May 15, 2018 | Author: Sanjay Jha | Category: Android (Operating System), Technology, Computing, Computer Engineering, Science
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 D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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This This semin seminar ar repor reportt was was creat created ed to assist assist deve develo lope pers rs in maxi maximi mizin zing g appl applic icati ation on  performance on new Intel® graphics technologies, primarily focused on the new Intel® micr microa oarch rchit itect ectur uree code codena name med d Ivy Ivy Brid Bridge ge.. The The docu docume ment nt will will intr introd oduc ucee the the new new architecture and detail best practices with a focus on the DirectX 9, 10 and 11 APIs. Following Following the guidelines guidelines laid out in this document document will help the developer’s developer’s game reach optim optimal al perfo perform rman ance ce on Inte Intell proc process essor or grap graphi hics cs whil whilee prov provid idin ing g a great great gami gaming ng experience to the largest possible market. As reported by Mercury Research in the second quarter of 2011, Intel’s combined integrated graphics line currently enjoys the largest market market share, share, standin standing g at 50.4% 50.4% for desktop desktop parts, parts, 59% for mobile mobile parts. parts. With the introd introduct uction ion of the Intel Intel microa microarch rchitec itectur turee codena codenamed med Sandy Sandy Bridge Bridge,, the graphi graphics cs  processor has moved onto the same die as the CPU, and is now referred to as “processor  grap graphi hics” cs”.. In addi additi tion on,, proc proces essor sor grap graphi hics cs has has enjoy enjoyed ed nume numero rous us archi architec tectu tural ral improvements that yield significant performance improvements over previous generations of Intel® integrated graphics parts. The new generation of microarchitecture, codenamed Ivy Bridge, provides another jump in functionality and performance over Sandy Bridge microa microarchi rchitect tecture ure.. Ivy Bridge Bridge micro microarch architec itectur turee is manufa manufactur ctured ed on the new 22nm 22nm  process technology, incorporating Intel’s I ntel’s new tri-gate (or 3D) transistor technology. This innovative new process yields greater performance at much lower power. For example, the new tri-gat tri-gatee transist transistors ors exhibi exhibitt 36% faster faster switch switching ing speed speed than than the equiva equivalen lentt transistors transistors on the legacy process at the same voltage. voltage. Tri-gate transistors transistors also leak about 10x less current in their off state, resulting in a power saving of approximately 50% when using a comparable performance profile.

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CHAPTER 2: FLIP CHIP 2.1 Flip Chip

Flip chip, also known as Controlled Collapse Chip Connection or its acronym, C4, is a meth method od for for inte interco rconn nnect ectin ing g semic semicon ondu ducto ctorr devi devices ces,, such such as IC Chip Chipss and and Micr Micro o electrom electromecha echanica nicall

system systems, s, to external external circuit circuitry ry with with solder solder bumps bumps that that have have been been

deposited onto the chip pads. The solder bumps are deposited on the chip pads on the top side of the wafer during the final wafer processing step. In order to mount the chip to external circuitry (e.g., a circuit board or another chip or wafer), it is flipped over so that its top side faces down, and aligned so that its pads align with matching pads on the external circuit, and then the solder is flowed to complete the interconnect. This is in contrast to wire bonding, in which the chip is mounted upright and wires are used to interconnect the chip pads to external circuitry.

2.1 The topside of a Celeron-400 in a PPGA packing

2.2 Pin Grid Array

2.2 The pin grid array at the bottom of a XC68020, a prototype of the microprocessor 

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2.3 The pin grid array on the bottom of an AMD Phenom X4 9750 processor that uses the AMD  AM2+ socket. 2 pins pins are missing. missing.

A pin grid array, often abbreviated PGA, is a type of integrated circuit packaging. In a PGA, the package is square or roughly square and the pins are arranged in a regular array on the underside of the package. The pins are commonly spaced 2.54 mm (0.1") apart, and may or may not cover the entire underside of the package. PGAs PGAs are often often mount mounted ed on printe printed d circui circuitt boards boards using using the throug through h hole hole method method or  inserte inserted d into into a socket socket.. PGAs PGAs allow allow for more more pins pins per integr integrate ated d circuit circuit than than older  older   packages such as dual in-line package. PPGA: PPGA: (Plastic (Plastic pin grid grid array) array) used used by Intel Intel for late model model Mendoc Mendocino ino core core Celero Celeron n  processors based on Socket 370. Some pre-Socket 8 processors also used a similar form f orm factor, although they were not officially referred to as PPGA.

2.4 The underside of a FC-PGA package (the die is on the other side)

A flip-chip pin grid array (FC-PGA or FCPGA) is a form of pin grid array integrated circuit packaging in which the die faces downwards on the top of the substrate with the  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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 back of the die exposed. This allows the die to have a more direct direc t contact with the heat sink or other cooling cooling mechanism. mechanism. The



introd roduced

by Int Intel with

the Coppermine core Pent entium

III and Celero Celeron n process processors ors based based on Socket Socket 370, 370, and was later later used for Socket Socket 478478 based Pentium 4 and Celeron processors. FC-PGA processors f it into zero insertion force Socket 370 and Socket Socket 478-based motherboard sockets; similar packages have also been used by AMD. It is still used today for mobile Intel processors.


