oui Paun to ea Chouek pyd u oe e h  ater ann matehod ad o  it ow a xper  MDnns ad ns stmn   h g   y Morpy's Gam f Che (196), pp 35-   would hy he e   chss ?  k J m s  n 'M p     b  b    b  b      y  ddg ayr ayr  (Sl Che p )   ay  ed h H s  sly ae Th  y v g pz  Ng harsks s  g gs he w f hh  g  . i a h pal - k h    M    hh Hoe ce y h  l gh C'       b b wn h o g h o gh y  csd   h ohe d  h   o h g Cba ad  pag h   n th fve  aog o h o bb ou




-playr r agrd  adi  dir i h quli rquid fr m nd ouam plyo lev u gms u o th quinbu ere i  gra am a o wh h quali arc rpivly. Th ueul mahplayr aurly hold  h mr giu  rquird i mh, h uul ouramplr h otra Bey Mophy ad Chruk kowldg h h qud, ad wr had dgra  g id  many   hih dad rom ar bak bu hih udr thir ram dvlped  a  bem an andard dard l l o play. ok kowledg i dried by may hplayer, pialy ho i pr mmri h gh  h gus, hr nvr ngl hi wa h dpth  mbinai as y rmarkbl n h playr  xampl  hs i Chruk' play Gm 1  ad 36 may b ied I i   b did ha Mhy ombiaiv wr brk dw mr rarly ha Chrouks; bu Chruk udubdly had had  nd nd  rger oppo  h vg  w ii our ai  h riou gams  h  plyr Mrphy h b ad by many  hi dmirr a h  had o h rma rma  hol h ol in h  h Charuk, n h hr labld d  on on  h grae  h mo  hand  has bn labl hol. Y h  de la Rge irl oidrd Mrphy      lo d d aall Siz d Lker  nd nd  hs mo mo o oble ble haraer haraeri i   poiiojudmen and adul devlo devlopm pm o r r11 And h a ru o s i Charouk' whn hA opii ga him p h ry heigh play rman? Frh rii h m ap m pred agi h ytm  iig up gr uhor i budle d x  he labl idiatig h hol  hih thy blog h am am pr pr  s quly quly  wih rgrd  ga hplayr Gnu r d  a hl O mr po mu b oed whe whe  w mpr Chrousk ith h iy o h wrld  hmar, iig  r ded Caru Caruk k r rah rahd d h h  hi powr H lppd bim away d i i o ibl for us  udg wha hgh h prg migh h rahd  his ar,  hi l hdgrr  lsd n t      ( pp -


ABBREVIATONS THB owing abbevs re ud   t  h  A.CM. BC  CO

=Amican Chss agan (New Yrk). = Bitsh Che gz () Che-Player' Che-Play er' Compendum, by Wl1am C  ode" Chess Oeng y R C Gh and J H W

GC  hys ames f Chess by Pp  Sergen Te gn + i ocny ue  fy 'i v v    ye   he pg v


RT  M GM  I


uAugus 1896   h was  ok of is our ournamn namn pubh-D aa Scac s Scccbs Nbg ded  by  S. Trh nd Ch Schd Lpzig, 897)    n pobl o gv  t ghn gams p  b Crousk  Numbrg Th  pz as:  I  E kr (13! s   I. G Maocz 2   nd IV H N. sbur nd S Tach 2)  V  Jnos  ; V. W. Snt (); VI C  Schc nd C A Wbod o o ddd. Sp p  rdd Scrs , nd and M cor 9)  . H Bcburn 9)oRE.Chous G Mco (8) GM  Nbg uy 0, 1896 KNG'S GAMBT ECNE

  CSK

Bk 


P-K4  PK BB 2 P-KB �B  aon du o  . on  s d  h

Scazug n 862 nd no d b Cosk n  ss r o   onm nmn n gam P-Q    KQB   b, s pd fo nsc, n  s ga  bn Mrco d Jnos on h s. arn om Cmbidg Spngs n .  PxP PxP 5  -KK  -KK  Q-B 6 K-KB K-Q B




