Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan of Figures of Speech

March 3, 2017 | Author: Alphred Jann Naparan | Category: N/A
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LESSON PLAN Alfred Jan G. Naparan I.

Objective: At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students will be able to: a. Identify examples of figurative languages


Subject Matter a. Topic: b. Reference: School c. Materials:


Figures of Speech Exploring the English Textbook for High PowerPoint Presentation; activity sheets

Procedure A. Preliminaries a. Prayer b. Greetings c. Checking of Attendance d. Drill e. Review B. Lesson Proper a. Motivation Observe the following pictures.

1. Which of the photos are more attractive than the other? Why? b. Activity Read the following two stories and think about what makes them different. Story 1: Toby was lost. He is already crying. He must have wandered off from his family during their morning hike because around noon he realized that he was all alone in the middle of the woods. He was definitely anxious to find his family before evening. The thought of spending a night in the woods alone was a scary one. Heaving a sigh, Toby walked on. Story 2:

Toby was totally lost, as any needle in a stack of hay. He already cried a bucket of tears finding his way home. He must have wandered off from his family during their morning hike because around noon he realized that he was alone in the middle of the wide whispering woods. Thonk! Thunk! went his feet on the soft pine needles that covered the ground like a soft brown blanket. Birds twittered and tweeted from the skyscraping branches of trees, but there was no sound of his family. “Mom! Dad!”, he screamed. He was as anxious as a fish out of water to find his family before evening. The thought of spending a night in the woods alone was one that made his heart dance a fearful frenzied jig in his chest. Heaving a sigh, Toby tiredly trudged on. 1. What have you observed after you read the two stories? 2. Which do you think is more interesting to read? Why do you think so? The same with pictures, it is more attractive or engaging if there are colors to stories or selections that we read. If the reader can create mental image because of the words they read on a selection, comprehension is more likely to occur. Thus, reading will be not be boring and too demanding. c. Abstraction Figurative language creates figures (pictures) in the mind of the reader or listener. These pictures help convey the meaning faster and more vividly than words alone. We use figures of speech in "figurative language" to add colour and interest, and to awaken the imagination. 1. Simile The most commonly used figure of speech, it directly compares one object to another, using words 'as', 'as though', 'as if', 'as '.. as' and 'like' E.g. Eyes as blue as the sky and deep like the ocean 2. Metaphor It is similar to simile but uses indirect comparison. It compares two things by saying one thing is another thing. It does not use the words like or as. E.g. He was a lion in the battle field. 3. Personification Personification simply means making inanimate things behave in a very human like way. E.g. The wind whispers secrets in my ears 4. Hyperbole It is another very commonly used figure of speech, which simply translated means exaggeration. E.g. A thousand times I begged his pardon

5. Synecdoche It uses either the part of an object to describe the whole or vice versa. E.g. The face that launched a thousand ships 6. Apostrophe It is a diversion of discourse from the topic at hand to addressing some person or thing, either present or absent. E.g. O, Rizal! Rise and save the youth

d. Application The class will be grouped in to two and each of group shall be given a copy of a poem. They will be tasked to find the figurative languages in the poem. After five minutes, the leader or a member of the group shall write their answers on the board and present it in class.

A Pizza the Size of the Sun I’m making a pizza the size of the sun, a pizza that’s sure to weigh more than a ton, a pizza too massive to pick up and toss, a pizza resplendent with oceans of sauce. I’m topping my pizza with mountains of cheese, with acres of peppers, pimentos, and peas, with mushrooms, tomatoes, and sausage galore, with every last olive they had at the store. My pizza is sure to be one of a kind, my pizza will leave other pizzas behind, my pizza will be a delectable treat that all who love pizza are welcome to eat. The oven is hot, I believe it will take a year and a half for my pizza to bake. I hardly can wait till my pizza is done, my wonderful pizza is the size of the sun. - Jack Pretulsky A Pizza the Size of the Sun e. Analysis Complete the story with the use of the indicated figure of speech. State the answer to the class. "Jack hopped (simile) down the hill. He met Jill who (hyperbole). The two of them loved to go to the park where (personification)." IV.

Evaluation Identify the figurative language used in the following lines. 1. The old stairway groaned with every step we took. 2. I wandered lonely as a cloud. 3. You’re an ant, while I’m a lion 4. The sky misses the sun at night.

5. 6. 7. 8. V.

My heart has turned to stone The squatters need roofs for their heads She was a spring flower Milton! thou should'st be living at this hour

Assignment In a one-half sheet of paper, write two examples for each figurative language already discussed.

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