Secrets of a Born Psychic
Short Description
Secrets of a Born Psychic Marcus T. Bottomley
Chapter One
YOUR PSYCHOTEL POWER 1. The Source of Your Psychotel Power Psychotel Power is as old as man ... its presence in the human animal has been known since the very dawn of civilisation. The ancients knew it and, more importantly, tapped it to their advantage. Like all very good things, however, information about Psychotel Power was initially kept secret so that only very few people, ma mainl inly y mem members bers of th thee ru rulin ling g classes - Kin Kings gs an and d Queen Queens, s, religio religious us leaders lead ers etc. etc. - and initiates into in to secret magickal orders were privy to its aweso awesome me secrets. secr ets. T ha t is, if you lived, say say, 2,000 2,000 years years ago, ago, chances are that tha t nobody no body would wou ld breath bre athee a wor word d abo about ut Psych Psychotel otel Power to you ... unles unless, s, of course, you were fortunate enough to belong to the ruling classes or to a powerful religious order aware of Psychotel Power. Why, you wonder, were a few people so bent on preventing the masses of the people learning about Psychotel Power? Psychotel Power, those aware of its secrets knew, could make anyone who unleashed it to become rich and powerful, to become become loved and able to influence other othe r people, to become healthier and a nd more intelligent ... to become, within reason, everything they want to become in life! Thus, it was felt that if the masses learnt about Psychotel Power and tapped it, they would would soon challenge the autho a utho rity of o f the ruling ru ling cla classe sses: s: servants would would soon rise up against their the ir masters, serf serfss would challenge the au thority of o f their lords ... for the former would, by tapping their Psychotel Powers, not only develop 2
confidence in themselves but would be ‘directed’ by the said Power into taking measures that would change their lives for the better within a short period. Now imagine that you were were a member of the ruling ru ling cla classe ssess of those those ancient a ncient times and that you were privy to the awe-inspiring secrets of Psychotel Power. What would you do: do: gather all your servants servants and sla slave vess around arou nd and a nd show them how they could unleash their Psychotel Power so that they would be able, in a short while, to enrich their lives in the numerous ways I have already mentioned above? No, Sir! Human as you are, you would probably do what members of the ancient ruling classes class es did: keep your dear de ar mouth mou th shut s hut and a nd disclose the secrets of Psychotel Power only to your close friends, members of your own family, and so on; you would not want any slave soon turning into a smartie (‘wise-guy’) to cause you trouble laterr on! late on! Your PPS. (i.e. Psychotel Power Source), specifically, is located in the centre of your forehead. I t is the ‘urn urna’ a’,, the ‘sh ‘shinin ining g spot’ sp ot’ or ‘flaming ‘flaming pearl’ pea rl’ - the invisible divine or th ird eye of spiritual visio vision n - whose presence presence is known and a nd accepted by most religions, ancient and modern, as well a by most mystics. It is an area of concentrated concen trated psychic energ en erg y.. y.... energy which, with a little effort, effort, can be unleashed to work miracles in one’ one’ss life. life. This Th is ener energy, gy, which is the basis of o f Psychote Psychotell Power, Power, is the self-same energy that is behind telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and, indeed, all psychic phenomena or so-called ‘occult powers’. Furthermore, it is energy that can be tapped to enable you to influence other people, to read other people’ peop le’ss mind m inds, s, to succe succeed ed in love, busines bus inesss or whatever, to acqu acquire ire rich riches, es, good health, extra brain-power and all the other things already mentioned elsewhere above and many many,, many man y more! more! In various religions it has been used to symbolise unity and balance, spiritual consciousness consciousn ess and enlighten enlig htenme ment, nt, transcen tra nscendent dent wisdom, and the power to to be all all-seeing. Buddhists and Hindus usually affix jewels or small protuberances on the foreheads of images of Buddha and Siva respectively in acknowledgement of the tremendo trem endous us psychic energy or force force - referred to in this th is book as as Psychotel Power Power - resident there. This Th is incredibly powerful powerful energy is now now at your dispo disposal. sal. Use it to get what you want out of lif life! e!
2. Aspects of Psychotel Power Psychotel Power can, as already noted above, be used to improve every area of hum an li life fe:: from improving impro ving your health throug th rough h drawing more money to to yourself to influencing your next-door neighbou n eighbourr into doing what you you want! want! Nevert Nevertheless, heless, for the purposes of this book, Psychotel Power is sub-divided into several parts, each of o f which is briefly explained bel below ow.. Note, N ote, howe however, ver, that tha t all these ‘bran branche ches’ s’ of Psychotel Power Power derive from the t he same psychic-energy psychic-energ y source already disclosed above. Here, then, are the branches of Psychotel Power: (a) Psychotellic-Vision: This is the branch of Psychotel Power that will, when proper pro perly ly used, brin br ing g you finan financial cial riche riches, s, success in love, as well well as the abi ability lity to 3
sec into the future. Psychotcllic-Vision can be used to translate into practical reality your dream for material success, your dream to possess a bigger, better home; a big bank balance, and a ready supply of money for your day-to-day expenses; a new, expensive car; frequent, expensive, enjoyable holidays abroad; beautiful clothes, expensive jewellery, and so on. Psychotellic-Vision plays an important part in your acquisition of all these and more. Again, it may be used to see into the future, as well as to see at very great distances and at short ones. (b) Psycho-Hypno-Command : Th e purpose of this branch of Psychotellic Power is to enable you to silently issue, mentally, commands which other persons will obey. By using Psycho-Hypno-Command, you will compel other people to do what you want, to make other people obey your silent instructions. The advantages of this are, indeed, tremendous! T hink about it! If you are a trader, you can influence prospective customers to buy from you; if you are an employee you can influence your superiors and colleagues to your advantage; if you are a business person it can help you in your business dealings. I t can even help you in love - by enabling you to influence your marriage partner, lover or the person you fancy, to your advantage. Psycho-Hypno-Command is not a contemptible way of manipulating unwary people; rather, it is a positive method of effectively making oth er people the more willing to act in the interest of you and yours, the more prepared to come to your aid when you need their help, the more ready to think of you and yours with love, kindness and benevolence and to act towards you and yours accordingly. (c) Psychotellic Earphone: Just as Psycho-Hypno-Command can win you many friends, so can Psychotellic Earphone win you several friends, among other things. Why? This is because your Psychotellic Earphone, when developed in accordance with the instructions given in this book, will enable you to mentally ‘listen in’ or ‘eavesdrop’ on the unspoken thoughts of other people, especially when they are physically in your presence. T his will enable you to know what they want, how they feel about what, what will please them, and so on. Your Psychotellic Earphone can even reveal to you the thoughts of people who are several miles away! And that is not all! For your Psychotellic Earphone will be able to tell you when to do what, whether or not to act in a certain way at a certain time, and so on. (d) Psychotellic Memory-Intensifier: This will enable you to develop the extra brain-power and superior memory that are so helpful in passing examinations, interviews, etc., as well as in remembering the names and faces of other people, and so on. The social and other advantages of this are great. 4
Chapter Two
AWAKENING YOUR PSYCHOTEL POWER Your Psychotel Power will continue to lie dormant unless it is awakened from its ‘sleep’. In this chapter, you will be taught the simple steps you should follow to awaken the powerful ‘giant’ that lies asleep within you. It is necessary, to fully awaken your Psychotel Power, that you undertake the simple exercises that are set down in this chapter. The said exercises are simple in the sense that they are easy to do besides the fact that they will take only a few minutes of your time every day in the initial stages. As you progress in the development of your Psychotel Power, you will require increasingly less time to perform the exercises. In a few weeks, when you must have mastered the exercises and have progressed a great deal, you will not need to undertake any elaborate performance of the exercises for, then, your Psychotel Power becomes readily available for your use whenever and wherever you want.
Conditions To Fulfil The exercises mentioned can be performed anywhere and any time. Nevertheless, your progress at the development of your Psychotel Power will be quicker and greater when you observe the following conditions: • Do not eat any heavy meal at least one hour before the time you have appointed for doing one or more of the exercises. In fact, it is bette r if you eat nothing at all at least one hour before the scheduled time. 4 Do not drink anythin g at least one hour before the appointed time. Not even water (and certainly not alcohol!) should be drunk soon before }fou perform an exercise. • Be present alone in a room where you will not be disturbed. Your bedroom is usually the best room in this context but if you share yours with someone else who is likely to interrupt you as you do the exercises, then you may choose another room in your home -o r wait until your room-mate (or whoever it is) is away and you can be alone. Note that the only reason it is important that you be alone is to enable you to perform the exercises without interruption. • If you have one, wear a loose-fitting garment - such as a dressing gown, pyj amas, or other similarly loose-fitting clothing. The only purpose of such a loose-fitting garment is to ensure that you feel free and comfortable as you do your exercises. Whenever you finish performing the exercises, you can eat or drink as you like and wear whatever clothes you prefer. Below are the required exercises: 5
Exercise 1: The Psychotel Power Rejuvenator (PER.)
