SeduceHer Kissing Secrets: Make the First Move Without Rejection

April 16, 2017 | Author: Michael SeduceHer | Category: N/A
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All rights reserved. Copyright © 2008 ICG Assets and Consulting LLC. First Edition. Published April 2008 No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

Special Thanks I would like to personally thank the following people for helping me put together this book. Faviola – Thank you for being so patient with me. I really can’t thank you enough for being so understanding through all the late nights.

James – Thanks for listening to my ideas and helping me as much as you did. Phillip – Thanks for helping me with the technical stuff.

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Raymond – I wouldn’t be able to do this without you. You are the smartest personal I have ever met!

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The Asian Playboy of – Thanks for all your support and the opportunity to work on your team! Rey and Jay from Fast – You guys are awesome and always very helpful! Patrick – Dude you’re the man! I’m going to take good care of you! Thanks for all that you have done.

Raphael – You are the most driven and determined guy I know. Thanks for all that you have done.

Last but Not Least….




I would like to thank all the women that I have seduced. You all really helped me the most in developing the techniques in this book. It was completely my pleasure seducing you. Thank you for all the great memories and experiences!

Table of Contents THE ART OF SEDUCTION: SEDUCE YOUR WAY TO THE FIRST KISS...................................................... 1  WHAT IS SEDUCTION? ............................................................................................................................................... 1  MISUNDERSTANDINGS ABOUT SEDUCTION ................................................................................................................ 2  DO I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SEDUCE WOMEN? ...................................................................................................... 3  THE SEDUCER’S CREDO ............................................................................................................................................. 5  THE SEDUCER’S BELIEFS TO SUCCEED WITH WOMEN ............................................................................................... 5 

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CHAPTER 1: THE SECRETS TO GETTING ANY WOMEN YOU DESIRE ................................................... 6  GIVE THEM WHAT THEY ‘REALLY’ WANT ................................................................................................................. 6  THE #1 MISTAKE GUYS MAKE THE RUIN THEIR CHANCES WITH THE GIRL ............................................................... 7  GIVE WOMEN THE SEDUCTION EXPERIENCE .............................................................................................................. 8 


CHAPTER 2: THE 3 WAYS TO CREATE INSTANT ATTRACTION .............................................................. 9 

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WHAT TO DO IF SHE’S NOT INTERESTED?............................................................................................................... 10  BANTERING AND TEASE HER ................................................................................................................................... 10  BEING COCKY FUNNY ............................................................................................................................................. 12  THE CONCEPT OF PUSH PULL: NOT BEING TOO EASY ............................................................................................ 13  CHAPTER 3: HOW TO KICK YOUR FEARS TO THE CURB FOR GOOD .................................................. 15  WHY AM I FEELING THIS WAY? .............................................................................................................................. 15  FIGHT, FLIGHT OR JUST PLAIN ROLL OVER ............................................................................................................... 15  EGO-PROTECTION MECHANISM ................................................................................................................................ 16  THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WINNERS AND LOSERS ................................................................................................. 16  YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR, WOMEN LOVE TO BE SEDUCED ................................................................................ 17  WOMEN WANT CONFIDENCE................................................................................................................................... 18  CHAPTER 4: NO MORE REJECTION… EVER!!! ............................................................................................. 20 


SERIOUSLY… NEVER GET REJECTED AGAIN! ....................................................................................................... 20  THE SEDUCER’S CRUCIAL CHECKLIST TO AVOID BEING TURNED DOWN OR REJECTED WHEN GOING IN FOR THE FIRST KISS. .............................................................................................................................................................. 20  PREREQUISITE #1: WHAT IS HER INTEREST AND ATTRACTION LEVEL? .................................................................. 20  PREREQUISITE #2: IS SHE COMFORTABLE GETTING CLOSE TO YOU? ..................................................................... 21  How to Get Her Comfortable Getting Close to You ........................................................................................... 22  PREREQUISITE #3: IS SHE COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR TOUCH? ............................................................................. 23  How to Get Her Comfortable with Your Touch ................................................................................................. 23  CHAPTER 5: THE 4 SEDUCER’S TESTS TO KNOW WHEN SHE’S READY .............................................. 24 



