Senior High School Forms

July 16, 2018 | Author: Ronnie Tambal | Category: Teaching And Learning, Further Education, Schools, Wellness
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Short Description

New Forms 1-9 for Senior High School. (DepEd)...


 Sch  School Fo Form 1 School Re Register f School Name

School ID


School Year


(Last Name' First Name' Name "tension' #iddle Name)

District Grade Level

Course (For TVL Only)

  (     #         F     )    


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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ior High School (SF$-SHS) Division


S # T 9 T* F


# T 9 T* F

S # T 9 T* F

S # T

ior High School (SF$-SHS) e&ion

Division Trac- and Strand #onth o+ 

9 T* F


8, I+ No Lon&er in School (NLS)' state reason' .lease re+er to le&end num2er, ;, I+ T!NSF""D INO0T' 1rite the name o+ School, consecutive days andor those at ris- o+ out, >, !ttendance .er+ormance o+ learners 1ill 2e re+lected in the SFBS*S o+ every &radin& .eriod,

2,8, Illness 2,;, Overa&e 2,=, Dru& !2use 2,>, $oor !cademic $er+ormance 2,?, Lac- o+ InterestDistractions 2,@, *un&er#alnutrition

c,8, Teacher Factor  c,;, $hysical Condition o+ Classroom c,
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