(1) Go into the room set aside for the exercises (Note: the same room may be used all the time or different rooms may be used on different occasions) any time during daylight. (2) If there is no dressing-m irror in the room, take a small mirror into the room. After ensuring there is enough light in the room to enable you to see clearly, sit down before the dressing-mirror so th at you can clearly see your face and the whole of your head. If there is no dressing mirror in the room, then locate the small mirror or looking-glass where you can see your face in it as you sit down. Before you sit before the dressing mirror you must observe the instructions already given under ‘Conditions .. .’ above (i.e. no food and drink at least one hour before you do the exercises, and that you would be better off wearing loose-fitting clothing). (3) Stare at your own face in the mirror. There is one particular area of your face which you must gaze intently at - that is the centre of your forehead. This will be the area, about one inch square in measurement, in the centre of your forehead. Depending on the size of your head - and/or of your forehead - the said area will often be 1—214 inches from the centre of the area between your eyebrows. In the initial stages, you may mark the area with a wet finger, etc., to help you to perform the exercises properly. (If you mark your forehead with chalk, etc., for the purpose of this exercise or the others which follow, be certain to clean it off afterwards.) (4) Continue staring at the area, throu gh the mirror, blinking your eyes when you need to. Do this for a minute or two then concentrate your m ind fully on that area of your forehead. Imagine, as you do this, that the said area of your forehead slowly fills up with intense energy that makes the place feel slightly warm. Keep focusing your mind on the area, thinking of nothing else but imagining the area to be charged with tremendous energy that makes it feel warmer and warmer with time. (5) After doing this for about 5 minutes, take a break and resume the exercise some other time. Repeat the exercise daily until you can concentrate your mind on the area in question for 2-10 minutes at a time before proceeding to the next exercise. Exercise 2: The Psychotel Power Beam (P.P.B.)
When you become conversant with PER ., which is fully described above - and provided you practise the PER. exercise regularly on a daily (preferably twicedaily) basis, you should become conversant with it in a matte r of days - proceed with PEB. as follows: (1) Go alone into a room where you will be undisturbed. T his time, however, ensure that the room is dark - thus it is best that you perform this exercise at night. If there is a dressing mirror in the room, sit in front of it, if there isn’t a dressing mirror there, locate a looking glass/small mirror in a favourable position in front of you as mentioned in the previous exercise. Turn off any light in the room after this. Then close both your eyes. 6
(2) Imagine that a dense, whitish or silvery cloud or mist slowly fills up the room in which you are, soon engulfing you. If, before you perform this exercise, you spend a minute or two gazing at a silvery cloud in the sky you should find it quite easy to do this exercise. Hold this in your imagination for a minute or two. (3) Then imagine that a tiny, golden, ray of light appears in the centre of your forehead, gradually appearing bigger and brighter - as if it were struggling to permeate the skin on the centre of your forehead - as you watch it in your imagination. Break off, if you are tired, and resume this exercise some other time. (4) Continue the exercise until you are able to ‘see’ (i.e. in your imagination) a powerful beam of golden light emerging from the centre of your forehead, its golden rays bouncing off the shiny surface of the mirror in front of you and soon illuminating the entire room. Keep at this exercise until you are able to, mentally, see the bright golden light clearly emerging from the centre of your forehead. At that stage, congratulate yo urself- go pour yourself a big drink if you like! - for you will, then, be very well on the way to awakening your full Psychotel Power, the ‘sleeping giant’ that will work wonders for you. Exercise 3: The Psychotel Power Intensifier (EP.I.)
After you have successfully mastered the EPB. exercise, which is described immediately above, proceed to perform the Psychotel Power Intensifier (PEI.) exercise, which is calculated to further strengthen the Psychotel Power you have recently released by your performance of the two exercises described above. The EPI. exercise should be performed as follows: (1) Spend a minute or two studying any thick, silvery or dark cloud in the sky. Then go, as usual, into a room with a mirror. As before, it is best that you are alone and undisturbed, and that you abide by the ‘Conditions ...’ set down earlier in this chapter. (2) Sit down before the mirror as usual and close your eyes. Go through the preceding exercise (EPB.) - as described above - until you mentally see the beam of golden light shining brightly from the centre of your forehead. Keep the sight of the beam of light in your imagination for a short while. (3) Next, still using your imagination, ‘see’ your whole body rising gradually from the chair and slowly moving upwards towards the ceiling of the room in which you are, with the beam of light still shining brightly in the centre of your forehead. Imagine that the ceiling and the roof of the building slowly rip apart, exposing the sky and providing a gaping hole through which your body slowly passes and slowly moves skywards. (4) Imagine that you continue to move skywards ... up and up you go ... until you are in the midst of a thick, dark or silvery cloud which completely engulfs your body. In your imagination, see your body come to a halt, staying still in the middle 7
of the cloud. Then, still in your imagination, turn your head upwards towards the sun so that the sun’s golden rays and the beam of light from your own forehead face each other. (5) Then, imagine that the sun, the centre of all life, continuously pours the fiery energy into the centre of your forehead as you face it - the beam of light from your forehead becoming stronger and brighter as a consequence. Thoroughly concentrate your mind on this for as long as you can before turning your head away. (6) Finally, imagine that your body slowly descends from the cloud that engulfs it and moves downwards through the hole in the roof of the building, through the ceiling of your room and back into the chair from which you started off. Open your eyes, and go about your normal business. NOTE S:
(1) Whenever you feel tired, weak, worried about something, etc., endeavour to perform this simple exercise (ERI.) for it will infuse fresh, invigorating energy not only into your mind but into your body as well. (2) While the exercise is best performed at night, you may do it in broad daylight, preferably with window blinds in the room drawn shut. When you become conversant with it, however, you may do it anywhere (including outdoors) - any time of day or night. (3) A related exercise is this: in summer, when you have time on your hands, go lie down face-upwards in the grass in a park, on a lawn, or elsewhere similarly suitable. With your eyes closed and/or wearing sunglasses, lie in the sun for a long while all the time imagining, as the sun’s rays beat down on your forehead, that they energise the relevant area of the forehead and intensify your Psychotel Power. (4) You may perform all these three exercises, in the order given, at a sitting if you have the time.
Chapter Three
PSYCHOTELLIC VISION • How to acquire financia l riches and general m aterial success • H ow to win in games o f chance, etc. • H ow to see into the future: yours as well as other pe ople’s
Ensure, dear reader, that you diligently undertake the three exercises described in the previous chapter for they are the key to your success in utilising your Psychotel Power to personal advantage. Keep doing these exercises, again and again, until you become conversant with them - and until you are able to ‘turn on’ your Psychotel Power at maximum strength anywhere, anytime. In other
words you should be able, after you have scrupulously done the exercises for several days, to activate the invisible beam of golden light issuing from the centre of your forehead whenever and wherever you want to do so: alone, in the company of someone, in a crowd of people, at home with your family, when attending an interview or a board-meeting, when meeting your boss, when negotiating a business deal, and so on. You should be able to FE EL the beam of light issuing brigh tly from the centre of your forehead - and you can do so easily if you do the exercise described in the chapter that immediately precedes this one. When you have mastered those exercises, when you are able to instantly turn on your Psychotel Power, then the entire world is at your command, so to speak, and you can influence any person to do what you want, then you can attract as many riches, love, etc., as you want. Assuming that you have already mastered the said exercises as required, I will now proceed to show you how you can use your Psychotel Power, by the process termed Psychotellic-Vision, to attract to yourself a great deal of money and other material possessions, love, and to enable you to see into the future, as well as to help you to achieve success in many other things.
