Secrets Law of Attraction

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Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart


Table Of Contents You Are What You Think  Life, Have It Your Way Identify With Your Good Create Space For Your Good Creating A Treasure Map To Achieve Your Desires Bless The Situation Keep Your Eye On The Goal What Are You Training For? Action Prepares The Way For Manifestation Free Yourself From Your Mental Prison Conscious Consistency Reprogram Your Negative Self-Chatter  How Are You Defining Your Desires? Let Go And Manifest Is Your Investment Worth It? Your Divine Right To The Best Your Mental Merry-Go-Round Act As If.... Ask For What You Want Planting The Seeds Of Your Desire Believe Your Thoughts Have Power  Cleaning The Window Of Your Mind Focus On What You Want Relax Your Grip Defuse the Power of Negative Thinking Catalog Of Products About Linda-Ann Stewart

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"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


You Are What You Think  By Linda-Ann Stewart (First published at

A Sage once said, "Man is what he thinks about all day long." How true that is. When we think about how much we're struggling, we experience more struggle. When we contemplate how bad we feel, we get to feel worse. When we focus on our problems, we  perpetuate them. "But," you say, "it's in my face all day long. How do I not think about them?" That's the challenge. To find a way to change your focus. When we keep our attention on one aspect of our lives, generally what we don't want, we are impressing our inner mind with that very thing . Our inner mind can't reason. It gets the impression and creates the outer o uter result from that imprint, just like a rubber stamp. Ou r  creativity carves a star in a block of wood, and then our inner mind stamps it on the fabric of our lives. "Energy flows where attention goes." We follow whe rever our vision looks. In baseball, baseba ll, the batter keeps his eye on the ball so he can hit it. A basketball player wouldn't dream of  looking at the stands when he was planning to sink the ball in the basket. The same is true of our lives. So how do you change chang e your focus from your problem to the solution? It takes discipline and persistence. Realize that the problem is simply an outdated creation of yours, an empty shell of an earlier choice. Make a new decision of what you want. Write it down. Cut out pictures of it. Feel yourself having it. Whenever you think of the original  problem, substitute what you now want. "That was then, this is now." The old will begin to crumble way, like old parchment.  No matter how long it takes, keep at it. You've had the problem a while. It may take a few months to build the new structure. It may form slowly, or suddenly arrive. Don't fall  back into the old vision, that will delay the new shape. The most important thing, though, is that you are in the process of creating it, whether you see immediate results or not. In this way, your life is becoming what you consciously think about all day long. So remember to focus on what you want, and keep your eye on the ball. Copyright 1998 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Life, Have It Your Way By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at

When we have a single goal in mind, and that’s all we contemplate, Life brings it to us. It’s not magical, mystical or strange. It’s just the way life works. We move toward it as if  we can’t fail. By doing so, all doors open up for us. We meet someone who has the information we need, or who knows someone who knows someone. Life moves in to meet us and we have “coincidences” happen. However, if we get distracted from our goal, go al, changing our mind, swinging from one decision to another, we receive an average of our ideas. If we fear we may not achieve our goal, that’s what we’re focusing on, therefore that’s exactly what happens. In these cases, instead of our vision being on what we want, our attention is on what we don’t want. We attract whatever we contemplate most. Focus is focus, whether it’s on what we want or what we don’t want. Life doesn’t care. Energy flows in the direction of where we have our attention. There is no big or small to Life. The same rule applies with both b oth large and small goals. If  you go into Burger King and order it “your way” but keep changing your order, what happens? First, the person behind the counter gets impatient. Then, they ask you to let the  person behind you order. And you can’t ask the order taker to “Decide for me,” because they don’t know what you want. Eventually, as you keep vacillating, the restaurant will close and you go hungry. In that case, you know where the responsibility for your dilemma lies. You didn’t make up your mind, and give your order, and let them prepare it. The same is true with anything else. You must choose what you want, focus on it, and let the creative “grill” of  your subconscious mind cook it up for you, “your way.” But you have to stay true to your  decision, and not alter your order. This is why it’s so important to write down your goals. One day you might want to weigh 120 pounds, and the next day, you figure 130 pounds would suit you just fine. As long as you keep changing your mind as to what you want, the energy can’t flow into your goal. You might release a couple of pounds, but how can it deliver something you haven’t really decided on? Your subconscious mind needs to have a clear goal. When you have something unwanted in your life, take time to check out what you’ve  been focusing on. What things have you been saying or thinking? Are you currently experiencing what you fear? Then that’s what you’ve created. Are you angry at the

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

5 conditions of your life? You’ve been feeding the situation with your anger and created more of it. Write down what it is you truly want, and look at what you’ve written at a t least twice a day. If you change your mind, then change what you’ve written. This way you don’t give your subconscious conflicting messages. Your creative mind then has something concrete it can work with. Your subconscious subco nscious mind is just like Burger King. It awaits a waits your  decisions, and will create just what you’ve asked for. All you need to do is settle on your  choice, and let it alone. Your creative mind does the rest. Copyright 2000 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Identify With Your Good  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedarf e25-identify.shtmll)

I once heard someone say, "If you're not successful, then you're really working hard at not being successful." Success, health, happiness, harmonious relationships, creativity are natural states. The Universe always pours all tha t you need for good into your life. If  you're not experiencing what you desire, your mind is actively restricting it. The way you feel towards your life, the beliefs based on those feelings, flow forth in statements that limit the expression of your natural resource of good. "I am a failure," "I'm sick," "I can't do it," "I don't belong here." These are feelings that you have based on past experiences. However, when you identify with these statements, you're telling the Universe that that this is what you continue to want. Whatever you identify with becomes your self-image. Your experience of life has to be consistent with your  image of yourself. A person who wants to be a success, but feels that they can't do anything right, will sabotage achieving their desires. When you want something better in your life, and it conflicts with your self-image, you unde rmine your ability to have it. Whatever you focus on, that's what you're telling your Mind that you want. Watch your  words. You are literally instructing the Universe what to give you. The silent messages you say to yourself about yourself, the things you say to others, these reinforce the outdated picture you have of yourself. As a child, you may have been told that you wouldn't amount to anything. That was a lie. You are an expression of the Universe, and the Universe has all the power within It to create galaxies. The lie was to keep you from remembering that you have the power within you. One of my clients was a beautiful woman, inside and out. When she was young, her  mother convinced her that she was ugly and no one would ever love her. My client changed her self-image when she realized the untruth of that statement, and she began to attract people who valued and appreciated her. Many times people will fight to hold onto their old self-concept, even when they want something better. Jerry was an artist whose sculptures were critically acclaimed. However, he wasn't making much money from them, and wanted to be more prosperous. He identified with being a "starving artist," and was disdainful of those a rtists who were financially successful. Because he refused to release his anger at other creatives, and continued to visualize himself as poor, he never realized the wealth that the Universe was urging on him. You can't have more good without opening the floodgates within, and discharging self-limitations.

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

7 What are you identifying with? How do you see yourself? Do you believe that you're a  person who deserves good? What ideas are you acting on that counter what you desire?  Notice the "I am" statements you make. They will show you what your self-image is. You can change those declarations by simply stating the opposite every time you catch yourself thinking something negative. Eventually, the feelings behind the old ideas will transform, because you're telling them the truth abou t yourself. Imagine that you have achieved what you want. Now imagine how you'd act, what you'd say to yourself, how you'd dress, what kind of people you'd associate with. What else would be changed in your life? By aligning your words and ideas with that of a successful person, you can then begin to identify with the good the Universe has been pouring into your life. The floodgates will open, and your life will be overflowing with the goodness that is your natural state. Copyright 2000 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Create Space For Your Good  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedarf e36-sacrifice.shtmll)

Many years ago, a friend stated that to receive more good, a person always had to give something up. I objected to that idea. "If I want more prosperity, or health," I said, "I'm simply accepting more of that. I'm not giving anything up." He explained that if I wanted more prosperity, I had to let go of o f my attachment to a feeling of lack. It took awhile, but I finally got it. He was right. It's a variation of a scientific law. Two objects (or two different conditions) cannot occupy the same space at the same time. One has to move aside to make space for the other. If an orange is rolled against an apple, the apple has to move to make room for the orange. Whenever anyone accepts more good into their life, they have to release the old situation. While most of us think we'd do so in a heartbeat, if there's no change for the better, something else is going on. There must be something in the current circumstance that makes us hang onto it. For any expanded good that comes into our lives, something that's taking up its space must go to make room for it. There's always a choice to be made. If you want a new pair  p air  of slippers, you need to throw out o ut the old ratty pair. They may be comfortable, but they've outlived their usefulness. Trying to hold onto both pairs will simply clutter up your closet. Sometimes it's old roles that have to be released. For instance, moving into management manag ement can be very threatening when you've always hidden in the back of the room. If a woman has this opportunity, she may have to release an old belief that a woman's place is to be  passive. In any case, a person has to let go of any attachment to remaining invisible to achieve the goal of being a leader. Standards you grew up with may need to be re-examined and re-adjusted. If you want to  be prosperous, and your family struggled to make ends meet, you may have a belief that life is a struggle. To accept the idea of abundance easily flowing to you, the old attitude of struggle must be sacrificed. To accept better health, a person has to let go of the reason for their ill health in the first  place. It may be a covert need for attention, or to get out of doing something undesirable, or simply to get some time off. There may need to be changes in lifestyle, like quitting smoking or getting more exercise.