Th forced developent o the Kight o this squae to pent a in s a song argen against the 3  P-Q3 dence. 7 B-B4 Here a atchgame, Napie Teih, Glagow, 905 contind 7 Kt-B3  KKt3  8 QxQ, RP xQ  9 BB (den in posi tion   ith the pesnt gae) tion P-KB; 1 PQ3Kt-K2 Q-KKt3 8 QQ White e chage cha ge annot ihoutrefue loss oftot E 8 KtKt5 Kt-R3 ; 9 PQ K2 dislging the Knight Or 9 KtQB3 KtQB3,, P-QB3 thetnig K2 K2 RPxQ 9 Kt-B3 P-QB3 10 PQ3 PB3 I KtQ1  KtQ1  P-KKt4 12 B-K3 P Kt5 Bad policy. e should hae played KtK2 and the to KKt3, keepig h KR e op op  Kt-R3 ? l 3 K-Q2 4 BB {tB 5 Kt-K3 K-K2 t-K33 l 6 Cls KR K t-K BxB 1 7 BK 18 RB2 19 KKt-B RR2 QRR 0 P-B3 KtB2

Now Bak h doubled Rook and eopeed th - to no puse  he has to  wate fuher tie in in   tan ferg the Rks eswhher Kt-Q3 21 R-Q1 22 Kt-B5 h Bx BxKt Kt KB2 23 PxB 24 PKKt3 hi lea the Knght fro th   defee of the KRP o th as to enab h to go to K3, attaking  attaking  Bak' weak Pa on JKt5. Ba can only efend it at the epese of a genery weaened K sd pstion. PKK3 KxP 25 PP h PKB 26 Kt-K3 27 QR-KB RKB2 28 KtKt QR-KB R-K 29 R-K2 KRK2 3   QR-K1 3 Poin


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Black's move.




G MB DED Th give Back   pssed KP, bt h KBP becm etemey eteme y ea. Chuk sh t get advtge  the mted gm gmee whih fll 32 KtK3

PK5 RR2

Black whe t play Kt B2-Kt4-B6 akng hi K  de ipregble He t  hweer ptect hi KB P meahil: hne hi n uvre th th KR. 33 RKDI QRKR 34 RB4 R- 3 RK2)KB2 RKt4 36 KtxKtP KtxKtP PxKt 7 R B6 h ust   pevted Black has thee t a dn h intetn  bing  h Knight t Kt4 36 PB4 37 KRI


This thaten P-K� d,  PxP p PKKt4 38 Kt-Kt2

KtK1 KtKt2

f 38  KtQ3 KtQ3 3 KtR4 e P  ad 41 KB3  40 P RxK. Rx K. h tetmve s mh bettr RR 39 PQ Treteg KtR4 and theefo the efo r rig ig Whte Whte  net


mve whh wi the  chage  dr t pent   the Ehange 4 KtR h Rx{t  K K3, 3, 41 R KP

 PxR 42 PQ6 He hee clied  wn  ck by 42  RX P ; 43 R-R1 P-Q, sie Whte dvacd QP uld n ultimtel, ad  have fae faen Black' two two   psed Pwn Pwn

h a Rk' t mt be admtted tht 4 2   Rx RxP P  trgr thn th tet


need ed Whte Whte moe. Wy ne moe.  how v  ve, e, be in a  hury to  hiss QP   ?  ancce  hi dvan dv

43 PQ7


f Kt-Q the Whte Kig e ut t Kt2 ad Kt3. But the ig p  the KP dos t mke Blks chces btte 44 RxBP 45 PR5 h  46 R6 ch 4 R h 48 R-8 h

PK6 RxP K-Kt KKt KtxR

 48  KKt2 4 R(B2) R(B2)  B7  KKt3  0 RB6  4 RxKt eh KxR 0 PQ8(Q eh KB2


TORET GE 4  7  K-B3  n opd by Mopy in  Q x KKP R-K4   o  oh h am am w w  wn 3 QK   KK  PK

