Second Lady

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SECOND LADY (1980) Irving Wallace 1 Sitting there, she began to feel better. The torture and was almost over. The arrangement of furniture Louis XVI Salon Oval Yellow had changed. Remained sitting upright and alert in the middle of the sofa, striped back to the bow window and extension south lawn of the garden sector, compared to at least twenty reporters and four reporters from the White House most of them in folding chairs, almost all relentless. Nora had settled between Judson, his press secretary and friend, and Laurel Eakins, his appointments secretary, who supported and encouraged. But the weight had endured herself. Since he had become first lady had been granted only four press conferences in two years. It held at the behest of her husband ( "greater opening could be helpful to us both ") was the fifth. Because of its long silence the press had come with an excess of questions. 345

Although the child had not enjoyed respite during the last hour, almost all questions were easy and frivolous. Was it true that had followed a diet low in carbohydrates? Was expected to resume her tennis lessons? Would you participate actively in the campaign of her husband in the primaries? Do you trust her and chairman seeking their views about matters of state? What novels he had read lately? Did you have any opinion about current women's fashions? "He was still London still Ladbury your favorite designer? What was your reaction to recent surveys view according to which she was now more women popular in the world? And so on, without any pause. Now a large woman with a nasal accent Texas was leading him a serious question. Bradford ord-S in conjunction with the announcement by that will assist you to the International Meeting Women in Moscow this week before accompanying his husband to the London summit ... - Yes

- Have you changed your views on the amendment on equal rights or the issue of abortion? What you speak of these issues in Moscow? He noticed that his press secretary wriggled uncomfortably at his side, but disregarded the warning and continued forward. -T engo intention about both issues as speak at the meeting. As for my views, I must say I have not changed at all. Sigo have long believed that they should be women equal rights in the United States and every day we are more supports in this regard: As the issue of abortion, there's much to be said for a and other position. "He paused to hear him sigh relief from his press secretary, and went on. No But I think that there should be no law against abortion. I think it has to be a individual decision that each woman should take their account ... - Talk about it in Moscow? "No doubt. Also try to establish, based on available statistics, which is

now the position of women in States States on both issues. He had gotten up yet another reporter, high and bony. He spoke with a Boston accent modulated. -S ord Bradford, can you tell us what else you expect to discuss at the International Meeting Women? -W omen in the U.S. labor sector. The women in our armed forces. Oh, infinity of issues. I have a very comprehensive report ready when you return. The editor of The York Times rose. "I understand you're going to spend three days in Moscow. Can you say what other activities plans to develop, besides the meetings? -B ueno, since it is gonna be my first visit to the Soviet Union, I hope to allow time for make some visits to places of interest ... but I think Nora may inform them better about my schedule. Nora looked at Judson and his press secretary took over with quickly, efficiently, and brilliance. Billie Bradford first reclined on the couch sigh of relief. That day, especially since the

noon until then had been so busy and so dominated by the concerns that had not account until that time I was exhausted really. He was disheveled. He looked for look at the sweater, blue cashmere and skirt blue pleated darker. Both ensembles offered still look neat and groomed. Well then it would be the hair. Her long blond hair combed back in a bun secured by a silk ribbon. But as always, some strands had come loose and hung on the front. With a characteristic gesture, removed the locks and smoothed again. Nora was describing representatives of the Moscow press the itinerary of the first lady and Billie Bradford felt comforted. Simulating pay attention to his press secretary Billie left your mind back to the late hours of the morning of that momentous day and to cross all afternoon to reach this moment. Before noon, had sent all correspondence staff, particularly his letters to his father in Malibu and her younger sister, Kit, saying that after Moscow, before leaving for London, would have to

spend a day in Los Angeles and expected to see you both. Then he had, stuck in the pressure cooker. He had been a long lunch in the Dining Room Family in honor of the wives of the leaders of the majority and minority of the Senate and House of representatives, and the wives of several important leaders of the committees. Immediately thereafter, The winners received a contest sponsored painting. by a national association of disabled people. Then had Ladbury presented himself, fresh from London for preliminary testing of new clothes and costumes that I thought look at Moscow and London. Without the less rest, aided by her personal maid Sarah Keating, had embarked on the search for a scrapbook of his student, Guy Parker needed for its investigations with a view to the autobiography he was writing in his name. Then he had fallen and had gone to the Rose Garden. The late August afternoon was soft and had been nice to get in the sun to the delegation of Girl

Scouts and their leaders and award prizes special girls who had distinguished themselves in outstanding service to the community. With just five minutes of time, had Nora directed the company Yellow Oval Room upstairs, where representatives of the press had been taking tea while waiting for his arrival. And now, after more than an hour, realized press conference that just ended. Nora and Laurel were standing on either side of it, and rushed to get off the couch to murmur a words of thanks and say goodbye. Once he had emptied the room, stood, drained of energy. The smile, so long frozen in their pale features of classical, vanished in a tight straight line. It was done, the momentous day had ended, and yet still not quite. I had to take a final action. Recovering, he left the room alone, advanced by the long hallway toward the elevator and took it to go down stairs. Minutes later, he entered the West Wing, is addressed the Cabinet Room and entered. Rarely

showed apprehensive or anxious, but now felt both sensations. The spacious room smelled of leather and cigar smoke. As had assumed, there were five, all sitting around the magnificent mahogany table, watching yet the two television monitors in which images appeared she Yellow Oval Room had just left. The bigger the group, a man stocky and bulky, it Pietrov General Ivan, KGB chairman, got up quickly: In its broad Slavic face, displaying a smile. - Ah, Vera Vavilova! He exclaimed.He kissed her in a cheek, then on the other. My dear, has been you proud. A faultless performance. My congratulations! -T hanks, "she said while his heart stop pounding. Many thanks. The general had Pietrov talking again. "So you've finished the last test general-studied closely. Do you think it ready? -E stoy list, "she said. "Okay," he said, picking up his cap. Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me.

go to the Kremlin to inform the prime minister. When left the Cabinet Room, it will followed and watched them get into the car and drop the false White House, across the high fence gate open by KGB guards. He stood and watched, beyond the open gate, the distant domes golden needles inside the Kremlin and the Moscow skyline. "O there thought three days, after nearly three years of hard effort. " In the end, Vera Vavilova smiled inwardly. This time with a genuine smile. Yes, I was actually ready. 2 As he left the building in Georgetown one of whose apartments he lived, Guy Parker realized that this would not be their day. When Washington was hot and humid, there was in the world no city more suffocating. By the time pulled into the alley and walked to the garage, he was starting to feel sticky all over. He

sweat stains from my armpits to the waist. The shirt had stuck to her body like a wide bandage tape. After opening the door of his new Ford, took off his jacket thread striped, loosened his tie point is bowed and sat at the wheel. He left his jacket folded on the seat beside him and placed it on the small tape a cassette. After starting the car, make up back and left the lane, accelerated and went to the maximum speed at Madison hotel. He had a lunch appointment at one and a half. I did not want to get late because her guest was extraordinarily busy and made him a favor. Twice he had quoted to have lunch with George Kilday and every single time Kilday had canceled the appointment at the last moment because of some urgent news. An hour had Kilday telephoned the office of The Los Angeles Times in Washington and had assured him that afternoon

the appointment was to remain standing. Parker was doubly determined not to be late because the interview was a real favor. The head office had nothing Parker win seeing that while Parker was much to gain. He ran around town or at least between the Members of the fourth estate, the rumor that Parker was to keep half a million dollars advance the editor had given to the first lady for her autobiography (the other half million be spent on works charities). Kilday had had many reasons to be jealous, angry and not wanting to cooperate. Instead, it proved to be a very amiable, a veteran who was glad of the success of their colleagues. Guy Parker came to Madison with four minutes advance. Taking the tape and coat it gave the car to the doorman. In the lobby, Exquisitely furnished, fresh air will provided, immediate relief and renewed energy. It deflected past the reception desk and the window box and hurried to the simple coffee. Al

enter, saw a waitress was accompanying Kilday at a table. He approached them, waving to Kilday hand, and Kilday waved back. He knew very well Kilday, but had met him about half a dozen of times over the past two years and medium, at the time that Parker was one of the drafters of the president's speeches, and the few times they had spoken, they had done for very short time and always talking about politics. Almost all staff knew of Kilday, unless it was it was an appreciable time in the environments journalism, for his tenacity with news and its almost religious respect for accuracy. Parker was not aware that there had been some relationship between Kilday and first lady until that meeting initial that the very Billie, he communicated. Had been speaking of the period post-graduation in journalism from Billie in the Vassar. Before his father retired, she had been working in the advertising agency which was a customer of the company that marketed inventions

of his father. He had got a job at a public relations firm in New York and more afternoon had been its representative in London during a brief period. It had returned to Los Angeles. decided to write a novel and, as I was by the half, had broken into pieces. "And shortly after, did you get a job The LA Times, is not it? had asked Parker. "No exactly.In fact my first job journalism, if I may so call it, was in a newspaper direct distribution of Santa Monica in exchange for a lowest weekly wage. The money did not matter. In Not really needed it. What was interesting was that this he gave me access to many events and places not otherwise have known. Well, one day editor I assigned the task of writing a report of a rehabilitation center addicts. But instead of doing it routine, interviewing the director, I had an idea, thought of something he had read in a biography Nellie Bly. "L to trying to beat the record around the world in Eighty Days Jules Verne?

-L to itself.The Fogg Verne did in eighty days in the novel. Nellie Bly did in the reality in 1889 and 1890. He circled the world in seventy-two days. In any case, before carrying After this feat, just as I was beginning to as a reporter novel in the New York World, Nellie Bly wrote an article about the madmen who were sent to Blackwell's Island and about receiving treatment there. But instead of making report as Orthodox, Nellie donned rags, assumed a deranged, simulated insanity and got him to shut up in the Blackwell Island. As a patient, was observed directly the miserable conditions and the cruelty with which they were treated the sick. On leaving, wrote two stories are front page on its experience. That complaint was made famous in the overnight. Well then, I had commissioned a report routinely on a rehabilitation center for drug addicts in Santa Monica and thought of Nellie Bly and I said ... Why not? - Did you get admission to the facility as a drug addict? "Addicted to cocaine. And it worked. I could see

many things. Then I wrote the story in first person, from the point of view of a patient. Good, I will not say it was a feeling ... the final analysis the report was published in a small publication full direct distribution weekly ad Real estate and food stores ... but, still get them to look a little on me and I commended. Above all, my family. My father loved it. So much so that he sent a clipping to a friend who occupied a leading position in the Los Angeles Times. Al executive liked it and also liked the fact that was the work of the daughter of Clarence Lane (my father was by then pretty famous for his inventions) and passed Work on the writing section. The editor called me for an interview and decided to undergo a test for my login template. - What did? "It was a failure," Billie Bradford, starting to laugh. I have recruited and dispatched in twenty four hours, were it not for George Kilday. He was a reviewer of manuscripts and saved my own skin.

- What happened? "Oh, I will not go into details. Ask her to George Kilday. He will tell him everything. Now is here in Washington, is the head of the office of Los Angeles Times. In fact, should you see all modes. He will update about many things related to my news that I toddle memory. It's authentic reporter's eye. Ask. -A yes I will, Mrs. Bradford.But first I want ask you some questions. What happened to the first task entrusted to him? And she had told him, had told him that could remember that his first mission. Anyway, about that some months ago and well had learned Parker the small role played by Kilday in the life of Billie Bradford and had offered to meet Kilday and finally had tried and now in his third attempt, Parker Kilday was sitting at the cafe Madison. Parker immediately expressed its appreciation the collaboration of veteran journalist.

-N or more could one, "said Kilday. The waitress came back to take note and, while Kilday studying again the menu, choosing soup chicken with noodles and a sandwich of white bread with cheese and lettuce, Parker studied the bureau chief. This was bushy white eyebrows, prominent nose and pronounced jaws with two wounds shaving all on a short neck and a chunky body wearing a wrinkled suit gray. After selected dishes, Parker said the tape recorder had deposited on the plastic table. - Do you mind? "Come," said Kilday. I did not use them. They seem a waste of time The transcript gives much labor and much of it is inconsequential. But no, I do not mind being tapped. Parker pushed the button and launched the device. - How long in Washington? He asked. "I moved here last year with the arrival of Billie Bradford White House. -M ace approximately three years. -Approx. I feel quite proud it. You are giving a fresh look at the old house. Is as elegant as Jacqueline Kennedy. As list sincere Betty Ford. With a creative mind

more marked than that of the latter and also more cunning policy. So no doubt as Rosalynn Carter. Much instinct. In my opinion the most graceful that we had there. -E stoy agree, "said Parker.It is a delight work with her. Have you been seeing in Mrs. Bradford often since becoming first lady? -No, too.Not much to do with the Ala This. I'm in the area of the West Wing. Politics presidential exclusively. However, she has had kind enough to invite to three or four banquets gala. "And whether or not you know he had something to do with his life. One day not long ago she mentioned to you. - Really?What you mentioned? "The way you had saved my skin after his first mission in the LA Times. - She told you that? "Yes he said he owed much. "It's something anyone would have. What

hell, it was just a rookie reporter with recently completed studies and a couple of jobs in the advertising industry-Kilday He paused. What was what he did? -T he bare facts.I thought you could giving further details. It's a very appealing area for the book. Go on.

-S or first job of the newspaper account said Parker. It was very important to her and the head of Edit ... I do not know his name ... -D ave Nugent. Greetings, Whatever the case, ordered him to interview someone important ... "Dr. Jonas Salk T.The vaccine against poliomyelitis. Moved from La Jolla to deliver a lecture in Los Angeles. -M u well.She requested the interview and the granted. Salk very kind he was. Him provided a wonderful material. She sat at the machine, wrote the report and handed it to you to do it get to the editor. The report came you struck him terribly bad, inexperienced, poorly

raised, and so on. Without saying anything, stopped him. Knew that in case of reading, the editor was going to fire. Consequently, he turned quietly to a close a friend of his who was devoted to merge articles, a Veteran journalist named Steve Woodson ... -S teve Kilday Woods corrected him. "Yeah, thanks. Woods. He fully merged job and returned upon request. You passed the report to the editor. He liked and gave to Billie permanent employment. When he saw published, Billie was amazed at what had happened. He came to you and you confessed everything. He said the interview was horrible. He told exactly what had wrong. He said he had gone to work Woods to consolidate it. He noted that it is was modified to be acceptable. She was one pupil. The next time, and all times that followed, got it right. This is the version of Mrs. Bradford. Is it essentially accurate? Kilday had finished his sandwich.

"Hmm, I guess, basically," he said. It covered her mouth with a cupped hand, and behind it used a toothpick to wipe the interdental spaces. Only one thing is not correspond to the truth. Because I never discloses. No Steve Woods there was no charge of merging the work. This did not exist. If there existed, I do not had shown her the story, had not wanted neither he nor anyone knowing how bad he had Billie conducted its first mission. Would not have wanted that the matter reached the ears of the chief. No. The truth is that I brought the story home, so I rewrote and I gave it. I never told him. He did not want was in my debt. I just wanted to be her friend. And she never knew. I do not know then. And still does not know. Therefore, it is something that you no good. You can use it in your book. He have revealed a writer to writer. Now forget it. 'C Urios individual, thought Parker, draining the cup coffee. There are not many people willing to give recognition of his merits. -S and I appreciate Parker said.And thus, Salk reporting after she joined the workforce.

And she spent three years interviewing characters. E-xact.And one of the last was a senator California named Andrew Bradford. That was when it all started for her. "Yes, of course.I want to know something about the Other celebrities who interviewed before reaching Bradford. -S f you want, "Kilday said. At that time, the cashier went to the coffee table. -D isculpen "he said.Do any of you two is the Mr. Guy Parker? -Y or I, "said Parker, looking surprised. "I call on the White House. The phone is the side of the box. Perplexed, Parker left the napkin on the table, excused himself and crossed the room toward the telephone. The voice on the other end of the wire was of Nora Judson. -M and've worked hard to locate, "said she. Then I remembered that you were going to lunch at the Madison. -C on George Kilday.About the book. - Can you short? Billie wanted to see as before.

-D and anyway, I'll see her in an hour for our ... -No, that had been canceled.Has a program too tight. Salé for Moscow tomorrow evening. Today you do not have time to work with you in the book. If you could come immediately ... well let's say in about fifteen minutes ... -D and agreement, I will try.The trouble is that I have been so difficult to meet Kilday ... -C oncierte an appointment for another day.Please, note hurry before everything begins to accumulate. That said, the secretary hung up. Parker was hung in turn and asked who was going to say to George Kilday. But it turned out he did not have to say anything. When he returned to the table and was on Kilday walking, picking a packet of cigarettes, matches and keyring. "And I know, said in a tone of mock exasperation. The White House. Something important has emerged. Always is the same. -L or sorry, "Parker said while threw a look at your account and leave some money on the

table. I'm glad you understand. I was you doing much. Can we finish it any other times? "W hen you look well, call me. They came together and stood in front of the hotel. The street was like an oven. However, Parker decided to stop the car and walked to the White House. Do not take more than fifteen minutes. I needed that time to be alone mentally. While Kilday demanded his car, Parker again gave thanks, waved goodbye, and left. Despite the heat, walked rapidly giving great strides. From the other side of the street, two journalists who left the Washington Post building I waved. He returned the greeting without stop. He was repeatedly reflected in the storefronts. What never failed to sail surprise. On the outside, seemed so perfect, so confident. This was not just a appearance. Inside was housed a whole tangle anxieties and uncertainties. Sometimes he was surprised by the fact of having become writer. Although he did very well, that's

doubt. People always said it looked like a writer, to know what they mean. It was nearly high, just shy of six feet, slim, lanky and vigorous. Without the slightest trace of fat. Her abundant black hair parted in the hand, had brown eyes that stood out on the prominent cheekbones, slightly aquiline nose, sexy lips (which is what always told the women) and a pronounced jaw which drew a dimple. In fact, there was never any writer in his family. His father was a political science professor University of Wisconsin. His mother, a psychologist. Parker had enrolled in University Northwest and began to study history American with a vague idea of dedicating one day to teaching. His greatest love was the voracious reading novels of intrigue and mystery. This had increased their desire to lead a more active life and exciting. In the early days of the conflict Vietnamese, somebody promised him the opportunity joining the army intelligence service, in If enlist. Although he considered that the role Americans in Vietnam was immoral, he wanted

have the opportunity to turn their fantasies into reality. He enlisted and entered the training school official, took his degree and got a job in the offices of the Pentagon's spy service. For a while, everything he found intellectually stimulating, but ultimately, it seemed I was a sedentary Burdensome. Also, part of the information war to which he had access, began to gradually increase his sense of honesty. What Vietnam was indignant and he was beginning to outrage. Service was anxious to leave and when they did, tried to get away as much as possible of the robots military and what they were doing thousands Yellow people living half a world distance. With their meager savings, Parker went to Europe to be alone, to think, to distract. Went his first trip abroad, and would only timidly visit the cities and most popular locations: London, Paris, Rome. But then I realized that they were known because they are among the most interesting that you could visit in Europe, and not concerned to follow the beaten path. When he returned to the United States, the war in

Vietnam had deepened, and the protest movement had reached its climax. He awoke in him activist sense, long dormant, you encouraged to go to San Francisco to join an organization of the movement for peace. In the editors lacked organization, and Parker began writing on behalf of this invective and pamphlets condemnation of the U.S. government. For when the war ended, Parker was found in Chicago and jobless. An important agent Private detectives had inserted an advertisement in a newspaper in Chicago, asking young collaborators. Parker was presented and got the job because their background in military intelligence section were adequate on paper. At first it liked it. He imagined how a kind of Dashiell Hammett Pinkerton stage. Actually, I had to go far, go to people trespassing on places and place electronic devices, but good part of their business was dull and heavy, monotonically full of vulgar divorce cases locating runaway children and research insignificant monetary scams. For the thing would be more romantic, he started writing without

much enthusiasm. He wrote three articles based on facts, but managed to sell them. Hearing that there was a vacancy in the New York office of the Associated Press, Parker hastily drafted a curriculum and submitted with photocopies of three articles published. A week later, he summoned New York for an interview. After spend half hour talking with a veteran executive of the AP, was hired immediately and sent to Washington in order to light to write stories and texts advertising for distribution by mail for the weekends, all of which did not give to live but made his name began to be known. Without However, Washington was totally fascinated and this is reflected in his writings, so that soon his Articles leading name began to be profitable. One day conference was called by a certain Wayne Gibbs. I had read a number of items from Parker and they had impressed him favorably. It was, he said, a Senator collaborator Andrew Bradford, who had to win the Democratic nomination for the

presidency of the United States. Gibbs had a Parker's proposal to make. Could Parker move to Los Angeles this weekend, with all expenses paid? Parker could and did. The proposal it was tempting. Bradford's supporters wanted was written and published a book about his candidate, an agile and lively biography of a candidate it was easy to read. A biography aimed at improve the image of man during the campaign. Already had the editor. Now they needed a writer who could deliver the book quickly. The money would be generous. A Parker on money he was attractive, but there otherwise it still seemed more attractive. It was joining the mainstream. Until then, Parker had passed through many convolutions in their attitude towards their country and with American democracy. In the army, had simply let go and, ultimately, what had had been repelled. He had escaped and had gone to abroad. Upon returning, he had become a dissident and he lashed politics and government corruption, in a desire to overturn it. Later, in the AP, see government closely and with more objectivity, remembering

the political disease that had observed in Europe, had come to the conclusion that, however bad it was, the democratic system of the United States was being the best they had ever conceived the men's minds and the best that could be in everywhere. This conclusion is not juvenile or result of an image seen through a filter red, white or blue. It was pragmatic. It was ripe. If the people had to live together in a society that was the best system in which they could. The Problem was that this giant was bulky and heavy so flawed that nobody could do anything for enhanced from the outside and not through the use of the ballot, which in turn offered very few options. Yet here, in LA, he had provided an unusual opportunity to stop being a impotent outsider to come and much closer the main machinery. Without hesitation, Parker left the Associated Press and became a political writer in plan full-time. In preparing the book, had met Andrew Bradford three times, once for dinner with his wife and two times for a trivial

research interviews. The book was more than anything in a simple task of reconciliation. Bradford I liked her immediately. He was somewhat lower he, more sturdy complexion, yet elegant. Bradford was forty-eight. He had a beautiful finely chiseled face, sincere, earnest, attentive and Direct. The grizzled temples, rimmed glasses shell and quick way of speaking contributed to strengthen its air of authority. I also had a brain free of clichés and stereotypes, fast and original, very higher than what would be expected of a politician. Parker finished writing the book on time. The book sold very well in the rallies and banquets Party and the paperback edition beating estimates sales between independent mimes. Shares Parker had risen sharply. No longer a drone party. Had a certain visibility. Wayne Gibbs was kept attached to the caucus with a view to lend a hand in the preparation of press press. The elections came and went. After a closely contested early, opinion polls Bradord gave a 6% advantage over his opponent republican. Bradford won 7%. As

President-elect, before the opening of its mandate, Bradford began to create his team permanent. Guy Parker reminded the book. From San Francis Parker sent for, to ensure I was thinking of the right man. Before the close of the interview, he hired Parker and two months later he moved to the West Wing of the House White as one of three editors of speeches. That was two years. A Parker liked its role. He was in the middle of the action, a invisible man behind the moving and shaking, but it was there. Then the overnight, left area. Several prestigious publishers of New York, also belonging to the party, he pointed to president than an autobiography of his wife may well received by many readers, contributing to improve the image of President in his path to reelection. Billie Bradford had proved a bright and charming first lady. With some reluctance and embarrassment, had only thirty and six years, she agreed to work on his autobiography, on one condition: he wanted to collaborate Guy Parker

with her. At first, Parker was reluctant. His impression that it was reduced. Moving from severe writing political speeches for the maximum leader of the free world to a frivolous and gossipy tearoom confessional seemed a demerit. What convinced Parker that action was interesting was the half million advance dollars were going to deliver ... and the very Billie Bradford. Soon I found out that it was anything but frivolous. It was as serious as her husband, such increasingly intelligent and never boring. Proved a delight to be with her. He respected and loved and at Finally, I turn to the West Wing East Wing with minimal resistance. And there had met with an additional advantage. A Parker settled in a office next to Nora Judson, press secretary of the first lady, who was also involved in social and it's public appearances. Being able to encompass many tasks and do them all well represented a demonstration of energy and skills that

young. Parker was supposed to be about eighteen years. He would like to contemplate it as an object sexual. From its lustrous black hair, green eyes and his pretty nose to his chest and his well lush shapely legs, was a feast for the eyes male. His intelligence was extraordinary. Before he had finished a sentence, she had already completed the task. It was several things simultaneously and all to perfection. He could spend a statement press at the opening of a hospital or dinner gala without any awkwardness and without complaint. The unique and important problem was its remoteness. Always was busy or was trying to be and therefore others, was a private person who preferred this scheme of life. Parker had suggested the possibility of inviting in for a drink or dinner. She had not heeded. In five months, there was achieved through the wall that separated their offices and its people. She had shown correct and polite, but distant. Despite what maddening situation, its existence and its proximity had certainly been a bonus.

Parker also had been busy. The fact prepare the basis for long-awaited autobiography of the first lady had taken ten hours daily. Al beginning their mission had been to collect material to read. Had located and read everything that had published about Billie Bradford. He had crossed all a mountain of newspapers and magazines, taking countless pages of notes. Then there was started to travel outside of Washington, visiting and interviewing family and friends and teachers and classmates at the private school and university. He had even traveled to California to spend two days with his dad Clarence Lane, his sister Kit, her brother and nephew Norris Weinstein called Richie. And finally, with hundreds of questions to ask, had gotten to the book. He had begun to interviewing Billie Bradford itself. She had noticed the daily program. One hour, usually all the afternoons to answer questions before the tape recorder running. He was impressed as a very professional, honest and fun and would not work at all like a work of not been for his obsessive need to find out details. And now here he was, in this sweltering afternoon

late August, going to another session interview ... but today there was another. I remember. Billie Bradford had to cancel today's meeting. She was too busy. He puzzled that annulment of the second session held. And yet But Nora had told him clearly, first lady wanted to see him as soon as possible about other question. He wondered what else could be. Emerged from Lafayette Park, across the avenue Pennsylvania, approached the checkpoint and opened to air indifferent portfolio to show their card Identification of the White House. We crossed the pass and up the curved driveway leading to garage North Portico entrance. He reached the front steps carpeted in red, nodding the portrait of Herbert Hoover that hung in the hallway and up the steps two at a time, past the portraits of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Arriving to the top of the staircase, was greeted by Nora Judson. - Have I managed to get in fifteen minutes? Sk-Parker gasped.I hasten know you were wanting me. -M and dying of anguish, "said Nora.Feared

that would have hit a truck ... or his immense pride. - What pride?Always starts to tremble in my presence, ma'am. "And to talk about that another time. - Can we make an appointment? "No," she strongly, accompanying the Yellow Oval Room. In any case, it you come on time. The press conference has over the last ten minutes. The representatives of the press and gone. The TV already collecting her things. - Really it was impossible to keep the foot our appointment? "I t was a very tight schedule, having to undertake travel to Moscow tomorrow afternoon, then Ladbury has arrived in London, would have to be here yesterday, and insisted perform a final test before the conclusion of the summit in London week. And I had to change everything. Still I left to do the outline for the House Beautiful. We could not postpone it again. Must accompany the new French ambassador's visit to the National Gallery. Later, Fred Willis insists on seeing

personally to inform him about the visit protocol to Moscow. Then you have to do luggage. He will not let Sarah do it alone. - What do you want me? Parker asked. "I have no idea" said Nora. Wanted speak with you five minutes after the press conference and before starting the tests with the designer. We are. They had reached the entrance to the Oval Office Yellow and parted to one side to come out three members of a television channel with his team. Once they were gone, Nora came in, followed by Parker. There was nobody in the room, with the exception of Billie Bradford. With his back to them and blond hair spilling over her shoulders, she leaned arm of the sofa and fell on it. While shaking off her shoes feet, he realized his presence. -A h, Nora, I wondered where I was.Hello Guy ... "He patted the seat of the sofa. Sit here. "Parker came and sat respectfully. -H ello, Mrs. Bradford ...

-Guy, please, "she interrupted, making a face. For the umpteenth time, will you stop call Mrs. Bradford? I'm serious. I'm here seeing daily in private, virtually undressing in front of you, revealing my soul, allowing you to know all the secrets shameful family ... and you still treat me with ceremony. Let's change this situation immediately, especially given what I say. From this moment, Mrs. goodbye Bradford and hello Billie. Sellémoslo said, offering Parker's cheek. He bent and kissed his cheek clumsily. "Hello, Billie said. - What's gone, Nora? Asked Billie, Nora addressing Judson, sitting in front of them. What has been the press conference? -H a wonderful state, frank and sincere, without ambiguities. We left happy. -A yes I hope so.For the sake of Andrew. I guess should do it more often. -S ince then, "said Nora. Billie turned to Parker. "I regret having to skip the exciting

Today's episode of the life and miracles of first lady. Where we left our heroine? "Standing in a railroad track? "No, madam, not exactly," said Parker with a smile. After the meeting yesterday, you were in their third year of college, about to take a literary journey through England, organized by the university. Billie's face, suddenly darkened. "Yes," she said. It was the trip during which I met Janet Farleigh. I have you encountered with it in their investigations. "Yeah, sure.The British children's novelist. It is a of her best friends, as I've read. -I t-Billie said sadly.He died last night. Cancer. And I never heard anything. The British ambassador sent a note delivered by hand this morning, notification. The ambassador was one of the few people who knew our close friendship. Ha been a hit, I assure you. -L or sorry, "said Parker. "I met Janet Farleigh during that student travel. I was at his house. She was my

hostess in London. He was ten years older than me, but We became very close friends, had for some time without seeing her. That of the White House hinders everything. Hoping to see in London next week, but now ... good, I will visit her husband and son. Nora was clapping her hands to the glass of his wristwatch. -B illie, I tell you, but we are not ample time. -M uy well, "said Billie, recovering.There was thought about it all day, running this way "He looked to Parker smiled. What were we talking about when you arrived? Ah, yes. Of skip today's meeting. I'll compensate you. That's why so really wanted to see him. Guy Parker waited. Billie Bradford paused and continued talking animated. -M Añana afternoon we'll take the Forces Air One way to Moscow. Could be a long flight and bored. It gives me the option to re-read Tolstoy all the time either talking about myself. O Ana Karenina for eight hours or Billie Bradford. The contest was unequal. I won. During the flight,

I tell you about myself. In other words, Guy, I invite you to join me in the Air Force One Moscow. We speak for the round trip. Have you ever tied in Moscow? -P esu not, but ... -Parker was stunned ... good, thanks, but that's very sudden ... I do not know, I need time to prepare ... get a passport ... -V owners, Guy, "she said jokingly.What does all this mean? I know his background ... intelligence service in Vietnam, detective work, all that ... must be accustomed to the changes and rapid movements. As for your passport diplomat, and we will take care of that. Make luggage and get out. Will be busy throughout the trip. When I did not keep you company, it will Nora. What do you think? Parker looked at Nora. "I think very well, ma'am ... Billie said. Will better go and prepare the backpack. As he rose, Billie said: "Nora will inform you of the details of the time output and so on. See you tomorrow. They had knocked on the door and hurried to Nora open. The chief usher is a half step forward.

-H n where Mr. Ladbury and Miss Quarles announced. Parker was next to Nora when pair burst into the room. Both were loaded with boxes of clothing. Almost without greeting and making Nora Parker ignored, Ladbury approached the first lady like flutter, followed by Rowena Quarles. Parker could see them only fleetingly. Ladbury seemed a Aubrey Beardsley revived, straw fringes, nose aquiline features were pale and lean, flexible and thin, Young, Billie greeted with a loud: - Darling!Best wishes! Behind him stood the Quarles, apparently, their assistant, lesbian without the slightest, doubt, vulgar face pudgy, short and stocky body, wrapped in a tweed suit (with the time to!). Nora Parker came out with the hall, and accompanied him to the steps. -Com or you may use a designer UK?

-B ueno, Billie already knew and liked him before arrive at the White House. Once turned on first lady, it was politically expedient to buy U.S. and then went on to use the service of several designers in New York. In fact, idea of using Ladbury again it occurred to Fred Willis. He thought that the British would know to appreciate this gesture during his visit to London. Naturally, their Manhattan designers have protested, but Billie has remained steadfast in his decision to use Ladbury on this trip, as they approached the steps, Nora added: "We will deliver your program, your passport and others to dinner. Greetings,

"You should be happy with this trip. It was very nice to you. It will not sleep much and, Therefore, you will have the opportunity to talk to her much of the duration of the flight to Moscow. "And you," said Parker. - "Me? She said, without breaking his reticence. I will be busy with Tolstoy. He stopped on the landing and took her arm.

"Nora, dear, what have you against me? "Simply that you belong to the same sex my ex-husband, "she said, looking at him coldly. - How?Does your ex-husband? I did not. "And now you know. - He suffered serious burns you? "In third grade," she said, walking away. It was five minutes to twelve at night in Moscow. Not far to the impressive Kremlin, at number 2 Dzerzhinsky Square, stood a complex new and old gray stone buildings in the Soviet Union was called the Center and, in was indeed the headquarters of the security committee state, called the KGB. On the third floor, behind his enormous desk home office a spacious suite, sat the president of the seven directorates of the KGB, General Ivan Pietrov, looking beyond the bars of the window dimly lit patio. Around him all the trappings of leadership. The walls were paneled in mahogany. Of a wall hung a framed portrait of Lenin. Under the same elegant sofas and had a

upholstered chairs. On the floor lay a carpet Eastern, one of the few offices available to carpet. The right side of the desk was occupied by six handsets, one of them directly connected with Communist Party General Secretary and the prime minister and other Kiriechenko Dmitri directly connected with the members of Politburo, with the Ministry of Defense, with its six delegates from the same floor and (via connections high frequency) with the KGB offices in different Soviet embassies scattered throughout the world. And yet, on that glorious day before, their thoughts were distracted momentarily with a piece of paper held in his hands. Its agents in Washington had sent fairy few minutes this encrypted message. It seemed to take great importance, but, at that momentous day, anything unexpected aroused his suspicion. The message reporting that a new name had been added to the list of passengers who were to accompany morning of the first lady of the United States in its trip to Moscow. Pietrov rested the paper on the desk and patted dry hands with the bristling beard of his wrinkled

face. He could leave for an aide, when he came to work at nine in the morning. Or you could satisfy your curiosity now. It automatically smoothed straightened his jacket evil cut gray suit that covered his short body and squat-and headed for the wood file cabinet contained the statement which contained the name of PARKER, GUY, with the number of referrals. Telephoned basement computer center and ten minutes Later, a messenger appeared with manila file in hand. Pietrov took the dossier to the desk, leaned back in The leather-upholstered swivel chair and opened the folder. Who was Parker? Ah, here he was. Service Pentagon espionage. Private. Biographer political. Presidential speechwriter. In the currently collaborating in Mrs. Bradford this autobiography. He had more, but for Pietrov was enough. Well, he wondered why it had commissioned Parker suddenly this to accompany the first Moscow lady? Perhaps the answers were very simple. To keep him company in the first lady. To continue working with her on the trip. Or, more

likely to act as a secret agent the CIA over the three-day stay. Pietrov tore a sheet of notebook memorandum and he scribbled a note to Colonel Zhuk, informing him of the new addition that had been produced in the U.S. group and ordering take charge of the KGB closely monitor this Guy Parker. Pushing aside note, once again reminded not have to spend anything over in those final moments. There was absolutely no margin of error. As he unwrapped a cigar cigar's eyes Pietrov fell on the clock that stood above the desktop. It was past midnight. Moscow was sleeping. A Pietrov liked to think that he never asleep. Twenty-four hours a day, this was his preferred. Outside, the street was quiet. Inside, the Center was quiet. Except for the offices of and decode transmissions and some other offices occupied by officials of the night shift, all the place was his. It was an appropriate time to reflect and meditate. A very few are diligent offered that opportunity, which was a shame.

Certainly enjoyed this opportunity to change the small price of not sleeping. The dream was enemy of life, had long since come to that conclusion, it was a waste of time, surrender an unwanted advance of death. Already would be time later for the death and sleep. Mentally spent reviewing this exciting and busy day. The highlight of day Potemkin paragraph enclosure, Vera last test Vavilova, was a success exceeding all forecasts. Vavilova Vera was not limited simply perfect. That would have meant imitation. It had been something else. He had become actually in the U.S. first lady in the Billie personification and embodiment of Bradford. A remarkable feat, almost metaphysical character. And yet, Pietrov knew, she was a product man's conscious effort, a task assiduous, a creative genius. Maybe its delegate staff, Alex Razin, some credit belongs. His effort and his work had made possible the plan. But he was not just one piece of gear which had revealed a stroke of genius. The true genius would have been in the design of the

idea. And this was due to Ivan Pietrov. Without his genius, there had been no second lady. If that success-thing that he was sure, would be the boldest stroke of espionage and magnificent in the history of the world. Unfortunately, world history would never find out. The plan would remain the fact that political and military secret of all time. It was thought Pietrov as the perfect crime. If a crime is discovered, no longer would be perfect. If remain unknown, it might not have occurred. The company's Vavilova posed the same paradox. However, Pietrov said, it was fortunately a fact known to few privileged few. Participants were to current from it. And above all, on the first minister and several members of the Politburo were informed. Pietrov was proud to have been have the support of Prime Minister for almost three years, having it passed from a phase of interest and

hesitation to one of cautious confidence and enthusiasm. A Late in the afternoon, after receiving a report on the final test, Prime Minister had shown his compliance. Within three days, would have to take a fateful decision. Forgoing caution and follow forward without hesitation. Or abort the project. Pietrov refused acre in the possibility that the Prime Minister abort the project, knowing the progress had been made and knowing the success history that was going to report it. Having begun, could not turn back. Once the ongoing project, success was inevitable. Then and only then, despite the obligation to secrecy, Ivan Pietrov have its rewards. Apart from the Order of Lenin, would be crowned Hero of the Soviet Union by some deed imaginary. Amount in the Politburo. It was recognized as a genius by his superiors, colleagues, wife and children. What more could a man desire in earth? Taking a few puffs to the pure, full of soft satisfaction as he watched the final result,

Iván allowed himself the luxury of resuscitating and reviving the plan and the role he had played it since its beginnings. To avoid giving the impression that pleasure in itself, was simulated Pietrov reviewing the plan to ensure that this was tight and flawless and that there had been through high no obstacle. After acceptance of this serious cause, could afford pleasure to hold a Again his creative genius. He stepped back without difficulty in the time, to that memorable night for three years in which first came to him the idea. For three years. The past was present. General Ivan and his entourage were Pietrov made a hurried tour of some of the major cities of the USSR. Pietrov was efforts to modernize and to introduce greater performance efficiency of the KGB in each city. It was in Kiev, Moscow and southern shores of Dnieper, the metropolis and the third oldest of the Soviet Union. After a tough day, dropping the night, thought you would like some vodka and a woman. Instead, he learned to his chagrin, that the

head of the KGB's local office had arranged a theatrical evening for him and his group. Had been reserved locations in the theater Lesya Ukrainka, in which works are not represented in Russian and Ukrainian, with to attend a performance of The Three Sisters, by Anton Chekhov. Pietrov hated the theater serious in general and the works of Chekhov in particular. I thought that these works were amazing, artificial and boring. However, I could not disappoint his host, a prominent veteran of the KGB. And he agreed reluctantly. While his car was driving down the street Lenin until it crosses the street Pulhkin, spotted with Pietrov boredom gray facade of the theater Lesya Ukrainka. In company of the group, dropped the car, crossed cobblestone street and walked toward a door input. About to enter, to Pietrov he noticed a small clusters of people along with a showcase of crystal on the right, beyond the entrance. Slightly invaded by curiosity, went down from his Pietrov escort and followed by a bodyguard, were

approached the group to see what was happening. Making his way with his elbows, he could see the end to which was the center of attention of the audience: a young very pretty, rather Nordic-looking, with a short hair blond, smiling and signing hurry few autographs while trying to move among the people. This had nothing to special, except one thing. The face of that young man was slightly familiar. At first, Pietrov was sure it must be some famous American who was touring Russia and visiting Kiev. He was surprised that the person is familiar and that his identity not be known. Do not recall seeing any dossier about it. And yet, had to be a Foreign certain importance because it was signing autographs and trying to get away from the people she had been recognized. Moments later, shrugging the forgot joined his group and entered the lobby of theater, according to his host. to go to the yard seats. Then, warmed by a few

alcoholic drinks, walked down the aisle carpet of green, sat on a gilt chair Steady Rest and prepared to take a nap. But I was still awake when she appeared on the setting. Played the sister of the player Andrei Prozorov. It was Olga Prozorov, the third of the three sisters, which wanted to return to Moscow. Pietrov stiffened in his chair and encouraged. Despite its theatrical makeup, was the young blonde he had seen outside near the entrance to the theater, which he had taken by an American tourist. But here stood before, he and was a Russian actress, mode one an American. Pietrov picked the program that had broth floor and opened it, looking in the half the name of the actress playing the role of Olga Prozorov. He saw printed the names of the four actresses that played that role in different nights. Pietrov understood. It was a repertory company. Then he observed that one of the four names was slightly prominent with a frame by the goalkeeper. Pietrov strained his eyes. His real name was Vera

Vavilova. He raised his eyes to locate it on the stage, concentrated on his face and, at the time, understood the reason that it would have been vaguely familiar. It had seemed an American because he looked like an American whose face he had seen in many newspapers and American magazines that crossed his desk. Pietrov had been following the presidential campaign American and nominated Democratic candidate, a such Senator Andrew Bradford, was a charming and young wife Millie, Tillie, Billie: not recall the exact name, which was the subject of much attention by the press frivolous American. Pietrov refocused view on stage. No was certain. That actress-turned, facing the program, yes, Vera Vavilova, except hair, was almost twice the candidate's spouse American presidential. Pietrov blinked. Despite I have read recently that such a thing can happen, never in his life had seen a similar strangest between two people. Billie now remembered your name, Billie Bradford and Vera Vavilova had

could be some identical twins. For some inexplicable reason, Pietrov, continued to attention throughout the remainder of the work of Chekhov. And, for some inexplicable reason, at the end of representation, Pietrov experienced the desire to go backstage to congratulate Vera Vavilova. By knowing your desire, theater director escorted very excited Pietrov great general and his bodyguard through racks, accompanying the clubhouse of the young actress. In the small, bright room, there were several actresses of the company at various stages of undress. Pietrov ignored them and, accompanied by theater director, went directly to Vera Vavilova. This was before the mirror, makeup remover. Raising his voice, Director General Pietrov presented with a flourish. Vera Vavilova got up slowly, looked at him and accepted his handshake. Pietrov looked at carefully. - Yes confirmed. The resemblance was remarkable. -L to congratulate you, "he said.I liked

their performance immensely. -T hanks she answered, dropping modestly his head. I feel very honored. Excuse me, "he said while looking at her. I feel a curiosity. Did you ever visited the States States? - Are the United States?Not really. - Do you have relatives there and a sister that time? -No, I have nobody, "she said, directing a charming smile. I fear that my family is Ukrainian provincially. My parents live in Bróvari, a small village located twenty-two kilometers from Kiev. They have never been in Moscow and not in the U.S. say. With the exception of my grandmother, I am the only family that has traveled a little. For the Soviet Union. I studied in Moscow. -I Pietrov said nteresante Do you speak English?The conversation had been developing in Russia. Now she replied in impeccable English. -0 H, yes, overall, I speak and read English and French.In Actually, I speak English with an American accent. I studied and spoke English for four years at the School

Shchepkin Theater of Moscow. I had over a thousand hours study. My teachers always told me I was very quickly in the studio and had some gifts natural mimicry. My best teacher was raised in the United States. Can you you understand? "Yes, very well," Pietrov, nodding. He spoke English very clumsiness and difficulty. But I understand without effort. The accent of the actress was perfect. Could not explain why he felt so pleased. Two hours later, during the flight back to MOSCOW, people and Billie Vera Vavilova Bradford turned his mind into a single, while the seat belt fastened preparing for the landing, general began to forge a crazy plan. For when they had escorted to the barracks KGB general well into the night, had gone to suite from his office and he had undressed in the bedroom Pietrov everyone knew what their plans would be fruitless unless something happened two months

later, in early November. Then they went to hold elections in the United States. If the Senator Andrew Bradford was not elected, no longer could do anything. But if you chose and became President of the United Nations, his wife would be the First Lady of the United States. And the actress Vera Vavilova would be a valuable discovery. Pietrov was eager to implement his plan. But he restrained himself. First things first. In the overnight, Pietrov he became an avid follower of the Presidential elections in the United States. Because of their occupations, sent Pietrov a delegate of the KGB First Directorate General, named Alex Razin, in order to help him. Razin occupied some offices on the top floor, the room, in what was one of the leaders of the First Department, the U.S. Department, a section created six years ago during a reorganization of the KGB. Born and partially educated in the United States, trained in the Soviet Union, Razin was an expert in history, social customs, politics, sports and current affairs Americans, was a handsome man of thirty six years he had served loyally and energy to the KGB

for over twelve years. Pietrov sent him the fourth floor and entrusted the task of maintaining informed his superior about the events related to the presidential campaign of States USA. A Razin loved the request. As part of its normal activity, controlled all the information on the election campaign and the behavior of rival candidates in order to draw a profile for the KGB about the winner and next president. The new task gave an extra dimension to the interest of Razin. Although confident in his Pietrov delegate, not revealed to him (or anyone) the reason for their special interest in the outcome of the election of United States. He just order your delegate will A summary daily stop on my desk. Once, during the early stages when Bradford and his Democratic opponent Republicans were tied in polls view Pietrov with Razin said the competitive nature of the contest. Pietrov said, somewhat puzzling that the wishes of the Politburo were inclined for Bradford. And he wondered aloud what could do. the Soviet Union to ensure

Bradford victory. Considered the possibility that the KGB intervene in the campaign, surreptitiously, course-spreading scandalous rumors about Bradford opponent in order to strengthen the possibilities of it. Razin was severely otherwise. Too dangerous. In case of averiguara the rumors came from the Union Soviet, it would lead to a counterproductive effect Because of it would be cataloged Bradford soft Communism and lost in a disputed election competition. In response to knowledge Razin North had the mentality of American Pietrov abandoned the idea and never mentioned again. On the eve of elections, a survey of review revealed that Bradford was leading. Pietrov relieved. Nevertheless, all day electoral Pietrov was on tenterhooks. The night of the U.S. elections, with Razin his side, spent followed were four hours on television, via satellite. He was staring at the screen until the Republican candidate conceded defeat congratulated his Democratic rival. Pietrov could not hide his


satisfaction. Andrew Bradford would move to the House White in January. His wife, Billie Bradford, would be at his side as companion, confidante and first Lady of the United States. In Russia, on a whim of nature, a woman who was almost his double. For the first time Pietrov allowed himself the luxury of completely transform what had been a wild scheme in what could be a reality espionage. "With what object the plan and its transformation into reality? "he asked. He was not surprised to learn that already had the answer ready. If, at a time appropriate and for a short time could replace First Lady of the United States for its trained two Ukrainian, Soviet Union would have a perfect conduct to ascertain the secrets of the U.S. president. If, during a global crisis and confrontation between the U.S. and the USSR were already cooking in power at least three, it could lead successfully implemented such substitution, the Soviet Union achieve a political victory and dominance internationally.

Therefore, the ultimate goal was clear. The More difficult was the beginning. Pietrov realized that should have three phases, which resulted in three questions. Could you prepare properly deception? Could this get fooled? Could receive official sanction? Pietrov concluded that only would be a means to achieve this goal. Start with the first phase. To prepare basic overlooking project. This required the full cooperation of the actress Kiev. Vera Pietrov Vavilova summoned. It was an assignment and she went away. Alex Razin, an expert on American affairs, is Pietrov was beside her when she entered the office. Once again he was surprised-and welcomed "from its resemblance to what was to be the U.S. first lady. From the corner of the eye, Pietrov could see the look of astonishment Razin. Razin, at that time perhaps the only person Russia knew all about Billie Bradford, had constituted an important test. For Pietrov, its reaction was reassuring. Prior to the interview, had Pietrov

pondered the possibility of revealing the Vera and Razin truth about the plan that had been forged, but after vetoed that idea. Not yet, been decided. Too soon. And then he told a story. May not fooled either. No care. Would have to accept the absence of other better purpose. Once the actress sat down, got up Pietrov; "Welcome to Moscow, Vavilova comrade said és you.Do you remember our meeting in Kiev? -H Ubiera been impossible to forget it, "said she. -L and this is my assistant, "said Alex Razin Pietrov. They greeted each other in a whisper; -M uy well Pietrov said.I will go directly to grain.Have you heard of a woman ever Bradford named Billie? -N o. I'm afraid not. "You hear about it Pietrov said. It is a U.S. and soon to be an American famous. She is the wife of newly elected President of the United States. Reside in the White House next year

comes as first lady of the country. Vera Vavilova silent, without being able to understand anything. -O n the occasion of the visit to Kiev in his dressing room Pietrov said, with a shorter-is that you have a striking resemblance to her. This is also the ground that has sent for you here. Vera Vavilova awaited further explanation. "It seems that you have with it could be út il for our government Pietrov said.We scheduled to shoot a short film, something like a documentary about the first lady Billie Bradford and I ever think that you could interpret paper. Interesting hat-Q.I am very pleased. "It's more than interesting. It's important. Would you abandon everything you are doing. Would be devoted entirely to the paper. I should immediately move to Moscow ... B ut-Kiev, my roles in the company ... Director I would not allow ... -Déj that of foolishness.We can take care everything. It would pay four times what ever

cattle. Would bear all expenses and provide a comfortable home in Moscow. - To change simply to interpret the role of Billie Bradford in a movie? Where is exposing the movie? Asked Vera. -E so it does not matter.Later he was reported you further details. But now, not yet. Another something ... Are you married or have a lover? -N othing to do both. "Okay. Because this is a secret project of time. We do not want the project or its participation in it, be discussed with anybody. Available you would agree to cooperate with us, would have to disappear entirely. You would not be allowed to tell your family, friends or anyone else where is or what he is doing. In return, I can guarantee, would enjoy privileges and make a day the most outstanding actress of the Soviet Union. Is interested? - Can I choose? Vera asked Vavilova with a smile. -P esu clear. "I am more than interested. I'll do

anything for my government. -E XCELENTE Pietrov said, downloading a hand on the surface of the desk. Wait in the room reception. Mr. Razin will provide further instructions. As soon as she had left the office, Pietrov turned his swivel chair toward Alex Razin. "Well, Razin, what do you think? - What about her? As you said ... is almost perfect. It lets you grow your hair, removes the small scar on his cheek, was shortened slightly Billie nose and Bradford. -No, I mean the story.Would they have believed? "Possibly. "And you? "Not too Razin replied quietly. But I have many years in the KGB, "he added amused expression. I'm skeptical about the film. Pietrov laughed and then became serious. "Curiously, there will be a movie. But it has You are right. This is not our goal. Stick to have confidence in me. Not long to know the truth-opened a drawer and took out another cigar.

We will begin immediately. On my orders, will you fully responsible. This ... this film take precedence over all other activities. Will not return to Kiev. Report to the theater, the family, it is sufficient for any story harmless. Send bring their personal effects. Look for a small villa in the residential complex figures close to the University. Into few weeks, you will have prepared accommodation permanent. But as of today, no outsider must view it at any time. Tomorrow I will celebrate with a you a long meeting. Tomorrow will start the Vera transformation Billie Vavilova in Bradford. The initial task was to collect data surface. Razin Pietrov entrusted to the mission and Razin, using their KGB agents and contacts in Washington and New York, began collecting what needed. In that first phase, there was a need photographs and television footage which Billie Bradford appeared from head to toe, with the to study its physical proportions, his way of walking, their gestures and their peculiarities. Recordings reveal their habits of speech. While the carefully picked Razin

information Pietrov moved quickly to deal another vital facet of the project which he had named with the name "Second Lady". Fifteen miles south of Moscow, at an elevation of land situated beyond the belt surrounding the city, Pietrov took over two acres of land virgin behind a pine forest in an area in proximity to the main motorway leading to Vnukovo airport. He built a road private from the highway through the forest. Beyond the forest, he oversaw the construction of a vast and cheap film scene. Inside ordered playing the Red Room, the Dining Room of the Chairman, Queen's Bedroom, the Lincoln Bedroom and the Yellow Oval Room of the White House. The carpets and curtains, fireplaces, lamps and crystal chandeliers, furniture, wallpaper and the pictures hung on the same were exact replicas of the originals that were seen in photographs and television footage taken inside the White House of the United States. Around this vast stage, in order of Pietrov, he built a high-security fence

wood with a gate that opened to the private road. After a hundred yards from the back of scenario, Pietrov, built a small house square two-storey which included a living room projection. As soon as the house was built, Vavilova Vera was transferred to it to reside in as her sole occupant. Meanwhile, Alex Razin had obtained the data needed from the United States Americans. The physical proportions, Billie Bradford were impressive. Average five feet and five height, eighty-five inches of bust fifty-six of waistline and eighty-five centimeters Hip and weighed one hundred-five kilos. He had a soft blonde hair that hung to her shoulders (the Samples taken by the KGB had been sent to Razin) eyes. blue, four-slope nose inch in length, slightly pug, and a mouth of six and a half inches length. The physical proportions were Vavilova Vera similarly impressive. One day after have moved to live in his secluded home, Razin asked to put on a bikini and a doctor ordered

KGB will take action. It measured five feet four in height, eighty-one inches bust, fifty-eight inch waist and eighty three inches and weighed hip fifty-nine kilos. Her short blond hair was soft, his eyes blue, a straight nose four inches and seven inch long slightly upturned, and a mouth six inches and seven millimeters in length. Razin Pietrov summoned. He had seen the figures. The differences were minimal, very slim, but the had. Vavilova Vera's hair had to grow up shoulders and had to dye it a slightly darker. Her bust would have to increase by four centimeters. His nose should reduce two mm. Would have to remove the scar on his hand, upper cheek. Quo would lose three kilos of weight, two-inch waist and an inch hip. Could it get? Surgeons at the Institute Cosmetology assured Moscow that it would be easier and simple. What did Vera Vavilova? -No matter me lose weight-and Pietrov told Razin in the living room of his secluded cottage. But I like the idea of cosmetic surgery. A shorter nose

and a larger bust for a simple movie. Why Why? Why it must be exactly the same Bradfordl this lady? I'm like she enough as I am. Epit-R is necessary, "he said in a tone Pietrov reserved. You'll understand better later. - Can not say anything about me now? "Sorry ... but not answered Pietrov. As least not at this time. - Do you insist? "I must insist Pietrov said. You will not regret. Vera had a rebellious nature. Never had protested anything before. I thought I had reached as far as he could. He shrugged his shoulders. -M uy well.Whatever you say. A few days later, cosmetic surgery was carried out successfully and was followed by a severe diet-out potatoes and all other starches, combined with daily exercise calisthenics and gymnastics. When the doctor returned to take the KGB Vera measures Vavilova, equivalent proportions

exactly to those of Billie Bradford. Simultaneously, in faraway Washington Andrew Bradford vowed as president of the States U.S. and Billie Bradford entered the White House as first lady. Two months later, through a chain American, Television, Billie, Bradford accompanied by several million viewers in a brief tour of the private apartments of the second floor of the White House and expressed as a serious, and witty historical commentator. The program achieved a high level of acceptance and helped increase the popularity of the first lady. From New York, a copy of the trail televised the first lady was airlifted Moscow. There Pietrov, Razin and Vera saw Vavilova Shooting in the private screening room. After projection, Vera was ordered Vavilova witnessed three times daily for six consecutive weeks, the projection of this film ten minutes. Should study and memorize all the nuances of language the first lady, all your gestures and movements, absorb and imitate their actions and rehearse in the

film scenario in which they were reproduced the apartments of the White House. Along with this task, Vera continued to take Vavilova voice lessons and deportment. As an instructor passed again and again to recordings of speeches and interviews Billie Bradford, Vera Vavilova is tried to absorb the slight American accent West of the First Lady and buy a stamp voice deep and guttural. She also learned to imitate the cadence of the light you from the first lady and her infectious laugh. With the help of other instructors, presence of a film montage of Billie Bradford, Russian actress wood absorbed the walk of the first lady, his funny antics when he turned to talk to someone, his composure when not moved and its many gestures. After six weeks, Razin told his pupil: -You will present yourself on stage in the House White tomorrow morning at eight. Start shooting the film. -E ntonces, is there really a movie? -Sk her mocking tone. Razin was captivated by it, but still display professionalism seriously.

-S ince then, yes, and you will be the star. Four weeks later, once the shooting, witnessed the projection Pietrov version considered final and time to make the step more momentous. I could not go forward without a official approval ... and budget considerably more dollar. Pietrov telephoned Prime Minister Dmitri Kirechenko to request a special quote for the day following the screening room of the Kremlin. The prime minister, usually calm and unperturbed, looked nervous. - Is the projection room?Do not have time for movies. Can not wait? -S and is a matter of high priority. "Mmm. I'm busy all morning and all the evening. - And the night? "Night, night ... Garanin, Lobanov, Umyakov ... have dinner with me. They were prominent members of the Politburo. Anatoli Garanin, especially a friend of the KGB and their projects. -T root-Pietrov too, "he said.Will suffice

half an hour before dinner. The prime minister sighed. Seemed tired. -Q hat is as you say.Tomorrow afternoon at half past seven. Projection room. Prime Minister hung up. The next afternoon, was in Pietrov splendid projection room in the Kremlin at seven and twenty-eight minutes in the front of the average dozen rows of seats upholstered in dark red. He had brought Alex Razin and Razin is was in the cab, instructing minute to the operator. At seven thirty-four minutes, became Prime Minister Kirechenko, accompanied by his Politburo colleagues Garanin, Lobanov and Umyakov. As always, the prime minister was an impressive figure, with its metro seventy-nine of stature, strong like a pillar of marble and impeccably dressed in a blue suit stripes. His face appeared adorned with horse without rim glasses, neatly trimmed mustache and short pointed beard that gave him a slight resemblance to the enemy of the state, Leon Trotsky. He sat, as did Garanin, short and

partially bald, with an air of intellectual and Umyakov Lobanov and that seemed a prosperous business men in middle age. Pietrov had up to greet them. "H ere are the premier said.What is it as transcendental? -U n Pietrov answered new project, something extraordinary. If put into effect, could change the face the world. It begins with two short projections films. Seeing Razin hurried out of the cab projection Pietrov Razin sat down while passing before him, beckoned to the cabin and settle after the control panel. The lights went off. A total silence invaded the room. The screen was occupied by Billie Bradford, sliding into the Lincoln Bedroom the White House. - Do you recognize, Mr. Secretary? Asked Pietrov over his shoulder. -E s new U.S. first lady -R Eplica the Prime Minister.A feast for the eyes. From the screen image of Billie Bradford began to tell anecdotes related to bed

rosewood forty two meters long and the American Victorian furniture acquired by the wife of Lincoln. The film showed Billie Bradford now, out of the Lincoln bedroom and entering the dining room of the Chairman. When finished the film, ten minutes later, again lights lit: Pietrov was half turned in his folding seat. "T his is a recent television footage of the wife of the president of the United States North America, accompanying viewers Americans on a tour of the apartments private residence of the president of the United States. We will now pass again film. - How long is my security chief has become a film distributor? Asked the prime minister while laughing the other Politburo members did the same. "And to see ... you'll see. You are my true purpose -D ijo Pietrov. The lights turned off again and the dark room instantly brightened projection of an image Billie Bradford on the screen, entering the

Lincoln Bedroom of the White House, noting the antique furniture and telling anecdotes concerned. While en route to the Lounge President, impatient voice was heard first Minister. -P ietrov, what happens?We are you going to spend the same film. We just see it. "And Pietrov know," he said.I urge you to have a little patience for a few minutes. A reason. The footage which showed the first lady of the United States repeated exactly what already been shown at the first screening. The Prime Minister again expressed his annoyance muttering aloud. The film ended and they returned to the lights. The prime minister was more than annoyed. Miro infuriated the KGB chief. -P ietrov, are you crazy?How dare occupy our precious time, showing twice the same film? If he had someone else, I to it that was sent to an asylum. Will better to give me a good explanation. Pietrov rose calmly and turned the whole.