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

9 A person who wants a better job may need to relocate. There is the choice to be made. Stay in the familiar, or change locations. Either is fine, as long as you accept your choice. Some people will decide to remain in their hometown rather than move elsewhere. They've weighed the pros and cons of what kind of life they want, and choose to remain where they are. For the most part, we tend to think about what we lack. Not what we want. In any area of  your life, what is it that you want? What might be taking up its space right now? What old idea are you hanging onto? What still has you attached to your current situation? What feels threatening about your goal? What are you willing to give up to receive your  goal? These are all questions to ask yourself and meditate on, when you want some change that's not happening. There's always a reason. All you need to do is discover what it is that's taking up its space and let go of it to create a vacuum for the new.

Affirmation I know that the Universe wants wan ts for me what I want for myself. Therefore, the on ly one who is restricting it is me. I now recognize what it is about the old condition that I've  been holding onto. It's now safe for me to let it go. I am willing to create space for a greater good to come into my life. Copyright 2001 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Creating A Treasure Map To Achieve Your Desires By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar e50-treasuremap.shtmll)

Sages say, "A picture is worth a thousand words." This is true because beca use images are the way the subconscious mind processes information. A word or verbal phrase translates into images in the inner mind. Think of the difference between reading "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" versus watching the movie. Which one was more powerful and evoked more emotions? Most likely it was the movie. The words on the page had to be transformed into mental pictures, but the movie was in the very language of the subconscious, thus grabbed it more directly. This is why so many goal setting techniques suggest using visualization and cutting out  pictures of what you want to help to manifest your desires. We co-create our world by the images we hold in our minds. Looking at pictures of our goals helps to keep our minds focused on what we want. There are lots of different terms for this technique. Master  Mind designates it "image book pages," Joseph Murphy and Mary Katherine MacDougall call it "treasure mapping," and Catherine Ponder's phrase for it is a "wheel of fortune."  No matter what it's called the basic technique is the same. A person cuts out and collects  pictures from magazines that represent what he/she wants. The action of finding the  pictures, cutting them out, then pasting them onto paper helps to convince the subconscious that you really do want this goal. The pictures may simply evoke the feeling of the desired result, such as a sunset for peace, or a lit candle for enlightenment, or specific pictures of a cruise, car, income or job. The idea is to find pictures that speak  to you. For a job, you might find pictures of someone doing that specific spe cific job, or a picture that symbolizes it to you. Underneath the pictures, you write an affirmation that directs the mind. The affirmation can be "I know that my Higher Mind wants this for me, and my creative mind finds the  best way for it to manifest" or "I now have h ave a lavish income of X coming to me easily and freely." Any statement that clarifies your goal and suppo rts the belief that Spirit is manifesting it now will work. This helps keep you aware that the Universe wants this for  you as much as you want it for yourself. There are different ways to use the basic technique. For a single goal, such as a job, relationship, travel, or new house or car, you can get a page of colored construction paper  or large posterboard and paste the pictures on it. Use a color that connects with you and your goal. Such as green or gold for prosperity, blue or green for relationships or  relaxation, red or orange for a new position or some change in your life, purple or  lavender for spiritual growth. I had a friend who created a treasure map and placed it on the inside of the door to her closet, where she saw it every day. You can also use a "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

11 corkboard or styrofoam to pin the pictures and affirmations to, and change them as you choose. For several different goals, you can get a posterboard and divide it into the areas of your  goals. You could segment it into four parts, such as: work, play, relationships, and health. Then paste the pictures and write the affirmations as you would with a single sheet in each area. At the center, you could have a picture and affirmation that recognizes that the Universe is the Source of your good. One of my early metaphysical teachers used a notebook for his treasure map. He was a  businessman and kept it in a drawer of his desk to look at several times a day and said that all of the desires he put into it came to pass. p ass. You can take a folder with fasteners, like you used in school, and put pictures and affirmations on sheets of unruled paper. Again, each goal should have its own separate sheet of paper. With a treasure map, you need to have it where you can look at it several times a day, but where no one else can see it, such as a closet or drawer. This keeps it private, between you and your Higher Self. If you have someone who will be completely supportive of  your goal, you can share it with them. Look at your map several times a day and each time give thanks that the Universe and your creative mind has already given you what the  pictures represent. By giving your mind a p icture of your desire, keeping your attention focused on it, the Universe will find the perfect way to transport you to your destination.

Affirmation I know that the Universe wants the best for me, the Highest Good of abundance, health, harmony, ease and comfort. As I put the pictures of what I want into my mind, it powers my Higher Mind to create a perfect outcome. I don't need to know how it will manifest. My Higher Mind knows just the right way to deliver me to my desire. I give thanks, knowing that the Universe has already granted me what I want. Copyright 2003 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Bless The Situation By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar e53-blessing.shtml))

A few years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since she had ha d emphysema and is on oxygen, I was concerned about her coming through the treatments. I decided to transform my concern into an affirmation that something wonderful would come out of this for her that would wo uld somehow improve her overall quality qua lity of life, but I had no idea how that could possibly happen. She breezed through the surgery, with the anesthesiologist saying her heart was strong. That was something good. The cancer was small and hadn't spread. That also was something good. As the health care workers were taking the CATScan to set her up for radiation, they discovered that her thyroid, which was hyperactive, was compressing her windpipe to less than 50% of normal. It was like she was breathing through a straw. That was fantastic news, believe it or not. It meant that something could be done to improve her   breathing. When something that looks "bad" happens, ha ppens, bless it and affirm that something wonderful is going to come from it. People who have lost jobs have done this, and manifested a  better job. A relationship coming to an end can open a door to a better one. Choose not to wallow in anxiety, worry, or concern about the possible negative consequences of the "loss." Instead, concentrate on something better coming as a result of the event. By doing so, you're actually giving your subconscious mind directions to actually find something good. Whatever you give your attention to is a command to the subconscious to manifest more of that. As Universal Mind flows through your subconscious, this gives your creative mind infinite knowledge and resources to discover something good. Don't try to figure out how it could possibly happen, happen , that's the function of your inner mind. And don't try to determine what the benefit could be, that's also the job for your subconscious. There obviously was a reason for the unpleasant experience. Maybe you outgrew that job,  but were reluctant to let it go. Every so-called "negative" condition is created of the same Universal energy that "positive" situations are formed from. But you have to set your  creative mind to work to uncover what good can come from the circumstances. So bless the situation, and affirm to yourself that something wonderful is go ing to occur as a result of it. By doing so, you're instructing your subconscious to reveal the goodness of the Infinite that animates every person, place, and condition. You can do this for personal experiences or for more global situations. I've done this for  years for myself and others, and for social problems and world issues. Since we're all connected in Universal Mind, the more people who bless any planetary conflict, the more "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

13 we're focusing on a positive solution and the benefits that can be found from it. It may seem counter-intuitive to look for the blessing, b lessing, but that's the only way we can c an turn a "negative" into a "positive." If it hadn't been for my mother's cancer, we probably never would have discovered a major cause of her breathing difficulties. d ifficulties. It took months before she had surgery, bu t afterwards she was able to take a deep breath for the first time in years. Something wonderful came out of what could have been something awful.

Affirmation I bless every so-called "negative" situation in my world, whether it's my personal world or the globe. By blessing the circumstances, I'm instructing the Universe, my subconscious mind, and the collective subconscious, to find the good in the experience. I don't have to figure out how or what benefit will result, I just keep my mind focused on  blessing the situation and knowing that there is a wonderful outcome. Only good goes from me, and only good comes to me. Copyright 2003 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Keep Your Eye On The Goal  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedarf e55-eyeongoal.shtml))

