SelfLove Affirmations Dr.joshuaDavidStone

January 6, 2017 | Author: galeana | Category: N/A
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Dr Joshua David Stone Self-Love Affirmations The following are self-love affirmations for reprogramming your conscious and subconscious thinking:  I love and forgive myself totally for all my mistakes, for I now recognize that mistakes are positive, not negative.  I now fully recognize that I have worth because God created me, and I do not have to do anything to have it.  I now recognize that I am a diamond, not the mud on the diamond.  My worth is unchangingly positive because it is a spiritual inheritance. It is not increased by my success nor decreased by my mistakes.  I realize now that I have total worth and value as a person whether I learn my lessons in life or not.  I now recognize that everything that has ever happened in my life has been positive, because it all contained lessons I needed to learn.  I choose to live in the “now” and not hold the past against myself.  I hereby choose to approve of myself, so I do not have to go around seeking approval from others.  I deserve love because God created me, and my mistakes are not held against me.  I realize that everything that happens in life is a teaching, a lesson, a challenge, and an opportunity to grow.  I now realize that I am the “I” person, chooser, consciousness, and spiritual being and that this part of me deserves unconditional love at all times.  I am the light and not the lampshade over the light.  I deserve love because my true identity is not what I do in life. I am the chooser of what I do.  I now understand that I am here to learn lessons and grow in life, but if I make mistakes I am still totally lovable and unchangingly worthy.  I hereby choose the attitude of being very firm with myself and unconditionally loving.  I am the master of my life and I choose to be my own best friend instead of my own worst enemy.  I choose to love me as God loves me unconditionally.  I now choose truly to understand that I want to be perfect, with the understanding that the mistakes are positive and part and parcel of the growing process.  I now realize on the level of my true identity being the “I”, the chooser, the person, the spiritual being, the soul. I am a perfect equal with every other person in the world.

 I now choose to awaken and recognize that it was only the faulty thinking of my ego that has caused me not to love myself.  I now choose to undo all the faulty thinking society has programmed into me and replace it with self-love.  I choose to recognize that I deserve love and so do other people.  I choose to recognize that I am guiltless and sinless, because all mistakes are just lessons and opportunities to grow. Mistakes, in reality, are golden nuggets of wisdom and are positive.  I now realize that God does not hold my misuse of free choice against me, so why should I?  I love me. I forgive me. I approve of me, and I commit myself from this moment onward to treating myself in a spiritual manner rather than in an egotistical manner. I now fully realize that the way in which I think is the reality in which I live. I have been living in my own self-created hell of faulty thinking. I now choose to and will live in my self-created heavenly state of consciousness. It is really that simple.  I unconditionally love me because I am a son/daughter of God, and my misuse of free choice or faulty thinking is not held against me.  Could what God created not be lovable and worthy?  I love me because I am innocent and not guilty.  The only thing in this infinite universe that says I do not deserve love is my “ego.” I hereby reject my ego and its false attitude and get back in tune with my true spiritual attitude and self.  I now, once and for all, release the ego’s game of “having to do” in order to deserve love and worth. I now fully recognize I have always been lovable and worthy and will always be so.

My Favorite Affirmations: Guaranteed to Make you Feel Better if said with Regularity and Enthusiasm!!!  Mental strength, physical strength, spiritual strength!!!  Personal power, positive anger, mental strength!!!  I am the power, I am the Master, I am the cause.  I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.  Get thee behind me, Satan!!!  I have perfect faith and trust in God!!!

 Personal power, positive anger, eye of the tiger and faith, trust and patience in God!!!  Personal power, causality, steel-like mastery!!!  The power of my three minds makes me the omnipotent force in this universe!  God, my personal power and the power of my subconscious mind are an unbeatable team.!!!  My mind power and spirit power are an unbeatable team!!!  Be still and know that I am God.  Father, I thank you for the miraculous healing of my...  Water off a duck’s back, water off a window pane, invulnerability, invincibility, rubber pillow, filter...  God, God, God, Christ, Christ, Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ!!!  Absolute total supreme mastery!!!  Tough love, tough love, tough love!!!  Mental power, physical power, spiritual power!!!  Faith, trust, patience in God!!!  Fake it ‘til I make it, fake it 'til I make it...  Every day in every way I am getting stronger and healthier!!!  God is my co-pilot!!!  With my power and God's Power and the power of my subconscious I cannot and will not be stopped!!!  All out war against Satan, and for God and love and positivity!!!  I will be more powerful from this moment forward than I have ever been in my entire life!!!  As God is my witness, I will not be stopped!!!  The Force is with me and I am with the Force!!!  The Source is with me and I am with the Source!!!  I am sustained by the Love of God!!!

 I can do all things with God, Christ, and my higher-self who strengthens me!!!  As God is my witness, I will never give my power to anyone or anything ever again!!!  God, my personal power, and the power of my subconscious mind!!!  Not my will, but Thine, thank you for the lesson!!!  I may lose a few battles, but I am going to win the war!!!  I declare all out joyous vigilance to get my life together!!!  I am going to be the absolute master of my life from this day and moment forward!!!  God goes with me wherever I go!!!  I love God with all my heart and soul and mind and might, and I love my neighbor as myself. Read the affirmations again and this time say them with enthusiasm!!! Read each affirmation from three to seven times!

Physical Health Affirmations  My physical body is in perfect radiant health.  My physical body now manifests the health and perfection of Christ.  Every day in every way I am getting better and better.  I am physically fit with an abundance of energy.  I sleep soundly and deeply every night and wake up fully rested and refreshed early every morning.  Father, I thank You for my long and healthy life in your service.  Father, I thank You for my unlimited increase in the power and energy of my physical battery.

 God, my personal power, and the power of my subconscious mind are now healing, energizing, and strengthening my physical body.  My physical body is now healing with Godspeed.  God, my personal power, and the power of my subconscious mind are now returning my body to perfect radiant health.  Be still, and know that I am God, and my physical body now manifests the health and perfection of Christ.  Father, I thank You for my unlimited increase in the functioning of my glandular system.  My glandular system is now operating at its full Christ Potential.  My thymus gland and immunity system are now operating at their full Christ Potential.  I am a son or daughter of God, so I cannot possibly be sick.  God, my personal power, and the power of my subconscious mind are now revitalizing, recharging, and awakening my physical body.  I am in love with physical exercise, and I am now being filled with an abundance of physical energy.

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