THE SEDUCER’S SECRET: COMPLIANCE TESTING .................................................................................................... 24  GENERAL COMPLIANCE TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 27  Why would she not acknowledge me? ................................................................................................................ 28  General Compliance Test Examples .................................................................................................................. 30  Deciphering the General Compliance Indicators .............................................................................................. 31  INTEREST COMPLIANCE TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 32  Interest Compliance Test Examples ................................................................................................................... 33  Deciphering the Interest Compliance Results .................................................................................................... 35  ATTRACTION COMPLIANCE TESTING ....................................................................................................................... 36  Attraction Compliance Test Examples ............................................................................................................... 38  Deciphering Attraction Compliance Results ...................................................................................................... 39  SEXUAL COMPLIANCE TESTING ............................................................................................................................... 41  Sexual Compliance Test Examples..................................................................................................................... 43  Deciphering Sexual Compliance Results ........................................................................................................... 44 


SeduceHer Kissing Secrets - “Make The First Move Without Rejection”

WHAT IF SHE DOESN’T COMPLY? .............................................................................................................................44  PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER ...................................................................................................................................... 46  Examples of Compliance Testing In Action ....................................................................................................... 47  CHAPTER 6: THE SECRETS TO AN UNFORGETTABLE FIRST KISS ....................................................... 54 

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Discover the Secrets to an Unforgettable First Kiss .......................................................................................... 54  MAKE HER COMFORTABLE WITH YOU AND YOUR TOUCH ......................................................................................... 54  MAKE THE FIRST KISS A WHOLE EXPERIENCE........................................................................................................... 54  FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 54  WHAT IS SEXUAL TENSION? .................................................................................................................................... 55  HOW TO CREATE SEXUAL TENSION ......................................................................................................................... 55  AN EXAMPLE OF SEXUAL TENSION ......................................................................................................................... 56  SEDUCER’S SECRET TO MAKING THE FIRST KISS SO MEMORABLE .......................................................................... 57  CHAPTER 7: THE FIRST KISS… HOW TO MAKE YOUR MOVE ............................................................... 58 

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THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN ATTRACTION KISS AND A SEDUCTION KISS ............................................................ 58  MORE MISTAKES THAT MOST GUYS MAKE ............................................................................................................ 59  TRANSITIONING TO THE FIRST KISS .......................................................................................................................... 60  THE 5 “C’S” TO GOING FOR THE FIRST KISS ............................................................................................................ 60  Close to Her ....................................................................................................................................................... 60  Comfort with Getting Close to Her .................................................................................................................... 61  Calibrate When to Kiss ...................................................................................................................................... 61  Commit to the Kiss ............................................................................................................................................. 61  Contact of the Lips ............................................................................................................................................. 62  TOUCHING ZONES: KISSING COMPLIANCE TEST THAT WILL LEAD YOU TO HER LIPS FOR THE KISS ......................... 62  Zone A: Cheek to Cheek, Cheek Kisses ............................................................................................................. 62  Zone B: Forehead to Forehead, Nose to Nose .................................................................................................. 63  Zone C: Lips to Lips .......................................................................................................................................... 64  THE TRICK TO BEING A GOOD KISSER ....................................................................................................................... 64  SEDUCER’S KISSING TIPS TO AN EASIER FIRST KISS................................................................................................ 66  TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................................. 67  If She doesn’t kiss on the first date ..................................................................................................................... 67  If she’s too far away ........................................................................................................................................... 67  If she won’t shut up ............................................................................................................................................ 68  If she turns away ................................................................................................................................................ 68  CHAPTER 8: THE SEDUCER’S SECRETS TO KISSING, BITING AND EVERYTHING ELSE… ...........69 




HOW TO AVOID THE COMMON MISTAKES MOST GUYS MAKE WITH KISSING… ......................................................... 69  THE LIST OF COMMON MISTAKES MOST GUYS MAKE ............................................................................................. 71  Eye Contact ........................................................................................................................................................ 71  Use of hand placement ....................................................................................................................................... 72  Lips..................................................................................................................................................................... 73  Tongue................................................................................................................................................................ 73  Biting .................................................................................................................................................................. 74  SEDUCER’S NOTES ON KISSING ............................................................................................................................... 75  Body Contact rather than Leaning Forward ...................................................................................................... 75  Total Silence....................................................................................................................................................... 75  French Kissing ................................................................................................................................................... 75  Leave Her Wanting More ................................................................................................................................... 76  Highly Erogenous Zones .................................................................................................................................... 76  MORE SEDUCER’S KISSING SECRETS ....................................................................................................................... 77 