There's a story that if there were two doors into heaven, one marked "Heaven" and the other marked "How To Get Into Heaven," more people would be lined up behind "How To Get Into Heaven." We tend to be a goal-oriented society that loves learning "how to" do things. However, putting this knowledge into practice is the next, and most important, step. But many of us enjoy the process of learning more than the actual doing or the achieving of the goal. I find that to be true o f many of my clients. They're focused on how they're going to accomplish something. The process of reaching reac hing their goal is their main thrust. For  instance, when I work with smokers, I use the phrase "becoming a non-smoker" more often than "quitting smoking," because "non-smoker" is the actual goal. I find that if a  person is focused on "quitting smoking," they won't easily reach their true desire, of  o f   being a non-smoker. They'll always be "quitting" and won't have accomplished the "being quit." The same is true of people who wish to lose weight. If they're concerned con cerned with diets and  just losing the weight, once they reach their desired weight they generally go back to their  old way of eating and gain it all back. Instead of putting so much energy into the process, they should be focused on the end result of being at their goal weight and what it will take for them to remain there. It may entail changing eating habits, attitudes towards food, eating less, or exercising more. In other words, thinking and acting like a slender   person instead of a dieter. Remember that wherever a person's attention g oes, energy flows. William James,  psychologist, said "What holds attention determines action." Having the attention on the  process tends to keep us in the process, and never reaching the goal. We can learn how to do something, but we have to then put the knowledge into practice and change the way we think and behave so we actually achieve our desired result. The steps we take to reach a goal are important, as long as they don't become the objective. There's a fine line we need to walk between figuring out what we need to do to manifest our intention, and not concerning con cerning ourselves with how something will manifest. Once we put our desire into Mind, then we need to have faith that our creative mind will find the way for it to become real. We need to take action toward the goal, while trusting that our subconscious is also active in discovering the best way to manifest it. For  instance, if a person wants a job change, they should begin looking at the want ads, send out resumes, and make contacts, while knowing that their creative mind is also seeking the best job for them. "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Figure out what changes in beliefs, attitudes, and habits need to happen for your goal to manifest. Do you want to lose weight? What would you be doing as a slender person? Do you want to have more self-esteem? What do you need to change in the way that you talk  to and treat yourself? How would you act with higher self-esteem? How would your  attitudes be different with that reality? How are you going to feel once your goal is reached? Is there any part of it that's scary to you? Then write down the steps that you need to take to get to your goal. What are the attitudinal changes? What habits or behaviors do you need to alter? What baby steps can you take that let you change slowly, consistently, one item at a time? What affirmations do you need to use? Any actions you take in the physical world communicate to the subconscious that you really want your desire. In meditation or self-hypnosis, imagine you have accomplished your goal and notice how you feel. Mentally repeat your  affirmations as you're going to sleep at night. They say that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. You could study how to take that first step from now until the end of your life, but bu t that won't get you any closer to your goal. Take the first step, then the next, keeping your attention on your goal. In this way, with each step you are getting closer to your desired outcome and creating the life you want for yourself.

Affirmation I give myself permission to manifest my goal, knowing that I deserve it. I'm now guided as to what steps I need to take and I act on my guidance. I keep my attention on my goal, knowing that my creative mind knows just what to do in just the right way to manifest it for me. Any changes I need to make in my life, whether in behavior or attitude, I now make. I begin to think and act as the person who has already reached my goal. Copyright 2003 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


What Are You Training For? By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

There's an old saying that "You get out of a project what you put into it." This means that however much energy you put into an activity, project or talent, you reap the benefits in equal measure. Athletes wouldn't dream of attempting to "go for the gold" without training mentally and physically. An artist knows that their talent grows the more they exercise it. They recognize there will be hurdles to overcome, but those obstacles simply make their abilities stronger. The same is true of every aspect of life. If you focus your energy in the direction of   prosperity, you'll reap abundance. However, if you expend your thoughts in the area of  fear of not being able to pay the bills, that's what you'll manifest. It's like a bank account. Think of what thoughts you're depositing de positing in your mind. Whether those thoughts are  positive or negative, you'll earn interest based on the contents of you "account." It takes concentrated practice to be aware of what thoughts you're thinking. And it takes even more attention and discipline to transform those ideas into ones that are positive and  beneficial. Are you putting in ten thoughts of fear for every single thought of faith and confidence? If so, you'll draw out whatever it is that you fear. When you practice focusing on the good each day, you're exercising your confidence in the Universe. If you come up against an obstacle, you'll have the strength to handle it. Whatever kind of energy you're putting out, you'll be experiencing that in your life. Are you depositing thoughts of an expanded, more abundant life? If not, begin to become aware of what kind of thoughts you're depositing in your emotional bank, and start to train for a better life.

Affirmation I become aware of the thoughts that I think that might not be in harmony with the Universe. I train myself to transform them into the kind of idea deposits that I desire. I know that my thoughts manifest their equivalent in my life. I keep my thoughts positive and focused on the Universal Good. Even though I might not see the good in any situation, it is there awaiting my recognition o f it. The more I practice this, the stronger  and more empowered I become. Copyright 2001 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Action Prepares The Way For Manifestation By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

Have you selected your specific desire, done your mental work and affirming, let go of  the concern that it'll manifest, but it still hasn't shown up? It may be time for you to do some grounding of your desire. What physical action have you taken in the direction of  your desire? Sometimes, a person has to jumpstart things in the material realm to get the spiritual and mental one moving. For instance, say you want a particular p articular car. Test-drive one to get the feel of it. If you are out of work, take a job, any job, to get some supply coming into your coffers. Suppose you want to release excess weight. Start walking. To improve your health, make plans of  what you want to do in the future, and make some sort of commitment to do them. Catherine Ponder wrote of a woman who wanted a new house. The woman put a hammer  and nails on her kitchen table so that she saw them all the time. It's been said that "God can't steer a parked vehicle." As long as you're moving, in any direction, you can be guided. Many times, I've made the mistake of waiting for guidance  before I chose a path. I had to wait a long time. Whereas, when I would choose a course, even if it was a wrong one, things began to flow to me. Taking action in the physical world begins to convince your subconscious that you really want your desire. Even writing down what you want and reading it three times a day will impress the subconscious. Doing this shows a sense of dedication to improving your life. The more action you're willing to take, take , the faster your desire will manifest. This is  because the physical world is an extension of the mental/spiritual world. So once you've done all your mental and spiritual work, it's time to make some movement in the material world in the direction of your goal.

Affirmation After I choose what I desire and do my mental and spiritual work, I decide on what action to take to ground my desire in the physical world. By doing so, I convince my subconscious how much that I want my goal. As I take some action, I am Divinely guided in the right direction. Opportunities, contacts, contac ts, information or whatever I need falls into my path. Divine Energy flows through my activity in a perfect way. Copyright 2002 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Free Yourself From Your Mental Prison By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

Do you want more prosperity, a better relationship, more creativity, more harmony, a  better job, better health? That longing is the Universe's way of impelling you to expand and grow, to experience more freedom. So why haven't you achieved it? Your old thought patterns, beliefs, ideas, and mental habits restrict what you've accepted thus far. Sometimes, we stick with the familiar, because we're afraid of wha t changes the fulfillment of our desire might bring. A person might stay in a dead end job because they're afraid a fraid of the responsibilities of a  better one. The familiar is what we settle for. We may dream of something greater, but when it comes down to actually acting on it, we pull back, fearful that we'd be asked to stretch beyond our capabilities. Therefore, we remain in a self-created prison of  inadequacy and fear. This situation has its equivalent in law enforcement and the penitentiary pen itentiary system. Many times, a prisoner would be released from prison, just to go out and commit another crime so he could be put back into familiar surroundings. He might rage at circumstances, but his unconscious intention was to be returned to jail. Craving the structure of being told when to eat, sleep, dress, shower, exercise and more, and not having to be responsible for  his life; he surrenders his freedom and his free choice for the security of a cell. c ell. What are you giving up to stay in your old familiar situation? Where are you limiting your freedom? What thoughts are restricting the fulfillment of your desires? What is keeping you imprisoned in your current situation? It's not the Universe. Ask yourself if  you have any fear about achieving your desires. Do you have hav e any issues with low selfworth, self-confidence, self-esteem or self-acceptance? Are you trying to avoid being visible or acknowledged? Are you trying to avoid risk or responsibility? All of these questions, and more, are issues to investigate in attempting to discover what's keeping you detained in your current situation. Simply desiring to know the truth will  begin to uncover it. Fling open the doors of your self-created prison made of outdated ideas, and accept all that the Universe has to offer you.

Affirmation The Universe wants freedom and abundance of all good for me. I become aware of what has kept me from achieving my desires. Any o utdated ideas that have kept me imprisoned in old conditions now melt away in the Light of Universal Harmony. I am Divinely

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

19 Guided in all my ways. I deserve all the best Life has to offer, and have the capabilities to triumph. The Universe has confidence in me, therefore I have confidence in myself. Copyright 2002 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Conscious Consistency By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

Staying consciously consistent with your principles and with your affirmations isn't a simple proposition. It's so much easier to just fall back into the old programming or to react without thought. But to spiritually evolve and develop, a person has to learn to change their old thought and behavior patterns and not allow outside forces to drag them  back into simply reacting from old fears. There's a difference between reacting and responding to a situation. Reaction is habitually "re-acting," which is acting the same way over and over, with no conscious choice. Responding to a condition means that you have evaluated the situation, assessed your   behavior options and consciously selected a course of action that would be best to fulfill your principles and whatever goal you might have. Suppose someone criticizes you, and you feel attacked. Instead of immediately reacting and going on the defensive and/or attacking them back, you might respond by detaching from the situation to evaluate it. This isn't easy in the midst of emotional warfare. But it's the way to be able to consciously choose your next step. First, evaluate your feelings and choose a course of action a ction that is consistent with your principles, while a lso supporting your inner self. You can then state your case and let the person accept or reject it. Keeping your words and deeds consistent with your affirmations also takes some conscious effort. For instance, others in your world may bemoan the recession and complain about the difficult economic times. However, you're affirming that prosperity flows to you no matter how the outer circumstances might look. It may be difficult, with all that negativity around, to avoid falling into the mental trap of a fear of lack. But if you catch yourself every time you begin to affirm a ffirm poverty, turn it around and affirm  prosperity, you'll program your mind for prosperity. Staying consistent isn't easy, and means living consciously. But it's the only way to change your old mental conditioning and your life. It's not easy to remain this aware, but the rewards of spiritual growth are enormous.