Psychotellic-Vision I • Get a notebook, new and with several ruled pages. • Every day, write down in the notebook the particular thing - say, a specific sum of money, a job promotion, a certain car, a new home, an expensive holiday to Spain, or whatever - you want. • Write the same wish down in the notebook many times a day. For example, you can write, at one or different sittings, your particular desire 50 times in all (the maximum number of times for a day should be 77). Thus, for example, if you want a job promotion from your boss at work (whose name, let’s assume, is ‘Mr Boss’) then you will write something like the following in your notebook every day: ‘I ... (your name) will, by ... (date) be promoted by Mr Boss from the post o f ... (your current job position) to ... (the job position you want).’ • Write this down as many times a day as you can, being as detailed as is necessary. • If, on the other hand, it is not a job promotion from Mr Boss (or whatever your current boss, if you have one, is called) but rather you want a bank loan of £50,000 (or whatever amount) from Mr Loan, the loan officer at your bank who needs to approve your loan application, then write that down along the lines specified above. In each case, be as detailed as possible. Thus, if you want the £50,000 to expand your business (or make an extension to your home, to help buy an ongoing business, or for whatever purpose) then write that down specifically. • Before dropping off to sleep at night, read through all that you have written down, line by line. 9
That is, if you wrote 50 times yesterday that you would get a £50,000 loan from Mr Loan by September 20, 21... for the purpose o f ... then you should read that 50 times. If you write down 50 more today then note that you have 100 to read later on - and so on and so forth. • Read through the notebook in the morning if you have the time, or later on in the day when you have time on your hands. • Bach time you complete reading the contents of your notebook, turn on your Psychotel Power as usual and imagine that what you wish for has come true. • You will be surprised: but in no time at all your wishes will come true. • Keep writing down the particular desire (it is better to stick to one desire and get it before moving on to another one) and reading through it and applying Psychotellic-Vision to it until the entire notebook is filled up. • If you need to see somebody face-to-face to get what you want (e.g. ‘Mr Boss’ and ‘Mr Loan’ in the above examples) then it is best that you fill up the notebook with your desires before doing so. In a later chapter, you will be taught how you can use Psychotel Power to get what you want, from the other person in face-toface meetings, through other uses of Psychotel Power.
Psychotellic-Vision II Psychotellic-Vision II, also called Psycho-Vision-Broadcast (PV.B.), is a method of using your Psychotellic Power to ‘broadcast’ your needs and/or wants to a large number of people. It is an easy-to-do and effective method which has brought a great deal of money and material possessions to the people who exploit it. But it may also be used for non-monetary purposes as well. PV.B. should be used in accordance with the following instructions: • Decide what your particular need or want is. Suppose, for example, that you require the financial or other assistance of any one or more of your friends or relatives but that you are a bit sceptical of their willingness to help you if you asked them. • You can use PV.B. to enlist their assistance, or rather the help of whichever of them has ample resources to assist you. First, turn on your Psychotel Power to full blast (using the procedures described in Chapter 2). This may be done whenever you have the time to do so. Then, with your eyes closed, imagine that you are in a room together with all the people - friends, relatives, etc. - whom, you know, can help you to solve the particular monetary or other problem. • Next, imagine that you are standing on a dais at one end of the room, facing the other people - who must be imagined to be sitting down in front of you. • Still in your imagination, focus the powerful beam of golden light issuing from your forehead on each and every one of those people assembled in the (imaginary) 10
room. From the raised platform on which you stand, concentrate the light from your forehead on each of the people in the room, shifting it from one person’s forehead to another’s. • Tell each individual on whom you focus your beam of golden light your problem and the nature of the assistance you require from him or her. Tell the person (still in your imagination alone) to do everything in his or her power to help you, and to recommend someone close who can assist you if the person h imself or herself cannot help you. • Spend more time focusing your beam of light on the person, among those assembled in the imaginary room, you suspect or know to have the most resources to help you solve your problem. • Repeat the foregoing daily for a few days; then, in real life, talk to any of these persons (i.e. who were assembled in your imaginary room) about your problem, asking them for their help. It may seem surprising to you initially but the fact is that each and everyone of these people you talk to will go out of their way to help you solve the problem in question! • Incidentally, RV.B. can be used, in the manner described, to influence just about any human person to assist you when you want their help, to be more amenable or co-operative with you, to give you what you want, etc. Try it on a few of your friends, relatives, colleagues, etc., and see for yourself!
Chapter Four
MORE ABOUT PSYCHOTELLIC-VISION Psychotellic-Vision III Psychotellic-Vision III, also called Psycho-Visual-Multiplication (EV.M.), is a potent method of using your Pysochotel Power to multiply your current personal assets - cash, cars, clothes, as well as other material possessions. T his is how to use EV.M. to work for you: • Before you leave home to go shopping or to make any purchase that involves a considerable sum of money, sit down at a table. Put before you on the table the cash, credit cards, cheques or whatever you intend to use to pay for your intended purchases Decide in your mind how much money you intend to spend when you are out shopping on that occasion. Then, close your eyes and turn on your Psychotel Power. Let us suppose that you intend to spend £50 or say $100 and that you have on the table before you a £50 note or a $100 note. In this case imagine, 11
after turning on your Psychotel Power, that another £50 or $100 note appears on the table, adding to the previous note to reach a total value of £100 or $200. In your mind, see another £50 or $100 note appear on the table (making a new total £150 or $300) and another, and another, until finally there is a large pile of £50 or $100 notes on the table. Still in your imagination, stretch out your hand and collect the pile o f £50 or $100 notes, stuff them into your pockets and go out shopping, buying more and/or better things than you had originally planned to buy. Note that if you normally pay for your purchases by cheque and/or credit cards then you should imagine that the cash value of the purchases you intend to make with these appear on the table. Again, note that you can use the currency notes of whichever country you live in at present. Finally, note that in using PV.M. for more cash it is best to use high-denom ination currency notes. Your bank or post office will usually be willing to exchange several of your low-denomination currency notes for a few high-denomination ones. • PV.M. can also be used to help multiply your other material possessions. Let us suppose that you have one car, an old-banger that belches so much smoke from the exhaust that you are often ashamed to drive down the street! How can you use PV.M. to positively alter the situ ation in a short while? First, look around for the latest model of that brand of car, or of a similar-looking model you fancy. Visit a car showroom to have a look-see; test-drive one of the new models if you have the chance. Then, whenever you have the time, do the following: (a) Sit down, close your eyes and turn on your Psychotel Power. In your mind, see the familiar old car (yours) standing in the parking lot or anywhere in front of your home. (b) Let the image of the old car remain in your mind for a few minutes. Then, suddenly, imagine that a second car appears beside your familiar old car. This new car, of course, is the one you wish to own, the one you had seen at the car showroom and might even have test-driven. (c) Imagine the presence of the new car vividly; in your mind recall all the various details you already know about it. Finally, see yourself going towards it, opening a door, sitting in it, and happily driving away leaving the rather too-familiar old banger behind. (d) Repeat the PV.M. frequently and in a short while you will find the money, or the way, to honestly own the newer car. Note that if you already own two or more cars then all you have to do, when using PV.M., is to imagine the extra car (or cars) you want standing beside those you already own. • PV.M. can be used to multiply your other possessions - clothes, jewellery, whatever! The procedure is similar: familiarise yourself with the new things you want (e.g. by paying a visit to the places where they are sold and examining them carefully); then turn on your Psychotel Power and see, in your mind, the articles 12
in question appearing in the places, positions, locations, etc., where you want them to be - and beside your old possessions, in the same or similar category.
Psychotellic-Vision IV (Psycho-Visual-Money-Surge [PV.M.S.])
EV.M.S. is another effective method of using Psychotel Power to solve your financial problems and attain financial well-being. This is how you can use it to work for you: • Before you go to bed every night, put one or two high-denomination currency notes, your cheque book, credit cards, welfare payment cheque and unpaid bills (if any) into a paper envelope large enough to contain them all. Leave the envelope unsealed. • Place the envelope under your pillow. Shortly before you fall asleep, lie still and place your forehead downwards on the pillow and turn on your Psychotel Power. Imagine that the beam of light issuing from your forehead passes through the pillow, through the envelope, and that it engulfs the contents of the envelope. • Silently (if you are not alone) or in a low voice, proceed to make your financial wishes or pledges as many times as you want. Then turn round so that you now face the ceiling. With your eyes closed, proceed to imagine that the financial wishes you just made have come true. Thus, if, for example, you have an unpaid bill enclosed in the envelope and you have been wondering where on earth you are going to find the money to settle the bill then one of the financial pledges you make should be something like: ‘I will pay the (amount of debt) I owe to (name of the creditor) by (date).’ When you turn around to face the ceiling, imagine, in this case, that you have paid the bill; ‘see’ yourself settling it. • You may choose to let the envelope, and most or all of its contents, rem ain under your pillow - removing those articles you need to use soon (e.g. your cheque book) and replacing them in the envelope after use. When a bill is paid, remove it from the envelope and replace it with a new bill, if any.
How To Use EV.M.S. To Receive Money-Making Ideas PV.M.S. can effectively be used to bring you business and money-making ideas, in a way slightly different from that described above. This is what you do: • Write on a sheet of paper all your financial wishes. In other words, if you wish to earn £50,000 (or whatever) a year, write that down. Place this sheet of paper, carefully folded, in a paper envelope of suitable size. 13
• Place the envelope, unsealed, under your pillow. At night, before you drop off to sleep, read what you have written on the sheet of paper before replacing it in the envelope. T hen, turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast and imagine, for several minutes, that you have achieved the wish you have noted on the paper. See yourself, in your imagination, behaving the way you probably would when your wish comes true. Repeat the process outlined above first thing in the morning if you can. • Henceforth, keep on your person a small note-book and a pen or pencil wherever you go so that you can write down any money-making ideas that pop into your mind (and you will receive such ideas aplenty). The ideas may come to you anywhere, usually without warning - they may occur to you on an airplane, on a bus, on a train, at dinner, anywhere! T he point is that you should write them down before they escape your memory.