The Stagge Staggered red pin grid grid array array (SPGA) (SPGA) is used used by Intel Intel process processors ors based based on Socket Socket 5 and Socket 7. Socket 8 used a partial SPGA layout on half the processor. 2.5 View of the socket 7 321-pin connectors of a CPU

2.6 An example of a socket for a staggered pin grid array package.

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It consists of two square arrays of pins, offset in both directions by half the minimum distance distance between pins in one of the arrays. Put differently: differently: within a square boundary boundary the  pins form a diagonal square lattice. There is generally a section in the center of the  package without any pins. SPGA packages are usually used by devices that require a higher pin density than what a PGA can provide, such as microprocessors.

2.4 CERAMIC A ceramic pin grid array is a type of packaging packaging used by integra integrated ted circuits. This This type of   packaging uses

a ceramic






a pin grid


Some CPUs that use CPGA packaging are the AMD Socket A Athlons and the Duron A CPGA was used by AMD for Athlon and Duron processors based on Socket A, as well as some AMD processors processors based on Socket AM2 and Socket Socket AM2+. While similar form factors have been used by other manufacturers, they are not officially referred to as CPGA. This type of packaging uses a ceramic substrate with pins arranged in an array.

2.5 ORGANIC An organic pin grid array (OPGA) is a type of connection for integrated circuits, and esp especially CPUs,


the silicon con die is

att attached



plate ate

made ade



an orga organi nicc plast plastic ic whic which h is pier pierced ced by an array array of pins pins whic which h make make the the requ requisi isite te connections to the socket. The organic pin grid array was originally introduced for the AMD Athlon XP processors  based on Socket A, also used for AMD processors process ors using Socket 754, Socket 939, Socket 940, Socket AM2, and Socket AM2+.

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2.7 An OPGA CPU. Note the brown color - many OPGA parts are colored green. The die is in the center of the device, and the four gray circles are foam spacers to relieve pressure caused by the heat sink from the die.

2.6 Bump Reality Bump Application is super easy and super faster way to share imformation between two Smart phones. Use Bump to share contact information and photos by simply simply bumping two phones together. Just open Bump, hold your phones, and gently bump your hands together -Bump will magically do all the rest.

2.7 Vision and Goal Behind Bump Application

The applications and possibilities for bump are enormous .Bump was born as a simple iPhone app for swapping contact information created by our three founders, but as our  user base grew, so did our vision. We now have more than 75 million downloads, and a vision of changing the way people use their mobile devices. Our team includes some of  the smartest and most talented developers and designers in Silicon Valley, and we all share a common goal: to build something people want and have fun doing it. Bump was part of Y Combinator's summer 2009 batch, and our growth has been fueled  by some of the Valley's top investors and VCs, like Ron Conway, Ram Shriram, Sequoia Capita Cap ital, l, and And Andree reessen ssen Ho Horow rowitz itz.. We' We're re bas based ed in dow downto ntown wn Mou Mounta ntain in Vie View, w, the epicenter of Silicon Valley, mere steps from Caltrain to San Francisco.

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2.8 Working of bump application

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3.1 Functionality Amazing as the concept sounds, Bump allowed users to send contact information, photos, and other objects between phones. With version 3.0 however, only contact information and photos can be sent. Before bumping phones, each user confirms what he or she wants to send to the other user. To use the application, two people bump their phones together, and within about five to ten seconds, a screen appears on both users' screens allowing them to confirm what they want to send to each other. When two users bump their   phones, the data is automatically sent through a separate s eparate internet server to the other user, which is able to detect when any two phones using the application bump each other. A newer aspect of the application allows two people to bump in order to become become friends. A big part of Bump is sending and receiving contact information, so Bump obviously accesses contacts contacts you choose to bump to someo someone ne and also adds contacts you receive to the Contacts app on your phone.Also, each time you bump with someone new, the app uses the contacts in your phone's Contacts / Address Book to show you what friends you  both have in common. You may opt out of this feature in the app's Settings.It works only in Android Application which is a Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. It is developed by the Open Handset Alliance led  by Google. Google purchased the initial developer of the software, Android Inc., in 2005. The unveiling of the Android distribution in 2007 was announced with the founding of



Hand andset



con consortium


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sof software are,

and teleco telecomm mmunic unicatio ation n compan companies ies devote devoted d to advanc advancing ing open open standar standards ds for mobile mobile devi device ces. s. Goog Google le

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Andr Androi oid d

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as open open-s -sou ourc rce, e,