Affirmation I choose my principles and live according to my principles. I remain conscious, con scious, evaluating every situation, and choosing how to respond so that I stay true to my inner  self. Whenever I catch myself falling into negative thinking or feeling, I remind myself of  the Truth that the Universe is everywhere present and wants me to have all the good I deserve. "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Copyright 2002 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Reprogram Your Negative Self-Chatter  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

Have you ever monitored what you say to yourself? Listened to the self-talk that chatters away without your being aware of it? Automatic phrases, such as "I can't do this," "I'm not worthy," "I can't handle this," "I can't afford it" and others. You may even find yourself saying them to the people in your life. These are beliefs that have been  programmed into you, just like into a computer. c omputer. Suppose the boss asks you to come into his office. Your first reaction may be "Uh, Oh. I'm in trouble," even though he may want to praise you. These ideas come from your your past, but they create a self-fulfilling self-fulfilling feedback loop in your  subconscious. Without your being aware of it, they provide background noise in your life. Is it any wonder that it's hard to make any changes? They echo the words of parents, siblings, friends, teachers, anybody whose opinion you ever accepted, whether it was true or not. You were hypnotized into believing them, and you've stayed true to the conditioning. An affirmation is a statement that confirms what you hold to be true, and though we generally use the term for positive declarations, these statements can be either positive or  negative. When you tell yourself over and over that you're not worthy , it convinces your  subconscious that this is what you want, and your subconscious creates this reality. The first step is to become aware of what you're telling yourself. Write down these statements. Then formulate a sentence that counters what you've been believing all these years. Use it repetitively, because that's how you were programmed in the first place. By hearing the same or similar things over and over. Remain conscious of the background noise of your thoughts. And when the negative statement rises up, use your new phrase. Be patient. That original idea has been there a long time. It'll take time, consistence, and  persistence, but eventually you'll change the thought to one that more truly reflects the Universe's loving opinion of you.

Affirmation I monitor my self-talk and now become aware of what I'm telling myself. I realize that these negative ideas came from the past and have no relation to my present life. I recognize my own worth and the authority of my positive declarations. I am pa tient, consistent and persistant in reprogramming my mind, for I know that the changes are happening with every constructive affirmation that I state. Copyright 2002 Linda Ann Stewart

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


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"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 How Are You Defining Your Desires? By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

Are you affirming for a specific result in your life, but not manifesting it fully? You may experience a partial manifestation of it, or simply have opportunities that fall through at the last minute. You could start a job with the promise of a fast promotion, then later  have your boss renege on the promise. Many things could be restricting the manifestation of your affirmation, but one of them could b e how you're defining your good. Words carry a world of meaning, and one word may mean something to you and something different to the person next to you. "Semantics" pertains to the underlying unde rlying meaning of a word or phrase. For instance, does "prosperity" mean wealth to you, working for someone else, or a flowing of money to and through you, without leaving much behind in your bank account? Does "harmony" mean peace at any price to you, or  calmness, ease and serenity? One time I was taking a class on prosperity and we were to meditate on what "money" symbolized to us. As I meditated on it, several words came to mind: ease, comfort, c omfort, loss... I mentally said "Whoa," and examined the reason for the last word. It seemed that many times when I've benefited from a nice sum of cash, someone close to me had either left my life or died. With that association, I could understand why having money might feel unsafe to my subconscious mind. I began to talk to my inner mind, and let it know that loss didn't have to accompany money. Examine what the words you're affirming mean to you. Meditate on them. You may be surprised about the negative connections you have with the terms you're using. Many of  your definitions will be based on old experiences. Now is the time to create new ones that serve you in the present day. da y. As you go deeper into your beliefs, assessing them, you'll  begin to release the limitations on your desires.

Affirmation I now allow there to be clarity about why I haven't manifested my desire. Knowing the Universe has already given it to me, I recognize that only my beliefs have restricted its manifestation. As I meditate on what the words wo rds and desires symbolize to me, the full knowledge of how I've been be en defining them comes to the surface of my conscious mind. I know that the definitions are outdated and give myself permission to update them to be in alignment with who I am now and what the Universe wants for me. Copyright 2003 Linda Ann Stewart

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

25 Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Let Go And Manifest  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

When I was a little girl, my mother made me Ragge dy Ann and Andy dolls. I loved those dolls so much that I took them with me everywhere, and wouldn't let them the m out of my sight. So much handling, however, was hard on them. They needed to be washed  periodically, and have their torn legs repaired. However, I wouldn't let go of them for  their necessary upkeep. Many times, when we have a valued goal, a dream, or feel desperate for a positive change, we hold that desire close to us as I did with my dolls. It is so dear to our heart that we don't let go of it to allow the Universe and the subconscious mind to work on it. If  we can't release our desire to the Universe, then it can't c an't return to us fulfilled. We find it easier to worry over it and try to figure out how we can fix it. We don't trust the Universe or our subconscious mind to accomplish acco mplish it. We think we know the best b est way to do it, but all we're doing is getting in the way. I think that this stage of manifestation is the most difficult. At least, it has been for me. We may know what we want, know we deserve it, know that the Universe wants it for us,  but to then have confidence that it will be made manifest sometimes feels like stepping off a cliff. But as long as we hold onto it, and fear that it won't be fulfilled, the Universe and the subconscious can't bring their power and resources forth to discover that right way to bring it into reality. My mom had to wait until I was sleeping, and slip my dolls away from me to wash or fix them, then slip them back before I awoke. I always got my Raggedy Ann and Andy back,  better than before. So put your mind at rest about your goal. Get out of the way and let the Universe and your creative mind find the best way to manifest your dream.

Affirmation I know what I want, know I deserve it, and know that the Universe wants it for me. The Universe is waiting for me to release my goal into Its keeping, so It can bring all of Its Infinite wisdom and resources to manifest it. I get out of the way. Even though I don't know how to make my desire manifest, the Universe and my creative mind have everything they need to do so. Copyright 2003 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Is Your Investment Worth It? By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

An investment is energy we've expended on a part of our life, whether it's an attitude or   belief we hold, finances or another personal area. And, as with any investment, we expect to receive a return from it. If a person invested their money, i.e. financial energy, in a  particular stock, they want the stock to increase in value and to pay dividends. But many times, if the stock loses its value, the owner will refuse to sell it at a loss, hoping that it will rebound to its former value. In so doing, they keep their money tied up in something that's no longer of benefit to them. The same is true of any area of our lives. Most of us spend time and energy at our place p lace of employment, expecting to be compensated for our investment. However, a person may stay at a job they've outgrown for the dividend of security, social interaction or avoiding the fear of looking for a new job. But many times we stay at a job, channeling our energy into areas that worked for us in the past, but aren't benefiting us now. I once knew a talented artist who owned a succession of art stores. Every one failed for  various reasons. Each time, she and her children were evicted from their home and her  family or friends took them in. Although she consciously wanted to be a success, she got a huge dividend from failing. For several months, sympathetic friends would take care of  her family and she had no responsibilities. After a number of years, some of her friends got tired of the pattern, and refused to come to her rescue. But the mold was set. Even though it no longer worked for her, she never could break the habit of failure. Suppose a person wants to be healthier, but keeps smoking, eating junk food, and never  exercises. Where is their investment in their goal of health, and what dividends are they reaping? They're investing their energy in what might have served a purpose at one time,  but no longer meets their needs. But they keep acting on what's no longer working for  them out of habit, and continue to harm themselves because they don't want to make the effort to change. A person might continue to focus on their lack of health, friends, or harmony in their  lives. That is their investment, therefore their dividends are going to be a reflection of  what's filled their consciousness. I've known many peo ple who "enjoy ill health," meaning that they experience health issues, but also reap the reward of others who feel sorry for, and take care of, them. Others manifest difficulties in their personal lives and get attention when their friends sympathize with them.

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

28 If your life isn't what you want it to be, assess where you're investing your energy. Are you thinking or believing in something negative? What happens when you don't achieve the goal you consciously desire? What dividends do you receive for not reaching it; such as attention, sympathy, help from others, safety, security, a reduction o f responsibility, or  something else? When you're able to figure out what the investment and dividends are, you'll be able to decide whether you want to keep your energy invested that way or  channel it in a new way. It is your choice to change or not, but know that it's your Divine Right to have all the Good the Universe has to offer. Is your negative investment worth not having all that Good?