NOW LET’S GET STARTED! ................................................................................................................................ 78  RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................... 79 


SeduceHer Kissing Secrets - “Make The First Move Without Rejection”

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The Art of Seduction: Seduce Your Way to the First Kiss

Ok, so you might be asking yourself, why is the first chapter in the SeduceHer Kissing Secrets

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book about seduction? Good question… I could share with you just the minimum of how to get that first kiss. I could even show you how to escalate that first kiss to a sexual encounter and call my work done. But I think just doing that

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you some basics of seduction that you can use beyond kissing.


would be a mistake. I want to teach you more than just ‘how to get it’ and that means teaching

This book is not meant to teach you how to be a master seducer, but how to use powerful seduction techniques from real seducers to take your current or future relationships to the next level. I am going to teach you how to get that first kiss (without getting rejected), how to make the first kiss magical, and even how to escalate the relationship to more.

When we are done here you will have the basic foundation of what all master seducers must know… Who knows, maybe after learning these techniques and how to apply them, you just might be interested in taking your game to the next level… to becoming a master seducer.


So let’s cover the foundation of seduction and how you are going to use it to get the first kiss.

What is Seduction?


Seduction is the science of influencing the actions, emotions and responses of others at the


subconscious level. Yes, believe it or not, seduction is not only a science, but an art. It is a science in that it is a set of practical defined principals applied to common situations… …how it’s actually accomplished is an art!


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Okay, enough of the technical jargon; in short, seduction is about getting people to do what you want. It’s not just about getting the woman, or kissing a woman, or even making love to a woman. It’s about getting a woman, any woman you desire, to desire you. It’s about making her want to be

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with you, making her want… desperately want, that first kiss. It’s about making her want and need to be with you. It’s about creating desire and fulfilling desire.

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nothing more than a really boring after school special.


Seduction is ‘the stuff’ of romance. Without it, unforgettable loves never happen and life is

I am going to share with you my secret seducer’s tips and techniques developed through hundreds of hours of personal one-on-one coaching. I’m talking about stuff that people have paid hundreds and thousands of dollars to learn. From the simple to the super complex, I’m going to cover it all… Field-tested, proven over and over again, I will reveal to you the seduction skills that the master seducers use, that will change your love life forever.

Misunderstandings about Seduction

Most people, especially women, view seduction as a seedy, dirty, or even a sleazy thing. They get either a cheesy or a creepy vibe when you mention ‘seduction’ and ‘seducers.’ Well, they really missed the point, and the power. What they don’t realize is that seduction is a part of


they want.


every aspect of life and those that recognize and understand it have the power to get anything


Even Webster’s dictionary defines seduction - or its root word, seduce, as having a negative connotation - a bad vibe that’s both creepy and weird. Seduction is used every day to get ahead in business, school, organizations, AND personal relationships. In fact, the most successful business people all have some form of seductiveness to them and they have mastered this power of persuasion. 2

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People like Bill Clinton, Casanova, and Donald Trump are all master seducers. These guys seduce the world; they get what they want, and get people to WANT to give them what they want every day. So it’s no surprise that they’re also some of the most successful people.

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It is my own personal goal to show you the positive side of seduction. There will always be bad people in the world that use these powerful tools for evil, and give seduction a bad reputation. That’s why I’m here – to be your guiding light and show you the ways of seduction and how it is

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positive and beneficial for both parties, namely you and your woman.

Do I have what it takes to Seduce Women?

This is the number one question from my beginning students. Hear me say it once and for all. You don’t have to have good looks or money to seduce women!!! Just a big penis…. No, no, seriously, I’m just kidding. Don’t believe the hype that ‘bigger is better’ because women couldn’t give a rat’s behind on how big your member is. So stop watching porn and Enzyte commercials and don’t fall for the penis envy hype!