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License. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is tasked with the maintenance and further development of Android. Android has a large community of developers writing applications ("apps") that extend the functi functiona onality lity of the device devices. s. Develo Developer perss write write primaril primarily y in a custom customize ized d versio version n of Java. Apps can be downloaded from third-party sites or through online stores such as Google Play(formerly Android Play(formerly Android Market ), ), the app store run by Google. As of February  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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2012 there were more than 450,000 apps available for Android, and the estimated number  of applications downloaded from the Android Market as of December 2011 exceeded 10  billion. Android was listed as the best-selling smartphone platform worldwide in Q4 2010 by Canalys with over 300 million Android devices in use by February 2012. According to Google's Andy Rubin, as of February 2012 there are over 850,000 Android devices activated every day. Bump Technologies, Inc. ("Bump") provides the Application (as defined below), the related services (the "Bump Services"), and the Site to you subject to the following Terms of Service (these "TOS"), which may be updated by Bump from time to time without notice to you. You can review the most current version of these TOS at any time at By accessing and using the Bump Services and/ or the Bump website at, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of the TOS. In addition, when when usin using g the the Bump Bump Serv Service icess or the the Site, Site, you and and Bump Bump shal shalll be subj subjec ectt to any additional posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services, including the Bump Privacy Policy found at, which may be posted and modified from time to time. All such guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated by reference into the TOS. As used herein, the "Applicatio "Application" n" shall mean the Bump application application which enables users users to (a) exchan exchange ge inform informatio ation, n, messag messages, es, images images,, photos photos and other other conten contentt by "bump "bumping ing"" their their cell phones phones or other other wireless wireless device devicess togeth together, er, (b) otherwi otherwise se send information, messages, images, photos and other content to other users of the Bump Application without the necessity of "bumping" cell phones or other wireless devices together, and (c) perform other functions or features which may be added to the Bump Application from time to time; "you", "yours" and "User" shall mean the user of the Application; "we", "us" and "our" shall mean Bump Technologies, Inc., the owner and licensor of the Application. These TOS are immediately effective upon your use of the Application, or your use or access to the Bump Services and/or the Site. If you do not agree to these TOS, you are required to immediately stop all use of and access to the Application, the Bump Services and the Site. 1. License. Bump has the sole authority and discretion to license to you the Application, which license is also governed by the terms of the Licensed Application End User  License Agreement found under "Terms of Service" in the iTunes Store for Applications on Apple platforms or, as applicable, the "Terms of Service" in the Android Market on  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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Andr Androi oid d platf platform ormss (col (colle lecti ctive vely ly,, "Oth "Other er Agre Agreem emen ents" ts"). ). These These TOS TOS amen amend d and and supplement the Other Agreements and to the extent that these TOS contradict or are inconsistent with the Other Agreements, these TOS control and prevail. We reserve the right to change, modify, and update the Application at any time for any reason, without notice to you. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and to discontinue or  suspend the Bump Services or Site at any time. We also reserve the right to deny your  access to the Application, the Bump Services or Site due to your unprofessional conduct or practices, complaints about you from other Users or members of the public, and other  reasons which we consider, at our sole discretion, to be harmful or disruptive. 2. User Signup. We provide the Application for your personal use. You are authorized to down downlo load ad the the Appl Applic icat atio ion n via via the the iTun iTunes es App App Stor Storee or the the Andr Androi oid d Mark Market et.. You You acknow acknowled ledge ge that that by downlo downloadi ading ng the Applic Applicati ation on via the iTunes iTunes App Store or the Android Market, you are subject to their respective policies, terms of service and other  related policies and procedures. You are not required to register with us separately in order to download the Application or to use the Bump Services. We do not charge you for  downloading the Application; however, we reserve the right to charge for the Application, or certain features enabled by the Application, at a future date, which we would do by advance written notice to you.In consideration of your use of the Application, the Bump Services and the Site, you represent that you are of legal age to agree to these TOS and form a binding binding contract with us, and that you are not a person barred from receiving receiving the Bump Services under the laws of the United States or other applicable jurisdiction. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of personal or confidential information residing in your computer, cell phone or wireless device (collectively, "User Devices"), and are fully responsible for all activities that occur through your User Devices and thro throug ugh h your our use use of the the Appl Applic icat atio ion. n. You You agre agreee to imme immedi diat ately ely noti notify fy us of any any unauthorized use of the Application or Bump Services or any other breach of security. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any unauthorized use of the Application, the Bump Services or your User Devices. 3. Your Representati Representations ons and Covenants. Covenants. Your use of each of the Application Application,, the Bump Services and the Site is strictly subject to the following code of conduct at all times. By using the Application, the Bump Services and/or the Site, you represent and covenant that you will not:  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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Tran Transm smit it file files, s, cont conten ent, t, phot photog ogra raph phs, s, vide videos os,, perso persona nall or techn technic ical al data data or any any

other type of information or data (collectively, "Content") which is false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, or libelous; 2.

Tran Transm smit it any any Cont Conten entt that that you you hav havee no righ rights ts to, to, or or for for whi which ch tra trans nsmi missi ssion on by by you you

would constitute infringement of third party intellectual property rights; 3.

Tran Transm smit it ide ident ntifi ificat catio ion n docu docume ment ntss or sen sensit sitiv ivee finan financi cial al info inform rmati ation on of of you yourse rself lf or  or 

any other person; 4.

Tran Transm smit it any any virus viruses es,, malic malicio ious us code code,, Troja Trojan n horse horses, s, worm worms, s, corr corrup upte ted d files files,, or 

any other similar software that may damage damage the operation operation of another's another's computer, data or   property, or transmit any other harmful or code technology; technology; 5.

Bull Bully y, inti intimi mida date te,, or or har haras asss any any Use Userr or or mem membe berr of of the the publ public ic;;


Tran Transm smit it Cont Conten entt that that is obsc obscen ene, e, hate hatefu ful, l, thre threat aten enin ing g, porn pornog ogra rap phic, hic, or that that

contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence; 7.

Use Use the the Appli Applica cati tion on,, the the Bump Bump Serv Servic ices es or the the Sit Sitee to do any anyth thin ing g fraud fraudul ulen ent, t,

unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory; 8.

Enga Engage ge in in any any unru unruly ly,, disru disrupt ptiv ive, e, unp unpro rofe fessi ssion onal al,, or offe offens nsiv ivee cond conduc uctt whil whilee using using

the Application, the Bump Services or the Site; 9.

