Selection Criteria CAR
Short Description
Shell selection criteria...
Selection Criteria CAR You are currently a high performing full-time MBA and have the ability to look at problems differently, provide innovative solutions and create a shared vision
Your analytical and organisational skills !ill b e highly developed and you"ll be able to demonstrate strong commercial acumen You have the ability to drive and deliver #uickly $he ability to negotiate effectively is key, as are your strong leadership skills and pro%ect management e&pertise 'aving had e&perience of !orking !ith different cultures, you"ll have superior communication skills and the ability to build effective relationships so you can operate at all levels !ith internal and e&ternal stakeholders on an international basis
CAR (Capacity Capacity,,Achievement Achievement,,Relationship Relationship))
Capacity, Achievement, Relationship At Shell we group such competencies and behaviours under the headings Capacity, Achievement Achievement and Relationship,, or CAR for short. Relationship Taing Ta ing the time now to ensure you effectively communicate evidence of these !ualities in your C" will not only help in your application being successful but also help prepare you for the interview. The interview, the second stage in the assessment process, also focuses on CAR. #inally, you you won$t be surprised to hear that CAR also lies at the heart of the #inal Assessment too. %rrespective of which which final assessment you choose choose candidates will again be assessed assessed against these criteria. &lease tae a moment to read the e'planation of CAR taing time to understand the e'amples given and how they could relate to your own e'periences. e'periences. here you believe you can provide provide evidence of such !ualities, please ensure they appear in your C", being sure to stress your own personal involvement and outcomes where applicable.
*ever before has humanity faced such a challenging outloo for energy and the planet. This can be summed up in five words+ more energy, less carbon dio'ide-. Shell lies at the heart of the energy challenge$/ to help contribute to the solution Shell will need to mae the most of its enviable reputation in technology, the scale of its portfolio, but perhaps most importantly, its people. Shell is looing for 01A graduates that are able to bring an intellectual, analytical and creative ability to learn ! uicly, identify issues, mae 2udgements and propose solutions. 3oes this sound lie you4 hen maing an application we are particularly interested in those candidates with the following characteristics+ Analysing and strategic thinking( Are you able to provide evidence of identifying, gathering
and analysing multiple sources of information4 3o you have e'perience of understanding the strategic conte't in which an o rganisation operates and being able to reach informed conclusions through broad •
thining4 )eveloping solutions( 5ave you produced solutions to a problem based on information from a variety of sources4 Are you familiar with woring with incomplete or conflicting data and taing well
calculated riss4 Creativity * innovation( 5ave you identified new ways of doing things based on an analysis of current conditions6data6feedbac4 3id you manage to implement these changes, how did they impact productivity6efficiency6cost4
e re!uire candidates to have plenty of enthusiasm, resilience and confidence, that are willing put themselves outside their comfort 7one and tae full opportunity of the opportunities available to reach their potential. e would need to see evidence of your ability to+ •
)eliver results( Can you demonstrate a personal motivation to consistently achieve results by setting targets, monitoring progress and dealing with setbacs4 Are you silled in woring by yourself
as well as in a team environment can you provide evidence of this4 +earn and Adapt( you should be practiced in identifying opportunities to learn and develop and demonstrating an awareness of personal strengths and development areas. 3o you tae on new and
unfamiliar tass4 Benefit from !ork e&perienceinternshipsvoluntary !ork( showing previous interest or
e'perience. Achieve a!ardspriesscholarships( being able to provide evidence of e'celling in any field is important to us4 This offers you an opportunity to highlight achievements in any area of your life. hat did you achieve4 ho were your peer group4 hat assessment criteria were used4 Strong and consistent academic performance+ !ualifications are not the ey determining factor in whether you will successful in your application, but you will need to e'hibit a strong and consistent academic performance.
Relationships Successful candidates will often be e'pected to wor in large teams, with individuals based in other countries and specialising in other disciplines. 1eing able wor effectively within a diverse team and form long8term mutually beneficial woring relationship will be essential. To this end we are looing for evidence of the below+ Building relationships( Can you give e'amples of communicating honestly and interacting
respectfully with a wide range of people4 5ave you been in situations where you have had to influence •
people through tailoring communication style appropriately4 Achieving leadership roles( e would lie to see what positions of responsibility you have had in the last 9 years and the specific dynamics of the role how many were in the team/ your role/
responsibilities/ actions taen and results. .&hibiting team!ork and valuing difference( Treating others with respect and appreciating the value of involving people with different viewpoints and styles is essential within Shell. :'posure to
different cultures and environments is also important can you demonstrate nowledge in this area4 )iverse range of interests( e are of course interested in what you have done both inside and outside of academia
At Shell, our selection processes are designed to assess your Capacity, Achievement and Relationships. The details below will give you a broad overview of these competencies and what we$re looing for in an ideal candidate+ Capacity( e$re looing for people with the intellectual, analytical and creative ability to learn !uicly, identify issues and propose solutions. Achievement( e hope that the graduates we recruit will be future Shell leaders, so we$re looing for students and graduates who can demonstrate achievements or overcome obstacles in any areas of their life. Relationships( 1eing able to wor effectively as part of a diverse team and form mutually beneficial, long8term woring relationships is essential at Shell. e$re looing for people who can demonstrate their sills in this area. *ow you understand a bit more about what we$re looing for, please clic ;*e't; to see our preferred answers.
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