SELLERS 1931 Sellers Secrets
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T w o S h i ll ll in in g s a n d S i x p e n c e N e t t .
G E O R G E J O H N S O N , T h e M a g i c W a n d O f f i c e , 24, B u ck i n gh am am S t reet , S t ran rand d , W . C . 2,
TOM SELLERS Au thor of "Trick s, that W ork.” I n v e n t o r o f “ S u p e r Ri R i si s i ng n g C a r d s , ” e tc tc .
LONDON: G e o r g e Jo h n s o n,
.The Magic Wand Office,
24, Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C.2. 1931.
PREFACE. M y first first booklet seemed seemed to m eet w ith approv approval al.. Herewith you will find twenty-one effects after the style of those in “ T
r ic k s
h a t
o r k . ”
Va riety is the spi spice ce of life— I have tried tried to provide variety with the sincere hope that you will at least get one or two items that will be to your liking. T
E d in b u r g h , 1931.
o m
l l e r s
CONTENTS. Pa ge T h e T o r n a n d R e s t o r e d P a p e r G l id o
V a n i s h i n g C ig a r e t t e
5 6 6
C u t T a p e a n d M a t c h B o x
A n o t h e r C u t R i b b o n E f f e c t
A D e c e p t i v e C a r d T r i c k
T h e T w i n A c e s ...............................................................
A n E a s y S p e l l i n g T r i c k ..................
T h e Psychic T issues R o l l o
10 10 11
T h e Ph a n t o m D omino
T h e P h a n t o m R i n g
A n A d v e r t i s e m e n t T r i c k
A S u r p r i s e S l a t e T r i c k ................................................
M e n t a N u m
A Numeral M ystery
M i n d ’s E y e D i s c s
O r ie n t a l A s h e s
D o u b l e C a r d P r e d i c t i o n ...
T h e P s y c h i c W is h
S u p e r R i s i n g C a r d s
T h e R i n g s a n d C o r d
.. . ...
The State Library of Victoria “ALMA CONJURING COLLECTION”
T H E T O R N A N D R E ST O R E D P A P E R . Effect.
Though an old trick, this method will enable you to show your hands empty before and after the effect. T'he usual twelve to eighteen inch strip of paper is not used, but a length about about eighteen eighteen feet. feet. T h is is torn into into sma sma ll pieces and eventually restored.
Requirements. eighteen eigh teen feet long.
T w o lengths of tissue tissue pape paperr about about A pa paper per fan. fan.
Pleat up small one of the lengths of paper; place this on the table on your left hand side, near the front. O n top of this place the ti tip p of your fan to conceal folded paper. pap er. Stuff a handkerc handkerchief hief w ell dow n into your breast breast poc ket to ke keep ep it fu lly open open.. You are no w ready to perform. Pick up the other length of paper and show each hand in turn to be empty. N o w h hold old the stri strip p in in the right hand, and with the left, tear off two or three inches at a time, placing each torn piece on the top o f the fan on table. W h en paper is com pletely torn show both hands empty. Pick up the fan and plac placee it under the the le ft armpit armpit.. N ow , with the right hand, pick up the torn pieces and at the same time the whole piece. pie ce. Squeeze all the pap paper er up into a ball— show the torn and w ho hole le p pie ieces ces as one. W ith right hand palm off the torn pieces leaving the whole piece in view in the left hand. W ith the right hand tak takee tthe he fan from under the armpit armpit,, at the same time dropping the torn pieces into the breast pocket. Fan the piece in the left hand, lay down the fan, open out the paper paper and show it restor restored. ed. Place the centre of the strip between the lips. Show both hands empty. Finish by blowing the strip into the air. 5
A thimble placed on a smooth table or counter is given a litt little le pus push h w ith the fi finger. nger. T h e thimble glides gracefully from on end of the table to the other. S C C T i o H A L .V / I E U ) . t
im b l
A thimble. thimble. A steel ball bearing of such a size as to fit easily inside the thimble.
Pass thimble for exam ination. Receive Rec eive it back and secretly secr etly introduce the bail. bail. Place on the table table and give it a gentle p push. ush. A s the thimble topples over the other end of table, catch the thimble, retain the ball, and pass thimble for inspection. N o te .
B a
l l
In the illustration the steel ball is too large. T h e ball must mu st ha have- sufficient space to r >11 .