Viol Violat atee any any law laws, s, thi third rd part party y righ rights ts,, or or any any of of our our Pol Polic icies ies (as (as defin defined ed bel below ow); );

10. 10.

Enga Engage ge in unl unlaw awfu full multi multi-le -leve vell marke marketi ting ng,, such such as a pyram pyramid id sche scheme me,, using using the the

Application, the Bump Services or the Site; 11.

Transm Transmit it unau unautho thorize rized d comme commercia rciall Conte Content nt or commerc commercial ial commun communicat ication ionss (such (such

as spam) using the Application, the Bump Services or the Site; 12. 12.

Coll Collec ectt thir third d party arty or our cont conten entt or info inform rmat atio ion n, or other therwi wise se acce access ss the the

Application, the Bump Services or the Site using automated means (such as harvesting  bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without our express advance written permission; 13. 13.

Use the the Appl Applica icati tion on,, the Bump Bump Serv Servic ices es or the the Site Site to coll collec ectt Conten Contentt from from users users

for commercial or any other kind of use without first obtaining their consent and first making it clear you (and not us) are the one collecting their Content, and posting a  privacy policy explaining what Content you you collect and how you will use it; 14. 14.

Do anyt anythin hing g that that could could disab disable le,, overb overbur urde den, n, or impa impair ir the pro prope perr operat operatio ion n of the

Application, the Bump Services or the Site, such as a denial of service attack; 15. 15.

Faci Facilit litat atee or enco encour urag agee any any vio viola lati tion onss of these these TOS; TOS; and and

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16. 16.

Use Use our Cont Conten entt or trade tradema mark rkss (incl (includ udin ing g Bump Bump and the the Bump Bump logo) logo),, or any

confusingly confusingly similar marks (other than as part of your authorized use of the Application Application,, the Bump Services or the Site), without our prior written permission. We may remove remove and/or and/or block block transm transmissi ission on of any Content Content or inform informatio ation n that that you you transmit using the Application, the Bump Services and/or Site if we believe it breaches the above above represe representa ntatio tions ns and covenant covenants. s. We may also, at our sole sole discret discretion ion,, with with immediate effect and without advance notice, restrict or terminate your access to the Applica Applicatio tion, n, the Bump Servic Services es and/or and/or Site, Site, upon upon your your breach breach of any of the above above representations and covenants. All judgments concerning the applicability of the above terms to your activity shall be at our sole and exclusive discretion. 4. Usage of the Bump Services and Site. You acknowledge that Bump may establish general practices and limits concerning use of  the Bump Services and Site at any time, at our discretion, including without limitation the maximum amount of information that can be submitted by an account, the maximum disk  space that will be allotted on our servers on your behalf, and the maximum number of  times (and the maximum duration for which) you may access the Bump Services and Site in a given period of time. You further acknowledge that we reserve the right to modify these general practices and limits from time to time. 5. Consent to Electronic Communications, Transmissions, Storage and Solicitation. We may send you communications or data regarding the Application, the Bump Services or  the Site, including but not limited to (i) notices about your use of the Application, the Bump Services and/or the Site, including any notices concerning your use or violations of  applic applicabl ablee terms terms and condit condition ions, s, (ii) update updates, s, and (iii) (iii) promot promotion ional al inform informatio ation n and materials regarding our products and services, via the Application or Bump Services, or  via electronic mail (if you provide us your email address (such as sending us a message regarding the Application)). In order to use the Application and Bump Services, you hereby grant permission for us and our software to utilize the processor, storage and  bandwidth of your User Device and network to provide us with certain information about your usage patterns, Session Data and other information about your usage experience. We will use this information as described in the Privacy Policy. You understand that the technic technical al process processing ing and transm transmissi ission on of the Applic Applicati ation on and the Bump Bump Servic Services, es, including your user content, may involve (a) transmissions tr ansmissions over various networks; and (b)  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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change changess to confor conform m and adapt adapt to technic technical al requir requireme ements nts of connec connectin ting g networ networks ks or  devices, and you accept and agree to these uses. As a result, and also as a result of our  network architecture and business practices and the nature of electronic communications, even communications that seem to be intrastate in nature can result in the transmission of  interstate communications regardless of where you are physically located at the time of  transmission. Accordingly, by agreeing to these TOS, you acknowledge that use of the Bump Bump Serv Servic ices es may may resu result lt in inte interst rstat atee data data trans transmi missi ssion ons. s. Alth Althou ough gh we encr encryp yptt transmissions between devices, such encryption may not prevent unauthorized viewing of  the data, and you should not have any expectation of privacy or security regarding your  commun communicat ication ionss using using the Applic Applicatio ation, n, the Bump Bump Servic Services es or the Site. Site. Alway Alwayss use caution when transmitting personal information. Additionally, we may add features to the Application or Bump Services which will become effective automatically. If we provide you with the ability to opt-out of such features, you may do so in the manner we provide. 7. Intellectual Property Rights. "Bump", "Bump Technologies" and all other trademarks, service marks, slogans, tag lines, graphics and logos used in connection with Bump, the Application, the Bump Services and/or the Site are trademarks or registered trademarks of  Bump Technologie Technologies, s, Inc. or its affiliates. Other trademarks, trademarks, service marks, graphics graphics and logos used in connection with the site or platform may be the trademarks of other third  parties. Your use of the Application, the Bump Services or the Site in no way grants you any right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any of our trademarks, third-party trademarks, or any content developed by us or by third parties, except for the normal use of such marks as part of your authorized use of the Application. All use of any such marks shall inure to the owner thereof. 8. Privacy Policy. You hereby authorize us to collect certain personal data about you. Your use of the Application, the Bump Services and the Site is subject to our Privacy Policy found at privacy, which is hereby incorporated into these TOS. Termination. These TOS are terminable at any time by either party. If you terminate these TOS, you agree to no longer access or use the Application, the Bump Services or  the Site and you must delete all copies of the Application from any device in your   possession. Should you choose to re-access the Application, the Bump Bump Services and/or the Site in the future, your use will be deemed as your acceptance of the TOS in effect at the time when you re-access the Application, the Bump Services and/or the Site.  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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9. Inde Indemn mnif ific icat atio ion. n. You You agre agreee to inde indem mnify nify,, defe defend nd and and hold hold harm harmle less ss,, Bump Bump Techno Technolog logies ies,, Inc., Inc., its affiliat affiliates, es, and their their respect respective ive office officers, rs, directo directors, rs, employ employees, ees, agents, licensors, representatives, and third party providers, to and from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any violation of these TOS or of any applicable law by you, or due to or arising out of (i) the data or content you submit, post, transmit, distribute, publicize or otherwise make available through the Application or the Bump Services, or (ii) any of your actions when using the Application, the Bump Services and/or the Site. We reserve the right to assume, at our our sole sole expe expens nse, e, the the excl exclusi usive ve defe defens nsee and and cont contro roll of any any matt matter er subj subjec ectt to indemnification by you, in which event you will fully cooperate with us in asserting any available defenses. 10. Governing Law. These TOS will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, as applied to agreements entered into and to be  performed entirely within California between California residents, without regard for  conflict of laws principles. 11. Venue; Agreement to Exclusive Exclusive Jurisdiction; Jurisdiction; No Obligation for User Disputes. You agree that you will resolve any claim, cause of action or dispute you have with us arising out of or relating to these TOS or the use of the Application, the Bump Services or the Site exclusively in a state or federal court located in Santa Clara County. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Santa Clara County, California for the purpose of litigating all such claims. We are not responsible responsible for addressing any disputes disputes between any Users. In the event of a concer concern, n, claim claim or disput dispute, e, Users Users shall shall commu communic nicate ate directl directly y with with the other other party party in resolving such concern, claim or dispute. In the event we receive complaints about a User, we will investigate the complaint at our sole discretion and may direct the User to respond to the other party directly. 12. Notices. Unless specifically provided otherwise, all notices to us under these TOS must be provided provided by certified U.S. mail at the sending sending party's expense. We may provide provide notice to you by push notification in the Application. Notice sent by mail shall be deemed given three (3) days after the date of mailing. Our address for notices is: 200 W Evelyn Street Ste 200, Mountain View, California 94041, Attn: Legal Department.