"He said I can provide. "Damn, man, out with once. Pietrov not decomposed and turned into pitch slow the prime minister. -E t is sure to have seen the same movie, Kirechenko comrade? - Do you think I'm blind:The same film projected twice. - With the first lady on the first film? "Sure. - What about the first lady in the second movie? "Yes of course," the Prime Minister exasperated. Pietrov waited a moment and then said: -Discúlpente, but you are totally wrong, buddy. In the first film appeared U.S. first lady true ... Billie Bradford. In the second film showed an actress Russian, Vera Vavilova, playing the role of the first American lady. Pietrov could see a look of wonder and four faces embarrassment in front of him. The Prime Minister spoke. - Are you kidding?

"I'm not joking at all. In the first film appeared the U.S. president's wife, Billie Bradford. The second film acting his double Soviet actress Vera Vavilova embody the role of First Lady in a setting that we have built and reproduces some of the private apartments of the White House. My assistant, Mr. Razin, may confirm what I'm saying. They just see you the wife of the president in Washington. And just to see her twice in Moscow. -E xtraordinario Garanin said, looking at the first minister, sat beside him. -I Amaizing "said the prime minister, nodding.It sat in his chair. Well, Pietrov. A good sleight of hand. A perfect deception. What is proposed you? -U n much larger deception and daring, "said Pietrov softly. At some point during the coming years, world politics will emerge a crisis, an inevitable confrontation between the United States and the USSR. As we all know, confrontation will take place in Korea, or Iran Boende. In time, or they will retreat or retreat us, otherwise, there will be war. At that time, to ensure victory, we need

a secret weapon. What you just saw in the screen can be our secret weapon. If we have A woman that looks like a drop of water to the President's wife, if we set our woman in the White House instead of the wife of president for a short period without the ruse is discovered, to have achieved have the most important espionage agent whole story. We would be aware of all plans of President of the United States, its chief of staff and experts in military matters. We would know in advance all projects and plans the enemy. Our success in any crisis would insured. For several long seconds there was silence in the stay. In the end, the voice of Prime Minister Kirechenko broke the silence. - Is it possible, really possible? - Do you mean if she could do really? - Can you? Pietrov nodded. "You can and will do so if necessary. You've seen you

testing. It Billie Bradford. Let me explain how it happened, how we prepare, how we plans to continue preparing it and how do we use. For three quarters of an hour, outlined his plan Pietrov without stopping and no one stopped him. At the end, I was almost breathless. "There you, comrade Kirechenko. "But what do I have? "Said the first minister quietly. I have someone who wants to bring out this venture in real life. Not So what do I have? One thing is a short film duration. However, expect her to continue this role for several days, weeks, and that can succeed in the test is nonsense. There should be obliged to make mistakes and commit a mistake. A failure in a film can be re filming and editing, but in real life ... -C Comrade Kirechenko interrupted in Pietrov urgent tone, she did not commit the slightest error, not one, during preparation of the film. No commit one in real life. For ten days, could play the role. I bet my career on it. Kirechenko studied the head of the KGB.

"If you fail, it cost you the skin. "I know. "If you fail, his country and his countrymen would run danger. -W e also know. - And it continues to advise me? "Absolutely," he said with great Pietrov security. Because they fail. I trust her to this. Was a complete success. To reap us some fruit, we could not get by no, otherwise. We will reveal the strategies and secrets of U.S. policy and disarm completely. Dangerous? Certainly this is .. But all large firms are historical, comrade. -U n failure could discredit to us all world ... Kirechenko said, "and lead us to the brink of war. -E so true.But, if we managed, and we'd make sure that it is possible that is why we guarantee the rule of the Union Soviet of the United States during the future generations. The prime minister sat, lost in their thoughts.

-E s is a priceless opportunity, "he Garanin whispered, leaning toward him. Without paying attention to their adviser, prime minister raised his head and looked at the head of the KGB. -E s're very convincing, his comrade-Pietrov gaze shifted to the white screen film. And so is it at the moment "His eyes returned to dig into Pietrov. What makes missing? He asked. -T wo things.Firstly, their permission to forward. Of course, the final decision carry out the project or abort in the last moment he is up to you. But now ... his authorization. "And to have the prime minister said in a voice barely audible. "And the money. "I have. That had been nearly three years. Sitting with his desktop, General Pietrov left his dream and returned to the present. Tomorrow would begin the countdown. In fact, tonight, as the clock in your

desk told him that it was after one of the morning. Seventy-two hours. The expected was almost unbearable. Seized with excitement, he rose from behind the desktop. It was late and would have had to seek some sleep in the next room. However, knew that his mind was too awake as to allow sleep easily. In his brain raced the events of those three years. In fact, had organized something like a secret center of excellence, a center with a run of three years, a subject principal and one student. The main subject Billie was Bradford. The student body had Vavilova been Vera. Now, about to get the title and the real world directly to the hearing Pietrov experienced a sudden need to see the Dean of center. Only Alex Razin would be able to know if the student was ready to face the real world. Pietrov needed that reassurance and I reiterate that nothing had been overlooked and that the student could make do. He wondered if Razin, night owl like him, would be still in its office.

Up on the fourth floor, in his monastic office KGB-screen ceiling lamps, wall color pale green, bare parquet, Alex Razin vertically supported the old leather bag Brown in a crowded corner of the desktop papers and made it a beige folders with red lining. He had told Vera that perhaps back-and it was late afternoon, but she had insisted to stay awake, waiting for him. Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me. as she prepared to leave his job to spend the night with her last night they would spend together in three weeks, found that a hand was shaking. An unrelenting tension had taken hold of him. While preparing all this risky business along with many others, under the command of Pietrov, the responsibility of perfection had been totally own. At the human level, he more than any other of the had intervened, it was playing around. His student, the pawn of that superespionaje operation, agent was not simple urn but the person most appreciated and loved more than anyone else in the land. This was doubly difficult for her

work. Vera's performance had to be impeccable and his immediate future had to be sure, not only to a victory in the Cold War but also to retain their valuable life for himself and for both. The experience made him responsible thrill of terror. When they knocked at the door and went General Pietrov unexpectedly, saying that wanted to review certain aspects of the phase Vera training for the last time, Razin launched a sigh of relief. Although I was wanting to enjoy the Vera's body heat before they snatched it, having an excuse to look again His work was a relief for him. Like Pietrov, wanted to be sure, beyond all certainty, that is had provided all possible surprises. Not Vera matter further delayed. If that she was asleep, he could wake up and have the certainty that, thanks to her efforts, it would be safer. -E spero that is not you too Pietrov tired, "he added, sitting in the armchair was across the desk from his representative. -F or so, no, "Razin.He hoped that I offered the opportunity to review again

our preparations. All precautions are few. It must be absolutely foolproof. While approaching the file Razin, Pietrov he said. "Oh, is infallible, I'm sure, do not know why I want to revisit. You may want to give me a taste, pleasure in work well done ... before she will get out of hand. Get out of hand. The last words of Pietrov Razin caused the alarm. She opened the drawer file, searched his home and took out the three bulky Project Folder Second Lady. These were brought to the desk and placed them against Pietrov. "Everything is here," said Razin. You will find A copy of all memos, spreadsheets progress and notes on what we had to do and what we did, covering the activities of every week since the day we Kirechenko gave its approval and gave us special funds. Pietrov took the bulky folder and opened it on his knees. Eme-Déj look at the most important. Not take long. Do you have a drink? "Yes, but not ice. "The ice only serves to dilute it-while Razin

filled a glass of vodka for Pietrov and one for himself, the KGB chief began studying the documents relating the early stages. I remember, "he said. We start with the White House, doing much reconstruction to exact scale. We were too late, is a very expensive and very difficult. Razin approached that of an armchair and looked Pietrov it over his shoulder. "B ut Razin said was true.Once we had in our power the latest plans for remodeling and Most recent photos, it seemed that everything was well-settled back in his chair, eating a mouthful of drink. The only thing that bothered me was the playback a smaller scale some of the packages to save costs and time. I've always feared that could mislead the meet in the real rooms. -E lla has assured he would not have problems. "Maybe no-Razin said. The architect and the builders had reproduced

almost everything inside the White House, ground floor, the first floor and second. Three of the exterior walls had not been more than smooth walls (again, to save costs and time), but the South Portico, the area outside the Oval Office and the Rose Garden is been replicated with fidelity to the original. Razin was going to look over Pietrov shoulder. -Fter, as you can see, we doubled the number of our officers and informers in Washington and increase the number who operated throughout the country. While this was done the reconstruction, there began intensive work compiling data. The necessary materials were sent to Moscow in large numbers in an endless transcendental current information. In general, task was relatively easy. More recordings Bradford Billie's voice to continue Vavilova Vera studying. More footage of Billie Bradford action inside the White House and in public. A and again he was shown films and Vera

recordings of the first lady of the United States and Vera had copied and rehearsed expressions facial gestures and features of Billie Bradford. What was known was not for granted. The recordings were passed again and again to capture and study not only the timbre of the first lady but also to learn a preference for the use of words, phrases, idioms, and repetitions. The physical was the real first lady checked every week to find a possible new wrinkle in the front, a newly adopted hairstyle and even the slightest increase or reduction milder weight. Each change was happening over there, was followed by a change in Moscow Vavilova Vera. Other physical aspects of the first lady, who remained hidden from outside observers, were also under consideration. Was an assault secret to his insurance company and were located and copied the application forms and policies if contained therein, any of the information on any deformation or hidden defect. Doctor's office White House, Dr. Rex Cummings, was visited

and photographs were also reports of reviews medical first lady if they contain any information about any possible chronic disease. For many months, there was a disturbing lagoon. Friends and acquaintances could be deceived by a replica of a dress or semivestida Billie Bradford. But what about the doctor or her husband President, particularly the president, who would see naked? What should be the first naked lady? Would need to find out that Vera Vavilova could be a successful outcome to their simulation including naked. Razin had thought about problem and in the end, he had an idea. He remembered having seen in an Italian magazine for men, five color photographs of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis time, full-length and completely naked. The former first. lady U.S. was taking the sun without clothes in his shelter Greek island of Skorpios. A photographer Italian, from a fishing boat some distance from the coast, was using a camera equipped with a powerful telescopic lenses to capture it naked. The images of Jacqueline Kennedy proved to be

extraordinarily revealing, showing clearly their small breasts and brown nipples dark, her round buttocks and elongated extension hair covering her vaginal mound. Recalling those pictures, Razin thought that if I could get Similar photographs of the new first lady Billie Bradford, his problem would be solved. A persistent rumors indicated that, when found somewhere in private villas, Bradford Billie liked to swim naked. Razin hired a photographer, with a powerful lens telescoping camera adjusted, for further Billie Bradford carefully in all its vacation. The photographer had followed the first lady to Miami Beach and Malibu and on both occasions, whether he had swum naked or not, foliage or While other obstacles had kept away from sight. During his second year of residence in the White House, as luck would have it out Billie Bradford to spend a week on vacation in Sicily. In his as a guest of the Italian ambassador in United States, was made available to a creek and a private beach: On the third morning early, had has emerged from the house wrapped in a light blue gown,

had come to the ring of sand and had fallen of the gown. He then remained naked, giving leisurely laps on the sand to enjoy the sun glare. The intrepid photographer was Razin was lurking on the roof of a burning distant house, pointing a telescopic lens to the nude first lady. When the photographs were received from the front First Lady naked, Razin was excited. The previous week and had arranged to be taken Vera frontal photographs of naked Vavilova. The Razin photographs were excellent and had excited. Once the two sets of photographs in his possession, Razin row placed photographs of Billie Bradford naked beneath them, photographs of Vera Vavilova naked. Then Razin examined them with a loupe and compared with each other. The firm and round busts of both were identical, nipples approximately equal. The bellies and bellies not have been distinguished from one another. Moments later, Razin discovered a difference in the naked body, a small difference and then another. In the lower right side

Billie Bradford was a small sign. In the Vera was no signal. Moreover, the extent of triangles of pubic hair was different: Billie Bradford made a bulge taller and wider than the Vera. Razin sent for a doctor to study the photographs through a magnifying glass. The doctor did so. The signal from the body of Billie Bradford, who not observed in Vavilova Vera was very easy identification. The signal from the body of the first lady American was a scar, a consequence of appendectomy. The solution is to subject to Vera Vavilova to an intervention during which I would practice an incision with a scalpel to accurately reproduce the scar of the first lady. As for the differences in contour and development pubic hair, the doctor opined that these would also be could solve. It would add more hair and trasplantaría to the top of the pubis de Vera. It was easier said than done. Shortly before taking these decisions, Vera was Vavilova reluctant to pose for photographers. Razin

had overcome their suspicions, convincing her that those artistic photographs serve for a important purpose that will be revealed soon. However, that would have communicated undergo surgery and that he would have pubic hair transplant, Vera Vavilova was adamant. Pietrov had considered the possibility of revealing the truth about his role immediately after have been approved by the prime minister. But he had further delayed because he wanted keep the project secret for as long possible, knew he could not continue to hide its real purpose indefinitely Vera Vavilova and Alex Razin. They were demanding too much so that they could hide the truth either. Pietrov had decided to reveal the truth once had finished playing the White House was being built on the cinematic scene. But that moment had already come and gone and Pietrov still without a word. However, when Razin came to him to expose the need for practice surgery and transplantation hair and tell him that Vera had opposed both,

Pietrov realized he could no longer continue longer conceal the truth. He met late in the afternoon, after a long test day. Settled into the Hall of Vera's residence, each with a drink in the hand. Pietrov had gone first to Razin. - Do you know what's going on? Is the purpose that lies behind what we are doing? -C inmate who already have guessed what had replied Razin. - Do you? Pietrov asked, turning to the actress. Have you guessed? "I know not you going to do another movie-had she answered. I guess this is an issue KGB I do not understand. -N or disoriented walks you had said Pietrov. Now that you're stuck in it ... now. I think I can trust you ... will tell you. Razin and revealed to her the whole plan, from beginning of the project until that moment. Omitted nothing. I told him everything. He acknowledged that might not serve as anything, that might not be necessary at all

During the tenure of Mrs. Bradford in the White House. But there was a high probability of which could be used. Were imminent several major confrontation between the Soviet Union and White House might reach its point highlight next year. It was necessary to be prepared for that eventuality. "W hen this happens," he concluded, "you Billie Bradford replace in the White House as first lady of the United States during a brief period. It will be the most important role that actress some have played ever ... y. .. the most dangerous. Razin was not worried. Because Razin was smart, she would have guessed everything, except details. The one that worried him was Vera Vavilova. Already had long since proven its strength and loyalty, but did not know how far reaching. Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me. I would find out. Following the revelation of truth, had hoped that she made a grimace, frown or express any concerns. But she had sat very still and

expressionless. After an interval of silence, he had said: - Well, Comrade Vavilova? "I'll stay with the paper she had said. Me like. I was never offered anything better. After that, Vera went to hospital to undergo intervention and transplantation. As soon as Vera had been discharged in the hospital, officials of the KGB in U.S. belatedly sent a final package details relative to the body of Vera. The package contained several things back Billie Bradford dental radiographs and a reproduction of the prints in plaster of teeth above and below. The dentist first Minister Kirechenko the studied and compared with the X-rays and dental impressions Vera. -U nas alignments remarkably similar -To sign the dentist Russian, excluding molars later. - Are back do you mean? Asked Razin. "Yes. The of Comrade Vavilova are a little

diverted and not identical. - Can you see them someone or see the difference? Asked Razin. -Sun or a dentist. Razin reflected. When Vera replace Billie, you would during a short period and was unlikely to need a dentist. If they hurt the toothache, would endure. If for some unimaginable reason, I had to see a dentist, this take place in a foreign capital and not in Washington, where he lived Billie dentist Bradford. - Is there anything else? Razin asked. "There was a major discrepancy in the radiographs: All teeth of Comrade Vavilova are his. They have never undergone any process. Instead the first and second lower bicuspid left and the first tooth fairy of Mrs. Bradford been emptied and slurred. It's the only difference evident between the two dentures. The fact Razin disturbed. - Could you get the teeth of this part the teeth of Comrade resemble Vavilova those of Mrs. Bradford?

-V aciándolos and paste, yes, certainly. Razin hated to have to tell Vera need to lose three teeth and plastering and was not sure what would be their reaction. For your immense relief, Vera was sympathetic and willing to collaborate. Now I was obsessed with the idea of play the role to perfection. All those events that had dotted the project now returned to the Razin's mind as he sat in their Pietrov office beside, having a drink and observing how the KGB chief reviewed the papers, turned the pages, nodding, smiling, and thinking sometimes sometimes talking. It was at this stage, reminded Razin, when Vera became a Soviet actress who was trying to play the role of an American in a person who lived and thought like an American. I was only allowed to speak English, dress clothing U.S. (excluding those had imported from home Ladbury London) and eat American food. A la hora del creúsculo.

breakfast, drank tomato juice and ate cereal canned without sugar imported from the United States and read issues of the day before the New York Times and Washington Post. When played records, it was Always classic American music or of current hits from the United States. When lit his closed-circuit television, could only see news Americans recorded in "videotape" comedies American setting, programs Spoken Americans and movie showtimes U.S.. She had been flooded with related material Billie Bradford, but had never overwhelmed. Was a student very fast, smart, intelligent and owner of a fantastic memory. He was educated herself, assimilating elementary education, higher and University of Billie Bradford. Read reviews Billie Bradford, work along the courses, their newspapers and yearbooks. In persons Russian actors (who thought they were undergoing some evidence or a trial with a view to a movie, making each one a brief performance before being replaced), had occasion to meet the

former classmates, teachers, instructors and teachers of the first lady. He provided information about his family immediately, his father, his sister, his brother, his nephew and his mother died a decade ago, the dog families, their aunts, uncles and distant relatives in Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and New York. Gradually, the information spread to her favorite stores, their friends and friends of past and present. The studies were extended to include partners in the presidential campaign of her husband, staff the White House, aides from her husband, the Cabinet members, other officials department, to Congress and the press Washington. And above all, received a daily statement about the background, whims, prejudices and customs of her husband Andrew Bradford and everything had been able to find out about the intimate relations between them. Here, once again, Razin he stumbled over a hurdle that nearly forcing Pietrov to leave the project. For over two years, Razin had been

trying to find something, anything, about life sexual Bradford. If Vera had to replace Billie Bradford, would have to know how these behaved Billie in bed with her husband. What was the behavior of both? "They were delivered to an act normal sexual and, in this case, how often? Was Billie docile or aggressive? Were fans he or she to indulge in a wide variety of calls sexual perversion? And yet, during of the first two years, having entrusted the task to different agents, Razin had failed find anything. As time passed, Pietrov began to realize that without knowing this aspect of the life of Billie Bradford, Vera would not have no chance of success unless it was by chance. And she could not leave any room for random. Desperate, Razin tried to find some way of ignore the sexual problem. Perhaps the President Bradford had an accident that kept unable for a month. But there might of the accident forced him to postpone also lecture and talks with Kirechenko. This

solution was no solution and was discarded. Perhaps Billie itself may suffer an accident that did not probable sex for three or four weeks. While discussing this possibility, Razin was offered a wonderful opportunity. A well-paid American agent of KGB in Washington at the White House itself had secretaries heard some rumors according to which the Young redheaded nurse Dr. Cummings acted occasionally as a casual lover president. Her name was Isobel Raines and owned from a small village (whose cost was well above their means) in Bethesda, Maryland. The KGB's immediately subjected to surveillance, while reviewing his past. He soon found out that, provided that the first lady was away from the capital, the President welcomed in his bed until Miss Raines am. Shortly after such confirmation, The KGB was able to develop a dossier on the Raines Isobel past activities. There was a period unpleasant. Five years earlier, Ms. Raines had lived with a notorious mob boss in Detroit. There time to see Miss Raines. The efficient KGB officials, members of the

Rezidentūros of the Soviet embassy in Washington, one of them named the other Ilf Grishin, is moved to Bethesda for a visit of Isobel social Raines. The conversation subsequent had been quite clear. Agents KGB hardly bothered to conceal that it was blackmail. Despite his surprise at the fact that her secret past in Detroit and not a secret anymore Despite having any information about his past would ruin the wonderful because occupied in the White House was IsobelRaines

steadfastly loyal to the president and his wife. Overlooked that was the price he had to pay, no comment on the sexual habits of the president and what she had heard Commenting on the behavior of his wife. He acknowledged having had some sex with the president, but only if the first lady absent from the city o. .. or recently when he had been sick and could not do anything with he.

After informing Moscow Razin his visit to the Miss Raines, Ilf Grishin and asked what should do next. A detail of his report had Razin aroused the curiosity, instilling hope the details related to the recent disease of the first lady for whom it had been unable to maintain relationships sex. Razin contacted their agents in Washington and ordered them not to commit to Isobel Raines and not again to visit to receive instructions in this regard. Now, in his office, seated beside Pietrov, he held in his hand the old report, Razin recalled what happened next. Increasingly nervous because of the lack of information about Bradford Billie's sex life, without knowing what to do Razin stumbled upon a chance and took it. Little before traveling to attend the summit London, while his wife was in Los Angeles, the president had enjoyed in Raines Isobel his White House bed. The next night, a presidential aide had been caught with a prostitute. The president had dismissed immediately from office. During the

press conference the next morning, being asked about his assistant, the president will reporters had gone off to a sermon about the morality in government. Razin no detail overlooked in Moscow. Isobel Raines would have more fear now than ever. There time that you do llf Grishin and other visit. Isobel Raines was indeed very nervous and scared. If he refused to talk, they would give know their own immorality and that would undermine the president and destroy his own career. This time he spoke. Not much, but a little, enough. He insisted that I knew nothing about the sexual behavior Mrs. Bradford with her husband. The president is not used talk about such things. He had called her to his bed because he needed sexual satisfaction that his wife could not provide at that time. Him Raines had said to his wife Isobel had some problem and that the gynecologist had been ordered to avoid all sexual activity for six weeks until availability of the test results.

Unknowingly, Isobel Raines had been circulated to Razin what it wanted. In the course of three weeks Vavilova where Vera was going to play the part of the first lady, there could be no sexual relationship between her and the president. The last obstacle was Second Lady Project was eliminated. Pietrov was excited, Razin is Vavilova Vera welcomed and felt relieved. All this while still learning and Vera rehearsing, working steadily from morning till night. His work soon acquired a more feverish. For while studying people and events of the past again, he had to deal with other people and events present. Africa had for some time to be the apple of discord between the two world powers and Boende now suddenly had become a usual name in his vocabulary. Boende was a independent central African nation, rich in uranium. Both the U.S. and the USSR uranium needed. Boende, a democracy with a President-elect called Mwami Kibangu, maintained close ties with the United States. In its border

northern, a number of rebel forces-the Army Communist People, led by Colonel Nwapa, which had been trained in Moscow, were Soviet awaiting a signal to invade the country and gain control over it through a revolution. The Soviet Union was prepared to arming the rebels. It was necessary find out how much had provided weapons United States government troops Kibangu. The future possibilities are very broad, uranium not only in quantity but also control heart of Africa. With increasing confrontation, Prime Minister Kirechenko summoned to do a Pietrov reassured by this consultation, gave Kirechenko first step. He suggested holding a conference summit two days, with some delegations headed by the president and the same as a neutral country would meet as soon as possible, for the benefit of world peace. The Bradford chairman was forced to accept the proposal. Then came the technical details, the most important of which was the choice of venue which would hold the summit. Thus began the

usual preliminary wrangling. Were suggested Cities of Helsinki, Geneva and Vienna, and all three were rejected by either side for different reasons. The Prime Minister then made a Kirechenko surprising and astute suggestions. Although the Americans had been allies of the British for many years, the Soviet Union had signed Recently several important agreements with Great Britain and friendship between the two countries had never been more cordial. To underscore its confidence in the British and to disarm while the right wing conservatives of the United States, Kirechenko suggested that the summit be held in London. Caught by surprise, President Bradford not could have no fault. The meeting would be held so in London. The president proposed Bradford then a date and the prime minister's Kirechenko readily agreed. Some weeks later, almost as if he had This is a new occurrence, the wife of the first Ludmila Kirechenko Soviet minister announced that a week before the London summit was to invite the

women leaders worldwide to attend a Women's International Meeting three days of duration, to be held in Moscow. The theme of the meeting were to be the current and future women's rights. A Despite misgivings that inspired him to Billie Bradford all those tours and activities in such a short period of time, women's rights issue was interested lot. He could not refuse. It was among the first who promised to attend. Although the International Meeting on Women was had organized and programmed exclusively in Vera benefit Vavilova, preparing it is not affected by the meeting because he would not play no part in it. Instead, the summit London to be held then would Vera pose for extra work. New names came into his life, he already knew and others that may know and about which was to learn details. We were arriving the new research findings. Suddenly, Vera had to become familiar with London, a city with which Billie Bradford was familiar and with which Vera Vavilov was not. And he was presented a series

New characters such as Queen of England, British Prime Minister Dudley Heaton, his wife Heaton Penelope, the first British secretary Ian Enslow, president and ambassador Kibangu boende in Britain Zandi. These are contained in documents Pietrov had been reviewed in the office that Razin occupied in the central KGB. Pietrov was holding the last document the last of the three folders. It was the last Razin typewritten memorandum about Vavilova rehearsal Vera had done was nine hours. Pietrov settled again on the third folder desk, drained the last inch of whiskey remained in his glass and shook his mighty head. -M enudo effort.Three years of work. I hope it has been worthwhile "He rose quietly. Well done, Razin. No gap, no bugs. Me Sounds perfect. "Me too," said Razin. -L to First Lady arrives tomorrow ... rather, today. We no longer have anything to do. From now on,

everything will be the second lady. Well, thanks and good nights. Once he was gone Pietrov, Razin kept the and close the file folders. Then he closed his wallet. Something crossed her mind. As atheist, had never prayed since she had become in a Russian citizen, but what crossed her mind was one sentence in the United States learned in the his mother's lap. Long time. A prayer a prayer for the safety of his beloved Vera. It was 2.23 am when Alex Razin she reached the high fence and gate outside Moscow and two night watchmen KGB him crossed the passage to the restricted area. He moved with his car for the gravel road that ran off Reproduction of the White House the last time I went to her feet, since the first were going to topple hours of the morning and followed the yellow lights driving through the darkness into the square wooden house of two plants that arose in the back. After parking in the vicinity of the main entrance, reached into his jacket pocket one of the three keys (Pietrov was the third) of hiding and entered the

lobby. Across the hall, climbed the stairs leading to the bedroom and went smoothly. Vera had left on two floor lamps and a slit of light filtered through the door half-open bathroom. The bedroom was spacious and comfortable, furnished in original style U.S.. Pietrov expenses had not noticed for furniture. I wanted the best for their star. I thought the room had to remind it I was going to be an American. Razin looked at the bed. He assumed she'd already be sleeping, and actually was. He remained lying on her side, partially covered by the blanket, his back naked. Razin could hear his soft, regular breathing. He removed his shoes and walked into the room bathroom. In the fluorescent whiteness of the room, discovered a piece of paper next to the stack. It contained an pencil-written note to him: Darling, Before bedtime, wake me. Do not forget. I love you. Yours always.

Vera Razin smiled. Little by little, began to undress. He thought of her, the first time the had met in the office and in Pietrov first times she had met from then. As he was concerned that had been a arrow. At least it had been sure to third or fourth time he had seen. However, had deliberately sought feelings she inspired him not resurface. I had often tried to analyze the reasons of their inhibition. He do it again. Despite to have met many women and have maintain satisfactory relationships with some, none had impressed him as Vera. Almost all others had many qualities, but all had a defect that prevented him from engaging in serious with them. Maybe their aspirations were excessive. Nevertheless, I had expected. And then there appeared Vera. And yet, from the start, was unable to express his feelings. She intimidated him: his incredible beauty,

femininity, intelligence, security, his poise. It was also his facet as an actress destined to be appreciated only from a distance. That, and his new role that the became a single state object, valuable and untouchable. Moreover, at first, had not been Razin sure to be worthy of it. Certainly, at physical, she could have had any man who would have desired. She was a goddess. He was vulgar. No felt no inferiority complex in regarding their appearance, but it was a subject of the pile; she could never be such a thing. As he undressing, he looked in the mirror in the bathroom. Straight black hair combed back. Eyebrows, his eyes narrowed, somewhat flattened nose, lips thick, dark complexion thirty-nine. A meter seventy-eight of stature, broad back, waist close. I needed reading glasses. He was smart, but suspected that she was more. Their horizons, limited. It was a small cog in a machine. It was possible that one day off a gear

most important, but would never go there. The future of Vera was infinite. And here they were, together, together for almost two years. The need for daily contact between the two during the first year and proximity were transformed into intimacy. Life and survival Vera depended on him. She had needed to know I had never met another man. And he had had to know how women had never met way to consider it certain that Iberian power Vera meet the test that was coming and also because I loved her. To his amazement, discovered that she had love with him. Each had found what needed from another person. He remembered that day had sent the photographs of nudes for comparison with those of Billie Bradford. He had tried to demonstrate distant relationship with those pictures. Inside, burned in desires to possess, to love and be loved by her. However, he had kept his distance and had interpreted as a mentor.

However, the common purpose had been closer and closer to one another. After a day of hard work, instead of returning to his office or While home, Razin had gradually begun to delayed, to accompany her home Vera giving a walk and get to take with her a drink or two. It relaxing together, sometimes making comments yet about their work and, more often, sharing information about their pasts. The transition a few drinks together had dinner together produced naturally. As we increased the mutual trust, both had begun to to exchange confidences, aspirations and dreams. Razin had not taken a long time understand that the background of Vera were much more disciplined than he had expected. No, had become an accomplished actress so accidental. His record, which he had read and had memorized, not revealed many details concerning the depth of his interest and his experience, the stage. Razin had imagined was the product of two illiterate factory workers, of some people far away from the world of theater had allowed her daughter her dream come true

of becoming an actress. In fact, as Vera herself had revealed she had always been in the theater blood. His maternal grandmother, living and retiring, had acted in the best years of his life with great Alla Tarasova in Theater Arts in Moscow. Although he had no acting talent, her mother had been and remained a great fan of the theater and a source of theatrical knowledge. She had animated and encouraging the interest in theater and Vera since the early years of this child. Al eighteenth birthday, with the help of his grandmother, Vera had come to Moscow to examine reading in the Maly. There were 800 applicants for membership of the school and among the 25 accepted, Vera had been the most promising. Vera spent four years studying, 6000 hours in total, one third of them devoted to classes; of interpretation to the Stanislavski method. After receiving the diploma, had been sent to the Kiev repertory company in order to gain experience in a real scenario. Vera had not at any time doubt

that someday would become a star of the Theater Maly Theater or the Arts in Moscow and, more later, would become one of the People's Artists Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, with all special privileges that the honor was rigged. When discovered Pietrov, Vera was beginning to experience anxiety in early regarding their future. Was too time stagnant in Kyiv, according to his calculations, and yet Moscow had not called to greatness. Feared, despite its youth have been overlooked and forgotten. And Pietrov was then submitted and offered him The challenge and opportunity ahead of his more fantastic dream. Once, Razin had dared to ask about the men in her life. She honestly confessed having had only two relationships, one with a callow student Maly and another with the first actor in the company of Kiev, both without any emotional commitment and both disappointing ultimately. Simply men had not played a role

important in their past. His life had been devoted art. Razin had wondered then if men S ome-man-could ever play a significant part in his life. And then this happened. What happened took place naturally, in the kitchen of Vera, in the eleventh Platonic month of those relations. She stood by the stove with a frying pan in hand while he was commenting from the doorway one aspect of their interpretation of the role of Billie Bradford. Entering in the kitchen and passed it without having miscalculated step, brushed back. In doing so, he stopped to apologize and tenderly kissed her neck. She let the pan, turned, spread his arms and He kissed her passionately on the lips, clinging to him. Not uttered a word. Left the kitchen hugging each other, while kissing while climbed the stairs to the bedroom. Razin helped her to undress, undressed, in turn, embraced her and

took her to bed. All inhibitions were vanished instantly. They had united meat meat as if each was trying to recover a lost part of his body. They remained closely linked, trembling as one being for about an hour or more. Al end, the union was consummated and both are left empty exhausted and wet, but teeming with a wonderful feeling of satisfaction. In the many months that followed, never again to stay apart too long. Instinctively he hid the secret-a secret within a secret-General Pietrov. Razin sometimes thought that perhaps Pietrov know. It was assumed that I had to Pietrov know everything. If well, Pietrov had never made any comment to respect. If I knew, I used to think Razin, not matter. Both did a good job. Only that care. Emerging from the last nice to be in this, Razin noticed his clothes hanging in the bathroom and their own nakedness. She wanted

he wanted to wake up and wake her and make love last time before they start their mission. The preparation period was over. From tomorrow, it would depend on the KGB and the Politburo. Razin would never see her alone until he returned. Razin entered the bedroom, did not worry about the two lamps lit and slid his hand between the sheets. The weight of her body made her move. His hand, slid under the blanket to caress naked breasts, stomach, clitoris. She was placed his back and opened his sleepy eyes. For a moment, to contemplate the face of near, the thought Billie Razin Bradford. It was the first lady of the United States. I was here in bed with him. It was impossible. She had paragraph the blanket and, by extending her hand to her hard member, returned to his Vera Vavilova. The knowledge that very soon would have to separated quickly joined them. She sank into more deeply as he could, to keep it as close possible. It was like the first time, ardent, passionate and incessant. In half an hour, their bodies were

slippery. The animal went blind mating intensified until she began issuing a and long moans drowned when approaching the point peak. Arched his body and he screamed as the semen jet escaped. Then both are collapsed, hugging one another. In the end, she turned away and left the warm bed for go to the bathroom. Back in bed, sat up and took a pill had on the table, eating it with a sip of water. - Why this sleeping pill? Asked he.This evening you do not. Bradford-B illie making, "she said, sliding under the blanket. He always takes one. I hope my memory is better than yours, "under the blanket, looked for his hand-I love you, honey. "I love you more," he replied.Try to keep is a good memory. I want you back safe and sound. -L egresaré safely. "And then we'll marry. "Yes. Now I have to sleep, "she said, making A pause. Good evening, Mr. President. Or I call you Andrew? They both smiled. They had learned that this was

one of the little jokes with her Billie Bradford husband. Razin leaned over and kissed her. -B ood night, sweetheart. She turned aside, covered her shoulders with the blanket and in a few minutes, he was deeply asleep. He remained lying face up, his body satiated and the mind alert and anxious. After a brief interval, stood up, got out of bed and went the bathroom to fetch a packet of cigarettes in his pocket of his jacket. He lit a cigarette, blew out the lamps, he returned to room, walked to a chair and sank into it. Sat meditating in the dark. Now hated that project. Abhorred responsibility that he was owed on the role of Vera and its safety. What had drawn to this strange business? Being half American, she knew, that was what had driven him to this night. His heart had never fully participated willingly in the project, had never wanted to be carried out, never wanted to reach the success until he fell in love with Vera. She had

represented the turning point. Pledging with it, he knew the plan would succeed, I could not fail and sublimated his American side for their Soviet side. While preparing to cause serious harm to the country he was born and I had always loved in secret, had tried to rationally explained to himself that his real loyalty had to belong to the Soviet Union which and thus should woman he loved more than the own life. The father of Soviet Razin was born in Sverdlovsk, and was a former athletics star Olympic subsequently had become journalist and had been sent by the TASS agency to cover political information in the city of Washington. Razin's mother was American, of Philadelphia, and moved to Washington as secretary to a Congressman Pennsylvania. The Soviet journalist Secretary American had known, had in love and were married. They went to live in a rental home in Virginia, which had Alex Razin born. He had attended primary school Virginia, had been "boy scout" had participated in the

Little League baseball and was a candidate for National Spelling Bee Award. When he was twelve years, his beloved mother, loving and sweet mother, had died. Three years later, when he fifteen, his father had received an offer of promotion and higher salary as director executive office of TASS in Moscow. In father loved America, but distressed by the death of his wife and without company and friends, decided to return to where you had come to Mother Russia. Alex had, therefore, that accompany his father to abandon his school, his friends and the only home he had known and moving to a distant country where he did not know to anyone other than his father. Rootless fifteen years, sent to an unknown place full of strangers, felt frightened and alone for many months. Fortunately, it was bilingual Russian who had taught her father was her second language. Thanks to language skills and the fact of being in the homeland of his father, Alex Razin finally adapting to the new life. Had not meant to be a journalist as their

father. Then he thought maybe he liked being historian. When it came time to start college, he enrolled at the State Institute History, Philosophy and Literature in Moscow. Upon arrival at third year, was recruited by the KGB. His background Americans and their knowledge of English attracted the attention of that body. Needed English-speaking agents. The KGB was interviewed and he selected for a training course. His father encouraged to continue. He recalled that the agents Formed a special elite KGB in the Soviet Union and income earned three or four times higher to the current skilled professionals. Went sent the four-storey building in Novosibirsk and after undergoing intensive training, won the security, which, among three hundred students, number one promotion. After a period of learning different provinces, had been sent to No. 2 Dzerzhinsky Square in Moscow, which had remained ever since. He remembered having enjoyed a happy interlude.

Four years earlier, had ordered him Pietrov act as a foreign correspondent in the States America, in Washington, representing officially Pravda. No entrusted any specific mission of espionage, had told simply to keep their eyes open. More forward and take charge you a mission. I should just carry out journalistic work and wait. Razin was enthusiastic. In the depths of his heart, wanted Razin return to the United States. I had never discussed with anyone, not even with her father. Now his dream had become reality. As your feet put back on the floor of the U.S. Razin was again filled with joy. It was encouraged and excited like never state since he was fifteen. Not tired of breathing air. He surrendered to her work with fervor. Overwhelmed by remorse, toyed with the idea of deserting, but realized that he could it being his father in Moscow. However, it was in the United States and was determined to taste the best that day. His pleasure was very

ephemeral. A morning in its tenth month stay, was arrested by the FBI on charges of espionage. Him accused of having tried to obtain information about military secrets through a Navy officer. He acknowledged that he had boarded a, naval officer, openly seeking information, not secrets military, with a view to a story that had the purpose of writing. He insisted on his absolute innocence. The FBI thought otherwise. A few days after having been imprisoned, understood what was happening. In Moscow, a deputy secretary of the Embassy United States and was arrested imprisoned in the Lubyanka prison for trying to help some dissidents. The government of the States U.S. had to retaliate. And Razin had been chosen as a scapegoat. One week after his arrest, he was flown to Bucharest and redeemed by the Secretary of the Embassy United States in Moscow. Back again in Moscow, sitting beside her known central desk in the KGB, he learned that his father had died of a heart attack the eve of his return. She was saddened and embittered

at a time. If her father had died only some weeks earlier, might have been Razin reside in the United States and again be a American citizen. Was funny because now I could never return to their homeland. His hope to go live some day the United States had vanished. He had been listed as a spy and had been banished for ever. He was not angry with the U.S. for having deported. Such matters were policies and he was not accidental but one piece minor. He was furious with the destination ruling their lives. But he was a realist. Filed his old dream of becoming a citizen U.S.. He gave himself entirely to his work in the KGB, gave all their loyalty to the Soviet Union and in the Over the years, managed to win the esteem Pietrov. Even after having met Vera and have love with her, her dream persisted in latent form fantasy. If Americans acquitted him and he readmitted one day, would see that Vera along. Might subject to blackmail

Soviet authorities by threatening to delivery Second Lady Project photographs to the CIA. It Soviet authorities would require to grant the Vera freedom and allow him to meet him and then both could enjoy together in the golden United States. Tonight, as I thought about it, the fantasy seemed an outlandish idea. It could be reality in a million years. Tonight, not even wanted to happen. The Soviet Union had been kind to him. With Vera at her side as colleague of hers, would be paradise. The only thing mattered was Vera, security, the possibility that the two meet again. Sitting in the darkness, I imagined sleeping peacefully in his bed. Within hours, he abandon. If their work had been satisfactory, she would be back on the bed with him within three weeks. In case of having committed a single error, never see her again. Everything that project was too dangerous. Vera I could not get out of the test. Nobody would able. In a lucid moment, he realized that not

might work. The whole project had to rescinded immediately. He was tempted to phone to Pietrov, wake him, tell him that was impossible and advise you to let him run while were still time. A long moment of lucidity allowed Pietrov know the answer. That project was the Pietrov obsession. He never vanish. In addition, he was already too late. Within a few hours, the first lady of the United States undertake the journey ... Within a few hours, she thought, would undertake the trip. Billie Bradford, clad in his fine blue nightgown lace-trimmed clear, lay under the blanket his side of the bed in the president's bedroom White House. It had hoped the journey, this time. As a rule, enjoyed travel, comforted new shows and sounds. But, at this time, the trip to Moscow was too much. No He wanted the long journey there, all three busy days of stay and the return flight monotonous. And

later, the journey to London and mayhem and ostentation from there. It was excessive. The London and had been enough. Would have been nice: But the fact of going Moscow first made the rest will prove unbearable. And yet, the trip to Moscow did not could be avoided. The theme of the meeting were the rights of the woman and she was an ardent feminist. Refusal to Of course he would attend and would have bad press reported their partners dislike feminists. In addition, Andrew wanted to accept. They were approaching the next election year and he wanted to stay another four years in that house as exposed to the draft and thought the trip would improve picture of his wife and therefore his own. Andrew had said he would be late tonight because he had a meeting with Chief of Staff Admiral Ridley and numerous assistants in the Office Oval. Probably another meeting about the Boende issue and how to address the Soviets in the London summit. Well, too late

and Andrew still had not arrived. I wanted to wait for goodnight and was due before start tomorrow afternoon trip from the base of Andrews Air Force. But he was too tired to keep waiting. It would best to try sleeping. He took the sleeping pill and swallowed with a little water. The pill would take twenty minutes to take effect. Instead of waiting for that to happen, decided to take once again look at the baggage still open. His Sarah Keating waitress was mandated to make almost all the baggage, but it would be best to ascertain he had everything he wanted. Throwing off the blanket, got up from bed and is put on the fluffy white slippers. He passed the five suitcases of leather and open wardrobe trunk opened and inspected its contents. He lacked the jersey and cashmere brown pleated skirt and went to dressing room to find them and put them in a suitcase. A see done, noted that Sarah, as ever, had forgotten to include something to read. Is probably did not have time for that, holding him to dictate his autobiography to Guy Parker

and taking the plane after spending the time running through Moscow, but he always reassured take some books. He stared at the dust jacket four novels recently acquired stories intrigue and mystery, and chose three, then saw the two volumes on the Soviet Union that Nora Judson had left. I had not read those books Russian and it would be to read them, even if above, during our trip to Moscow. He left two of the three novels, took the two Russian books and introduced them in her handbag. She was kneeling and rising, noted that was sleeping. The pill I was taking effect. Barely managed to get to bed, picking of typing step program of his stay in Moscow. Middle sitting up in bed, tried to read it, but he saw everything blurry. He dropped the paper on the floor, huddled under the blanket and buried deeply head on the pillow. I was beginning to fall asleep slightly when he heard the door being opened from bedroom. It would be Andrew. He struggled to open his eyes and to keep awake. He was clad in his striped pajamas, with

a glass of brandy in his hand. From the foot of the bed, looking at her. - Billie? Did I wake you? I do not know. Now I'm awake. -S ent waking you up-the President had directed across the bed and sat in the edge of it to finish the brandy. I feel have arrived so late. But the issue is Boende very important and Admiral talk much and is very stubborn. We're seeing the black preparing Kirechenko for interview. God, what I'm tired. She placed the cup, turned off the lights in the bedroom and bed. Billie felt the touch of her feet against his. -M mmm, your fingers are warm, "he muttered. - How are you feeling? He asked. Ready to Moscow? -S upongo yes. "I like not having suggested that you were there. -Visit of goodwill, "she said. "If we do not go bad, especially now that We have many points of disagreement with the Soviets. Your visit will be to their liking.

-A yes I hope so. He felt the soft hands of him in his chest, his hair against his chin, his tongue on her nipple. -Com or would like to be inside you, "he said. "We're almost there," she said. "Those weeks will make me eternal. Still bleeding? -U n little.Not much. "Well, not until ... Said separating from she said. Good night, dear. -B ood evening, Mr. President, "said Billie Bradford dully. Or can I call you Andrew? 3. It was eight least five in the morning in Moscow. The four were assembled in the hall of the isolated Vavilova Vera house, with chairs placed very close the big screen TV. Vera, with long subject blonde hair back with a pin, was dressed in pink blouse, blue pants and sandals leather straps. To her right sat General Ivan Pietrov, wearing a conservative dark blue suit

tight jacket which was too narrow for his powerful chest and her swollen belly, with the bright eyes fixed on the blank screen TV. Beside the general was sitting his Colonel Zhuky assistant and best friend in the Politburo, ie Garanin. Pietrov consulted the black face of his watch Japanese. "Now is announced. Turn on the device. Zhuk was Colonel jumped up, went to TV and turned a button. Zhuk waited for the appearance the image, which occurred slowly. It showed a hazy view of the flag of the Soviet Union and the United States on top of a mast, waving in the breeze through the menacing background of a sad and cloudy sky gray. Zhuk adjusted haste the focus of the image and raised the volume of a disembodied voice. The voice was announcing that the Russian official delegation American from Washington had landed at Vnukovo Airport and the plane was departing from runway to go to the terminal. Once the first lady had

landed after the brief ceremony and reception, the distinguished visitor would travel in a car, under escort, the mediating eighteen miles from the airport and Moscow. Zhuk While returning to his seat, the display another image appeared, the official host of the group who accompanied her, staring, apparently, how he approached the Air Force One, not yet could be seen on screen. Vera leaned forward and saw the wife Ludmila Kirechenko Prime Minister, a majestic and busty lady with gray hair yet the appearance of a withdrawal opera mezzo. Vera could not identify the other figures until the camera focused on Alex Razin, so virile, so handsome with his brown suit. Vera found it difficult to suppress a delighted smile. Pietrov pulled a cigar from his pocket and unwrapped absently while his eyes fixed on television. A giant propulsion apparatus jet with the rectangle of the stars and stripes

painted on the fuselage appeared on the screen, advanced stopped. Airport employees were approaching the metal steps and adjusting it to exit door of the plane. The door opened slowly. In those moments, he began hearing the first strains of "Stars and Stripes" played by a band that cameras did not show. Vera instinctively leaned forward and Pietrov contracted eyes. A young man of athletic and had appeared in the door of the unit and was kicking down the ladder, followed closely other. -S U.S. security guards service said Vera Vavilova in English. The first is Van Acker and the second McGinty. "And the woman who's next? Pietrov asked. "His press secretary," said Nora Judson Vera. And a.Then ... Who said he was the man high? Parker-G uy. "Oh, that CIA-Pietrov said with a smile.

Zhuk Colonel spoke hesitantly. "I do not know, man. We only know that is helping Mrs. Bradford in the drafting of his book. CIA-L to Pietrov muttered, chewing the pure cold. All Vera's attention focused on the TV. Judson saw Nora and Guy Parker down the ladder with which they were extending a red carpet. He had seen countless photographs own. Now in flesh and blood, three-dimensional seemed more impressive. - And here she is!Pietrov cried, sitting in his chair You see it? Billie Bradford. The first lady. Vera's eyes almost drilled the screen, following the graceful fall of the First Lady by the ladder. She was tall and statuesque and, however, moved with ease. Her hair color linen, collected in a neat bun, was bright, the profiles of their lovely face, perfect. White earrings matched with its large white-rimmed sunglasses sun. A slight breeze hit the sinuous body, printed chiffon dress. Vera Soft brow contracted at the sight of

woman he knew better than herself. The poise Vera came down momentarily. Billie Bradford was impressive. Was world famous. It was real. She was unique. Never could have other just like her. Vera felt a lump in my throat. By first time in nearly three years, he experienced anxiety and as a kind of stage fright. -E s too beautiful, "said Vera, stunned. Pietrov had shifted his gaze from Billie Bradford on the screen Vavilova Vera sat at her side. The studied. - Too beautiful? "He repeated, covering the Vera delicate hand with its hairy hand. No more you, my dear. Vera's eyes were fixed on screen. - Do I really have this? He asked in a tone amazement. Pietrov made an indication with his hand. "There is a mirror. Vera's eyes followed the direction of the finger I was pointing to the wall mirror. He stared at his reflection. In his view, at that time,

was still herself. No Billie Bradford. Simply the actress she had always known, Vera Vavilova of Kiev. He again looked at the screen. Billie Bradford was receiving a bouquet of gladiolus in hands of a child. The U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, Otis Youngdahl, the wealthy and well-dressed giant, walked down the red carpet to greet the bride President with a kiss on the cheek. Now there Billie took her arm and was accompanied to the Soviet group: The wife presented the first Ludmila Kirechenko minister. The two famous women shook hands and Alex Razin was between both. Ludmila was talking to Billie with great Alex profusion of words and acted as interpreter, translated from Russian into English for the first lady. After Alex walked up to Billie Bradford circle of Russian dignitaries. He translated the greetings and comments from Russian into English for the wife of president and its response from English into Russian. Razin Alex put his hand on the forearm of Billie Bradford as he walked her over the circle, tilting his head toward her while still acting

interpreter. By looking at the screen, Vavilova Vera felt a pang of jealousy. His beloved was in the company of women more beautiful and exciting world. Now she was near and would be further in the coming weeks. Perhaps Billie confused with Vera ... or, worse still, maybe Billie's own preferred Vera. Vera looked at herself in the mirror to examine the face once more and realized that everything he had been imagining was ridiculous. If Billie was the woman most beautiful and exciting in the world, so was she. Alex was seeing only a reproduction of his Vera. She turned away from the mirror, and quieter. More relaxed, Vera focused all their attention on the screen. Billie had accompanied Alex to a battery microphones. She was talking gracefully English ... how much she had always wanted to visit Moscow, how excited he was to meet there, his great interest in participating in the discussion with the leaders of other nations about the progress on women's rights. All

it was strange, thought Vera, how they this woman had been imitating the inflections Vera language, facial expressions and Vera Vera's gestures. Vera looked on mesmerized while the wife of President of the United States and the wife of Soviet Premier was Chaika accompanied the black car, flanked two yellow police vehicles and four motor guards with helmets and gray uniform. While Billie Bradford disappeared into automobile, Vera Pietrov turned to speak with. It surprised that it was looking at him. Pietrov nodded toward the TV. - Is afraid of? He asked softly. "No, absolutely not," said Vera Vavilova without the hesitation. Who is this impostor? "He added firmly. I am the first lady. -M uy well Pietrov said, laughing. "Better. Much better. Try not forget. "Do not forget," Vera said, noting that Pietrov was realizing that he was serious. Inside the extremely modern Palace Congress that stood in proximity of the

Trinity Gate which gave access to the walled Kremlin, in the gigantic main hall, first Soviet lady Madame Ludmila Kirechenko standing was on the stand directing the closing address to the two thousand Delegates and their companions than ninety countries. He was the third and final day of the Meeting Women's International and, of course, Billie Bradford rejoiced. She sat with a look of weariness in the center of the second row, trying to look interest, listening through headphones he was wearing a voice speech translated Mrs. closing Kirechenko from Russian into English. A one side sat the ambassador Otis Youngdahl and protocol officer Fred Willis. A the other side was Alex Razin, Nora and Guy Judson Parker. Directly in front and behind it agents were sitting service Van Acker and McGinty security. Earlier, in the Late afternoon session, heard the words of Soviet presentation of the speakers without using the headphones. While the voices of the speakers echoed through the seven thousand speakers hidden by throughout the auditorium, he preferred that his kind

Alex Razin guide interpreter and translator will do. Without But when the chiefs of the delegations of France, Germany and Spain had boarded the platform and Razin was unable to help her, had, used the headphones. He tried to concentrate on the summary of Ms. Kirechenko-the findings and recommendations to about the role of women in the world and its future, but Billie's mind was wandering. One leg was dormírsele point and she moved to massage. He felt deeply tired. He had been the penultimate She had climbed the podium and its report is had focused on the progress of women's rights in the United States during the past ten years and, toward the end, his voice had been reduced to a harsh screech. However, the words had been adequate and, on leaving the bench, had received some enthusiastic cheers. Overall, international meeting was what she had imagined. Mainly useless. Primarily an exhibition communist. The

central theme, the variety of topics to be addressed, looked impressive. But rarely in the during the three days had been dealt with in decision. Almost all delegations had addressed his task as so many puppets in the House of Trade. The meeting, like all other secondary activities organized by the Soviets, had been heavy and even dull. Furthermore, as used to happen to many Americans who visited Soviet Union, he felt isolated from the outside world, away from everything that was familiar, constantly lonely and separated from Andrew, vulnerable .. Never had thrown both under Andrew. As back to the hotel, he would telephone. The monotonous voice of Mrs. Kirechenko, followed the rapid interpretation of Razin, roared in the ears while trying to escape and hide in the inside his head. Her mind searched for the beginning of those past three days and tried to recall what had occurred. The first morning in Moscow, after be installed in a special hotel suite Rossiya, had hoped rest and such Instead of resuming discussions with Guy Parker view the book. During a flight to Moscow, there was

able to devote to it so long as planned. After arrival, barely had time to shower and changing clothes when his jealous hosts the hotel had been taken to the streets in order to accompany her on a dizzying tour of duty most interesting of the city. But now he had a head of only recall the kaleidoscope of sites, the Lenin Mausoleum and St. Basil in Red Square, the dark red walls of the Kremlin and nineteen towers and gates surrounding five cathedrals, four churches and two seats, after Trietyakov Gallery, Museum Pushkin Museum of Marx and Engels Exhibition Economic Achievements of the USSR, the Park Gorky, in haste, half an hour at each site all Moreover, while the head was spinning as it does now. And next to it, could not remember time, date, a model childcare center, a hospital, a parade of fashion. The people were friendly, hospitable and sincere. The Leaders also, but his sincerity was suspect. And yet, this was true in all parties. By midafternoon on the first day, had met with other delegates at the auditorium. Endless speeches of welcome. Boring documentaries about

Women of the USSR and the steps that they had been toward equality. Then, with a brief break for dinner, brief reports forty countries about the status of women within their nations and thus on until late at night. On the second morning there had been more reports. The afternoon and evening of the second day had been focusing on countless working groups and seminars about workplace equality, freedom to vote, sexual equality and same thing. In the third tomorrow morning, representatives from twenty nations were involved to express their hope for future progress. This afternoon, long exposures delegates from eight major countries on the future of women's rights. Now, Ms. I was giving everything Kirechenko terminated. Good thing tonight was to celebrate the farewell banquet. Then, it's over and Billie could sleep. But not for long, recalled sadly. Tomorrow, the plane again to return to Washington. And then to Los Angeles to information about the meeting. Then to London her husband and summit. Too. Their cells brain were unhinged. He wondered if there

a muscle in his body that did not hurt. He was aware of a resounding silence in his ears. Across the room, people had risen to its around and was clapping. Mrs. Kirechenko Billie was over and he was almost finished, removed the headphones and stood to applaud. Then walked down the aisle preceded by two Soviet security guards and followed by her own security men served. The drove four or five other delegates who asked for his autograph and she obliged. In the lobby, while photographers chased their flashes flickered again and again. A bold woman of middle age, apparently, a reporter in India, made his way toward her, crying - Why bows to the sexist with this transparent dress? Billie kept his poise and smile while answered: "B ecause I want men looking at me ... no only as an equal but as a woman. Outside, next to the curb with his four

steps, two black cars Chaika eight cylinders were waiting in the driveway paved. As the driver opened the first automobile rear door, hesitated, looked at Billie's components of his entourage gathered around him. - How about going this long, Nora? -Sk-I want to buy some souvenirs. Nora checked her watch and looked up. -S i did not take long, it could have an hour. -V masters there, "said Billie.In a few days I will be in Los Angeles. I should bring something to the family turned to his interpreter: - Where could it go, Mr. Razin? -R and suggest the most Beryoska establishment close, "said Razin. It is an establishment of state control that only sells to foreign foreign currency. In establishments Beryoska are the best items: leather, hand-cut crystal, hand painted boxes, wine. "B ut that's just for foreigners," said Billie, wrinkling her nose. I'd like to see somewhere which was attended by the Soviets. -A h, then will you see GUM's State stores Razin said. On the other side of Red Square. He has over a thousand stores in its jaws,

but you can not buy things of value too. You will find material for clothing, some appliances culinary toys for children. All you need rubles. -E so it will not be any problem, "said Ambassador Youngdahl. - And that's where the Russians come? Asked Billie. -A h, of course, "he promised Razin. "Then I want to see," said Billie. "Allow me to call the director of stores -D ijo Razin.We make things easier. Talk perfect English. Go you. I follow them. Razin ran back to the lobby. Ten minutes later, he joined the Razin back seat of the second car he was traveling in company with the ambassador and Guy Parker Youndahl and pointed to the windshield. "There you are, waiting for you.Please park behind them. The Bradford Billie Chaika was detained front of the marble and granite building with three floors, topped by a spire, which harbored

department stores. As they approached, Razin opened the rear door of the vehicle still up and down, almost losing his balance. -V oy in search director said. Within minutes, Razin appeared carrying the director burly arm, which pushed Billie Bradford and others who were awaiting beside the first car. Razin introduced her to Billie Bradford Youngdahl then Ambassador to the Miss Judson and Guy Parker. The head bowed in reverence for each. -M and am very honored, very honored, "said the director. Come, please, let them accompany. Billie went to Nora and others. "Nora, I need your advice. Do you mind? In As for you, do not bother to accompany me. Stay here. Purchases were going to get tired. In addition, I will not draw too much attention. -S was better than me, "said the accompanying Ambassador Youngdahl, Billie stood behind. Alex Razin and Guy Parker stood beside Passenger car, watching the group penetrated in GUM stores.

- Would you like to stretch his legs and smoke a cigarette? Razin asked. -N or bad idea, "said Parker. "We do not turn away the visual field Razin said, starting to walk. Will walk up and down outside the warehouses. Parker offered a cigarette, took another for himself and approached a lighter to both. They walked in silence for a long minute. Parker, who first broke silence. -Y ou do not speak English in England said.You American English speech. Where did you learn? -I n the United States, "said Razin.I was born in Virginia. - Really?It's amazing. You seemed so ... as Soviet. "And I am Soviet Soviet media by father. My mother was American, Pennsylvania. I ... well, I will not weary with my genealogy. -A l contrary, I care, "said Parker. "You will repent," said Razin, outlining a solemn smile as she began to facilitate more details about the background of their parents and their own education in the United States and

a censored version of its return to the EU Soviet with his father. He did not mention his training and activities in the KGB. He noted that performed under full-time task official interpreter. -A hour and you know everything, "he concluded Razin. Parker nodded while both were walking. He accepted a cigarette and the fire that he offered Razin. -C Urios said.There is something so familiar you swear to have known him in America. Without But that is impossible because you went to the fifteen years. Razin decided to tell her. "Not impossible," he said. I had forgotten to tell him. I was in America four or five years ago for a short period. - In a tourist? "He was Washington correspondent of TASS. "Well, that could explain everything," said Parker. It is possible that we met. At that time, before becoming one of the drafters of the presidential speeches, I spent several months in the

offices of the Associated Press in Washington. I covered sporadically. Information on the House White. We may find ourselves in a conference press. -E s very likely, "agreed Razin. - Do you enjoy working in Washington? "I loved it. - Why did he go? Razin found that he had nothing to lose. -No, I went, "he said.I got expelled. Parker stopped short. - Were you expelled? "Exactly. I drove under false pretenses. My friends in Moscow had detained one of the Embassy officials of collaborating with the dissidents. His government decided to retaliation. I I was randomly selected as the innocent victim. Me reported, was arrested on an accusation ridiculous and I returned them to Moscow in exchange for his official Moscow. I fear I'm persona non grata in the United States shook his head. Pity. Always had considered the U.S. as my

first fatherland. I was born there. I liked it. Now I fear I can never return. -L or regret. Razin never knew what had prompted them to say what he said next. He thought he had buried his fantasy. But here in an official company U.S. aide to the first lady and president, could not resist the temptation to revive the hope of an option that maybe he and Vera would take in the future. -O challah had there someone who could know the truth and maybe cancel the ban to weighs on me. It would be nice, but I guess not likely. The last sentence was a sort of mute question. Parker clearly did not answer. She shrugged resumed his shoulders while walking. - Who knows what can happen?That never knows. The political climate can change. The old decisions can be revoked. -S i ever changed anything Razin said, "I appreciate being remembered me. You're OK related. Some of his words addressed to some ears

appropriate could mean a lot to me. Left course I like the situation that I enjoy here. I happy. But it would be nice to know that I re visit the United States. -L or I will consider, "said Parker.But now the time is not propitious, as you know. Weather prevailing between our two countries is not unbeatable. If it were now better, the conference would not be necessary summit to be held in London the week comes. But what about the future? Who knows what it can Bring? Be aware of what happens to help. - Do not you forget? Razin asked with an expression very serious. "No forget it. "Thank you," said Razin. I know what I to tell you now will seem ridiculous, but, if ever may correspond, you make some small Please I would love to oblige. I recognize that I am very important. But I have some good contacts. -T hanks Parker said, smiling.It is possible that asks for something some day ... a case of vodka locally. "Put to the test game Razin said, unsmiling. Parker was pointing toward the entrance of the

stores. - Is not Mrs. Bradford? Razin contracted eyes. "Yes. Seems to have found something to buy. Billie Bradford had gone in company the GUM store manager, both paths plastic bags, followed Nora Judson, who carrying a package, and Ambassador Youngdahl. -S had better go back, "said Parker, throwing to walk. Razins followed him, thinking. Had he committed a error talking to the U.S.? Would it have been indiscreet? What if Pietrov found out about his affection for United States and its desire to return there? But then he realized that Pietrov never was to find out. It was clear that Guy Parker had not taken seriously. Parker was limited to conceal. Parker, as all Americans, had been polite. In fact, it made no difference, he said Razin. His old dream of the United States was not only a nostalgia for his youth. It was now an adult. Only one else mattered.