Affirmation I have a Divine Right to all the Good the Universe has to offer. If I'm not experiencing that Good, I now assess where I'm investing my energy. I discover what the dividends are for not manifesting my goal, realizing the dividends that may have helped me in the past are no longer benefiting me in the present. I have the right to make a new choice that reflects what aligns with my Higher Good. Copyright 2004 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Your Divine Right To The Best  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

For most of my life, I've felt guilty for any gifts, blessings, or good that I received. So many people are deprived of these things, what right had I to have or enjoy the blessings I had? This attitude was reinforced by family friends and classmates. A friend of my mother told me that since her children didn't have the stability or toys that I had, her  children deserved what I had more than I did. She had no problem with letting her  children using, stealing, keeping or destroying my toys, clothes or comic books. Even when I got a good grade in school, I felt guilty, as if I'd achieved that grade at someone else's expense. Many people might consider these feelings to be ridiculous, but I also know of many others that have experienced them. Later in life, I actually refused great opportunities because of an unconscious fear that I'd either get criticized for it or have what I worked for taken away from me. I've spent years working on overcoming the unreasonable feelings of guilt and fear, and have made great strides in that direction. However, whenever something nice happens, I feel an automatic flinch, instinctively waiting for the other shoe to drop. A few months ago, I re-read Catherine Ponder's "Open Your Mind To Receive," and this time I really read the affirmation that said, "I have a Divine Right to the best." This shook  my inner world. Although I'd recognized this idea before, to actually say it out loud and accept it inwardly short-circuited all those old ideas. Since everyone has a Divine Right to unlimited good, then my good doesn't take anything away from anyone else. It validated my right to have what I desire. The concept that there is enough good for everyone, and everyone has the same access to it is one I've accepted for a long time. The problem is that acknowledging it intellectually and accepting it emotionally are two different things. Accepting my Divine Right to the  best trumps all the inner critical voices and silences them. The reason for this is that the Universe has more authority than childhood messages. In our childhood hierarchy, God/the Universe/the Infinite has far more power than what  parents, caregivers, teachers, or any other human authority says. When a person is in therapy, and the therapist contradicts what a parent asserted to the patient, the adult  patient believes the therapist because they have more authority than the parent of long ago. The old, negative message has emotion attached to it, whether it's sadness, fear, shame, guilt, or anger. But once an adult can reassess the message, and maybe have some

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

30  powerful validation that the message was false, then they can release the emotions and their consequences. Although I'd spent years chipping away at the guilt, reevaluating the idea and getting validation that it wasn't true, I still hadn't been able to completely get beyond it. However, once I accepted this new concept, it undermined the old criticisms because it came from a higher perspective and held much more power than the misguided people who had convinced me that I didn't deserve anything.  Now, whenever I feel some guilt, gu ilt, I remember that it's my Divine Right to experience the  best, and I feel lighter and freer to accept the good. I don't know how this is going to change my life, but I do know that when some unexpected good comes my way, I won't have that automatic flinch. I'll embrace the joy I feel, and remember that "I deserve this  because it's my Divine Right to have the best."

Affirmation The Universe is infinite good, and everyone has the same access to this good as I do. It is my Divine Right to experience the best Life has to offer. This concept has Divine authority behind it and is more powerful than old messages to the contrary. Any old guilt, shame, or avoidance of good now evaporates in the Light of this Truth. I now give myself   permission to accept the best. Copyright 2004 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Your Mental Merry-Go-Round  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

 Not too long ago, a friend told me she'd heard that a person needed to program their  conscious mind, not their subconscious mind. It's an interesting idea. Once the subconscious has been programmed by the conscious mind, the subconscious furnishes the conscious with an appropriate ap propriate statement/feeling that echoes that information. If the conscious mind isn't aware of this when it wants to change its course, then when it hears a statement from the subconscious based on the old programming, the conscious agrees with the subconscious instead of stating its new choice. To the subconscious, this simply reinforces the rightness of the original instruction. For example, a smoker's conscious mind has programmed their subconscious for years by saying, "I can't quit." Therefore every e very time the smoker contemplates quitting the ha bit, the subconscious whispers to the conscious mind, "I can't quit." The conscious mind accepts it, parrots it, which just tells the subconscious, "Yep. I agree. I cannot stop this habit. Therefore, there's no reason to even attempt it." Then, when the smoker finally decides to quit, the subconscious, with all the reinforcement its gotten over the years, makes it difficult, because it's just following the original instructions. The conscious mind has made a different choice, but still hears and repeats, "This is so hard." Once the subconscious has been programmed by the conscious mind, the whole process  becomes a feedback loop. There's an old saying about computers, "Garbage in, garbage out." And around and around it goes. Wayne Dyer in "Your Erroneous Zones" called it the "I'm circle." We have a particular belief, believe in that belief (whether it's true or  not), act from that belief, reinforcing it, which just brings us back to the beginning. We can intervene and break the loop, but it takes awareness and persistence. And only the conscious mind can break it. The conscious mind can be reprogrammed by using its  power of choice. It can choose what to focus on. The subconscious mind does not have that power. The subconscious is subject to the conscious mind's decisions and has the ability to figure out how to make those decisions real. This is why changing one's beliefs can be so challenging. The subconscious repeats to us what we've told it to and we now have to convince it that we're choosing to think  differently. Suppose a person was told that the y were "Stupid" as a child. That T hat  programmed the subconscious. Now, whenever they do something that's not perfect, the subconscious murmurs, "Stupid." The unaware or d istracted conscious mind falls into the trap, and repeats, "I'm so stupid," which communicates to the subconscious that the conscious still agrees with that judgement. That gives the subconscious directions to continue to criticize. "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


However, suppose the person catches the statement and challenges it with the more realistic, "No, I'm not stupid. That just wasn't my best work. I can do better, and a nd will." That lets the subconscious mind know that a different decision has been made. The  person needs to dispute the negative statements with something positive every time they  put themselves down. This reprograms the subconscious to be more supportive and repeat the new positive assessment. Choose to believe something more in alignment with who you are today and it will happen. You can get off the merry-go-round of your mind by being a ware of the automatic thoughts about your life, and changing them to what you want to believe. Take  back your power.

Affirmation I have the power to choose what to think and how to feel about the different areas of my life. The subconscious now realizes that I no longer wish to continue thinking about them in the old way. I become bec ome aware of how I'm thinking, my automatic reactions to these thoughts, and what the subconscious is whispering to me about the parts of my life that I wish to change. Whenever I hear an old, negative statement, I make a more positive, realistic choice of how to think about the situation. As I do this consistently, my subconscious accepts my new ideas as valid and finds the right way to make them manifest. Copyright 2004 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Act As If.... By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

The first winter I lived in Sedona it rained all the time, which is unusual for the desert. To get to my house, I had to cross a major wash that was often o ften full of water. There were times when the wash couldn't be crossed for hours. Sometimes, this kept me from getting into town, while at other times it kept me from getting home. One day, a storm was  predicted. I had classes that day, in the morning and the evening. Instead of skipping them, I decided to act as if I'd be able to return safely that night. That evening, the rain turned to snow. I drove almost twenty miles with blinding snow flying straight into my headlights, not knowing if I could get home. As I approached the wash, it was nearly dry. The rain had turned to snow early on and the snow hadn't melted enough to fill the wash. I did not know that the rain was going to turn to snow. I do know that it was a miracle that I got home safely that night. Although I probably should have experimented in a safer situation, it taught me a valuable lesson about acting as if what I wanted was a foregone conclusion. When we have the attitude of assurance that what we desire is going to manifest, it signals the subconscious mind to seek the channels necessary. Our positive expectation  becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because we're also taking the steps to make our goal a reality. The Universe then swoops in to support us, and incredible synchronicities can happen. We might be introduced to the right person to give us the information or help we need, find just what we're looking for, or any number of solutions. As long as we're moving, taking some action, with our goal in mind, the Universe and our  subconscious can direct us. Someone once said, "God can't steer a parked vehicle." Even if our first steps are in the wrong direction, we can be guided into the right path. Visualizing, affirming, making a treasure map, all are valuable aids to get us focused on what we want. But we need to overcome our fear of failure by taking some action every day, and acting as if success is assured. How would you think and act differently if you knew you were going to succeed? If you wanted to be healthier, you'd eat better, get enough sleep, take steps to reduce stress, and exercise. For higher self-esteem, you'd be supportive of yourself and stand up for yourself   because you matter. To reduce weight, you'd eat less, choose healthy foods, and exercise more. To be more successful, you'd cultivate an attitude of confidence and self-assurance, and do everything you knew to move forward. If you desire a higher income, the attitude of "acting as if" doesn't mean going out and spend more than you currently have. In that case, you'd shop for the things you want, "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

34 research how to invest, prioritize what you'd buy as your finances improve. To increase your income, you might confidently ask for a raise, look for a better position, expand your abundance consciousness, search for a channel for a second income, or whatever is right for you. There will likely be setbacks as you begin your journey. If you consider them to be opportunities, then your subconscious will find the way to "make lemons into lemonade." You can learn from them, and keep moving forward. Confidence is catching. If you  believe you are going to be a success, then the people you come in contact with will  believe it, too. When you "act "a ct as if" your success is assured, then all of Life will also  believe it, and you'll be amazed at the results.