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13. Additional Policies. In addition to these TOS and the Privacy Policy, we may develop new polici policies es govern governing ing the user user experie experience nce that that we post post on the Site Site (colle (collectiv ctively ely,, "Policies"), which shall be effective upon posting. Our Policies may be changed from time to time and such changes take effect when we post them on the Site. When using  particular services on the Application, or any Bump Services or Site, you are subject to any posted Policies applicable applicable to such services, which may be posted posted from time to time. You agree to observe and act in accordance accordance with the Policies. In the event you fail to do so, you agree to promptly correct your action when notified by us. 14. Amendments. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or  otherwise alter these TOS at any time. You can find the most recent version of these TOS at, with the date of last modification noted above. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof. Therefore, we encourage you to check the date of these TOS whenever you use the Application, Bump Services or  the Site to check if they have been updated. You must review these TOS on a regular   basis to keep yourself apprised of any changes. If you do not agree to the revised TOS, your sole recourse is to immediately stop all use of the Application, the Bump Services and the Site. Your continued use of the Application, the Bump Services or the Site following the posting of modifications will constitute your acceptance of the revised TOS. Should you have any questions regarding the use of the Application, please contact us at: [email protected]. None of our employees or agents have the authority to vary any of  our Policies or these TOS. 15. Waiver. The failure to act with respect to a breach by the other party or by others does not waive a party's right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. 16. Assignment. You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these TOS to anyone else without our consent. All of our rights and obligations hereunder are freely assig assigna nabl blee by us in conn connect ectio ion n with with a merg merger, er, acqu acquisi isiti tion on,, or sale sale of asset assets, s, or by operation of law or otherwise. 17. Legal Enforcement. Enforcement. We reserve the right to take steps that we believe believe are reasonably necessary or appropriate to enforce or verify compliance with any part of these TOS. You agree that we have the right without liability to you to disclose any of your personal information to law enforcement authorities, government officials and or a third party as we believe is reasonably necessary or appropriate to enforce or verify compliance with  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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any part of these TOS. In addition, we may disclose disclose information information pursuant pursuant to subpoenas, subpoenas, court orders, or other requests (including criminal and civil matters) if we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law. This may include respecting requests from jurisdictions outside of the United States where we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law under the local laws in that jurisdiction, apply to Users from that jurisdiction, and are consistent with generally accepted international standards. We may also share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, to prevent imminent bodily harm, or to protect ourselves and you from people violating these TOS. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities. Nothing in these TOS shall  prevent us from complying with applicable laws. 18. Third Party Beneficiary Rights. These TOS do not confer any third party beneficiary rights. 19. Survival. The following sections shall survive the termination of these TOS: Sections 3 through 26. 20. Headings. Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the extent or  scope of the corresponding Section. 21. Severability. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision, or   portion thereof, to be unenforceable, the remainder of these TOS shall continue in full force and effect. 22. Entire Agreement. These TOS and all Policies incorporated herein constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Application, the Bump Services and Site and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter, whether oral or written, with the exception of any additional terms and conditions you are required to accept if you choose to use any of our additional services. 23. Special Provisions Applicable to Users Outside the United States. The following  provisions apply to users outside the United States: You consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States. If you are located in a country embar embargo goed ed by the the Unit United ed Stat States, es, or are on the the U.S. U.S. Trea Treasu sury ry Depa Departm rtmen ent's t's list list of  Specially Designated Nationals you will not engage in commercial activities using the Application  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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3.2 Manufacturing Steps 1.