This question, “Do I have what it takes?” is the setup for the failure many of my students experience before training. The question itself demonstrates a lack of confidence and the limiting beliefs most guys suffer with. It’s time to stop making excuses for yourself and make an effort


to get this area in your life handled. I know you have what it takes to seduce women, and I am going give you the tools and techniques to build your confidence and get out there to create the



relationships you want.

Everyone uses simple seduction techniques already. They probably don’t know it, or understand it, but they use some aspect of seduction every day. All it will take to learn seduction is the desire and an open mind. You will be required to let go of your limiting beliefs and commit yourself to the concepts.


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Casanova is the ideal seducer. What made him a master seducer is for each and every woman he seduced, he didn’t just bed them for his own pleasure; he bedded them for their pleasure. He loved to make them feel special and gave them an experience they won’t ever forget. The women truly felt that being seduced by Casanova was the greatest pleasure they have ever

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experienced. He left them better than he found them and added great pleasure to their lives. Real seducers add value to people’s lives. They have charisma and make people feel good about themselves. They give positive energy to whoever they encounter. In return, they get what they

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Let me break this down for you. Casanova takes his time with a women, his goal is to leave a woman better than he found her… creating a positive self-image, giving her positive energy, and in the end, a wholly remarkable experience for the woman. Casanovas critics say he took advantage of women, but in truth, his legacy is that of a great lover, giving women the experience of a lifetime.

Hundreds of women can’t be wrong… they want to be with him because of ‘how he makes them feel’, ‘how they feel when they are WITH HIM’… so naturally they want to be with him at every opportunity. That’s the power of seduction. Women want you. Guys want to be like you. The whole world is seduced by you.


I think you are starting to see how powerful seduction is and why I feel it is so important to teach you the basics. I am going to go one step further and share with you the Seducer’s Credo. I


promise you if you can grasp this concept it will all become clear that making the first move is


about planting the seeds of desire and simply watching it grow.


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The Seducer’s Credo "I am a seducer who understands that women are highly sexual creatures and desire sex as much, if not more, than men. I realize that women place a high value on their self image and do not want to be judged for having a high sex drive. Therefore, it is my responsibility as a seducer to make her feel completely

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comfortable with her sexuality and to bring her deepest desires out from inside

her. It is also my responsibility to satisfy her deepest desires, and to appreciate


how sexual she is.


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Most importantly, I will use my seduction skills to leave her better than I found

The Seducer’s Beliefs to Succeed with Women

True seducers believe and live by The Seducer’s Credo. The concept of women loving sex is deeply ingrained in their minds. Even when a woman objects, the seducer understands that women love and need sex, and that the main reasons she resists are either because she doesn't want to be judged by society's arbitrary social norms, or because her sexual comfort level isn't high enough. And this is where the seducer comes in as he deems it necessary to take on these responsibilities – to make her completely comfortable with her sexuality, and to bring out her




deepest sexual desires.


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Chapter 1: The Secrets to Getting Any Women You Desire With Hollywood brain washing us to think that buying women flowers, chocolates and expensive dinners will win them over; I started out thinking that women want a nice guy. A guy who will treat them like a princess and give them what they want. But as I continued to go out of my way

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to show women how nice I was, I became devastated with failure. Finally, I asked myself, if


women desire a nice guy, then why is it they always end up with the players and the jerks?

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Then I realized something extremely important. Capturing a women’s heart is not obvious and often counter intuitive. I realized that what I knew about women was wrong. The truth of the matter is, women don’t even know what they want. So can you imagine trying to please someone who doesn’t even know what they want?

By learning from the top seducer’s for many years and putting my skills to the test I discovered what women really want, and uncovered the secrets to getting any women I desire. What’s the secret? Give them what they really want and not what they think they want.

Give them what they ‘Really’ Want

There’s a reason why women prefer astrology to astronomy. Astronomy’s general concept is


that we are all an insignificant speck in the universe. If we are gone or were never created, it


wouldn’t really affect the universe. The flip side, astrology’s general concept is that we are all an important entity in the universe and if we did not exist, the whole universe would be


completely different without us.

Women want to feel special and unique; they live by the astrology concept. They need to feel they are important. They deeply desire individuality. So the secret to what women really want is


Copyright 2008 | Seduce Her

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