Using Psychotellic-Vision to Win In Games Of Chance Psychotellic-Vision can help you to become successful in games of chance. Several hours before you take action to participate in any game of chance, do the following: • Sit down at a table and turn on your Psychotel Power - go through all the three exercise described in Chapter 2. • Imagine that the powerful beam of golden light issuing from the centre of your forehead spreads to encircle your whole head. In your mind, see this golden light surrounding your head, forming a kind of extended halo. • Hold this in your imagination for a while and firmly state your desires aloud (or in your mind if you have company). • If the particular game of chance you want to participate in is the type in which your participation requires the continuous use of your hands - e.g. cards, bingo, etc. - then put both your hands together and raise them close to your face, prayer-fashion. Then, in your imagination, direct the beam of golden light from your forehead onto your hands. In your imagination, see your clasped hands surrounded by the golden light. Then repeat your wishes, being as detailed as you can. In those kind of games - cards, etc. - the golden beam of light should be seen to surround first the head, and second the clasped hands, your wishes being made in each case before you go to participate in the game.
Psychotellic-Vision V How Psychotellic-Vision Can Let You See Into The Future The advantages of being able to know in advance what is going to happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or even next year, are enormous indeed. 14
Used wisely, such ability can make you financially rich as well as help you to become a success in other areas of human life. If, for example, you are a gambling person, the ability to see into the future can bring you big wins at the track, on the football pools, and at other games of chance. Besides, you can use PsychotellicVision to know in advance what is going to happen to you, or somebody else you know, in the near or distant future! To recap you can use Psychotellic-Vision V to: • predict the outcome of various games of chance, such as horse-racing, football pools, etc. • foresee what will happen to you personally, or something you are personally associated with, in the near or distant future. • find out in advance what will happen to somebody - friend, relative, business associate or whoever - in future. To be able to benefit fully from PV.F., you should be able to ‘still your mind’ for up to 2-5 minutes at a time. What this means is that for that period you should be able to make your m ind blank - that you should let your mind be free of any thought. T he following simple exercise should suitably prepare you for taking full advantage of PV.F.: • Tie one end of a length of thread (measuring 1-1 'A ft in length) to a sizeable door-key and wrap the other end around the index finger of either of your hands. Sit at a table and place your elbow on the table so that the hand holding the thread is raised above the table. • The key should be dangling at the end of the thread. Move the finger a little so that the key begins to move forwards and backwards, side to side, in a circular fashion. • Look at the key as it moves. Concentrate your whole mind on it as it continues in its motion, and as it changes from one direction of movement to another. Keep watching it, endeavouring not to think about anything else, until it stops. • When the key stops moving, stop thin king about it: just look at it. Block from your mind all thoughts - including thoughts about the key - and just sit there. You may, if you wish, close your eyes as you do this. When any thoughts come into your m ind (as they often will in the initial stages) push them away from your mind. • Continue sitting there, your mind blank, for several minutes before getting up to go about your normal business. • Repeat this simple exercise frequently and you will soon become quite adept at making your mind blank. Then, you will be ready to fully exploit PV.F. to advantage! Let us suppose that you are interested in betting on horses. Well, this is what you should do before you proceed to lay any bet: 15
• Get the names of all the horses that are scheduled to run in the particular race you are interested in. • Any time before you go to place your bet, go to sit quietly in a room (preferably alone, so that you will not be disturbed). Have beside you a sheet of paper on which you have written the names of the horses participating in the race. • Close your eyes and turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast. After a short while, open your eyes and look at the first name on the list beside you, then close your eyes again. Turn on your Psychotel Power again (you can do so instantly if you have done the exercises in Chapter 2 properly). • Then, in your mind, ask this question: ‘Will (name of horse) win the (give a full description of the particular race, noting when and where it will take place, etc. ...)?’ After asking this question, make your mind blank as you have been taught above to do. • After a minute or so you will get a strong feeling in your mind that the accurate answer to your question is ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ - depending on what is actually going to happen in due course. The answer will come to you loud and clear: it will seem as if someone was shouting the correct answer into your mind. • Go through the same process, each time using the name of a different horse, until you have picked the winner (and the runners-up, if you wish). Accept the answer you receive as true for that is what it is: true! (1) CAUTION: Go easy on your betting until you have become conversant with PV.F. As your ‘picks’ turn out right, you can increase the size of your bets accordingly. (2) PV.F. can be adapted to forecast the outcomes of other games of chance including dog-racing, football pools, or whatever - by following roughly the same instructions as given above.
How To Use P.V.F. To Foretell Your Own Future • When you lie in bed at night, ready to go to sleep, turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast and stay that way for a few minutes. Have close at hand a small note book and a pen or pencil. Close your eyes. • After a while, see yourself (in your imagination) having awakened the next morning. In your mind, see yourself getting out of bed, still wearing your pyjamas, night-shirt, or whatever it is that you wear to bed (if you go to bed naked see yourself getting out of bed in the nude). This should be quite easy to do. 16
• Next, make your mind go blank for a few minutes as you have been taught above to do. After a while, imagine that it is night again and that you have just got into bed, ready to go to sleep. Let your mind dwell on this for a while before proceeding to make your mind blank again. • Then, return to the stage where you have just awakened from sleep in the morning. But, this time, let your mind move on to the various things you habitually do in the m orning after getting out of bed - such as washing your face with water, cleaning your teeth, making yourself a cup of coffee, and so on. • In your imagination, see yourself doing the various things you expect or plan to do that (i.e. the next) day - at home, at work, or wherever. See yourself meeting the people you plan to meet, and so on. As you go over all these things planned or likely activities and meetings, etc. - pause a little, in your imagination, after you mentally consider each of such activities. If anything untoward, unusual, unexpected, etc., should happen in each of the activities, meetings, etc., that you are considering in your imagination you will certainly get a funny feeling that that will be the case. When you get any such ‘funny’ feeling, pause a while, make your mind blank again, and go over whatever activity you were considering when you got the funny feeling, this time considering the situation more slowly. • When you do this, you will get a more vivid impression of what is going to happen. Images will begin to form in your mind, and these will become clearer when you re-consider the situation. After going through the process outlined above, considering the various activities, meetings, etc., for the following day, write down any vivid impressions you received. The next day, read what you have written down and make whatever preparations you deem necessary for that future occurrence. • Note that it may take quite a few trials before you begin to receive very clear visions or images of what is going to happen - so keep practising until you become quite perfect. Later on, using the same process, you can consider a longer period of your future - going ahead 2 or 3 days into your future, then one week, then one month, and so on.
Using P.V.F. To Foretell Somebody Else’s Future Predicting somebody else’s future, by using PV.F., is a little more difficult than forecasting your own future - but it can be done with some practice. This is what you should do: • Decide whose future you want to look into. It helps if you know the person very well for if not, it will normally take you longer to foretell their future. 17
• Whenever you have the time, sit down at a table and turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast. Stay that way for a while, then make your mind blank as you have been taught to do - closing your eyes (if you have not already closed them) before you do so. • Revert to the previous situation, your Psychotel Power at full-blast, after a short while. Now, in your imagination, see the face and full figure of the person as you know him or her - that is, see the person dressed and looking the way he/she normally does. Hold on to this mental image for a while. • Then, in a manner similar to that described for foretelling your own future, imagine the person doing what you think he/she will do the next day, week, etc., letting your imagination follow their every activity in that way. • Keep practising, focusing your imagination on the person time and again - for quite soon your efforts will be rewarded with clear ‘visions’, ‘images’ and ‘feelings’ (which will usually be a little vague at first) of what is going to happen to him/her in the near future. • When you become good at receiving these ‘visions’, etc., you can be of great service to your friends, relatives, etc., by being able to warn them against impending dangers or advising them to seize opportunities which will soon come their way.