Inte Integ grate rated d cir circu cuit itss are are crea create ted d on on the the wafe wafer  r 


Pads Pads are are met metal aliz ized ed on the the sur surfa face ce of the the chi chip ps


Sold Solder er dots ots are are depo eposite sited d on on eac each h of of th the pad padss


Chips are cut


Chip Chipss are are fli flipp pped ed and and pos posit itio ione ned d so so tha thatt the the sold solder er ball ballss are are faci facing ng the the

connectors on the external circuitry 6.

Sold Solder er ball ballss are are then then remel remelted ted (typic (typical ally ly usin using g hot hot air air reflo reflow) w)


Moun Mounte ted d chip chip is is “und “under erfil fille led” d” usin using g an elect electric ricall ally y-insu -insula lati ting ng adh adhesi esive ve


The interconnections in a power package are made using thick aluminium wires (250 to 400 µm) wedge-bonded

In typical semiconductor fabrication systems chips are built up in large numbers on a single large wafer of semiconductor material, typically silicon. The individual chips are  patterned with small pads of metal near their edges that serve as the connections to an eventual mechanical carrier. The chips are then cut out of the wafer and attached to their  carriers, typically via wire bonding such as Thermosoni Bonding. These wires eventually lead to pins on the outside of the carriers, which are attached to the rest of the circuitry making up the electronic system.

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Side-view schematic of a typical flip chip mounting

Processing a flip chip is similar to conventional IC fabrication, with a few additional steps. Near the end of the manufacturing process, the attachment pads are metalized to make them more receptive to solder. This typically consists of several treatments. A small dot of solder is then deposited on each metalized pad. The chips are then cut out of the wafer as normal. Recently, high-speed mounting methods evolved through a cooperation between Reel Service Ltd. and Siemens AG in the development of a high speed mounting tape known as 'Micro 'MicroTap Tape. e. By adding adding a tape-an tape-and-r d-reel eel proces processs into into the assembl assembly y method methodolo ology gy,,  placement at high speed, typically 20,000 placements per hour are achievable using standard PCB assembly equipment. To attach the flip chip into a circuit, the chip is inverted to bring the solder dots down onto connectors on the underlying electronics or circuit board. The solder is then remelt melted ed


prod produc ucee


elec electr tric ical al

conn connec ecti tion on,,

typi typica call lly y

usin using g

an ultr ultras ason onic ic or 

alternatively reflow solder process. This also leaves a small space between the chip's circuitry and the underlying mounting. In most cases an electrically-insulating adhesive is then "underfilled" to provide a stronger mechanical connection, provide a heat bridge, and to ensure the solder joints are not stressed due to differential heating of the chip and the rest of the system.

3.4 Reasons Google Bought Bump Technologies 1.Google gets more multitouch capabilities. Yes, Google already has some multitouch functionality – much to Apple’s chagrin – in its Google Android smartphones, but the addition of a three-year-old proven desktop software from Bump Technologies puts a new layer of icing on the multitouch cake. While Apple (NSDQ:AAPL) alread1. Google gets  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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more multitouch capabilities. Yes, Google already has some multitouch functionality –  much to Apple’s chagrin – in its Google Android smartphones, but the addition of a threeyear-old proven desktop software from Bump Technologies puts a new layer of icing on the multito multitouch uch cake. cake. While While Apple Apple (NSDQ: (NSDQ:AAP AAPL) L) already already offers offers some some multit multitouc ouch h capabi capabiliti lities es like like pinchpinch-toto-zoo zoom m and flick, flick, BumpT BumpTop op delive delivers rs some some gestur gestures es that that are specific to its 3D desktop software, like the ability to drag two fingers to focus on the desktop’s back wall. Anything that can differentiate Google’s multitouch capabilities from Apple’s is a feather in Google’s cap.y offers some multitouch capabilities like  pinch-to-zoom and flick, BumpTop delivers some gestures that are specific to its 3D desktop software, like the ability to drag two fingers to focus on the desktop’s back wall. Anything that can differentiate Google’s multitouch capabilities from Apple’s is a feather  in Google’s cap.