He saw the first lady up to Billie Bradford car. He saw Vera Vavilova get in the car. That was all that mattered. Vera returned safely to her arms. Night had fallen on Moscow, but in the Kremlin interior flooded with light, especially in The spacious and airy office of Prime Minister Dmitri Kirechenko, party general secretary Communist president of the Presidium of the Soviet Supreme Marshal of the Soviet Union. On the four walls of the office of Prime Minister upholstered in silk mushy were only two ornaments: a framed portrait of Karl Marx and a VL framed portrait of Lenin. In the center of the stay under a chandelier, was a table of conference covered by a green cloth. In a hexagonal corner office was the L-shaped desk in the Prime Minister. On his area is not watched or trinkets or papers, so only three telephones and a board of white buttons, a green folder containing a logbook typed instructions, a square clock brass, a pen, an inkwell and a calendar. A Chair dark brown leather with padded backrest

accompanied the desktop. At this time of night the chair was solidly occupied by Prime Minister Kirechenko, while rubbing the pointed beard looked through their crystal glasses without ridge to collaborators around him. Opposite him, some notebooks with instructions on knees could see General Chukovsky, Colonel Zhuk, to Garanin and Politburo members and two Unyakov specialists in African affairs. -M uy well-Kirechenko said the Prime Minister, I have noted your suggestions and thank you. Now, to avoid misunderstanding, let me summarize our position and the U.S. before attending the London meeting. The prime minister leaned back in his swivel chair leather, took off his glasses without shoulder, closed his eyes and continued. Boende "he intoned, so far a country insignificant thirty million inhabitants, located in southern central Africa. A year ago it acquired importance. Were discovered and began to be exploited some large deposits of uranium ore.

We in the Soviet Union, we need uranium. America needs uranium. To preserve an appearance of neutrality, Mwami Kibangu, the Boende president, who in fact is a puppet of the United States established a quota of what was going to sell, while selling them to United States an amount three times higher. A intolerable situation. 'S e know that a government that presides Kibangu lacks a strong popular support. Its government is a artificial democracy, backed by its ally U.S.. Moreover, our man, Nwapa colonel leads a popular underground army rebels, allegedly committed to the principles of communism. Our links with Colonel Nwapa are very narrow and it's been reported is prepared to act to overthrow the puppet government Americans. This is the background-the Kirechenko prime minister opened his eyes, his glasses dangling from his fingers. And so we come to the situation Current continued. Colonel Nwapa has the quota of men necessary to win the triumph. However, it has a sophisticated

weapons capable of guaranteeing victory. On the other hand, the pro-American president says Kibangu have a considerable arsenal of the latest weapons, provided by the United States. Ensure also have signed a treaty with the United States which would be supplied later weapons in case of any threat to occur against his government. We are dealing well with the great question. Are certain statements of President Kibangu? And the other secondary questions. Is the government army fully equipped with American weapons? Could the president Kibangu get help from President Bradford If the attacking rebel forces? 'S i Kibangu claims are true, the Nwapa government army crush without any difficulty. If their claims are true, we do not would dare to send weapons airborne forces from Ethiopia rebels and Nwapa would be unable to continue forward without our help. But if the statements of government are not true, if the U.S. does not have strengthened their defense if the U.S. does not

intending to provide support in case of emergency, that we would wear advantage. Could provide enough supplies to Nwapa and technical consultants to ensure control Boende in one week. Nwapa lead the country. We have full uranium wanted. Uranium Exports to Boende United States interrupted. Our position nuclear would benefit and our control over our capitalist rival would be complete. Several of those who were sitting on the other side of the desk nodded to show conformity. The prime minister did not Kirechenko listened and said: Sto-E leads to the summit conference in London. Our intelligence agents in the area could not establish what is the effective strength of the government Boende. At the same time, CIA President Bradford has also failed to ascertain the extent of strength of the rebels. Therefore, we are at a stalemate. The enemy prefers the status quo in order to further exploit the Boende riches. We prefer a war release to save the people of Boende. To break this impasse, we decided

deal with the United States at a conference summit. Know the plans of President Bradford. We suggest the acceptance and signing of a treaty. Us propose the status quo, not only in relation to Boende Africa but in all, a treaty stating that there will be no further foreign intervention in Africa and not be carried further exports weapons to any African state. What position proposed treaty will take before this? If States United are simulated with respect to its past and their future support Boende and if we see you in unable to prove it, the signing of the treaty would be for them a smart and important victory. If we could find out in advance that the United States being simulated, we could rejecting the treaty, Nwapa give the signal to attack and Boende to own and its uranium deposits, establishing our best advanced towards a gradual control of Africa. "How can we win the top?Not could win and would win not only through an unknown factor: the possession of a secret weapon we ensure a resounding victory, the chair of

Prime Minister to stand up this Kirechenko chattering. The Prime Minister to adjust his glasses back on bridge of his nose. Gentlemen, many of you have seen the development of our secret weapon. You have all heard of it. This weapon seek and find the truth of President Bradford, we unveil the true position of the United States and the real strength or weakness of Boende. With this truth in our hands, we know exactly what act at the summit. Gentlemen, I wish that every one of you see the point completely secret weapon before launch. His hand was extended to the desktop and its index pressed a button. His eyes were riveted on the door double sheet which gave access to the reception room in the far side of his office. All heads turned to follow her gaze. The double doors opened. General Pietrov came in with very serious face, moved aside and made a sign. And then she appeared. Slowly crossed the

lintel. He walked toward the desk of the prime minister. Held her head high and erect. He wore a silk shirt in beige with a deep neckline adorned by a gold chain from which hung a tiny medallion on his chest, and skirt bell soft brown. Her blonde hair was silky, her large eyes flashed sapphire and, under her upturned nose, her lips ruby smiled faintly. Its sinuous body crossed the office like gliding. He passed the group that stood by the desk and walked directly ale man located behind it. He extended his hand and man behind the desk got up quickly and shook it solemnly. -S-ord Kirechenko prime minister was saying it in the end I am pleased to meet you. I Billie Bradford. My husband, the president of the United United has asked me to send its most cordial greetings. The prime minister reacted with an unusual smile.

-S oberbio said. He took her arm and pointed to his staff. Even those who already had met with were watching before the astonished. Those who had never seen were left speechless. -T o those of you who are confused, "said the Prime Minister, is understandable. For others, here's the finished product. Gentlemen, I present to the greatest actress of the Soviet Union, Comrade Vavilova Vera ... Pietrov, pull up a chair. Sit all-Vera waited for a seat and then settling into his chair, told his colleagues: "Even if you knew more or simply what we were planning, I doubt most of you was convinced of its reality. However, it is real, it is real. You can see yourself. The old general Chukovsky could not take my eyes off. -S orprendente "he mused.Yeah, I knew what was were on hand, but he shook my doubts head. Now I do not have them. The Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction and Pietrov did the same, sitting near him. "H ere is our secret weapon" the first

Minister, "our strength when we go to the summit next week. His findings we will lead to victory. Turning his head, he added: "A brilliant work, Pietrov. Greetings,

The eye of the prime minister again Kirechenko Vavilova rest on Vera. "So are you ready, are not they lady first lady? -L or I, sir. - Do you trust? "Absolutely. "Then I calm down," the first Minister. The future of the Soviet Union, in fact, future balance of power in the world, it is likely resting on their shoulders. -S oy fully aware of what's at stake, Vavilova sir, "said Vera. For a moment, the prime minister showed worried. Time-T to be a fool to let that happen.Risks are enormous. One mistake, one, and would be lost. Vavilova Vera nodded. -S ord Kirechenko prime minister, believe me, no

be no mistake. Not one. Fulfill my mission. -I n this case, us-Prime Minister rose and extended his hand again. Good Fortunately, Mrs. Bradford. My greetings to the president. Despite what he was fatuous, Billie Bradford had recognize that the scene was impressive. She and the components of their group were sitting toward the center of one of the four tables feast that stretched over four dazzling walls of St. George's Hall, located in the Grand Kremlin Palace. She had been sitting between Alex Razin interpreter and ambassador of the States USA, Otis Youngdahl. In gilt chairs on either sides of them were Nora Judson, Guy Parker and protocol officer Fred Willis. Billie Bradford looked up the gallery in which an orchestra was playing a medley of happy tunes of famous musicals of Broadway. Forced to refocus attention on the table by waiters in white jacket were withdrawing their dish he still remained almost the whole fillet of beef and the glass still half full of

Moldovan red wine, Billie realized that he had lost track of time. Supposed to be around midnight. But now that they were removing the meat dishes, he realized that very soon they would serve the dessert and that this would end , that interminable evening and the day. Despite the many exotic gala banquet those who had participated in Mexico City in Paris, Rome and in the White House itself, never had been forced to participate in a copious dinner like tonight. He tried to think of the first dish and began to count. The first course, my God, Fresh caviar and vodka, crunchy fried fish, more fish gelatin, followed by venison with cucumbers and seasoned with dill pickles and a salad. All that had not only been the first course. They were then had served wild chicken broth with meatballs, after a cold soup made with beer that rye called "kvass' or whatever. After baked salmon white. After 'esterlet' or sturgeon Russian Georgian white wine. Then fillet ox. He had managed to survive by eating only the

half of everything. And the dessert was still missing. I should Andrew you remember telling the White House were a bit stingy. To think of her husband reminded him of the I had experienced frustration in not achieving phoning before dinner. As he put the costume black velvet night, had telephoned the White crass, asking for Andrew. Instead, it apparatus had put his personal secretary Dolores Martin. She told him that Andrew was in a meeting with the Cabinet and ordered not disturb him. Billie had been disappointed. I was looking forward talk to him to dispel his loneliness and fatigue. The Ms. Martin asked if the president wanted call. Of course, she had replied. It would be in the hotel shortly after midnight. The bartender was distracted from his thoughts. Him I was laying in front of wild strawberry ice cream with a fruit bowl and a cup of coffee. Then he saw he was pouring a glass of champagne crystal. "I hated going to protest the champagne, but it was too late because it had been poured and the cup was full, almost to the brim.

He noted that all heads were becoming toward the center of the table, a dozen seats away. He saw a male figure standing, holding in his hand one flake of champagne, and, to his amazement, he discovered who was Prime Minister Kirechenko. Until then, his seat had been vacant and his wife was be responsible for the hostess of the evening. Apparently, just arrived and was making a toast in Russian. Billie Alex's breath caught in his ear Razin as he whispered the translation. The first minister was toasting the success of women everywhere, on charges which were to occupy, by the children who were to have their husbands. A joke. Laughter. Then, more seriously, provided by the next summit London and an understanding that would lead to a peace lasting on earth. Billie saw that everyone got up, joining the toast. He rose quickly, taking the cup champagne. She reluctantly came to his lips, took a sip and grimaced. Aware that

Razin was watching, said: "No I can finish.I hate this drink. Razin leaned over and said in a whisper: "Please, Madame, you have to drink it. Failure it would be a breach of etiquette, especially be who you are. He turned to the ambassador Youngdahl, who had been listening to the comments. This nodded. More there Judson looked for Nora, who hated the champagne much like her. Nora was drinking his glass. Shrugging, Billie closed his eyes, came the champagne to his lips and in rapid gulps, eating all the contents of the cup, was more bitter than usual and immediately suffered a brief cough. In the end, posing the empty cup, sat down, glad that the toast was done. An amplified voice said something in Russian. Razin translated. The end of the evening was going to be a performance by a Soviet women. The lights are dimmed, a spotlight is focused on a group of dancers located in the heart the room, ready to play for another twenty minutes, some fragments, of memorable ballets.

Despite his tiredness, Billie tried to focus developments in, jumps and leaps of the dancers. Gradually, he warned that it was taking over the body fatigue. He began to sleep, realized and attempted to wake up. With blurred vision, followed the acrobatics of the dancers. A point of re sleep, Billie realized that music would stop and that reflectors were extinguished. Everyone was applauding. Billie tried to applaud too, but the dodged hands to each other. Rejoicing that was over, he pushed his chair back to up. However, Razin held her hand gently. -S ord Bradford, please, "he said in voice floor there is another sight to terminate the program. Our gymnastics world champions. Billie smiled stupidly while spotlights illuminating parallel bars and various other gymnastic apparatus in the center of the room. Appeared gymnasts, all young and tiny as birds, clad in tights. Light as air, leaping, turning, kept in equilibrium and turned on bars in the middle of thunderous applause. While still pursuing their graceful exercised,

Billie tried to focus his eyes on them. Was impossible. The six became twelve and then unfolded at eighteen or more. Billie contracted eye to look, but lost the vision of the group. Their eyelids were stuck together with glue. Her head bent to one side. After warning that someone was shaking to wake her. The ambassador was holding by the shoulders and the room lights were on. -V owners, Mrs. Bradford was saying Ambassador, it is time to return to the hotel and bedtime. Placing his hand under her arm, helped her up. "D ormir she whispered as from a deep well. I need ... I ... I must sleep. Was immersed in a crowd that pushed toward the exit. Surrounded by its agents Security Service guards and KGB advanced shuffling. He wondered if Nora, somewhere, would be so sleepy like her. At one point, stumbled but held her hard hands.

"A thought-brázame, hold me, my dream." They had left the elevator and were in the corridor on the third floor of the Hotel Rossiya. Billie Bradford had been awakened to out of the car and enter the hotel. For a moment, entering in the hall, had revived a little. But now, in the hallway, moving slowly toward his suite, I felt weak and members felt as if paralyzed. The security service agents shift night, Oliphant and Upchurch were located one on each side of it, holding each one arm, compressing it increasingly harder that seemed about to fall. A few steps behind, Guy Parker was helping a sleepy Nora Judson. A Billie Bradford seemed like an eternity, but at final, managed to reach the majestic gate suite double sheet of the first lady. Beside the entrance to the suite, waitress Billie staff, Sarah Keating, replacing the usual dezhurnaya, the woman who distributed the room keys are jumped from his chair. With the key in hand, hastened to open the door. The waitress studied his wife with concern.

- Can I help you prepare for bed, ma'am? Billie tried to lift a hand to indicate that withdraw. -T is not necessary ... necessary.Dismissed. I'm fine, fine. I undressed alone: Nora Guy Parker gave the custody of the agent Upchurch and stepped forward. - Are you all right, Billie? -Perfect ... perfectly well. Just very tired, I guess. -R emember that we have to leave for the airport at seven. "No worry.I set the alarm. "Well get some rest. We badly need. Parker met with the agent was Upchurch holding Nora. Parker took the other side and both rounded the corner to accompany his pupil her bedroom. Based on the doorframe, Billie observed how were carried Nora. Nora appeared disappeared from sight.


-P obrecilla said Billie.He has worked too. He turned toward the open door. Oliphant agent he was still holding the arm. It showed a worried expression. - Want to help it go, ma'am? "No," she said, releasing his arm. Me lie down immediately. He pointed out the room. "I'll be all night with his door," he said Agent Oliphant. If you need me, call me. She tilted her head and slammed the door in noses. The room lights were on. He took a look at the ranch. This up and down as if the an earthquake was shaking. Half dazed, started across the room was spinning his around, bumping into furniture until, at final, she hit the wall switch. Light went out. Walking with legs like rubber, came in the bedroom where the light shone only yellow illuminating the bed. He effort of will to get to bed. Medium road, stopped, staggered, took off his shoes, the zipper got a velvet suit, let

it fell to the floor and got out of it. He pulled panties down and almost fell while taking them off. Naked, putting one foot before the other foot on the small carpet stretched. His green gown was neatly spread over bed. He reached to pick it up, grabbed, difficulty introduced with head and arms and was able wear it. A corner of the blanket was folded backward. Grabbed and tossed aside. One step. Other. He felt the edge of the mattress. Was abandoned and sank like a stone in bed. Face up and with great effort he slip under the blanket and took it up to chest height. He tried to keep my eyes open. There were several roofs above it, up and down. The walls of the room circled incessantly. Focused view lamps bedside and stared steadily until it became one. Under the same trip saw his watch and hear the ticking of same. He moved too much to see hour. But finally, he saw her briefly. Something to ten ...

doce ... twelve and ten. His cold hand, sought the basis of the lamp and turned off the light. In the dark, buried his head on the pillow feathers. The Soviets had pillows delicious. He let his heavy eyelids closed. From a distant place, he heard a bell. Perhaps his phone. Perhaps it was Andrew calling her. He little effort to rise, but his shoulders and spine refused to help. He gave up. To hell with the phone. She lay motionless. As pin. Impotent. Only noticed movement in his head. He had a kind of grinder head. Should terribly drunk, he said. The mill kept turning. A flash of light replaced the grinder. A judging by what he had drunk it was not possible was so drunk for that. "They would have stoned? Is it appropriate to call the ambassador? Should to call the security service agent who was waiting outside? His mind tried to take a decision to hold on to some decision, but it is was slipping: The mill was back, turning more slowly,

receding, getting lost in a void that was filled with darkness. His body sank like floating in a stupor. His head went out and met with the body. Billie Bradford was asleep. The clock on the bedside table and strikes midnight fourteen minutes. Darkness. The clock on the bedside table and marked the two ten. Billie Bradford was still sleeping, sleeping deeply, without being aware of the night. She was not moving. The room was still. Then something began to move. The small rug oriental carpet spread on four feet the floor beside his bed, stirred. Slow, mysteriously, one end of the carpet started to rising; an inch, two inches, three, four, five. The oak floor boards under the carpet, two tables and one on each side, were still rising. A square fist and arm wrapped in a manga appeared next to the carpet, a thick fingers sought the edge of the rug, seized and pushed it aside, revealing the four high tables that were rising. The furthest away from

tables had risen to a height of more than thirty inches off the ground and was becoming isolated on one side and placed gently on the ground. Then quickly and Silently, the three other tables, one after another, is up, froze, were removed to a side and deposited on the floor. The bedroom floor now showed a hole irregularly shaped square, one meter and a half long and four feet wide. A shadow, a figure silhouetted in the darkness, began to emerge from below. An agile figure male, dressed in black rose from the hole, his knees and then rose and remained foot. Moments later, another fuzzy set male, more portly, emerged from the hole and stood in the darkened bedroom. Both figures tiptoed to the bed, stopped and stared at the sleeping woman. The one beckoned to the other. Simultaneously, as if had practiced, they both put your hand in a pocket of their jackets. One of them pulled out a handkerchief and the other a needle. One of them returned to make a sign to the other. In a quick

movement, the handkerchief to his mouth approached Billie, penetrating it. At that moment, the hollow of the syringe needle slid inside meat Billie's arm. The pressure, the sting of pain, terrified her, leading her to move the body while trying to wake up. His eyes blind opened blinking stared showed terror, unfocused, began to close as eyelids hung down and shut with force and head sank back on the pillow. Lips moved and then relaxed. The scarf squeezed harder. The hypodermic needle, empty fluid was withdrawn. He lay with his body loosened completely unconscious. They tore off the blanket. Both figures are leaned toward her, passing the arms under their shoulders and his legs. The four arms of rocked and got out of bed without the slightest difficulty. The four arms and four feet marched softly as he carried it hastily into the opening the floor. Carefully, with great care, down to the

opening. Four new arms were extended towards she accepted the transfer of the body relaxed, with hands and feet dangling, and gently, with great care, new arms curled around and the drew down until the body and her nightgown Green was out of sight. The two figures in the bedroom waited. Then one of them knelt, was introduced into the opening and jumped down. Seconds later, the other figure is bent, broke into the hole and disappeared. The bedroom was out of life. Just for a minute. The top of a head was sticking out of the opening the floor. Had emerged the profile of an entire head, a whole head and a female figure rising side, leaning on his knees, rising, smoothing her green nightgown, standing still to while trying to get used to the sight darkness. She was ready. It moved quickly and gently, without one motion unnecessary, deliberately. He raised one of the tables in oak, approached the opening the floor and with great care, adjusted to same as if completing a puzzle

of irregular shapes. Took the second plank of oak and posted it on his site, covering another area of the opening. Then did the same with the third and the fourth table. The hole was gone, soil is was once more intact. Bending down, took the Oriental rug, spread it and placed it on the wooden floor. She glanced into the bedroom in the middle of the darkness which now had become accustomed. By I could see, everything was in place. No missing nothing. In the doorway that led to the room, bowed head to the front door of double leaf. Silence. The agent served U.S. security in its boring hallway guard post had not been disturbed. Smiling to himself, walked barefoot to bed. He studied briefly sat on the edge, lay down on it and got comfortable under the wrinkled blanket. Stretching completely in bed still warm, pulled the blanket up to his chin and buried his head in the hollow of the pillow. He glanced at the illuminated clock on the road. The two twenty-six.

He reached out to take sleeping pills and found near the glass of water. Its predecessor is not had been able to take it. Realized she should not take it. Satisfied, he was lying and tried to distinguish the roof. He felt his heart beat that pulsed with strength, but regularly. He did not want at all sleep. The adrenaline was running down the veins, nerve endings were striking him, his body beating because of the thrill of danger. He could denied that she was excited and nervous, as he always happened when he expected among the racks time to go onstage. He thought the fact be nervous and alert a good sign. By rule, it was the perfect prelude to a performance. But I had to calm down and relax. The dream was necessary. His mind rummaged in the attic of his recent Past: Kiev. Pietrov the night he had come to visit the clubhouse. Moscow. The day had been called by the KGB. The day that he had learned the kind of role he would play really. The day he realized that he loved Alex and that afternoon for the first time he had

possessed. And that last delicious. His abandoned mind the realities of the past three years and rose in rapid flight toward the future. Once completion of the project it as a heroine of the Soviet Union, a princess among commoners, a girl pampered elite. She and Alex. He was aware that he was head emptying, the images of yesterday and tomorrow were fading, that its members were loosening. He yawned. The dream was taking over she. I welcomed it. I had to wake up at five. Then he would raise the curtain. He turned sideways. Morning. I had to remember their role, their identity, their sentences. He tried to remember. He could not remember anything. However, the proximity of sleep cushioned the panic. Would remember, would remember. The curtain was rising. The performance was about begin. It was the last thing he remembered. Farewell, Vera Vavilova. Hello, First Lady of the United States of America.

4 His awakening was like walking up a steep and endless staircase. However, Billie Bradford was wakes up in his mind, though his eyes were still closed. Behind her forehead and the thin layer of pain that was covering his brain was a quagmire. It mouth was dry, with an aftertaste of bitterness. His thoughts made their way through the mud and eventually became a souvenir of the night before. The banquet, fatigue, drunkenness. That had been, excessive drinking. He had a terrible hangover and was not nothing unusual. He kept his eyes closed, waiting for you clarification of the brain and disappear headache. After a few minutes, lying very still, he noticed that the headache faded and began to recede. Her brain was spared from the mire and started functioning. It was awake. He remembered where he was, the day I was, where the expected. I had to get up at five in the morning to undertake trip home from Moscow. He opened his eyes and cocked his head on the pillow

to consult the travel clock of the bedside table. The watch told him he was four. Luckily no was asleep. There was still a time for the bell to clock. I could enjoy another hour of sleep. I was about to curl up and close your eyes to rest a little more when he was struck a very strange thing. The clock on the nightstand. It was different was her tiny travel leather-wrapped red in both trusted. It was a watch of great size, surrounded by a frame of walnut. How strange. Had he entered her maid Sarah, and would have replaced his watch for another? It was absurd. He shook his head on the pillow, looking at the bedroom. Suddenly, prey from the shock, he realized that this was not his bedroom suite at the Rossiya. It was a bedroom different, completely different from the role velvet wall to modern furniture and pillars of the headboard. He sat up, confused and perplexed. But other things were familiar: the wedding band he wore in his finger, the nightgown Green, fluffy slippers soil, its lightweight robe

wool turquoise, resting on the couch But the room was not theirs, of course. What had happened? Was last night too drunk to take to your room and the had settled, instead, in a room with Nora? It was possible, not probable but possible. Then he heard two confused male voices, from the next room. Someone, two people were in the room. Probably agents of the security service Oliphant and Upchurch. He decided to find out. And find out also what was in that room differently. He stood up, introduced her feet into slippers, up, took her robe, and put. After tying the belt of the same, looked the other comb always his pocket big. He was there. He went to dresser mirror, comb your tangled hair, smoothed back and studied. The hangover had cleared and looked and felt almost human. The hum of voices in the next room back to alert her. Experiencing curiosity purpose of those voices and still confused because environment that surrounded her, left the bedroom and went to the salon.

At first he saw the people that own the voices. He saw only another different room I had ever seen before, different and much more spacious and modern than it had occupied yesterday and two days earlier at the hotel Rossiya. Then he discovered the owners of voices, to the left and slightly behind him. She started because none of them was one of his guards service security. Seemed Soviets, one of whom was familiar and the other he was totally unknown What was he doing here? What was she doing here? He approached them, trying to find the explanation of the mystery. Then, from his chair, one of the men noticed his presence and beckoned to the other, which was re her. Anyone who was familiar was the one who had served interpreter during the last three days: Alex Razin. At another, a man short and plump eye small and penetrating, had never seen. Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me.

both were lifted. -A h, Mrs. Bradford, "said the stocky. We were waiting for him to wake up. Billie ignored him and went to Razin. - What is that? What's happening? -Covered by gestured around the room. How did I get here? I do not understand. -T Rataro to explain said Razin, anticipating and speaking apologetically. The chubby man raised a hand to indicate silence. -Y or I will answer your questions, Mrs. Bradford ... Razin, bring some coffee. With gesture obedient, Razin rapidly crossed the dining room toward the kitchen. -V enga here, "the subject squat while approached one of the two sofas in beige clear that had on both sides of the chimney. Startled, she followed. I suggest you sit down, "he said. She went to challenge him, but he sat down, adjusting the robe on the knees. The subject chubby remained standing at his side. Then he started talking again quietly and

ás pear. -S and understands that it is confusing. "More than that," Billie said indignantly. This no ... - Does not it make sense? "Interrupted the fat.The will, it will. Let me introduce myself. I am the General Ivan Pietrov. Did you hear about me? O.-N The man introduced a hand in his pocket, pulled out an identity card and showed it. His finger stressed three large capital letters in the Cyrillic alphabet, together to your photo. GB-K-said She looked blankly card. "I'm the director of the KGB, our police security, "he said, turning to keep the card in the pocket. I will answer your questions. You ask where is it? It's in a guest apartment of Kremlin. Wondering how you got here? The we got last night from his hotel and moved here. - What you ... you that? "We got her out and moved here Pietrov repeated, intone patient. It was necessary. It asks you for

what ... - Wait a minute! Billie shouted, angrily. "M and are you saying ... I've been kidnapped? -S upongo could call it that, "said Pietrov, shrugging her shoulders slightly .. The astonishment of Billie could hardly express words. - Have I been kidnapped, abducted me while sleep? It is impossible. How could someone ... "He hesitated. Unless ... unless I am drugged. Do you drugged you? -N atural Pietrov replied in positive tone. During the banquet, with the champagne. - Are you crazy? Billie shouted, raising his voice. T iene to be crazy, crazy!When my husband finds out ... -S ord Bradford, her husband will not know, "said Pietrov with an exasperating smile. I promise not find out. Billie was speechless, completely confused. Razin had returned with a tray of coffee, cream, sugar, bread and jam. He placed the tray on the glass surface of a low table in front of her, avoiding her eyes. Ord-S Razin, "she said, tell me this is not true. It may be true.

He did not answer and kept avoiding her gaze while down and stand behind Pietrov. Billie turned to stare at Pietrov. "I'm dreaming," he said. Tell me I'm dreaming. -No dreaming, "said Pietrov flatly. It's true. -M and I must be going mad, "she said with some tone of hysteria in his voice. That's absurd. You I've been kidnapped. Nobody kidnaps a. .. first lady, unless you are crazy. You must be crazy. You know which can lead to all this ... knows consequences? Do know? What do you mean? A Rescue? Or blackmail? Are they trying to subdue blackmail the president? It will not work. That's unbelievable, absolute madness. Tell me ... What intended? Done with it. I have to be the airplane within a few hours. We left at eight this morning. "And they are much more than eight in the morning," said Pietrov in quiet tone. It's four in the afternoon. His plane took off for many hours.

-N or had taken off.The plane had not off without me. -T iene're right, "agreed somewhat Pietrov. The Air Force One does not take off without Mrs. Bradford. And not done .. I promise ... the Mrs. Bradford is in these moments aboard that plane. She looked at him blankly. Eo-V is still perplexed he went Pietrov. Let me unequivocally reveal what's happening. So what I understand and I can go. I have a busy day. If you have more questions When I finished speaking, Mr. Razin has been appointed to answer "He pause. Mrs. Bradford, her husband and our first Minister will meet in a summit conference be held in London next week. They will be in play many issues affecting world peace. It is vital for us to find out what you intend your husband what his plans are secrets in their conversations with us. To this end, we think of possibility of placing a secret agent House White, someone who can monitor or take access to the thoughts of her husband. There is a

unusual practice, the CIA often used his country. We were lucky to anticipate the need for this agent. Almost three years before they even enter you into the White House started making plans with a view to this agent. By chance, happened to give someone here in the Soviet Union that was exactly like you ... - Exactly like me?Impossible. The People are like fingerprints. No two equal. -T is not at all impossible Pietrov said. Believe me, it's very possible. She could find no differing in nothing from you. The same face, same body, and spoke perfect English. There Some discrepancies could be resolved. Us patiently spent three years training it for it was his double ... - Does my double? "Billie was astonished.Never had heard anything so ridiculous ... so absurd ... Does the dual of a public figure? He shook vigorously head. I could never succeed. Such a thing has not ever happened ... -R Azin said Pietrov, making him a sign of

come closer, to enhance our credibility, tell. You were a student of history. Convince her. Razin came forward reluctantly. "I fear that you are ... well, you are mistaken you, Mrs. Bradford. This question we are discussion is nothing new. It is as old as history. Are countless examples in the past in which a double, for various reasons, have successfully played the role of others. Napoleon had a double named Eugene Robeaud. His President Roosevelt used sometimes a double. You no doubt have heard how Sir Bernard Montgomery, British General, used to double Clifton James called War II world. It has happened before. "Yes, and is happening now," he said to Pietrov Billie. -N or can work, "insisted on saying Billie. "You have to give and it will Pietrov said. Billie was going to shake his head. "I just do not think so stared at Petrov. What about me, what will happen to me? What will you make me?

-N ada, Mrs. Bradford, nothing at all.His life not in danger. Do you think we are barbarians? You're safe. The incommunicado keep in Apartment for Kremlin approximately two weeks, while our agent, let's call the second lady, as she get the information you need. The last day summit conference, when we have emerged triumphant, you will be returned, transferred in plane to London and changed by our double and you return home with her husband. No one will ever know which this occurred. - Never? "Cried Billie.Do you hope that I do not say anything? Denounce them. I will tell my husband, everyone ... I scream from the rooftops of houses ... "No try, lady Badford, for its own sake, do not Pietrov said. Do you think your husband was going to believe? That someone would believe and give credence to babbling about an action as crazy and insane, as was described yourself? You yourself us has said he can not believe it. If you can not,

"Q ho can?If you insist on this paranoid and fanciful story, without the slightest hint of evidence, would embarrass her husband before the world. It would kill you ... Razin, what do you call this place? -L to Clinic Menniger, sir. "Yes, in a hospital for mentally unbalanced. Of no use, Mrs. Bradford. If you are returned home, will be silent, as if never occurred. Be not afraid unmasked. The very audacity of the plan, incredible character of it, will keep us safe. Pietrov took the suitcase he had left on the table and placed it in the inside pocket of sti Double breasted jacket. "I gotta go ow told Billie.Mr. Razin be responsible for you to be comfortable. I hope. to stay busy. Eat, sleep, exercise and read. We have English books to you, of his favorite authors. We have "videotapes" of American movies you can see in the TV. You will find two radio sets. May listen to the VOA or the BBC. A duplicate of your luggage and your travel wardrobe is found in the bedroom. No harm if

accept the situation, his face took on a Pietrov menacing expression. As he tries to flee or establish contact with the outside, shall be deprived of their facilities and have to suffer. For your own sake, adapt to their temporary destination, these brief holidays, and all will go well for you. If you need anything within reason, Mr. Razin it provided. I myself personally will visit occasionally. Pietrov moved toward the door. - Never get away with it! Shouted Billie. With hand on the doorknob, he Pietrov made a gift of a brief smile. - What never be able get away with the ours? "He repeated. We've got ... Razin, Demonstrate. Pietrov Once he was gone, came forward Alex Razin and sat with a look shaky at the edge of the sofa, front of her. The puzzled look crossed with Billie of Razin. - Is it really happening? Billie asked

tone of disbelief. Can it be true? -M and fear it is true, "said Mrs. Bradford Razin, nodding sadly. - Form ... you are part of all this? -Sk it, frowning.You seemed so nice last two days. "And today I am less sympathetic," he said in a tone grave. As to the question of whether I am part of So the answer is yes and no. I am against this conspiracy. I felt awful. However, it is an entirely KGB. I belong to the KGB. They forced me to participate maybe because I am U.S. average. My mother was American. I grew up in the United States. My father, who was Soviet brought me here when my mother died when I fifteen years old. - Why did not return to the U.S.? Razin hesitated before answering. He rose, went to a radio that was on a table and lit by tuning to a music program. After he turned one of the control buttons to raise much louder. He returned to the sofa and went to Billie a shy smile.

-O ne simple precaution, "he said.And now ... back to your question. Why not return to the United States? I wanted to come back and I still look forward. This is something that you do not want to reveal anyone. Although once I returned to Washington as a journalist, I became involved in an espionage case, a Although he was innocent. I got expelled from the States USA. -Y or could get him back ... talk to my husband ... if you help me. - Will you help?How? You are in the Kremlin, inside a fortress. Is monitored. The think just because the flight is dangerous. Believe me, I would like to help, but ... -No I mean a flight, "she said.Get just someone I knew, the ambassador of the United States ... "No I would think," said Razin, interrupted. But even if I thought, how could I locate it? If you come here, no find nothing. By then you would be very far from Moscow. As for me, if they found that

I had provided the information, would end before a firing squad. I say that any action designed to release would be fruitless. -T iene're right, "she said weakly.He pause. Will they allow me to go really inside two weeks? "To think it is. - Does not cause me harm? "They have no reason. I want you alive and well. They may need more information from you ... about some things ... the second lady ... may ignore. Once the summit, you will find yourself safely at home. Billie was thinking about your situation and the fact that someone was playing his paper. -N or can work, "he said as if talking herself. He looked up. Do not you understand? It can work. As she helicopter descends on the House lawn White, my husband will notice ... will realize the other is not me ... I know too well ... in As he sees it, know it's an impostor "He hesitated. The other ... the other man who has been here ...

T-Pietrov general. "Yes, Pietrov. When I said that I could never get away with it, he responded: "We've achieved. Then he addressed to you and has said: "Demonstrate." What did he say? Show me what? " Razin nodded, rose from the sofa, he approached his wallet and pulled out a small roll of tape. After shutting down the radio, went to roll the device of "videotape" connected to a closed circuit television. He introduced the tape in the machine. -Q uería to show him this, "said Razin. We just record the transmission of the bill by part of American television, received via satellite-switched on the TV. His arrival today at the White House. Billie stared at the TV screen. There was the presidential helicopter from the base Air Force Andrew, suspended by above the lawn of the southern White House lawn and landing softly on paved surface. There was the portable ramp, moved on wheels. There was the door of chopper opening. And there was ... it ... Billie Bradford, appearing, standing,

waving. Seeing Billie gave a perceptible wheezing. On the screen it had appeared, there was the doubt. His own face, his features, his body, his clothes. Was declining. He had stepped on the lawn. A image of her husband, coming to the ladder. Andrew. She was in her arms. Both were embracing. He kissed her and took her arm. It heard applause as he turned to kiss and accompanied her to the press representatives, photographers and microphones. She spoke briefly. The International Meeting of Women in Moscow had a success. Tomorrow moved to Los Angeles to speak at the convention Clubs Women of the United States and submit its report on the findings of Moscow. Although the host he had been dispensed in Moscow was very friendly and fascinating, was delighted to find home again. Since the sofa, Billie was watching the screen the TV. He had heard his own voice and its inflections, had seen their own gestures. All impeccable. All by Soviet work of an impostor. He watched Andrew accompanied her to the South Portico and then

into the Diplomatic Reception Room. Andrew on his arm inside the house, as his wife. Not later get J to get away with! We've got ... Billie felt stunned. Razin shut off the TV and looked sadly. "You've seen what I have been asked Pietrov you show. Nobody knows she's not you, not even his husband. I'm afraid Pietrov was right. Ha got away with it. Sorry, lady Bradford. Crossing his arms over his chest and compressing the ribs, Billie began to swing forward and backward on the couch with expression distressed. The KGB had been miserable brilliant. The replacement and substitute were perfect, above suspicion. The KGB had settled firmly in Inside the White House. His situation was desperate. And yet, his mind clung to the hope and managed to find a loose end. Tomorrow would be in Los Angeles. The day after tomorrow

make a speech. After the speech was reunited with her father, Clarence, father of the whole life. If her husband had been insensitive enough and distracted as to not realize that was habiéndoselas with another woman, not his first lady but with a false second lady, if he had able to deceive his father would be another story. Nobody who Billie posing as could deceive his father. He percataría was happening immediately something, he would openly and discover the conspiracy KGB. Billie otherwise encouraged. Because it was possible that even his father had to intervene. Was possible that the fraud was discovered that night. That night when Andrew and the impostor will be to bed. The impostor would not know she had who abstain from sex for at least for four weeks. It was possible that the impostor give one false step and try to maintain relations at which time Andrew sexual begin to suspected. If that did not work, I would encounter

with his father. Damn, there was hope. With difficulty turned his attention to Razin gave a fake smile condescendingly. -D and remember, "he said, first assault for ... for country. But, remember what I say, that has not ended. For his second lady, this is only the beginning ... some serious problems. After dining at the President's Dining Room White House, the three went to the Green Room, softly lit, to watch television. Vavilova Vera had been thoroughly indoctrinated about that room, as well as the other rooms upstairs, and he knew that where the first lady watching television, are sat on striped sofa against the wall west under the oil portrait of Benjamin Franklin, painted in 1767. Vera was now sitting in the couch. On either side of it, in the two chairs Sheraton mahogany upholstered in green, were sitting Nora Judson and Guy Parker. Being the first day of the return home of the first lady and given the strenuous visit to Moscow, had decided that tonight would not work. Were to

relax and go to bed since early morning were to take a flight to Los Angeles. Everyone had agreed that the television was the most desirable sedative. And it would be best a revival of an old movie. Tuned in channel offered by the film Casablanca and spent one hours engrossed in the adventures that starred Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Vera knew that Guy Parker had seen the film three times and Nora I had already seen two. Billie knew that Vera Bradford had already seen once. Vera never had seen, but had to pretend that yes, it was not a but new to her something that somehow, already familiar. To keep the simulation, after a particularly interesting scenes, Vera had commented on two occasions: - Is not it great?Better yet the first time. However, while outwardly paid attention to the film, Vera passed internally reviewed the scenes of that day in the White House. He was in and day throughout the day and what he saw the enthusiasm. From the moment he

down the helicopter and had been cordial embrace of President-for Andrew, his confidence had increased. During the twelve hours they had since her arrival, she had successfully all tests imaginable. In fact, evidence had begun much before, from the moment he had set foot within the Air Force One and had understood that he would be subjected to a thorough analysis. Very soon observed that were not subjected to any analysis whatsoever. All Billie Bradford world were expected at that plane and she was Billie Bradford. During the flight no problem had arisen. True Nora Judson, so close to the first lady, not was no challenge for Vera. This was due to the fact Nora true that stood all the while it lasted the flight from Moscow to Washington slept deeply into his seat. Alex had told him in Once you shag Nora, like Billie, during the farewell banquet, and it was clear that had done. Guy Parker had not raised any problems during the flight. There had been the minor misgivings about the fact that Vera was

Billie. At the beginning of the flight, had approached him, asking if he wanted to save some memories more. She claimed that she was exhausted and needed rest and Parker had shown understanding. -A night to bed late, "she had said Parker. Take the opportunity to sleep as I can. In his mind the biggest obstacle that should overcome would be the immediate acceptance her alleged husband. A wave of concern the had dominated until the helicopter landed on the south lawn of the White House lawn and opened the door of the appliance. When walking on the grass, his concern faded. Was suddenly calm, confident and in place. When she began in arms of the president, was Billie Bradford. Then, with Except for a moment, things had rolled as silk. In the White House despite being familiar with it through trial-had experienced a transient time of fear and anxiety. Realizing that he had achieved successfully enter the real White House, House United States' principal, had cost a effort to suppress their emotions and show perfectly calm and at ease in that

environment. But then, the actress who was in it was re-imposed. Another thing that had was subsequently favored the short time the president had committed. He was busy, distracted and eager to resume his busy schedule. I had not seen in the rest of the morning and either afternoon or evening. Just hours earlier, had phoned from the Oval Office for apologize for not being able to dine with her. He and his advisers would eat sandwiches to keep discussing details related to the impending London summit and the issue of Boende. In the president's bedroom upstairs, Vera had supervised the work of Sarah, undoing luggage. Had selected the clothes he would use in Los Angeles tomorrow and the day and left Sarah making bags again. It had been the hosted a private lunch in the Dining Room Family in honor of the wives of three senators. Thanks to his excellent preparation was not produced the smallest setback. Had told their anecdotal impressions about Moscow and had heard while the wives were arguing about

women's rights and criticized other wives. A afternoon was presented again with Ladbury his assistant, Miss Quarles, in order to do A final test of the new wardrobe that would look at at the summit. Ladbury was very nervous and had expressed his wish that everything was fine, since he had booked plane ticket to return to London that night. With the except for some tinkering, everything was well. The costume would be waiting in the London. Guy Parker had brought the first draft of speech she was to deliver in Los Angeles. There made several suggestions to encourage him a little and Parker had agreed willingly to drafting of new. She was tempted also to review some of the inaccurate comments about the lives of women under Soviet communism, but had to remind consistently that she was not a fervent citizen Soviet named Vera Vavilova but a patriotic First Lady of the United States named Billie Bradford. As a frequent guest Billie Nora Parker and Judson to dinner when her husband was busy, duly invited Vera Nora Parker and Judson to dinner with her later.

After which, he headed a dream. Awakened by Sarah, was dressed in a sweater and pants. Before dinner, had ordered a drink, remembering that it could not be the vodka alone, it was your favorite drink, but the usual Scotch soda, which was the preferred drink of Billie. During the dinner, already more comfortable with Nora Parker Vera had been relaxed. Nora had channeled conversation to the farewell banquet in the evening earlier in Moscow. Nora had been feeling all the day as tired and hungover and thinking about it had begun to suspect that she and Billie had been drugged during the banquet. Vera had laughed at such an absurd idea. - Prime Minister of the Soviet Union drugging the first lady of the United States and his press secretary? Had said, laughing. Why Why? Frankly, Nora, that's too much. Let's face the truth. You and I drunk as a Cuba, probably because their drinks are twice as strong as ours. During dinner, Parker had brought up the

theme of the family of Billie, each of whose members he had already met briefly with before and those who would see after tomorrow. Vera had embarked on a sentimental reminiscences of his mother, long dead time, and his father who had managed only to Over the many years since he had widowed. He realized that Parker, who already had recorded part of this material in view of the book, intended to find some other information. Vera was quickly to the conclusion that the interest of Parker was purely professional and it was tinged with the suspicion. After the dinner, had addressed the Green Room to watch on TV the replacement of the film and now the film Casablanca was playing at end. Aware of the presence of his companions, Vera tried to be more interested by the end of the film. Finally the movie ended. "It was great but the ads have spoiled, "Parker said, rising and approaching the apparatus. Want to see what's on other channels? "I asked Billie.

Vera stifled a yawn and glanced at his wristwatch gold. -S on more than ten.It's been a long day. I think I have enough. And or also, "said Nora. Parker turned it off. - What time tomorrow we leave for Los Angeles? "Between four and five o'clock, I said Vera. "Five-five," said Nora. "I suppose it will be too busy tomorrow to work, "said Billie Parker. You'd better forget the book until end what to LA, "said Vera. We will review the speech during the flight-rose, stretching. Good evening to both. Alone in the president's bedroom, Vera began to undress slowly. He felt self-satisfied same. He had managed to overcome all that day without stumble even once. He was in the lair enemy without the assistance of its allies, and had fooled everyone, each and every one of them. But

then remembered something not entirely without the help of allies. During the intensive sessions information on which they had participated before leave, he was told there were two people in White House were friends and knew his true identity. If possible, you should contact with those people and not with the other players that the KGB had in Washington. Not really should make any contact until moved to London at the conference top ... unless of an emergency and She desperately needed help. If will produce such an emergency, he had provided a phone number outside Washington should call that. The person received the call, notified in turn to one of the contacts of the KGB in the White House, which use a watchword particular to identify with Vera. While taking off her tights, she was certain that there would be such an emergency and would not have need to establish contact with any agent Soviet. He went to the dressing room Billie, took a nightgown peach inside a drawer and

put. With fascination, considered a cupboard contained all a long line of dresses and trousers Billie Bradford. Vera could see the likes of Billie in matters of dress were much more frivolous and provocative than it had ever been hers so, during her role as Billie, could indulge in this pleasure. Then as she lay in bed marriage, she was full of triumph. Thanks to Alex. He, his mentor, would be proud of his student. At that moment he realized he had barely thought of Alex in all day. He had understood, of course ... would have understood his merger, its tension, its excitement inside. What might not have understood so well was the way in which she delighted in her success as an actress and enjoyed exercise power. Regardless of who was actually, at that time was the First Lady of that country. He wondered fleetingly how they should irle things to Alex in Moscow. Now was the mentor of the deposed first lady. Then he asked how should irle things the poor girl Billie. Rejected

once this last thought. He had only worry about a Billie ... ie, Vera, for her same. He reached for the nightstand, it introduced a sleeping pill in his mouth and swallowed with a sip of water glass. Took the agenda Nora had typed, corresponding to their activities tomorrow. The program was deliberately slight, given that he had to undertake the journey to Los Angeles in the afternoon. About to leave the paper, saw the president come into the room. He left aside program while he bent to touch her lips with a kiss. The president took off his jacket, his tie untied and asked absently about the journey. - Have you been nice? Inquired "Do you have been good to our friends the Soviets? -D emasiado well.I have been left frazzled with their hospitality and vodka. - Did you see Kirechenko? He asked while continued undressing. -Sol or far.Do not forget that it was a meeting of women. Had several pleasant conversations with Mrs. K

- Really?What is it? "It seems at first glance a homemaker. But neither speak. It is an element of care. -E so I hear. The president had taken off his pants blue boxer and he was naked. She tried not look. That had to be something familiar to her. Even well, Vera took a look at physical president. It was its Alex, but for a man his age, was not wrong. He wondered what it would be making love. Never would know. By the time he could keep relations sex with her and have recovered their true wife. Her voice followed him to the bathroom, whose door the president had left open while brushing teeth. She was telling some of the highlights of their stay in Moscow. - And what about today? He asked. Vera did a review of its activities for the morning and evening. -M and am glad that you've taken it in stride -D ijo President, reappeared wearing a

striped pajamas. He turned off the lamp on the bedside table his wife and surrounded the bed to hold the hand that corresponded. And now again missing for two days. -C alifornia, here I come, "she said, satisfied with the expression that Alex had taught him. -P or if you forget it tomorrow, say hello to your father of my part. The President put out his lamp and lay down on the bed beside her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. -T and I missed you, Billie, "she whispered. "I love you, honey," she said. He stroked her cheek and neck and slid her hand the inside of the nightgown covering her and stroking one breast gently. To his amazement, he noticed that Vera it hardened nipples. -M and you're excited, darling, "she said. "I think it should not," he said, withdrawing her hand ¿Com or is it down here? -M EJOR she answered cautiously.

"Okay. It will disappear. I'm looking forward to returning to enter. It might not be necessary to wait. -B ueno ... are doctor's orders. "I suppose so. I'll be counting the days and hours. And or also. "Good grief, I am exhausted," he said, dropping New head on the pillow. - Have you been working for so long? "It's quite urgent matters, the question Africa. What of Boende is becoming a serious trouble. The Soviets are putting a lot of us pressure. The summit will be very tough. Vera would have wanted him any more questions, but failed to do so. Recalled the instructions Pietrov: Do not push until you're sure to speak. He did not say more and she was silent. Under the blanket, his fingers grazed the President hand. -M and glad you're back, Billie. "And I'm glad to be, darling. He rolled onto his side, away from her, and very soon began to snore softly. With open eyes in the dark, Vera gave a involuntary sigh of relief. He'd survived the

first night with him. He had swallowed the hook, line and sinker. Which allowed portend a good fishing. And most importantly, had been confirmed the need for sexual abstinence. The KGB was extraordinary. He turned sideways, facing away from him, smiling against pillow. I was at home - what was the expression American Alex had taught him? - yes, was freely at home, that is completely ease. Except for one thing. The meeting with the Billie's father was going to take place the day after tomorrow. That would be his last test. Then everything would be breeze. After behaving as had done today was going to feel truly at their wide. They were an hour and a half Los Angeles heading towards the sun was setting in the west when summoned Vera Vavilova Guy Parker to join her on the couch in the suite presidential. I did not plan to work, he said, but had finished reviewing the discourse and did not want

sleep. A woman has the right to change their minds, added. Now he wanted to work. Yes, in the book. The he would fly shorter. In addition, the book had to done. Very pleased, Guy Parker was the portable tape recorder, introduced a new "cassette" and launched the device. -L to last full session was held during flight to Moscow, "she reminded him. We will follow from from there. -E stoy list, "said Vera. "When we first started talking, I you talked a little in his first real job the Los Angeles Times. You speak of how, begin their courtship, brought her husband to the beach to introduce him to his father. During the flight to Moscow We were talking about the issue of their engagement with Andrew Bradford. But before we finish this subject, I would like to finish his career in journalism Los Angeles Times. To return to this issue.

-C on gladly.I think I have already spoken of the first interview I was commissioned on behalf of Times. From how I was ready to throw everything rolling. "And George Kilday saved his own skin.Yes, I ... "Not only Kilday," she said, but also Steve Woods, the correction that rewrote the story. Did you know that? "Yes," he said hesitatingly.I think that perhaps there anything you should know. He told me himself Kilday few days ago. I promised not to reveal it. But what demons ... you have to know the truth. Moreover, does not really matter .. No Steve Woods rewrote the story. The very Kilday was who was responsible for re-drafting. - That he has said he? Vera asked in a tone annoying. -I n effect. "The poor man is getting old," she said smiling while shaking his head. Because, learned that Woods had redrafted the report commissioned by Kilday, I went to Woods thank him and he admitted to doing the job.

- What Steve Woods admitted drafted again the story? E-xact. "I understand," Parker said, trying to hide amazed. But did not understand. Less than a week, George Kilday had said in the cafe of Madison. Steve There were no Woods to redraft the report. The so Woods did not exist. Now Billie Bradford had to insist that had come to see Steve Woods to tell him much he appreciated their help. You may not like anyone to be contrary. Perhaps her memory had betrayed. In either case, it was not like her. -B ueno, it is already clear, "said Parker. Moving on. Billie replied animatedly to his questions. After forty-five minutes, then stopped. "I think we have done enough for now -D ijo.I feel tired. I'll try to sleep shortly before take land in Los Angeles. Parker turned the tape recorder.

"Thanks for all these details so useful," he said. "Thank you, Guy. See you later. Parker left the suite and walked slowly through the hall to their seats. He was genuinely upset. He knew, was the first time that Billie was lying. He wondered what was happening. It had been a very odd time in Los Án gels, but now everything was over and were returning to Washington. Guy Parker leaned back in his chair, looked at Through the window the darkness of the night, looked at Nora, who sat on the aisle, and noted she and many other components of the group aides were trying to get some sleep. It unbuckled his belt, stretched on the back of seat and cradled in his hand the Scotch and water, thoughtfully. After a while, Parker posed the glass next to the Replaceable leaf binder containing his diary staff, extending the table before him. He wore that day since she agreed to Billie Bradford assist in his autobiography. No

know what had led him to do so. It was heavy record the events of each day to end of each day, before bedtime. Wrote faithfully what he had done, seen and thought during day, often completing annotations for comments and book reviews for its unique use. That day seemed a year useless ... anyway, it was possible that this will jog your memory, allowing you to remember certain things you might not have included in their endorsements. It was only fifteen minutes had ended draft a summary of the activities of the first lady and his own, from the early hours of the morning until the hour of departure from Los Angeles, evening. The day's events had fascinated and wanted to review. He took the book leaves loose, opened the pages he had written and began to read again what he had written: U n day really curious to Billie in Los Angeles home, his old favorite place. "T his morning, at nine, has granted three separate interviews in the presidential suite Century Plaza a few journalists from the Times and the Examiner of Los Angeles and United Press

International about his visit to Moscow, from the feelings you experience when returning home from Los Angeles (it always deserves further comments, despite the many times he has returned to Los Angeles) and what he thinks of his trip to London, accompanying her husband on the occasion of the summit he held with the Soviets there next week. Nora, which is not always nice in the morning, has been full of good humor. He believes that the interviews have been extremely good. Billie has shown to have an amazing knowledge about the Soviet Union and has been very circumspect in all matters that have arisen. 'H and accompanied the first lady and her group Century Ballroom of the Plaza de Los Angeles in the she has submitted a report, transmitted by television all over the country, about the findings of the International Meeting on Women held in Moscow to the delegates at the convention Women's Clubs of America. He had organized a huge lunch and all seats was occupied. Everyone has been automatically by hand. The first lady has

Charming and attractive, no doubt. "T here has been a little confusion and a small incident at the top table when Billie was about to sit down. Nora had told Billie which was to sit between the President of the Clubs Women of the United States and Ingstrup Agnes, his oldest friend from LA. One of these two Women already in place when Billie was Settled in his seat. Billie has taken arm and immediately greeted with a "Dear Agnes!". The woman looked with expression baffled, saying she was not Agnes Ingstrup but the president of Women's Clubs. In time, Nora has accompanied another woman table, telling Billie: "Here is your old friend Agnes'. Then Billie was undone in apologies to the president, explaining: "I feel me confused. Too much hustle. "I had been placed next to Nora.When have begun to serve lunch, I noticed that it emitted a small moan. I wondered what happening. Nora replied: "I screwed up. Would have had to warn them, but I forgot. Billie will not eat oysters. And, look, first, are

serving oysters. Well, c'est la guerre. Do not test. " I looked furtively at Billie. She was eating the oysters. Nora could not believe it. I said: 'Perhaps made by courtesy. Nora has shaken his head. "Never has been gracious in this respect, but less evil that being good. " "Fter two small mistakes on the part of Billie and Nora, then everything went smoothly. Al end of lunch, Billie has been submitted. She has risen and, with great aplomb, has pronounced the speech. It was a wonderful speech, if I may say, especially the part that she has insisted on adding, the party has chastised the nations that have yet to grant the vote to women, including India and Pakistan, countries where only allowed women to vote in elections local, not national ones. The speech has been repeatedly interrupted by applause and, eventually, has been met with a standing ovation. A great success. Nora was so excited that I took his hand spontaneously. "W hile Billie left the hotel, had informed him which had introduced a late change in your program, personally approved by the

president for an hour. Billie planned go directly to Malibu to spend some few hours with his family before preparing for their back to Washington. Now the family meeting briefly postponed and first lady would escorted to Dodger Stadium to perform the kick ball in a local baseball game charitable between the Dodgers and Los Angeles California Angels. Inside the vehicle, Billie has shown perplexed and protested. "He was not in the program, "said. Nora has tried to calm her. The owner of the Dodgers telephoned night Tim Hibberd, presidential press secretary, inviting Billie the game and saying he presence of First Lady help to give greater prominence to charity event. Hibberd has failed establish contact with the president until this morning. The president thought this would be an Unexpected pleasure for Billie because his father had been a huge baseball fan and she had also been raised in this hobby. '' No need to attend more than two times -L and has promised Nora.Then we go to Malibu. "

"M and I noticed that Billie did not make him the less grace. Finally, has released a sigh and gave consent. During the outward journey to the stadium, has been sitting in silence with expression absorbed. 'T stage, we have been warmly received by the owner of the Dodgers and escorted to a of the stands reserved for first row. Across speaker, has announced the coming of the first lady and, by appearing in the gallery, it has been host with great cheer and photographed. "L os Angeles in California had the field when Billie has been escorted to his seat. The owner of The Dodgers handed him a ball. She has taken carefully, stroking the seams. The owner has helped her to rise and has indicated the "catcher" of the angel who was waving with his glove round. Billie is left standing, as if not knowing what to do. I heard that the owner of the Dodgers said: "I understand that you have a great arm, Mrs. Bradford. You now have the opportunity to prove it. Toss the ball the glove. " Billie is left standing as if he have heard. The owner has shown him sign

How to throw the ball catcher. Suddenly, Billie has nodded enthusiastically, has retreated and has launched the ball hard. He heard a roar public and, minutes later, has resumed the game. "No way, for someone who, I aware, has a great love of baseball, I thought Billie did not show much interest during the first entry. In fact, it seemed as if pay more attention to the occupants of the gallery next door. An elderly gentleman was talking to his granddaughter and for much of the first inning, Billie has inclined them to hear their conversation. In given time, she has addressed the floor. During the second half of the second inning, Billie been encouraged and has continued the plays that were developed in the field. At the close of the second entry, it was time to go. Billie and the others have left the seats and have gone down the aisle towards the exit. And or I've left behind.I wanted know what had said the old man and the girl in the gallery next door. The gentleman was very humbled by the fact

being able to have a word with the first lady, of course. 'What did he say?' I asked. He has repeated his first words with expression radiant. 'Your granddaughter is beautiful. I have heard him explained the game. Do you care to listen to him? " He has that was not going to learn from him anything that he did not know. Then she said: 'But I want to know How to explain baseball to children. " Curious episode. "Along the Coast Highway Pacific has gone through a bus full of equipment TV crews and photographers. Billie has shown retracted and concerned over the long haul. Her father Clarence Lane owns a wooden house two floors and twelve feet wide in the Carbon Beach. As I remembered from my recent visit to the family of Billie had a room big enough with a wall occupied by a library, a stone fireplace and a big window that opened onto a wooden deck on the blue ocean.