Chapter Five
PSYCHO-HYPNO COMMAND • Make other people obey yo ur silent commands • Win in love, succeed in business, get a salary raise, etc., by influencing other people to give you wh at you want
Yes, you can influence other people, by exploiting your Psychotel Power, to do as you silently command them! You can make other people do what you want: buy your goods or services, do you a favour, give you a job promotion, intercede on your behalf with somebody else, agree to become your lover, agree to give you a job - or do whatever you want them to do for you! The ‘Psychotellic’ method of doing all this is termed Psycho-Hypno-Command, which will soon be fully explained to you. With the secret of EH.C. at your disposal, you can influence anybody at will, you can make other people carry out your wishes without their ever really knowing why they are acting in your interest. The human brain, science has established, is able to broadcast messages, thoughts, instructions, commands, etc., which can be picked up by other human 18
brains. In other words, you, using your mind, can broadcast thoughts, commands, or instructions which will be picked up or received by the m inds of the people to whom such commands, thoughts or instructions are directed. The interesting thing is that the person or people who receive your mental instructions or commands actually believe the commands you have mentally issued to them are their own thoughts! That is, they do not know that it is YOU who is secretly commanding them to act in one way or another! Every human has the capability to broadcast such mental commands to other hum an beings; sadly, very few people are capable of doing so for this latent power lies dormant in the vast majority of hum an beings.
Using EH.C. To Win The Love Of Someone You Fancy • Sit or lie down, when alone and undisturbed, and turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast; then make your mind blank. Turn on your PP again after a minute or two and proceed to fill your mind with pleasant thoughts about the person; picture the two of you together, enjoying each other’s company. In your mind, see the two of you doing what you would like both of you to do together when you get to know each other better - e.g. lunching together, picnicking or holidaying together, etc. Let your mind be filled with pleasure, with happiness - all the time with your eyes closed and the person firmly fixed on your mind. • Then, still in your imagination, see the person lying in your arms; tell the person what you think of him or her, about your need of their company and their love, about the advantages of the two of you becoming closer or becoming lovers or whatever you have in mind. Do all this in your mind, but with the same exhilaration you would feel if the person were physically in your arms or if the person were actually doing whatever it is that you want him or her to do for you. After several minutes of doing this, stop and make your m ind blank for a minute or so before ending the session. Repeat entire process as often as you can. • As often as is practicable, get into the physical presence of this person whose love you yearn for. You do not have to meet him or her alone, for you may do so in the company of others. When you get an opportunity to get near and/or talk with the person, turn on your Psychotel Power (remember that you can do so instantly without difficulty) and, as often as you can do so without appearing to be staring, look at his or her face - specifically, at the centre of his or her forehead. Do this briefly, time and again, each time imagining that the beam of bright, golden light issuing from your forehead permeates the skin of the centre of the person’s own forehead, temporarily awakening his or her own Psychotel Power and making him or her more receptive to your thoughts, needs and wants. 19
• Endeavour, as you focus your Psychotel Power on the person, to feel exhilarated in the sure knowledge that he or she will soon be yours. As you gaze at the person in the interm itten t fashion described above, silently issue your commands. If you are female you may, for example, mentally command the oth er person - a man to invite you out to dinner, to the theatre, or wherever. Mentally tell him th at you would love to go out with him, to get to know him better. If you are male, then you will mentally tell the other person - a female - that you fancy her, that you find her terribly attractive, that you are about to invite her out to dinner/the theatre/the movies, etc., and that she should accept your invitation. Then, as soon as is appropriate, verbally engage her in conversation suitable for the occasion. Take things up from there. • You will notice, quite to your surprise, that the other person warms to you quickly, and is ready to accept your suggestions, invitations, etc. - even if the two of you had never spoken to each other before! If you have the opportunity to frequently meet the person, then you may practice PH.C. on him or her for a week or more before translating your amorous thoughts into words - i.e. before verbally telling the person that you are attracted to him (or her), that you love him, etc.
Using P.H.C. To Succeed In Your Business Or Profession PH.C.can be used to help you to succeed in your business activities. Below, let us examine some of the specific ways in which this can be done. • Let us assume that you own and run a small shop and that prospective customers walk into your shop, examine your offers and, maybe, make a purchase or two. It will be to your financial advantage, of course, that all (or at least most of) the people who enter the shop make purchases, especially substantial purchases. Unfortunately, that does not always occur. And this is where PH.C. comes in. Every shopkeeper knows that a large proportion of his or her customers are ‘impulse buyers’ - persons who did not originally plan to buy anything from the shop but finally bought something, anyway. You can use PH.C. to increase the number of such buyers and even the size of their purchases. How? Any time a possible buyer enters your shop, turn on your Psychotel Power and, especially when you are standing close to the person, begin to broadcast silent comm ands to him or her, mentally encouraging the person to buy from the shop. If your shop is a large and busy one with several possible buyers present at any one time, you can increase your sales - and probably your net profit - by teaching your shop attendants how to use PH.C. to win more sales. In this way, PH.C. may well turn out to be the most potent advertising tool you ever came across! When you use it 20
as directed, more people will buy from you: they won’t know why they keep buying from you but buy they certainly will! • PH.C. can also be used to help you to conclude better, more favourable (to you, that is) business deals. Before you enter into any business negotiations utilise PH.C. in the manner already described elsewhere above by focusing your mind after you have turned on your Psychotel Power - on the other party in the business deal, mentally commanding him or her to be more amenable to your wishes. When you do meet the other party in person, contin ue to broadcast your commands. Be sure of it: the other party will mentally receive your commands and will give you a better deal. Anticipate the person’s complaints, problems, etc. and mentally discuss these with him before the meeting. • If you are a salesperson - whether of the door-to-door category or whichever you can use PH.C. to increase your sales (and almost certainly the commissions you receive!) by influencing your prospects to be more ready to part with their money. If you are, say, a door-to-door salesman and you already know your pros pect, you can use PH.C. to positively influence them even before you go knocking on his or her door. Even if you did not know a prospect earlier, you can still influence them to buy from you when you mentally command them to do so, using PH.C. as explained above. In all cases you will, of course, succeed the most if the goods or services you have for sale are of good quality and are reasonably priced. • If you arc an employee, you can use PH.C. to help you prosper in your work. For example, you can use it to influence the boss to give you a promotion faster than would otherwise be the case. You can do so in the following manner: (i) First, mentally tell the boss on several occasions (after you are relaxed and have turne d on your Psychotel Power) that you th ink well of him or her, that you know he or she is serving the company, corporation or whatever as best he/she can, and so on. Continue doing this regularly over a number of weeks, both when you are physically in the boss’s presence and when you are not. Quite soon, the boss will get it into his or her mind that you are a nice person and a good employee. (ii) Then, begin using PH.C. to implant in the boss’s mind th at you require, and deserve, a promotion, Mentally let him/her know why a promotion and/or a salary raise will be such a good thing both for you and the organisation. Harp on the advantages to the establishment of your getting the promotion and/or salary raise. (iii) Next, when you have the opportunity to do so, verbally (or in writing, depending on the normal procedure at your place of work) ask the boss for a promotion and/or raise. It may seem surprising to you but the boss, having been mentally ‘prepared’ through your use of PH.C., will quite certainly give your request a favourable consideration. This, of course, presupposes that you are, indeed, a hard-working, loyal employee - for not even PH.C., nor any other thing for that matter, can compel any right-thin king boss to give you a promotion and/or a salary raise if you are a lazy, insubordinate, employee! 21
How To Use EH.C. To Win More Friends Yes, you can use PH.C. to win for yourself a large number of interesting and helpful friends. The procedure for doing this is similar to that described in ‘Using EH.C.To Win The Love Of Someone You Fancy’. Simply apply EH.C. to each of the people whose friendship you need or want; tackle them, one individual at a time; in the manner described above, until you have won them all over.
Turning Your Enemies Into Your Friends If you currently have an enemy, or two, or more, that you want to convert into your friends you can do so with the aid of EH.C. plus Psychotellic-Vision. Here is what you should do: • Decide what caused the enmity in the first place, was it your fault or was it the other person’s fault? It should not be difficult for you to reach an objective conclusion as to whose fault it really was. • If you were in the wrong, turn on your Psychotel Power and mentally apologise to the person, using Psychotellic-Vision to mentally picture the person as you do so. Tell the person you are sorry, that you want you two to be friends again. Mentally tell him/her the advantages (to you both) of your becoming friends as well as the disadvantages of you remaining enemies. • If the other person was in the wrong, mentally point this out to them as carefully as you can, explaining that your own response was only a natural reaction to his or her behaviour. T hen go through the advantages of your becoming friends again, and so on. Use Psychotellic-Vision to assist you as required. • After a week or two of doing as described above, use PH.C. to broadcast ap pro priate commands to the person, telling him or her what to do to facilitate the resumption of a harmonious relationship between the two of you. • Finally, endeavour to make a friendly gesture to the person. When you meet the other party in person you can smile, start a casual conversation, etc. If personal contact is impracticable you may phone, write, send a card, etc. to the other party. You will be surprised how quickly and happily he/she returns your gesture!