Affirmation I know that I can have anything I desire through the power of the Universal Mind. Success in my chosen goal is already assured a ssured in that Mind. I now align myself with the idea of confidence in my success, and decide what I need to do, think and be to bring it into reality. As long as I'm moving in the direction of my goal, Infinite Mind can guide and direct me. When I "act as if" success is assured, the Universe swoop s in to lift me up and carry me to success. Copyright 2004 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Ask For What You Want  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

As a child, I was discouraged from asking for something more than once. When my  parents said "No," there was no changing their minds, and I got in trouble if I tried. This concept affected my early schooling. In second grade, my teacher instructed us to ask her when we were ready to move from the story book side of the library (for first graders) to the more advanced side. Since I'd already read everything on the storybook  side, I immediately asked permission to transfer from one side to the other. She said, "No," without any explanation. From my experience at home, I didn't challenge her, so I didn't ask her again until almost all of the class had moved to the advanced side. Later on in school, the idea that "asking was unacceptable" was reinforced again. I had a teacher who told us there was "No such thing as a stupid question." But when we didn't understand a math problem and asked for clarification, she'd call us stupid. These experiences, and many others, established a pattern in my life. It was forbidden to ask for help or for what I wanted. If I did, I knew I'd be denied, rejected, or ridiculed. It was so ingrained that I didn't even think to ask the Universe for what I wanted. I figured that if my desires weren't given to me, eve n after I'd worked for them, I couldn't c ouldn't request any help. I should be able to do it on my own or not at all. Over the past few years, I've realized how incredibly limiting that concept is. It's said that the Universe knows our needs and desires before we ask. Because of that, some people then think that they shouldn't have to make the request. The Universe may know our  desires, and have already granted them, but unless we ask, how can our subconscious mind know that we actually want them? Until we knock at the door, and keep knocking until we get an answer, the subconscious won't believe that we actually ac tually want our goal. Sometimes the initial answer is "No," and if  that's the case we need to figure out what else we need to do to get an affirmative response. Sometimes, it's simply that we need to ask again and again, or go around to the  back door and knock. Persistence gets the attention of our subconscious mind. People will notice when you keep at it, and begin to take you seriously when you don't give up. Just like your subconscious mind will notice your persistance. There are times when we need to go somewhere else to ask for what we want. I once had a friend who wouldn't take "No" for an answer. He kept trying to get me to change my mind about going to his church with him. Because he didn't like my answer, he tried to manipulate me into doing what he wanted. Eventually, I ended the friendship and he had "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

36 to find friendship elsewhere. If a particular p erson or situation can't or won't give what you want, then it's time time to move on to someone or someplace that's more receptive. The Universe really does want to help you, but you may have some beliefs to the contrary. Those are ideas that have been accepted by your subconscious mind. You can change these negative concepts with perseverance. I still have trouble asking for help, especially when I'm shopping for something. But once I've done all I can on my own, I ask for assistance. The Universe, sometimes acting through other people, has been more than willing to help.

Affirmation It's okay to ask for what I want. I persist in asking for what I really desire, knowing that in doing so, I'm convincing my subconscious mind that I truly want my goal. The Universe completely supports my desires, and has already granted them. I realize that the Universe acts through other people to grant my wishes. I'm guided and directed to the right people or into right action to receive a positive response to my request. Copyright 2004 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Planting The Seeds Of Your Desire By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

When a smoker comes to see me professionally, p rofessionally, or comes to my tobacco-cessation class,  before they actually "quit," I give them "homework." They're instructed to begin being aware of when they smoke, what they're doing when they smoke, and to make the whole  process inconvenient by hiding the pack of cigarettes. This, and other activities, begin to  prepare their subconscious for their "quit date." By doing so, they're letting their  subconscious know that they're serious about not smoking. This gets the garden of their  mind ready to plant the seeds of being a non-smoker. If you've ever gardened, you know that the soil must be prepared. A seed won't take root in ground that's hard as a rock. The earth must be turned over to make it soft so seeds can take root. Weeds need to be pulled. Fertilizer may be added to the soil to make it more fertile. And once the seeds have been sown, the plot must be watered, and kept free of  unwanted weeds that might crowd out your desired crop. The same must be done with your mind when making a change in your life. The first thing you need to do is decide what you want to plant. If you want marigolds, then don't get a package of squash seeds. You need to focus on what it is you want, not what you don't want. Just like fertile soil, your subconscious will grow whatever you  plant. But since it doesn't understand a negative statement, you must focus on what it is you want. For instance, a person should not say "I won't smoke," but say, "I choose to be a non-smoker." What is it that you want to change in your life? Once that's decided, what steps can you take in the direction of your goal? For instance, if you want more abundance, examine your thoughts and attitudes about  prosperity. Do you have low self-worth, do you feel it's impossible to experience more abundance, do you feel you don't deserve it? Those are the weeds that need to be pulled. Every time you think of prosperity, imagine feeling that you have more, and more is coming into your life. You're preparing your garden and planting the seeds. As they begin to germinate, you may be guided to network, to ask your boss for a raise, to take more training. Follow these directives, as they're the Universe helping you through your  subconscious. If you want to reduce weight, begin to act like a thinner person by reducing the amount you eat, exercising, and eating healthier. For better relationships, act friendly and optimistic, and make sure your boundaries a re respected, while you respect others' limits. To feel better about yourself, observe what you say to yourself and make it more positive.

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

38 Once you've planted your seeds, know that you rarely get a 100% germination rate. One time, I planted eight spaghetti squash seeds but only seven of them germinated. While the crop of seeds didn't all sprout, the ones that did produced a large number of squash that took over my garden. If you've planted a sufficient number of thoughts and actions related to your desire, you'll get a healthy amount of them sprouting. Once you have a successful yield, with continued tending, they will grow larger and more successful. Many years ago, I planted a bunch of marigolds. I didn't pinch the blossoms after they'd faded, so they went to seed and fell off. The next year, I had more marigold  plants than I'd had the year previously. However, this time I didn't tend them, and there weren't any the year after that. If you neglect your garden, the seeds won't sprout, and the weeds will once again take over. If you don't consciously and persistently tend to your mental garden, the subconscious will deliver to you the general gene ral trend of your mindset. If it's "I'm helpless, I'm a victim, I can't, I'm not enough," the subconscious will make sure those expectations are met. Just like planting seeds in a garden, the subconscious can only grow the ideas that are impressed into it. Once you get your plot ready, plant the seeds, and water them, trust that the soil (your  subconscious mind) knows how to germinate the seeds and make them produce. Don't dig them up when you get impatient. Some seeds take longer to sprout than others. The same is true with your goal. It may take a bit of time and tending to allow the subconscious to fully develop the idea and find the way to bring it about. But as with gardening, a mind that's prepared and constantly tended will yield a rich and plentiful harvest.

Affirmation I am now aware of what the tendency of my thoughts are about my goal. I weed out the negative ideas I've held about my desire by knowing that I deserve it, the Universe wants it for me, and my subconscious knows how to bring it about. To prepare for the reality of  my goal, I take any steps that I need to take. I keep my attention focused on the completion of my desire, and trust my subconscious mind to figure out how to manifest it. Copyright 2005 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Believe Your Thoughts Have Power  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

When I was in college, I took a class in archery. I started with a bow that didn't take much effort to pull the string. As I practiced, my muscles strengthened until I was ab le to move up to a bow that took more effort. Along with getting stronger, my aim improved. With the more powerful bow, my arrows went further. If I lost my conc entration while aiming, the arrow would go wide of my mark and I'd miss the target and hit the bales of  hay beyond it. In that class, I went through a course of training to strengthen my muscles and improve my aim. The same is true of our thoughts. Every thought we have is creative, but most of  the time, the subconscious doesn't act on them. It acts only on the thoughts that have the most emotion, power and repetition. Repetition of the same thought allows the concept to accumulate energy. The subconscious recognizes the ideas that we aim at the most and strives to hit that target. As we understand this concept, we learn that our thoughts have power. "Thoughts are things," as some of the modern mystics have said. Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of  Mind, stated that "The more power one gives to his thought - the more completely he  believes that his thought has power - the more power it will have." When we focus on a goal, we must let the subconscious mind work out the way to manifest it. Training ourselves to trust the subconscious to figure out how to manifest our  desire frees it to be more creative and respond more quickly. Ernest Holmes also said, "Trained thought is far more powerful than untrained." Just as I trained in archery, and improved with practice, your results will improve as you train your mind. But just as I would miss the mark if I lost my concentration when I was shooting an arrow, so can trained thought miss the mark if we focus on the wrong thing. If we've trained ourselves to focus our mind on what we want, then the subconscious manifests it. It doesn't care whether the goal is good or bad for us, it just responds to the amount of  energy we put into the thought. I've known many people who trained their minds to manifest their desires, then forgot that if they focused on the wrong thing, their subconscious wouldn't discriminate and would create the negative idea as well. Resentment, bitterness, ill will, feeling victimized, and jealousy boomeranged quickly, and these people experienced falls from grace, lost  jobs, alienated friends, financial difficulties, etc. When we tune our minds, and sharpen our thinking, we have to be careful of what we contemplate because all of our thought then becomes more powerful. "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


This may seem scary to some. "What if I think the wrong thing?" Mainly, it's when we dwell on the negativity and it gets entrenched that it rebounds on us. Our saving grace is that the subconscious acts on the tendency of all our thoughts. Therefore, if we generally focus on positive thoughts, a few fleeting negative emotions, like anger, grief, etc., won't gather much energy. As long as we are working on releasing any negativity, the process keeps the energy moving and it won't gather any intensity. As we progress mentally, our spiritual path becomes na rrower, and we have less leeway to wander off of it. The advantage is that we learn our lessons faster because the effects of our mis-steps show up rapidly. It's been called "instant karma." We also become clearer, and are able to manifest what we want more quickly. Just as when I trained in archery, my arm got stronger and the arrow flew straighter and further, so will your  thoughts soar to your target as you train your mind to know that your thoughts have  power.