T H E V A N ISH IN G C IG A R E T T E . is thrown from the isright into theEffect. left; at A thecigarette third throw the cigarette seenhand to have vanished.. Ta kes a littl vanished littlee practice practice to perform perform neatly.
A cigarette.
Show cigarette and stand with left side to audienc audi ence. e. H old left hand hand fairly low and right hand high. T h ro w cigarette cigarette from right to left twice. A t the third third thr ow leave cigarette ciga rette behind behind the right ear. ear. Re Recov cover er as. convenient. 6
The centre of a long piece of tape is placed ove r the drawer of a match box. T h e draw er is no w place placed d back into the cover, the centre of the tape, now showing at the end of the drawer, is cut. O n pulling pull ing end of the tape tape it comes away from the box fully restored.
Requirements. A match ma tch box. A piece of tape 18 inches inches lon g and and a fake made as follows. T h e end of the drawer of a match box. Rou nd this thin stri strip p of card, card, at the centre, sew a small ring of tape. tape. Y ou are no w ready ready to perform. perform.
Method. Conceal fake in your hand and pass match box and tape tape for exam ination. Rem ove drawer and place centre of tape over box and and pus push h back drawe drawerr into the cover. T h e ends shoul should d now be hanging loos loose. e. N o w slip slip the the fa fake ke over the end of the box covering the centre of the tape proper. T h en have fake fake piec piecee of tape tape cut. 7
Pa lm off, and pu ll clear.
T w o piec pieces es of coloured ribbon ribbon about 18 inc inches hes long are rolled in a piece of newspaper 1 2 inches square, the ends of the ri ribbo bbon n being in view vie w all the time. T h e centres of the ribbon are drawn through the paper and cut in the centre, the centres being cut clean away; yet, on the ribbons being withdrawn they are seen to be restored.
Requirements. T w o pi pieces eces of coloured ri ribbo bbon n 18 inches inches long. T w o smal smalll pi piece ecess of ri ribb bbon on 3 in inche chess long. T he se are placed on the paper 1 inch from the top at the centre and covered with another small piece of paper, this being gummed down to conceal.
Sho w rib Show ribbon bonss and paper. paper. N o w roll the ribbons in the paper commencing at the end opposite the faked fake d end. N o w break prop proper er and pull dum my pie pieces ces into view. C ut cle clean an away. W ithd ra w ri ribb bbon on and and show restor restored. ed.
The performer has a pack of cards shuffled and returned to him. H e now no w st starts arts to deal the car cards, ds, asking anyone to call “ Stop.” T h e ne xt card card iiss no w secretly secretly noted by spectator and the dealt cards returned to the pack. T h e performer no w h has as the ca card rdss cut. H e again deals and stops at the selected card.
A pack of cards.
W h en you receive back back the pack pack secretly note the bottom card. Start dea dealing ling and, asking asking the spectator to call “ Stop you are secretly cou nting the cards cards dealt. W e w ill ssay ay tw elv e card cardss have been been dealt dealt,, N ow , whe n thes thesee cards are returned to the pack, the selected card will be the thirteenth . N o w hand the cards to be cut, and as you know the bottom card all you have to do is to count thirteen after you come to the original bottom card.
T H E T WIN A C E S. Effect.
T w o black black aces aces are are shown. O ne is is placed placed at the bottom of the pack, the other anywhere near the centre. A selected card is no w placed placed on top top of the pack. pack. T h e cards are cut and selected card is now found between the two aces.
A pack of car cards ds..
Place any card face up 01 table. O n top 0111 the table. of this card place an ace (the two cards to appear as one). On top of this card and overlapping place the other ace. N o w have a card card selected. Pick up the tw o ac aces es (really three cards) cards) and place on top top of the pack. Pla ce top card card in centre of pack and place the next card at the bottom. N o w have selected card card placed placed on top and and have the pack pack cut. Now run through cards and show selected card between the two aces. 9
A card is selected and returned to the pack. The pack is handed to a spectator, who is askedto asked to spell out the name of his card, card, dealing one card for each each letter. T h e final letter reveals the chosen card.
A pack of cards.