"W hile the two cars, vehicle escort police and the coach of the photographers would stop and We descended from cars, has been opened front door of the house and has appeared Kit, the younger sister Billie, run to embrace it. The photographers were already distributed through the area, firing his camera or preparing to do so. Billie and kit form an attractive and contrasting pair. Kit is moraine and the lower and has a pug nose. Both have continued to embracing as they chatted animatedly to give photographers the opportunity to capture his image. »E nseguida we have entered the house, accompanied two photographers who later were to provide other photos they obtained. When I entered, Billie had greeted his father and both had retreated to a corner to talk in private. Have talked animatedly for a while while Kit served coffee and English biscuits. "Fter, having distributed Billie one of its Gift Soviets we sat around the coffee table while the photographers were kept at

distance. The conversation revolved around Billie trip to the Soviets, to London, films that had been seen and the books they had read so who have knocked on the door. Kit has been opened and have entered her husband and son. I have known immediately. The dentist Norris Weinstein, brother Billie, and his nephew Richie fourteen. Billie has kissed her brother, has tended to kiss her nephew and then studied, holding it by the shoulders. 'Good Heaven, Richie, I can not follow you. We must see what you've grown in the year that I have not seen you ', has said Billie. "K it is ahead.'What you're saying, sister? A year? Richie Dress for less than a month. Have you forgotten? " "M and it seemed that Billie was puzzled. '' No less than a month ago, has insisted that Kit. Do not you remember? Do not you remember I took him to This for a look high schools and that we appeared at the White House to visit you

without notice? " '" Don of my head? -Billie exclaims, slapping her forehead. Forgive me, Richie. At my age, brain cells deteriorate with large speed-after Richie has attracted to himself to give another kiss. Of course I agree. " »N orris Weinstein has turned toward the door. 'G ot other visitors who are waiting to see -Is said. Wait a minute '. Has run to his car and a half minute later, has returned carrying in her arms a bunch of black hair. I recognized the little Scottish terrier black-colored Billie had told me once. He had left with the Weinsteins because he suffered from arthritis and needed the California sun. The dog was called Hamlet. Weinstein left on the tile floor. Billie has launched a cry of joy, has kneeling quickly and extended their arms in toward the dog. 'Come and say hello, Hamlet', has said. The dog has not made a move to approach her. He remained motionless sniffing and then has regressed rigidly and started barking very angry. Billie has tried to persuade him to

closer, but the dog continued barking. Billie has up very embarrassed. '' I grew up when he was a puppy said, without to nobody in particular. I've always been thrown into his arms and kissed me. What happens? -Then wagged a finger towards the dog. You're a bad boy, Hamlet. If you're just nice, not I'll come again '. He laughed with others and has changed the subject. We've been talking for half an hour more and then we had to go. 'E s absurd, but, of all things today they happened, the incident that most strongly to me is engraved in the minds has been that of suspicion dog. He kept thinking about the Odyssey. Ulysses absent from Ithaca seven long years, returns disguised beggar, who instantly recognized him Yours? His old and faithful dog. I mean, for long that is the separation, the dogs never stop recognize their masters ... or love when they return. "W hen we were at the Airport Los Angeles International, about to board the plane it would take to Washington, I have been briefly alone with Nora. "" Well, things have been shot as silk, ¿V RUTH? 'I said.

'' There could have gone better, "replied Nora. '' Only one thing, "I said" Do not you have found strange how the old dog Billie has grunt? " " '" Q EU is saying? " '' I am saying that I found strange. " '' Nonsense, Nora has replicated. The dog had indigestion, that's all. " '' Yes, perhaps that is all, "I said." Since Billie was back later in Los Angeles, the president had left instructions in the that's not awakened until ten at morning. Needed sleep. The president came down to the pool of the White House swim a bit, showered, dressed, ate breakfast and arrived at Ovalado Office at eight o'clock, time beginning of the penultimate meeting on the comprehensive Boende issue before the summit conference Kirechenko Prime Minister in London. They were congregating around the desk Andrew Buchanan while Bradford, feeling

relaxed, slumped in his swivel chair high back and started to count: Chief of Staff Admiral Sam Ridley, Secretary of State Edward Canning, the head of African Affairs and Jack Tidwell president's personal secretary Dolores Martin, his shorthand notebook. Bradford noted that only lacked presidential adviser Wayne Gibbs. He was point of asking him through the dictaphone to find out what was holding him when Gibbs appeared on the door with a stack of bound documents. -L catkin be late, "said Gibbs, apologetically. I had hoped that I provide These updated data-passed them. While the latter gave him the president, added: "Tell the first lady I saw yesterday speaking from Los Angeles and was frankly sensational. Never better. Yesterday was better than ever. That I will be very helpful to both. -E stando elections just around the corner we must seize every opportunity to be give us "the president said ironically. The Which brings us to Boende, which is not just a matter of

national security ... but also a factor reelection. Gibbs opened the folder that had given him and began leafing through the pages. -M uy good, Boende, "continued Bradford.A In light of the latest information, we will review this situation by both parties. Inside Boende, the government's position and position of the rebel. On the summit, our position and the Soviet position. Jack, you're the expert on Africa. Tell us about it. The president leaned back and began to fiddling with a pencil between your fingers while ready to listen. Tidwell Jack, who had agreed to that position in the administration having served as teacher African history at University of Alabama, was more than ready. -O ur man Boende, President Kibangu provides human strength but lacks the necessary weapons. In a confrontation declared without external help to either of the two sides, our intelligence services-the military and the CIA consider that the forces would reject Kibangu

attack Nwapa Communist People's Army and preserve for us the country. Nwapa not no chance unless you can count on arms and advisers from the Soviet Union. With more with modern armaments and technical assistance from the Soviet Nwapa could easily reach the domain the country. The Soviets would control then to one hundred percent uranium deposits and would have Boende, also a base from which they could infiltrate and overthrow the governments of other African nations central. But if we interviniéramos by igualáramos supplies and the quantity of weapons the Soviets are willing to provide rebel Nwapa not dare to attack. About us would still dominate. "Yes, I think this situation is very clear from for months, "said the president, moving the chair. And Well, Admiral, what you say to that? Do you have the Soviets with enough firepower in that area? Chief of Staff Admiral nodded Ridley head. -E s certainly yes.Not exactly in that

area, but pretty close to it. They have created a vast Ethiopia arsenal, ready to be airlifted to Boende of overnight-drew from his pocket multiple sheets held together by staples and handed to President. Here is an inventory, the best we could get, weapons that Soviets have booked Nwapa in Ethiopia-the Admiral cleared his throat. I fear the list will be impressive. SA2 guided missiles, rockets Goa SA3, SA6 Gainful missiles, Soviet anti-tank missiles Sagger and Snapper, TOW missiles, AKM assault rifles, rocket artillery, rockets siege of 122 mm, T54 tanks, jet fighters MIG21, appliances Antonov transport 22, and so on. Repeat ... impressive. Bradford President scratched his cheek as reflected on what he heard. "And as to our situation arms in Boende, has there been any change? Admiral Ridley shook vigorously head. - No change.No improvement. Armament we provided to Kibangu be reduced to a defense built largely through the press,

advertising and camouflage. We've spoken to the world, actually, the Soviets, of tremendous sales and Ships to Boende. But the truth is that we have Boende provided some minimal supplies, by nothing happened. If the Soviets knew about the rebels natives could take over the country in less than a week. The president waved his hand in inventory Soviet weapons that Admiral had Ridley delivered. -S i were on a par with our supplies és a cough, do you think would achieve Kibangu crush any rebellion? "No doubt," the admiral Ridley-. Of course, sending our best weapons would also require sending a significant number of military technicians. Some sectors is could be viewed as a total intervention by United States ... which might not be a bad idea given all that is at stake. -U n moment, let me also intervene little, "said presidential adviser Wayne Gibbs. From terms strictly political, sir President, the act of providing weapons to

Boende and sent a considerable number of staff military would be suicide for you. Last night I received from New York reports on more recent opinion polls. At present, surveys opinion reveals that fifty-five percent -The rest are undecided, the population is against of any intervention in Africa by United States and that a twenty-nine percent is favor. And right now, a forty-six percent of the population are against our Boende intervention, although the Soviet Union support to communist rebels anywhere in Africa, while thirty-four percent is favor. On the subject of large shipments of weaponry to support an ally in Africa, public vote at a rate of forty-eight percent favor and thirty-one percent opposed. The voice of people is clear. All this reminds them too much Vietnam early. Any action contrary to the will of the public, Mr. President, will jeopardize their popularity. This might make him losing a contested election next year. The President seemed to agree.

"Consequently, from a political standpoint, the position that we will defend to the summit London is good. We support, we strongly support, no intervention on our part and by Soviet. -P erfect "said Wayne Gibbs.If you can get the Soviet agrees, you will triumphed at the top ... and reelection to the presidency. Canning Secretary of State raised his hand. "I tend to agree that our only posture should be to keep my hands off of Africa. If you hesitated before, now I have no doubt. Absolutely no intervention. Behind all this lies the deep conviction that I I have in the sense that the people of the States Africa America gives a damn. The population of our country can not be identified with a native black illiterate. The public can not see how mode control of a small black republic may affect their lives. Nor can he understand the public the importance of uranium. It follows the fact of getting the Soviets to sign a nonintervention treaty would be for us

a victory both in military terms as political. Reo-C that is not in our hands, "the Admiral Ridley, making a concession. In reality is Kirechenko hands and his group Communist. The Soviets believe that we have given our Kibangu a large amount weapons and are willing to provide more. Okay. If you continue believe, next week in London did not give the signal to attack. Sign our covenant not to intervention. But if they find out the truth, our Boende military weakness, our inability to act upon them to do if they find out something all that, will not sign the treaty at the summit. It limited simply to airlift its arsenal to Boende and getting the country in his pocket. If you are decided, Mr. President, keep hands remote, the future is not in our hands but in those Kirechenko. -E Xacto "said the president.Therefore, Gentlemen, it comes down to they did not ascertain the truth about our situation. It comes down to

keep secret our intentions. -A reduced-agreed that the Secretary of State Canning. Our secret weapon is stealth. If find out the truth, if it transcended, we would lost ... and the balance of power would tilt the opposite to ours in the next ten years. "Unless," said Ridley-Admiral, and let me repeat, unless you are willing, sir President, to intervene actively in the moment. It would stop their feet and reject them. "And I would stop the feet and I would reject me -D ijo president.Lose the elections and would have a new president and all of you would have to find other work. -E s true, "said Gibbs. The President put his hands on the surface of desk and stood with an air of purpose. Ord-S, we have no alternative but to act as as we are doing. If there are any changes in our intelligence information, could reconsider our position. But as they are now things we have to act as planned. We pretend that our side is strong. We must continue cheating on their intelligence services and

keep their mouths shut about the truth. This is the formula for winning. Well, we have finished. Hold a final meeting when get to London, confirm our approach and we will go to the summit. Until then, let's stick to an old slogan of War World: Keep your lips zipped. Thank you, gentlemen, good morning. Early in the afternoon in the dining Chairman of the White House, Vera, and Vavilova Nora Judson had finished their light lunch work. Still exhausted from the journey and the activity of the tima Úl week as well as by the demands of the role I was doing, slowly stirred Vera coffee with the spoon to cool and tried to pay attention to his press secretary. Nora was holding the afternoon program the first lady and he was reading. As he listing appointments, made digressions about importance of the event and about the background of persons or organizations. The rest of the afternoon was not suppose to Vera

any difficulty or surprise. Another session for a report which would be published in the Ladies Home Journal. Receiving a group of students foreigners would visit the White House. Meeting with editors luxury editions and pocket that had moved from New York, accompanied by Guy Parker. Tea with the wives of diplomats oldest of the Chinese Embassy. A little time to dispatch urgent correspondence. A brief rest before dinner. The president and her offer a private dinner experts fundraising for the Democratic Party, accompanied by their wives, eight couples invited. Very easy. Nora opened the rings from his notebook of loose-leaf, took out the daily agenda and gave it to Vera. -A chemical has a copy, "he said.And that too, took a pile of newspaper clippings and leaves teletype and handed it to the first lady. The Initial reports and feedback about your televised address yesterday from LA. It is to feel very satisfied, Billie. A big hit, so as everybody said. Vera leafed through the clippings. and suppressed a smile. The

information stimulated their intimate fun. In the throughout her entire acting career, as a student in Moscow and as a professional in Kiev, had never received even a hundredth of the amount of comments now before him concerning a single and brief performance. -A h, was saying something else, Nora.I just completing its morning program. Since going to be his last full day here before leaving for London after tomorrow morning, I thought you like to have a copy to look around and organize their free time so I can do baggage or whatever. I have deliberately sought that its program of morning light out, taking into appointment has four in the afternoon. I thought apetecería he did not do much ... thing before. Vera Nora handed a copy of the program next day. Sipping coffee, Vera said the program over the rim of the cup and ran with his eyes. He arrived at four in the afternoon, he stopped and read:

"... 4 .00Departure at 3.45 for an important appointment 4:00 with Dr. Murry Sadek in his office. Return at 5.00. " The line written the wounded innocent like a thunderbolt. She sat, a prey to a silent start, with rigid features, still staring at the words "important meeting". He struggled in his heart to recover and conserve his poise in the presence of Nora. Your computer mental began operations, seeking information Alex Razin had provided about Billie physicians. He had been thoroughly informed about their customs, personalities and aspects. Dr. Rex Cummings, House physician White, clear, and specialists Brown, Appel, and Stoleff Sadek. Yes, Dr. Murry Sadek, gynecologist. The remembered. However, intensive sessions information had not prepared with a view to what Nora had called a "major event". What would what? Ignorance of the facts upset her. Would it be a routine examination and checking of those

practiced every three months? Or perhaps it was something special? The word "important" annulling the possibility that it was something merely "routine" and pointed in the sense that it was something "Special". In that case, what would it be? I could not go to blind to such a meeting, unaware of what had to know about their own bodies. Doctor T-Sadek, "said Vera.I forgot. Nora looked up in surprise. 'Important,' "said Vera. Why 'I mportant citation "?You have expressed yourself well because was an appointment with a doctor? -B Ilie, I have made because you me said ... Do not you remember? ... shortly before leaving Moscow. He said it was "important" and I have since it was "important" in the program. "Yes, I think I remember.Well, I'm sure I exaggerated a little. In any case, whatever it was, I think you can await the return of London. I am too busy and overwhelmed in these moments. Besides what is mentioned in the program,

I have a million things to do. Why not procrastinate ...? Nora interrupted. "Billie, the doctor insisted on this appointment. You had too much interest. Dr. Sadek was visited before her trip to Moscow wanted to visit as before his return. He could not be earlier than Los Angeles. Gave you see him before leaving to London. And he has changed some appointments that had concert with other patients in order to address you tomorrow. Of course I do not know if it really is something so important. Only you know. However, when I have confirmed today, his nurse told me that will communicate the results of the analysis already were ready. -T he analysis.Ah, yes, "said Vera, his voice hollow. No know what I was thinking. Sure ... of course, is important. You'd better see him. The perplexity was deleted Nora's face. "I'm glad she said with a look of relief.

It would have been difficult ... -N or care ... we'll see these other appointments morning. The briefly discussed. They had just finished Nora's bag when placed on the side of sudo it began to emit a small squawks. T-electronic indicator, "said Nora, standing feet. Excuse me, Billie, better go and see who he is. He ran to the phone and dialed the central Signal Office Building. In the end, hung up apparatus. -E s Tim Hibberd.He wants to be present when provide a statement to the press. Quite an honor, coming from this chauvinistic. I suppose that, following the speech you made yesterday, will be determined to recognize the existence of female-Nora East Wing took the bag.Do you want something else, Billie? "T hank you, Nora.You can go. "There is half an hour before I have another time here with foreign students. -E staré waiting in the Blue Room. As Nora disappeared and she was alone, the

Vera's poise evaporated. He warned that their agitation was increasing. She left the table, went out into the corridor and walked with thoughtful expression to the Hall Blue. Everything had gone so well so far. True the visit to Los Angeles had not gone smoothly. There committed a series of small mistakes and failures, but as the consummate actress had managed overcome. He hoped that nobody would have given realized that something was wrong. No doubt that the father and sister Billie had accepted without the less suspicion. Only the dog, the son of a bitch dog, she had noticed, but fortunately it was a dumb animal. No, despite what LA is the had managed very well. So London, a long distance of those who knew Billie intimately, not pose any problem as long as ... long as she could meet this new and unexpected obstacle. Only Dr. Murry Sadek is between her and the success of his mission. The "Important" and unexpected visit to her obstetrician could leads to destruction.

He entered the Blue Room, still thinking he placed a Bellange chair facing the white marble fireplace Carrara and sank into it, watching with grim fireplace. She felt dazed, but tried to suppress their feelings. He did not have succumb to panic. It must analyze its precarious situation and act calmly. It was clear that their only protection would lie in finding out the reason that Dr. Sadek would like to view. Why he went to your question? Why is he considered it so important? What was all this? Available only from a terrifying twenty-six the hours to find out why he had to Billie go to the gynecologist, a gynecologist. Would the general that it was a Pietrov emergency? Certainly yes. He had been instructions in the sense that they establish contact with KGB agents in the United States, unless they are faced with an urgent problem might lead to a disastrous mishap. Well, this was an urgent problem where any. He had to run the set Nesgos contact to seek help. Mentally reviewed the procedure to follow in

event of trouble. I had to make two calls telephone, both to the outside. We facilitate a number to the switchboard operator. When you answer a voice, ask for Mr. Smith. I would say that had the wrong number. After hanging up, he facilitated to the telephone the same number, minus the last digit that would be different. When I answered another voice, ask again for Mr. Smith and he again to say he had wrong number. Once done, the KGB already knew she needed help. It The KGB would be in contact with one of secret agents who had infiltrated the House White. The resident agent would approach her and say: "It is served in Disneyland. She communicated with the utmost secrecy, delay and quickly as possible what the trouble. Later, another KGB secret agent will facilitate the solution to your problem. The wristwatch told him missing Vera still twenty minutes to be presented with Nora his group of students. Wasting no time, Vera rose from her chair and approached the phone on the table beneath

the portrait of President James Monroe, painted by Gilbert Stuart. The portrait was unreal and the eyes of Monroe looked over his head, so he did not feel observed. He picked up the device, provided the number, asked for Mr. Smith and told him he had wrong. He hung up and repeated the procedure. Once plus the number wrong. He hung up and was more quiet. His distress call had been answered. In some Instead, somehow, someone who was in that mansion, an ally, a friend, was being searched and he in turn make contact with her. Already I was not alone. I did not know how and when would be located either on the part whom. I only knew that in some mysterious way it going to happen. He began to pace up and down the Blue Hall, trying to find a way to communicate on an summarized the staff of the White House appointment to the Dr. Sadek and his need to be aware of what you should know before going to that appointment. While awaiting the arrival of the

Nora students, Vera was aware that would continued to suffer from that problem. It was too disturbing. I needed distraction. Decided to go to steamy bedroom to change his shirt for a jersey and then return. It was heading towards door when the phone rang behind him. Sounded with as intensely as a mermaid. He turned and ran to the phone. - "Madame Bradford? "Said a male voice French accent. - Yes

"I'm Maurice chef in the kitchen. She remembered the stocky Frenchman from Lyon supervised and directed the team of cooks House White. I had seen him twice and he had He seems nice. -H ello, Maurice. "Sorry to bother you, Madame. But I found he would like me to review the menu for dinner tonight. "No need," she said, without patience for these things. I hope the menu. Prepare what you consider best. -D isculpe, Madame, but I thought that perhaps the

main course will find it funny. Serve in Disneyland. At first did not understand and almost overlooked, but then realized that the cook had uttered the key phrase as you do not want the thing. It is served in Disneyland. The French chef! Compressed the device with his hand and held it to the mouth. -N or I, Maurice.It may be a dish too unusual. You may want to discuss it. Please, bring me your suggestions now. I'll be in the lounge chair. Hung up, feeling a sense of weakness. He tried to recover and walked rushed to the bedroom. After ordering her maid Sarah to report Nora that come with a few minutes late, Vera was changed by the jersey blouse. It was smoothing the sweater when a brief tap on the door led it to open the door. Ushered the potbellied chef without greeting him, closed the door carefully and you pointed to a chair. Then he took another chair and held

both the one that grazed his thigh with the edge of the same. - The menu for tonight? She said softly, leaning toward him. He placed a yellow legal pad on the lap. -M y suggestions, "he said barely a croak audible. Hear what they have to say. -P roubleshooting she murmured. "Go, Madame. -O ne unexpected appointment with a doctor, concluded a few weeks ago, "she said quietly. I to see my gynecologist Dr. Murry Sadek ... Murry T-Sadek, "repeated Dr. Maurice as a echo. .. -. Tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. I will leave the White House fifteen minutes before. A important meeting, I'm told. There have been some prior analysis. I have to know why I go to see Dr. Sadek and what to expect. Without knowing it could make a serious mistake. The chubby face before him stood motionless.

NDERSTANDING-E. "I have to know everything," she said. "I will inform. "And another thing," said Vera softly. It is likely Dr. Sadek me to undergo a scan internal considered many times the vagina first lady. He is familiar with it. For a gynecologist, that could be as personal and revealing as a fingerprint to a detective. After perform a pelvic examination using a speculum palpate and examine the inside with your fingers, compressing the ovaries and others. I do not know what can find a gynecologist in this way, what differences you may notice between a woman and another. But it is possible notice that the size and texture of my vagina are different from the first lady and that then begin to fear. Of the two dangers, this could be the lesser, but still the danger exists. It would be better I consider Dr. Sadek personally. You mean, Maurice? -P erfect, Madame rose cook

with a growl. Everything will be resolved tonight. Morning you will be informed. Do not worry. To pass a pleasant evening and enjoy dinner tonight. Bon appetit! "T hank you, Maurice. The cook took the yellow notepad had left on Vera's lap, leaned on bow and left the bedroom trudging. Having removed the problem of the head and leave it in other hands, skilled hands, the Vera rest of the day passed quickly. During dinner was even cheerful. Only later, when she and Andrew had already been lying, remember the problem again. She had lying first and Andrew was waiting for him indifferently did when he brought up the subject summit conference. - Are you ready to face the Soviets? -L and asked. "Not yet," he said, buttoning pajamas. But what we are. - Is it going to be very serious confrontation?

I can not tell. - Can a compromise be reached? "I hope so. It was showing maddeningly cryptic and vague. Vera decided not to insist more on the subject. - In London everything will work and no entertainment? -P robablemente.I'll tell you all, Billie, when you are sure the entire program. Now they are together in bed with the lights off. He kissed her lips. He kissed nipples. He stroked her breast. -D EBES be nervous about tomorrow, "he said. 'A little. "I would not worry you," he said in a attempt to reassure her. Dr. Sadek is better. -E stoy trying not to worry.I think all women are worried a little before going to gynecologist. It's automatic. I'm not terribly worried, Vera tried to get a little more information. You're what, Andrew? -P esu course not, "he answered, dropping New head on the pillow. Let's see what occurs. What we have to spend, spend. Trust in the doctor. Good night, sweetheart.

-B ood night, "she said weakly. What did he say? What has to happen pass. He did not know it was disappointing and frightening. Before his apprehension intensified, a second reassured idea. I know. At that time, the KGB found out for she. Their agents never fail. Were omniscient. It had proposed to introduce. in the White House here was, at the White House, the president's bed the United States. Reveal had been proposed by what she needed to go to Dr. Sadek. Tomorrow I say tomorrow. Feeling safer prepared to reconcile sleep. 5 It was a modern ten-storey commercial building located on Sixteenth Street, one of the buildings over Washington recently built, occupied for the day by professionals, lawyers, dealers, physicians. At this hour, at midnight, the place was

dark void of humanity, except for lit lobby where a uniformed guard particular was sitting on a stool next to a narrow table against a marble column in proximity of the glassed front door. Two workers clad in monkeys, one of them with a mustache, middle-aged and portly, carrying an oversized vacuum cleaner, and the other with the shaved face, young and thin, carrying a box wooden utensils, opened the door and entered the addressing the lobby counter. The guard looked up from her paperback was reading. -H ello, 'said the eldest, leaving a vacuum cleaner on the ground and reaching for the pen to sign. The guard looked from one to another. -M and it seems that I have not seen before.Are you new? "Yes," said the younger. The first time we came from. Cleaning Service has commissioned a Particularly in some offices work a quarter plant. This is the last work tonight. -C Urios "said the watchman.The supervisor

building has not told me anything. Do you have a card from the company? The older employee reached into a pocket of monkey and finally pulled out a dirty, folded card, handing it to the watchman. While the guard was studying the card, the younger employee walked away whistling a few meters then walked back to the table. The guard landed the card on the table surface and started to pick up the phone. -Déj enmé that simply call the company to confirm ... "At this time the answering machine will answer automatic, "said the oldest. -P steal anyway. As his fingers touched the ball, the keeper suddenly straightened in his seat and grimaced. The younger employee had supported a black flat-nosed revolver in the back of the watchman. -B ueno, "said the younger quietly and in a tone hard. Do what we say and not suffer any damage. First, let's get rid of this extra weight

wearable-surrounded the guard with his arm, pulled sheath special revolver regulation checked the safety and handed the gun to his companion who stuck it in his pocket. Well, no want to act like a hero. Arise quietly and go with this stool normal to the first lift. We will follow. The watchman stood up pale stool, walked with a rigid step towards the first lift whose doors were open. The oldest employee came forward at a trot and went into the elevator with the uncomfortable vacuum box and cleaning utensils. The younger man pushed the guard. Sign. The oldest pushed the button on the eighth floor. The doors closed as the elevator glided upwards. When you reach the eighth floor, they emerged into a corridor dimly lit. The couple returned to push the guard with the gun. "To the right, towards the ladies. On entering the toilet, the oldest rested team cleaning the floor behind the door and turned on the

lights. He reached into the box and pulled utensils two pieces of rope. and a roll of tape wide. The two employees acted swiftly and efficiency as if they were experts in this task. Him placed at the bottom guard arms at the back and strongly tied wrists. To silence the guard's protests, covered his mouth with tape. The oldest pushed him inside a toilet and you sat on the toilet while the more Young knelt and tied her ankles. After two employees left the toilet. The elder said: -Q ue pass you a good night, sir.Insurance that morning some lady is going to be surprised between now and when urinating. After closing the door of the bathroom, both individuals collected their equipment, lights out, left to jacketed hallway and toward the elevator. -T all has gone well, Ilf "said the oldest. "Nice working with you, Grishin said the youngest. They went down the elevator to the fourth floor, out into the hallway, turned the first corner and

stopped at the reception door of the office. In a small wooden plate fixed to the door read the following: MURRY SADEK, MD Darly RUTH, MD OBSTETRIC GYNECOLOGY

The mustachioed, burly fellow named Grishin is He broke the door and leaned in fifteen seconds. Once inside the reception hall, left their cleaning equipment, was ignored override switches and took the lanterns. -T all that is very elegant, "said Ilf. You do not want the first lady attends a sty Grishin said. By tilting the torch, explored the different rooms. Waiting room. Dispatch and records of the receptionist. The release Dr. Sadek cheerfully decorated. One room explorations. Another. A laboratory. A bathroom. A third and fourth examination room. The Dr. Darly office. -B ueno Grishin said.The filer. Their flashlights guided them back into the green binders. These were some folders construction paper, each bearing labels with

the names of patients. As illuminated by Ilf two flashlights the second drawer file cabinet Grishin sought and found the label contained BRADFORD name, BILLIE L. "And I do," Grishin said with satisfaction. Let's take a look. He walked to the receptionist desk and sat in the swivel chair. Ilf had posed the flashlights to look for something in their pockets. -M Aldito is, Uphold the headlights so you can

Grishin see, "he ordered. Minox and seek more evening. Ilf quickly took the torch and lit Grishin Bradford folder as the opened .. He had within him like a half dozen leaves. Grishin glanced at the first, went into the second and studied. -Sun or dates and annotations for exams from the first time I went to the office Dr. Sadek two and half years ago, "said Grishin, frowning. Normal routine visits. Nothing unusual, nothing different, so no emergency seen. "Maybe the last page, corresponding to the

Úl tima visit will reveal what is happening, "said Ilf. "Yes. But first, let me finish the pages of other visits to be had ... "He paused. Infection vaginal last December ... hesitated. This is not us serves. It was resolved in three weeks passed other pages. Nothing. Nothing. And here is the last entry, made a couple of weeks ago ... This should ... -Se stopped, paused a moment, then murmured: - What the hell is that? He held the page for the torches could Ilf read. -E t is in shorthand, "said Ilf. "I know this system. -S upongo that will be the doctor, "said Ilf.There is Many people invent their own ... expects time, here is a marginal note in red pen. He says "Transcribe" Grishin studied the page. - Why not this damn nurse transcribed and typed it so we could read it? Everything others are typed. -E s too recent.I guess I should not have give it time.

-P esu, written in this devilish shorthand, not means Grishin said. I explain no. We lost. -U n time, Grishin.It occurs to me otherwise. I know someone who could clarify: Your nurse. Since it is the one responsible for typing, be able to read it. - What do you mean? "I mean we're going to make a visit Courtesy night. We'll tell you what we translate. If denied, shaking a bit until you access to collaborate. Grishin looked at his partner and slowly shook head. "B ut, Ilfy, boy, where were you when brains were sharing? How far may your stupidity? "That rocked the Dr. Sadek nurse to tell us what occurred in the recent visit of Mrs. Bradford? That does not would be a secret operation. The nurse she would leave the language with the police with the White House. I would say that

two men had tried to find data concerning the first lady, and, honestly, I do not think than the first lady called for you too much attention. I know that that does not Pietrov appropriate. -T ienes right, "said Ilf.Let's leave. Grishin again remained in medical reports folder. "No we can decipher the shorthand that has invented this son of a bitch and that was that "he gave the Ilf folder. Put it back and erase the traces fingerprints. Leave me a flashlight. Ilf while away with the folder, Grishin sought at the desk, opened the final drawer in the middle and found the notebook of quotes from the receptionist. Examined the next day's appointments. He found the appointment of Mrs. Bradford for four. He left the notebook in the drawer and closed it. - Ilf? Said in the dark. "I'm here by the filer. We stumbled on the first phase. You better move on to the second. Bring me six folders women. -M uy well.

Minutes later, they began to examine histories of six women who had come to Dr. Sadek during the past year. They studied the latest data from each and discard three. Grishin was examining the last record fourth touchdown when he looked up and smiled. -W e have been lucky, "held the phone white that was on the desk. Here we go. He dialed the home phone of Dr. Sadek. Said the message reception service of doctor. "H ere Mr. Joe McGill.I call Dr. Murry Sadek on behalf of my wife Grace MacGill. Is regular patient of Dr. Sadek. It is very bad at the moment. I must talk to the doctor. - Are you sure that this is not something that can wait until tomorrow? -S ord, I have here a sick woman.Suffer many sorrows. Need help. This is a case urgent. -M uy well.Let's see if I can locate a doctor. W ou can tell me the number from which you are calling?

-P esu ... no, I can.We have a home phone damaged. I'm calling from a pay phone and the number is illegible. -E so it's going to be harder.Let's see what I can do. Please do not retire. Grishin winked at Ilf and waited. There were some noises through the device and then a voice spoke sleepy. "H ere Dr. Sadek."Mr. McGill? "Yes, sir. I call my wife Grace MacGill. Is patient of his past ... -R emember to Mrs. MacGill, of course. Q ANT "tell me what happens? -B ueno, suffers a terrible pain in the pelvis and some cramps in my belly. He says the same note than last year when you operated ... says ... Standing in front of the report of Grace McGill, Grishin picked a few medical terms and deliberately gave wrong to describe the state of Mrs. MacGill. "Yes," d ijo Dr. Sadek, clucking, I think it will look better than tonight. Than rest and I'll tell right now. Can

tell me your address? Grishin read the address. "I'll be there in three quarters of an hour," said the Dr. Sadek, crash the machine. Grishin hung it also gave him a smile Ilf victorious in the dim light of lanterns and again pick up the phone. Dialed a number with ease. After only one ring, a male voice answered. -G and I to talk Grishin said. Implementing Phase two. - When? "Immediately. It is wearing to make the home visit. Since you have the address of the leaving. Here is the address to which go-Grishin read. He'll be there in three quarters of an hour. Do you allow time to arrive? "No you shall receive. "Good luck, Grishin said, hanging the apparatus and rising. Ilf, inspect the place and look out for everything is in order. I'm going for the equipment cleaning. See you in the door. Minutes later, Grishin Ilf met with the door of the reception room. -B ueno, we already have half of what the first

lady wants Grishin said. On the other half ... what the hell, is an actress, right? Let's go. Up in the Green Room of the White House, half Later, Vavilova Vera was sitting on the edge the hard sofa, pretending to pay attention to his secretary press, while watching the clock. While Nora said the program the first and second day Billie stay in London, Vera is worried about time. In an hour and twenty minutes, would to go to the doctor and not yet Sadek knew damn thing. The minutes passed echoed in the old clock, the ever closer time of his appointment with the gynecologist and she did not know the about more than yesterday. He wondered when and how the KGB make contact with and what he would say agent. At each movement of the long hand of the clock its confidence was deteriorating gradually. However, still retained his faith in the KGB in the same way Soviet his mother had kept (even in this era of progress) their faith in God.

"And this will be his second day in London," I heard tell Nora. Harass do not think too much. -N o. Sounds good.This second evening. Would you matter that the revisit? -A s I told you, the first night will be rest and adapt to the new schedule. Which means that social activities will begin at the night of the second day. Prime Minister Dudley Heaton and his wife Penelope Heaton offer a gala reception and dinner in honor of you and the President ... Kirechenko and, of course. - Where? "At the banquet at Whitehall Palace. "I've never been there. "It's wonderful, Billie. A legacy of Henry VIII that previously had been built in that place a banquet hall. -E stoy forward ... The phone rang and Vera gave her heart sank. 'T iene be thought Maurice, Maurice, Chef savior. " Nora started to get up to get the phone, but Vera was up. -Y, or answer, Nora said.I'm expecting a personal call.

He picked up the phone to the fourth ring. - Hello? - "Mrs. Bradford? The voice was shrill with a slight lisp and a British artificial leaves. Vera was not sure if it was male or female voice. - Yes -Fred Willis said the voice. Protocol-rather male. She saw him occasionally and have had concerned recognize that voice, but never succeeded. He kept talking. I have to talk to you about the official visit to London. Vera was disappointed. I was waiting for call, not this nonsense, and the time was exhausted. -L or feel, I am busy, "he said more harshly of which would have wanted. -S ord Bradford, I must see her immediately -D ijo stridently Willis, bringing in the eighth volume of his voice hysterical. -T engo to change clothes.I have to ... - Please, Mrs. Bradford, "he implored him. I am on the ground floor. Something in his voice that prompted Vera

reconsider their attitude. -B ueno, fine, but just a minute. He hung up, angry with herself for having agreed to bother him. Nora was collecting the papers and taking the portfolio. -T iene a visit, right? -Fred Willis. I fear that will not melt if I attend. "It's heavy," said Nora. But I guess meets its obligation. Do not forget your doctor's appointment. "No forget it. Vera watched her go. Once he had closed the door, looked at it once more and then looked the silent phone. What had happened to her reporter? So far, the KGB had not failed him. Within an hour would be in the office of Dr. Sadek, ignorant and helpless. That was impossible. They called quickly to the door. "Come, come. Fred Willis moved swiftly into the room. Always upset her. As ridiculous. Nora was be right. Probably doing his obligation. It was a small man and immaculate. Eyes hyperthyroid, pointed nose, mouth and receding chin small. It seemed a youth leader too old

and dressed as an alumnus of Eton. He made a slight reverence. -M and am glad that I was able to grant a time, Ms. Bradford. -M and fear that may not be very long, "she said settling into an armchair to listen. -N or was not bothered if it was not an issue important. To the amazement of Vera, Willis took a chair on the other side of the room and placed it beside hers. Then he sat down, leaned forward and lowered his voice to speak in a squeaky whisper. -S and served in Disneyland. She was perplexed until a split second he understood. - Disneyland? "Exactly. She half turned in his seat to see better. - Do you? "She said softly. I must say that I have thought to see the urgency of your call, but I immediately dismissed the idea. Fred Willis was the least he could have fit

in that role. What skill by the KGB, which know how to deceive. And what audacity have managed to penetrate the State Department and the White House to that level. -N or hoped it was you, "he added.But thank goodness that has come in time, tried to read the face "I'm listening. -S requests us, "he said, speaking softly.The first: the purpose of your visit to a specialist. There was an effort to find out, but the information is not was available, simply was not available. -O h, no, "she cried, terrified.That's terrible. "No there will be nothing? Willis shook his head. "Could not find anything. No However, the situation is not as serious as it seems. Because we have succeeded in the second request, that affects the first. Fortunately, at four at no point will meet with Dr. Murry Sadek. - No? "He has been replaced by his colleague Dr. Ruth Darly. Last night, while walking to meet a urgent call from a private home, the doctor Sadek was involved in a serious accident.

His vehicle was hit by a car that went out speed of a side street ... two occupants the other car escaped ... were driving a stolen car and therefore could not locate them. The Dr. Sadek was unconscious when he reached the ambulance. He suffered a severe concussion, two fractured limbs and other injuries. As I have said, will survive, but it may have to remain hospitalized for several months and not returned to work. In any case, his colleague Dr. Darly Ruth will be responsible for some of their patients. All appointments for today have been canceled, unless the own. -M Aldito be. "Given who you are and the fact Tomorrow begins a journey, Dr. Darly has I had canceled an appointment with a patient at four o'clock to serve you. -M Aldito it twice.But yes, much better than see Dr. Sadek. - Were you ever examined by the

Dr. Darly? Vera thought on the medical information that had provided. "No," he said. "In that case, need not fear," said Willis. "B ut I will continue not know why I go there. -C on Dr. Sadek, could be difficult and embarrassing. With Dr. Darly will be easier. She know your case rather than through Sadek notes. He knows his body at all. -Willis withdrew his ferret face Vera ear. He got up and looked smiling. In addition, Mrs. Bradford, you are full resources, as has already had occasion to show, God is an American actress. I dare say that the get by very well on her way to door, Willis said aloud: "We will finish this during flight information for London. By then, I will know if the Queen will return to Bermuda for the duration your stay in London. Good afternoon, Mrs. Bradford, very good afternoon. Five minutes after four o'clock, Vera Vavilova slightly makeup and no jewelry, wearing a simple blouse and skirt, was

quietly sitting in the chair opposite to Dr. Ruth desktop Darly. The folder with the BRADFORD name, Billie L. remained closed on the desk dela gynecologist. Leaving the door to service agents security and enter the office, Vera had cautious. It was probably known to the Dr. Darly, that Dr. Sadek one would have presented some time and that he had seen several times since, and she did not want to miss the woman. Fortunately, a young nurse, treating it with great deferentially, they had gone directly to Dr. Darly office. Dr. Darly had greeted with great friendliness, taking the two hands of Vera. Turned be a nice and plump middle-aged woman, with a smooth brown hair, a ruddy cheeks, a little hair on the upper lip plump hands and thick legs, almost lost in a white coat excessively long. -M and am glad to see you again, Mrs. Bradford -D ijo, although I never thought that we were to see us professionally. -M and has horrified the news of Dr. Sadek.

Poor man ... He had spent several minutes talking about the Dr. Sadek and now still talking about him. -B ueno, all we can do is pray for will restore soon, "concluded Dr. Darly, bringing the swivel a little to the desktop. He opened the folder, studied the reports and passed the pages until you reach the final. Not yet transcribed muttered, speaking medium for their himself. Still in shorthand. Luckily, besides the nurse, I am the only person in this office that can decrypt the innovative writing Dr. Sadek. Well, let's see what we have here He raised his eyes. Did you go to the bathroom, dear? -N o. 'Well please, while I read all this. Al across the aisle. Leave the bucket of urine in the laboratory. Vera left the office, went to the bathroom and, a few minutes and was back in the Dr. Darly office. -B ueno, I think that it is already clear, "said Dr. Darly. As you know, we have to solve two issues.

"Yes-d ijo Vera, very nervous. - What has been found since the last visit? I know he has been traveling a lot. Have you encountered better? -M uch better. "Great Doctor stood up. Before proceed, let me take a look. Follow me, Please. Vera went to the nearest examination room. You know what to do, "said Dr. Darly. Remove clothing. The hangers are there. The shirt is on the table. And the sheet is to side. Then place it into the table. I come immediately. Dr. Darly shut Vera in the small stay. Vera quickly began to undress, wondering desperately what I would walk for the gynecologist. Having removed all the clothes, he stood naked, took the shirt and put. The back was open and the garment will only came to his knees. He found the sheet, more large bath towel, climbed the table and sat on the edge. He put the blanket over her lap,

being covered by it to the calves. Sitting there, trying to restore calm, he saw it opened the door and showing a young nurse brunette. -V eo which is already prepared, "said she.Let me take your blood pressure. Once he had done so the nurse put aside the apparatus. -L a doctor come right away, "he said. At that moment, Dr. Darly entered the room exploration. -A lla come on, "while Vera lay on his above. Let's lower it a little more. He helped Vera to slip a little further down on the table. Vera bent his knees and spread her legs and Dr. Darly helped place your feet in metal brackets on both sides of the table. While the inclination of the lamp flexible, Dr. Darly asked: - How are blood loss, ma'am Bradford? Are you still bleeding? S Angrand!So that was it. It was the first key.

"Well, I bleed, yes, a speck. Irregularly and less and less. Five days ago, stopped completely. -M u and well, "said Dr. Darly, nodding.Was I expected Dr. Sadek. Dr. Darly had been in the right hand a glove transparent disposable. The nurse delivered a warm speculum plastic. The doctor lifted the sheet, looked between the legs of Vera and this knew he was examining her genital area external labia majora and minor, in search of possible inflammation or sores. Vera said after he parted lips, he inserted the speculum into the vagina and the leaves opened to widen their vaginal walls. He heard the Dr. Darly said, speaking to herself or to the nurse: -C UELLER.Smooth, firm and pink. We took a sample cell in the final inspection. As she lay on her back, Vera had been trying to expand the only clue that available about their condition. He had been bleeding Or rather, had been Billie and now no bled. What does it mean?

He felt the speculum deep inside her. In sense, provided that had undergone similar reviews in Moscow, Kiev, had not worried in the slightest. She was a woman. The nature had endowed, like all females of the earth, a complex system procreative. Tests occasionally were mandatory and desirable. But at that moment, plastic instrument that they were withdrawing from the vagina seemed unnatural and dangerous. It was a stranger in an unknown place between enemies, posing as someone who was not, making pass through the most important woman in the world. Could her vagina discover and reveal that he was an impostor? She shuddered. "Excuse me, Mrs. Bradford," said Dr. Darly. Vera noted that she had removed the speculum and the fingers of the gynecologist were moving, pressing the ovaries and internal organs -Palpation was the word in the United States, exploring for possible abnormalities. Vio receive the smiling face of Dr. Darly.

"Ready," said the latter. No need to worry -S and removed his gloves and threw a bucket covered, along a pile. You can get dressed and come to my office. We will maintain a small conversation. Relieved, Vera joined while Dr. Darly left the examination room. He waited until the nurse to withdraw also. Left alone, Vera pulled the sheet, took off his shirt and began to dress hastily. He went to the battery and used the pedal to open the faucet and wash your hands: After dry them with a paper towel, sat next to a toilet, are combed his hair back and applied himself again a little lipstick. He walked to the gynecologist's office, trying to stay alert in the hope of carry out their actions. Dr. Darly was sitting beside her desk, talking on the phone. Sitting Vera, Doctor ended the conversation and turned the chair toward her. -S ord Bradford, there is bad news and a good news, "he said gravely. Let's start so bad. After his departure for Moscow, received the

outcome of pregnancy tests. Since stood you here just a day before turning to leave, it is clearly not had time to see the Dr. Sadek and he would not release the report by phone. Although the first test was observed any indication that could be you are pregnant, such as often happens, recent evidence has established that she is not pregnant. The sorry. Vera, who had been listening all words almost breathless, felt a surge of relieved to find out what was the importance of That visit. He immediately realized that the role of Billie Bradford, would have to react appropriately. Billie Brafdord wanted to be pregnant and was not. In the scenario, in Kiev, Vera had always admired for his histrionic ability to shed tears request of the director. It had to react now. Disappointment and sadness, but without exaggeration. His eyes watered immediately. Turned away, rummaged in her handbag, pulled out a delicate handkerchief and wiped eyes.

Dr. Darly is approached, put his arm and tried to console her. "I know your feeling," said the doctor of tone sympathetically. But believe me, Mrs. Bradford, is a temporary setback. You and the president want a son and I promise you will have one or as many as they wish. The main thing, I assure you, is who is healthy and fully capable of being. fertilized and give light, that it will. -T hanks, "said Vera with a trembling voice.Sorry. Lo ... I want both. "And I repeat that it will, Dr. Darly he returned to his desk and was sitting. And now for the good news. Losses blood-took the results of some tests had left over some papers at the side of desk. It was not serious at all. Losses Excessive and prolonged ... Accordingly, if any, of small polyp that Dr. Sadek was cauterized in combined with emotional disorders caused by their very troubled by it. I do not think need to know the details. What matters is that have completely disappeared. The situation has

resolved. As you yourself have said, losses stopped five days ago. The review that I submitted has confirmed that. You are like new. Vera felt in his heart the feeling to be rid of a great weight. It felt light and wonderful. The mystery that had clouded his visit had gone. He had survived one unknown risk unprepared. However, the Instinct told him that, despite feigning joy at the fact that the bleeding had not been anything seriously, it was appropriate to continue to demonstrate a certain sadness because of his frustrated pregnancy. It had to be Billie Bradford. Vera smiled faintly, keeping a expression of sadness in the eyes and facial features. -M and good to know, Dr. Darly.Was concerned about these losses, of course. -B ueno, therefore, no longer has to worry about.Is perfectly. "T hank God. Vera started to rise when the voice of the Darly doctor kept her in her seat.

-Nother thing, "Dr. Darly was saying, other additional good news. Vera waited, wondering what other good news could increase their euphoria. -D educe the notes of Dr. Sadek said the Dr. Darly "he told them you and your husband's could not have sex during six weeks ... well, that means that, counting Starting today, could not have sex until within four weeks. but now I am pleased to tell you that you can modify this restriction. His position has improved so much that could resume sex almost immediately ... But, to go safe, better be within four or five days ... say within five days. Therefore, will soon have the opportunity to be pregnant again. That's happy. Vera said her heart skipped a beat and began to beat strongly. - Sex ... within five days? "In all quietness. Vera tried to appear calm. But I knew that was falling apart. He tried to recover his poise. And o. .. I'm glad.I look forward ...

tell my husband. I knew I should never mention what the five days. I would lie I would say they still had to wait four weeks. He should not know. That alone could save. -O h, sorry, "said Dr. Darly.I myself was I said to her husband. Would have had to leave the surprise you. I phoned before the appointment, when you find your way to us. He was anxious to know the doctor's diagnosis Sadek ... or mine, rather. I told him when the call had been considered. And so I did while you are getting dressed. It has saddened one little to the outcome of pregnancy tests. But, at the same time was glad that the losses have ceased ... and, frankly, has shown delighted to learn that he could resume a normal relations with you within a week. Vera could hardly speak. "B ecause he already knows," he said quietly. Thanks for everything, Dr. Darly. "T hank you for nothing, stupid meddling of shit, he thought. Upon leaving and while he rejoined his escort

security service and was heading toward the elevator, experienced a moment of imbalance. Was dazed because of this unexpected complication. He sank into the backseat of the car White House as a tomb. He was aware of the curiosity of pedestrians who had recognized and were gathering around the vehicle to enlarge more closely. Several of waved. By first time, he ignored them and continued looking gloomily forward while the car diverged from the curb and headed to the Avenue Pennsylvania. A cold, cold fear gripped her. Your situation had gone from bad to worse. Discovering the reason gynecological examination had seemed a barrier insurmountable ... but now faced with a trap much more formidable, an obstruction that neither Alex nor the KGB had anticipated. Sex with the president inside five days. And I had to live with it another two weeks deque before the change took place and retreat. For five, six, seven years could not remember exactly how many, "the President had

almost daily been sleeping with his mistress Billie. Have sex-or anything else with this related-three or four times a week. In the bed together, knowing each other intimately, know each of them all knobs and depressions in the body of the other, each knowing what the other liked or disliked. And Billie now and she was not ranked by Billie next to that person. It was terrifying. How Billie behave in bed?How should she behave? How far should surrender to foreplay? How far would show that passive? Or passion? What aberrations should try? "Fellatio? "Cunnilingus? What to do? What to expect? Vera had had sex with three men and each of them was special, different and capricious in its own way. What would be the vagaries the president? What would be the Billie? It was a nightmare. He recalled that during his long tenure training, Alex and the KGB had not wavered in its efforts to meet this kind of information: Billie Bradford sexual habits. Alex had been so sure I could get that information

had redoubled its efforts, preparing Vera for her role. But as time passed and went approaching the International Meeting on Women Moscow, his confidence had been fading. Without the necessary information, the Second Lady Project not could go forward. All efforts have been vain. And then, at the last moment, they had a fluke. The president had revealed his lover that he and his wife should abstain from sex for six weeks. Vera remember the relief and joy that she, Alex and Pietrov had experienced. No longer needed no information about sexual behavior, Billie, the project had been free of obstacles and had able to implement. Vera was now at the point of departure, increasingly demanding information that the KGB never had been obtained, except that now the situation was much more serious than before. Because in these moments, she was Billie, with sexual relations around the corner and plunged into total ignorance. As the vehicle entered the premises of the

White House and headed toward the South Portico's mind Vera focused on an image. Andrew Bradford naked with an erection impressive about to her and she lay naked before him, paralyzed and waiting ... What? The trap was too large so that she could grasp it, avoid it and overcome it. Without the carnal knowledge was lost. Only luck could save her. A wrong move by Meanwhile, an act or improper reaction and he was surprise, it would puzzle and begin to suspect. I would ask. Hesitate. Understand that she does not was what it seemed, was not the usual companion to bed he had known for so long. You are not Billie. Who the heck are you? That could be the end ... conspiracy and herself. It was not simply a situation of emergency. It was a situation even more desperate. Only one thing mattered now. Find out how to cope. As soon as she was alone in the house White, should contact the chef

Maurice or with the protocol chief Fred Willis. No, they do not. I had to use the phone. Two calls to wrong numbers. Then would create a rescuer ... Maurice maybe, maybe Willis, maybe another person. Whoever it was he would convey the Pietrov message to Moscow. Just one question, Pietrov general, only one. How does it behave the first lady of the States United with the chairman of the United States when both go to bed? "Com o hell can we know?sputtered Pietrov general, giving the decoded received from Washington to Alex Razin, who standing beside his desk. Reading the office, expressing amazement Razin went from a deep concern. -E so it is somewhat unexpected, "he murmured. "There is no place for the unexpected in an operation so vital Pietrov said in a tone enraged. It opened the door to the private office of Pietrov in the KGB and became Colonel Zhuk, the Garanin Politburo member and chief psychiatrist KGB doctor Lunts, all urgently summoned

for a meeting. Everyone saluted the director of the KGB before taking a seat. Razin Pietrov snatched the Message hands and looked angry. -U No problem, a serious problem, "muttered Pietrov. Our Lady invincible, our Vera Vavilova, is in difficulties. "B ut all planned Garanin said. "Not everything Pietrov said. He looked angrily at his American affairs expert. Comrade Razin was overlooked something. -N I said they could not have relations sex for six weeks, "protested Razin. -A segurar a thing is to have certainty, "said Pietrov. He saw a look of bewilderment etched on the faces of the others. Mrs. Bradford had a appointment with your gynecologist. Comrade Vavilova know why. However, he went to the appointment taking the place of the first lady. Passed the test successfully. He found he had suffered a haemorrhage smears. This was why he could not maintain sex with the president for six weeks, which means that there were still

four weeks, counting from now. It meant that the comrade would have Vavilova time to accomplish his mission at the summit, to be exchanged and returned safely with us before the president could maintain relations sex with her. Now Comrade Vavilova has aware of the cure of his condition and vaginal gynecologist informed the president that may resuming sex with his wife in five days, exactly five days, counting from today. Do you understand the precarious situation in the who is our agent? -L or understand too clearly, "the Lunts doctor. It is a setback ... -Y ou so underrated, "said Dr. Lunts Pietrov. It's a potential disaster. In five nights, as we are all in London, our Vera Vavilova must lie with the president to again enjoy sex. But she know the nature of past relationships between both. How he behaved the very first lady with her husband in bed? Our second lady do not know. But you must know ... or run the risk of

be discovered. Or find out the truth and help ... or cancel the entire project. - Can we cancel on such short notice? Sk-Colonel Zhuk. - Why not?One or two days before the president is sleeping with her, get us Vavilov Vera London and bring back to Moscow ... simultaneously replaced by Billie Bradford. It can do. But I do not want it done. I do not want Vavilova Vera returns without obtaining the information required by the prime minister with a view to the summit. Evolver-D equivalent to three years of fruitless Garanin wailed efforts. -P eor still Pietrov said, it would leave the first Minister unarmed at the summit, he would leave absolute ignorance and you may be forced to surrender to the capitalists. No, I can tolerate it. I do not want to happen. We have to find out how involves the first lady in bed with her husband and transmit information to Vera Vavilova. - And how can we achieve this? Asked Razin, without addressing anyone in particular. -P or that we have met all here for think of something.

"S ome secrets are impossible to find -D ijo Razin.Sex between women and husband is an intimate affair. -N or necessarily Pietrov said.What if one of they had visited a psychoanalyst? -N o of them has visited Razin said. - Or would have done some confidence to a close friend? -L or I doubt Razin said.And even if had, I do not have time ... -E ntonces say that only two people in the land known as Billie Bradford behaves. in the bed Pietrov the president acknowledged. Clearly we can not question the president. We are left with woman. We have his wife here. Perhaps we get her this information. -N or is likely, sir. "Come, Razin, its not that Billie Bradford say, a vestal virgin. I know through the data that had sex with several men. - Maintained relations with all men of his past? Razin asked. -No-recognized know-do not have Pietrov tests. And it would be prudent to contact

these men. - Have you ever committed adultery after married to the president? Asked the Dr. Lunts. -No evidence to that effect, "said Pietrov. But I'm sure there are other possibilities. - What options are you thinking? Sk-KGB psychiatrist. -O ne of them is the most direct route.Going to she. To tell you frankly what we need. Telling that their future security depends on their cooperation. -T he data we have points in the that would never agree to cooperate, "said the Lunts doctor, shaking his head. The sanctity of marriage. Privacy. Puritanism. I would challenge you all the way with his silence. -I n that case, should be subjected to treatment we usually use with the obstructionists, "said Pietrov, frowning. - Torture? Asked Dr. Lunts. - Why not? Pietrov said, shrugging shoulders. -L and beg your pardon, General, interposed

Razin quickly, but the physical damage to afflict would be inexplicable if the devolviéramos Americans. - Who spoke of physical harm? Said Pietrov innocently. There are other methods of persuasion. Kill hunger, for example. -E so would leave marks. "Drugs that time. "They are not trustworthy," said Dr. Lunts. Is probably distort the normal reactions. The hypnosis would not be very reliable, especially if it show strong resistance. Pietrov impatient had been gradually. "Enough said. I'll tell you clearly what going to do. I say that someone in there and force it. We'll see how it behaves. We'll find out directly. -A veriguar what? Razin asked-Do you will react to a violation as it reacts if it maintains normal sexual relations? Never. -T iene reason, my general, "said Dr. Lunts, supporting the view Razin. The violation did not provide you a reliable answer.

-S on a defeatist and you do not offer me anything -D ijo Pietrov exasperated.Not a single idea constructive. Only nyet. Why I have met here? Because I think the best brains in the KGB. We need to establish guidelines today. We have to implement them. We must success. Otherwise, all is lost. The words were followed by silence while others adopted attitudes of deep meditation. Raising a hand to draw the attention of others, Razin broke the silence. -G eneral Pietrov said. - Yes "There is a possibility. I think ... I think I have been an idea. Listen to me, please. He began to speak slowly and soon all who were in office listened to him absorbed. In his innermost Kremlin suite of his prison, his prison, his camouflaged Lubyanka why dignify by another name? - Billie Bradford, wrapped in a gray shirt and white pants, was sat reluctantly taking the nasty breakfast

Russian composed pieces of sausage, ricotta with sugar in a heavy skillet pancake with sour cream, yogurt and bread. The food is repulsive. Furthermore, had no appetite. I ate just enough to maintain forces with a view to what might happen. The was surprised by the appearance of General Pietrov a few minutes ago, showing genuinely friendly, the very animal, and announcing that had occurred to him to visit and have a cup of coffee with her. He had gone to the kitchen to warm coffee and a cup filled. He had the appearance of Pietrov surprised because no longer expect an official visit. In the last three or four days had lost some notion of the passage time, only had one visitor. The Alex Razin interpreter had made a short visit second day to bring you the latest newspapers and magazines. He was concerned for his Health and gone. Not counting the daily visits, three times a day, two armed guards and silent uniformed KGB. He brought three meals: breakfast, lunch, usually consisting in red caviar on halves of boiled eggs, an oily salmon, vegetable soup and chicken with pickles

Kiev, and dinner, which usually consist of meat pork or beef Stroganov with rice, empanadas cabbage and fruit ice cream. He also brought new videotapes, cigarettes, drinks bottles and clothing clean, and made him clean up. A guard stood near the door, watching. The other deposited the food trays and inspected the suite and after both were leaving. He had been alone for periods interminably long. In his life, had always able to bear solitude, but character unreal that experience was that this would help you more difficult. He had tried to distract himself from introspection, working out, making the bed, preparing in cooking a snack that really did not want, dusting, reading, watching television in the news of his country the day before, watching movies, listening to the Voice of America and BBC. But in general, lived in her head. It repeated over and over again that what had happened not had really happened, it was a nightmare

I was going to wake up. When he became convinced that it was a dream, try to imagine how could the enemy had forged unlikely that trick, how it was that the Soviets would have found and trained other women to act as its double. And then, as always, he imagined the other wife, first lady that false, and think of what that the other woman was doing in place and with her husband. Not everyone could be deceived. Someone find out. His thoughts were always around the same thing. Andrew had expected understand the truth. O Nora and Guy and Wayne Gibbs or one of the officers, security service, somebody. His father, indeed. He would know immediately that something happened. And give the alarm. The impostor would be discovered. There would be an incredible global scandal. I listened religiously British news (specially recorded for her), because he believed that disclosure would exceed all Other news for many days. He hoped every time that the doors to open its prison, Razin or enter Pietrov and recognized that they had been

discovered and had no option but to return to house. Or presented the ambassador Youngdahl. Appear at the door and tell him that the impostor had been stopped and she could go with him and contact the plane to take her to the White House. But no one had appeared with the news that she expected. Now, finally, one of them had come. The monster who had instigated the whole plan and its imprisonment. You may bring him the news of his release. And yet, had seen too much pleased with himself so that he who was bring the news of his own defeat. He looked up and saw him out of the kitchen with a steaming cup of coffee in hand. General Pietrov sat on the couch in front of she placed the cup and saucer on the table, removed the coffee with a spoon and swallowed a mouthful. Billie concluded that Pietrov should know your call second lady had failed and had been discovered, but would not tell him. That sadistic beast was playing with it. Not give, nor in a million years, the satisfaction of asking.

But he escaped. "He has failed, right? He snapped. - How? He said, genuinely puzzled. His plot, "she explained. My father ... in LA ... have not been fooled, right? He looked anxiously Pietrov. - Ah, so it was! -Pietrov threw his head back and laughed heartily "My dear lady Bradford, her father loves her, always loved her and always want to. He was delighted to see her in Los Angeles last week. You two are great. And you and your husband ever had been closer. She sat with pained expression. It seemed as if he were shaking all RÓ gans of the body.Pietrov looked over the edge of the cup. -F rance, Mrs. Bradford, you would not think that after all our endless months of preparation, our lady was going to be discovered, right? Sorry to disappoint ... but is you more popular than ever in the United States. It will no doubt aware that his speech in Los Angeles was enthusiastically received everywhere.

I had seen on videotape, had heard through radio, but it was deleted from its consciousness. -N or throws you less, Mrs. Bradford -D ijo Pietrov with a smile.How it could be Ramp, while you were there where it has always been in the recent years in the White House and intact, ready to moving to London? She bit her lip, realizing it was so foolish in their imaginings as they were in its unreal. -S in though, can not work insisted on saying obstinately. Will not. - Need I repeat, Mrs. Bradford?Do I to say again that he is working? "I can not go so well, did not you see?More later or earlier, this preposterous plot be exposed. Finish with all before that for this reason, summit blighted and destroyed relations between his country and mine. Think about what happen if you and your people to discover that the United States had kidnapped Mrs.

Kirechenko and were replaced by a American who posed as the wife of his Prime Minister and Mrs kept captive Kirechenko at Camp David. Does not include the risk that would result if discovered? -R espect your imagination, "said Mrs. Bradford Pietrov with amusement, "but misses you to see the main thing. What you said could not occur. You Americans do not have our mentality. Not smart enough to carry out such an enterprise, are not sufficiently bold. The CIA acts clumsily and without tact, to the way to the fans. His alleged freedom democratic, which is not true freedom but so license only, softens his people. You do not even could have conceived such a plan. As to the risks we take in the summit with this enterprise itself has paid careful attention to their aspect of bold move. If we win, we acquired the power to preserve world peace. Available lose ... well, if I must be honest, we have developed any contingency plan because we lose, can not and will not lose. "And see," Billie said stubbornly.