Affirmation Every thought I have is creative. c reative. I keep my mind focused on o n what it is that I desire. As I train my mind and believe my thoughts have hav e power, my thoughts increase in their power  and manifest what I desire more quickly. I trust that my subconscious knows how to manifest my desire, desire, even if I don't. As I deal with any negative thought or emotion, I'm able to release it bit by bit b it and it fades away. I fill my mind with thoughts of peace,  prosperity, health, harmony, and all that is good. Copyright 2006 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Cleaning The Window Of Your Mind  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

Last week, I had a day when everything went right. I shopped for, and found, a perfect sweater. When I stopped at the grocery store, I ran into a couple of past tobacco-cessation class participants who thanked me for all the help that I'd given them. My class went smoothly. Even most of the stoplights were green for me. Have you ever had a day when you're in the zone, and everything falls into place? Or, conversely, when you're in a bad mood and nothing appears to go right? You burn the toast, run into construction, and all the lights turn red just before you get to them. Your  day to day consciousness or mood determines d etermines how things flow (or not) for you. On a larger scale, the same is true for your life as a whole. Your subconscious mind acts on the sum-total of your thoughts. If you generally g enerally dwell on ideas of lack, limitation, and struggle, then your life will be created from that energy. Challenges and difficulties  become the norm. Your subconscious filters everything through your belief as to whether  life is "for you" or "against you." A wonderful opportunity could come your way, but if  you are in this negative mind-set, the subconscious would disregard the chance since it didn't align with the over-all trend of your thinking. However, if the tendency of your thinking is more positive, life flows more smoothly for  you. Unexpected benefits fall into your path. Lemons turn into lemonade. I'm sure you've known someone who always lands on their feet and has the golden touch. This is because their dominant thoughts are positive and productive. Even if they have a stretch of  unhappiness, since the bulk of their beliefs are constructive, the despondent outlook  doesn't make much of a dent. When I've been in a period of crisis, and my consciousness has been caught up with alarm and distress, I experience more restrictions and difficulties. This is because my mental resources are wrapped up in anxiety. However, the times that I've had a lasting emergency, but immersed myself in positive concepts, life flowed more ea sily and upward. If your consciousness tends more towards negativity, using affirmations can improve any aspect of your life. But unless your total awareness raises, it's unlikely the change will last. I've known people to initially experience marked improvement and even miracles,  but couldn't sustain them because of the overall destructive inclination of their thinking. It's like having a dirty window, with the grime on it being your accumulated negative  beliefs. Your vision is like the old saying, "We see through a glass, darkly." d arkly." Everything "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

42 you perceive is filtered through the filth, and this affects your entire life experience. Using an affirmation for a specific area of your life cleans a space in the dirt. However, if  you don't constantly work at keeping that section clear by continuously using the affirmation, the grime from the rest of the window creeps back over it, clouding it again. To make sure you improve the quality of your life, fill your mind with the possibilities of  good. Read uplifting books that help you recognize your true potential. Identify what your negative beliefs about life are, and find a way to improve those concepts. Whenever  you recognize that your thoughts are drifting back into a negative feedback loop, understand that it's simply old programming, and change them to something favorable. Keep a gratitude journal daily to remind you of the good in your world. It's far too easy to sink into a quicksand of negativity. If you aren't vigilant, you can be  pulled down into the mire and your awareness will become polluted. This tendency must  be combated with every thought of every day. The good news is that as soon as you begin to lift your vision from the rocks at your feet to the bright horizon, you'll notice your life improving and it will be lasting.

Affirmation I now fill my mind with thoughts of love, joy, harmony, peace and power. I know that Life is created from Love, and that the Universe wants the best be st for me. I think of the  possibilities, and know that they can come to pass. Life is "for me." I can c an have anything good I desire, through the power of my subconscious mind. I bless eve ry difficult situation, and trust that it somehow benefits me. Copyright 2006 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Focus On What You Want  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

When I’m working with smokers to help them quit, I tell them that if they’re having a hard time giving it up, it’s because for years they’ve told themselves that “I can’t quit,” or  “It’s going to be hard.” The subconscious has accepted that declaration and is making sure that it’s giving them what it thinks they want. Even if they’ve made a different decision (to quit), the inner mind is simply obeying the concept with the most energy attached to it. What have you been unwittingly telling your subconscious? “I’m not good enough,” “I can’t win,” “There isn’t enough (whatever) to go around,” “I can’t find a romantic  partner,” “There isn’t enough business,” “There’s a scarcity of jobs,” “I can’t find what I want.” These conclusions are instructions to the subconscious, and it must act on them. There’s an old saying, “Energy flows where attention goes.” Wherever your attention is, whatever you’ve been focusing on, the subconscious will create a mold for that belief and make it real. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been concentrating on what you want, or  what you don’t want, a desire or a fear. The subconscious subconscious can’t discern between positive or negative emotion. It simply recognizes the force of the energy, associates it with the image or concept you’re dwelling on, o n, and thinks, “They must want this or o r else they wouldn’t have spent so much time thinking about it.” Energy (emotion) plus image (concept) equals result (your experience). The subconscious is also quite literal. I tell smokers that they need to keep their attention on their desired result. Instead of focusing on quitting smoking, they need to keep thinking about being a nonsmoker. I’ve known many people who have quit smoking, only to begin again a few weeks or months later because their stated goal was to “Quit smoking.” Once they’d stopped, their subconscious figured, “Okay, we’ve achieved that goal. Now let’s start smoking again so that we get to accomplish it again.” The same is true for weight reduction. So many people focus on releasing a certain amount of weight, only to regain it again. Their attention was on the activity of reduction instead of eating and exercising for the weight they wanted to be. The subconscious is only doing what it thinks you want. You have to be specific and focus on the end result instead of the steps to get there. The steps are necessary to break the objective down into goals that can be readily accomplished. This principle applies to every aspect of your life. Do you want a greater income? Instead contemplating the lack of money (which the subconscious perceives to be your aim), fill your mind with the amount you want and a nd how your life will change. If you want a "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

44 relationship, instead of complaining there you can’t meet anyone you like (the subconscious will make sure you don’t), realize that there are countless number of people to choose from. If you need to break your objective into attainable steps, that’s fine. Just keep your mind on the eventual goal. What do you need to change to achieve it? For instance, a smoker  needs to develop new coping skills, as does anyone reducing weight. For greater  abundance, do you need to become more visible and network? For a relationship, find ways to meet people of like mind. Instead of focusing on the lack or blocks to what you want (which the subconscious will misunderstand as instructions), place your attention on the solution and take the actions necessary to get there. Universal energy will flow in, and even if you don’t know how you’ll achieve your objective, you’ll be guided in the right direction. Remember, your  subconscious mind will work just as hard to give you what you want as it will to give you what you don’t want. What you concentrate on and then receive from Life is up to you.

Affirmation I become aware of the negative messages I’ve been telling myself. Recognizing that they are outdated and that I want to change them, I find a way to open my mind to the  possibilities. I now focus on what it is that I do want. As I identify iden tify the positive changes that my goal will manifest in my life, I take the actions necessary to bring about abou t the change I desire. My subconscious finds the way to bring it about, and the Universe guides and directs me in the right direction. Copyright 2006 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Relax Your Grip By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

After completing a garage sale, I wanted to find homes for some furniture that hadn’t sold. I approached resale shops in the area. Most didn’t take furniture, and if they did, they didn’t want any at this time. I tried donating them to various charities, cha rities, but none of  them wanted the furniture, either. I didn’t want to have to spend several hundred dollars to have them hauled off to the dump, but that was looking likely. The more time and effort I spent on trying to find a solution, the more I was blocked. The frustration and stress built to a point that I had to let go of seeking an answer for awhile. It’s a good thing to be persistent, to keep knocking on door. This shows your  subconscious that you really mean business, and that you want to make changes. However, when you start to shake the doorknob, or take an axe to the door, maybe it’s time to let the issue rest for awhile. When you try to force the Universe to manifest the solution “NOW!”, that means you’re trying to control the outcome. And that, in itself, will create a block. The secret to solving a problem is to focus on the end result, not on how you think it should be done. The harder you try to fix the problem, the more solid and stubborn stubbo rn it will become. There’s an old saying, “You can’t push the river.” When you use your willpower to try to force your way through an issue, it’s like all the energy is going into creating more of a  block. The frustration, anxiety, and irritation just tells the subconscious that you want more of the challenge. When the conscious mind is fully engaged with your churned up emotions, the subconscious doesn’t have the energy to find the solution. The inner mind senses the emotions focused on the issue instead of its solution, and delivers de livers more challenges. Sometimes, you just have to walk away from it. Let the energy dissipate, so the subconscious can use its creativity to actually a ctually work on a solution. Put your attention on something else. As a friend of mine says, “Change the energy. Go have some ice cream.” Take a walk, play, work on another project. Take a break from trying to force the issue. Shift the energy from aggravation to enjoyment or accomplishment. When you do, the subconscious then has the energy available to find a solution. A few hours after I let go of my problem with the furniture, I received a phone call from someone who was willing to take the furniture for a nominal fee. One of the places I’d contacted had given him my name. I was delighted that the pieces would continue to be of service, and that my problem was solved. Once again, I was shown that the best way to solve a problem was to relax my grip on it.