Have card selected and returned to the pack. Bring to the top of the pack by the pass, or otherwise, at the sam samee time gettin g sight of the card. N o w false shuff shuffle. le. Now start dealing cards on to the table, mentally spelling denomination to you yourself. rself. W h en you ccome ome to tthe he fin final al letter of the chosen card make a step on the dealt cards by dealing the other seven seven or eight card cardss on top of them. N o w tak takee the nex t card from the th e pack and and place it to your ear, ear, remarking, “ T h is card remarking, card w ill tell me if the trick iiss going to be a success or not.” Replace this card on pack and carelessly pick up to step of cards and place on the pack. pack. N o w pick up remainder remainder and place on top top of all. N o w hand to the spectator and ask him to spell a letter for each card dealt, until he spell spellss the the n name ame of his car card. d. T u rn up last card, and this this w ill be found found to be the one selected.
A number of varied coloured sheets of tissue paper are passed to the audience with a request that they w ill squeeze squeeze the paper into sma small ll balls. T he se are passe passed d back to you, and are placed in your hands behind your back. You now proceed to bring the balls to the front, one at a time, naming each colour before you do so.
Requirements. colours.
Six sheets of tissue paper of different Six duplicate balls of paper paper.. T h es esee are affixed affixed to
little clips under your coat at the back. 10
Pass out the six sheets of tissue and have them made into balls balls.. Rece Receive ive them them back back into your hands behin behind d your back. back. Imm ediately push push them under your wa istcoat at the back. back. N o w proceed proceed to name the the colours of the duplicate duplicate balls, taking them from the clips, one at a time, where they were placed in pre-arranged order.
ROLLO. Effect.
A ping pong ball rolls backwards and forwards along a piece of rope.
A ping pong ball ball.. A piece piece of black black ropee 18 inches rop inches lon long. g. A piece of thread thread of the same length. Method. Attach each end of the thread to each end of the ro rope pe.. N o w show rope rope an and d ball. H old the end end of the rope in each hand and get the forefinger of each hand between thread thread and rop rope. e. N o w place ball on the rail formed by the rope and thread, and allow the ball to roll backwards and forward forwardss as as lon g as as you like. like. T h is effect effect is thoroughly practicable and at the same time has a mystifying effect. 11
A large domino dom ino is placed in a match box, the th e domino fitting the match box exactly. Ev ent entua ua lly the domino is made to vanish from the box instantly.
A match match box. box. T h e who le bot bottom tom o f the drawer on the outside is painted to resemble a large domino (I suggest white with black spots and a black edging). A large solid wooden domino to exactly fit the box.
Show the domino and prove it solid. Plac e it in the box and close. N o w as ask k spectators spectators if they wish a visible or an invisible di disappearan sappearance. ce. “ Visible, Vis ible, a ll rig ht ht,” ,” exclaims performer. H e remove removess the drawer a and nd places places it in a hat. “ T h a t is a visible disapp disappearan earance. ce. I w ill no w show you an invisible disappearance.” A s you ssay ay this you remove the drawer, bottom up, from the hat, leaving the real domino in in the hat. App aren arently tly show the domino dom ino in the drawer and replace replace in in the cover. Secretly turn the box over. over. Open the box an and d show empty. empty. W a lk over to the hat an and d remove domino, throwing on the floor to prove its solidity. 12
A ring and rrope ope are passed passed for exam exa m ination. inatio n. One end of the rope is tied and sealed round the performer’s neck,, the other eend neck nd being given to a spectator to hold. T h e performer now takes the ring and retires behind a screen. H e is no sooner out of sight than the ring is see seen n sliding down the rope towards the spectator who is holding the other end of rope. rope. T h e knots on th thee rope rope are examined but everything is found to be in order.
T w o large linking linking rings rings of suc such h a size to fit fit eeasily asily over your head. A bou t 12 feet of ro rope pe..
Before showing the trick place one ring over under er your coat coa t collar colla r and 3Tour head. L et the ring lie und under your vest. T h is procedure procedure hides the ring entirely. N o w get rope tied about your neck an and d give the other eend nd to a spectator. Retire behind behind screen. Plac e the examined ring up your vest and draw the concealed ring up over the head and on to the rope rope.. Step forward forw ard and have ev every ery thing thin g examined.
A N A D V E R T ISE ME N T T R IC K . E ffect.
