Seminar Ppt Presentation on Cyborgs

June 18, 2016 | Author: Shrivathsa Sdmit | Category: Types, School Work
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In the years ahead we will witness machines with intelligence more powerful than that of humans. This will mean that rob...


BY Shrivathsa b Sdmit ujire

1.Introduction 2. Cyborg 3. Cybernetics a) Robots b) Cyborgs c) Archetype 4.Communication channels 5.Brain computer Interfacing 6. Basic rules 7. Communication Technology 8. Project CYBORG 9. Applications 10. Advantages and Disadvantages 11. Future fantasy

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Cybernetics is a theory of the communication and control of regulatory feedback. study connecting the fields of control systems, electrical network theory,mechanical engineering, logic model, evolutionary biology, neuroscience etc. ". It recognizes random events where a simple change in a complex system would have far reaching implications leading to radical change in entire system


CYBORG Convenient Cyborg Conditional Cyborg Convenient cyborgs Conditional Cyborgs may refer to any includes bionic implants external provision of replanting the lost or an exoskeleton for the damaged body for the satisfying the altered normal living in the fancy needs of body. present environment.

 A robot, however, doesn't necessarily have to resemble a human. It can be in the shape of a dog


A robot doesn't necessarily have to resemble a human. It can be in the shape of a dog, or one of those giant arms in a car factory.


Cyborgs are beings that are part mechanical and part organic. It can be anyone whose body relies on a form of machinery in order to survive - such as a pacemaker or an insulin pump - to be a cyborg.

A hybrots(short for "hybrid robot") is a cybernetic organism in the form of a robot controlled by a computer consisting of both electronic and biological elements. An interesting feature of the hybrot is its longevity. Neurons separated from a living brain usually die after a short period of time; however, due to a specially designed incubator utilizing a new sealed-dish culture system, a hybrot may live as long as two years

The cyborg archetype is a character in a near future world where societal decay has led to the adoption of metal parts. These are generally used in army as human weapons

Communication channels in the atom, brain, and modem

M od e m


Communication medium


I. Transmission from Source

II. Medium & communication channel

III. Received at destination in form sent

Transmitter Travels via empty space to satellite sends dish which send again through microwave medium of space to receiver communication

Travels over cables to be reconstructed as same communication sent

Br ai n

Soma sends message

Sent over axon to synaptic knob where shot as neurotransmitter through a space called synaptic cleft

Next received by dendrite and travels to next soma

At o m

Protons send W+

Travels via inter-nuclear space along wave function

Received by neutron which somehow analyzes and recognizes W+ and emits 10 W-


• The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1874 in the state of Ohio, U.S.A., and also in Stockholm, Sweden. •Thirty years ago brain I •mplants showed up in x-rays the size of one centimeter. Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide.

•Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. •Dr. Carl Sander invented IMI biotic, which is injected in people.



•KEVIN WARWICK •PROFESSOR OF CYBERNETIC University of Reading,U.K • First Cyborg. • In 1998,implanted a silicon chip transponder in his left arm. • Initiated project Cyborg 14

THE SILICON CHIP •An individual implanted with a silicon chip gives out a unique code,identifying the individual. •Can carry huge amounts of data. •Can replace an access visa or banker’s card . •Carries the ability of being updated where necessary.


CHIP IMPLANT •Silicon chip transponder implanted in professor Warwick's left arm. •Implant was encased in a glass tube. •The chip receives signals and sends them to a computer




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In medicine: In medicine, there are two important and different types of cyborgs: the restorative and the enhanced. Restorative technologies "restore lost function, organs, and limbs" The key aspect of restorative cyborgization is the repair of broken or missing processes to revert to a healthy or average level of function. The enhancement cyborgation follows the Principle of Optimal performance: maximizing the output with a minimized input.

development of “Cyborg soldier”. a soldier whose weapons as well as the survival systems are integrated into the self, creating a human-machine interface.

developing “cyborg insects”. to transmit data from sensors implanted into the insect during it’s pupal stage for detecting the presence explosives and Gas

Powered Exoskeleton. which combines a human control system with robotic muscle.

IN SPORTS: Some prosthetic leg and feet allow for runners to adjust the length of their stride which could potentially improve run times and in time actually allow a runner with prosthetic leg to be fastest in the world.  IN ART: The concept of cyborgation to associate to most people with science fiction, they tend to believe cyborgs exist only in imaginations of writers and artists. Cyborgs get famed through mainly science fiction films and through stories of writers.

Cyborgs have become a well-known part of science fiction literature and other media. Examples of fictional biologically based cyborgs include Spartans from Halo, RoboCop,

Cyborgization in critical deaf studies "cyborgization" as an attempt to codify "normalization" through cochlear implantation in young deaf children. for the deaf child that would be to become fully hearing

Prolongs life

Enables one to lead a normal life

Gives a part of the body back

Improves the quality of life

Training is needed for doctors

They are all expensive

Psychological problems

Feeling ‘different’ to everyone else

The risk of rejection/infection

Pain during operation

LATEST DEVELOPMENTS Cybernetics is one of the scientific field in which continuous researches and studies are taking place and spontaneous developments are derived by it’s dedicated scientists. KevinWarwick, the famous Scientists who implanted a series of 100electrodes in to his nerves system and controlled his complete lab with the implant and he also developed a mechanical hand which works as per his neural stimulations. LATEST TECHNOLOGY At present Cyborgology concentrates on the development of Conditional cyborgs. That is living being with a mechanical body part which is replaced for the damaged or lost body part. Among them has prime importance, it has functioning similar to our leg. These external mechanical parts works by the stimulations received generated from our neural system.

Humans have limited capabilities. Humans sense the world in a restricted way, vision being the best of the senses. Humans understand the world in only 3 dimensions and communicate in a very slow, serial fashion called speech. But it must get improved for the human beings to exist in this competitive world. Only technology can make it possible. And Cyborgology is the future technology for the purpose to be get real. Even it has some major defects and wrong sides as like any technologies evolving now days. Finally I would like to say that if the future of intelligent robots, then to protect mankind, we will must need some TERMINATORs. They all are CYBORGS. Because by making human CYBORGS, we may have the following extra ordinary capabilities….


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