Secretary Certificate

August 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  That I, ___________________ , being the duly elected, qualified and incumbent Corporate Secretary Secretary of ______________________. (the (the “Corporation”) “Corporation”) DO HEREBY CERTIFY : 1.  That the following are excerpts from the Minutes of Meeting of the Board

of Directors of __________________________held __________________________held on _______________: “RESOLVED , as it is hereby resolved, that this Corporation be

authorized to negotiate negotiate and obtain from Philippine Philippine AXA Life Insurance Corp. insurance coverage for all its keyman personnel, in amount of   _______________________________________________________________________    _(PHP_______________________), _(PHP_______________________), designating therein the corporation corporation as its ben benefi eficia ciary, ry, upo upon n such such other other ter terms ms an and d condit condition ions s that that may be agreed upon with the said insurance company, and appropriate funds for the payment of the premiums therefore; RESOLVED, Further, that ___________________ empowered to

sign, execute and and deliver, for and in behalf behalf of the corporation, any and all applications for insurance and such other instrument or document that may be required to carry out the foregoing purpose.” 2. That th the e above above excerpts excerpts are true true and correc correctt excerpts excerpts from from the Minutes Minutes of  the aforesaid Board meeting, a copy of which is in my possession and custody as such Corporate Secretary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of  the Corporation, this ___ day of _____ _____, at Quezon City. ________________________  Corporate Secretary Noted By: __________________________  SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this __th day of _________ 20___, at   ________________; affiant exhibiting to me his Community Tax Certificate No. ______, issued on ____________, at ____________. Doc. No. Page No. Book No. Series of

_____; _____; _____; _____ 

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