The performer gives a newspaper to a spectator and asks him to cut a small advertisement from the adver tisementt column and place it in his pocket. tisemen pocket. T h e performer takes back the paper, folds it up, and places it to his head. After a few seconds concentration he reads out the advertise ment which is in the spectator’s pocket. Requirements. A newspaper and a duplicate advertise m ent page taken from another paper of the sa same me date. T h is page is gummed next to the advertisement page of the paper proper.
Open paper at advertisement page and tell the spectator to cut a small advertisement from the paper and place in his pocket. Re Receive ceive paper back back and fold neatly. nea tly. By doing this you will get the duplicate advertisement to register through the cut out position. Pretend to concentrate, then read out the advertisement. 13
A N U ME R A L MY ST E R Y . Effect.
You hand a sealed prediction to a spectator with a reques requestt to put the envelope in his pocket. pocket. Y ou now show nine card cardss w ith different different number numbers. s. T w o ar aree freely selected. selected. On those numbers being added together the total is seen to be two the same as that in the sealed envelope.
A piece piece of pa paper per.. nine cards numbered 1 to 9.
An envelope and and
W ri rite te N o. 10 on a piece piece of paper paper and place place in envelope and and seal seal.. H and an d thi thiss to spectat spectator or tellin g him to place the envelope iin n his his pocket. pocket. N o w show sho w the cards and deall them on to the table dea table face dow n, as follo w s : one, one, tw o, three, thr ee, four. N o w lay ca card rd number fi five ve asi aside. de. O n four, place number six. O n three three number seven. O n two tw o number number eight, and and on one number nine. N o w hand the the spectator spectator the odd card (that is number five) and tell him to touch any pair. Ga ther up the remaining rem aining pairs and have the chosen chosen pair totalled and compared with the sealed prediction.
A clean slate is shown show n to the spectators. A number of cards are exhibited bearing such names as “ Sahara,” “ Indian O cea n,” “ Ve suv ius,” “ Coral Island s,” “ Red Sea,” etc. etc.,, etc. O ne is is selected. T h e name name of the the selected card is shown on the slate in a surprising Requirements. A fl flap ap slat slate. e. A number num ber o f above, abo ve, say about twe lve. lve . U nd nder er the the fla flap p w ith a red re d chalk w rite a large letter “ C .” Y ou are are no w perform.
manner. cards cards as piece piece of ready to
slate an and d lay on table table.. N o w show car cards ds Method. Show slate and have one selected. Forcing the car card d w ith the name, “ T h e Red Sea,' Sea,' receive iitt back back and and shuffl shufflee into the remain ing cards cards.. N o w ask the spectator to name the card he selected, and on his answ ering “ T h e Red Sea ” sho w the ree d “ C ” on the slate. large r 14
MENTA NUM. E ffect.
T h is is is a pretty
little thought reading readingtrick. trick.
Y ou show sh ow four little littl e square square cards cards.. Card N o . 1 has has the numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 4 placed in the corners. Card No. 2 has the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8 in the corners. Card N o . 3 has the numbers 9, 10, 11, 11, 12 ; and card No. 4 the numbers 13, 14, 15, 16. Card No. 1 is red, No. 2 is white, No. 3 is blue, and No. 4 is green. Y ou must mu st remember these these numbers and colours colours.. Y ou as ask k a person to pi pick ck up a ccard ard and m en entally tally select a number. numbe r. Y ou n ow take take the cards cards and and turning them them over you form form a square square w ith them. T h is si side de has numbers numbers which form a circle wh en the cards ar aree placed placed together. Y ou no w ask the spectator on which co lo u r he sees his number. Y ou immediately tell him. FRONT
o f
re d-
r e v e r s e l i s
s i d e s o f c a r ,o S
s q u a r e F o r m a t io n .
All you have to do is to watch the colour w hich hic h spectator picks up. If he picks up blue, then blue is is N o . 3. Yo u keep keep this in mind. N o w when you ass assembl emblee the cards to form the circle of figures you ask him on which colour he see seess his his number. If he ssays ays wh ite, it w ill be the the third thi rd number from the the low est of tthe he w hi hite te card. If he says says green it will be the third number from the lowest of the green card. If the th e re red d ccard ard is pick picked ed up, this is N o . 1, and he says he sees sees his number on the w hite hit e square, it w ill be the firs firstt or low es estt number on the the white wh ite squa square. re. I f he says says he sees sees his number on the blue square it w ill be the first first or lowest number on the blue square.
