Section 12 Quiz

September 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Section 12 Quiz (Answer all questions in this section) 1.You need to update both the DEPA!"E#!$%D and &'A!%'#$%D coluns in the E"P&'YEES table usin* one +PDA!E +PDA!E stateent. ,hich clause should -ou include in the +PDA!E +PDA!E stateent to update upda te ultiple coluns

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!he +S%# clause !he '# clause !he ,3EE clause !he SE! clause (4) orrect 2.Assuin* there are no 5orei*n 6e-s on the E"P&'YEES table7 i0 the 0ollowin* subquer- returns one row7 how an- rows will be deleted 0ro the E"P&'YEES table

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DE&E!E 5'" eplo-ees ,3EE departent$id 8 (SE&E! departent$id 5'" departents ,3EE departent$nae &%6E 9:Public:9);

All rows in the E"P&'YEES table will be deleted7 re*ardless o0 their departent$id. All the rows in the E"P&'YEES table with departent$ids atchin* the departent$id returned b- the subquer-. ((4) 4)  #o rows will be deleted. 'ne row will be deleted7 as the subquer- onl- returns one row. orrect E!$%D #+">E(?) 3%E$DA!E DA!E SA&AY #+">E(B72)


&ASS$ASS%#"E#!S= &ASS$%D #+">E(?) !EA3E$%D #+">E(?) S!A!$DA!E DA!E "AC$APA%!Y #+">E(E(B72) You need to increase the salar- 0or all eplo-ees in departent 1F b You b1F percent. You You also need to increase the bonus 0or all eplo-ees in departent 1F b- 1? percent. p ercent. ,hich stateent should -ou use

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+PDA!E eplo-ees SE! (salar- 8 salar- 4 1.1F) SE! (bonus 8 bonus 4 1.1?) ,3EE departent$id 8 1F; +PDA!E eplo-ees SE! salar- 8 salar- 4 .1F7 bonus 8 bonus 4 .1? ,3EE departent$id 8 1F; +PDA!E eplo-ees SE! salar- 8 salar- 4 1.1F A#D bonus 8 bonus 4 1.1? ,3EE departent$id 8 1F; +PDA!E eplo-ees SE! salar- 8 salar- 4 1.1F7 bonus 8 bonus 4 1.1? ,3EE departent$id 8 1F; (4) Section 12 Quiz (Answer all questions in this section) G. You You need to add a row to an eistin* table. ,hich D"& stateent should -ou use

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%#SE! (4) DE&E!E +PDA!E EA!E orrect H. !he P'D+!S table contains these coluns= P'D$%D #+">E() P'D$#A"E @A3A2(2?) P'D$P%E #+">E(E$1L (4)  #+">E  1$#+">EM 1#+">E  orrect 2.EA!E !A>&E student$table (id #+">E(G)7 lnae @A3A(2F)7 0nae @A3A(2F)7 lunch$nu #+">E());

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,hich o0 the 0ollowin* stateents best describes the aboe SQ& stateent=

reates a table naed student$table with 0our coluns= lnae7 0nae7 lunch7 nu reates a table naed student$table with 0our coluns= lnae7 0nae7 lunch7 nu reates a table naed student with 0our coluns= colu ns= id7 lnae7 0nae7 lunch$nu reates a table naed student$table with 0our coluns= id7 lnae7 0nae7 lunch$nu (4) orrect E the table.  #eer7 there is no SE! +#+SED +#+SED coand. %ncorrect. e0er to Section 1< &esson &E eplo-ees ADD '#S!A%#! eplo-ee$id P%"AY 6EY; ,hich result will the stateent proide

An eistin* constraint on the E"P&'YEES table will be enabled. A s-nta error will be returned. (4) An eistin* constraint on the E"P&'YEES table will be oerwritten. A constraint will will be added to the E"P&'YEES table.

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orrect K. Eaine the structures o0 the P'D+!S and S+PP&%ES tables.

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P'D+!S= P'D+!$%D #+">E #'! #+&&7 P%"AY 6EY P'D+!$#A"E @A3A2 (2?) S+PP&%E$%D #+">E 5'E%# 6EY to S+PP&%E$%D o0 the S+PP&%E table &%S!$P%E #+">E (H72) 'S! #+">E (H72) Q!Y$%#$S!'6 #+">E Q!Y$'#$'DE #+">E E'DE$&E@E& #+">E E'DE$Q!Y #+">E S+PP&%ES= S+PP&%E$%D #+">E #'! #+&&7 P%"AY 6EY S+PP&%E$#A"E @A3A2 (2?) ADDESS @A3A2 (&E departents ADD P%"AY 6EY dept$id$p/ (dept$id); A&!E !A>&E departents ADD '#S!A%#! dept$id$p/ P%"AY 6EY 6EY (dept$id); (4) A&!E !A>&E departents ADD '#S!A%#! dept$id$p/ P6 (dept$id); A&!E !A>&E departents ADD '#S!A%#! P%"AY 6EY dept$id$p/ (dept$id); orrect 1F. You You can iew the coluns used in a constraint de0ined 0or a speci0ic table b- loo/in* at which data dictionartable

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SYS$DA!A$D%!$'&+"#S +S$'#$SYS '#S!A%#!S$A&&$'&+"#S +SE$'#S$'&+"#S (4) orrect

Pa*e 2 o0 <

Section 1 Quiz (Answer all questions in this section) 11.,hat is the hi*hest nuber o0 #'! #+&& constraints -ou can hae on a table

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? 1F < You can hae You h ae as an- #'! #+&& constraints as -ou hae coluns in -our table. (4) orrect 12.You need to ensure that each 12.You ea ch alue in the SEA!$%D SEA!$%D colun is unique u nique or null. ,hich constraint should -ou de0ine on the SEA!$%D SEA!$%D colun

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+#%Q+E (4) 3E6   #'! #+&& P%"AY 6EY orrect 1
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