"Mrs. Bradford, we've seen, Pietrov drained his cup of coffee. The proof we have in the progress we have made so far. You are here. With the exception of Razin and our Politburo, anyone in the world knows he is here. Our second lady is in the White House. No one else knows is there. We have already said her husband, his friends, his father and sister as if you accept. Tomorrow, in London, Britain will receive the first lady paused. Mrs. Bradford, if have some hope that a fault occurs, forget it. Accept your fate, collaborate and return to the place which came in two weeks or less. Collaborate with us and not regret it. - What do you work with?What does this mean? "I put difficulties. Do not try to escape or communicate with someone outside. Answer all the questions you do. In Actually, now I have several questions that him. They are not important. We know all there is to know. However, to confirm what we have in our files, we want to hear what you have to tell us. - About what?

Billie realized that in the end had come to true purpose of Pietrov visit. -S work its Pietrov husband replied, removing the wrapper of a cigar. About the president of the United States meticulously cut one end the cigar. Does he seem so calm and always imperturbable as it looks in public? -Y ou know everything, "says Billie.Why I spend saliva repeating what you already know? -W e have understood you have a bad temper in private. - Really? She said, twisting her mouth in a smile. How interesting. His attention was fixed on the door on the back of Pietrov. The interpreter had entered Alex Razin. He greeted her with a nod and went to sit quietly in a chair nearby. Pietrov ignored him and stared at Billie. -E so, Mrs. Bradford is not what I call collaborate. She pursed her lips and held out his eyes. Pietrov looked grimly, and as she speaks, it did roughness. J-oven, I suggest you reconsider your attitude.Are

great deal at stake. His health, for instance. - Is that a threat? "That's what you'd lit the Pietrov seem cigar. Yes, it's a threat. Sepal ... have means to her to talk. Prefer not to use, but if I must, I will. That is not a polite parlor game, Mrs. Bradford. That is not a social visit. We are not equal you and me. In these Currently, you have no right, no option. If he keeps persisting, will be punished-he a drag of his cigarette. Okay, I'll give you a new opportunity to demonstrate their goodwill. Try again with her husband. Are you interested in sex? Would you like to sleep with you? -E so none of your business, "she said, raging immediately. How dare you! -S enormous Pietrov said, rising with gesture menacing, all my business, do you have understand? I repeat the question again. If refuses to answer, I'll be the answer the guards. I'll send into ... Razin was jumped and placed his hand on Pietrov's shoulder to restrain him. -M i general, please ... She tried to distract the

director of the KGB of the table. He promised you, sir, Do not ... would use the force ... -I n the event that it be reasonable, "said Pietrov in angry tone. But it's a witch Obstinate ... -E spera, please listen to me, "insisted on saying Razin. He had got away to the table next Pietrov to which he was sitting and now I was accompanied to the door. Razin still talking with his superior quietly. Billie sat motionless on the couch watching, waiting, terrified. She heard him snort and saw Pietrov depart abruptly, but not before having one addressed to Razin sneer. -D axis of moaning.I see you're still very U.S.. Weak and sentimental-puffed the cigar. By this time, very well. Speak to her alone. But do not abuse my patience too, Razin. Billie Pietrov glared, turned and hurried. Having closed the door shut, the Razin continued to stare until, gradually gave

turned around, went back to Billie and sat next to she. -L or feel, "he said. "My God, how I hate exploded Billie. Es .. is Razin subhuman, "he looked with an expression of What gratitude has told him to stop? -L and I simply said that does not understand the American women. I said that torture was not would lead nowhere and that, in fact, would counterproductive. I told you were a woman honest, kind and wise woman and would be reasonable ... that what was unreasonable was his questions. "T hank you," she said, giving him a one Razin grateful smile. -C inmate that we both will be good for a drink, "said és te, rising.He stopped by the radio, lit and raised the volume. Next to the cupboard while preparing for her whiskey and vodka himself, said: "Most men Here, men with a Pietrov authority, not women understand the Western world. Me I was brought up American women. Of more, I left with

them. Understand them. When I brought the Union Soviet immediately noticed that the attitude of the Soviets toward women was different. Men of here, though admitting women in the world labor, they find really a slave. In Russians view, women must be treated as captive bred, docile sex objects. It is a of the things I've never liked in the Union Soviet, one of the reasons that I always wanted return to the United States. -S i much appreciated the United States, why has mixed in this plot? -I-nstinto survival he replied simply. He offered the cup and a napkin, then sat with hers and lifted in a toast. To your health, ma'am Bradford. -B eber with this intention-to whiskey comforting. Swallowed two gulps before lodging a glass. I've been a while Pietrov alone. I wondered if my ... my, what? ... Double? ... if my double was moving forward with its simulation. I Pietrov has assured that it is doing well. Nobody the least suspicious of it, neither my husband nor my

friends or my father. I believe it has cost. Should I believe it? -M and afraid so, Mrs. Bradford.It's true. "It still seems incredible. How could

learn so many things this woman who is pretending to be me? -E s an actress. - An actress? "A brilliant actress who coincidentally resembled you. Given my background and my knowledge of English, told me to work with her. Hated the assignment, I was forced pear to accept it. In Actually, that train was an actress in a fascinating way. I was fascinated by her but not the role who played. -I NTERPRETER my role. "Exactly. And since you became a public figure, you aroused my interest and I fascinated. "B ut why? I do not know. Maybe because you were the prototype the typical American girl, in version

California. You were wonderfully nice, open, sincere, joyful and full of enthusiasm. I went with an American girl like you, when I was very young. -M and flatters you, "said Billie. "I feel flattered," said Razin, making a face. The fact I create a reproduction of his greatly fascinated. I work too well to my regret. - "So I have no hope in this regard? - Hopes that our actress to make a mistake and be discovered? No, I do not count on it. -I n that case, my hopes have to be estimated at leave here on my own and get to the United States Embassy. -T is not possible. "With your help, it might be possible. As I I promised the first day we talked about in this room I could get her back to the United States. He lowered his eyes as if thinking. Almost imperceptibly, his head began to wag. -No, could not manage, even with my help. Find out that I have spoken. Harlan .... -P refer to die rather than confess. "No," he said in emphatic tone, "We must not talk about it.

With a sigh of resignation, Billie took back the glass and drained it. -V olviendo to Pietrov.The questions I have fact about my husband and our sex life. Am I really made them as a confirmation? -P esu course not, "said Razin, smiling. He hesitated and finally, spoke. I'll tell you what it is. They a problem, but do not want you to know. Ha something unforeseen arose. It should tell you, but what I will if you agree to secrecy. -S and I swear, "said Billie, raising a hand. -Did you have an appointment with your gynecologist this week. - My ginecol ...? She repeated, puzzled.Want say ...? Ah, Dr. Sadek. I remember. Available "Then she added quickly: - His actress had to keep the appointment? E-xact.Unfortunately, his doctor had a accident and his double was considered at a collaborating with the doctor. He had to pass the exam and the outcome of the analysis. I am sorry to

tell you, Mrs. Bradford, but not you pregnant. The news came a pang of Billie despair and pain. She sat motionless, as the news hit his head. He warned that his eyes moistened, but fought back tears. The Andrew also felt for herself. But hoped with all my heart that there could be a second time. Razin was watching the expression worried. "I know it is very unpleasant," he said.Does okay? "No worry I'm fine," she said. Given the circumstances in which I am here, so time does not matter. -I n regard to bleeding Razin said.As Naturally, the gynecologist examined another woman and found good. But that does not tell us anything about your own state. Still bleeding? Because in that case, could ... -No bleed, "she said.I'm fine.

"Great. Anyway, when you started to bleed a few weeks ago, he was ordered to refrain from having sex with her husband for six weeks. A Pietrov it seemed that It would be very useful to his double of you. - How did they find all that ... -Billie sat in his seat, bleeding ... the prohibition of sex during ... six weeks? -No I have the faintest idea.But the KGB learned. Now they have heard of otherwise. The bleeding ceased. Have you ever been declared fully healed. The doctor says that you and your husband, ie the double and her husband may resume intercourse within five days. -T he five-day Billie said, nodding. I understand. Now my dual need to know how my husband and how I am in ... in bed? -L or you guess. Billie smiled briefly to himself, but when he raised his eyes to look at Razin, was serious. Ord-S Razin, I'm sure you know, I have intention to discuss this matter in any way. No I intend to help his acting.

"No I can fault," said Razin in tone understanding. -M and glad you understand.It may be a liberated woman, but not to that extent. I think Certain things belong to privacy. -E stoy agree with you.But that to me poses a problem. I've gotten is Pietrov leave here, I have prevented it causes you damage, insisting that maybe I would get his collaboration, appealing to their reason. Now I have to Pietrov to show that my method is best. Available I go to him empty-handed, you may repeat interrogation. For your own safety, I have to give something, anything, any crumb. If I do, I I will have shown that my method is better than yours. - What do you want from me? She asked, staring. -O h, anything, anything ... by small whatever ... while it is true. Billie studied the response. It was clear that what I was telling this man was sincere. If I could demonstrate that his method was more effective, this Pietrov would keep away from her. And yet, he hated having to talk with strangers

about the sexual behavior of Andrew ... some strangers who were also criminals. That man beside him, in spite of being one of them, had at least some sense of decency. It was also half American. The election was a disgust, but it was a choice. He chose instead Razin Pietrov. -B ueno "she said hesitantly, that's ... that's very embarrassing ... you know? -N or want to hear anything that could cause you embarrassment-he quickly said, "I just bite Pietrov to stay quiet. -B ueno ... my husband ... I guess I can say that ... my husband ... does not like relationships sex ... normal. It was. A tip for those bastards. That reassure them. And maybe save it. Razin show seemed pleased. He leaned forward to give you a pat on the hand. Greetings,I understand how difficult it was for you. But it is enough. No need to say anything more. This will help us both. And o. .. I thank you ... his interest in me. -H plowed everything I can for you, Mrs. Bradford

"Said he, rising. You can trust me. Good morning. 6 Air Force One took off from the base air the Andrews in Maryland for two hours and Now giant four-engine jet was flying over the Atlantic at its highest point, contact with the fuselage of aluminum and steel to the city of London and the summit conference. In one corner of the spacious conference room the presidential suite of ten meters long, Guy Parker and first lady were reclining on a blue chair, facing each other with the tape recorder portable Parker on the table that had between them. Parker leaned forward to see whether to replace the cassette, but observed through the digital counter that there was still enough tape. Satisfied, he leaned back in his chair and focused on the task of getting Billie Bradford new material with a view to the autobiography. -B ueno, "he said, I think we have everything we We need about their courtship and marriage to president. Now I would like to address the issue of marriage. However, before discussing the points

foremost I would like to know more about personal relationships with her husband until now. Me mean little intimate details that nobody knows. What they from which rise until lie. Do not leave anything out. Stick to tell me everything I can with the utmost frankness possible. Then they can you correct, of course, when I show you the first draft. But for now, be honest me, Billie. I repeat, all the little details intimate ... At that moment, Parker saw the look of your face and stopped mid-sentence. Billie was terrified. G uy, are you crazy? "She said.It should you know. Under no circumstances feed comment any intimate details about Andrew and myself. Forget it. I felt like that was already clarified from the outset. "B ut you once ... "Began Parker puzzled. "No," she said briskly.Forget it. "Billie, I would not ... "Please do not argue with me, Vera took a

cigarette from the pack that was on the table. Will better that we move to something else. Perplexed, Parker approached him lighter cigarette and finally turned to recline in his seat. -M u and well, anything.The personality of their husband, as you see it. "S and refers you to his humor and others? "Her humor, her temperament, all that is occurs. -Déj eme think ... She said, breathing out the smoke. He began to remember things about her husband. Things flattering and, in general, puerile. Parker was listening to half while the tape was still spinning. 'T all very boring, he thought.Generally, Billie used to be more brilliant and insightful. Vera spoke for ten minutes while he waited patiently for him to say something to give him standing to lead it back to the point of which was diverted. -E so it is very interesting, "said Parker, interrupting, so that the president is so film fan. "B efore frequented much the environment

film, right? -T enia friendship with some of those people. "Even I understand he was dating an actress, movie star when she began to woo to you ... And then, if I recall correctly, the you took to a party and the star was there and you two had occasion to meet ... -N or so, Guy.He had been dating this actress, but she and I ... no, never we met. -M and seemed to have heard ... "No matter what you have heard, ever we met, "the first lady in the chair was removed and stood, stretching. We talked enough for now, "he said. He pointed out the bedroom with two single beds. I will stretch a little. We'd better all be rested with a view to London. Thanks, Guy. Parker quickly turned off the tape, it picked up and moved toward the door. -T Rataro to find a little time to us in London, "she said behind her. -S and I appreciate very much. Once out of the presidential suite, Parker left

the front of the unit, crossed the compartment in which they were accommodated the four officers of the security service, the four security guards and the Airforce Navy nurse and entered the spacious compartment to the White House staff. Across the photocopier, Parker noted that a of the two electric typewriters was free. Considered the possibility of using it to make some notes, but then thought better. He too many things in my head. She looks around. Almost all comfortable seating were occupied by staff members were reading or dozing. The chairs are were located opposite each other, separated by tables, and in a couple of them were off presidential adviser Wayne Gibbs and the head Fred Willis protocol, engrossed in a game of cards. Beyond Judson was Nora, doing some quick notes on a notebook resting on table. The chair was empty before him. Parker thought of the possibility of occupying it. Needed blow off steam with someone from the East Wing. Maybe Nora

was the best choice taking into account how much used to avoid and what little communication they used displayed in their presence, but was not offered any alternative. In addition, we enjoy watching the bust. Parker sat in the chair across from Nora. She raised his head and continued to write. - Do you mind if I smoke? I ask him. "We're in a free country," she said while writing. Parker took out of pocket for expensive pipe, filled it snuff and applied a match that had taken a matchbook that mirrored the presidential seal one side and a picture of Air Force One in the another. Sat listening to the hum of turbofan engines of the equipment, revising its meeting with Billie, and as he did, he warned that he frowning. He thought of the possibility of opening talks with the iceberg in front of him and had to reject this idea when she lifted her head and looked at him. - What is it? "She said.I do not see very glad. Has anything happened? Nora's interest stimulated.

"I am baffled," he said. Your Billie is very disconcerting. Nora set down the pen and sat back, joining the fingertips of both hands. "Now what? "I just had a meeting with her. I wanted to try the subject of his personal life with the president. Anyone would have thought he had insulted. No wanted to comment on it. Not a word. Not a single detail. And yet, listen carefully, Nora, when we began our conversations the past two months, a of the first things I said was that he would agree to comment freely me his private life and president, provided he could review what I write. I promised to get as far as you possible to give interest to the book so both more human. That makes two months. Now, half an hour ago, tells me not to mention the wig, who never would dream of commenting on his life staff. And I said that I would have had understand-Parker took his pipe from his mouth. Does not it seem a little odd? Nora shrugged her shoulders slightly. - What's so unusual? Two months may have

changed his mind. "B ut, how so radically?And acting as if we had never discussed above? I do not understand seeing Nora paying attention, Parker decided to continue talking and leaned against a table. Another thing. Maybe you me to explain. At first when we started our discussions and were from one topic to another, I told Billie that in the course of my research, had read somewhere that when began to court her, was dating Andrew Bradford with a famous actress. Then he began also dating Billie. Billie accompanied a dinner and there coincided with the actress. A very embarrassing. I asked Billie if it was true and in that if so, whether agree to talk about these things. She started laughed and said yes, that had happened and that was one thing very gracious of which I speak when us to this point in the book. Very good and now in the presidential suite at the time that I found appropriate, I have brought the incident to snack and she has

been very sullen. He insisted that he had never coincided with that actress at a party that never had known, and has taken to settle the matter-is put a match to his pipe. I tell you, Nora, I do not know think of all because the contradiction is evident. -T iene you recorded these alleged statements contradictory? Nora asked, looking at him curiosity. "No exactly.Today it's the I-told Parker, tapping the tape. But the first, no. At first, we recorded the conversations. We just talk, groping at each other. -C nderstanding.That is, you trust only in his memory. -No I am an old fool, Nora, "he said in a tone annoying. -No, but he is human.All we get confused sometimes. "And whether or not I'm confused.She has committed a tremendous contradiction. And while we're at it, let me tell you something else. Since returning Moscow, like another person as I'm concerned.

Our meetings used to be enjoyable. She showed gracious, cheerful and intelligent. Now ... is boring ... and soda. No one would say that is the same person. I do not know, the Billie that I knew was different. After going to Moscow a few days and now it seems another Billie. -V owners, is just tired, that is all. Note the tute that has given the president. It is made dust. "No," said Parker, beginning to shake his head, is more than that, Nora. It is as if someone had subjected to brainwashing during their stay in Moscow. I could cite at least half a dozen examples of odd behavior that has been observed recently ... -N or upset, "said Nora Guy, interrupting him.I do not want to hear more because all that is sheer stupidity. I like you for many concepts, Guy, but when it starts to show suspicious, eccentric and obsessive can be heavy. I suggest you throw all these intricacies before we land in London. Stick to reality and its

work and save the rest of his fantasies for a novel. I promise to buy it. That, however, not acknowledge. And now excuse me, I have to go to the room bathing. The evening was his official welcome to Great Britain, the reception followed by a dinner hosted by Minister Dudley Heaton and his wife Penelope in honor Prime Minister of the USSR, Kirechenko Dimitri, and President of the United States, Andrew Bradford, and their wives. It would be also one of the evenings exciting times of your life, thought Vera, in the absence state it as deeply concerned. The idea of In three nights would have to maintain sex-or anything else that he would-president obsessed with Vera. Unless be to receive news of their KGB contacts the next seventy-two hours, would be involved in serious difficulties. The fear of the unknown tortured Vera and destroyed any prospect of pleasure. When night had landed in the Northold airport would have had to feel

overcome with emotion. I've never been in London, unlike Billie Bradford, but Alex had prepared meticulously for the visit. It was a experience had been waiting to enthusiasm during their entire training. However, despite all the pomp and ceremony that had surrounded the terminal flooded with light, the anguish he had been treading the heels. Accommodated in one of the shining rollsroyce who had been sent to the airport, tried to excited and curious display along the fifteen miles that separated the airport London's West End, but inside was thinking. When his Rolls headed and Brook Street stopped at the revolving door of the discreet and majestic Hotel Claridges, strove to show concern. In the richly carpeted lobby, surrounded by her Secret Service agents officers and British security could only take a fleeting glance to the ground floor. To his left, the small counter the concierge and beyond, a sort of counter to the keys and the other side, a single and elegant lift;

directly opposite, a spacious lounge with a orchestra and people drinking and uniformed waiters trousers to the knee and to his right, the area of waiting in the lobby along with a wide staircase. The hotel manager, dressed in tails, had accompanied the president and his wife from the ground to the first level, up the carpeted steps. Now he pointed to the left. -Com o course, you have the Real-I had told the president. In the entrance hall the spacious suite, the director had been interested in showing the dependencies. Despite how tired I was, Vera followed. The entrance hall gave access to dining, located across the street, and the lounge, located on the right. They entered the room. The director patted on the surface of the oval table. -R Egencia "he said.There are eight chairs. We can bring more, if they wish, 'said a door color Double sheet brown with golden handles had behind her. It leads to a spacious suite adjoining with three bedrooms and two lounges. The transformed into offices before his arrival, Mr. president. When you have time to

inspection, you will find a small foyer that leads to a room that has been divided into a whole series of small offices, including one for its personal secretary. This leads to another room that have become his private office. As is Naturally, the suite bedrooms have been transformed also in offices. Now if you want to follow them show their personal quarters. Another double doors and on the other side and gave open access to the hall of the Royal Suite. Vera could note that was magnificent. At his feet, a soft green carpet. Above his head, a roof Wedgewood with a single white crystal chandelier. He examined the room. Chairs, one red and one green. A curved green sofa, protecting an old grand piano brown, "property in times of D'Amour Street, producer of the works of Gilbert and Sullivan and Savoy leader of our group ", had explained the director. Some windows that reached to the floor illuminated the room. Vera's eyes followed around the room full of flowers, stopped

in a Victorian desk upon which were two phones and moved into a fireplace white topped by a mirror. The director was opening a brown door next to the fireplace. -S i make for the bedroom. Vera advanced to president, seized by anguish. Two twin beds next to one another, each of which has its own table and lamp, two phones gray on one of the tables and one in the other. The foot rails of the reed beds were. The room was pleasant, with its roof and its shell green walls. A confidant. A funny toilet with two white lights and a triple mirror. On the table was a tray with a bucket of ice, champagne and glasses. The president sat in a bed to test and was pleased. Vera tried smiling. In front, a spacious bathroom. All marble and more marble. In a hole next to the toilet, a bidet. In a hollow located on the other side, a graceful bathtub inlaid with ornaments. In between, a sink two batteries. Vera came to the conclusion that the Emperor Tiberius would have felt at home there. -E spero everything is to your taste "he had said the

director, getting ready to retire. -P recioso had said Vera.Thank you very much. He had said seriously, but all that beauty does not succeed in alleviating the anxiety that the dominated inside. Upon retirement, the director had approached the president. -L and I remember that his party will occupy the remainder of the first floor. Then the president had wanted to see her personal office after it had charged Vera's mission to inspect all first floor to check that everything had been adequately ready and that all members of the entourage were properly installed. At midnight, with the help Sarah, Vera had broken luggage, and soon after finishing, she had slept with the president, filled with great anxiety. That had been yesterday. While the president dispatched his aides, Vera had spent most of the day to visit places London attractions, along with their hosts

British. It was assumed that many of those things-the British Museum, Westminster Abbey, a brief pause in front of the Dorchester Hotel (which housed the Soviet delegation), the Tower of London, "I was Billie Bradford known thanks to his visit made in his student days and subsequent residence as the relations representative public. Vera was forced to simulate a feeling of nostalgia. But all that was for her novel and made him forget the dark thoughts of his brain. While Sarah was helping her to dress in bedroom for the gala dinner, Vera thought that the cozy twin beds would be his Waterloo and then turned to grab her anguish. Little then in the formal Humber, sitting between the Chairman and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the neat and talkative Right Hon Ian Enslow, had sought to provide attention to the historical places that I was Enslow identifying and describing. Now the car turned and opened up before them a

broad overview of Whitehall Street. E-aced to the left, corner, the building three-story brown with black metal front gate the entrance to the museum is the banquet-house was Enslow said. We turn to the Horse Guards Avenue. For large social events uses a very inconspicuous side entrance. The enclosure of the rear of the building is used as parking for trucks and suppliers .., curiously, the Banqueting House has no kitchen. But the food, I promise, will be first quality "He was in at the Horse Guards Avenue when Enslow said: - Good heavens, how many people! All London and Fleet Street all must be awaiting the main attraction here: you, sir president, and his lovely first lady. They had stopped at the corridor formed by two rows of the Metropolitan Police Force which arrived entrance. The vast crowd of spectators, held back by a second row of Police pushed to look better international figures. First Secretary Britain had declined the car and were Vera helping out. A dozen photographers, holding the camera above the heads of

Police officers were pointing toward Vera. It opened the mink coat for supplicants photographers could photograph lamé suit gold. Andrew Bradford left the vehicle, briefly remained standing beside his wife photographers to do their job and later Enslow both followed to the entrance of the House of Banquets of the seventeenth century. Having crossed the little green door adorned with floral, Vera was found in a lobby next to a bronze bust of James I. While the men took off their coats and Vera gave her a mink coat in charge of cloakroom, Enslow said the broad steps of stone leading to the room above the house. Began to rise, reaching between Vera men. - Have you ever been here? "I was wondering Enslow. A pretty impressive barn. Henry VIII had him build for Anne Boleyn. Built and rebuilt many times. Nevertheless, Banquet Hall core Inigo Jones created it all a genius, to James I. I do not think that gives them time to

visit carefully, but if they do, do not miss Rubens paints the ceiling. Nine panels total, commissioned by King Charles when Rubens was here in London on a diplomatic mission. All room, thirty-five feet long, has been newly painted and refurbished with a view to the happy tonight's event. We're on the landing. The prime minister is waiting and Prime Minister Bolshevik already here. Caught between the British security official who had formed a front wedge and players Security Service of the United States that the protected in the back, Vera tried to keep the calm and poise as they crossed the high threshold for enter the lounge area which was Stuart isolated from the banquet hall itself with the to serve as a reception room. Vera passed between the giant white columns on either side, heard the music he was playing the orchestra from the gallery above and suddenly she was surrounded people. The host and hostess, Prime Minister Heaton, a smile on his round and tasteless

face, and his elegant wife, who beat him in stature by a head, were waiting. Vera recalled that I had met last summer at a reception which was held in his honor in the gardens of the White House. He tried to remember the instructions for Alex. Heaton was a former pupil of Harrow, Balliol College, Tory, Carlton Club, sherry, the Times said. I shook his hand and Heaton whispered how much he had delighted that outdoor party and how pleased he was to receive here in London. The hall was packed with guests and the level of decibels was for three hundred parrots. Compressing in his hand the bag adorned with accounts and taking the arm to the president, Vera opened through the crowd of guests in evening dress, Guided by Enslow. Every few steps, there presentations, and the corners of the lips and cheeks ached from smiling and simulate both interest and attention. The presentation was more important

one in which most amused, ie the for the prime minister and his Kirechenko wife Ludmila. Vera noted that the Prime Minister Soviet tonight did not offer a very proletarian. His long face aristocratic, his glasses crystals without lip, his neat pointed beard and his frac gave him rather the appearance of a wealthy tsarist minister. His voluminous consort wrapped in a horrible dress of silk organza, seemed to be fatter than usual. Vera had be recalled that in her role as First Lady Billie Bradford, had never had occasion to salute the Kirechenko Prime Minister and, instead, had met during the International Meeting Ludmila Women held in Moscow. He noted that the president and prime minister began to talk immediately. She and Ludmila had little Ludmila said that because he knew only a few English words and Billie Bradford did not speak Russian. A stocky guy with a potato nose, wearing a dark blue suit, stood beside Ludmila and she introduced him in Russian, laughing. In his

role of Billie, Vera shrugged as if not understood, but, as Vera, the presentation told that the man in question was Yankovich, one of personal bodyguards, undoubtedly belonging to the KGB. Soon, Vera and President continued moving through the crowd of guests. Most part of the presentations were brief and only briefly recalled. One of them made an impression. Vera was presented to Mwami Kibangu president the African nation of Boende. Through data Moscow had given him, I knew that this was a simple capitalist tool. But the small and black rested proved a smart man, ready and likeable. Vera could not help that he liked. As she prepared to leave, he said, winking: -At hour Nwapa I know ... Where is it? Both Kibangu as Bradford laughed and Bradford threw his arm and said quietly: -S sss officially Nwapa there ... even the real reason for this dinner. Shortly afterwards, the president turned away to greet a British cabinet minister and Vera found alone among the people. He accepted the glass of white wine that you offered a waiter and later went to a table

to take a bit of caviar. As she did, observed from the corner of eye Ludmila Kirechenko was alone and had gone to a distant corner of the room to sit in a confident, probably because they hurt my feet. Vera realized that this was a rare opportunity. Apparently, he had failed to convince the KGB that ignorance regarding sex life President and Billie was endangering the entire project. Now I had the opportunity to bypass the KGB chief and go directly to the rulers of the nation. A word distraught Mrs Allow Kirechenko case came immediately known to the prime minister, which, in turn, urge the Pietrov to help with emergency or abandoned the project. Yes, he said to himself same, that was what I had to do. She left the table and opened the antipasto way through the guests in order to approach the person who could save her. He sat on the informant to Mrs. Kirechenko side that, in principle, be after he was surprised and pleased. Vera looked around to make sure they were alone. The

were, at least for now. Vera's wife leaned toward the prime minister. "I need his help," he said in a whisper. By Please tell your husband ... I ... Broke off what he was saying. Recalled Mrs. Kirechenko barely understood a word English. Quickly, Vera began to speak in Russian, for explaining to the wife of Prime Minister's predicament in which he found himself. Before he could utter two sentences, the Kirechenko lady leaned toward her, his expression troubled and interrupted. -N or speak Russian, "he warned.You do not understand Russian. It's dangerous. The wife of prime minister rose suddenly, Vera left and disappeared into the crowd of guests. Vera was alone. The lady had Kirechenko right, of course. People who were in a Things were desperate predicament. Vera felt abandoned and began to feel sorry for herself. Then he realized that someone was of standing behind the confident, the KGB bodyguard

Yankovich that there should be placed in protective gesture when the two ladies had begun to talk. Him addressed a foolish smile, but he turned his back and began to follow the prime minister's wife. Vera noted that the guests were running to the entrance of the banquet hall. She saw her husband with Kibangu, beckoning him to come closer. It hurried to meet them. Positioning himself between his Kibangu wife and the president walked towards the door Double sheet. Quietly, Bradford told Vera: "Quite a spectacle of the first lady Soviet and U.S. first lady seated together in the confidant. What were you talking about? -No I have not the faintest idea, "said Vera.Was useless. He knows so little English as I Russian. Either knows what he would say. -S upongo longer will we learn later, "said the president, smiling. He lowered his voice. We have some players in this room and I am sure

they also have them. Therein lies the game. Vera felt overcome by emotion while flanked the entrance to the banquet hall. - You mean we have an agent here? "Soviet H aciéndose pass?"Working for us? Oh, Andrew, I can not believe you. Speaking softly, still smiling, he said: "Look over your shoulder. Russian Hair smooth and big nose. Whoever is talking to the wife the prime minister. Do you see? Vera looked over his shoulder. He saw Yankovich directing a final word to Mrs. Kirechenko. - Did you mean ... Soviet bodyguard? "Only not so," murmured Bradford. The M16 British placed him for years. But now let us forget that. Let's eat. Vera was enveloped by a wave of horror. He had spoken to Mrs. Kirechenko into Russian. She "The first lady of the United States not spoke Russian, had spoken in Russian without realizing that a British agent had approached from behind and might have heard his words. What a senseless

had been, what incredible error had just committed. If the British report Yankovich, would be lost. The error could be fatal. He looked back over his shoulder. Yankovich is was saying goodbye to Mrs. Kirechenko. "And we heard him say to her husband. The president had set aside a chair. He sat trembling and trying to think of some means of save this dangerous situation. Prime Minister Heaton was at his left, giving instructions to a wine steward. To his right, President had initiated a conversation with Kibangu. Ignoring the salmon cream Scotsman who had served, he realized that would to act immediately to avert disaster. With the greatest discretion possible, pushed the chair Vera back, moved gently up and up few inches of the hem of his golden suit was hurried to the reception room. With the Except for a few stragglers who were preparing to enter the banquet hall, living room was empty. He saw the left Yankovich, heading toward the landing and the stairs.

Terribly upset, he sought someone who could save. Vera ran his eye row unknown and saw Pietrov aide, Colonel Zhuk KGB. He tried to remain calm as he approached he.Their eyes met. She made a slight signal, inviting him to follow her and headed the door to the landing. He realized that the Zhuk colonel had departed from the row and were following. On reaching the door, Colonel Zhuk is advanced gallantly to open it. Vera knew it had to be a casual conversation and distant. She was the first lady of the States He United States and a leader of Soviet security service who barely knew. "T hank said softly.That is down the ladder and was preparing to vacate the building ... - Yankovich? "A British agent," Vera said with a smile. I've heard in Russian with Mrs. Kirechenko. - British Agent?Are you sure? "I have said the president. Zhuk Colonel smiled back, but looked cruelly. -R egress inside.Do not worry. I'll see the case ... if it is not too late.

As he turned, noted that Colonel Zhuk hurried down the stairs. The orchestra in the banquet hall was over interpreting a composition when she returned to her seat, feeling observed. As soon as she was seated, the prime minister Heaton, who had been listening to the translation an interpreter made him the words of Mrs. Kirechenko, sitting on her other side, nodded and stood up to make a toast. Vera turned her head. Her husband was watching with a frown. Later not remember what had happened to below. The dinner-hours following your borscht, your cold loin of lamb, conversation, music, passed confusedly. He reacted to everything as an automaton. The fatal mistake he had made, the reproaches that she herself was doing, crossed incessantly by your imagination. All this was now its greatest fear and immediacy of the possibility of being discovered had erased the fear that inspired sex. For sex still missing three nights. In Instead, what of Yankovich was happening now, this

night. The banquet seemed to drag on. Vera just paying attention. In the end, just before one o'clock, could find himself back in the privacy of the Claridges Hotel suite. As soon as they were alone in the bedroom and even before Vera could remove the mink, the president spoke to her. - What the hell you were meant? "Shouted the president. His handsome face was distorted by anger. Vera had heard of his occasional fits of temper. She had been informed. But none had seen and he was taken by surprise. And o. .. I do not know what you mean. "You know what I mean," the president, taking his bow tie. Planted leaving just when they are began the feast. Simply disappeared. Never You did such a thing. It was a terrible displays of bad manners. That is not done, both less with the British. -N or could not help it, Andrew, "she said

stammered. He ... I had to go to the toilet. You had gone to the bathroom before leaving here. "It was not that," she said, trying to recapture the aplomb. Suddenly I found wrong and I felt nauseated. I had to recover. I guess have been due to excessive agitation. -H Ubiera could get by, "he said, taking off jacket. Vera noted that the president had calmed down and I was thinking about something else. -L or'm really sorry, "Andrew said in a tone sorry. "No worry," he said.I thought must tell you, "he added as if speaking to himself while trying to remove the buttons of his shirt. -D eja me help, "she said. But he had already won the shirt unbuttoned and remove it. -P TTORNEY rest, "he said laconically. He put the shirt on a chair, stripped to the waist, walked to the bathroom and shut the door. Vera took off the jewelry and began to undress. It would have to tread very carefully in all that did, she cautioned herself. He was very nervous

and concerned about the summit. Probably already have formed an opinion and Kirechenko knew the conference would be very hard. However, their concern did not reach the end of inducing him to ignore any unusual behavior by from his wife or not making this behavior as a pretext to vent their tension. If that mood continues, almost impossible to comment quietly them the plans of the U.S. delegation. Almost impossible, but for the advantage that it available. The resumption of sexual relations within three nights. It was possible that I got it, but also risked lost. Tonight they had too nervous. The fact that he dared to express his Fears of the wife of the prime minister had been a recklessness. It had been a naive by failing course that the reception would be infiltrated by double agents. There was unnecessarily stretched neck and ax could fall at any moment. He thought about this paradox might lose his head ... because

had lost his mind. She was wearing her nightgown. He went to the salon, trying to calm down to sleep. When returned to the bedroom, Andrew still was not there. The bathroom door remained closed. He wondered if should wait. In fact, he did not want to continue talking to him tonight, given their poor mood. He swallowed his usual sleeping pill with Billie some water and lay down. He could not immediately reconcile the dream, such as he had expected. Vera remained outstretched during ten minutes, trying not to think. When he heard open the door of the bathroom, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. The lights went out and listened the creaking of her bed. He realized that should have been sleepy because He half woke up because of the insistent ringing President of the phone. Andrew awoke, sat up in the bed, lit the light and reached for the phone. - YesYes indeed he heard. Who? ... "Heaton

at this time? Okay, wait, I'm coming. She hung up the phone, got out of bed and was putting the blue silk robe as she watched her woman was awake. T-Prime Minister Heaton, "he explained.I go to my office. Want to talk through scrambler telephone. Still asleep. Wide awake, she saw him leave bedroom, heard him open the door leading to the adjoining suite, divided into a number of small offices to serve him as a temporary office. Him heard the night shift manager of service signals. Then there was silence. Vera stood motionless, eyes open. The Blair calling the president of the U.S. three-fifteen in the morning. What was happening? Vera did not want to venture make any conjecture. Eight minutes later, Andrew Bradford returned and took off her robe. - Is something wrong, Andrew? She asked. "Pretty bad," he said enigmatically while surrounded the bed, sat on it and rubbed arms.

-O ur best agent in the Russian delegation ... just found ... dead. - Dead! "Scotland Yard has fish in the Thames ago half an hour ... multiple stab wounds ... stabbed to death. -Q horrible hat.Was it a robbery? "I doubt it. They have not touched the money. It appears it is a political assassination. - "One of our agents? -British, but one of us, yes. The British recruited him in Moscow for years. He came here with the Soviet delegation as one of the bodyguard assigned to Mrs. Kirechenko. Was at the party tonight. Do not you indicated? No I agree. A man surnamed shook Yankovich head. A serious loss. The summit begins with good auspices to say. He turned off the lamp and crept under the blanket. I do not know who will be betrayed, "he added in the darkness. Yawned. Finally, it is better that we try sleep. Good evening, Billie. -B ood night, sweetheart. Until several minutes later when he heard

snoring, Vera did not dare to think about what had occurred. Violence made her shudder. He lay beside her head and sank deep in the feather pillow. She felt dazed with relief. He was safe, so least the next three days. So this seemed less threatening now. The KGB had protected, such as Alex had promised he would do. Would you protect it. Although the president and first lady and many of the main collaborators were London, Isobel had had a day Raines unusually busy in the White House. Al the doctor had gone Rex Cummings an endless stream of White House staff with all sorts of minor ailments and pains, and in As the only nurse at the clinic, Isobel is had been forced to work overtime. Now, as his BMW plowed the driveway of his home in Bethesda, noted that it had very little time. He was summoned to dinner with his two best friends at a Georgetown restaurant and did not want late. She loved those monthly dinners,

cups and gossip, comments about the life and future. I did not want to miss a thing. If there was hurry, I assumed that it could still take a bath before dress for dinner. Isobel introduced the car in the garage, powered parking brake and shut the ignition. While extended hand toward the door, his eye caught something in the rearview mirror, apart from his shaggy red hair. Al tuck the road, he observed a Ford with two indescribable men inside, parked in the other pavement outside his house. He had not paid any attention to vehicle occupants, assuming that someone would be waiting at the house of the street opposite. But he was wrong. The mirror told that the two men or, at least one of them, the waiting for her. One of them had fallen from Ford, had crossed the street and was walking up your driveway. Was a portly, mustachioed man with eyes protected by dark glasses, and so she could see, was a stranger. As the man approached and

image in the mirror was widening, he wondered if would be a robbery. Not likely. It was still daylight. He fixed eyes in the mirror with fascination. It seemed like a familiar face and suddenly recognized him. - Shit! He exclaimed. He went to open the car door to escape, but he had already entered the garage and opened the door on the other side. -S eñorita Raines shouted, "I suggest you blow your stay sitting. Need to maintain a little conversation with you. Inside the car was is more comfortable. Ow-no, "she said with one foot off the vehicle.Hurry. Leave me alone. He sat quietly in the other seat. "I need just a few minutes," he said. "No, I'm ... "Ms. Raines said the man with a excessive calm, stay where you are. Isobel, was half in and half out of vehicle. He thought it not convenient escape. It would be useless. He would have to face sooner or later

early. He went back into the vehicle and closed the door. -M uy well, now what? He asked in a tone irritably. Last time I vowed never to ... -L or regret, he said, interrupting her.I feel having to visit her, but necessary. I have been order to obtain certain information from you. When does, I'll leave you and not harm. Him I promise that I will not bother her. -E so already told me on another occasion.Who hell are you? -No matter who Grishin said.What to you have to care about is what I know. Isobel was perfectly aware of what they knew. His former Detroit connection with Da Costa. His current situation in the White House. His occasional rolling around with President Bradford. His two previous submissions to blackmail. It concluded that, regardless of whatever happened, it could not continue. There guessed from the start, representing a foreign country. She could not imagine what ... or perhaps they did.

Know the purpose of all these visits. Of One thing was certain. I could not keep betraying the president. "So we have come to submit to blackmail -D ijo. -Sun or seek their collaboration, "he said. "Well, well, I do not want to continue collaborating. I sick of it all. Will never end. I see I will never leave you alone. Therefore, better will: once we have finished. Go ahead and disclosure. all they want about my past. What is the worst that can happen to me? Lose jobs. There will be other jobs somewhere. But again I I will free you. 'll Go to the FBI and tell you about you ... -E so it would be inadvisable, Miss Raines-in voice of the man was warned almost a tinge of regret. It would be detrimental to his health-he pause. As for what to be forced to disclose their history, we would not do it. We do not want destroy it. Please think. I promise, and this time I mean, do not return. Answer a simple question and everything is finished. She hesitated. The man seemed sincere. Perhaps

was serious. If you grant the request, perhaps not trouble again. She thought. It depended on what wanted to know about it. I see. -L to question, "he said, what is? "It's about ... The man was trying to find a phrase to express "about morals sex of the president. The anger of Isobel broke the surface. "But do not get tired of asking always same? God and is the third time. -W e have to know something more. "I also have to know that I tell him. Ments do not fall within the purview of anyone. In any case, it can not be explained. -P ermítame to facilitate the work, Miss Raines -D ijo it quickly.Let me put it another way. Someone told us, we learned through other source that the president does not like ... good, with Quite frankly, that the president does not like normal sexual relations. Isobel could not believe what I was hearing. Suddenly burst into laughter. He kept laughing. Try to control. - Who ... Who told you that? "No matter. What's so funny?

Isobel had pulled a Kleenex from her purse and was wiping his eyes. -T iene grace, that is all.Because it is false. - False? "Completely false. Because it is absolutely normal. Got it? Normal. - You mean ...? "You know what I mean," she said regaining composure. Get out of here and now. Leave me alone. "T hank you, Miss Raines," he said nodding head in gentle. He opened the door and left the vehicle. She watched them through the rearview mirror. He waited until he left the car across the street. Then down the BMW and headed toward the house. It would give him time to take a bath. In the living room of his suite at the Kremlin in Moscow, Billie Bradford sat on the couch with her legs gathered, trying to read an English edition, printed in Moscow, The Call of the Wild, by Jack London. Not especially interested in the book, but the latter

served to fill the two hours until the dinner. Alerted by the noise of the key in the lock front door, he saw Alex Razin. Immediately closed the book, I stepped aside and lowered legs. While still calling him yet as an enemy, it was with a slight uncertainty. Him liked. It was the only honest person on the other side. In addition, he wanted human company. He left the last newspaper on a table and approached him. - How are you today, Mrs. Bradford? "Disappointed and a little boring," she replied as usual. "No I can understand.Fancy a drink me? -S ince then, "she said.Mine which is double. Next to the bar against the wall, as he preparing a whiskey to Billie and she poured vodka himself, Alex asked: - Have you been busy with something? "In some ways. It's all very depressing.

- How come? Razin offered Billie a double Scotch while he took a sip of vodka. She patted the cushion next to the sofa in which was accommodated. -S iéntese here, "he obliged, and she added: -E Scucha the story of my misfortunes. - So bad is it? "I started with the radio news in English, "she said, eating at once three centimeters whiskey. Almost all dedicated to my husband and the first Minister Kirechenko, their activities during their first day of stay in London at the gala dinner hosted by British Prime Minister, some policies conjectures about the conference and summit about Boende, and also the news of Soviet bodyguards floating in the waters of Thames, stabbed to death. -D esgraciadamente, true, "said Razin. "Not a single word about the first lady, except for the fact that accompanied the president at the gala dinner. Then I put the television news. This time, I was there throughout

my fame. Bright, clutching the arm of Andrew, in Whitehall, moving into the House of Banquets-Billie looked at Razin.You know you think this miserable little liar was actually wearing my new evening gown Ladbury, el dorado? I could not believe my eyes. Would wanted to kill her. And all these people saluting, cheers, the audience, the press, guards, members of the British guard, and nobody could guess nothing. And the less Andrew. I have been a Part. I can not imagine how he can fix. Look, Alex ... "He paused. There, I've named Alex. It will have to call me Billie ... if yos oy Billie. "T hank you, Billie. "Look, I have felt so desperate, so lost. As if there were. As if no longer a person. No one anywhere seems to know that I exist. No one needs me and misses me. Do you surprised I feel depressed? You have no idea ... His eyes were moist. She bit her lip shaking his head in silence. Moved, Alex instinctively circled shoulders with his arm, trying to comfort her.

-C nderstanding their feelings, "he said.Withdrew fast arm. Drink it, "he said. Both drank without speaking. He set down the glass and her fingers toyed around with the crease of his trousers. "T here's something I have to argue with you," he said. His mood made me doubly difficult. -Ow'm fine, "she said.What is it? "It's something I should not say, but I think I have to. Billie was getting increasingly nervous. "Tell me. - Remember the other day when I was forced to Asked in general terms that such was her husband as a lover? Do not want to, but you understood the situation and kindly help me. I had to repeat to Pietrov what you me had said. Did you know? - Yes Well, I told him to Pietrov what you I had said. The information was general in nature and in not really served them for more than one thing. Was a through to approve his sincerity. Anyway,

immediately the KGB made contact with other sources in the United States to see if you had told the truth about her husband. Me I fear that now think that you were not sincere. As who have been finding out since then, you lied concerning her husband. - That's ridiculous! Exploded Billie.What other fonts? Who else could know how involves my husband with me in private? What another might contradict me? Any other source? What does this mean? "No I can tell because I do not know.I am not obliged to know how does the KGB. Billie was still thinking about other possible KGB sources. -S implements no one who could have came, he said, speaking more to herself than with Razin. Unless you have located a woman with whom Andrew might have had sex before know me. Or maybe you believe they have found Andrew someone to make love now that is married to me, a female secret. I doubt it. While it may be true. Do not know. But supposing that there was this woman? It is possible that other woman behave differently than it does

me. That does not say anything about us, " noticed the presence of Razin. Would not you agree? Are absolute fools. - What can I say? Razin said, extending hands. I can only inform you, without their know, that in his opinion, you are lying and it was sincere in this regard ... reason may not be honest in other matters. Today we have met to talk about it. I heard the later meeting. I have decided to warn her. Billie's appreciation enough to reveal everything I know. I have to warn her. To change course, to to be honest, you may have provided punishment. - Punishment? Billie asked incredulously. "They can be ruthless. - Can you explain that? "I know other cases. Suspects were tied and are asked incessantly. If they decline to speak, keeps them without food or water. If they continue obstinate, are tortured. I regret to say these things, but ... - Torture?"In spite of who I am? "No matter who you are. I can boot

nails, burning the body, beating, whipping, break his bones, stained and submit it to all kind of brutality. No limit. They can anything to give the prisoners a lesson, to teach him to tell the truth next time. - Are they going to do that to me? Asked Billie, terrified. "She might do it. "Alex, what can I do? His question was put on hold while he up and turned on the radio. Tuned with a music station that was broadcasting, raised the volume and returned to her. - What can you do? He repeated.You can not do nothing ... and perhaps not trust me. I do not want be tortured. The appreciation too. In a way, We are fellow Americans. -O h, Alex, if it helps me not regret it. "I decided to take the risk. I will help to flee. Billie felt overcome by emotion, spontaneously hugged him, kissed him on the cheek and gave thanks. Shaken, Razin her away. -T iene you understand the risk ... both

we run, "he said grimly. If we apprehend and I I am mixed, I will be dead man ... and you, you want to die. -P or what I am concerned, I do not care, "she said unhesitatingly. For you is who ... -N or think about me.I care about you-Razin He paused. Are you willing to take the risk? -L or I, I am. "Okay," he said, rising. I have a plan. I've developed. - When? She asked, rising. "For tomorrow. Rest as much as possible. Wear clothing that has less appealing. Chock soled shoes. Be ready tomorrow at this hour. I'll see you then. Razin was to leave. At the door, she was came hurriedly grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Lex, why do it? He held his gaze. "Because I said and left abruptly. The conference call for British newspapers being held in the reception room of the salon dance Claridges Hotel, adjacent to the hotel lobby.

Nora Judson had invited twenty-four of the most known and influential directors, journalists and Reporters from London and none of them had declined the invitation. Were accommodated in curved backed chairs with notebooks on his knees in front of Billie Bradford, who was on a platform decorated with flowers. Somewhat behind Billie, and also sitting on a chair back curved, Nora smiled, nodded and took notes, describing in fact the performance of the first lady (according to a rating scale of 1 to 10 in which 10 represented the highest perfection) as she answered each question. That meeting with representatives of the press British, which most visitors considered foreign bitingly sarcastic, had proven to be as cordial as a gathering of love. For over two years, British journalists had been enthusiastic from the first lady of the United States seen from afar, but now, looking at his charm, his enthusiasm was become a pure worship. The conference was initiated was forty -

five minutes and, according to the scoring system Nora, Billie had earned a 9 or 10 in each response he had given. From the observations Billie initial (creditor in all fairness to 10), captivating and full of grace - "in reality, excellent, thought Nora, despite having written it same-up to Billie's response to last question, things had gone according to plan. Fortunately, Billie had been well informed about the questions they were going to do and, until now, all had been known in advance. Nora flipped through the scrapbook and reviewed some of the questions which had been made. Had she been Mrs Bradford at any other time in London? What had been your impressions of the other times, compared with this visit? Does it play any part in it decisions of the president? Had result nice to meet with the wife of Prime Minister Soviet? How planned Mrs. Bradford spend their free time in London? "Would come by his own to visit some place of interest? Would you go to Shopping? What buy?Would you had made

Ladbury all your new wardrobe? What would I wear in the reception would be held the next day in the Soviet Embassy? Nora was delighted to score Billie. Their improvised responses were so soft as silk, but had been simultaneously animated, colorful, anecdotal, and modest. Wonderful, wonderful, and within minutes, Billie would be all over and have done their mission that day. Nora looked up from the pad just in time in which a tall, broad-shouldered, wearing in a brown suit, stood in the second row and presented. -. .. the Observer-was saying.May I a personal question? -P lease Billie said Bradford. "Given his long friendship with her," said the Observer journalist, I'd like your Farleigh opinion about Janet. Nora turned to look at Billie. To his amazement, Billie smiled as she prepared to answer.

-L to appreciate it "he was saying Billie. I think Janet Farleigh as a member of my family. As you said, ours is a long friendship. I met her during my first visit to London when I was teenager. He was very nice me and showed me many things. I was very Janet proud when he started writing his novels for young people and they became popular in the United Kingdom. I can never understand why they are virtually unknown in the United States. Available I can, I'll change that. In Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Janet. I hope to next week. Nora grimaced and closed his eyes. The unrest spread among the representatives of press, followed by the sound of voices. Nora opened and saw that journalists looked at each others. A busty British lady of the last row had risen, posing as journalist Tatler. -S ord Bradford went on to say "I'm not sure I understood. You said that Janet Farleigh expects to see next week. Know Mrs. Farleigh you died of cancer last two

weeks, is not it? He had made the silence in the room. All eyes Billie were fixed in Bradford. The smile of this had faded and been replaced immediately by an expression of pain. Nora closely. Her eyes twinkled. -P erdonen as unfortunate phrase, "the first lady with great aplomb. It happens that I can not accept the death of Janet. For me it still lives. Certainly, I was one of the first people the family reported his death. Al expecting her to say that .., he meant that he hoped see the last resting place of ... his grave ... the week. He heard a voice from among the representatives caustic press: -N or waste time looking for his grave, Mrs. Bradford. There are none. What is left of it lies in the inside an urn in the mantel of the occupied family housing in St. Jamess Place. Went incinerated. -P esu clear, "Billie said firmly.That's what I meant. I plan to visit the family the week

coming to express my sympathy. Any other Questions? As I listened, Nora felt invaded by the concern. He licked his lips and said that his upper lip was wet. He looked for a handkerchief her purse, found it and wiped the sweat. Looked at the open notebook, scored quickly to questions concerning Janet Farleigh and after a while, "Freeman score. The score was 0. While Billie finished answering the last question, Nora stood up. - Thank you, Mrs. Bradford! "He said, raising his voice. Addressing the representatives of the press, added: "Thanks to each and every one of you. As reporters stood, Nora took Billie's arm and walked her down the hall. -E nseguida am with you.Let me first free of them. Billie waited to enter the elevator and after approached the main entrance to say goodbye many of the journalists. The reception room was emptied in less than five minutes. Before closing the door, Nora could hear the words of two journalists

had left behind and were talking each other. -H to an awkward moment occurred toward the end, ¿V RUTH? "Said one. -E xtraño "said the other.Inexplicable. Nora slammed the door and leaned against it, trying to regain balance. "I nexplicable" he thought."Perhaps," he said. Having recovered, he left the room, crossed the lobby, raced up the stairs and into the Suite Real. She knocked on the door of the bedroom and entered. Billie Bradford was seated before the mirror toilet, hair straightening. Nora saw reflected in the mirror and asked: -B ueno, what do you say?What I have done? -N UNCA was better, "said Nora enthusiastically. Almost perfect. -C well.Yes, almost. "No, in fact, has done very well, if not by ... -L or know, "Billie said, raising his hand with the palm up. The answer about Janet Farleigh. It's my fault. Not paying attention. Me

had distracted him. Never happen again. But the blame not entirely mine. The wanted whacking puzzled by your question. -H was a very innocent question, Billie. "You are very naive. None of the questions was innocent. The representatives of the British press they're all thugs, some witches. The worst. Already I have heard of them. Not rearrange anything it all, Nora. No more press. "And enough, I promise," said Nora. Nora got up slowly while Billie was doctored makeup. I was perplexed. Wanted to say Billie that this afternoon, no British journalists had been absolutely no witches nor heartless. They were kind and courteous. But Nora preferred silent. It was evident that Billie was upset and had not admitted to it being contrary. There indirectly even tried to throw the blame for the Nora press conference. Billie was improper. -S i needs me for something ... "She began. "No," replied Billie. You can go. One thing. You can cancel my session to Guy. I have spoken too much for today. I want to make some purchases. Tell the security service, within

few minutes, I go to Harrods. Despite having been referred to withdraw, Nora could not help but contemplate the face of Billie reflected the mirror. His face wore a look of hardness. Billie's eyes were fixed on the mirror. - What are you looking at? "I ... I was just admiring -C ontestó Nora, embarrassed. After which, he retired. In the hallway, remembered he had to notify the Security Service agent standing guard front door that Mrs. Bradford was going out to make some purchases. After slowly moved until the end of the hallway where he was the single room of Guy Parker. Lost in thoughts, knocked on the door. Seconds later, the door opened and appeared Guy Parker. Her hair was matted and wet, yet uncombed, after being taken, apparently, a shower. He was naked from the waist up, with a towel over shoulders. His demeanor was not unexpected. She been considered attractive since the day by

first time she had met at the White House. This was because he had always tried to avoid him. Parker pretended to be surprised. "The elusive Miss Universe said. "With a message to Garcia," she said. I order to inform the first lady canceled The meeting I had with you this afternoon. It is free. - Why? "Well, it's a long story. But it can wait Point-to-turn, Nora thought better. Although perhaps not. Hey, you want to score some both? How about if invited to a colleague for a drink? -T time made. "I hope at the bar, she said. "The Claridges no bar. But they serve in the room adjoining the lobby. "Put your shirt Gase," she said.I hope there. Fifteen minutes later, was Nora sitting at a table in a secluded corner of the Claridges lounge, half listening to the orchestra Hungarian who had just launched its action when Guy Parker arrived to join her. Now wearing tie, striped shirt and a dress that suited her very well and she realized how much I was glad him.

-O ne cup ... for a distressed damsel.Geneva with ice. And that is double, "said Nora. Parker motioned to a waiter uniform. Geneva double ice. A J & B scotch on the rocks, also studied double-Nora. She seems to have been a ghost, Nora. What happens? - Who said anything happen? "You have been described as damsel in distress. "It was something I said. "Something happens," he said, turning to examine the face. Above, when he said that Billie canceling the meeting, added that it was a long history. He said also that the story could expected, but perhaps should not. What story, Nora? -D axis as the girl takes first a drink, will you? He told the waiter who was approaching with two glasses a tray. The waiter served them and left. Nora took the glass with both hands and swallowed gin as if to thirty-five degrees temperature in the shade. He pushed aside the remaining gin, which was not much as he could see, and his eyes met with the fixed Parker's eyes.

G uy, "he said, a question. - Yes "Tell me why you suspect that ... Well, Billie Bradford has changed. Why? -V aya he exclaimed as if surprised.No believed that interested him. -T when he did, maybe not.Suddenly, I'm interested. "If you really want to know ... He began it in cautious tone. -L or want. - Are not you going to break your head? "Not if what you say is reasonable, with a gesture impulsive, she brushed her cheek with her fingers. I will kind to his head. -D and agreement.Here goes. His misgivings, or at least their curiosity, were awake for the first time to the return of Billie Moscow, when they were aboard the plane that brought them to Los Angeles. In the test work had undertaken on behalf of the Times in Los Angeles, Billie had claimed to have spoken to a journalist named Steve Woods. Parker knew that Steve Woods existed. At lunch in Los Angeles, Billie had to

sit between one of his oldest friends, a certain Agnes Ingstrup, and President of Women's Clubs U.S. and Billie had gone to the president as if it were Agnes Ingstrup. During lunch, Billie had eaten oysters, which the Nora itself had said that ever ate. During the baseball game at Dodger Stadium, Billie, big fan of baseball, had spent most of the while listening to a grandfather he explained the game to her granddaughter. In his father's house in Malibu, Billie did not recalled seeing his nephew a month earlier and had seen his dog Hamlet writhed against it. Previously, Billie Parker had assured him talk about their personal relationships with President and also tell you a funny incident that had occurred when he met an actress with whom Bradford had been dating. And as Nora knew a few days earlier, during the flight to London, Billie had steadfastly refused to discuss the two cases with Parker. -C nyone of these facts could explain

as a human weakness, "said Parker," but taken together, are ... suspects. What do you think? -P hink I need another drink, "said Nora. Also double. Parker again asked for both. - Well? "Said Nora. Any reaction to my story? - What all this means for you, Guy? That, in a sense, at least since returned from Moscow, Billie is not the same. Parker was waiting for Nora to do some comment. She did not answer. He pretended to be listening music, but his thoughts were occupied by Billie. Came the glasses, the waiter left and Nora's began to drink gin. -A l After half a minute of silence, Nora shakily perched the glass on the table, spilling some of its content. Slowly, using your napkin, Nora had dried gin spilled. Then he said brusquely: -J ust a while, Billie has had a press conference with British journalists.

- How did it go? "He's been very well until the very end. Someone An inquiry about the Farleigh Janet ... - J anet Farleigh?Yes, I remember. His former friend, the writer of children's stories here London. The one that died a few weeks ago. -T he died, "said Nora.Billie not only I knew he was dead. Billie said he would see to Janet next week. When a journalist has Janet remembered that he had died, Billie has left the predicament, saying he meant that he would Janet's grave. A cheeky reporter has said that there was no tomb, that the ashes of Janet were in an urn on the mantel of the fireplace in the family home. She has gone also as has been trouble and the press conference over. -M enudo Bug ... Parker said, emitting a small whistle. -U n double fault, like my gin, "said Nora, rushing up the glass and almost completely. - And what was the reaction of the representatives of the British press? -A s I told you, she has graduated from

trouble. The press has accepted. But not me. From then, is very smart. -N now, "he said, studying again," why what reason is that the more disturbed that incidents that I have been referring? -No I know.Rather, I know. Not only because it has happened in my presence but also because the morning prior to our departure for Moscow in the White House ... few hours earlier I had told you that would accompany ... Do you remember ...? - Yes -... Received the news of the death of Janet Farleigh. It truly came down. It was a great shock and could not possibly forget. -M mmm.How did you hear of death of Janet? "O ne letter?"A telegram? -No it was through regular channels.Ambassador Britain sent a personal note, delivered to hand. -C on a private basis. "With private and delivered by hand. Only the Billie knew you and me. - What you say about the obituaries? Sk-Parker. "No there was none.Janet meant nothing in the

United States. "B ut Billie knew. Claro - How you might not know it an hour ago? -D ijo puzzled tone Parker.Nora noted that is finishing his gin. Have another. "No thanks," said Nora, pushing the glass.I rose quite drink-dazed. Stand on your room. Parker signed the bill, took Nora firmly on the arm and escorted her to the elevator. Minutes later, they reached the room. He opened the door and was about turning on the overhead light when she pulled his arm. -N o. The lamp is sufficient. He lit the lamp beside the bed. Nora slammed the door and put the chain. He looked with uncertainty and noted that she approached him with careful not to lose balance. -E stoy a little drink, Guy, "she said, looking at him. I admit it. Before one horn foolish, answer me one thing honestly ... with great sincerity. Would you like to you?