TH E “ M IND ’S EYE DISCS.” Effect.
Five unprepared envelopes are given to the spectators. Y ou n now ow introduce five five different different coloured di discs scs.. Ask the spectators to take a disc each and place it in its envelope and seal it up. Y ou no w collect the the envelopes con ta tainin inin g the d disc iscss and and h hand and to a spectator to sh shuf ufH He. T h e spectator is now asked to hand you one envelope at a time. As the envelopes are handed to you, you put them to your head and name correctly the colour of the disc inside each envelope.. N ote envelope ot e that the envelopes are are unp unprepar repared ed and may be borrow borrowed. ed. T h e di discs scs are also unprepared. unprepared.
Hand out five envelopes to five spectators.
N o w bring forward your coloured di discs. scs. G oin g to the fi first rst person who has an envelope (from your left), ask him to take any disc and place it in his envelope. envelope . D o the same w ith the other four person persons. s. A t th thee same time you watch and memor ise the order in which they are lifted. N o w take take back back the first fir st envelop envelope. e. N o w take the second envelope, as you do so press pre ss you yourr thumb nail on top le ft hand hand corner. corner. T a k e back back the third envelope and press your thumb nail on bottom left hand corner. T a k e bac back k the fourth envelope env elope and and press press your you r thumb nail on the top right hand hand corner. T ak e back back the fifth envelope and press your thumb nail on the bottom right hand corne corner. r.
N o w hand envelopes to be shuffle shuffled. d. 16
Ask for
them to be given you one at a time. Y ou can now te ll the colours instantly as you have kept their order in your mind. Suppose the order in which the discs were picked up was, red, w hite, blue, green, yello w . Red w ould be in the fi firs rstt envelope which has has no nail mar mark. k. W hit e would be in tthe he envelope w ith the nail mark on ttop op le ft hand corner. corner. A ll you need do is to look for the nail mark, then tell the colour.
O R IE N T A L A SH E S. E ffect.
W h ile the performer’ perform er’ss as assistant sistant is out ou t of the room, the performer introduces several coloured pieces of tissue paper paper.. H e has one piece piece freely select selected, ed, place placed d on an ash tray and burnt. Ass Assistan istan t returns, picks picks up a pinch of the ashes, then names the selected colour.
Several pieces of coloured tissue paper, a small ash tray, a box of matches.
T h e trick lies in the ash ash tray. O n the ri rim m there is a small scratch, and when the assistant picks up the pinch of the ashes ashes he looks for the scratch. scratch. If the mark is at the top of the tray the colour is red; if to the left the colou co lourr iiss w h it e ; if to the right, gree gr ee n ; and if at the the bottom, yellow . Y ou can teach teach an assi assistan stantt to wo rk this this in a few minutes. minu tes. A fte r the ash ashes es are are burnt place the tray in the desired position. position. T h is is a good effect effect ffor or a social gatheri gathering. ng.
The performer hands a spectator a sealed envelop e and and tells him to pl place ace it in in his pocket pocket.. A pack of cards is now introduced and one card is handed to the spectator spect ator,, fface ace down. T h e performer now turns pack pack of cards face up and requests the spectator to insert the “ face down dow n ” card anywhere anyw here in in the pack pack he pl please eases. s. T h e pack is now cut and spread along the table face down and the card on either side of the “ face up ” car card d is is removed. W he n the envelope is opened the names of these two cards are found written on the piece of paper which was inside the envelope. 17
An envelope, a piece of paper, and a double backed card, that is a card showing a ba back ck on both sides.
O n the pie piece ce of paper paper write, say, “ A ce of Club s,” an Clubs,” and d “ T w o of Spades Spades,” ,” seal this this in the envelope and and hand to tthe he spectator. spectator. T a ke these tw o cards cards and place place between betwee n them any card face up. Pla ce these three cards on top of the pack, and on top of this place the double backed card. H and an d assistant assistant the double back backed ed card (t (take ake care he does not turn it over) and tell him to insert it anywhere in face ce up. up . N ow have the pack, which you have turned fa have th thee cards cut, turn them face down and spread them along the table. tabl e. N o w remove ccards ards on either si side de of the face face up card, turn them over and they w ill be the tw o predicted predicted cards. cards. Gather up the cards, place them in your pocket and go on to your next effect.