Chapter Six
THE PSYCHOTELLIC EARPHONE • How to read the minds o f other people and thereby know their current thoughts, emotions, etc. • IImu to decide on the best course o f action in any given situation
In this chapter you will be taught how to use your Psychotellic Earphone (EE.) to ‘eavesdrop’ on other people’s minds so that you may know their secret thoughts, feelings, needs and wants, etc. The advantages of being able to read other people’s minds are manifold and some of the practical applications of this ability are given in this chapter for your benefit. Without doubt you can find other practical uses for your EE. The Fsychotellic Earphone has another major purpose: it can help you to choose the best among several courses of action - in any particular situation - that are open to you.
How To Turn On Your Psychotellic Earphone • Go anytime, into a quiet room, alone, and sit down in front of the dressing mirror - if there is no dressing m irror in the room use a small m irror (i.e. a small looking-glass) and carefully place it vertically (use something to support it) in front of you on the table at which you sit. • Close your eyes and turn on your Psychotel Power. Imagine that the golden beam of light issuing from the centre of your forehead hits the surface of the mirror in front of you and is reflected, gradually filling the whole room with its golden rays. Imagine that everything in front of you, such as the table, the mirror, etc., is engulfed by the golden rays of the light issuing from the centre of your forehead. • Next, focus your mind on the m irror in front of you, concentrating all your attention on it for a few minutes. After a while, make your mind blank, thinking of nothing for a minute or so. Then refocus your mind on the mirror, concentrating your thoughts on it for a while before making your mind blank again. Repeat this process until you become so conversant with it that you can do it easily. Later, you should be able to instantly let the beam of golden light from your forehead engulf whichever person is standing close to you; besides, you should be able to instantly make your min d blank at will. When you get these things right, you are ready to read anyone’s mind.
Reading Som eone’s Mind At Close Range With the simple instructions set down below to guide you, practice reading the minds of the people you meet in your day-to-day life: e.g. members of your family, 23
your colleagues at work, your business associates, and so on. Follow these instructions carefully: • Look briefly at someone sitting or standing in front of you, then turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast. Note that you can do this while still talking to the person. • Imagine that the powerful beam of golden light issuing from your forehead shoots ahead to engulf the other person, especially that it surrounds the person’s head. • Keep this in your imagination for a minute or two, then momentarily wipe out all thoughts from your own mind (i.e. make your mind blank). Then turn your attention to the person, looking fixedly at him or her for a few seconds. If the person is facing you, look at the centre of his or her forehead (you can roughly gauge the location of this). If the person’s back is toward you, look at the back of his or her head, close to where the head joins the neck. • As you do so, continue im agining that the beam of golden light issuing from your forehead engulfs the person. Keep looking at the person in an intermittent fashion (do not stare, else he or she will wonder what you are staring at); each time you do so ask yourself - in your mind - ‘What’s he/she thinking about?’, after which question you should proceed to make your mind blank while you are still gazing intermittently at the person. • ‘Listen’ with your mind, wondering what is on the person’s mind. After a few minutes of doing this (i.e. the above-mentioned) a strange (‘alien’, if you like) thought or thoughts will enter your mind - these thoughts will not be your own but the other person’s! [It is importa nt to give all your attention to the person]. • Proceed to test the accuracy of your ‘reading’ by telling the oth er person what is on his or her mind. It is better to practise mind-reading, along the lines given above, on persons close to you for they are more likely to tell you if your readings of their thoughts are correct. • Do not despair if your initial readings are inaccurate or only partly correct; rather, keep trying hard, making a greater effort to ‘listen’ to the other person’s thoughts in accordance with the instructions given above. Very soon, you will get it right. When you become conversant with m ind-reading you can use it, wherever and whenever you like, to read other people’s minds.
Reading Somebody’s Mind At A Distance You can also read somebody’s mind when they are at a distance - even when you are at one end of the world while they are at another! Admittedly, however, min dreading at a distance is a little more difficult than mind reading at close range. It 24
is best to undertake long-distance mind-reading early in the morning or late at night, these being the periods when it is easier to pick up somebody else’s thoughts at a distance since the aerial atmosphere separating you and the person is clearer - at least at your end - at these times. Initially, it is better that you enlist the cooperation of a friend or relative who lives a long distance from you - say, in another village, city or even country. However, you may at the start, ask for the help of a friend or relative who lives in another part of town - i.e. in the same town you live in. Having taken these precautions, proceed in the follow manner: • First, phone, write or otherwise tell the other person to, at a stipulated time, concentrate his mind on any particular activity, subject or issue of his or her choice. You can, for example, ask the person to read any book - say a textbook on any subject of the person’s choice (but if the person is normally associated with a particular academic or other subject it is preferable to ask him or her to select a textbook on a completely different subject). You may, alternatively, ask the person to listen (at the stipulated period) to any radio or TV programme of his or her choice. The more important thing is to ask the person to concentrate his or her mind completely on the subject he or she has chosen to focus on. • At the appointed time (note that if the person lives in a different time zone you should be sure to get the time difference right) sit or lie down in a quiet room. Turn on your Psychotel Power after closing your eyes; you may sit in front of a mirror but this is not essential here. Imagine that the beam of golden light from your forehead quickly fills up the room in which you are. Imagine that the golden light fills up the entire building of which the room forms a part, that the light expands quickly to fill up the entire neighbourhood, then the whole town or village. With a little more mental effort, imagine that the light engulfs the entire county, nearby counties, the whole state, province or region, then the whole country and finally the whole world! • If the other person lives in the same town or city as you do, then you can imagine that the golden light illuminates only the space between the room in which you are and the other person’s abode; if you have physically seen where the person lives it is easier to do this. The further away the person lives, the better it is that you practise imagining that the golden light illuminates the entire world, engulfing not only where the person lives but your own abode (or from wherever you undertake this exercise) as well. • Next, make your mind blank for a minute or so then begin to focus your thoughts on the person. Recall the person’s face as you know it; then, imagine that the person’s head, as you recall the head and its features to be, has temporarily been superimposed on your own head. In other words, imagine temporarily that you are carrying the other person’s head on top of your own! - that the two heads are temporarily merged together! This you can do quite easily with a little effort. 25
• Imagining that you are now carrying the other person’s head, ‘listen’ to whatever thoughts, emotions, etc., that you receive and mentally make a note of them. After a while, imagine that the person’s head is removed from your own head and that the golden light slowly recedes until it returns to its source - your forehead, as you sit or lie in your room a few miles, or thousands of miles (as the case may be) from where the other person dwells. • Later, phone the other person to tell him or her what thoughts you received and ask whether what you ‘picked up’ was authentic or not. Try again some other time if your success was only partial the first time: in due course, using the procedure outlined above, you will be able to read other people’s minds at a distance. Note that when you become conversant with this method, you can read other people’s minds anywhere and anytime without having to ask for their cooperation: simply turn on your Psychotel Power, imagine that the golden beam of light links b oth of you, and finally imagine that the person’s head temporarily sits on your own head!
The Psychotellic-Contact-Earphone (EC.E.) The PC.E. is another method of using your Psychotel Power to read other people’s minds; but it cannot often be used to read the m inds of complete strangers because it requires that you touch the person, especially on the shoulder or the hand. Apart from the requirement of physical touch, EC.E. is quite similar to the other methods of mind-reading described above. It is best used on people with whom you are already very familiar; and who are standing, sitting or lying down near you. The procedure to follow is this: • Turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast and imagine that the golden beam of light issuing from your forehead spreads to engulf the other person, surrounding his or her head. • Gently touch the person’s shoulder or hand - it is best if your hand, as well as the person’s hand or shoulder, is naked. Then make your mind blank for a few seconds; later, look intermittently at the centre of the person’s forehead (or the back of his or her head), focusing your Psychotel Power there and asking yourself (in your mind) what is on the person’s mind. As in all the above-mentioned cases, make an effort to ‘listen’ with your mind and very soon you will begin receiving in your own mind what occupies the other person’s mind. From time to time make your mind blank and concentrate on the other person. Note that you can do this without giving the other person the impression that anything is ‘wrong’ with you, or that you are staring at him or her. • As usual, it will be better initially to get someone to willingly cooperate with you while you practise reading his or her mind by this method. 26
Letting Your EE. Tell You What To Do In Any Given Situation Yes, you can let your P E. show you the best course of action to take in any particular situation. Whenever you are faced with a difficult choice in any matter, it is better to let your PE. decide for you. Note that your Psychotel Power knows the future and can, therefore, foretell what course of action will best serve your interests in the near or distant future. Below is the procedure you should follow when asking your Psychotellic Earphone for advice on what line of action to adopt in any particular circumstance: • Sit quietly at a table in a room where you will not be disturbed. Turn on your Psychotel Power to full blast. Imagine that the golden light completely surrounds your head, penetrating both your ears. • Imagine, as the rays of light enter your ears, that you hear a continuous ringing sound in your ears. Imagine that this ringing goes on for a minute or so and stops only when you mentally command it to cease. Practise frequently until you can ‘hear’ this ringing in your ear. • Th en, with your Psychotel Power still turned on, mentally command that there should be a single, short, clear ring in your ear for ‘Yes’, and two similar rings for ‘No’. Continue practising until you clearly get these distinctive rings in your ear. Practise daily for a week or so. • Subsequently, whenever you need to decide between two courses of action, turn on your Psychotel Power and use your PE. to tell you (by a ‘Yes’ ring or by the two rings that signify ‘No’) which course of action is better for you. Note that in some people the PE. may opt for two short rings as a sign for a ‘Yes’ and a single, short, clear ring as the sign for a ‘No’. Practise until you find out which is yours. Henceforth, you have no excuse to make a wrong decision again!