-L ong, Nora. - Really? "Quite seriously. Okay. I liked his face and body from the principle. But I thought you were rather selfish and egotistical ... I expected that all women went crazy for you. Later, I thought it was a little crazy.Do you understand? Parker did not, but nodded. "I could not engage with anyone have these defects. I had a husband, Guy. Went terrible. He was selfish and spoiled. Finally, I took it off off. However, everyone needs to someone. And I met Billie. He could abandon myself to it. But now ... I do not know ... now, suddenly, Billie is not there. And you are there. I've seen better and I observed that it is a fair person. Kind, sensible and even physically attractive. At present, I need someone I can believe, Guy. I believe in you? He took her in his arms and kissed her. Nora said

a warm sensation in the chest and thighs. He realize that you were Guy fingers unbuttoning her blouse. He turned away with an effort. "You'll remove your stuff. I'll take care of mine. - You want to wait to be quiet? He asked, in lamely. -N or want to be calm, "Nora had removed the blouse. I want to drink, more drink than I am. As she took off her bra, Parker turned away and began to undress. Having taken off his clothes, he turned and saw her lying completely naked in bed. As she approached her, her began to get swollen member in erection. Was the sexiest show I have ever seen. Was unbelievable. From the first time I had seen, had been mentally undressing, imagining what it would be naked. And here she was, shiny dark hair, green eyes fixed on him, red lips parted, the mound of milky brown breasts with erect nipples, generous thighs apart, the soft triangle of pubic hair

visible. I needed someone who desires it. And he wanted, go if he wanted. She knelt at his bedside. He leaned kiss her mouth and touch her tongue with his. Him neck and kissed her shoulders and caressed her breasts. Him licked and kissed his nipples. He buried his head in his legs and kissed her wet pussy. She sat on her knees while the fingers of Nora toured the upright member. He was gasping. And she was finding it hard to breathe. List-stoy-E said between gasps.Love me, love. Parker's body was buried between her thighs and, leaning on his elbows, he entered her slowly to the bottom. Twenty minutes later both were happy and exhausted. He rose above it and lay beside her. -E res divina, "said Nora. "You're not wrong," she said Parker, kissing. You are wonderful, you are incredibly wonderful. I never thought that I would like both ... Let's do it some other time.

- Tonight for example? "And tomorrow morning," she said. You're a prodigy. I've restored all faith in men. Got a cigarette? S oy man-pipe, but I always have a pack for people like you. Parker opened the drawer of the nightstand, he sought pack and pulled out a cigarette for her and one for himself same. Lit them and handed one to her. -Nother thing, Guy.An hour ago, I had not thought possible. It was a terrible day. The failure of Billie has traumatized me. I was depressed, sad and haunted by the incident. Now I feel very well, superbly well. I have no hangover from it nor beverages. You are a magician Merlin. I've done forget all this. "No you can forget ... He said, looking very seriously, you know that will not disappear. -L or know, "she said, sending a cloud of smoke toward ceiling. Tell you what. If I knew it the first lady, would think it was someone else. But ... "She looked at Parker-that's unthinkable, right? -N ora "he said, shrugging his shoulders, as

ico ún I can say is ... you and I'd better start thinking the unthinkable. -7The radio was playing music louder than never. Billie Bradford was still in the center the room of his suite at the Kremlin, awaiting the Alex Razin verdict, which was moving in circle around to inspect their attire. She wore her long blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun not to attract much attention. Lucia a short brown coat, a beige striped shirt, a brown skirt and a comfortable flat shoes. - Well? He asked nervously to see that Razin stopped before her. -E stupendo, "he said.Looks like a typical tourist West, one of the wealthiest, but that is not unusual. There will be many in Red Square photographing the Lenin Mausoleum and the Cathedral of St. Basil. It should not draw too much attention, looked at his watch. Fifty percent of the chances of success in flight depends on the more appropriate timing. - And the other fifty percent?


-D and the luck, "he said. - What do you think I can get it? Asked Billie, frowning. -E s very likely it will.Head to the Timing the only factor can control. I have carefully calculated. You emerge from this building and will head to the door Spassky. I calculated that you spend ten minutes to reach the exit door. It takes five minutes to cross Red Square and spend leisurely front to the GUM store to go to the bars of voda street October 25. There he will take you a gulp ... Razin, put his hand in his pocket for for a few coins and gave to Billie-. Here is few kopeks for added security. Wait there Once the draft is complete until a man with a blue suitcase. Get close to him. " The will be waiting. On the drive to the Embassy U.S.. From that moment all depend on the U.S. ambassador. -P t seems all so easy, "said Billie. "Maybe it is. Maybe not. We'll see Razin

again consulted his watch. We have not much time if we stick to the schedule. I will explain the the simplest way possible and show you a I have drawn map. We have fifteen minutes to revise the route of flight. Then I'll leave alone for ten minutes to learn it from memory. Then, you have to get in launched without delay. - Where am I exactly?How do I start? You are in the building of the Supreme Soviet in a suite of offices converted into apartment. Now follow me. I will show you where you that preceded the start-the kitchen. A short distance the sink, he stopped and knelt. Here is a trap, their profiles are hidden in the drawing of linoleum. Pietrov the overlooked if they knew his existence ... But look here, two small notches "He set the index fingers of both hands in the grooves and partly lifted a square of pavement. Already You see how easily it opens. Watching closely every move, Billie nodded. "Now what? He asked.

"There are some steps-in fact, is a staircase wood-that lead to a stay underground, a stay that was used in 1785 keep food fresh. The walls are stone. Down there a long, long cold and dark. Leave this open trap to penetrate the kitchen light. Across the room, find another ladder. Climb and go out to other opening. There was a second trap, but I've left open. Reach another room storage ground level, used to store furniture. Light penetrates through two windows. Only one door. Get close to it, and go outside. In saying was, I referring to the street to the Kremlin. Now it will be better than him enter the remainder on the map. Razin re-setting the trap in place and escorted back to Billie the hall, telling the couch. He sat beside her and took something from his pocket. Was a folded paper unfolded and flattened on the table coffee, smoothing. Billie considered the rough map drawn in pencil. Only part of it, right, was occupied by

Line drawings. T-Kremlin is a mammoth set, as you probably already know, "said Razin. Three walls in a triangle. The inside covers 28 hectares. To avoid confusion, I have drawn only the part that interests you. The X marks the spot where which is now in the building of the Soviet Supreme. The lowercase x indicates the place where emerge. In reality, you will find a corridor, but in front of you will see a door that is comes out. Am I explaining clearly to now? -C on perfect clarity. -Follow this road, "said Razin, traveling with the finger a dotted line, along the building, parallel to the wall of the arches. At this point your left you will see the spire of a tower topped by a Red Star. See? It is the Spassky tower or Spasskira, ie the door of the Savior. There will be no more than a guard. Go with him and go to Red Square. Is likely not to send her to stop. If it then, explain that you are part of a group I visited the Armory Palace and is Oruzheinaya has lost and hopes to meet with others in the

GUM store. It is likely that the guards do not speak english. Tell the GUM store. It is safest to let go. Most of them are about boys kind. And you are a beautiful American tourist innocent looking. "Or challah it out," she said trying to smile. - How? "A tourist. Bonita. Innocent. "At this moment, will have passed unnoticed. Follow forward. Stroll. Until the Red Square, opposite the stores, follow the street to the bars voda. Have a drink. Wait for the man in the blue suitcase. Do you understand? Reo-C ... I think so. "If you have questions, now is the time do it. It occurred to him several questions and he replied carefully. "M u and well," he said.He took from his pocket a second sheet of paper and placed it beside the map. The sheet was blank. He handed a pencil to Billie. Copy the map, "he said. I have to destroy mine.

I can not let anything written in my handwriting. With shaking hands, Billie copied the map. "There," he said. "You better take it with you. She folded the sheet until it will fit in your pocket jacket. He took his map, torn into pieces and carried him to the bathroom. Billie was the sound of water from the toilet. Razin returned with empty hands. Billie got up, crossed his path and grabbed him by both arms. -A lex, I do not know how I can thank them. "Do not worry. I must stay here. I to go. Watch the clock. Remember that only has ten minutes to learn the track. Then walk away immediately. "No words to express my appreciation, "she said. When he returns home, she help, I promise. You are all I have this nightmare bearable. "And I'll stay or in the Kremlin taking other affairs until you are sure that you have got out safely. If the alarm if the siren does sounds, I know you are safe. Good luck. Going well. "T hank you, Alex," she said, kissing on the lips.

He stared at her. I was about to say something, but apparently thought better of it. Quickly left the room. Once again single, Billie returned to the sofa, sat down, removed the map pocket, spread and studied, looking every few minutes the old clock wall. He tried to forget about the dangers that lurked in the consequences of failure. The only Distraction could afford was the idea of meeting Andrew in London. Focusing on the route, found it had after nine minutes. I refolded the map, he kept in his pocket, jumped into the shoulder strap bag and went to the kitchen. The heartbeat is accelerated when he hauled and pushed aside. It was introduced in the opening, placing one foot after another in a rung of the ladder and began to descend on the background of the creaking of wood. The storage room, with walls of roughly hewn stone, it was almost unbearably cold. Trembling, Billie tried to bearings. In the shadows at the far end,

distinguished what appeared to be some stairs going up. He approached them and found the staircase was narrow and insecure. She went on tiptoe, emerged through the opening to a dark and musty furniture store covered by tarps. On reaching the door, he hesitated. The fear of the immobilized as if a huge weight. His mind dull. He could not remember what he had to do to below. He took the map pocket jacket, began to unfold and then he remembered. He put the map in his pocket. Razin had promised that the door would not shut. He would go to a corridor. It would have a door on the other side. I had to crossing, turn right, move along building, cross a street, continue along the building Administration, see Spassky tower on your left, close to it and move towards Red Square. Razin was asked whether it would have calculated the time. Since he had begun his confinement, the

KGB guards came in every evening in the suite to bring food or other supplies. Not used do so at a certain time. If they went early and They realized that was not or that the trap kitchen was open, would sound the alarm. This idea made her move faster. He grabbed the doorknob and turned. The door opened, Razin had kept his word. He was in a wide passage no one in sight to either the right or to the left and on the other hand, saw a way out. The crossed and, finally, was found outside in the middle of a humid air and under an overcast sky. He saw a reddish wall later, a smaller tower identified on the map as the tower of the Senate, more beyond which was the Lenin mausoleum, a group of four soldiers of the Red Army caps visor, red stripes on the shoulders of their uniforms, engaged in a lively conversation and, finally, the right path. He turned right, 'walk quietly, "he had warned Razin and began to walk along the Supreme Soviet building. Reached a street when passing a noisy

truck. The crossed. Another building, the Administration. Looking straight ahead while the bag ranged hanging from his shoulder, continued to advance, attachment to the building. Forwards and to the left the massive tower was topped by the star red, the Spassky Tower, his last test before fleeing this fortress. A point of abandoning the curb, a fine and distant shrill sound pierced the eardrums. The sound has become a stepping up sorry. Screamed over and over again, incessantly. Billie froze. A siren. "Q had said Razin hat?Know that she is was safe if the alarm did not sound the siren. But it was ringing. It was safe. The siren was ringing for her. She stood frozen, petrified, not knowing what hand turn. He looked around to check if someone was reacting. No one was visible, was not the group even soldiers who had seen leaving the outside. For a split second thought about the options open to them. "Demonstrate

of courage and seek out the door Spassky? Looking for a place to hide until everything back to be calm? A return in a hurry to suites? Suddenly, trying to adopt a decision, the Spassky gate entrance was filled with life. A group of Soviet soldiers in uniform and armed with assault rifles emerged pour into the street. Billie reacted instinctively. He had no choice but to run away, that away from them, that hide. With the heart beating hurriedly ran into the building at his back and walked against the wall, looking for the nearest door. Nearby he heard screams. He looked back and saw at least three guards, pointing to the finger and shouting in Russian. Entered the building, grabbing the strap of her bag. Around a corner, slipped, regained his balance and went running off a number of doors plates dispatches written in incomprehensible Cyrillic alphabet. He sought something that looked like the door a toilet or bathroom, but found nothing. A new noise assaulted her. He heard the sound of boots and

clatter of weapons in the hallway that had left his back. Slowed, stopped before the impressive double doors of the office more next. His fingers grasped the handle and turned it entered and closed the door behind him. Out of breath, looked around to see where was. He was in a spacious and decorated salóncon a spider glass, an impressive fireplace, an Oriental rug and a row of chairs gold attached to a wall. The room was empty, thank God, and then realized that and was not felt a lump in my throat. In the chair furthest away, alongside other high double doors, was accommodated a stout older woman, wearing a dress pattern that was looking at him. While trying to catch his breath, Billie approached the woman, trying to recall some Russian word that is useful for the few that had learned. It was impossible. Was with women. - Are you ... you speak English? Billie asked with a gasp. S oy-American, "said the woman, from Texas ...

Billie closed his eyes with a look of relief. "T hank God she murmured.She opened eyes. Can you tell me ... Where I am? Did you know? Esu-P oh yes ... you're in the room receipt of any office in which the Soviet Culture Minister receives visitors today. - What you say is American? "Straight from Texas. I'm Mrs. White, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Iga-O Billie whispered briskly, has you need help here. "B ut I do not ... "Began Mrs. White to while he leaned back. Billie gripped by the shoulders. "Do what I say. As I leave here, go to the U.S. Embassy ... the Youngdahl ambassador friend of mine ... tell him I'm here in the Kremlin ... that keep me captive ... tell someone else is impersonating me ... Ms. White was staring open-mouthed and with wide eyes as if he were in presence of a madwoman. And o. .. I ... no ... I do not understand, "said Mrs. White, stammering. Who are you? I ...

Eme-Mír Billie said, returning to her by the shoulders. Do not you recognize me? And o. .. I think so.Are you ... "I'm Billie Bradford. The wife of the president. I am ... - What are you doing here, in this way? "Let me explain. I am ... He heard the creaking of a door of Double sheet. M i-appointment to the minister, "said Mrs. White very excited, trying to rise. The inner door of the offices started to open but not completely and Billie could see the hand of the Secretary that was talking to someone in Russian his office. Terrified, Billie back to avoid being discovered, addressed to Mrs. White a look of appeal, then opened the hallway door, left and closed. He turned to run away and stumbled with two KGB guards. - Do not kill me! She cried, Then, as the world dropped to its

around and grab them ruthlessly, lost consciousness. If it were happening to him, never have thought it could happen. Billie Bradford had again recovered knowledge. She was sitting in a chair in a Hall of the Kremlin. I could not move his arms or legs. She had been strapped into the chair. His arms painfully tied behind the chair, held by the dolls by some wives. He had been tied strongly ankles with a strap or belt. A short distance away, two burly guards KGB uniforms stood beside the phone. One of them was making a call. Their twisted facial features resembled those of a gargoyle. He identified himself as captain Ilya Mirsky, pointed his thumb to his silent partner and he said, Apparently, he was in company with Captain Andrei Dogel. As he spoke rapidly in Russian, her upper lip lifted, revealing a row of teeth with steel sleeves. He listened. And hung the apparatus. Mirsky nodded to his companion and walked to it.

-V eo is awake, "he said, standing beside her. Disconcerted his silver teeth. His breath smelled of onions. My English is not quite correct, but you I understand. Have you tried to escape. Do not reproach. But we have to find out how escaped. Billie sat motionless, terrified by what who had dared to do, for his failure and his powerlessness. Mirsky's face had approached while Dogel watched impassively. -T engo to make certain questions, "said Mirsky. I have to get your answer. And you me answer. Billie did not respond. -Q uestions Mirsky said.I need to check Who ... ... How do you say? who was ... involved ... involved in their flight. We see the floor of the kitchen. We see the map, a good map. Who helped him said the road should follow? Who has been your accomplice? Is there a CIA agent here in the Kremlin? "He paused. Who was your support? Billie shook his head and pursed his lips. Mirsky stood and waited.

"Do not tell us, we're not. We have it, we Come on. She still did not answer. "We know that you're an important person -D ijo Mirsky.We do not care. For us it is negligible. Got it? If you do not provide the Indeed, it's hands. She'll say. Who was your help? -N o one, "she answered defiantly. - Lying! Mirsky shouted, clenching his fists. Their factions had become an expression threatening. Another chance. We are busy. Well ... Who? -N adie "she repeated. - Puta liar! He roared, raising his arm and across his right cheek with the back of the hand. Tormented, choked, gasped Billie said: "No ... do not ... - I say yes, you're going to talk! The rough palms struck him Mirsky this face and then struck her again on the back of the hand, hitting her mouth with his fist. She moaned and was about to fall with the chair. He warned taste Blood on the tongue. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. Through tears, he saw the door open

behind them. She could see Alex Razin. Mirsky had withdrawn his hand to re Razin roared hit when a word in Russian. Mirksy he turned and quickly tightened. Razin came in haste and pushed aside. - What the hell is going on here? Shouted Razin. -H tried to escape, "he said in a tone Mirsky sulkily. We order ... "T he only orders I give Razin I replied.I I am responsible. Nobody else. Let her go. "B ut ... Mirsky, "began in a tone of protest. "I demanded ISTRIBUTION Razin.Shall I Pietrov general call? Take away these bloody wives. Loose. Against her will, the guards of the KGB obeyed. Mirsky stood Billie's back for open the handcuffs. Dogel knelt down to undo the belt knot. Free from its bonds, Billie began to lean forward, but held it before Razin it fell. Over his shoulder, shouted: "Now Disappear from here, fools. "But the commander of the guards

Kremlin ... Mirsky, "began as a protest. - Outta here! Razin bellowed. With all the dignity she could muster, Mirsky and retreated and left Dogel Stay quickly. Alone with Billie, Razin studied his face. She kept his eyes closed. The blood still flowing from his mouth, sliding down his chin. Razin around him one arm back, I placed the other under the knees, rose from his chair and took her to the bedroom. After gently laid her in bed. Considered more carefully his face and shoved his fingers into the mouth to locate the source of bleeding. After have discovered a cut on the inside of the lip, went to the bathroom and took a bottle of alcohol for use as an antiseptic and a box of cotton swabs. He set it all up bedside. Using a cotton swab wet, wiped the blood from his cheeks and chin. Then, lifting partially removed the jacket, unbuttoned her blouse and took it off, wiping the blood that stained his throat and chest up bra. Then he sat up in bed and

Billie moved to supporting the head of this on their knees. Find new cutting lip and staunch the hemorrhage with a cotton swab. Finally, alcohol applied to the wound. Placing an arm under his head, began Razin to hug forward and backward. Her eyes opened up gradually. "A h and you're right, Billie," said he. "Thank you. When they caught me, was so scared. Hurt me ... "And all over, Billie.No longer do harm. I will not let. It has nothing to fear from now. My word. She extended her arms and threw them clinging to him. "E s very kind of you.Without you, I do not know what to happen to me "He moved closer and was compressed against chest. I almost escaped ... but figured out. -L or I heard, "he said.I came right away. Nobody hurt again. - You promise?

"I promise. Billie's hands sought the head of Razin's drew down and dominated by a sense of gratitude and relief, she squeezed the bruised Razin lips against it and began kissing stroking her bare shoulders. Because of his loneliness, his fear and gratitude, she reacted to her tenderness, touching his face and stroking. He pulled her close as her fingers slid down her back. A finger touched the bracket bra and let go. The bra came loose and he would separate medium. The growing curve of a soft heart white with large pink nipple was circular fully exposed. "T and I," he muttered Billie from the depths of his throat. He bowed his head, looking for the nipple with his tongue. "O h, no she wailed, hugging him harder.Him need you, Alex, I need you, but please ... The nipple had turned into a corner and he covered her with his mouth as he slid his free hand to her waist, located the zipper of her skirt and opened. Now her toes were touching the waistband

elastic of her panties and were laying down. Billie began to gasp when she noticed that the fingers brushed her pubic hair. Just then recovered trial, left him, trying to sit, and you grabbed her arm in an attempt to remove him. "No, Alex, please do not.I've never done. I can not. Alex's arm froze and stared at it searchingly into his eyes. "L or'm serious," she muttered.I can not. I am very grateful, but do not continue. Slowly, he withdrew his hand. "Sorry," he said. "You know how much I appreciate him," she hastened to say she said. But then ... "No worry" he said, turning away from her and rising. I'll see that never again threatening. There was an error. It is likely that the KGB officer in the Kremlin was not aware that you are a special case and that we are the only handling the matter. Can I prepare a drink? -N o.

"Then I will see the Kremlin official. Before leave, again to make sure it's fine. "T hank you, Alex. Once he had gone, Billie was half sat against the headboard of the bed, trying to understand what had happened between Alex and herself. It looked at her blouse unbuttoned, loose bra and skirt open. How was it possible to get this far? No, it was not sexual appetite, bodily appetite, to Although, for a few moments hated, had left drag. The cause could only have been the fact that she owed him a favor, a favor and I wanted to pay him and keep his readiness to encouragement. Finally, after all, had risked his life, helping them in their attempt to escape. A few minutes, had prevented the beaten and tortured. He was only his only ally in this awful place. He was in his debt. I had wanted to give something to Instead, show her affection. And, in doing so, he had misunderstood his gesture. Being a man, a human being had ever loved entirely. Was understandable. In short, she had lost control and also did not want to disappoint. But in the end, was unable to give herself to him. He had

been quite impossible. He thought about Alex Razin. He was a man honest. That much was certain. It had set by force, had not compelled to submit. Precisely at that time was with the commander of the Kremlin to ensure its integrity physics. Once would have ordered no one again harm. Suddenly, another idea emerged at the surface. Who Razin was to go to a duty officer in the Kremlin and giving an order? Who was Razin for cancel orders that were given to guards KGB that were subjected to penalty? "Q Razin said the EU had left the room? You are a special case ... we are the only handling the matter. We,

"Pietrov and him? But he was a general Pietrov, Director KGB throughout the Soviet Union. Razin was no more that a civilian interpreter. What was it which gave Razin such power? Q ho "was it really?

His eyes rested on the sport coat Razin, hanging over the back of a chair. Before go to the bathroom to go in search of alcohol and cotton he had taken off his jacket. Only recently while, when he had left to go to the commander of the Kremlin, had left his jacket and had gone in shirt sleeves. Back soon to pick up the jacket and make sure she was well. For now, there was the jacket. Maybe take the key to his identity. He got out of bed, noting that the mandible and his cheek pressed and gripped the waistband of her skirt before deque it will hit the ground. Zipped, was placed on the cup of her bra and bare breast bracket closed back. Thoughtfully, it is blouse buttoned and tucked inside the folds the skirt, all without taking his eyes off his jacket. Finally he approached the chair and put his hand in a side pocket of his jacket. A comb, a pen, button. Then the other pocket. A packet of cigarettes, a lighter. She opened the side of the jacket. The inside pocket was very bulky. Introduced

and pulled out a worn brown leather wallet. He held in his hand, wondering if he could find out more about him and if he really wanted find out. In currency compartment had rubles higher denomination banknotes. She opened the party containing half dozen laminated cards. He began a. examined. One, two, three, four, all in incomprehensible Cyrillic alphabet. Then a photograph ... Yours! He was amazed. What madness. He brought his eyes to the wallet and the photograph. A his photograph waist, everything was less familiar ... less ... fewer embroidered blouse peasant. She had a blouse like that. The truly struck immediately and made her shiver. That was not her. It was his double, the actress is now Billie was posing for Bradford in London. He studied photography. Besides the strange shirt, that woman was her exact duplicate. And, being the photograph into the Razin's wallet, it was logical that it would. He had recognized early on that he had worked with his double. Was likely to love the dual, or else

So why have his picture taken in the wallet? He thought about the attempt of Razin make love with her ... "Billie would have considered as a substitute for his true love? Considered slower than the three cards remained. Illegible. Only the header of the last I suggested something called card. He tried to remember where had seen this heading, those letters those initials Cyrillic. He recalled his first encounter with Pietrov. He showed him his identity card and told him that the initials were equivalent to the KGB. And in the card portfolio was the Alex Razin same initial. Russian history and guides Nora had provided had enabled him to know his English meaning. Komitiet Gosudarstviennoi Biezopasnosti. B. KG KGB. He had solved the mystery. Alex Razin was a KGB agent with all of the law. The very filthy motherfucker. Hastily closed his wallet and introduced to back into the inside pocket of his blazer. Blindly, he sought a pack of cigarettes, he found,

took out a cigarette, lit it and sat on the edge of bed to think. It was not easy thinking. He was still suffering the purpose of discovering the true identity of Razin. In the end, came the calm and with it all latest developments from confinement began to fit. The reality was very difficult to accept, but the truth of what had happened not could not refuse. So ... Alex Razin, his benefactor, his friend, half-American boy, a friendly and sympathetic interpreter, was a KGB agent as bad as the worst. It had been bumper to Pietrov. He had tried to help her escape. Had protected brutal punishment of the KGB. But it was all a big farce. Billie had seen enough movies and had novels read enough to know the Police attitudes of Good and the bad cop. General Pietrov had performed the role of bad cop. To frighten. Razin originated the role of Police Well. To protect and gain their confidence. The flight had been the climax of the script for I had complete confidence in Razin and soften. But to what purpose?

His mind analyzed the various reasons and stopped in one. If everything else was already clear, the reason was clearer than water. The double Billie London, the Soviet impostor, the second lady, was stuck in a big hurry. Its dual knew everything about it, except one thing, the most important thing. While the KGB had thought that there would be sex during development of the Project Second Lady, there had been no problem. But now that a doctor had said that Billie could resume sexual activity with Andrew in a few days, the Soviet side had been a panic. There was one area about which the KGB knew nothing. The Bradford behavior was in bed for they closed book. Unless the second lady he could communicate what I had to wait for the president on the bed and which, in turn, President expect it, the entire operation would fail. The only hope I had the KGB to find out what was the sexual behavior of Billie Bradford amounted in fact to find out through their own Billie Bradford. And yet, how could entertain the hope to find out through it?

Suddenly, he understood what they estimated do. His face tightened with determination. Never, he said to himself itself, not in a million years, would allow the averiguaran. ¿Com or behaved in bed with Andrew or with another man? Never, never, ever would be able have no idea. That allowed cherish a great hope: that of his double to behave incorrectly in bed, the that Andrew began to suspect his alleged wife, that they tore this truth and denounce all operational KGB. But then, think deeply, his hope faded away. Knowing nothing about the second lady could behave incorrectly. But at the same time, damn it, I could do it well and follow triumphantly forward. The possibilities in both sense were couples. But there were other hope. I had almost forgotten. Now, looking back, his heart was revived. Women squat with whom he had met in that room reception during his attempted escape.

That poor lady and embarrassed White Houston, Texas Women's Museum. Billie him pleaded, perhaps with insufficient clarity, to turn to American ambassador in Moscow and will repeat what she had said. But the question was, would come? It was the last afternoon in Moscow and even was warm and Mrs. Louise White of Houston, Texas, was perspiring because of how much he had gone and activity that had been developing in the During this strange day. She stopped in the street name as Tchaikovsky-what romantic to see the guide again. Yes, the guide reassured, was in the street sought. The direction of the Embassy of the States United Tchaikovsky Street in Moscow was 19 / 23. Noted that their destination could not be far behind. Continued walk. Louise White had more than enough reasons to feel happy, however, was curiously upset. She had moved to the Soviet Union charter a flight with a protective group of

arts had landed in Leningrad. The visit to Ermitage had been a memorable experience. But Visit to places of interest was not the only purpose of the journey of Mrs. White. In fact, had been sent on a mission. The main purpose his trip was a meeting with Minister Culture of the USSR in the Moscow Kremlin. I had to negotiate with him the possibility of obtaining a loan French Impressionist paintings thirty hold the Soviet Union for its exhibition in a major exhibition that the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston led to organize next year. Minister of Culture had been kind and willing and had promised to consult with his superiors and provide a response within a month. The interview, to Louise White, had been fruitful and positive, marred only by the incident had taken place in the reception room of the minister. Upon leaving the Kremlin had decided to forget the encounter with that crazy woman and the unlikely affirmation from it in the sense that it was the First Lady of the United States. Ms. White had met with his group, ready to enjoy

his brief stay in Moscow, but in a way, the visits to places of interest had not attracted his attention. The incident worried the Kremlin. The blond woman who had burst into the room receipt of the minister actually seemed to Billie Bradford. The woman had implored Mrs. White to come to see the U.S. ambassador in his name. It seemed to be desperate. Both if he was crazy or not, that woman's request was noteworthy. Finally, Mrs. White came to the conclusion that, even if it was ridiculous, had to report the incident to the ambassador. After receiving instructions from the Intourist guide about the use of mobile Russians, Louise White had departed from their group. He had looked in the guide phone number of the Embassy. He had found a phone booth and had marked 2520011, after introduce a two kopeks coin in the slot. Al to reply, had asked to speak with the Youngdahl ambassador about an urgent matter. In Instead, they had been in contact with a Embassy official, a Mr. Heller. It had made and insisted again that it

an urgent issue was that I had to argue with Ambassador. Mr. Heller had said that come to see him and he had given instructions the road would have to continue. Five minutes later, Mrs. White came to the United States Embassy. It had been described as a nine-storey building of brick yellowish with windows protected by grilles aluminum and a roof topped by a whole maze of antennas and cables. Again consulted the direction in the guide. There it was. As he walked to the main entrance, one of two armed guards KGB blocked his way. She proudly displayed her U.S. passport. A guard examined photograph of the passport, looked at her and convinced her motioned to pass. At the entrance, a bell rang and understood I was being subjected to an examination by a visual control system. He heard a hollow voice, requesting the name, nationality and subject to the brought. She patiently answered. He was told await. After a minute, maybe two, opened the front door. Ms. White entered. He received a tall,

thin slightly distracted look, clad in a beige suit, which was introduced as Mr. Heller. Available wanted to accompany her to his office, could discuss the "Urgent matter." Ms. White was maintained his ground firmly. -H e came here to see the ambassador said. Mr. Heller, with expression of one who knows that someone is having the difficult treatment, said with as kindly as possible: -M and fear that, with such short notice, it will be impossible, Mrs. White. The ambassador has Youngdahl all the rest of the afternoon filled with important dates. -E s possible that what I have to tell more important. "B ut it is busy. "I'll wait. "Mrs. White, if I understand the question to me has brought, I'll see that it reaches knowledge of the ambassador. -N o.

"That would give us time to schedule a future appointment with him. -N o. The tug of war ensued, but no Louise White deterred. In her hometown, Ms. White was famous for his indomitable spirit and his strong character. Available they had to sell tickets, if one had to ask a donation to charity, if you wanted a support, provided he gave the task to Mrs. White. For this reason, the Museum of Fine Arts Houston had chosen to come to Moscow and trying to convince the Soviet Minister of Culture so he agreed to lend the paintings. Mr. Heller could not compete. After five minutes, to avoid the confrontation transformed into a heated argument, she gave up. With a sigh, he said that he expected and approached the front desk phone. He spoke someone whispered. He nodded and hung up. M uy-well, Mrs. White, "the official Embassy, coming back to her. Ambassador you will receive. But you can only spend a few

moments. He has another appointment in five minutes. His office is located on ground floor. I accompany you. " In the blink of an eye, Louise White was sitting at the desk of the Ambassador Otis Youngdahl. He was a thin, graying naturally Minnesota. His hands moved nervously and smoothed out some papers on the polished surface of your desk while you ran a Mrs. White smiled and tried to show benevolent. "Well.What I had to tell me, ma'am White? - Are you sure we're alone? I ask She looked around. -P esu clear that we are alone. "No, not. I mean, if there is not in his office listening devices. The ambassador could not help smiling. - Are you asking me if the Soviets have installed listening devices in the room? The I doubt. But you never know from one day to other.

"I n that case, I can not speak with you.It would too dangerous for me. Ambassador realized that this could continue indefinitely and, moreover, felt a certain curiosity about the stupidity that this tourist from Texas considered so serious and secret. He decided to play along. She guessed her thoughts to see that rose sharply. "M u well," he said.We have a room particular, an adjoining room where we usually confidential talks. The ambassador led Mrs. White to a Adjoining room furnished with only a table and half a dozen chairs. As I indicated Mrs White to sit, he said: "T his area is specially protected against penetration of electromagnetic waves. The walls steel are coated with a network of wires Procedure to prevent the passage of signals external radio and unsettle the listening devices, "he sat opposite her. Would you seems now that he can speak? Louise White felt overcome with emotion.

He nodded, pleased. He began by explaining the reason for his presence in Moscow. He spoke to the ambassador of your appointment the culture minister in the Kremlin. Early hours that evening, had gone to the Kremlin to interview the minister. E stab-waiting in the reception room when has happened, "he said. It was incredible. He paused to remember the whole incident. The ambassador urged him to speak. - What is what has been incredible, Mrs. White? Please tell me what happened. "And she sat there alone or, minding my own business, when he burst into the room a young woman blonde, almost breathless. He seemed to be fleeing someone who was looking for a place in which hide. Then I've seen and I have been approached. Me asked whether he was American, if he spoke English. I asked him in perfect English. I told who was there. She grabbed me arm and me pleaded to help her. He said something like: "As I leave here, please contact the Embassy United States. Ambassador Youngdahl is my friend. Tell him to keep me prisoner in the Kremlin. Tell someone is impersonating me. " No

know what to think of it when I have approached the face to face and he said: "Do not you recognize me? '.I've looked and indeed is that it looked like someone whose face I have seen frequently on television and in newspapers. I was said: "I'm Billie Bradford, wife of the president." Before I could ask any questions, I have called for the appointment. Then she turned around and has left the room hurriedly. I did not know what do, but no time to think. Was occupied with the minister. Later, I returned to together with my group. But the more I thought of her, the more I became convinced of her resemblance to Mrs. Bradford. After a few hours, I arrived at the conclusion that my duty was to inform you of incident. And here I am. Ambassador Youngdahl was silent for a moment, had looked at her as a person I had come from the street to tell him he had just see the crew of a UFO. Now that the story was revealed, it will never looked more incredible and Mrs. White restless removed under Ambassador stare.

-B ien, Ms. White said the ambassador, "do not know what to think of it. When has taken place ... the encounter with this girl? Shortly before two o'clock this afternoon. - And you would have thought it the first lady? -E lla me that it was not. "Well, of course, anyone could say that for a joke, unless it were of a mentally unbalanced. -C IERTES.But I must admit that resembled Mrs. Bradford. Ambassador leaned back in his seat. - Have you experienced Mrs. Bradford ... or has seen in person? -Sun or through TV. "Mrs. White I was appalled. I know all this seems a extravagance, Mr. Ambassador. I, too, has similarity of time. But there she was. " The ambassador nodded, still her. S ord-White, I have a question personally, if I may. Have you eaten any medication during the trip? - What do you mean?

"Well, some medicine for those that alter the mood. -P esu course not. - Have lunch before going to the Kremlin? "Our group has had lunch ... yes ... - Have they served drinks? Ms. White was offended and straightened in his seat. "Mr. Ambassador, was perfectly serene when I've gone to the Kremlin, as I'm in these moments. I am here only as a citizen U.S., fulfilling my duty. " Do not should have informed him of it? -O h, you made what was, certainly, "the Ambassador scratched his head thoughtfully and air sat in the chair. Mrs. White, I can only say something. The first lady of the States America is in London with the president. Yesterday I greeted it. I could not have moved to Of Moscow overnight without my knowing ... -S ord ambassador, "said Mrs. White, interrupting him, I do not know what else to say. This woman told me that there were a prisoner. He said another person was posing for her. Me said he did know you. I have done what

had to do and nothing more. "And he did very well indeed," said the ambassador, forcing a slight smile. It is without certainly a strange story, "he said, rising. There Mrs White took her elbow and was escorted from a safe room for return to his office. I assure you it will investigate the matter further. I appreciate that I have informed of it-at the door, called Ambassador his secretary, "You can accompany Mrs. White to departure. As he turned to leave, to Louise White not missed the look that is exchanged the ambassador and the secretary. Both were saying each other: the tourist season is the season of Stooges. Became angry, but once on the street, proud of their diligence. Then he asked who would be really that poor lady from the Kremlin and what had happened. The staff work area Bradford chairman Claridges Hotel in London consisted of a connected with its broad suite suite including through a small hall. The working area was

subdivided into a circle of desks surrounding a converted into a more spacious area office president. The most significant of those offices satellite was used by the Secretariat of the President Dolores Martin, with a door to the corridor hotel, leading to another private office president and a third that gave access to the other rooms of the presidential team members. Now, late in the afternoon, the only occupant of whole complex was Nora Judson. Since the president had ordered his secretary took notes during a meeting that was taking place down the hall in a suite transformed into a conference room, Nora Judson had agreed to replace Dolores Martin for a few hours before going to dinner with Guy Parker. Nora was sitting beside the desk of Dolores, trying to concentrate on the draft final program for the President's wife morning, while thinking of Guy Parker and the they shared deep suspicions in secret Billie about Bradford. As he tried to pay attention to

Billie program, Nora heard the unmistakable sound of special telephone device test president listening in the office next door. Most likely was that it was a call from abroad. Nora rose quickly, ran across the door address the president's desk and picked up the white appliance. - Hello?Bradford office of president. - Billie? "Said the voice on the other end of the line. Here Otis from Moscow. Nora realized it was the ambassador Otis Youngdahly hastened to say: -No, Mr. Ambassador, speaks Secretary of release of Mrs. Bradford, Judson Nora. -A h, Nora, fine, how are you? "Okay, thanks. ... Can? "Actually, Nora, calling President. Is here? -L or'm sorry, Mr. Ambassador.It met its collaborators. If it's important, I can pass your call. "No need," the ambassador said Youngdahl. I was sitting here after a long day, feet on the desk, resting while I was taking a

drink. I just wanted a chat with him if was free. I wanted to ask why this was the summit. But I can call again. -L to summit did not officially started yet. The first session officially starts tomorrow morning. But I will tell the president that has been called. "T hank you, Nora, thank you.By the way, is by Billie here, by chance? -L or feel, but also has left.She is attending a reception at Boende Embassy. -B ueno, no matter, "said the ambassador.Wanted tell just a fun thing that has happened today, anything related to his name he would be very funny. Hell, I can tell you for you I tell her when I return. Tell that to laugh a little. EndRead T-pleasure. The ambassador laughed over the phone. Billie "Tell that, whether he knows it or not, now is in Moscow and not in London. Today I had cornered a tourist Houston U.S. I do not remember his name, but I was mad as a cowbell, and has given me the can,

assuring that he had seen Billie Bradford this Later in the Kremlin. The ambassador began to laugh and told the story of American tourist about the woman who had addressed, claiming to be the first lady, insisting it was being held prisoner by the yen Soviet another person was posing for her. With the phone to his ear, Nora paled while listening to the ambassador with petrified fascination. Although they need not meet until the time dinner, Nora Guy Parker had located and had implored her to join her for a bit before a few drinks. Now they were sitting together in a remote corner of the room while Parker took the Claridges their first drink, listening to every word that Nora was saying. Nora had repeated what Ambassador Youngdahl told him about the gathering of the tourist U.S. in the Kremlin with a woman who claimed to be Billie Bradford. Nora was about to finish his story and spoke quietly and with great vehemence. -E ntonces the woman claiming to be Billie said

another person was posing for her and has fled away. - Another person who was posing for the first lady? "Having said these words? S-ccording to the ambassador Youngdahl, yes. - And the woman claiming to be Billie has said that the kept prisoner in the Kremlin? E-xact. - Have you taken seriously ambassador? Sk-Parker, ingesting a sip of whiskey. -D and no way, "said Nora.He has like funny. Told me laughing. - How did you react you what he told you? - How might we react? Finally, I have endeavored for laughing with him. What else could I do? - Do you intend to refer the story to our first lady here? "No I'm sure.First, I want to see how he reacts. Then again, I will not put it in Guard in any way. What do you think, Guy? Should I tell our Billie? -No, do not.My gut tells me it is better forget it. -D and agreement.

- What do you think seriously about all this? Asked Parker, staring at Nora. -M and shudder at the thought. Parker fiddled with the glass. "Indeed, the ambassador could be right. The Mrs. Texas could be one of many tourists that is constantly wacky. It is possible that the incident occurred. Or, if you have occurred, the woman who has claimed to be Billie could be another crazy, be out of his wits. Moreover, taking into account our own fears, if it true, it certainly would explain a lot. "M any things," agreed Nora.But, Guy, how can that be true? I accept that Billie from here has been subjected to brainwashing. But the Billie from here is an impostor seems to me nonsense. How dare the Russians might have to do such a thing? I do not know, I can not imagine having similar even thought possible. "G ot right," said Parker.It seems preposterous. But anything is possible. Especially in light of other evidence we have. This confirmed our suspicions.

Had drained their glasses and Parker ordered another round. Guy, "Nora said, peering into the disturbed face Parker said, "what can we do? I see ... "W e can tell the president" he said in a tone categorical. - "The president? "Nora was entirely skeptically. "Going to him and expose the facts without more? "Without any proof? I would say it is a hoax. Think we're crazy. We would miss here or we locked up in the madhouse. "Y ou may do.Maybe not. Depends. What if it turns out that the president also has been hosting some suspicions regarding Billie? That would serve him help and he would guard. G uy, you can not prove anything, not a damn thing. Instead, he is sure to have your hand to your dear Billie and perhaps have. If we say that and he did not harbors no jealousy, lose all our credibility and confidence. And if she told Billie, chatting with her before bedtime, whether it is

Billie and if not, I would fire immediately. And you too. And we would be out of it. Ueno-B, then, what you suggest we do? Sk-Parker.What do we do? "No we do nothing," said Nora.Shall watch while we can. We will await an opportunity, another bug more important. We will await the occurrence of a fact. Parker took the new glass of whiskey and drank with pensive. He understood what he was penetrating his imagination. So far, he had been denied entry. It was a disturbing desire to participate almost any how a system of government that had learned to respect and influence in which I wanted to improve it. There been one factor that led him to Bradford incorporated into the team, becoming one of his speechwriters. Had departed the center of the action when he had agreed to Billie become a collaborator. He had left subjugated by the money and the charm of Billie. But was feeling drawn to the center again. By coincidence, or perhaps not by chance but through their

keen sense of observation, he had discovered something perhaps capable of becoming a menace to system of life which he appreciated. Only he could wake the sleeping giant. Although he could not improve system, perhaps he alone could help conserve best part of it. He knew he could make those ideas. Would have seemed a page out of Boy Scout manual. He would have seemed including Nora. The older men were not thinking or not spoke well. She looked at Nora. What was it? Not do anything ... wait for an opportunity ... To wait an actual event occurs. -L to watchful waiting is too passive Me, Nora, "he said. I think I'll do more than that. I think I will tread on the heels of Billie our. Wherever he goes from here, I will continue to close. I'll continue as a guilty conscience. -N or know.If you get too close, you may be injure. "And if I come," said Parker, you may hurt us all.

8 The appearance of Billie Bradford, or who did Billie Bradford pass, emerging from elevator out to the lobby of Claridges, was unexpected and caught a Guy Parker by surprise. It was early afternoon the next day and Parker had left her an hour ago claustrophobic room to sit in the lobby, take a look at the papers, re-read part of their research, maybe go for a walk and take the time between one o'clock and four who had an appointment for a session with Billie. He had spent the morning preparing to make what Nora had said he had to do: monitor close to the first lady allegedly false. There rented a car, a luxurious dark blue Jaguar, fast and manageable, can be helpful in urban traffic and the road, once he had become accustomed to the driving on the left. Had given a generous tip to one of the superintendents of the top hat Claridges to reserve a place for him car park opposite the main entrance to the street

Brook. Then he had gone in search of Nora to find the program in the afternoon of the first lady and had been disappointed to learn that Billie did not going anywhere that evening and not see anyone before his meeting with him at four. Then, given the president was going to be busy, Billie attend the representation of a musical comedy company Heaton Penelope, the wife of Prime Minister British and then the two would dine together with their escorts in Mirabelle Curzon Street. Wherever you go that night Billie Parker I knew he was going to monitor. Meanwhile, there was find anything to fill the boring hours lay ahead until it was time to meet with her. Therefore, was resting and reading the hall where he raised his eyes and saw her leave the lift. It was a real surprise to see Billie Bradford own without the escort service operators security. He wondered how he would have achieved and then realized that he could do and that in Actually, she had done very easily. Crossing part of the suites on the first floor, communicated each other, men could avoid service security standing guard in the corridor, climb the

second floor and take the elevator down there. It was clear he did not want to be recognized or disturbed. He had hair that was concealed its main distinguishing feature on the inside of a round felt hat with wide brim. Huge sunglasses Smoked covered her upper face and bottom was half hidden by the collar turned up a linen jacket. That could fool camouflage some people. But Guy Parker cheated. Hastily, he kept his notes research in a portfolio, rose and, trying maintain a certain distance, continued to Brook Street. As she approached the clerk, he spent his and hurried back to the street corner Davies and crossed to the other sidewalk next to that his car was parked. He was driving the Jaguar, emerging from the parking space when he saw a glimpse of her legs disappearing into the back of a taxi. Gradually, the taxi started moving, Parker impatiently waited for another vehicle then stand between them and began following the taxi. The taxi turned right, heading Bond Street

again turn right onto Bruton Street and soon emerged into Berkeley Square. Parker had no not the remotest idea where it would be heading, if well, judging by the way he was following, seemed that their objective was somewhere in the West End. He had great difficulty following through Fitzmaurice Place, Curzon Street, which will separate raised the lights. Twice he had seen forced to skip the red light to not lose sight of the taxi. By the way, saw the posters of the Evening News and Evening Standard with a flashy headlines concerning the opening of the summit American-Soviet. The summit conference that had met morning in the Soviet Embassy. Parker had heard the preliminary report of the first session, provided the lunch for the Secretary of presidential press Tim Hibberd. President Bradford had outlined a mutual covenant not to intervention: the United States and the Soviet Union, should not send troops, advisers and weapons to nation African one. The prime minister had Kirechenko

replicated with another version of the pact. In principle, had agreed in connection with the proposed not to send troops to any African country by neither of the two great powers. However, had objected to restrictions on the export of weapons. She had insisted that some nations African weapons needed to defend against attacks more aggressive neighbors. Neither parties had referred Boende explicitly. Parker believes the Soviet position seemed be expected. But the expectations were, how Why? There was a ridiculous response. If you Billie Bradford was not what appeared to be, if -Incredibly-a fake Soviet Kirechenko had good reason to try to gain time. He could be waiting for information about the plans secrets of the president by first lady Russian-made or from a real Billie Bradford subjected to brainwashing. The boldness of like operation on the Russian side gave him a implausible character. Looking over the wheel of his Jaguar Parker noted that the taxi veered right of Piccadilly towards Hyde Park Corner and continued

advancing along Grosvenor Crescent. The vehicle interposed between them and Parker had been diverted be careful not to get too close to taxi first lady. Another round passing a park and found particularly in Belgrave Square. The taxi slowly circled the island for pedestrians and Parker, doggedly following him, also slowed the underway. The taxi in for a two-way street Motcomb called, and one third of the way, Parker could see that the taxi driver pointed to the entrance of a arcade in which Haikin Arcade label could be read and that the first lady nodded. Since, at Apparently, there was too much traffic for her to would alight in the middle of the street, the driver continued wing forward and then turned left to go into Kinnerton the perpendicular street, approached the curb the left and stopped. Parker walked, trying move the greatest distance to the taxi overtook him

Fifty feet and approached the curb. He turned the Jaguar engine and turned to look. He could see the first lady paid the taxi driver and career motioned to stay with the change. When she opened the rear door and down Billie to the sidewalk, Parker kept the car keys in the pocket and opened the door. She was addressing the corner to return to the streets and now Motcomb was waiting to cross the street. Parker began follow it and, seeing that she looked around, it turned his back, pretending to look at the window of in which a store sign that read HARDWARE FOR QUALITY. Returning to look in your direction, saw across the street. He followed quickly. From the corner, saw his way to the entrance to the arcade. Dodging traffic while crossed to the other side, wondered where it would directing at the luxurious Belgrave area. He saw disappear into the arcade and quickened his pace before losing sight altogether. Upon reaching the Haikin Arcade entrance, looked inside the they could be elegant flower shops wooden square on the outside and white lamps glass on top to provide lighting. Billie discovered half way, just in

the time it stopped. The door was open a shop and enter. Once was out of sight, came hastily in the arch had to see where gone. Approaching the shop where I had seen enter, proceed carefully. He should not be seen by she. If she saw him, I could not give no explanation. In the end, could see the lavish entrance to the establishment, with its window framed in gold. It exhibited a gauzy dress pale blue night. Above the window, on a background of black onyx, gold letters read: LONDON Ladbury. He stared at the entrance of the shop. Ladbury. Ladbury had seen the previous week in the House When the designer white Englishman and his assistant had come to make delivery of the new costumes for Billie and making the final tests and modifications. Q hat "Billie was doing to him now?Why had come to see him so secretly? While making guesses about that poaching visit, Parker quickly resumed his way, briefly distinguishing the back of the head

Billie through the glass window. He went rushed to the other end of the arch is stood behind a column cream and prepared to guard, guarding the entrance to the establishment by Ladbury. Inside the fashion store, Ladbury, with its straw-colored bangs his bow tie, his suit cotton and gray suede shoes, stepped forward to Vera Vavilova concerned with gesture, accompanying his office in the back. Once inside, closed the door. After taking two seats, not Ladbury hide his displeasure. Abe-S that has not had to come, "he said, Unless ... "Unless there were a situation emergency, "she said, interrupting him. Good, therefore occurred. - How'd you get away?Will accompany the stupid security service? -P esu course not.I gave them the slip. I gone through to get to the office suites Tim Hibberd, I come to another hallway and I uploaded the second

to take the elevator floor. It has been difficult. - Are you sure no one knows you're here? -C OMPREHENSIVE safe.Do not be nervous and attention, please. I am in a terrible trouble and need your assistance. E-stoy here for help.Tell me what it is. T-president was to renew ties sex with your wife tomorrow, tomorrow night. "Yes, I know. "Well, This morning I said no want to wait that long. They can go to hell the doctor's orders, told me. It is certain that I meeting resumed. You want to start lying me tonight. - Have you tried to reject? - Have you ever tried arguing with a upright member? With all the kindness that I could, I tried to say we should expect another day. I could not convince him. And finally, I capitulated. I said okay, that I too could wait no longer. And has left smiling. -C onque going to be tonight, eh? The lean face seemed Ladbury

suddenly wilted. "And the worst is ... I think that is willing to reveal the whole affair ... its plans for Boende ... once we have maintained relations sex. I've been trying to get information above. No luck. But tonight, when we're lying, I am sure that appear willing to talk. This morning I said: "When you're more relaxed tonight, I will put you about current politics. " 'More relaxed' is the euphemistic expression that he uses to refer to the consummation of sexual intercourse. If you would result would have in my possession all you need Prime Minister-Vera paused. But most likely not to succeed. I still do not know or a damn thing about what he expected of me in bed. One false move and he will realize that no I act as his good wife always. I do not know what will happen. If it begins to be suspicious ... -V was, please calm down. - I can not! What have been doing those Moscow idiot all this time? Why not can you give me a solution? Now we are almost time is up. Unless I get something, I can not

pass the test, I can not. Do what will you say? -S and I'll tell Ladbury said, rising.Stay quiet. Hold on. Either I or another person shall contact with you tonight, I promise. Now I to ask for a taxi. " Guy Parker had recently returned to Claridges Billie Bradford after he returned to the hotel, after unscheduled visit to the establishment of Ladbury. It had gone to his bedroom to collect the recorder and later had come to your appointment work with the first lady. Now, seated with first lady in the room the Royal Suite of Claridges, the tape between both noted that Parker had been fifty minutes discussing Billie's first year at the House White. He had thought about these questions and was preparing to make the first one when he heard that opened the door of the suite. President Andrew Bradford, handsome, solid, imperturbable, entered the room coming from hall, lost in thought. He removed his rimmed glasses, put them in your pocket top jacket and headed for the makeshift bar.

-H ello, Andrew, "said Billie. "Oh, hi, honey." Hello, Guy. He spent long to get to the bar and, approaching them, Billie gave a light kiss on the cheek. -L lay early, "she said.What have been things with the Soviets? -T to as expected, "he answered. Kirechenko has been kind, but soon we collided. It will not be easy. " Still, I think that managed to impose our treaty. I have attended subsequent discussions of our team, but I concluded that he was tired, "she smiled at his wife. I've left discussion. I preferred to spend time with my wife and some rest before dinner. Super-Q, "Billie hat. President loosened his tie. - What are you telling me?"Have you had a day hectic? Did you go anywhere? Did you see anything? -L catkin seem boring, Andrew, but I Billie replied done nothing. I've spent all day enclosed. I have not set foot in the street was re look at Parker. I think that is enough for today, Guy. Greetings, You probably see you tomorrow. Please

contact Nora. Parker picked up the tape hastily, muttered a few goodbyes and left the suite. Want to see Nora. He spoke to her room, knocked and announced. The muffled voice Nora welcomed. Parker entered. She was writing letters in an extended French writing desk. He pointed out the tray of bottles. Drink? "I feel like much," she said, laying her pen. Apparently, the only thing made here is drinking. "Y ou may have our good reasons," said he forsook the top of the TV tape. She observed while preparing the drinks. Have there been any news, Guy? "Anything," he said. He placed a front glass Nora took a sip of her drink, set down the glass and approached the tape. He pushed the button back and waited a moment, pressed the stop button and clicked the startup and listened. Manipulated again briefly apparatus to locate the part that interested. I was working with Billie, "he said when the president entered. I had the tape in place and it has continued to operate.

Want to hear an enlightening dialogue? Pay attention. Parker once again pushed the start button up and raised the volume. The tape began to turn. Voice President: "You've had a busy day? Did you go somewhere? Have you seen anything? ". Voice of the first Lady: "I regret seem boring, Andrew, but not I have done nothing. I've spent all day locked up. No I set foot on the streets. " Parker turned off the machine and looked at Nora. - How about that? Nora was taken aback by the question. - What's wrong? He's been here all day. I program had nothing for her. -A h, right?Well, yes it was something scheduled. I was in the lobby this early afternoon and I've seen out surreptitiously. - Are you sure? Nora asked, sitting in his seat. -C OMPREHENSIVE secure. - "Alone or with the security service agents? "No one. Billie alone. And no car. It took taxi. -Q strange hat.Do you know where was I?

"I've followed. Ladbury has gone to London. - Does your designer?It is the designer, but it was not no reason to see him now. Last week Washington was in the dressing room to ask a final test. When we got to London, the apparel and I was waiting here at the hotel. Why would I want see now? - "Why would I want him now in secret you mean? "Yes, I suppose.Nonsense. "It makes good sense if it is not the first lady and needs to communicate with a touch Soviet. - Are you saying that Ladbury could be a contact? - Why not?I have used before people alike. Nora, I find out about This Mr. Ladbury. - How? "Enlisting the help of the president. - You really are what you say? Asked Nora, frowning. "E s necessary.

I do not know, Guy. What I do know is that I have a doubt. - What is it? "If our lady is not the first lady, what like seeing one of their agents? What is your problem? -T his, my dear Nora, is the big question. It was early hours of the night in Moscow and Billie Bradford, walking up and down her bedroom, was still thinking about matter. The previous night had been thinking about all details until sleep had overcome. There thought about it until the moment of awakening and had continued thinking about it in the shower, while breakfast and all evening. No appetite for dinner, had continued thinking about it for a slight snack consisting of tea, and cookies. Of course, Alex Razin was the key person their thoughts. A glance at the clock reminded him that he would within approximately fifteen minutes. Its obligatory visit, a visit that had entrusted. But with a difference. This time he was to visit in the afternoon but not at night. Billie was

sure it had a meaning. At first, I used to wait welcomes your views. I thought he wished to gain their friendship and console. But now he knew he belonged, without the slightest doubt in the KGB who was an enemy agent and his mission was to befriend them, apart and their confidence. Now clearly understood purpose. I wanted use it ... to help second Andrew lady and destroy. Razin ... good heavens, how I hated him since had learned the truth about him. I did not want never see that son of a bitch, to that filthy traitor to that nasty KGB agent. But if I had to him, was glad it was tonight and not by the evening. The afternoon had needed to decide what posture was taken, to determine what attitude would follow. with him. I was about to take a decision, but had not yet fully mature. He still had ten minutes to decide. He went to the hall, prepared with water and cognac revised again the subject of internal discussion. To consider all aspects, rather, the two facets of the case and reach a final decision.

Sitting on a sofa arm, taking the cognac, reflected on the main question for both the KGB and for her, namely the question about needed a response. Since Andrew, his husband went to bed and make love to a impostor tomorrow night, how was the impostor able to act and behave without running the risk of being discovered? Before Billie could think of the answer, an image distracted. The image of her husband Andrew, naked tomorrow night, lying next to each other woman, also naked, lying on a double theirs: the image was too disturbing for him to continue watching her. Making an effort, tried to erase her from his thoughts. In the final analysis, Andrew was unaware of the deception which had been and did not realize what he was doing. All could be considered simply an exercise in acrobatics without the slightest significance. The most important in those fleeting minutes was its own role and its own

survival. Obviously, the Soviets were desperate. Had to figure out how early should behave the impostor with Andrew the next day. If the imposter was acting in obedience to his instinct and such Andrew as expected, won the gratitude and trust it. And no doubt get to know the big secret was looking for. Billie knew that Andrew, when he was relaxed and sexually satisfied, said she almost always with their presidential concerns. Feeling more intimately connected to its companion, it would reveal a their concerns regarding the summit. The day following the impostor would transmit the information to their Soviet superiors and they, in turn, could rise with the victory at the summit. Moreover, it was also the possibility, the ún ica possibility that the Soviets feared-that the impostor mistaken behavior in bed. In Should this occur, Andrew comprise Billie immediately that Billie was not their. Andrew was a creature of routine, both in bed and outside it, and immediately sensed

changes. If anything was amiss, if anyone react unexpectedly, this led him always wonder and inquire. A wife who is an unusual sexual behavior arouse surely his suspicions. This may lead the discovery of the machinations of the KGB. The Soviets had therefore a fifty cent chance that the impostor will catch on behavior. Intuition told him that, having gone so far as the Soviets were going to play it all a fifty percent risk. The impostor should be prepared. The Soviets needed to the odds were one hundred percent in your favor. And what role she played, the real Billie Bradford, in all this? Only she had all the information they needed. And they needed had to get it tonight to use it tomorrow. How would they try obtaining from him such information? It was possible that Razin instead of the KGB sent tonight to some of his goons to torture in order to wrest the truth. But he doubted such a thing occurred. Could also send some stranger who raped her.

He also doubted it because it would provide only a distorted picture of their behavior. Or, in Ultimately, "perhaps sent to Razin fulfill its mission, playing with his fear and loneliness to seduce her as she had been about to make yesterday? This was probably what would happen. Assuming the mission consisted of Razin seduce, how should she react? "Resist or succumb? What would be the best option in their fight for survival? The dilemma appeared balanced in its mind, replied, without answering the night prev. Now that he had only a few minutes, I had to choose. I could not continue to maintain a ambiguous position. Resist. If we refused to sleep with Razin, if you rejected the KGB never find out the truth. They should Razin ordering or anyone else the violated or would simply coldly tortured. In either cases. would experience fear and suffer pain, but would have the satisfaction of knowing that they still did not know the truth.