2. Bump BumpTo Top p coul could d pave pave the the way way for for a Goog Google le tabl tablet et The The acqui acquisi sitio tion n of Bump Bump Technologies could mean a touch-screen Google tablet, or “gPad,” isn’t just vapor or  rumor. The BumpTop buy comes just as Apple reveals that it sold more than one million Apple iPad tablets since the device hit stores in early April. The ability to build a tablet around a 3D desktop interface gives Google a clear differentiator. And while the Apple iPad is the tablet to beat right now, a Google Android-based tablet, especially one built around BumpTop, could put a stick in Apple’s spokes. 3. The Bump Technologies purchase is just one piece of Google’s master plan. Google has been paving the way dive head first into new markets. Along with Bump, Google this year ear


also also

acq acquire uired d

soci social al

sear search ch

com company pany

Aard Aardv vark ark;

hard ardware ware

maker  aker 

Agnilu Agnilux; x; Microso Microsoft ft Office Office collab collabora oratio tion n suite suite DocVer DocVerse; se; video video streami streaming ng company company Episodic; Episodic; game application application and widget widget maker LabPixies; LabPixies; online online photo photo editor editor Picnik; Picnik; visual search provider Plink; and mobile email search provider reMail. While it’s not 100  percent clear what Google plans to do with all of its newly-acquired technologies, one thing is certain: Google’s plans go well beyond just a 3D multitouch desktop. Combined, Google’s 2010 acquisitions have the muscle to build an unstoppable fleet of mobile offerings that tie in everything from video to search and from widgets to a multitouch desktop, with chips and document management thrown in for good measure.  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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3.5 Software PayPal has released a second version of its payment application for Android smartphones, adding the ability to send money between phones by simply tapping the two devices together.Paypal together.Paypal has just released version 2.0 of its Android app, adding new features like thee ab th abil ility ity to us usee bu bump mp te tech chno nolo logy gy to qu quic ickl kly y an and d eas easily ily tr tran ansfe sferr fu fund ndss be betw tween een devices.As PayPal notes in its blog entry announcin announcing g the new app, app, this feature has been  part of the iPhone PayPal Mobile app since earlier this year. It’s a great addition that makes it easy to pay for group dinners or events. The split the check feature — also a port from fr om th thee iP iPho hone ne ap app p ma make kess di divi vidi ding ng a bi bill ll an and d co coll llec ecti ting ng fu fund ndss su supe perr si simp mple le.. The app also inc includ ludes es oth other er feat feature ures, s, lik likee mo monit nitorin oring g yo your ur bal balanc ancee and sending sending or  requesting funds from individuals directly from the app. The new  bump feature shoul should d work with other Android or iPhone devices, though I had some problems in my tests,  probably because both phones were logged into the same PayPal a ccount. ccount.The The new feature is the same "bump technology" that PayPal has offered in its mobile app for Apple's iPhone. Another iPhone feature added to the Android app lets groups calculate the portion of a restaurant bill each person owes, and then reimburse on the spot the person paying the tab.

3.6 Security When Whe n

Bump Bum p app applic licatio ation n num number ber one priority priority was creating creating the bes bestt pos possib sible le user 

experience . Security of users personal information is a huge part of that experience. With Bump we are in control of deciding with whom we share our information. We don't have to worry about anyone being able to access our information unless we physically bump ourr ph ou phon onee wi with th so some meon onee el else’ se’s. s. Fi Fina nally lly,, we wi will ll ne neve verr sh share are an any y of ou ourr pe pers rson onal al information with any third parties.

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CHAPTER 4: APPLICATIONS 4.1 ADVANTAGES The resulting completed flip chip assembly is much smaller than a traditional carrier based system; the chip sits directly on the circuit board, and is much smaller than the carrier carrier both both in area and height height.. The short short wires wires greatly greatly reduce reduce induct inductanc ancee allowi allowing ng higher-speed signals, and also conduct heat better.

4.2 Future Plan What's next: Bump is gearing up to release version 2.0 of its flagship app in the next few months, which the company promises will include a range of new features derived from user feedback. In the long term, the company hopes to become a standard service used by smartphone owners--and once it reaches that point, company management will begin implementing an official revenue model.

4.3 Application 1.Sharinng contacts between two smartphones s martphones by bumping them. 2.Sharinng photos between two smartphones.