A blank card card is initialled and sealed in in an envelope by a spect spectator. ator. T h e spectator iiss no w ask asked ed to wish. On opening the envelope an answer to the wish is seen on the card.
Requirements. A packet of blank visiting cards, several small envelopes.
Method. On one of the blank cards write the following, “ If you ri rise se as as soon as you aw ake your wish w ill be gran ted.” Plac e this granted.” this card card w ritin g side up at the bottom of the packet packet of envelopes envelopes.. H old ol d the cards and envelopes in the left le ft hand. T ak e the top card of packet packet and pass pass for examination and place the remainder of the cards aside. Receive card back on top of envelopes, withdraw top envelope and pass this for examination, while doing so turn envelopes right round, bringing the other card to the top. H ave this initia initialled lled and placed face dow d own n in envelope env elope held by the spect spectator. ator. T ak e top envelope a and nd place place it at the the bottom, bott om, this this move w ill hide the other car card. d. N o w ask the assista assi stant nt to to wish. W he n he has done so so tell him to ope open n the envelope and read the answer. 18
Several selected cards placed in an open houlette rise out of the pack at command. Requirements. An open houlette,
a wand with a rubber patch on the extreme end (a bicycle inner tube patch of the same diameter as your wand does does ver very y w ell). T h e houlette houlette must be open back and front. Method. Pass cards to be shuffied and houlette for inspect inspection. ion. H av e three or more cards selected and replaced replac ed in the pac pack. k. N o w bring cards to the top of the pack by the pass pa ss or othe otherwise rwise.. Plac Placee pa pack ck in houlette and show back and front. Tap each side of the pack with the o p e n r B A C K wand for ef effec fect. t. N o w pl place ace wand under right armpit with rubber A N D F R .O N T . patch sticking o ou u tw a r d s . H old houlette in left hand hand and and face front. Br ing the the bottom bottom of the bac back k card card against against the rubber tip on the wand and draw the houlette down; the effect effe ct is is that the card is rising out of the pack. pack. T h e right hand should be held in a downward position, above the hou lette, for effect. effect. For Fo r the rai raising sing of the remainder remainder of the cards simply repeat. I can assure readers this is a thoroughly practical decep tion. I have caused much my mystification stification w ith the effect on many occasions.
T H E R IN G S A N D C O R D . P Pu u b lis li s h e r ’s n ote. ot e. T h is effe ef fect ct w a s o r ig in a te ted d by M r . T o m Sellers. Sell ers. I t was iintended ntended tto o fform orm part of the booklet booklet,, but thee tr ic k h a v in g bee th been n d e sc ri rib b e d in a. s li g h tl y d if fe r e n t fo r m in “ T h e M a g i c W a n d " — b y a M a g iicc iia a n to to w h o om m M r. Sellers showed the effect — it was decided to make up tw e n ty - o n e tr ic k s w i t h o u t “. T h e R in g s a n d C o r d .” I t is noiu in c lu d e d as an a d d e n d u m . 19
A number of rings are are placed on a piece of cord. The ends are tied together and passed through a handker chief which has a hole in the centre; the handkerchief acts as cover. T h e tied ends of the cor cord d are are no w given to a spectator spect ator to hold. hold. T h e performer no w pl places aces hi hiss hands under the handkerchief and removes the rings.
A piece of cord eighteen inche inchess lon long. g. Several black metal rings. O ne rubbe rubberr ring to match (such as an umbrella ring). A handkerchief with a hole in the centre.
Method. Conceal the rubber ring in you yourr hand. Pass the remaining rema ining rings and cord for examination. Receive all back and place the rubber ring on the cord cord.. N o w double double the cord and place on the rem remaining aining rings, the rubber rubber ring prevents the metal me tal rings rings from falling off. off. T ie the ends ends of the cord and place through the handkerchief with the hole in it. Now place the hands under the handkerchief and squeeze the rubber ring permitting the metal rings to fall into your hand. hand. Rem ove the rubbe rubberr ring from the cord, cord, apparently place apparently place w ith the metal me tal rrings ingsbut butreally really conceal in the h han and. d. Pass again again for exam ination an d get ri rid do f the palmed rubber ring. You will find this method much quicker than the one in which a split ring is used.
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