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Affirmation I know there is a solution to my problem. My subconscious mind is very creative, and knows what to do and how to do it to find an agreeable solution. I now let go of the issue, relaxing my grip on it, and do something enjoyable. By releasing the problem to my subconscious mind, I funnel positive energy ene rgy into its creativity. Drawing its power and wisdom from the Universe, my creative mind now resolves the problem in Divine Order. Copyright 2006 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


 Defuse the Power of Negative Thinking  By Linda-Ann Stewart (first published at http://www.cedar tter.shtml))

Emerson said, “We are what we think about all day long.” What do you tend to think  about all day? Is your awareness focused on beneficial, enriching thoughts or are you mainly thinking discouraging, undermining ideas and telling yourself that “I can’t?” The subconscious follows the tendency of your thoughts, and manifests the average of what you ponder during the day. If the overall quality of your thoughts is positive and uplifting, then the subconscious moves in that direction, and the converse is true. It’s not easy to think positively every moment of every da y. I’m not even sure it’s  possible. But the subconscious doesn’t need you to be continuously constructive. It just needs you to be more positive than negative for it to create more harmony. But many  people fear their negative thoughts, and that very fear gives those thoughts more energy. Each thought is potentially creative and is formed of energy. When a person recognizes they’ve considered a negative idea, many times they feel guilty for doing so, and become afraid that it will overcome any positive thou ghts. Instead of simply switching their  attention to something more beneficial, they continue to spiral downwards, and the negative thought takes on a life of its own. For instance, consider a baseball player who has missed every pitch in a game. Instead of  figuring he just had a bad game, or the pitcher was especially good, he might begin to doubt his abilities. During practice, and the next game, he’ll tense up and worry too much about hitting the ball. He may recognize the tendency of his thinking, and try to overcome it. But now he’s fighting on two fronts. He’s concerned about not hitting the  ball and fearful that his thinking is going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once he  begins to worry, and not trust his abilities, problems arise. Many times, the limiting, negative thoughts are simply a part of the subconscious trying to protect you and keep you safe. You might hear that little voice in your head saying: If you don’t try, then you won’t fail, right? By expecting the worst, you won’t be disappointed when it happens. If you don’t succeed, then people won’t expect more of you. • • •

This little voice is part of the subconscious mind using fear, doubt, and worry as a way to keep you from growing and moving forward. As long as you’re in familiar territory, then it figures nothing bad will happen. It’s simply doing its job, repeating what it’s been programmed to do. So instead of  vilifying it, resisting the negative thoughts and fearing their power, change your way of  "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

48 responding to them. When you become aware of a negative idea, simply say, “Thank  you.” This immediately defuses the power you attach to the negative thought. You’re acknowledging its attempt to help, instead of rebelling against it. State, “Thank you, but that’s no longer helpful,” and respond with a beneficial concept. A long time ago, I learned a powerful way of dealing with negative thoughts. Divide a  paper in half, write your affirmative goal on the left side, and record any objection that comes to mind on the right side, and then reply with “Thank you.” By writing down its concerns, and then acknowledging it with a “Thank you,” you’re letting the subconscious mind know that you recognize its distress. On the next line, write your goal again, and then any negative response, and “Thank you.” Continue until you don’t notice any negative thoughts about it coming into your mind. Eventually, it will cease to bother you with protests, because you’ve let it know you’ve heard it, but are still going to move in that new direction. You’ve taken back your power. It will respect that, because that’s its true goal. As long as you accept your own authority in directing your life, the critical voice will quiet down. And you can now put your  attention on what it is you want wa nt in your life, without wasting your energy resisting your  negative thoughts.

Affirmation  Negative thoughts are simply outdated ideas that I accepted sometime in the past. They are no longer valid or necessary to help me. Whenever I recognize myself dwelling on a negative concept, I remember that it’s simply my subconscious mind concerned about me. I respond with “Thank you, but it’s safe for me to experience progress.” I accept that I am the authority in my life and now take back my power. Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Back To Contents

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


Catalog Of Products Affirmation Audiotapes Spiritual Self-Hypnosis Audiotapes and CD's Affirmation E-Books Affirmation Creation Online Class Which is right for me, affirmations or hypnosis? What's the difference between affirmations and hypnosis?

Affirmation Audiotapes Affirmations are a proven way to change self-defeating thought patterns into ones that align with what the Universe wants wan ts for you. Created specifically to be listened to in the car, these tapes can also be used during other activities during the day. Each side of  Affirmative Flow begins with a short discussion and then ha s fifteen minutes of  affirmations. Titles Available: Success - Become the success you were destined to be. Abundance - Accept the abundance that's already yours.

To order or to learn more about how these affirmation tapes can help you begin to achieve your dreams, go to

Spiritual Self-Hypnosis Audiotapes and CD's Self-hypnosis taps into the Power within you within you to help you to transform your  life. Self-hypnosis is a proven, powerful means of communicating with your  subconscious mind to release old beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. These audiotapes and CDs recognize the Power of the Universe, and bring that awareness to help to change your thinking and thereby changing your life. The CD's are made for more recent compact disk players that can play CD-R's. Titles Available: Spiritual Self-Esteem - The cornerstone of any improvement in your life. Identify With Abundance - Expand to accept more of the Universe in the form of  abundance. Divine Health - Recognize that every cell in your body has a Divine blueprint of health in it. Mastering Stress Through Self-Hypnosis - This is a mainstream self-hypnosis tape or  CD to help reduce stress.

"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

50 To order or to learn more about a bout the Spiritual Self-Hypnosis audiotapes and CDs, go to

Affirmation E-Books Based on years of experience, containing a wealth of information on how the mind works, how to use the affirmation, the affirmation, a commentary and more. Each e-book  has the equivalent of around twenty pages Titles Available: Spirit Supports Itself  - Experience more prosperity and success succe ss in your life. My Ideal Weight - The Universe created you to be slender. Self-Acceptance - I've discovered that almost every problem has, at its heart, a lack of  self-acceptance.

To order or learn more about Affirmation E-Books, go to

Affirmation Creation Online Class Six classes, sent by email once a week, we ek, to help you write your own, individual, effective affirmation. You'll learn about affirmations, what they are, how to write them, how to fill them with power, how to most effectively use them, and much more. Each class includes a lesson, exercise, and affirmation for that week. For more information, click on Or sneak a peek at the lesson portion of the first class at

Which is right for me, affirmations or hypnosis?

If you can set aside twenty or so minutes a day, even if it's right before be fore you go to bed, then the hypnosis tapes are right for you. However, if you cannot find that time, then the affirmation tapes would be your best choice. The affirmation tapes were designed to be used while you're doing other activities. The hypnosis tapes should only be listened to when you can close your eyes and be quiet. What's the difference between affirmations and hypnotic suggestions?

Affirmations and suggestions are essentially the same thing. Only the terminology is different. Both suggestions and affirmations are statements that are designed to change old mental ideas in your subconscious mind. Generally, affirmations are used while you "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

51 are awake and alert, and during other activities. But they can also be used in meditation to help to elevate your consciousness. In that case, they then become a suggestion. A suggestion is a statement designed to change a belief, attitude, habit, or effect a change on the body. Both re-program your mind to release old thought patterns and condition it with the new ones that you choose.

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"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


About Linda-Ann Stewart

Linda-Ann Stewart began her interest in metaphysics at the age of twelve when her  mother began to study astrology. Throughout her teen years, Linda-Ann read about reincarnation, the occult, and spiritual subjects. In 1976, she became involved with several metaphysical groups, where she received direction, discipline and depth for her  spiritual explorations. She experienced the first of many past life regressions in 1979. During the late seventies and early eighties, Linda-Ann lectured at metaphysical groups around the Texas Gulf Coast. In 1982, she moved to Sedona, Arizona and became involved in community activities. She joined a writer's group, community theater, her photographs won awards and hung in a local arts co-op, for a couple of years she was on the St. Patrick's Day Parade planning committee, and enjoyed hiking in the red rocks. Linda-Ann was certified as a clinical hypnotherapist in 1989, furthering her spiritual development studies. In 1990, she experienced a personal and spiritual crisis, and had to  begin rebuilding her life and faith. With her background in metaphysics, she knew affirmations would improve her life, and repeated them throughout her day. Considering herself a teacher and guide, she wishes to help people achieve their goals,  build a greater sense of self-acceptance, and empower them to utilize their own potential for healing and change. A frequent speaker and workshop leader, she conducts classes and presentations on a  broad range of topics, such as self-esteem, stress management, self-hypnosis, empowerment, success, the power of belief, and much more. She has given presentations and workshops at a national conference of hypnotherapy, and received their "Member Of  The Year" Award in 1999. She is also a Tobacco-Cessation Specialist and facilitates classes through the Yavapai County Tobacco-Cessation Partnership to help people  become tobacco free. Her articles have appeared in national newsletters, e-zines, and magazines such as "Sedona Vortex Connection," "The Whole Life Times," "In Light Times," and "Science of Mind." "Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit


In her personal life, she's an award winning weaver and photographer. Linda-Ann loves to hike with her "significant other," Jeff. Each year, she and Jeff attend the local Renaissance Faire in costume. You can email Linda-Ann at [email protected]. For more articles and offerings, or to sign up for her monthly newsletter, visit her website at To read the current online version of The Cedarfire Newsletter, go to To read past issues of The Cedarfire Newsletter, go to

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"Secrets To The Law Of Attraction: Twenty-Five Articles" Copyright 2007 Linda Ann Stewart Cedarfire: Tools For Your Mind, Soul and Spirit

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