Succumbing. Emerge intact, but not mentally. It was the fastest path to survival, but they would have a rough understanding of its behavior in bed, would have information for the imposter and could achieve victory. However, occurred to him that it did not have to be inevitably so. His submission to them could also lead to a terrible defeat. Yes, you could do what they wanted and at the same time, make his victory in defeat increasing their own chances of survival. He realized that, in submission, you offered another option. If he slept with Razin, would be a voluntary act that would control in the totally situation. Could control the investigation of Razin and to mislead, conduct contrary to its normal behavior in bed. Could induce to Razin misleading for it, in turn, misleads the second lady, which thus arouse the Andrew misgivings. It was. Very simple. An opportunity to help yourself and help your husband. But so simple. One thing that marred it all. The

made to allow another man to penetrate, abused her and humiliated. Not once in his marriage she had been unfaithful to Andrew or dreamed to sleep with each other. Only twice before his marriage, had held a brief and Immature relationships with men. Make love calculation with an unknown barbarian was not part of their nature. And the worst part was that the man who was about to arrive, an enemy that had given a mission of destruction, was a subject to he despised. He was an enemy of his mind. Was a enemy of his body. He was an enemy of her husband, his country of all the ideals she cherished. And yet But just as he had exceeded his anger at the picture of her husband lying morning another woman, realizing that he was going to be a victim of a hoax and that the act would not be more than a mere exercise, could now understand that violation of its by Razin body could also be reduced to a mere physical exercise. A sexual act without love did not violate

neither the body nor the spirit. The most important thing was that provided that you act to reach half its husband. Through the use of an impostor, Razin would be the only conduit through which could Andrew send a message, a warning signal and a warning. "Q hat to do?"Resist or subject? Lost in thought, he approached the wet bar, prepared a second brandy with water and went into the bedroom, slowly drinking. But when arrived at the foot of the bed, I had decided. He knew what I had to do. From that moment, stopped thinking about the dilemma. He had taken a decision and all that had to do was to act accordingly. Casting glanced at the clock began to remove their clothing, garment to pledge, to be totally naked. Barefoot, is went to the bathroom, opened the shower faucet, regulated in temperate and stood under it, letting the water needles will stimulate the skin. It thoroughly lathered, rinse the foam, closed the tap and out, stepping on the soft carpet

pink. Was observed in the mirror while dry, high breasts, abdomen smooth, gently triangle of pubic hair, generous hips, shapely thighs. Not bad, it was nothing wrong. Once dry, went for the perfume and began behind the ears, between her breasts and hair of pubis. As she did, she thought of protection, some means of contraception. Then became nervous and recalled his dressing-case, which always had point, even when not traveling, to be sure forget nothing. When she and Andrew decided to take a child, had kept the diaphragm in the toiletry bag with regarding any future needs. Was he still there? He sought the needs and, to his amazement, he was there, his cosmetic bag or one exactly like it. The KGB had not forgotten nothing, had reproduced all the effects she was taken to Moscow (probably intended to his return was impeccable when there was the However, if it occurred.) Turned upside down the toilet bag, spilling its contents beside the sink. Apparently, all it contained its original need was also here. " It was more than

amazing. It was terrifying. He refused to speculate about the procedure they would have used the Soviet. He pushed those thoughts from your imagination. Demanded a more immediate concern in priority now. Classifying the different toiletries, found his dear old diaphragm (or his beloved new diaphragm), along with a tube of spermicidal. Prepared with relief the diaphragm and introduced it into the vagina. It looked at the gowns that kept them in a drawer, selected one very steamy white that barely reached the knees and put it on. He went to closet in search of lacy negligee that had worn since he started his captivity and put it on. He turned the switch on the chandelier, put out a lamp lit up and left only the two lamps on either side of the bed. The Double. He threw back the quilt, folded and away to a side. He thought of the thin cloth, pulled it to release and the left foot of bed. He cupped his pillow. Satisfied with his work, took back the cup and

emptied its contents. He was about to go back to the bar of lounge and refilled his glass when he saw Razin on the threshold to the bedroom. Tonight it seemed highest and muscular than she remembered. He wore a brown blazer, a shirt with the collar unbuttoned and beige trousers. Billie watched her smooth black hair, his bushy eyebrows, his prominent nose and thick lips. Her broad shoulders and narrow waist. Never had inspected so closely. The reality of him, plus his recent decision, it was a moment of panic. Would desired revoke his decision, but knew not to. He needed assistance. Another drink. " H-wave, "said Alex.I was waiting for came. "No I would have missed the opportunity to enjoy his company, "he said, removing his jacket and throwing on a chair behind her. "K eep" she said, handing the empty glass. I want another brandy and water. Do not overdo it with water.

-L to go with "he said, taking the cup and contact the salon. -O iga, Alex, "she said from the bedroom, put some music ... high enough for me to hear. As the music began to roar, Billie surveyed the room one last time and after approached the chair. She lay on the same and let that opened the robe and would uncover their short nightdress and part of the thigh meat. He tried not to imagine him naked. I had to think only in their motivation and outcome. The returned to the bedroom with two glasses. He stopped at her. M uy-attractive, "he said.Are you a woman truly beautiful Billie. "E s quite a compliment for his part, Alex. 'Too modest, "he said, handing her the most dark of the two glasses. "W hy you," she said, raising her glass, being and such a wonderful man for saving my life. "W hy you," he said, touching the glass with your

his, for having enriched my life. I ... I feel that it had to happen this way. Razin sat on the floor at his feet. "Even if there had to happen this way D ijo-she, life need not stop, Right? "No, of course. "Therefore, let us live a little. Drink-Billie noted the strong brandy down his throat, spreading behind her breasts, heating and slightly confounding. She looked at him as he drank. He looked surprisingly young. Ate another good sip of brandy and kept his lips glued to glass to hasten their content. Then he rested. - How are you? He asked, staring into her eyes. "Very well, better than never," she said. And you, how are you? - Do you really want to know? He asked, finished his drink. -P esu certainly. "I'm madly in love with you, Billie," said him, putting one hand on his naked thigh. Would give anything for having them. -Y or've also thought about it, "Billie, taking her hand. I understand that yesterday I was a stupid. I also love you. " Much. Let us not lose

more time. Experienced almost a wave of relief. It was already committed. He got up quickly grabbing her hand strength, and helped her out of the meridian. He tried to embrace her, but she slipped away. -No clothing I between us, "she said gasping. I do not want anything between us. I want we are in bed together. Approaching the bed, fell off the robe and dropped to the ground. A point of doing the same with short white nightgown, she stopped and walked slowly half back to wait. He took off his shirt, leaving to discovered his hairy chest muscles bulging. Already had taken off his shoes and socks. He had loosened his belt. And he dropped his pants them away. Tight white shorts she wore. It inclined to take them off and when he stood up again, his free member and began to get erect, pointing to it. Billie tried to avoid looking at him, but failed. He gave a deep disgust

think that it would soon be inside her. The horrible appendix was approaching her. She turned and stood with her back, Lifting arms. -A lex, help me to take that away. Alex's hands took the hem nightgown, lifted him by fast moving Above Billie blond hair flying, and she saw the garment. The hairy arms of Alex passed under his arms and his big hands covered her breasts. I felt like a hot rod, compressing the soft bottom. "Let me heaven help, she thought, feeling momentarily Dam panic and nausea. He released her breasts.His arms were raised in the soil, transported her across the room and the laid in bed. Razin's eyes were fixed upon her nakedness. She would have liked covering your vagina, umbilicus, the nipples, had wanted to hide their nakedness, had desired start over with clothes on and refuse undress, but it was too later. He tried to eyes off him, determined to retain control and

remember what was proposed, the purpose of humiliation she was going to change on its freedom. For a few fleeting moments, welcomed Andrew in his mind, a calm and affectionate lover kissing breasts gently, gently stroking the body, stroking her clitoris, bringing delicately above her to enter between their legs apart. With his lips on her lips as she held her head affectionately with both hands. Its trunk down between their thighs, his erection for the warm opening and slid inside, his regular and measured rush as his own rose hips to keep pace. No other movement, with the exception of those undertaken. And then, every time faster until he experienced orgasm uttering a gasp. Not one word was spoken. She drew him down and his hand and he stroked clitoris and within minutes, she felt a shudder and a sigh. Then both remained lying on his back in silence, recovering, he offered a cigarette, took another for themselves and, gradually, began to speak,

asked how she had time, talking of his own journey, telling of office gossip, speaking of meetings with the cabinet, other meetings, their frustrations, hopes and secrets. In the end, after having finished smoking cigarettes, were fed up with sleeping. All very civilized, comfortable and warm. How she would have desired tonight. He warned that the mattress was sinking to his side and perceived reality of a pile of flesh, then his memory vanished. Reluctantly opened my eyes to look at the stranger. Her heart was beating hastily. It was time to begin. Start what? Begin, how? His pitiful overcame her inexperience. Did collection of all the second-hand knowledge available-seen films, books I had read that she had heard stories, trying angrily to behave like a woman Andrew had ever seen. Arched top of her naked body to him, throwing the shoulders back and approaching the Razin face her firm round breasts with

still large pink nipples flaccid provocatively hot and full of desire. The Razin reaction was instantaneous. His hands captured below the breasts, kissed her mouth and she sucked the nipple to harden first and after did the same with another. She moaned more and more strength and could see her excitement as she folded knees. Razin's mouth left her and it began to move away to their knees. Knew where she was going. Not yet, she told herself, not yet. He grabbed her by the shoulders, digging her nails and pulled hard, trying to bring them back to him. -No, do not ... Waiting, Alex, wait up! He cried. I like to do first that. I love it. I want it She reached out to the swollen member trying to surround it with the fingers while slipped out from under him and pushed against pillow to elevate. He opened his mouth and went to member. That was to be the worst, which had weighed and feared. Fellatio was unknown, it was I had never done anything. There had kissed Andrew

several times, but he did not like. Then I had to do now, to transmit to the impostor his fondness for that act. However, the idea of getting into Appendix mouth a male's repugnant, and therefore more that of a stranger. Yes, it seemed an act dirty humiliating. Maybe someone who is not loved out. But that bastard son of a bitch ... had to do it was absolutely necessary He closed his eyes, opened his mouth and began serving with that last and fatal simulation had been bound. As the minutes passed-minute which became hours, years, centuries., began to feel worse and struggled to suppress a desire to vomit that bathed his forehead with sweat. But thought Andrew and the vital importance of its performance, and applied with renewed impetus. I invented on the fly and letting himself be guided by a sort of blind instinct, moved his lips yielding to a rate that was undoubtedly the right one, since Razin started to move, first gently, then with increasing speed, while introducing her hands in his hair and stroked his head movements increasingly tense. His mouth remained obedient. He was muttering some words in Russian and

saying something in English that sounded like "Well, well good '. Now he had placed her hand on his neck and was moving her head forward and backward. She grasped his hands, pulled her mouth away, choking and coughing and said: "In time, Alex, now, please-was efforts to place the body below that of Razin legs apart everything I could and begging: "V owners, enter ...Let him come in, dear. Oh, I love it. Do it, darling, do ... well ... He was coming closer to completion and was drawing him toward the inside of her thighs. I was wishing it over with. Within a few minutes, everything would be over. But I had to follow acting, performing comedy to perfection. Suddenly, Razin, heeding their pleas and undulating movement of her body, came deeply into it. Billie felt weak under more weight and still under the weight of the images of Andrew began to dance in his head. It was possible what was happening, that a stranger had penetrated well into their bodies and that this would fold

to love beyond gestures of disgust and I experienced fear. He tried to get that sudden flash of lucidity not tarnishing his performance and let his body follow the increasingly hectic pace of the body of Razin. He moved as if connected to a pile of high speed and ferocious violence began to pass it. He tried to grab her arms as her body trembled and his teeth chattered and his head was hit against the headboard of the bed. He tried eyelids briefly noting that the dark face that hung over it was contemplating was looking at his expression and gesture, as if was taking note of their behavior. Holy Heaven, I almost forgot. He was doing it for report to another person. I had almost forgotten project, program. He had to act for him in another so, let him know that his behavior was aggressive nature. I had to get that out of unforgettable everything for him so that he had mind when making your report. He tried to recover the breath. "A lex, Alex ... my goodness, you're destroying. At first he did not answer. Continued his

rush, as if unable to repair in another thing. - Too Strong? He said between gasps. "Q ANT to slow? - No, damn it, harder still! Said she dug her nails into his arms. I love it. Te want to. Do not loosen. Give it harder! With a painful effort, lifted her legs into the air, folded them around his shoulders and crossed his ankles about his neck. This led him to a frenzy Razin, who took multiply-if possible-violence and ardor of their movements. Billie, terrified, had the impression that he was breaking in two and caught him strongly before his brain disintegrated. She struggled to keep the opinion, trying to remember and retrieve your plan. Your plan, your plan. Trick, treating by all possible means to implement whatever concerning which he had read or had spoken. He began to shake and jump immediately to riding that wild stallion, rising and falling with him, dug her nails into his chest, shouting about

swearing that he had never used before. He caught a fleeting smile that was barbaric drawn on their face and then ripped the flesh constantly yelling as he impaled against bedside and was pushing like mad. He counted the seconds, minutes, waiting for him reach orgasm, but it did not happen. Renewed exercises, but the thighs, buttocks and legs did not respond. However, continued efforts to make experience orgasm, shaking your ass, squeezing the thighs, crying and screaming, but it was pushed without reaching a culmination. Then he noticed something strange in it, something that never had noticed a man inside a kind of explosiveness as bad growing inside gradually feeling unintended, unexpected, unknown, the desire that his body burst and burst. He warned that began to drown in a stream, with her vagina geyser about to rising two miles high. Then I understood, certainly understood. Was losing control, was about to experience total liberation. I wished to scream because there wanted to happen for the first time in a sexual act

with that obnoxious boor. And worst, worst, was that this would spoil your plan. I could not organize movements if he took control and that his body would betray her to the monster and surrender. His fingers held to the top the bedside. She bit her lip and implored their senses to be destroyed and not recovered allow your vagina to surrender. He tried not to react. He turned his head on the pillow, trying to take his thoughts of that superb copulation. He was impossible. Their collapse was delicious. It was a few seconds of the full release. Another attitude, another strange and unfamiliar attitude Andrew, it begs itself, that had Razin something new to take note and inform. Could get it before exploding? Lowering the legs, hands extended forward on both sides of that body in perpetual motion, sat upon her hips and began to caress the circularly buttocks and belly, thighs and belly, while the sweat clouded his eyes and arms were shaking. Not knowing exactly what he had done, but what

out I had done well. Because he began to howl in Russian. His thrusts were shortened and became more slower and slower and then revert back to race. Squealed once, twice, blending into a long scream while ceased their movements and stay petrified, screaming and roaring while experienced a prolonged orgasm. Then, as if in slow motion, Razin collapsed and fell like an airship burst. Fascinated, she rolled down her side in bed. He was enjoying his triumph. He had avoided experience orgasm. He had retained control. Now he had to exert more control in the During the final act of her play. Remained calm. He was resting at his side, panting still like an animal. A few minutes, his breathing began to normalize. It up and smiled at him. "H to be good, Billie," he said. "Very good," she said softly. But Alex, still more. I'm here. Please termínamelo. - What do I finish? "I'm almost ready. I want to experience the orgasm. Please ...

- What can I do? She asked him uncertainty. She bent her knees and spread her legs. Extended hands to his neck and pushed her head toward her pubes. Forbes love between her legs.Then I experience orgasms. -A h, how is this so? "He said.You like that? "Always, always ... He moved around her, bowed his head in her legs and began to kiss her with a gentleness and a skill that made her shudder in a kind of electric shock. Had never done anything like that and, for amazement, he was wonderful. Feeling the caress increasingly pressing, his body began to respond and lifted her buttocks and began to move the thighs while trying to suppress a groan. It was agonizing trying to contain ... but why what it contained? Why not give it any satisfaction and any sense of mastery? ... Al Screw that. He allowed a prolonged groan out of her throat, arched back, curved toes, lifted and came down the back,

gave a guttural scream and dissolved into total orgasm. He joined pleased. Trying to find the words, Billie was a speak but failed and then nodded with head to signify his gratitude. "T hanks, Alex," he finally said.It was wonderful. Now turn the music and let me sleep. He turned sideways, put his head on the pillow and squeezed eyelids. She heard him rise from beds, go to the bathroom and back. He pretended to be asleep while he dressed, humming gently a song. After a while, Razin left without saying anything. As he heard the door opening and closing Outdoor, Billie tried to stand up. Gotta leave No bed without difficulty. Ached all muscles of the body. He went stumbling into the room bathroom and soaped and not wash. Back at the bedroom, turned off the lights, disregarded the sleeping pill and went to bed. The bed kept still the heat of their bodies and breathed in the air musky odor of intercourse. It crossed his mind erotic fragments

what had happened. The first lady of the United States. What barbarity. If anyone ever knew home. Was filled with shame because of what had done. It made her feel dirty. And what was worse felt remorse for having enjoyed part. However, their shame and remorse eased by remembering that he had given to that sacrifice to warn its own way to save him and to save herself. Razin, the son of a bitch. Everyone here was bastards. He had given his due. She smiled to herself in the darkness. It imagined the intruder, his double, to the impostor tomorrow night with her husband. I could see the poor Andrew assaulted by a meek and passive wife mad: fellatio, scratches, profanity, legs round their shoulders all the tricks of a home for prostitutes and, eventually inviting him to kiss sex. Night was to be the most surprising of all revolt and Andrew's life. I was wondering imagined the strange woman who was mad as a wildcat that certainly was not his Billie, the wife he had known for seven years.

Knowing him, he knew he would not be satisfied no more. Find out the truth. However the actress who would be another woman, she alone, the Billie Bradford true, he realized he performed the best part of the century. The play of those sons of bitches was about to come to an end. For her, the release was very close. Easily reconcile the dream achieved. An hour later, at his office in the KGB, located in the quiet building of the police, Alex Razin took a notepad and a pen and tried to concentrate on back at work. It was not easy. His mind would not depart from the Billie Bradford bed. Still felt the pleasure of that wonderful sexual encounter. She felt a pleasant sensation. He felt it was back to enjoy Vera. He knew in his heart and his English that does not was quite true. Although comparisons between women were hateful and although Vera had ever ceased to offer leisure, this Billie Bradford had been much better, the best female with whom

never have been lying in his life. A chick fantastic, an aggressive woman and without any inhibition. He was surprised that the president of the United United was not already for the drag. Which reminded him she had slept really with the president's wife U.S.. This was the plan and hope had hosted, but that had happened really was almost overwhelmed. It seemed doubly surprising that what he had considered a political mission had become at the height of all his sex life. He wondered if Billie would be sexually insatiable and would want to do it. Supposed not. Once you could be forgiven as an antidote to his loneliness and how a token of gratitude for his kindness, but two Sometimes I could not justify. That could do Billie Bradford, who was the first lady of the States U.S. and perhaps the world. He made himself the promise not to atosigaría. Besides, now that it had fulfilled its mission, Vera return to his side. He stared at the blank sheet of

pad. Soon he was going to fill with instructions Vera explicit that might follow if this night he slept with the president. Once Vera would have satisfied the president, would most likely that he would speak of their work and their plans secrets. And once he had conveyed the Vera Kirechenko for information, their mission had ended. It would be discreetly changed and sent to Moscow and Billie Bradford would be sent to London. The idea of having to return to Vera in his arms was focus your thoughts on it. At this time, Vera would be terrified. The President had changed the schedule of your wife. Both sex resume tonight instead of tomorrow night. And Vera was not prepared. What relief would experience when receiving its message-decryption with the explicit description of what the president would expect of it. The fact Vera had to do very soon love with Razin presidente provoked a pang of jealousy. Vera was going to give Andrew Bradford a wonderful evening. The idea for its beautiful Vera of the woman who would become his wife, making the

love with another man and giving pleasure to another man, cast a shadow on his own feat of that night. However, it was necessary to be reasonable. The Vera's infidelity, as his own was false and mechanics, was an action carried out in duty. It had to be targeted. If your Vera reached message, if it managed to fool the president, he might raise the Soviet Union with success at the summit. Razin suddenly realized that he was getting late, that time was passing and Vera should be anxiously awaiting your news. He took the black pen to rebuild his night with Billie. Inched closer to the desk chair and noticed I had very tired legs. In fact, his whole body was sated, and retained the heat of those lengthy relationships. He thought he had to stay calm not to forget any detail of the amazing performance of Billie. In fact, he said to himself, details Detailed unimportant. The important was the diversity of performance and general attitude relationship with a lover and what he hoped for. The

Billie general attitude had been that of a woman without inhibitions and sexually aggressive, eager to perform all sorts of variations of sexual intercourse. The analysis I thought was right. At the end of the day, it available evidence firsthand. And yet, something disturbed him. The Billie Bradford had seen this night in bed was in contradiction with the Billie Bradford had met daily in the During the whole week. The soft Billie had known before tonight, with his mop of blond hair, his young face serene and kind manner was not the kind of woman he had met in of bed for less than two hours. Judging from his style and their general conduct out of bed, had have expected anything but a wild nymphomaniac. Indeed, had imagined loving and sympathetic, but with a relatively passive behavior entirely straight. Perhaps leave up to a point, but let your hair down completely. But in his mouth habérsela for First, scratched him, shouting obscenities, having grabbed his testicles and have insisted that

He put his mouth, that had been completely unexpected and unbelievable. Razin dropped his pen and leaned back in his chair to think. It might be unbelievable. Despite the need for haste, he understood you had better hurry slow. There too much at stake for him to commit a mistake. The message was sent to London decide the outcome of the summit ... and the destination Vera. Would have to examine with a more critical behavior of his recent companion bed. "H opening behavior was Billie Bradford during sex with him their sincere behavior usual? Or perhaps it would have been a performance designed to mislead so that he send his double misinformation? Recalled once having read a short novel U.S.: "The Lady or the Tiger?. The hero, a handsome young man, had committed the crime of daring to loving daughter of their king. After commanded to appear in public to be judged, the hero

two doors faced a dilemma. If you opened a door, would emerge a beautiful lady that could possess. If he opened the other would create a ferocious tiger man-eater. Which of the doors open? Razin now faced with a similar dilemma. Women he had slept with him, would he have been a tiger? Or While a lady? When I pressed the button on his sexuality, was it really a wildcat, as were some women, or was precisely what Conversely, a meek and obedient cat tonight was limited simply to be a wildcat? She wondered if she would have really struggled deceive. It had seemed a typical girl U.S., naive and uncomplicated. But understood that it could be something else. Behind this facade, could have a mind more devious, cunning and intriguing. Few were the simpletons who became on first ladies. The ability to use the Moreover, both their own benefit as that of his companions, perhaps it was the common feature of almost All first ladies. Billie was very possible that was able to skillfully use him to destroy

Vera. Razin hesitated. I had to decide. There was margin for error. Overcome with concern, rose and addressed a adjoining office to examine the case by Billie Bradford. He located the folder containing cardboard Information about your sex life. It was a folder very little bulky. Leaning against the cabinet, flipped through the Memorandum of the folder. He had the names of two young people who had had relationships love before I met Senator Bradford. The information was sketchy and did not contain anything about of their sexual behavior with them. They were later notes that he himself had taken in relation to interrogation he had undergone Billie. These showed, according to Billie's statements that its husband acted with great variety in bed. If this is true, Billie had had to assist in those acts, which no doubt confirm the Razin own experiences with her. Moreover, Raines Isobel, sometime lover of the president, contradicted the wife. Raines had Isobel stated that the president was conventional sexual matters. If this is true, it was more likely

Billie had to act conventionally to the president. Which meant that his Tonight's performance was a farce and a lie. Two reports completely contradictory. Razin and closed the file again kept on file. Sadly returned to his desk. He realized that Time was passing and had to take a quick decision. One last look at the activity tonight. Possibility that Billie had behaved with honesty tonight. A Razin had seemed obvious she wanted to have sex and that had been honest about it. He had asked that quickly undressed and had asked that the help to remove her nightgown. None of this seemed have been prepared beforehand. She had provoked and had hosted the games with pleasure preliminary and had reacted as all women he had known. He had insisted on the fellatio as part of those preliminary games he did not expect it was only because the idealized in excess. At that time, the vehement Billie desire to be possessed, taking into account their

excitation, was perfectly normal. She had guided expertly into her pussy. And once you had within it, had reacted and collaborated as would any lover expert. The moisture from your vagina could not be a simulation. Billie had acted in bed less inhibitions and more aggressively than any woman Razin had known that, but this had not known in bed rather than Soviet women and she American era and the representatives of the new breed Americans were famous for their courage in sexual matters. Everything else-her legs around, scratches, bad language, the fact testicles grabbed him, was not in any way unusual, given how well he had screwed and had excited and how much she had benefited. The fact that it had not been cause an orgasm during the act had surprised, but now, remembering it, it seemed less surprising. Despite its boldness, few Americans reached orgasm during intercourse. As a climax, she had asked him to practice the cunnilingus so she could achieve orgasm. He had done and she had experienced orgasm

had been true. Yes, he was a nice compendium heavenly delights. He was sure that Vera could perfectly mimic its behavior. In sum, as a whole and from their point of view as participant's behavior seemed Billie natural, with a truly normal reaction without the slightest hint of suspicious attitude. Reliving emotionally as a whole, Billie behavior Bradford was reliable. But she could be trusted? If the examining more closely, not so much a point of view emotional as intellectual, not as a whole but detail by detail, could one trust her? Possibility that Billie had behaved lost tonight. There had been some studied nuance in every detail, from the beginning to end. The possibility that he acted with fraudulence was based on the premise that out an actress as accomplished as Vera. And why not? As first lady in a White House crystal surrounded by cameras, had to be well versed in the performing arts, in the same way that Jackie Kennedy had learned to play the role of heroin cultural and Betty Ford had learned to play the role

A woman of simple sincerity. Tonight, Billie would have had to arouse his suspicions of entry. He had dressed or undressed-to-interpret seductive role. The robe open and filmy nightgown that had never worn In order to provoke him. He had been too eager to bed with him. If examined while his record, it was evident that she was not easy and that his past was not promiscuity. During foreplay, his efforts to practice fellatio had been rough and typical of an amateur, showing its absolute inexperience. Almost All women who did often goaded the tip of the tongue member, kissed it and the compressed before suck. Billie, probably what to do and had done nothing but clumsily stuffing it into his mouth. Maybe this was their style, perhaps it did in this way with the president. But Razin doubted, doubted she had ever done anything like that with anyone. As for the copula itself, at no time had seen abandoned completely and enjoy. He had

consistently endeavored to make him think and make feel that she was a wild and uninhibited. Is Some women may be devoted to scratching and tear, but thinking about it ever had Razin personally known any to do so as not joking. Billie had played this facet of its performance, to the accompaniment of the unusual swearing, as if this were your usual reaction. Probably also with her husband. Razin it doubted. Some of those qualities Latinas together the vulgarity of language, might result somewhat evident in the course of their daily meetings. He had never observed more hint in this direction. On the way he had grabbed his testicles, Razin had warned that he did with difficulty and awkwardness and I could not imagine doing it with president. Nor could he imagine forcing the president to apply the mouth. Perhaps the hand, but never the mouth. Overall, had been observed throughout the performance

simulations too many highlights, as if that were intended to draw attention to them so be sure to speak Vera. Only one thing was sure. Her orgasm not been simulated. It had been real. But what else? Suspect. The two arguments for or against their sincerity, had been exposed. Now everything was seen for sentencing. Razin closed his eyes and tried to believe. Reopened eyes. He had taken a decision. Quickly took the pen and began writing. The he wrote was to be the stay of execution of Vera ... or his death sentence. Do not hesitate and went writing. 9 That night at the Claridge's of London, Parker was sitting nervously in the office improvised Secretary Dolores Martin, counting minutes until the meeting with President Andrew Bradford. Despite the pleas of Nora in the sense that wait a little longer until I had an more secure, Parker had decided to

below and refer to the president his suspicions. From Secret visit to first lady Ladbury, Parker had been obsessed by this deception. The fact not talk about it more, not to speak of anyone case-to the head of state would be a disservice to its country and its leader. It was not easy an appointment with the president with so little advance. The president was fully occupied until a few minutes before his departure to attend a dinner at nine. But Parker had insisted. "And I know he's very busy," he had said to the Mrs. Martin, but it is a matter of a I need to expose personnel immediately. Is very important for the Summit. I saw him alone this night. Parker's insistence, coupled with her youthful charm, had led finally to Mrs. Martin to shortening the duration of the last meeting, to leave a hole. He was granted ten minutes from time. The device's desktop Mrs. Martin was ringing. She picked up, listened and re-hung. -M u well, Mr. Parker, "he said, he will receive now.

Thank Dan dole, Parker hurried to the office of president. President Bradford, dressed for dinner, sat next to his desk, signing with their initial few documents. Without looking up, said: -S iéntese, Guy.I am with you right away. Parker took a chair, anxiously watched the crown of the head of the president and questioned whether Nora would have been right to advise you to postpone the interview. Perhaps it was appropriate to withdrawn, now that there was still time. But then he saw that it was too late. The President had again left the pen in the cradle, documents had turned aside and was preparing to hear what his visitor had to say. And o. .. I'm sorry to bother this way, "said Parker. "No worry.I have ten minutes, Guy. I understand that this is something important. -C inmate who may be extremely important. I thought I had to discuss it with you

as soon as possible. It is a matter which in my opinion, it affects direct to you and is related to the outcome of the summit, why do I have to explain in private. The president seemed in good spirits. "All right, Guy, I'm listening. What is the mystery? -M mm, refers to Mrs. Bradford, the first lady, "said Parker said hesitantly. I do not know how explain. -D and the easiest way.Be direct. Go to the point. -M uy right then, go to the point, "said Parker.Such As you know, I have been working closely with his wife almost daily. "And I understand you're making a good job with the book. Billie tells me it is excellent. Greetings, Anyhow, the fact of seeing with regularly as I am doing, I allowed watching something that has concerned me. Let me first pose another question, Mr. President. Since the Mrs. Bradford returned to the meeting of women held in Moscow, have not you noticed something about her

differently? - What's different about it? Repeated the president, perplexed. What do you mean? I have no idea of what you mean. In Parker's view, such an answer excluded the possibility that Bradford himself had Billie noticed any change. This is difficult without certainly the work of communicating to the president what he had to say. He decided to expose their suspicions in the most simply and quickly as possible. Ord-S President, what I mean is that the Mrs. Bradford seems to have changed since returned from Moscow. To me, that I have observed closely, before and after Moscow, does not seem the same person in many ways. It is as if a woman Bradford named Billie had moved to Moscow for a stay of three days and another woman named Billie Bradford had returned. - What are you talking about, Guy? "Said the President, staring at Parker. That is one of its

damn speeches, you know? What is trying to tell me? Speak clearly. -B ueno, what I'm trying to tell is that the Mrs. Bradford no longer looks the same. Did not you noticed you at all? Igo-S without understanding.Billie Billie is. It is my wife. What's different about it? "A lla going, thought Parker. "Many things seem different, at least in my opinion. His memory, for example. Their contradictions. Your attitude. Please bear the goodness to hear. He spoke of the incident to Kilday purpose of Los Angeles Times. He spoke of the failure recognized his old friend Agnes Ingstrup in Los Angeles luncheon party I mentioned baseball at Dodger Stadium, during which Mrs. Bradford had shown interest and had revealed his ignorance of that game. He mentioned the visit to his father's home in Malibu in which Mrs. Bradford had failed to identify a photograph of her mother, she had forgotten having seen

his nephew a few weeks ago and had been rejected by her dog. Before he could proceed with its list of details, Parker was abruptly interrupted. The Bradford chairman spoke with irritation. - Everything comes down to it, this whole string of bullshit that has been bugging me? God blessed, Guy restored to sanity. What do you expect from Billie? Is a human being as fallible as any other. All world is distracted occasionally. Memory human constantly fails. In the midst of people, under tension, can distract a person and not recognize some friend or someone who knows from time. I can assure you it happens to me. I run into any official who takes several years and did not recognize me. As for the dog ... is ridiculous ... of age, sight is failing him. "P lease, Mr. President, I beg listen a moment, "said Parker, refusing to be by defeated. On one occasion, Mrs. Bradford referred to an embarrassing incident that had occurred in a party during which he had met a

actress with whom you had left above. He said that on another occasion, I talk about it further. Recently, when the questioned about it, he insisted that he had never known this actress. Maybe you already have spoken of the press conference that Mrs. Bradford held the other day. He told reporters that hoped to have time to see Janet Farleigh, although, before his trip to Moscow, had been informed of the death of Janet Farleigh and this story had touched her deeply. Do not you seems a little unusual, Mr. President? -I n all, "President Bradford, clearly annoyed. It is a mere sample of the human frailty. Again, everyone has flaws memory. We all have contradictions, one day we say one thing and say another day another on same subject. All "for instance" you me grounds are easily explained "He paused, looking Parker angered. Is that really so has come to bother? There must be something in his head. If so, tell me and once we finish. Parker leaned forward, resting his hands on the desk.

-S ord president, I'm saying, I have reason to say, I do not think his wife, First Lady is the same as you did in Washington makes a month. The President Parker blinked a few moments. - Are you trying to tell me that he believes the have been subjected to brainwashing? -N o. I'm trying to say ... But wait, Let me talk about a conference for you Nora Judson has served you while he was engaged elsewhere. The ambassador was called Youngdahl in Moscow. He said that a U.S. tourist had presented very upset in our Embassy, claiming to be the bearer of a message a young woman who had cornered in the Kremlin. The Young said it was his wife, who was Mrs. Bradford, and that the Soviets held her prisoner ... as a fraud was taking place here in London. It was thought Parker, but, where were the President Bradford? The Bradford chairman was leaning on her chair, staring at Parker. Remained in silence for a few seconds. In the end, he spoke.

N-serious, Guy ... Have you been drinking? "I've never been more calm, sir. I repeating exactly what Ambassador Youngdahl has told Ms. Judson. - Have you even simulated the ambassador speak Really? Parker bit her lip. "The truth is that no, sir. He believed it was very funny. And thought that was one of the tourist so wacky. "And I think I said the President, while Parker looked tired eyes. But you what taken seriously, right? -M and I take seriously in light of all other errors, inconsistencies and failures of the first lady. No she seems to be later, almost pleadingly, Parker added: - Are you sure she has not observed anything different in it? The president is patience was wearing thin. "Nothing, not a damn thing. Breakfast with her. The I see at times throughout a day. I sleep with her. " Me the wife seems I've always had. Are you satisfied? Further discussion in this respect would totally ridiculous.

Before the president to send him to retire, Parker raised his voice in a desperate effort to get out of the situation. An-T one more thing, Mr. President.Occurred yesterday. I was working late in the afternoon with the First Lady when you came, remember? I heard Asked what he had done all day. She replied that he had left the hotel. Well, well, that was not entirely true. He lied. He had left. I I followed. She ... -O iga a moment, "said the president, interrupted angrily. Are you saying that followed? Who the hell do you think you are ... following my wife there? Parker fought retreating slightly. "I ... I'm sorry, sir. I did it in their own interest. I was worried and had to find out what proposed "He paused. He came to the establishment of London Ladbury. - And that sounds suspicious?Is a woman who turns to her dressmaker? And do not tell me? Probably not tell me because he fears that nag because of money being spent on clothing. Is that everything? To tell me that you have taken my valuable

time? -H and come to tell you that I think is Ladbury Soviet contact. And that this first lady is related to Soviet agents. - Can you prove it? "I would try," said Parker quietly and I would like you to help me. I hoped I could convince him of the need for British intelligence services watch over the shop Ladbury. -V igil Ladbury store.You mean the register? Did not find anything? What is put together a public scandal? Earn the enmity " the Soviets when we are in the midst of a sensitive negotiations at the summit? Have you gone you crazy? -N or I'm crazy, Mr. President, "said Parker, without yield ground, but what's happening to our around very well be insane. Please, believe in my sincerity. I'm worried about you and if I did not believe ... "No worry for me," said the president, interrupted. He was clearly enraged. Worry about you. It will do so if it continues down

this way, "he paused to bring their voice. Listen, Parker. He hired because I thought a young intelligent and bright. I gave in to my wife the same reasons and because I thought it was prudent and judicious. But now I begin to have misgivings. I which is crazy. He had hallucinations. He's been getting into trouble. And impose myself this madness. But I have to admit. Stop right now that there is still time. If allowed to continue two minutes further, it could dismiss him. I'll give time for reconsider. I'm tempted to tell my wife all what you told me about it here for show that ... -No I tell him, please, do not do, "he implored Parker, in the certainty that, if the first lady found out about their suspicions, they would soon eliminate him. -No need to worry "said the President in very dry tone. I will not tell you because I know she would immediately dismiss. And do not want that happen because you have been a good partner and deserves another chance. " Parker nodded in a gesture of gratitude.

"I'll give you some advice," added the president. Keep your mouth shut. Since I learned that he has had even one person all this nonsense, I'll have you thrown out of here. Therefore, the sooner recover the trial and simply do their work. You understand me? "Yes, sir. "And so both recover the sanity we realize that this conversation never took place. And just now, Parker. Go to him and not back to bother me one word more about this matter. "Yes, sir.Good evening, sir. " It happened with a lot of opportunity, while the president was still engaged in a conversation with Guy Parker, shortly before his departure Andrew's company for dinner. And also before their shattered nerves start to spread. Vavilova Vera was expecting what she seemed an eternity, not heard from Moscow. And Moscow remained silent. With hesitant gesture, had tried to dress for dinner, paralyzed with fear, while examining the

alternatives open to them. None of them will seemed promising. The best alternative was to pretending indisposition. When you return from dinner I could tell Andrew that she felt unwell, that had suffered a severe indigestion, he had the flu or had repeated vaginal bleeding. I knew none of this was going to serve because Immediately call Dr. Andrew Cummings which discovered that nothing was wrong. Although the doctor prescribes a rest, Vera understood it would serve only to postpone it a day inevitable. Another possibility was to leave, inform their contacts that their desire to make know the prime minister could not continue without information and go to the airport outside of London, the former RAF base that the British had offered to the Soviet Union for use exclusive, and returning to Moscow for the change by Billie Bradford. However, Vera did not want to leave, I did not want to fail in the most difficult of all his papers. It was possible that he was never again offer such chance of glory.

That left no choice: confronting what inevitable, lie down tonight with Andrew and trust intuition. Excessively risky. He had plunged into the depths of despair when the phone rang. The caller identified Fred Willis as blessed. - Are you alone? He asked. "Yes. For now. "I want to communicate something. Related to their questions about what is served in Disneyland. Vera turned over the heart. It was like a Last minute suspension of sentence of death. -O h, Fred ... "Until then he said, hanging up. He waited nervously behind the front door, without taking his eyes off the door leading to the suite of offices of the president. If Andrew was presented at the time appeared Willis would have to act quickly. Three or four minutes later, Fred's voice Willis in the hallway, talking to service agents security. He opened the door and greeted him. Willis came in and Vera closed the door. Willis reached into his pocket and called out Low:

-E s dangerous to put it in writing, but is too detailed to transmit verbally -Placed a folded note in the hand of Vera and He smiled. Everything is here. Exactly what you wants. Read and then destroy it in private. Network-F, does not know how ... But he was gone. Glancing at the door of the suite of offices of President, Vera ran to the bathroom. After closing the door on the inside, unfolded at all hurry the note which was a single sheet typed in English to a space. He gave a quick look with a radiant and he read a second time word for word, memorized. I was about to read for the third time when she heard Andrew's voice from the bedroom. - Are you ready? He asked. "Give me a few minutes, honey," she said. Fully opened the water in the sink, broke into pieces of the KGB note and threw the papers to the cup the toilet. He poured the water, making sure that all the papers had disappeared. Satisfied, she removed

robe and began to prepare for dinner. He had been unusually animated during dinner and saw that Andrew was very pleased. Upon returning to Claridges and enter the suite, the head of Sam Ridley Staff Admiral was waiting to talk with the president. It had turned to a side with Andrew and had approached it quietly. The President had nodded and had come back to Vera. "L or feel, dear, but something that has arisen I need to discuss. I have to go down with the admiral. No take more than half an hour, "he winked and walked him lips in my ear: "Do not go to sleep. I've been waiting a long time tonight. She had grazed his cheek with a kiss. "I'll be awake, waiting for him promised. And here he was, wiping with a towel after having taken a bubble bath, knowing that Andrew would arrive and ready to sleep with her. Applying a bit of perfume, aroma Favorite

Billie, Vera was examined critically in the mirror full height behind the bedroom door bathroom. What he saw was nothing to be ashamed or so even worry about. Your breasts were wonderful, pointing forward, without any fall. There succeeded in controlling weight and his stomach was smooth and hips beautifully curved, but firm. It fleetingly wondered how Andrew was going to try that body. Although no longer felt fear and their confidence had been reborn, the doubts about him again cause some concern. It was that familiar feeling I had experienced since the childhood, waiting between racks, waiting for it or lift the curtain to give her foot. Vera slipped in its vaporous silk nightgown, the pale pink. He went to the bedroom, opened and dimmed the lights and, finally, let's just turned lamp on the bedside table of the president. Approaching her bed, she dropped the blanket, approached the two pillows, took a novel and lay down to await the last and most difficult hurdle of that risky

company. After a while, saw that he had taken half hour, and after forty minutes and fifty since he had gone to the meeting. There is no point trying sleeping or pretending to be asleep. He would not allow it. She opened the novel with the intention of distracting, but was useless. His head was elsewhere. He closed the book, left on the table, lifted the pillow against the head and sat up a little. The material had received from Moscow about how to treat the president had been in bed some general things, specific in others, but overall, had as an excellent idea of what I should expect and what is expected of her. He wondered how would become so intimate that material, but as Logically, I knew very well. Alex had seduced Billie Bradford. Alex had gone to bed with the first lady. Alex had written instructions. And yet, the almost certain knowledge of all this was not provoked slightest feeling of jealousy. Billie Bradford would not have

meaning for him than a job well done. Vera I was sure that his main concern would been to get her safely back together him. Recently, I had not thought much about Alex, but now saw again the old affection and love for him and recalled his affection for it will serve as a stimulus in the course of the evening. Thinking about your next performance, for which, ultimately, felt well prepared, eager to realize what that was to undertake it. The excitement was experiencing was probably much greater than which had experienced if he had known he was going to debut in Moscow with Dollhouse. He also recalled that it was going to happen tonight was only a means to the end that is proposed. The fact of giving the president the would provide the benefits expected. Into a while, he relaxed and communicative show, wisely prodded by her, no doubt reveal their secret plans in relation to the peak. Morning, It would convey the prime minister. The paper she would have played end in victory. The day after tomorrow would be flown back to Moscow and Billie

Bradford would be sent simultaneously to London. The change would take place. The real Billie Bradford resume his usual role as first lady. And she, of again in Moscow, would undergo a series of Small plastic surgery to change your perfect little resemblance to Billie and recover Vera his old face. Honored and glorified, Vera once again resume his theatrical career. The major roles of the Moscow theater would be for her. And Alex, dear Alex, would be for her outright is could marry or live with him as he wished. He checked his watch. It had been over an hour. The president was holding a lot. He to be very important to stay away I wanted something so vehemently. I had to Patience, she told herself, and had to be generous and gentle. For him, the experience of this night had to be pure and total. And above all, had to disarm. Five minutes later, she heard the opening and closing front door and the sound of the lock when closed inside. Andrew Bradford hurried into the

bedroom, he smiled, took off his jacket the suit, took off his tie and undid the shirt. He went straight to her and kissed her lips. Aya-V, you're gorgeous, "she said.Sorry I evening. We had to finalize some details and specifying the strategy of our conversations. I tell you I has been difficult to concentrate at work, knowing you were here and we might again enjoy like old times. " -T and I, Andrew. "I've missed. "No more than I like you," the President had removed his shirt. A few minutes and I'm with you. -D ate quickly. The disappeared into the bathroom. Now remove the rest of the clothes. Would go to the toilet. He heard the sound of water in the toilet. Then he heard a rumor tap water. Then silence. "Cologne" thought Zizanie. " He returned to the bedroom barefoot. While emerging from in the shadows, Vera was able to observe that their

blue boxer shorts. He had a pretty solid figure, a little flabby in places, but nice look for a man of his years. It unbuttoned his trousers, dropped them on the ground, and walked away across the twin beds. He could see the member, a bit lengthy, ranging from forth. It was not yet erect. - Are you tired, dear? He asked. 'A little. We have been having a current brainstorm incessant down there-issued a brief laugh. But I'm too tired. It was getting into bed. For a moment, Vera turned over the pulse throat. Her confidence faltered a bit. The Alex report was accurate enough or that you had seemed to her, but suddenly had the impression that it contained no exact figures. "Don of the initial details were?What should occur in the next few seconds? Should she lean towards him? Or was he who was inclined toward her? He began to slide under the blanket approach him, but stopped.The instructions indicate that it to be the one who moved first.

And so it happened. He had thrown the blanket a little further down and was by her side in bed and was spreading hand toward the edge of her nightgown. She joined a bit, as he hinted that he hoped did, then gave him the task of removing the nightgown. He raised his arms to the gown could glide more smoothly over the breast and by his arms. The threw the nightgown on the floor. -G ot the most beautiful breasts said land, looking very serious for a moment. -S On yours, just yours, "she said, laying the shoulders back. -S anto sky, "he said in a whisper, leaning toward the breast nearest to him while compressing the lips on the nipple flattened began to kiss it and lick it until it is harden and lift. His lips moved to other breast and her hand curled under it, caressing and kissing. -A ndrew, I ... She closed her eyes and stood motionless, supporting just one hand on his head. He was kissing the navel and belly, while a hand was beginning to

glide smoothly down with caressing a delicacy that Vera was too much. Then noticed that something was compressed against his thigh and opened eyes, finding that the member had stood by complete. Approaching the mouth at his ear, he struggled to breathe heavily. She felt tempted to kiss him with passion, but she refrained from doing so. He recalled the instructions. As he knelt, lifted her legs and the split. I was completely energized and not was really wet, which worried her until pointed out previously had applied a sterile lubricant to facilitate penetration. He continued a few more minutes his gentle caresses and leaned back and kissed her breasts, before of down between her legs to penetrate her. When was inside, the lovingly surrounded with arms, trunk and pushing his face to his. The Andrew's hand slid down his back and waist. -S anto sky he exclaimed, how I wanted ... how good ... How good ...

-M uy good, baby. Was moving now regularly towards upward and downward, upward and downward. She covered her eyes with her arm and opened the mouth with rapt expression. Have liked to shake the back violently, up and down with him, forcing him to ride it harder, make him gallop with her, but, once again, was contained and limited to undulate slightly. He removed his arm from his eyes. The features of Andrew appeared contracted. His thrusts are was accelerating. Vera was supposed to be passing well. I hope so. For her, it was actively intervening too, was a silent participant in this performance as soloist. For a fleeting moment, Vera was tempted to shake again and to provide a genuine pleasure trip. What fun would result see his face, the countenance of the president United States, while someone excited to him crazy. However, the essence of the report of KGB about the sexual behavior of Billie burned in his mind as clearly as the notes plays ...

Regular face-up position. Reactions mainly passive. Let him come to you. Nothing foreplay, excluding the breasts and clitoris. To do everything in its way. Reacts normally and pleasure. Do not make any aggressive movement. It is doubtful that will cause an orgasm during act. Doing so ensures that your response is not excessive. When finished, you'll probably induce orgasm manually. We know all details, but suppose that will suffice. Let him he addressed the function, follow him and give the current understand that pleases you. All your movements have to be familiar, comfortable and developers conjugal affection. That has to be liberating routine, not a big affair. It seeks to work nicely in his world of men. Good luck. Okay, good luck. " Thanks, Alex. So Billie had been a mistress boring. Vera said that the president's body arched, heard him wheeze and gasp, he felt impelled harder, accelerating the pace of its rush and suddenly, standing by a still time, poured into it while

Vera murmured something that failed to understand. Already everything was completed, she thought, had a right to feel proud, having run the entire distance without a single hitch. The failure so feared by Moscow had become a success. Sitting up slightly on the elbows, it began to withdraw from inside the slippery appendix. -M Aravilla, Andrew, wonderful. " "Better than ever" he said, panting. You've been better than ever. She lowered her legs cramped and stretched. -H has been delicious, "she whispered, imitating the voice Billie occasionally hoarse, the wait is well deserved worthwhile. He had departed from it. "T here are also expected anything which deserved penalty, "he said lazily. "T hese too tired," she said, trusting Now fully in the report. You do not have do. Andrew's hand is introduced through his legs.

-L or want to do.I want you as happy as I am. Then he began to caress with the same smoothness and lack of passion he had shown throughout the event. What a man as unimaginative was president, but perhaps not his fault but Billie, to whom he had described as someone so cold. While he was gently compressing, Vera began to move his head side to side on the pillow and shook his buttocks slightly -Billie knew now, simulating an excitation controlled. It had been five to six minutes and knew it was going to experience a real orgasm. The final problem. It was clear that Billie used experience orgasm that way. But, How long does it get? Ten minutes? Twenty? Half an hour? I had to wander the calculation. Was necessary that he told him. -A ndrew plaintive voice said, "I regret by both. -E STAR well within minutes. Relax, take it easy, honey, we have all the time it takes.

With his head to one side, his eyes saw the hour. Six minutes had passed. It was two. "Oh, Andrew, Andrew, I'm all wet. "And you're about.Easy. Do not think. "Stupid idiot, thought Vera. Give it a good one. Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me. Right now. " Stiffened, squeezed her thighs, lifted butt, gave a muffled cry, shuddered ... and loosened. Andrew turned away and smiled. "And it is. "Thank you, Andrew." Delightful from beginning until the end. Hold me, honey, hold me tight. As his arms around her, Vera smiled himself. The best orgasm simulated all history was secure. Take off and Bernhardt Duse, that's an actor. Andrew's embrace had lost strength. "Now the transition, she thought, in love all is allowed ... now, the war. " He had overcome the ordeal unscathed, without being discovered and, at Apparently with an absolute success. But it was the last performance, the real purpose of all those acrobatics, the denouement. How to face the task? I had rehearsed many times mentally. I had to plunge into it without much

haste and without much anxiety, but neither too slowly, lest he fell asleep. Show yourself clever. Act naturally. - Andrew? - Yes, honey? "Judging by how I feel, I could do all night. -L or know.Me too. I wish it were possible. But, taking into account discussions with Soviet the next few days, let's get some facts scraps. These are moments of high tension. We played it all. I can not tell you how I will be at night. She turned completely sideways. He had returned to his bed and he was lying face back with his head on the pillow staring at the ceiling. - Why will this time more tension than in other occasions? She asked casually. Always no tension, I know. But it seems as if these I cared more meetings. I do not understand. -B ueno, I will expose the problem, "he said. As a rule, negotiate from a position of strength. That will make the job easier. But this time ...

Andrew's voice faded as he sank in thought. -T his time ... this time, what, Andrew?I have in suspense. -A h, sorry "he said, focusing again on the conversation. This time we must maintain a deception to win. It is not easy. Very complicated. Some day I'll explain. "No fair, Andrew," she said, pretending exasperated. Do not treat me as a citizen of second class. You've always believed in me. I have trusted you. You you care about what I do daily. Well, well, I also am interested in what you do. We are a team, Andrew. " The share everything. Therefore, do not go suddenly macho confines me to the kitchen. Tell me about the problems you face. Want to share with you. -N or want to hide anything, "he said in a tone of apology. The thing is I'm exhausted and it is too late. But you have right to know. I'm going to explain simply. I hope that in time, you comply with a summary. Since you will enlarge the

details another time. " Will it be enough version Summary? -No need to be even a summary. I'll settle for a miniature version. I sure it is something related to this site Africa ... Boende ... and your disagreement with the Soviet. But where is the problem? Why are you so become so difficult? I must learn all you can affect my sex life. "And we are," he said, smiling.He thought about this and sobered. The Soviets have this Communist rebels called Nwapa ready Boende take over the country. If the Soviets supplied weapons, can easily take over the country. But Soviets are not sure of us. If we provided arms and Kibangu President government, if we were willing to oppose them and to intervene, would be crushed. A defeat would influence communist in power in Africa. -B ueno, but do you have a gun? She asked almost casually, making a casual question interested own wife.

-E so it is exactly what the Soviets want know, the president sighed. The fact is that we have not armed. - What have you not armed? She repeated. "Not really. We just simply to simulate yes. And that my problem lies in getting maintain the ruse. Vera experienced a burst of emotion. The three years of efforts were having finally result. He had everything he needed Kirechenko, had already secured the victory. Vera ran his fingers through the hair of Andrew. "Poor me," he said gently. No wonder you've been so worried. " "And you've been so affectionate," he said, taking her by wrist and kissed his hand. "T hank you, Andrew, Vera was asked whether the fact emphasis would be to tempt fate too. Decided try it with caution. Adopted a puzzled expression. One thing I do not understand. - What is it? "Even the Soviets would know that the you are cheating and decide to act, could not you

you act quickly, sending supplies Boende airlifted to government? "Yes, we could, but, no, we can not.This me cost reelection. I'll show the results of recent private opinion polls when go home. Therefore, we can not intervene in the last moment to save Boende-president He paused. Fortunately, the Soviets do not know. If they did, would mandate that his rebels entered action and seize Boende in less than a week. And certainly would refuse to sign our pact of nonintervention. Be charged the summit. - Are you sure you do not know? "Of course I do not know. And I do not know. Which means a victory for us and the lion in Boende uranium from an advanced control Central Africa and the term of the raids communists. Now you know what worries me. Vera was finding it hard to repress his emotion. He had found out everything that was vital find out. It had taken over the great secret of president, was the only person in the Soviet Union I knew him. Until tomorrow. -A ndrew, we will win, right?

"We can not bet on it. If we play well our letters and we manage to keep the lamp, win. 'P erderéis, she thought. Vera yawned. "Andrew, do not know how much better it makes me feel to share things with you. As least now I understand how you're going through-it propped herself on one elbow. Good night, honey-kissed. Thanks again for this wonderful night the best we've had. Forget your worries and thinks about us. Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me. try to sleep a little. -B ood night, sweetheart.It will be better than both Let us get some sleep. Andrew covered her shoulders with a blanket and curled up under it. She rose from bed, took the pill to sleep, went to the bedside President, extinguished the lamp and returned to his bed in the dark and slipped under the blanket. He remained lying on her back, waiting for the pill he took effect when he heard snoring. He knew that she soon be able to sleep. He felt too excited about the success to erase the

joy that he had produced. Reviewed the following instructions. If find out something important, he was told, would have to Fred Willis to contact. This, in turn, establish contact with Ladbury, which organized the Meeting with Prime Minister Kirechenko. In the set time, Willis was responsible for that provide a car and a driver, without escort the guards of the security service. It would taken to the base abandoned by the RAF Westridge, ceded to the Soviets for their transport air exclusively. Arriving at the base, would accompanied to the car where they would be waiting Prime Minister and General Kirechenko Chukovsky. And she will reveal all he had learned by through the President Bradford. Immediately then be accompanied on board a reactor Soviet Moscow and return it to Billie Bradford simultaneously would be moved to London. Kirechenko reach success. Vera Vavilova reach theirs. Incessant calls the proscenium, heroine of the Soviet Union. She huddled under the blanket. He had never been

happier. Vera Vavilova, heroin and legend. It was something that would allow him to sink into sleep. 10. They were the last hours of the afternoon, the weather was going fast and the sky was clouded when Guy Parker drove past Buckingham Palace, surrounded the monument to Queen Victoria, went to the curb, Jaguar powered brake and let the motor idling while looking at one of the three entries for the presence of Nora Judson. Takes twenty minutes walking the St. James's Park, constantly slowing the march to pass outside the palace to pick up Nora. But she does not had appeared. Would have had to interview the first lady morning and planned to devote the afternoon to follow if he left the Claridges. A short call and a scribbled note from Nora had altered those plans. The call informed him of Nora the interview with Billie had to be canceled. His note, received after lunch, he said: "The

Prince of Wales has invited Madame Billie and Kirechenko to tea this afternoon at the Palace Buckingham. Can you pick up at the entrance Home to four? Go ahead, please. Now it was four and twenty Nora was still appear. A point another turn around the monuments, Nora Parker spotted in the yard, beyond the high bars of the gate, passing hastily address the accommodation of the police towards the side entrance of the northwest. He saw her leave quickly, dodging a group of tourists stopping to seek. She descended from the car, waved to the hand and finally managed to get his attention. She ran to the car and went up to it. - How are you? He asked, while Jaguar in with the traffic flow. "O ur queen is still with Prince she said. I have fun with the official Palace Press. Sorry to be late. I have asked collect me not to accompany me but because you wanted to know what happened last night. Do I turn in earnest to see the president? - Yes

- Did you tell him what you thought? "Everything, all the suspicions I had in relation with the first lady. - Well? "Well, you were right. He almost goodbye. - Both are angry? "He very angry," said Parker, nodding grim. He told me he was mad. Found explanation for all the mistakes that she had committed. He warned me that, as you mentioned something of that to someone, let me go. Upongo S-that from their perspective, their attitude is comprehensible, "said Nora, pursing his lips pensive expression. Finally, after all, lives with her. She Billie is his, as it always has been, nothing has changed or is different. "T his was for me the biggest obstacle-Parker vehicle stopped at a traffic light. For him, still Billie still the same as always. That's what I demoralized. You and I know something is happening We do not know where to go and no one

can believe us-to receive the green light again, stepped the accelerator. He even advised the president what he he must do. - What is it? Ask the British-recorded the Ladbury setting. The visit Billie's secret has become a very suspect. I am sure that the Soviets used as a contact. A registration sudden we may offer evidence need. - And how did he react? "Perhaps unsurprisingly, Parker launched a sigh. A man who thinks his wife does not nothing happens will not think there's anything wrong with the fact that this visit your dressmaker. He declined to take consider my plea. And raged like a madman because he had followed her Billie. Parker suddenly noticed a movement her and then saw that Nora had been incorporated into the seat, his eyes shining with excitement. G uy, I just had a great idea said she said. It was so logical that we have overlooked. If the

president needs a concrete fact for convinced, I know how to get it. Traces Billie fingerprints. They must be filed in somewhere. Look for them ... checks for traces of This First Lady coincide with yours ... Parker broke off, shaking his head. "It's useless. No litter misguided, Nora. But it is a little late. Me and I never thought ... thought tell you. Hoped to show the evidence to President, if they confirm our fears. I telephoned the White House asked a good friend of the West Wing to find me confidentially Billie fingerprints and send them to me in the next airmail. An investigation of routine. Want to know what happened? The computer tracks located at the FBI, Department of California DMV and I do not know in how many other sites. My friend asked for a copy. You know what? Billie's fingerprints are not found anywhere. Missing. Had missing. Someone did a good job. By Thus we have a suspicion, but we are lacking evidence.

-M Aldito be. "Well you can say. Brook Street had marched and were approaching the Claridges. "And now what, Guy? "I'll continue tracking down Billie to see if anything happens, "he answered, shrugging shoulders. "N ow do not keep worrying about that.Billie did not return to Buckingham Palace until later. This night will not. Want to catch up on the correspondence. Do not you spend the night apetecería me? The barely hear. "No," he said, slowing down. I mean, Yes, I would ... but ... "Deeply engaged in thought, approached the Jaguar at the curb, a few concierge meters and stopped. His face shone as he patted the steering wheel. You know one thing, "he said. I just thought ... what should do. - What? Visit-establishing myself Ladbury. Browse. May invite to dinner. "And you'd think or twice," said Nora

worried tone. If your hunch turns out to be true, might see you gotten into trouble. - What do you mean? Parker asked cheerfully. Is "black" the first lady visiting the designer of the first lady? Absolutely normal. Totally guilty. Esu-P do not know.When are you going? Parker looked at his wristwatch. "Now. He moved to the entrance of Claridges. The glowing concierge rushed to open the Jaguar door. G uy, beware, "said Nora, bowing to Parker kiss. "L or try.I want to see you. Maybe even tonight. Stay there. -T and I'll be waiting "Nora brushed her sleeve Guy, be very careful. Nora dropped the car and he walked away. Although there was a very intense traffic that time, Parker reached in less Motcomb the street fifteen minutes. He found a parking space to one block from the Halkin Arcade and Store Ladbury, closed the door and walked the distance.