K-B4  K-K5 


GAM 2

Nurrg Juy  1896 KNG'S GAMB DECNED

 

Bck 

SEK  P

M PK B

 PKB

3 KKB3 P-Q3   PB3 A pay by Mophy in wo o hs machams wi h, a o oher occaso occa sos s  a ass a ay y been n  men m oh npsn pays av omms om ms opd  Com pa Gam  an   o whch anowk  o Back ad Gam w 7 KK h od conao conao a a asc an  h  hee majoiy o aays owaays cond    KKB3 s hs was pay by aowk n the Ben am. I Gam    p pay ayd d    KQB3

 B K iv  S

a   KQB3 h was Bd's mov  a oa am gans p   nd M.G. Mophy s  s a Back' s posa

6 7 8  9

PQ3 PK3 QxB PB

B3 BxK QK PK3

Sopp BKK 

KQ QK3 wod av n vry c o m

  K aach sss 1 P x P QK K3 3  p   p,, P x P  2 Q QK  3 KB3 Cs Q 1 KK3

13   B x B   13

B x K


1 ss K I n vw o Bks  mov ass Q   Q PQ  K3 QKxP 6 Px P QxBc  B x K KB  8 B

 h hi ha  ve dcult defenc o cod


N M ENE wng t th w  h Q 19 QxQ RxQ 20 QRQ K2 KK 21 Kz 22 KK3 KR-Q1 23   KRQ3 24 KKt4 4 25 R Kt3 2 BKt RQI RKRI 2 RKt 2 RKt3 -K 29  x  T lt Bck catur st wld  wrs 3 QRKt 31 RR1 32 2 2 33 Q1 34 RKt4 35 RxR

KRx Kt-R RQI R-KR R-R5 -B3

t w t g t    th hag a st  wr fr Bl's Kght 3 3 3 39

Kt4 RQI R-3 R4

xR KtKt4 RQI RQ5

hs, t, tdc  wa ss tg th th Kg t the df f th K RxR 40 xR KQ3 4  -R3 K-B3 4 K3

Ptn ae Whe 42n  e

Kt4 A sr bld, nblg Wht t ls h Bh H sh a plad 42   -R3 R3  43 K-Q K-Q33  43 43 R4 -Kt4  44  x  h,  x   4 5  x  h, K x   4 K  K-Kt &), -Kt4  44  x  h  x  ; 45 K-K3 -5 ad \Vht wl h  m t a l Kx 43 xch 44 K2 h K4 K2 45  B1 KKt3 KtB6 4 K-Q3 4 B-K KtQ5 4 BQI Kt-Kt4 KtQ3 49  K-R4 5 B3 Hr arrch t t  cntat whh pms  w  Bc  viz. 5   B5 h ; 5 1  x  ( 5 K-B3, x;  Kx K-B4  5 3 KB3 KB3,, Kt-B Kt-B


UNMEN ME olo b K-K K B  5 K-B, K x QB ;  K K K-Q -Q ; 4 R,, BB K-B ;  R KK4 K K4   6 K K   R and W mus l h Bk Kng n   K-B K-K  K -R4  no B  -K4.  4  6 7

B-B K KQJ B K-K

K-B K-Q K-K K-B K-K

  60 6 6

BK BI Kz B-R -K

K-R KK4 K-B K-K K-B


GU 3 Nb Jy  6 RY OZ hit : Bak  WNAER C    4  6

-K4 K-KB K R4 s KB

-K4 QB QR K-B K

6 R-K hd no y bom fhonb h mo

 6 -Q bng uu and 6 -Q4 an aon van -Q his mo s o almo a dd by QK4 -hogh no  Bk  mh son o  h hg hh ia mak n mo. 7 B x K h  x B  KR PQ w b Wna opn ah mdly  -Q  -Q  I -KK4

 R-K K-Q 

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