Chapter Seven
PSYCHOTELLIC MEMORY-INTENSIFIER (EM.I.) • H ow to develop extra brain-power • How to improve yo ur memory; etc.
With the help of your Psychotel Power, you can increase the power of your brain many times over! You can increase your memory several times over!! The process of achieving these objectives is called the Psychotellic Memory-Intensifier 27
(EM.I.), which will be fully described, for your benefit, in this chapter. It is an established truth that one cannot remember what one did not know in the first place! It is also a scientific fact th at the human mind never really forgets anything - facts, figures or whatever - that it properly receives. In other words, any information that you deliberately fix on your mind, as this chapter teaches you to do, can always be recalled wherever and whenever you want to do so. It is important, therefore, that you first learn how to imprint on your mind, using EM.I., important information which you might want to remember in future. The simple procedure to follow, in general, and whenever you require to fix important information on your mind for easy, subsequent, recall is the following: • Turn on your Fsychotel Fower at the moment the particular information is available to you. • Repeat in your mind the specific information you want to lock up in your memory. • Link or associate the salient information with relevant albeit less-important information on the same person, subject or issue. Now let us see an example of how to carry out the above-mentioned instructions. Let us suppose that you are being introduced, at a party, to someone you had never met before but whom you would like to remember later on. It may be that he or she is a charming, good-looking, funny-looking, or very important person whom you consider worth remembering later on. What you do, utilising EM.I., is this: • Turn on your Fsychotel Power instantly when the introduction begins. • Make sure you catch the person’s name, occupation, and any other details that are given about him or her during the introduction. Ask for a repetition of whatever information you did not catch clearly: was the person’s name ‘Bloggs’ or ‘Bloogs’? - for example. Was it said he/she lived in Greenland or Greenford? Get clear as many important details about the person as you can. • Next, study the person’s features: facial features, mannerisms, outward appearance, and so on. Did the person, for example, have grey, blue or brown eyes? What was the colour of his/her hair? Was he/she tall or short? Fat or slim? Welldressed or not-so-well-dressed? • Repeat in your mind the most im portant information you would wish to remember later on - let us say the person’s name: ‘Bloggs’. • Then, in your mind, associate the name ‘Bloggs’ with im portant physical and other characteristics about Mr/Ms Bloggs. You may come out with something like this: ‘Mr/Ms (or whatever title the person has) Bloggs - tall - slim - blue eyes silver-haired - rath er large-nosed - lives in Greenford.’ Of course, if Mr/Ms Bloggs walks with a limp be sure to include that! 28
• Repeat all this, with your Psychotel Power still turned on, a few times in your mind. Then forget all about it. If you are introduced to somebody else whom you wish to remember later on, repeat the procedure outlined above - the entire process should take only a minute or so or, better still, as long as you spend in the person’s company. • Next time you meet Mr/Ms Bloggs - even some years after your first-ever meeting - he/she should be pleasantly surprised at how easily you remembered that his/her name is Bloggs and that he/she lives in Greenford (or at least used to live there when you two first met). More importantly, he/she is almost certainly going to like you better - why, if you have remembered him/her after all this time then surely you must like him/her or think him/her important, etc!
The Psychotellic Instant-Recall Technique (EI.R.T.) Suppose you saw the above-mentioned Mr/Ms Bloggs approaching you, sometime after your first meeting, and you got the impression that you had met him or her earlier but that you could not really recall his or her name or other important details about him or her. What should you do in a situation like that? Wait until Mr Bloggs walks up to you and you tell him: ‘I know we’ve met somewhere before but sorry, I don’t recall your name’? No, what you should do is apply the Psychotellic Instant-Recall Technique. You can do so in the following manner: • When you see him approaching you (or as you approach him) turn on your Psychotel Power. • For the first few seconds imagine that the beam of golden light from the centre of your forehead shoots forward in th e direction of our friend Mr Bloggs. • When you are about three yards from Mr Bloggs, however, imagine that the beam of golden light retracts and reverses its direction of flow, going back into your head - via the centre o f your forehead - rather than coming out of it as you are used to having it do. Continue imagining this for a few seconds. • When you are beside him reverse the flow of the beam of golden light once more, this time imagining that the golden light shoots forward again, engulfing Mr Bloggs from top to bottom. Look quickly at him as you do this. • Instantly, you will be surprised to note, the link or association you had built in your mind will immediately jump into your mind. In other words, you will instantly recall that the tall, slim, blue-eyed, silver-haired and rather big-nosed individual standing before you is called Bloggs and that he lives, or used to live, in Greenford! Try it, you will be amazed at its accuracy! 29
How To Apply The EI.R.T. To Tests, Examinations, etc. In a previous chapter we have seen how another aspect of Psychotel Power - the Psychotellic Earphone - can help you to succeed in tests, examinations and interviews. Well, the Psychotellic Instant-Recall Technique can help you to do the same thing. You may combine PI.R.T. with other relevant methods described in this book or you can use it on its own. Let us suppose that you are in the m iddle of a written test or examination and that you have forgotten some facts and/or figures that can help you to produce excellent answers to the exam ination questions. Let us see how you can use PI.R.T. to recall the relevant facts and/or figures: • Take a sheet or piece of paper to use for ‘rough’ work. Get ready a pen or a pencil. • Turn on your Psychotel Power for a few seconds; let your mind go blank for a few more seconds before turning on your Psychotel Power again. • Now thin k about the examination questions and write down on the paper anything - facts and/or figures - which come readily into your mind when you try to recall the information you require. • After a few seconds of doing this, make your mind blank again; turn on your Psychotel Power once again and thin k ha rd about the examination question. Once again, write down everything that comes to mind when you do that. Without doubt, the information you require will pop out of your mind sometimes quite to your surprise - very soon! Follow the above-mentioned procedure and you will be able to remember all the information you need to pass your examination. Note that your success at using EI.R.T. in all of the circumstances described above depend on your having ‘filed away’ in your mind the relevant information in the first place. As emphasised above, you cannot remember or recall something you do not already know! Therefore, to benefit from EI.R.T. you first have to ‘file away’ in your m ind the relevant details, facts and figures - by using the methods outlined in this book - for subsequent recall!
How To Use Psychotel Power For Remembering Telephone Numbers, etc. Many people have small notebooks, pocket/desk diaries in which they write down the addresses and telephone numbers of their friends, relatives, business associates, chance acquaintances, etc. This is an effective method of storing such 30
information b ut the problem is that one may - as often happens - misplace the address book, diary or notebook in which one has written down important telephone numbers, addresses and/or other information. Undoubtedly it is better that you file away in your mind all the important telephone numbers, addresses, etc, for instant recall and use when required. T his can he done with the aid of your Psychotel Power, using the methods described above in this book. Here is how to set about it: • Have close at hand a piece of paper on which is written the telephone numbers and addresses with the names of the persons to whom they belong set against them - as well as another sheet or piece of paper together with a pen or pencil. • Carefully read over the telephone num bers and addresses as well as the names set against them. T hen turn on your Psychotel Power to full-blast and let the beam of golden light shine brightly for a minute or so. Taking the piece of paper in one hand, begin to read over the telephone numbers, addresses and names again, this time very slowly. • When you read over a particular telephone number and/or address, as well as the name (of a person) set against it, put down the paper and, taking the pen or pencil, write down the telephone number or address, and the name set against it, on the paper provided for doing this. Write this down without looking back at the telephone number, address, or name. Compare what you have written with the original to see if you got it right. • Keep trying until you are able to write each down as instructed above. In all cases, ensure that your Psychotel Power is fully turned on as you write the numbers, names and addresses. Read over what you have written down a couple of times before proceeding onto the next telephone number, address and name. Throw away (or keep somewhere) the sheet of paper on which you practised writing down from memory the telephone numbers, addresses and names. • Next time you want to remember an address or a telephone num ber you had written down as described above, simply turn on your Psychotel Power, close your eyes briefly and cast your eyes back to the sheet of paper mentioned above. You will notice, when you do so, that the relevant telephone num ber or address - and the name set against it (i.e. the name of the person whose telephone num ber it is) jumps quickly into your mind!