4.4 Problems and challenges in creating Bump technology A free iPhone social networking application called Bump, which lets users quickly share  personal contact information and photos, created a buzz at the CTIA International wireless conference.Bump, from Bump Technologies Inc. in Mountain View, Calif., first appeared in March, and was distinguished as the billionth download from Apple Inc.'s App Store. Thanks Thanks to that achiev achievement ement,, it was prom prominently inently featured featured in an iPhone TV ad and drew the attention of iPhone users -- and six months later, the level of attention seems to have multiplied.Bump aroused the curiosity of analysts and technology buffs at CTIA  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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 partly because of the way it uses AT&T Inc.'s network and the iPhone's built-in GPS functionality functi onality and sensors to help users share their contact information.T information.The he Bum Bump p allows two users who have loaded the app onto their iPhones clench their devices in their hands and an d th then en ta tap p th thei eirr ha hand ndss to toge geth ther er in a ge gent ntle le fi fist st bu bump mp to be begi gin n th thee ex exch chan ange ge of  information stored in each phone.A bartender at a CTIA party who noticed mobile phone executives playing with phones in the crowd remarked that Bump is his favorite iPhone app. "I don't know how it works, but you just bump another person, and it works," he said.So, how does it work? IDC analyst Scott Elliso Ellison n said most Bump users mistakenly believe believe the device transmits the data over the air via Bluetooth or an infrared signal. However, the app actually relies on AT AT&T &T's 's 3G ce cell llul ular ar or ED EDGE GE ne netw twor orks ks or Wi Wi-F -Fii to tra transm nsmit it th thee da data ta be betw twee een n  phones.The Bump FAQ gives more details about how the phones identify each other and how each knows that the other is ready to transmit data.According to the FAQ, the Bump app runs on the iPhone and a matching algorithm runs on a server in the cloud. The app on the phone uses the sensors on the phone to "feel" the bump, sending that information to the server. The algorithm responds to bumps from phones globally and pairs up phones that "feel" the same bump, and it then routes the contact information between the two  phones in the pair. The process takes less than 10 seconds.Ellison said that Bump relies on GPS to give the location of each phone, but it also uses the iPhone's accelerometer, which detects movement.The FAQ says that if two pairs of users bump their phones at the same time and in close proximity proximity to each other -- at a crowded party, party, for examp example le -- and the server can't identify the specific matches, the pairs will be asked to bump again.The communications between the phones and the server are encrypted for greater security. Once a bump is made, the server will find the two phones that felt the bump and then ask  each one to transmit the contact information, but nothing else, the FAQ says. If both users conf co nfirm irm th that at th thee ma matc tch h is co corre rrect ct,, th thee in info form rmati ation on is sen sentt to th thee ot othe herr pa party rty.B .Bum ump p Technologies said that it plans to keep the basic version free for the "entire foreseeable future" and that it is working to make the app available for other smartphones equipped with sensing technologies "in the near future."The Apple App Store includes a variety of  customer reviews that show how Bump is used. One comment, by someone identified as Paddledave, says the app is "great if you are in a bar and too drunk to trade contacts." Another by a user dubbed cwinfoseeker says, "it's cool but it would be way better if u  D Y PATIL COE, Akurdi, Akurdi, Pune Computer 

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could bump music and apps with ur friends."Ellison said the Bump is "very, very snazzy" and is a good example of the capabilities of emerging mobile technologies.

4.5 Availability Bump has only been available for download from the App Store for a month, but already the social networking app has secured a place in iPhone app history. Bump became the one billionth download from the App Store when a Connecticut teenager selected the free app on Thursday.It's a pretty fortuitous turn of events for an app that aims to help you exchange contact information by bumping your iPhone or iPod touch with another user. Bump is the first App Store offering from Bump Technologies, the brainchild of ex-Texas Instruments employees David Lieb, Andy Huibers, and Jake Mintz.I spoke with Lieb for  a little bit on Friday Friday and found out the origins of Bump. A first year MBA student at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Lieb said he was always jotting contact info into his iPhone when at school."I knew there had to be a better way," he said. Lieb contacted Mintz and Huibers and the company was born. There was however, one  problem. Huibers, the programming brains behind the project, didn't have a Mac and had never programmed for any Apple platform.Andy bought a Mac the next day and he had the the basis basis for for the the appl applic icati ation on done done with within in a week week," ," said said Lieb Lieb.T .The he fini finish shed ed prod produc uctt exchanges contact data between two mobile devices over any type of wireless connection. Both users open Bump on their respective phones and then, holding the phones, gently  bump their hands together.There are actually two parts to the swapping of information-the app running on the iPhone and a server in the cloud. In its simplest form, when two  phones literally bump, they send the information to the server--the server then uses an algorithm to match that bump to another phone in the cloud. The users are asked if they want to swap information and once confirmed, the info is swapped, saving the new contact data in each user's respective address book.Bump Technologies has big plans for  Bump and the technology used by the app. A paid pro version of the app is in the works,  promising the ability to send photos and multiple contacts; look for it in the next few months

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CONCLUSION Bump Technology has definitely gotten a lot of attention, mostly due to the gimmicky feel of the service, which allows users to swap a wide range of data–contacts, photos and soon, much more–when they tap two phones together.There have been lots of versions of  this kind of thing over the years, of course, using a variety of technologies. But the surge in smartphone popularity and app use has made digitally enabled physical transactions a whole lot easier. These days, days, even competing competing operating operating systems, like those for the Apple Apple iPho iPhone ne and Google Android devices, can “bump” in a much much nicer way than they are currently doing as companies.

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4. References [1] Dalrymple,

Jim (April 24, 2009). "Meet Bump, the App Store's Billionth

Download". PC World. Retrieved August 17, 2010. [2] All-Time Top 10 Free iPhone Apps". Business Insider. January 19, 2011.

[3] Segan, Sascha (April 24, 2009). "Review: Bump, the One Billionth iPhone App". PC   Magazine Retrieved August 17, 2010.

[4] Benderoff, Eric (April 24, 2009). "New iPhone app works by bump, not touch". Chicago Tribune Retrieved August 17, 2010.

[5] Parr, Ben. "Facebook Friending Made Simple: Just Shake Your iPhone". Mashable Retrieved August 17, 2010. [6] Miller, Clair Cain (March 15, 2010). "Owe Someone Money? Just Bump Your  Phones". The New York Times. Retrieved August 17, 2010.

[7] Kincaid, Jason (October 24, 2009). "Sequoia Capital Invests In Bump Technologies, The iPhone-Tapping Data Swap App". Techcrunch Retrieved February, 4 2011

[8] Kincaid, Jason (October 24, 2009). "Sequoia Capital Invests In Bump Technologies, The iPhone-Tapping Data Swap App". Techcrunch Retrieved February, 4 2011. [9] Hambien, Matt (October 8, 2009). "Bump app draws buzz at CTIA". Computerworld . Retrieved August 17, 2010.

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