Chapter Eight
LET PSYCHOTEL POWER BRING YOU PROSPERITY IN ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE We have seen, in the preceding chapters, that every person can successfully exploit his or her Psychotel Power to achieve prosperity in all areas of his or her life. Among other thing we have seen how you can use Psychotel Power to bring you more money, to help you to succeed in love, to protect yourself against all forms of danger, to read other people’s minds, to develop the good qualities that you lack, and so on.
How To Discover T he Locations Of Missing Articles What is meant here are articles lost or misplaced about the home. While Psychotel Power can be used to help locate stolen articles, this is much more difficult to do - partly because the items stolen may be moved from location to location by the thief or thieves, thereby making the articles difficult to trace by this method . Let us suppose you have misplaced the key to a suitcase, or an item of jewellery, or that you have misplaced some money. This is what to do to recover the missing article quickly: • Be sure you can remember what the missing article looks like. If you cannot do this, then the next best thing to do is to get hold of a similar article, or another item that serves the same or a similar purpose. Thus, for example, if the key to one of your suitcases is missing and you do not really remem ber exactly what it looks like, then take hold of another key, preferably the key to another suitcase or any other key about the size of the missing key. Similarly if you had misplaced a necklace, get hold o f any other necklace - even if it is a borrowed one. • Sit down in a quiet room and clutch the (similar) object in the fist of your writing hand. If you are ambidexterous, hold the article in either hand. T hen, turn on your Psychotel Power and allow the beam of golden light to shine brightly for one minute or so. • With your eyes closed, imagine that the beam of golden light issuing from the centre of your forehead encircles the fist in which the (similar) object is enclosed. Let this remain in your imagination for several seconds. • Then imagine that the light surroun ding your fist gradually spreads throughout the room in which you are sitting - by the way, this exercise should be undertaken in a room in your home (or in a room in the building where the article went missing). Furthermore, imagine that the golden rays of light spread into all the other rooms in your home (or whichever building the article was misplaced in). 32
• In your mind, say the following chant many times over: ‘Draw (the name of the missing article) to me, Lead me to (the name of the missing article), O Power within me!’ Keep repeating this over and over in your mind. As you do so, imagine that the golden rays of light that have flooded each of the rooms in the dwelling begin to slowly retract, first to concentrate around your closed fist and, later on, back into your body thro ugh the centre of your forehead. • To do this, first imagine that the light engulfing the room farthest away from the one in which you sit - assuming that you are sitting in a many-roomed dwelling - slowly retracts into the next farthest room, and so on, until all the rays of golden light are similarly drawn into the room nearest to the one in which you are sitting. Next, imagine that the light concentrated in this last room is drawn into the one you currently occupy, before it begins to concentrate around the closed fist as mentioned above. • Let the light remain focused on the clenched fist for a minute or so; then imagine that all the rays of golden light slowly retract into your body via the centre of your forehead. • When all the rays have been thus absorbed into your body, let your mind go blank for several seconds. After a while, you will begin to get a strong idea in your mind regarding the missing article’s recovery: e.g. you may get a sudden urge to go have a look some place about the home; or, say, if someone you know has possession of the article or knows where it currently is, their name will suddenly pop into your mind. What is quite certain is that you should soon recover the missing article. • If you do not successfully recover the article after your first attempt at this exercise do not be dismayed; rather, repeat the entire exercise a few more times: you should meet with success very soon! • On the other hand, if the article in question was not misplaced or lost in the home but outdoors, say in a local park, then go sit in the park - during the day - as close as possible to the part of the park where you think the article was lost. Then repeat the exercise described above. The main difference is that rather than imagine that the golden rays of light flood all the rooms in your home, this time you must endeavour to imagine that the rays of light spread far and wide around the place you sit - to, in your opinion, enclose the spot you suspect the article was lost.
Enlisting The Instant Support And Protection Of The Archangel Michael Elsewhere in this book, you have been taught how you can use your Psychotel Power to instantly protect yourself when you are in danger of any kind. Well, there 33
is something else you can do, through your Psychotel Powers, to get protection or help instantly from a powerful supernatural being: the archangel Michael, one of the most powerful angels of God. Incidentally, you need not be a practising Christian to get the instant protection of this warrior angel when you are in danger - especially when you are physically threatened or when your very life is in danger. Mind you, this is not ‘sheer superstition’ - for it has been proven, time and again, to work! • When confronted with great danger, instantly turn on your Psychotel Power, surround yourself with the brilliant golden light and say, in your mind or aloud (when you will not be overheard), the following invocation as often as you want: ‘Michael, angelic Prince of Th e Presence, Come to me now in my time of need! In the name of Jehovah I command!’ • Repeat this invocation over and over, as you imagine the golden light surrounding your entire body growing brighter and brighter.
Signs, Omens or Portents From The Cosmic Mind The Cosmic Mind, also called ‘Universal M ind’, ‘Cosmic Intelligence’ and ‘Master Mind’, is the pool of infinite intelligence from which ordin ary human minds can draw useful information regarding the past, the present, and the future. In other words, the Cosmic Min d is a ‘Know-All’. Information from the Cosmic Mind may be received by any human mind occasionally - especially when such information is a warning against a present or future event. Such useful information may be received, by any person, in the form of dreams, hunches, omens or portents, and what some people have called ‘repetitive intuition’. Elsewhere in this book you have been taught how you can foretell the future by the use of your Psychotel Power; you have also been shown how to receive ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers to questions you mentally ask yourself when deciding between two or more courses of action that are open to you. But how, you may ask, can a person who uses Psychotel Power easily recognise signs, omens or portents from the Cosmic Mind? Let us see how: • Every human being frequently receives signs, omens or portents from the Cosmic Intelligence. However, a person who has learnt to and habitually exploits his or her Psychotel Power receives these signs, omens or portents more frequently, more clearly and more persistently. Why? Because the person who utilises Psychotel Power is more in harmony with the invisible world around us, is much more in tune with the Cosmic Mind! • The Universal Mind bombards you with various signs, omens or portents all the time. It tells you how best to improve your finances, your love life, your other 34
interpersonal relationships, your health, and so on. It tells you which persons to avoid, which job to apply for, which line of business will be good for you, etc. It warns you of impending danger and how to avoid it, it shows you how to fulfil an ambition, a desire, etc. All these signs or messages are sent daily to everyone but very few people recognise and respond to them! • The first thing you should do is to accept as a fact that these signs, omens and portents are, indeed, sent to you regularly. Suppose, for example, that someone intende d to make a substantial investment - say, buy several shares - in a certain company. Soon after he comes to that decision he has a dream that the company he intended to invest in has gone bust! Th at was warning number one - sent him by the Cosmic Mind - but he paid no heed to it. On the day he had planned to make a definite financial commitment, an unexpected important business meeting made it impossible for him to make the investment: warning number two. He decided to make the investment on another day but his baby child was taken suddenly ill and he could not do so: warning number three. Later on he went ahead and made the huge financial investm ent anyway: and promptly lost a great deal of money when the company folded up a few months later! He had ignored the Cosmic Intelligence and had paid dearly for it! • You will recognise the signs, omens and portents Divine Intelligence (i.e. Cosmic Intelligence or Cosmic Mind) sends you by the fact that these signs may frequently be sent to you on the same issue. The sign may come as a ‘repetitive intuitio n’, a hunch that would not go away, a dream, or a combination of these and other signs. Pay heed to them - by doing exactly what the sign tells you to do or not to do - for they are sent for your benefit. • Sometimes other people, and even animals, may be used by the Cosmic Mind to send you an important sign. Take the case of a New York woman who, in a hurry to meet her fiancee, was about to cross a busy street at a dangerous point. Although a man verbally warned her not to do so, she paid no heed; then just as she made to cross the street she felt a sudden, brief, stabbing pain in her right leg which temporarily rendered her immobile. Later, she set foot on the street and was knocked down by a motorist whose fast-running car she had not seen earlier! And a man whose horse was uncharacteristically refusing to cross a bridge ahead of him could only stand open-mouthed with amazement when the entire bridge collapsed into the big river moments later without any apparent reason! Had he ignored the sign sent him through the animal he could have died or been seriously injured! • Having learnt how to tap your Psychotel Power, be assured of the fact that Cosmic Mind will send you signs, omens or portents aplenty! Pay attention to them; do what they suggest to you - and you stand to become more prosperous and happier in life! 35
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