Upon reaching the entrance to the store of the fashion designer, is stopped momentarily to take stock of all its asset. Finally, he seized the knob and the door opened to inside. As I crossed the threshold, a bell alarm announced his arrival. Standing on the soft carpet of whitish, Parker considered local. He had no dependent sight. The room appeared decorated with very good taste and wealth. In the front one figure on a pedestal wearing a cocktail dress black velvet and a green shawl. Behind the dummy would be a great showcase to be elongated in exhibited some jewelry. Along the walls on both sides costumes were expensive. In some shelves rectangular had jerseys and shirts. In a hollow he dresses, skirts, tailored suits and pants hung. In the back were two mirrors at all height and several antique chairs scattered. Half of the back wall was covered with a vine stretched over a lattice. In half of the back wall stood a spiral staircase leading upstairs and a hall that appeared to

led to the testers and offices. Parker remained only half a minute, that elegant indifference and quiet atmosphere that you grace made before the present one since the back. It was the squat and masculine Parker woman who remembered seeing in the House White, ie Assistant Ladbury, Rowena Quarles. Parker stood in front, looking like a intruder. How may I help you? "I see Mr. Parker said Ladbury politely. Working for Mrs. Bradford. She has indicated that comes to them. - "Mrs. Bradford? -Billie Bradford. The first lady, first lady United States. I think it's one of the customers Mr. Ladbury. - She sent you? Asked Miss Quarles in hesitantly. - Yes Well, it's possible that Mr. Ladbury is busy. But I'll see. Who say that you visit? T-Mr. Parker. - Yes

"If you wait a moment, Mr. Parker. The assistant headed down the hall. Parker began to wander around the impressive local stopping at the window containing the dazzling jewelry. On the corner of his eye, he saw a young slim yellow fringe surprising, coming up with step elastic and quizzical. - "Mr. Parker? "Asked the designer with a voice falsetto. Ladbury I said, handing him a dismissive hand. "Mrs. Bradford sent you? "No exactly," said Parker, dropping his hand designer. But in a way, yes. I'm a Guy Parker and work in the White House. I am helping Mrs. Bradford to write her book. What she told me that was really useful to interview the people she knows in London. It is possible that I have mentioned. "No I have heard a word concerning interviews Ladbury said. But I have heard mention something about a book he was writing when I recently visited the White House. Ueno-B, because I am here about this book. I thought maybe you could spare me a

some free time to discuss the tastes of the First Lady in terms of fashion. Do not like, what they like, how you met, one or two anecdotes. Perhaps you could go for a drink or dinner with me. I know I say this with very little advance, but ... -E s very kind of you, thanks, "said Ladbury, interrupting him. I understand what you need for the book. I love to Mrs. Bradford and will be glad in collaborating with you, Mr. Parker, but I fear that not now, at his gold Patek Philippe. It is a little late. Almost closing time. We will close the establishment within a few minutes. After I an appointment for a dinner, concluded long ago. The sorry. But look, why not phoned me in one or two days? Make an appointment as it should where we can talk at ease. Perhaps over lunch. What do you think? -T he one or two days.Okay. I'll call you. Rowena Quarles had emerged from the back hall. - The telephone, Mr. Ladbury! "He said. Paris! - I'll be right! Ladbury said. He turned to Parker. Good Lord, forgive me for being so rude, but few hours ago I hope this call. I feel that

may have been today. I make it up-spun back and said, "Give me memories of Mrs. Bradford. I must see her while in London. Parker moved toward the door. Upon reaching it, stopped and glanced around. Ladbury had disappeared down the hallway. Once again, Parker alone in the room. W hat had been the last words Ladbury? Give my regards to Mrs. Bradford. I must see her while in London. However, Ladbury had already seen here in London. Parker himself had seen entering Billie that store. She had lied about it. Now Ladbury also had lied. Q "hat was happening? Their suspicions were strengthened and re tempted to find out the truth about that store. He looked across the aisle. Ladbury's office should be no doubt in the back. Parker took a decision. He grasped the handle and opened the door. The bell above rang shrilly. Without moving the site, Parker closed the door. " And she was inside the

shop. Turning, advanced with greater stealth possible towards the back, stepping silently soft carpet. He glanced at the lighted hall. The corridor was empty. Trying to hold his breath, started to go into it. From Halfway Ladbury could hear the phone. Parker continued forward. It had several rooms protected by curtains to the left. Assumed they were the testers. Walking slowly, went on down the aisle until you can clearly hear the voice of Ladbury, speaking with a colleague in Paris. Almost in front of what should be the Ladbury private office, there was another room with entry protected by curtains. Parker broke up the curtains and hid between them. He was in a female tester sized, beautifully decorated. On both sides, high three-sided mirrors. Directly opposite the wall was an open cupboard full of women's eveningwear, mostly costumes very long label. Soon, Parker approached the closet, take his clothes, broke through them to the wall and let it cover in costume complete. Compressed uncomfortably against the hard wall, protected by the suits with their perches

padded, Parker was certain that nobody who entered the tester could see him. He listened. Since the release across the corridor Ladbury's voice sounded a bit muffled, but you could hear. Parker stood between the dresses, medium suffocated by them, fully aware of the temerity of risk he was taking. If someone found there, could not offer any explanation acceptable and the consequences would be appalling. If the Ladbury shop was indeed a point of KGB contact, their captors will eliminate immediately. If it were only a store legitimate haute couture, his captors would give him the local police as a common thief or intruder. The President learned of the arrest and dismiss him from immediately. Fall into disgrace and would be helpless. I was beginning to have doubts about their suspect and his activities as a detective amateur and I was considering leave monitoring and leave the store now that there was time, when the doorbell rang door. She pressed tightly against

wall, but listened. He could faintly hear how close the door, How is again open to the accompaniment of ring and how it shut again. On the background, Ladbury's voice. -A ttendez!Attendez! "I was telling someone over the phone. Now turned to someone who was in the office. You have to be them. Take, Rowena, take care of the phone. His French is better than mine. Tell him to get his damn shipping next week for sure. No entertained too. Get rid of this wretched woman. We work here ... better go to see if they have arrived. Parker peered through the costumes and below the curtain of the dressing that did not reach the ground, could do patent leather shoes of the emerging Ladbury corridor. Apparently, Ladbury was looking toward the door. With his shrill voice, told someone: - Ah, they're here, come on time!Come to office! Hey, Baginov, let's close the door. Sea good boy and run the latch of the door. The

spare key is in the pocket of the model velvet, black velvet dress the dummy. Only now come be missing some damn customer ... Very good, good boy! Ladbury seemed to be waiting for the new arrived at the door of his office. Then for under the curtain, Ladbury approached about brown suede shoes, followed by about shoes black leather and thick soles. -S Ladbury enormous greeted them with shrill voice, I understand that there is good news. -L as better, "said an American voice pseudobritánico accent and a slight lisp. The lisp Parker found it slightly familiar, but he could not identify it immediately. -L to front door is locked, "reported a bass voice with a slight Russian accent. -A time is not going to bother us, "said Ladbury. Come to my office. I have an excellent sherry. From his hideout, Parker heard. For a brief interval, he could hear nothing. He wondered if Ladbury would have closed the office door. For relief of Parker's voice was heard Ladbury again suddenly sounded as if from a certain

distance. "O n this important success," said Ladbury. It seems that the silence had occurred while is now poured the drink and the four were toast to the good news. Parker tried to conjecture about the reason for that conclusion. Available was some kind of Soviet victory, what was doing here an American? If it was some kind U.S. or British triumph, what was a Soviet doing here? - "So what has given our lady? Sk-voice again Ladbury. -T odavía not, but almost, "said the voice American's lisp. She has informed me simply that it is in power than need. He will meet Prime Minister in the quoted concerted place at eleven o'clock this night. Then give your report. - You want me to communicate? Asked Ladbury. -C prisoner not, "said the American. Hopefully it is made. "B ut what about the change ... when ...? Asked

Ladbury. Eventually, the Russian voice: -No change. When Vera has provided the information, their usefulness is over. Then the another will be returned. A long silence. Ladbury broke. - "So our friend Vera is settled? "It is necessary," the Soviet Parker recalled having been appointed with the surname of Baginov on arrival. -S upongo Ladbury so, "said in a tone distress. Pity. Smart woman. Does that happen when you seen the prime minister? "T his evening," said Baginov. - Do you have a safe place? Ladbury asked. "Everything is arranged Baginov he said. - What if the body was found one day? Sk-Ladbury.That could ... -No need to worry Baginov "he said.It will not be identifiable. Not even the face. Acid. Another silence. - When did you pass on? Ladbury asked. "Will you be here after eleven tonight

Baginov said. Fedin is right behind with a key. In the other end will be ready to act. -T all resolved, "said Ladbury. Parker could hear muffled rumors-of chair or feet-and peeking out, saw the movement of four pairs of shoes that left the office, one pair belonged to Miss Quarles. Soon after, he heard the sound of the door entry closing. By means of a switch Overall, all the lights. Parker stood behind the costumes. No known if they had remained alone in the store. Perhaps one of them had remained. The fact that discovered would mean a certain death. Without But I could not stay too long hidden in that closet. Later or sooner, would be abandoned. In fact, as soon as possible best. He decided to stay where he was fifteen minutes. If one of the four had been, any movement that did could be heard. Expected that offered the first opportunity assimilate what he heard. What he heard, stripped all their suspicions and fantasy, was reduced to the fact brief that the three men who had heard

were acting in secret talks. Had a agent named Vera. This was discovered some secret information of great value. I was going to pass the "prime minister" tonight. Since in London at that time there was only a first minister Soviet Premier Dmitri Kirechenko, it was undoubtedly a Soviet operation related to the peak and the three men who had gathered in the store Ladbury were agents of the KGB. Baginov what was no doubt. Ladbury too. And an American who spoke with a slight lisp. The agent called Vera, having learned what the Soviets needed to know, would to be removed immediately after issued information to the prime minister. And not only kill but also were going to deface. Parker realized that it could not be doubted. All confirmed his suspicions. This Vera was without a doubts the Billie Bradford twice. He had started to president a vital information and now it would convey to the prime minister. Then should be removed to destroy any evidence would have been a perfect double for the first lady so that, if you find the body, not Soviet intrigue might be discovered. Then "the

other, "ie, the real Billie Bradford would back and act as if nothing had happened. The enormity of this operation stunned Parker. The fact they were so close to scoring a triumph led him to leave his hiding place. For more than fifteen minutes is not listening any noise in the store. Parker pushed the costumes and moved toward the center of the tester in the dark. Extending a hand in front of him like a sleepwalking, walked into the hallway. His fingers touched the curtain. The pushed aside and stepped into the hall. Here a ray of light shining from the store. He followed carefully to the front. Several lights like, just inches from the ground, served as lights and will facilitate progress. Part from before the establishment of Ladbury is was partially illuminated by a lamp on the gallery. Outside, it was already dark. On reaching the door, Parker stopped. No was surprised to find out what was shaking. He tried to open the door. It was locked from inside and out with bolt. Would have to find some means of

leave. Immediately remembered the spare key Ladbury you Baginov had indicated previously. Parker approached the velvet of the dummy. There were two pockets. One was empty. The key was in the other. He opened the door with a trembling hand, left and returned to close it. He stood on the porch, watching the key. If he stayed with it later would miss. He understood that should find a locksmith, ask and return a duplicate original. I should consult the London telephone directory, find a locksmith that was open at that hour, maybe one that was open twenty-four hours a day. As he walked to his car with shaky legs recalled a detail. When he left the car together the intersection with another street to go to the alleged first lady, had seen a store that looked like a locksmith. In fact it was a hardware store. Perhaps it was enough. He quickened his pace to approach his car. Since the Kimmerton street corner he saw what was

it seemed a locksmith and the most interesting thing was that still had the lights on. When they arrived, took one look at the window. There was a whole series of devices household and cooking pots as well as a collection of shiny locks. In the shop there was more than a balding clerk who apparently was checking the cash register total. Parker entered and approached the salesman. "This key," he said, showing it, "I could do a duplicate you while I wait? Acer-H, what? "A duplicate. I is absolutely necessary. "I was about to close," said the clerk, frowning. I'm already slowing down for dinner. But ... well, let's see, you U.S., right? -S oy, I ... - Very well, "said the clerk, taking the key. My wife has relatives in the United States. Good people. It'll take just a minute. He went into the back with wrench. Five minutes Later, he returned with two keys.

Parker thanked him, he paid and went, hurried back to the store Ladbury. Arriving at the door, looked around. For the gallery circulating any pedestrian. Wasting no time, Parker introduced the original key in the lock and entered. It velvet dress approached and left the key in his pocket concerned. Turning, he looked toward the outside. No one was visible. He opened the door, crossed and closed using the duplicate. Then, it put the key in his jacket pocket. He quickly returned to the Jaguars. Once seated wheel, the engine, leaned back in his seat to retrieve a little winded. He recalled with astonishment its activities last last hour. How had managed? It had Subparagraph because everything had been unforeseen and spontaneous and because he was a novice amateur. A true professional would have been discovered and eliminated. What he heard, assuming no mistake, it was virtually too surprising to one might think. And yet he had known from the start, dammit. But now I knew

certainty. There was a second lady named Vera. Era flesh. They had succeeded in placing brilliantly with a view to obtain information President of the United States. For his achievement -Indeed, for knowing too much, would be executed and mutilated tonight. Then the communicate news to Moscow and the very first lady would be sent to London to replace it. It was necessary to speak. The Soviets and Vera had to be reported to someone. But to whom? Who the hell's going to believe? Parker had discovered, but I felt somehow that they still had the trump card in his hand. The Soviets might return to the real Billie without fear that it discovered them. Who would know that she had not been the first lady in London? If decided to denounce the Soviets who would believe his incredible story? Does the president? The CIA? Does the British Prime Minister? Nobody would believe. The Doctors say that this was due to overwork, to mental stress, the burdens of their position. The Psychiatrists would say it was a nervous breakdown and who suffered from hallucinations. No one ever would believe. Never

dare to talk about it. The Soviets were to safe and knew it. And as Parker, who would believe you now? No dared to reveal anyone what had just heard. Except for Nora and the idea-it just happened at this moment another person. Yes, someone else had you know ... had to say it directly ... or maybe time indirectly. That should do. His hands had stopped shaking. Building the wheel with one hand, shifted gears with the other. I had to see Nora immediately. Need his help. Yet one thing remained to be done ... before The summit was lost. When he arrived at the Royal Suite on the first floor of Hotel Claridges, Guy Parker returned to duty security service agent Oliphant. - Has gone and Mrs. Bradford's palace Buckingham? She asked. -T odavía not. - Are Judson Nora here? Asked Parker, very pleased. Oliphant agent motioned with his thumb la suite contiguous. -I n his office.

Greetings, Parker approached the side door next to which was on duty an officer from Scotland Yard. Displaying his pass, stepped inside, crossed a small hall, crossed the small office of Dolores Martin and walked the short hallway that connected that Suite Royal suite with little room to get to Nora Judson. The door was ajar and he could hear Nora on the phone. She entered, closed the door to his back and pulled a chair to the desk while she off the phone. Nora immediately turned to him with worried. - Have you been to the store Ladbury? "Was the first he asked. - Have I gone?Well if I had visited. You will not believe it happened. Lowering his voice, Parker proceeded to describe all that had occurred since the time they had hidden in the fitting room opposite the office of Ladbury through the conversation, which had held between an officer and a Soviet

U.S., until his escape. Throughout the entire story, Nora had looked at him eyes wide open, covering his mouth open with the closed hand in hand, while she listened absolutely amazing. When Parker finished, remained sitting with a look stunned, absorbing the full extent of what he had said. - Well? "He said. "Well, what? What can I say? I know status with you throughout this past week and had so many suspicions as you. But this is different. That is ... a test shook his head. Or is that the first lady is not really the first lady, is not really Billie. Flame-S and Vera do not know why. "Forgive me, Guy, but I fail to understand. I'm puzzled. How they do it? -E so it does not matter now.The did. That's all that matters. And Billie ... Where's Billie? In Moscow, probably. Han said that the sent here, or send someone once Vera our secrets have been delivered and is removed.

Our mission is to see to it that the secrets are not disclosed. G uy, you have to go to the president immediately. - Again? He would not believe me. And although I believe, would say that is not proof. Does the President? Good heavens, I'd, I would fire. And then I would be totally lost. -G ot reason, Guy, "she admitted.It would not result-Nora raised her hands in a gesture of helplessness. But what may work? Parker stood up and walked around the desk to be placed next to Nora. "T here is a possibility that it might be risky and may Maybe not. I've thought of the idea while coming. Mira, Our main task is not to denounce this fake first lady. We are not yet able to do. What we have to do is prevent Soviet Premier convey to our secret in connection with the summit. He will report any tonight. That's what we have to prevent. "B ut how? -Revealed ... this Vera ... revealing the truth

about it. What awaits her as soon as accomplished its mission. I need your help, Nora. " -L or whatever you want. "Okay, pay attention. Parker leaned over, put his mouth to ear and Nora began talking in whispers. After having exposed his plan, he straightened up. - What do you think? - Can you pay off? "You have to give it. Can you think of you a better idea? -No. Agreed. Let's do it. "Good girl. When will he return? "You are about to arrive. - Is there any chance you go directly to your bedroom? -L or doubt.Always goes first to see me. For if had any message or any phone calls important. - Are you sure? "Of course. Parker nodded. "Then dispose ourselves to receive it. Both left the little room of Nora and

addressed the short corridor that linked the work area with the Royal Suite. - You open the door of the room? Asked Parker. -Sun or at night. Parker tried to open the door and it opened. Without shut, backed away, standing beside Nora. Neither spoke. Were set to wait. Every few minutes, Parker looked at the clock for sale. It took six minutes, eight. Parker was getting restless at times when he heard screeching the adjoining hall door. He walked his fingers lips. Recognized the voice of First Lady, saying something to the security service agents who had escorted from Buckingham Palace. Al apparently entered the room, because now her voice be heard more clearly. -N or know if we will leave the hotel tonight, was saying. The president and will let you know. Parker could hear the door close and the noise barely discernible in the footsteps of the first lady to approach. -N now, are you there? She cried. Parker once again approached his fingers to his lips. Nora nodded nervously, remaining silent.

Parker whispered a word. Go ahead, had said. Before the first lady could enter the hall, Parker began to speak aloud with Nora, in conversational tone. "Yes, it is a Soviet spy.It is the gossip that goes on mouth since we got here. He told me so one of the aides of the president. Do not know much respect. The Soviets are a spy here same in London. They say he has succeeded in penetrating in the president's inner circle. - Is not it a joke? Nora said, obeying a sign. Do you really think? -N or know.I can only say what I'm told. They have even learned his name, or part thereof. Her name is Vera. - Who is? "I have not the faintest idea. Do not think my informant's knowledge. Parker paused. If the first lady of other side of the wall had been effectively Billie, they had approached, had confessed to his ear conversation and wished to know more. In contrast, if the first lady was Vera, had stopped cold

and had not been approached. It would have been another hand, very still, hoping to hear something else. Parker was sure who was the other side, motionless, hoping to hear something more. - How is it possible that your friend has learned of such a thing? " She asked. -P ues do not know.But something told me I somehow guessed that one of our organizations controlled by means of some devices listening a clandestine meeting of some of its agents. - What will they do about ours? "Well, until we have evidence concrete, can not do much ... or rather not must do nothing, I think. This Vera has obtained some information about the Kirechenko summit. Nothing can be done in this regard. As for this Vera, is beyond the reach of our grasp. - What do you mean by that, Guy? Carefully pronouncing the words, Parker answered: -Q uiero are rumors that say that such Vera cease to exist tonight. According to my friend, once

has transferred the secret information to the first Minister Vera will be immediately liquidated by the Soviets. - They will kill his own agent? "Well, consider it from this point of view ... "P or not?Why the need? Once transmitted the information that andara the loose could be a danger to them. Know too. For them, it is better to kill her, - Would you be able to do this? "I will tonight." Or so I hear. " "God, but what's happening in the world? "And or know what should happen.You should come me a drink and dine. "Déj love to see ... Was interrupted by the shrill voice of the First Lady since the room next door. "No pray, are you there? - Here I am, Billie! The first lady hurried into the hallway, simulating just arrived. - Any important message? With the greatest possible discretion, Parker tried to observe the face. His face was ashen. Seemed

whole blood that had escaped from it. T-president has sent word that will occupied until ten. If you want to wait, dine with you in the suite. Otherwise, you can dine before. "T hank you, Nora.I'll see. I am very exhausted. I will lie down and rest awhile. Do not disturb me under any pretext. They saw her off and head towards the bedroom. They heard the door close. - You think you hear us? Nora asked in a voice low. "He heard every one of the words. - What will happen now? "I can not even guess. One thing I am sure. I think twice before submitting your secret information. " "And then what? "Maybe think about the possibility of dropping out. In Anyway, I have intended to encourage it. T-Endrias tell you why you have discovered, "said Nora, frowning. "Y ou may be happy. "Besides, I could get you killed. "Reason enough for us to enjoy one last

dinner. "E s may be also the last for her. "I'm not so sure about that. We'll see. Alone in the bedroom, standing before the mirror, Vera Vavilova involuntarily shuddered. It was sure if obeyed her trembling fear or anger, or or both. The conversation he had heard from Guy and Nora had changed more than anything else since the project had begun. How could Guy's friend got Parker, assistant presidential learn so many things? And how through who? Guy had talked of listening devices. It was possible that a government agency had installed listening devices in the Ladbury phones or Willis. Could it be an operation CIA. Or maybe Fred Willis was a double agent although he doubted it. Was tempted to inform her contacts, but then realized that he would necessary. He had not made the slightest allusion to the sense of the mysterious 'Vera' was in fact the first lady. Also, before the enemy may discover it, it would already be gone, tonight return safely to Moscow. Would she leave? If

Guy was true what was said, would die tonight, would be coldly executed after handing over the information Kirechenko secret. It was incredible that he could have ruthless trust those bastards. Those dirty bastards and traitors. Their own countrymen, their supporters and allies, its own people rewarding ingenuity and risk he had taken with death. Well, well, it would no longer continue its obedient pawn. I now had a power of its own and it would use. He looked in the mirror. He knew what he had to do. The ún ic problem was that damn face first lady who was looking in the mirror. His disadvantage was to have the most recognizable face of world. This prevented her from moving freely and in these Currently, more than ever needed to move freely. He had faced a succession of difficulties to reach this point. He had passed through its will, to their intelligence and the assistance of its allies. But now he had no allies anywhere. Was completely alone in the most personal crisis

who never had faced. Concluded exceed that as he had weathered because this time he was armed. "Com o missed by going where I had to go? He focused on the problem, surprised by his new serenity and surprised more so than easily than he had thought of the solution. In First, I had to make two calls calls. Then they would launch. He sought and found the book bound in leather with addresses and telephone numbers, reproduction of the Billie he would take on his travels. In the letter F found 'Farleigh, Janet. Okay, Janet and not was, but Vera had learned, after his error before the press, Cecil, husband of Janet, and Patrick his son seventeen years, remained in their old Castlemaine resident of the House, next to Green Park, in which Billie had lived as a guest on some occasion. Holding the book open on the page containing the phone number of the Farleigh, Vera sat on the bed and read instructions gray telephone: To call the switchboard, get the

handset. Lift the handset. We heard immediately the voice of the operator. Vera read the number of the residence of Farleigh. Answered the call after one ring. Was a stout young man's voice. - Hello?Farleigh Patrick speech. - Patrick? I'm Billie Bradford, an old friend your mother. - Billie ...? Said the young in reverent tones. "Yes, Billie Bradford. My husband and I have come from the U.S. to the top. -L or know.I've seen on TV. I read in the newspapers that maybe we went to visit you. I feel that my father is not home ... -No matter.I also wanted to talk to you. I wanted to express my deepest sympathy. I loved your mother. Everyone loved her. "T hank you," Patrick said in an agitated voice. "I call for another reason," said Vera. I need your help in a small case. Could go to see you a minute? Will you be home? -P esu clear that I will.When do you mean? "T his night? -Ow it.It could be there in about ten

or fifteen minutes. You sure do not mind? -S was a great honor. "Hitherto," said Vera, hanging out. So far, so good. Now the next call, the most important. On a shelf next to the bedside night, there were four telephone from London. It bent down to read the spines. The AD said orange, the EK said pink, green and blue LR SZ. He took the first AD. On the cover you could read POSTAL AREA

LONDON. He opened the guide at the end and turned the pages to find the Dorchester Hotel and the number of phone. He noted the number on a notepad. Leaving the guide in place, he looked angry the number who had annotated on the pad and slowly, his expression became perverse. He sat on the bed and picked up the handset. Replied the voice of an operator. Vera was facilitated number of Dorchester. After a few rings that she it seemed to him endless, the call went unheeded. It was the switchboard of Dorchester. Seeking give voice to their authoritative tone, Vera requested that the

put in communication with the first suite Minister Dmitri Kirechenko. I knew I was not going to talk to the prime minister but he would talk to someone who would act as a buffer, which would be sufficient since that person would be responsible for convey your message very soon. Soviet-D ELEGATION 'said a gruff voice in Russian. Vera recognized that voice and also asked Russian: - Is the general Chukovsky? - Who are you? He asked suspiciously the tone voice on the other end of the wire. What case is it? With sadistic pleasure, Vera replied in Russian: - You do not know you, General? I'm Vera Vavilova. Vav-Vera ... "It seemed that the general, was to explode. No! That is not allowed. There should you call. -P esu call, "she said quietly. Then he added sharply: - Please get me Prime Minister Kirechenko. The voice on the other end hesitated. I can not. Impossible. You work ... is

busy. Then you have to go to dinner in a hurry. After that ... then ... later ... and the will to you as instructed. -V o and to change the hour of our meeting, "said she said firmly. But no later than before. Actually, right now I intend to see him now. I go to the Dorchester immediately. - You can not do that!If it comes, will be dangerous for you ... She interrupted him coldly. "More dangerous still going to be for you if you I. After that, Vera cut the babble of the general, hanging up the phone. So far, everything had proceeded smoothly setbacks, as he had said Billie Bradford, Vera thought Vavilova. Vera had not made any attempt to leave surreptitiously suite. Instead, he performed with ease and following strictly the procedure usual. He sent for the service agents Oliphant and McGinty security informing them that was going out of the hotel for visiting family of friends living in Castlemaine House, No. 21 St. James Place. Requested that were made available as

before one of the cars of the delegation U.S.. This was done. The officers escorted into the hall and into the car. Together they Piccadilly Circus had approached going east, Pall Mall had retreated to by Haymarket, from opposite the palace of St. James for arranging the close St. James Place, a pretty dead end. Now they had parked outside the Castlemaine House, still residing in the husband and son Janet Farleigh. He was a seven-storey building with hall hidden behind glass walls dotted gold stars. Vera had to pretend that it knew the place. The officer left the vehicle Oliphant. When you Vera means besides follow, McGinty dissuaded from do. -O liphant want to take first a look, "explained McGinty. It takes just minutes. Vera sat down with impatience as Oliphant entered. Through the glass, could see him talking to the keeper who was standing behind a counter on the right. After Oliphant left and raised his hand to indicate to wait. He went

the garage next to the building, inspected and then walked to a narrow passageway leading to the back, began to advance on the passageway and out of sight. Five minutes later, returned to the car. It went to McGinty, located across from Vera. -T engo sure it is safe.There is a patio rear surrounded by brick walls on the sides and a lattice of iron on concrete in the far further away. There is no entry in the trellis. No to worry. You patrol the streets, McGinty. I will go with Mrs. Bradford. Confused by the fact that there was no exit later, Vera dropped the car and headed to the Castlemaine House, preceding Oliphant. There was a staircase to the left of the hall. While headed towards it, Oliphant said: -T he Farleigh occupy the apartment behind the second floor. -L or know, "said Vera, quietly thanking that explained. -M ay an elevator, "added he. "This is called lift," she corrected. Prefer the stairs. On reaching the floor, Oliphant stood by the door input.

While pressing the buzzer, Vera said: "This is a visit of condolence. I'll stay by at least an hour or maybe an hour and a half. -A chemical'll Oliphant said, bowing his head. The door opened and Patrick Farleigh, the only occupant at the time, he crossed the passage and shut the door. Despite the rush to had, Vera tried to maintain some social manners. She kissed the young gangly and pimply-faced back to study: -V nurse, how you have grown, "said Patrick. The boy asked him to sit down and awkwardly she told him that, unfortunately, had very little time to be with him, but wanted to know how were he and his father had occurred since the Unfortunately. For the boy felt more at ease, it sat on the edge of the massive chair beside him. Patrick made him talk about himself, his studies, his interest in becoming a writer and her mother. In the end, leaving the compliments, Vera decided to go to the point. -M and love your company, Patrick and I would like to tell me more about you, but we will

have to leave for another time, "he said. I told you by phone that needed your help on a topic. "Yes, of course. "Actually, I have another quote that I want to keep in private. I mean I would prefer nobody know. Nothing bad, mind you, just someone to who have to watch alone. Unfortunately, privacy Not one of the privileges that a first lady. Wherever he goes, I have to use a official car and I have to accompany the agents the security service. I tell them I'll be here you an hour or more. I have told to deceive, to get rid of him. I would like you think I'm here with you, but meanwhile, I need to go and go alone to my appointment. Does it matter? "I n all.I find it very exciting. - Is there a way you can go out without me see my security service agents? A man in the street. Maybe there is service entrance in the back? -N o. The service entrance is ahead. "If I remember rightly, the back is surrounded by walls of brick and iron fence. Are you? "M and afraid so.

- There is absolutely no outlet for the back? Vera asked, sunk in despondency. The boy remained silent for a while, then seemed rejoice. "B ueno, you see, is a means, if ... if you do not mind the trouble. - What do you mean? "There are several steps in the back yard, some masons are carrying out some repair work during the day. They leave when they complete the steps here the day. I could support an anti-lattice and placed across the other. Could you climb a and down another, if you dare. Vera rose from her chair and hugged Patrick. "You're a sweetheart. Of course I dare, "Vera hesitated. But when he goes down to other side, where shall I be? M ay-wide asphalt road between our house and the Green Park. You can keep going until the first Street. - Are there taxis? "In spades. The street is Piccadilly. "Marvelous," Vera turned to kiss the young and this

flushed. He had another concern. Will the stairs there when you return? "And or I'll see that they are. "You're a sweetheart, Patrick. I'll be back within a hour recalls the need to pretend that I am with you during that time-then I will meet my security service agents and return to car-took the boy's arm. Now, do you want to show the way to the special outing? The taxi went around the island for pedestrians on the street and left opposite the Dorchester Hotel. Vavilova Vera opened her purse and paid the amount of the race to the driver, adding a tip. Before closing the bag, took out a handkerchief. His coat of with a high neck cloth that hid his indiscreet face but the neck was only partially covered factions. He hoped that the scarf concealed the rest. A doorman opened the taxi door and grazed cap with her hand as she went. Vera went rushed toward the revolving door, and pushed, in the reception area, passed the bar and crossed the spacious lobby. Several Arabs who found sitting reading the newspaper raised

the eyes to look at, but it covered his face with the handkerchief as she searched the elevators. He saw the but was quickly right the first one. The old elevator operator closed the doors and asked: W iso, ma'am? T-Prime Minister Kirechenko floor, please. The elevator looked at her suspiciously. "I hope," she added. "Yes, ma'am. Number eight, ma'am. The lift rose slowly and stopped when the light above the door lit up the number eight. Vera came and stood motionless, not knowing where he was to go. The elevator man told him the address: "To your left and then right, ma'am. Is of the Terrace Suite. Vera nodded his head to thank him and started walking, turning the long corridor lighted by Electric candles placed on each wall sconces both sides. He continued moving slowly through the hall, asked a passing waitress, and arriving the crossing of a second corridor, turned right. Almost immediately found a group of four

men, talking in front of a door plate which HARLEQUIN read SUITES AND TERRACE.

As he approached the door Vera, one of those plainclothes men left the group for prevent its passage. -N or is allowed to enter without passes, "he said in a poor English. At that time, another member of the group that back was turned and she recognized him as the Colonel Zhuk. The surprise of this was evident. Taking her arm, moved with her. Quietly, she told the Prime Minister was awaiting. Zhuk Colonel nodded and stepped toward the door. The opened and told those inside the Russian visitor could happen. Vera came and met with three other guards armed KGB, standing in front of a steeper ladder. With a smile, grabbed the railing and started to rise. On the landing above, saw another door whose plate was read SUITE OF BALCONY. beside her KGB had two guards. She greeted them with a nod and pressed the bell. " The response was almost instantaneous. At the door appeared one of the leaders of her country, she

recognized as Anatoli Garanin, a member of Politburo. He looked at her with a look of disgust. - Comrade Vavilova? No you had to see the Prime Minister until later, much later. -H and phoned, "she said laconically.I you see him now. It has already been well prepared. -No Garanin know, said, shaking his head time telling him inside the suite. By Please wait here in the lobby of guests. Speak with the prime minister. It had waited a minute, bursting with determination and righteousness, when he appeared again Garanin and nodded. He escorted to a spacious lounge, luxuriously furnished. The prime minister has agreed to brief view Garanin-d ijo.But I must say he is angry. "And I," said Vera. It seemed disrespectful Garanin considered its words. -R emember that is the prime minister. "And you remember that I am the first lady

Eplica she-r. Garanin looked angry. "He'll be with you soon," he said, abandoning stay. Sola and impatient, Vera began to walk in the impressive lounge, which had a luxurious drapes flowered and Chinese figures. There were glazed doors and a large terrace overlooking the tops of the trees of Hyde Park. Elsewhere in the room There were three sofas, antique chairs and a desk french. Turning, he noticed that the first Minister Kirechenko had emerged quietly one of the bedrooms. He went without a necktie, carried a shirt, dress pants and was laying twins. His long face and his glasses bearded flange mount without the fists were concentrated in double shirt. Vera approached without looking. -E t is at great risk, Vavilova comrade -D ijo calmly.Very careless of you. He had spoken in Russian, Vera realized that preferred to keep the whole conversation in that language. By

it was very lofty position he occupied, Vera decided not to crumble before him and not to interpret the role of a subservient subject. Were encouraged to remember that she also had power. Stoy-E accustomed to risks, comrade Kirechenko "he said. Everything I do for you risk. I would not have come here if it were not a matter of vital importance. -C NDERSTANDING "he said, sitting next to French writing desk. Bring a chair. Let's talk Now she waited for her to sit and continued: - Should I congratulate you?I've been told that it has complied your mission and you have got what we needed. -I n effect. "I hope that's important. "It is a lot. "Excellent," the premier said, arching eyebrows. In that case, wait a minute to call the Chukovsky general. -N or want to come, "she said briskly. I'll talk only to you.

He thought his boldness would provoke the anger of premier. But while the hand away bell, he watched quietly with an expression different. "Perhaps, she thought, with a new interest." "A s you want," he said, looking at amused expression. Comrade Vavilova, we worked almost three years in this Draft. We invested countless hours and enormous energy sum of money to take you to this moment. Now the time has come. This will be the meeting that we had planned for tonight, looked through crystals without lip. You say it all what we need? "Yes, everything. - How the president's lips? "Yes, direct information. - Do you believe in what they tell you? Does he not suspected, did not try to outwit or deceive? -D ijo truth, "said Vera, smiling.Us were in bed. We made love. Was grateful. -M e can imagine, "he said, looking at her.Now the frivolity that could have been warned in his tone had disappeared. Well, I am ready.

Tell me what you intend to make the United States the summit. Tell me what you have learned. "No," she said. Apparently, the prime minister could not believe his ears. - What is that? "No, I will not say what I learned. - What is not going to tell me? Cried the first Kirechenko minister, visibly upset. -No, I will, "she said in categorical tone. He looked puzzled. - What the hell is going on here? Am I crazy or what are you? Did I hear correctly? You refuse to deliver information? E-xact "she said, gaining courage. I will give my death sentence. - What are you speaking? -The confusion of Prime Minister appeared to be increasing. What death sentence? Talk clear and continue to make test my patience. " "I know what they want you," she said speaking hurriedly. I have learned through from an authorized source. From the moment that

I reveal to them what I know about the plans Americans, I'm practically dead. When secrets delivered to them when I leave here, I will be executed. Because I know too. The KGB's going to delete. Tonight, to be exact. He seemed surprised. Or was the best actor between them, thought Vera, or really did not know what purposes of the KGB were related to it. - How? "He was saying the Prime Minister. Q "hat kind of stupidity is this?"Where did you get you such a thing? -D and source of the White House that he learned to through one of the aides of the president. - A source of the White House? He repeated.And why you should see this person? -S ord, "she said, throwing his shoulders back I must remind you that I am the first lady of the States USA. Of course, "he said, letting out a snort, almost had forgotten, his eyes locked on flint she said. His new friends in the White House have deceived, "he said. It is possible that in some ways, suspicious of you. We want to avoid revealing what has learned. Prove to be very ready to use

in this way. But you're too smart to be deceive. Is on our side. It is ours. We're in it against them. Therefore, Nonsense and forth. Stick to reveal what who knows. Be rewarded for his patriotic efforts much more than you can even imagine. Talk now. She pursed her lips and was silent for a long seconds. In the end, decided to speak. -No trust you. Vera realized that the minister had striving not to lose his temper. -C Comrade Vavilova he said softly, excessive softness and a thinly veiled threat in each one of his words, "you are insolent. It is possible that I am forced to teach her to trust me. I own means to wrest information before you leave this room. Vera's audacity was becoming almost reckless. "Certainly, you can do me any thing it wants. This confirms what I was saying. It is surrounded by barbarians, some torturers, a executioner. But this time do not order to help you. Castígueme, kill me,

but Americans will die secret me. " No I'm afraid. The prime minister stood Kirechenko opposite her, staring at her. They heard only the tic tock of a clock from somewhere. Suddenly the stone facade collapsed. The body rested in the seat. The glasses were kept and face severe lit with a smile. -Y ou want, comrade premier said near cheerfully. You're a strong woman and I respect strong women. Sure, you are right ... Pietrov intended to run once you had interviewed me. " A folly, I I knew from the beginning that was nonsense. I was against, but Pietrov insisted and I let him get away with it. Then I forgot about it. But reckon it was a blunder. I shall correct. Execution order revoked. Here and now I guarantee safety. He looked pleased. But Vera was shaking his head. "Your word is not enough," he said. I need a foolproof guarantee. Ien-B, how would you be satisfied?How do I

guarantee their safety? -Absently, the Prime Minister took a pencil and started drawing some scribbles on a notepad sheet Dorchester Hotel. What could be? Do you have any idea determined? -T odavía not. "I have an idea," he said, posing the pen. Such Once the meet. A visa for a neutral country. Change their appearance once again and we to it that you could enjoy a permanent residence in ... say, Sweden or Switzerland ... with a generous pension deposited in your name at some of these countries.What do you think? "No too promising," said Vera.I would remain vulnerable. The hounds Pietrov succeed in finding me. You would be afraid that I submit to blackmail and Pietrov you and I seek and kill me. It must be something better, something to let me truly safe. They sat, thinking about it and trying to reach an acceptable solution. It had been two or three minutes when the

Kirechenko minister was removed first in the chair and leaned toward her. He seemed fascinated by something, for some new idea. " "S and I just had a chance," he said, quite bold, but feasible, a possibility that perhaps will satisfy in every way. Amela-Dig "she said, anxiously. "Look, except for the misgivings of some people White House, some suspicions that there is no reason taken seriously because no one could prove that you are not actually the real first lady except for this fact fool you achieved successfully during these weeks, all people imaginable, is not it? The president, his colleagues, politicians, the most intimate friends Mrs. Bradford, the press, all they have accepted as the first lady of the United States. T-otal. Esu-P well.Would like to continue being the first throughout life lady? - All their lives? "She said, without understand where this was going Prime Minister. "Yes, while Bradford remains in the White House

during the remainder of the term and over the next term of four years, then, remain the ex First Lady feted everywhere, a character famous during his lifetime. Would not you like? Vera had not really thought about such possibility or, rather, in the pleasure he takes in store her role as first lady. What I had not thought it? That was true. He had thought about it. There thought about it often. Occasionally, in the Over the past weeks had been delivered fantasies concerning the extension of their role. Sometimes even came to forget completely that it was a spy and a Soviet citizen. I only saw the U.S. gold around the States States with his wealth, his luxuries, his charmed life. And she, in his capacity as first lady and the power, respect and he enjoyed fame, has transformed into a woman famous land. Even her marriage to President, later with former President, he was agreeable. Andrew Bradford was relatively undemanding, easy and even attractive treatment some concepts. Certainly never love him like Alex loved and would have to do without Alex, but

power not buy without sacrifice. As her acting career, it would be lost, but in his role real life, always enjoy the light of the limelight and the attention of the cameras and the public. Oh, I had been imagining all in the course of those weeks before. Now it seemed even better, especially now he could no longer live safely and in the Soviet Union or in any other part of world. The role he played in the intrigue you had become a menace to their masters. His unique invulnerability was its leading role lady. Was the prime minister hinting possibility of turning your fantasy into reality? - What are you suggesting? He asked in a tone suspiciously. How was I able to be at life First Lady of the United States? -S iendo the only first lady, Comrade Vavilov -C ontestó Prime Minister, leaning a little more to her. Removing us to the other. Available Mrs. Bradford liquidate, you would be the only First Lady of the United States to remain in the world. For you, this would amount to the final ensuring their security. Could there be a better guarantee?

Vera was a little frightened by the indifference to the which was the sudden death referring to a figure internationally. That cruelty was amazed. -No I like the idea of killing, "he said. "Survival is all that matters in this world. Her life in exchange for yours. She must die one day anyway, unemployment heart attack, cancer. We limit ourselves to accelerate a natural process. The quick and painless death of a unknown actress in exchange for the life of the first lady. What do you think? -N or know what to say. - Did not you want a guarantee foolproof? Well here you go. Would not you agree? Stoy-E agreed that it would be foolproof. "Once we had, it would allow you tell me what you have learned in the knowledge that is safe. -S upongo yes. "Then it will. Discreetly remove Mrs. Bradford. - When? "Immediately. Let's say within a period of

twenty-four hours the prime minister made a pause. Be dead and buried. You will deliver us what we need. Deal? Vera shuddered. Billie had to divert to the Billie Bradford vibrant and beautiful, their thoughts. He should not think only of their own survival and in his fantasy turned into reality. Stoy-E ready to do the deal said. she nodding ... but with one condition. - Yes

"I must have been evidence that killed. -E s're very difficult, Comrade Vavilova.Next: suspicious. And with reason.At stake my life. The prime minister seemed to believe that his words not without logic. -M uy well, "he said musingly.Have you indisputable proof. I'll send it photographed his, body after execution. I will order that sent here by plane. You will see them. Do you take it for satisfaction? -M and would.

"You see the pictures tomorrow. "One thing ... -Had been exiled too quickly the role of first lady and an American life. It would feel very lonely without someone who had been nearby. That is, without Alex. Certainly he had been willing to sacrifice for the sake of their safety, the power and wealth. But, if I could have him at her side without no risk why not? It was possible that might have all that and enjoy, in addition, the company Alex, now trading from a position of force-Are you saying that proofs will be sent here by plane? -P or via email on a special flight.Already communicate when you can see the evidence need. M e-mail would appoint "she said. The person you want. KGB-Alex Razin. - Razin? "Asked the prime minister, arching eyebrows. Does your mentor? And friend.I trust him. In fact, I would I could stay in America for me

might have about me someone to talk to occasionally. "She might you complicate your American life. "No," she said. You must be Alex. He has to bring me the pictures that show the death of me Billie. When the morning and see that it is satisfied she is gone and I'm the only one, it facilitates the information you need. I'll do what I appropriate. But first he must do it yourself. "And I will do so or my part-the Premier rose. Tomorrow morning, Billie Bradford is dead. 11 It was an hour and half, Guy Parker had seen Vera fleetingly, in its role as first lady, abandoning the presidential suite in the company of security service agents. A third agent service that had been guarding the door of the suite him, Parker advised that the first lady was visiting some friends. Parker knew that there would visit any friends. Now that he had aware of his impending execution, he was sure who had come to a prominent member of the Soviet delegation. Parker wondered how he would

to fix. He also wondered how I would get the Soviets to nullify his execution. Should have some bargaining power now that he was possession of the U.S. secret. Perhaps his Soviet higher drop out and let him undergo cosmetic surgery. Or perhaps, whether they gave the information as if the killed anyway. Parker had spent all the time going from aisle hotel to the office of Nora and this back to corridor, without losing sight of the elevator, to see if the First Lady returned. He had almost concluded that Vera had been awarded when he saw her emerge rapidly from elevator speech and move toward peaceful suite, accompanied by agents. Parker left hurried down the hall and entered the office of Nora. When he arrived with Nora, she was talking through internal phone. As hung up, Parker said: "O ur Vera is still alive. "I know," said Nora, taking a notebook and feathers. Want to see me. They want to dictate a

changes in their program. "I so mean ... He said, taking her by the arm. "I know what that means," said Nora, zafándose. Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me. I see it. Went to the hall Nora connecting the two suites. Parker followed. "See if you can find out something for us. She nodded and disappeared towards the Royal Suite. Parker put his ear to the door, but the voice of the other side of Vera and Nora-sounded too damped as to be able to understand the words. Impatient, Parker started to walk along the short distance between the hut Nora and the corridor linking the two suites. He began Vera conjecture about the double of Billie and what he wanted done. Then tried to think of anything else I could do to catch it. He thought that, at the first opportunity to be offered, try to enter his bedroom to find something that the compromise. But he knew he would not find nothing useful there, in a room also occupied by the

President of the United States. The only option was left was to follow on the heels of each Once you leave the hotel. While Parker walked again in proximity the aisle, suddenly opened the door of the suite appeared presidential and Nora. Parker looked inquiringly. "W e had to abbreviate," she said in voice low. Fred Willis, the protocol has been presented unexpectedly for an emergency meeting. -E s strange. "I suppose ... Oh, Guy, I have not closed the door completely. "Would you please ...: "Nora was the expression on his face and stopped. Are you ... going to try listening to? Parker went to the door of the First Lady ajar an inch and moved behind it. A well-known male voice seeped through the crack. Something of that voice caused him to tense up. Was surprisingly familiar voice, an accent pseudoinglés, combined with a slight, unmistakable lisp. He who was speaking in the adjoining room had to be Fred Willis. And yet, it was the

same accent and lisp he heard himself anteriorly from its cache store Ladbury. Could it be that Willis had been Ladbury and conspiring with a Soviet agent? No was bound to be. The voices were the same. Parker felt a real jolt. Fred Willis, a Soviet agent? Could it be? Then I had to be someone from the White House. It was always somebody. By Therefore, why not Willis? Parker was still. He listened to hear the conversation of the room. It was not easy. No could see them, but assumed that were in proximity of the dining room between him and them. Moreover, the conversation is not being maintained in a normal tone. He seemed to speak softly and confidential. Vera's words could hardly be heard. But the shrill voice of Willis, who was more excited, vaguely crossed the sound barrier and reached the ear of Parker. -. .. I just received ... Willis was saying to you know ... taken place. Vera was answering, but Parker could not understand. Willis again, louder words, words

lost. -. .. will air ... within an hour at the site usual ... you ... informed this evening. Parker softly closed the door. " He turned and Nora discovered, watching him. Taking her by elbow, went with her to the office. -F red Willis is one of them whispered. "I can not believe it. How ...? "It is, Nora. I'm sure. Willis's was reporting something. Within an hour forward information, presumably to Moscow, and maintain Vera informed. I intend to find out what question. Gotta go. - Where? A store Ladbury. I have to get there before them. Wait. I'll be back ... -Parker stopped next to the door ... I hope so. It was running stride to store by Ladbury. It was a possibility, I knew. Perhaps the person who I had heard in the store had not Ladbury been Willis but someone with an accent like that. And yet But the similarity between the voice I had heard in the

Store Ladbury and the voice of Willis now had been talking with the first lady with Vera was amazing. I could not overlook this track. If his suspicions were true, someone would come very soon to shop for Ladbury convey a message through a device hidden on the premises. It was dangerous to go there a second time. Was tempting fate. But I had to. Available tests that may be sufficient for the initiation of an investigation. But I had to nowhere to turn. The president does not believe and Nor will they then believe his assistants or the CIA. All matter was in the hands of Parker, in his and in the Nora. If they have something concrete to offer, some piece of evidence, could block any plan Vera had contrived to convey information to the KGB or the prime minister. He arrived at the glittering entrance Ladbury store. Looking at both ends of the gallery, could not see more than a young couple I was walking some distance, contemplating the windows. He stepped forward, pulled from his pocket the

duplicate key, was introduced into the lock and spun. The door opened. Upon entering, the timbre of above began to ring. Immediately shut the door inside. In the room were lit the night lights, but lighting was poor. Considered the possibility to make a tour and go upstairs in search of suspected transmission apparatus, but at end, declined to do so. It would take too long. And it was in danger of being caught up, without any place in which to hide. It was better the position of listen I already knew. He walked carefully into the hall and entered therein. In the tester's bottom, compared to office Ladbury, opened the curtains and saw wrapped in total darkness. Extending his hand, crossed the room toward the far wall. He groped around and found the row of dresses, separated, passed through the midst and stood behind the costumes night. If the transfer was made in the place of usual ", and if this place was the Store Ladbury, This would happen in twenty minutes. He could

do nothing but wait. He stood in the stifling nook, half-drowned by the bulky suits, moving body weight from one to another foot. Time was happening. The wait seemed endless. Was back starting to ache. She began to feel invaded by doubts. It might have mistaken with respect to Willis. It might have taken a ridiculous red herring. Perhaps it suited him to get away. To go where? I could not go anywhere else. He waited. His doubts had begun to surface again and was trying them away from their thinking, when the silence was broken by the doorbell of entry. The vertebral column was compressed Parker rigidly against the wall. He listened. He thought he heard a rumor a few feet approaching. The lights in the hallway and lighting leaked into the tester. Peering between the suits, Parker spotted a pair patent leather shoes beneath the curtains. Ladbury, without a doubt. It opened the office door across the

hallway and the lights. The door Chambers was closed again. Damn. Parker continued waiting, mired in despair. Suddenly, the doorbell rang again the door. A few more steps. He saw some shoes. Two pairs. Coarse shoes. The office door opened and closed again. Damn. "So that was going to happen? Are you going to leave out? At that moment the doorbell rang third time. Quick feet. Below the curtains, Parker could see the brown suede shoes. Again the door the office wide open. A light beam from the office. This time the light of release not disappeared. A Parker's heart skipped a beat. The Ladbury door was left open. Parker held his breath, waiting for someone to speak. The shrill voice and lisping, Willis, if it was Willis was talking about. "Adbury L ...Baginov ... Fedin. Granted, all present. Could you please give me your full attention. That's important. I received orders from above. All

The action plan has been modified. We are ordered to act quickly. Fedin, you will have to use the device as we part. Stoy-E provisions. - What happens? Asked the voice of Ladbury. Q "hat has changed?I heard that our lady interviewed before the prime minister. Is it true? -L and has been said Willis.I do not know more details, but I know that she discovered that they were planning liquidate. "G od mine, how is it possible? Ladbury asked. "I have no idea. In any case, is submitting to blackmail the prime minister. He wants you guarantee life, otherwise, does not agree to surrender information. - What is the guarantee? Ladbury repeated.No is no middle ... Lla-E has it, "the voice of Willis, interrupting to Ladbury. I fully understand a minute. Naturally, the prime minister himself has been countermanded in the sense that it is eliminated Vera. It can not be touched. -E so now I have said-chimed Baginov.Another I do not know anything.

-Y or I'll tell the rest, "said Willis.You do not do anything, Baginov. I received orders are for your partner. Fedin ... The response was a snort without words. -Fedin, you must transmit the following to Pietrov General in Moscow, using the key more Willis recently spoke clearly each words. "The first lady, Mrs. Billie Bradford, must be executed before tomorrow morning. " A shudder ran through the body of Parker. He grabbed several outfits to keep the balance. - How? Ladbury said."Billie executed? I can not believe it. Are you sure? OMPLETED C-insurance-Willis said in a tone irritably. Here we already have a first lady. We need another. Aaah-A Ladbury said.So that is the guarantee Vera. "I n fact," said Willis, "and very intelligent, true. I heard that the idea has come up to their own prime minister ... And now, Fedin, here are all

details. You'd better take note, a silence and Willis then continued: "Billie Bradford executed before tomorrow morning. Did you annotated? When they settled, before the disfigured, his body should be photographed for appears clearly that he is dead. He has ordered Alex Razin be the bearer of a package of photographs. A special plane Razin must move our Westridge airbase provisional. The new first lady will come to examine photographs. Once has been satisfied ... well, that has nothing concerned with the message. Will you do that you have said. Is that clear? "P erfect" said an unfamiliar voice Parker figured that belonged to Fedin. In his hideout, Parker was left of stone. The horror of what was happening was prevented think logically. Upon hearing that the Russians had replaced the U.S. first lady by a double him, they had believed espantos cured. But Now he was more upset than he ever was have felt before in any other circumstances.

The immediate problem that was faced was that of able to absorb that fact. The Soviets kidnap the first lady, replaced and murder was almost unbelievable. And tonight, was going on tonight. She stood still behind the barrier of clothing of women, hoping to hear more. But was no more. The lights of the office of another across the hall. He could see moving about shoes beneath the curtains of the tester. A voice now distant, probably the Baginov, said: -V masters up right now to make the transmission. Do you have the key to today Mikhail? -I n the portfolio, "said Fedin. "Another thing Willis shouted. Find out exactly what time the plane would land Razin in Westridge. -S and will communicate later Fedin said.Another voice, that of Ladbury: -Y ou two off the lights when they leave. Do not forget to close the door. Do you have the keys? "And Baginov or not," replied, "but Fedin has one. "Stay in touch," he said Ladbury.

From the fitting room, Parker heard the doorbell and realized that Ladbury and Willis were gone. He heard how the two Soviet agents climbed the ladder. And then nothing. Although I was anxious to leave, Parker contained. Wait five minutes. I could not tell time on his watch and started to count mentally seconds. In the end, move, went through costumes closet and tiptoed into the hallway. She continued down the hallway, walked past the stairs and looked up. She could see a faint light in the sky. He went toward the door, put the key in the lock and spun. Opening the door no more than a couple of inches, put her foot on the edge of the window to rise and, covering a hand bell muffle its sound, with his other hand opened the door enough so he could get his body and, releasing the pitch, jumped down, went out and shut the door with the key. The air was cool and soft, but everything Parker was overwhelming. Now I was so frightened by what was to happen

as for his own impotence. As she raced to her car, reflected on what he would do. Needed help. Who to contact? I kept hearing in his head the same disk. No one. Convincing some authority that I had heard was true, convince the authorities of the need to confront the Soviet Union, to ensure that accused the Soviets of this intrigue and murder of the first lady was impossible. And although possible, take too long. Billie and have died. If he and Nora knew someone in Moscow who might dare to trust and with whom could make contact ... By the time he arrived at the hotel because it had occurred a possibility. The odds were enormous. But if you did step by step, but quickly, perhaps it would work, maybe I would. Also, could not go another way. Neglecting difficulties, focused on what should be done. She had to begin with Nora. She parked the car and entered running at the hotel.

Nora was not in his room. He wondered if would be perhaps the first lady. Then he remembered that the first lady had to eat out. Nevertheless, she asked the security service agent who standing guard in the hallway even if Mrs. Bradford had not returned from dinner. He learned that the President had canceled the dinner and Mrs. Bradford had dined alone in the suite and is still was there. Parker went to the office of Nora. She found having a drink and waiting. Seeing him, she almost fainted with relief. "You're alive," he said with a gasp. Thank God. He could not imagine what had happened. Or better said, yes thought so. I was stretched on a rack of torment as they tore you what you know "Nora stood up from his chair and hugged him. Oh, how I glad you're back. Now I understand the anguish of those who wait "She paused and her studied his face. Guy, what happened? "And I am important or not," he said laconically, accompanying her back to his desk and drawing a chair itself. What I have to tell you is what next. Listen without interrupting. And he believes all the words you'll say. He spoke softly and told him everything that Nora

I could recall hearing in the store Ladbury. When finished, Nora had remained pale and speech. Gradually, managed to speak. - Does the kill? No. .. can not be. Yes, you can, "he said. Guy, I know you refused to do last time ... but you have to reconsider ... you have to go to president again. "And I did.But what would happen? I say: 'So you were hiding behind some clothes and has learned all that. And now you want me protest to the prime minister? Want to invade the Soviet Union to save my wife ... when my woman here with me now? Well, well well, I do not believe a damn word of what you heard. -G ot right, "she said, nodding sadly. Okay, not think about it much. What do you think the Youngdahl ambassador? I mean he is in Moscow. Maybe we take more seriously than that tourist. "No," said Parker, "would not work.Youngdahl insist on first contact with

President ... assuming that we believe. But although we managed to act ... What could he do? "Going the Soviets and say that his release to the first lady? They say: What First Lady? Are you crazy? And if trying to locate their account?Where could it go? Even if I had any hint ... could move them to another site "He shook his his head. No, Nora, all that is absurd. But there is another thing is not so. At least a little logic. Would also require the participation of Ambassador Youngdahl, but in a minor role that not reveal what is happening. It comes down to one thing. Who do we know in Moscow? -W e presented to countless people when we were there. - Can you remember any?There were so many introductions, handshakes, and many many forgotten names. But there is someone, anyone at fewer who remember. Do not know if we can locate. And if we locate him, I wonder if accessed to help us. It happens that I asked a favor. We might give her what she wants ... if he gave us what we

we want. Is that Billie was closer during our stay there. T-interpreter, "she said quickly. "Exactly, Nora. Alex Razin. I told you that I've heard of them in the store Ladbury. Is e you need to bring the package of photos from Billie's body. It is the expert in Americans. In a way, is getting in the matter. What we should know is if our either side of them. Do you know who is going to execute Billie? Do you know the contents of the package is going to be carrier? I have the impression that ... knows nothing. Available knows nothing and we can be contacted with him before Billie is damaged and before he leaves Moscow for London, we could have any chance. Because we can promise to Razin asylum in the United States, which is what, apparently most want in life. I tell you it deserves worth a try. - How can we contact him? Parker pointed his thumb toward the office

President. T-tapping test phone connected to our embassy in Moscow. Get online Youngdahl direct. -E I problem is on the phone.Only the president and First Lady are allowed ... "You're the right hand of the first lady said Parker, interrupting Nora. She has asked you acting on their behalf. You talk to the ambassador and I take care of the rest. -M uy well, "she said, looking fixedly at an moment. I think Mrs. Martin is still there. -N e need your assistance. Nora stood up from his chair to go to the office next door. Parker followed. The head and gray hair Ms. Martin appeared bent over notes manuscript was going to machine. A cup of was strong coffee at his elbow. -S ord Martin, thank goodness you are there yet, "said Nora. V-oy to be here until dawn, "she said in gruffly. -L to Mrs. Bradford asked us to talk

with you. Shall I call for her to the ambassador Youngdahl in Moscow. Want to use your phone to listening test. -H Ubiera had to comunicármelo. "You'll have to forgive her because she is busy. Me said that you would understand that I did the call on your behalf. Ueno-B, I guess there will be no problem, "the Mrs. Martin rose, quietly complaining that hurt his back. I'll open the phone. Mrs. Martin accompanied them to the office interim president. Above the desk and next two black telephones, had another target with a small lock on the disk. Mrs. Martin sought key and opened the padlock and removed. Took a pencil after and scored a number. -T his issue then communicates with signal service officer. Identify yourself and tell the officer with whom they speak and where. When have finished, let me know. The secretary retired and closed the door. Nora sat immediately next to the desk, approached the white phone and dialed the number. Answered

a captain in the service signals. Nora was identified and announced that he had to speak with Ambassador Otis Youngdahl in the United States embassy in Moscow. Following instructions, hung and waited. Parker observed standing by the desk, composing a message on a sheet of paper. - What are you going to tell you, Guy? "A message for Alex Razin," he said. Soon 'll hear. I do not know if it will work, but we have to try. The phone rang and Nora was quick to pick it up. - Hello? Parker nodded and put his ear to device Nora was holding. He could hear the metallic voice Youngdahl ambassador. -H ello, Nora.I heard that was you. Hoped the president for this line. -No has been able to get the phone and also Billie and Mrs. Martin is not on his desk. I have asked to call them on their behalf. I guess it's urgent. Did I wake you? " -No, I am up late tonight.What is it so urgent? "T here is one message they want to communicate to

someone in Moscow. They've informed Guy Parker ... - Who? -A Guy Parker, one of the speechwriters the president, is helping to Billie in her book, she you met a few weeks ago when we ... "Yes, of course.I remember the young man. He handed the phone to him to apprise the President's message. U n-second.I'll get a pen. "Soon," said Nora goes, handing the Parker device. Standing beside the president's desk, Parker held the phone to his ear and continued introducing changes in the message you recorded in a scrapbook. - Hey, Parker? "Said the voice again Youngdahl ambassador. "Yes, sir. "I'm ready. What do you want the president to do? -S ord ambassador, do you remember when first lady was in Moscow last month? The Soviet interpreter assigned a Soviet-born the United States. A man called Alex Razin.

- Razin Razin:Not sure ... "There was a moment of silence. Yes, I think I know who it is. More rather high, black hair combed to one side. He spoke excellent English. He sat next to Billie on the ... -E is Parker said.Think you can locate? -O ur intelligence service would have to have him on file. I will check tomorrow. -M Añana no, sir.It has to be tonight. Right now. - So important is this? Asked the ambassador, he paused. C-defendant that the president and first lady consider it very important. In any case, I'm just repeating his instructions. -M uy, "said the ambassador Youngdahl. I will order that the intelligence service put immediately get to work. Once we located at Razin, what about him? -E ntregarle a message. "Deliver a message to Razin. Agreed. What is the message? Parker had been writing and now had

annotated on the sheet. The message had to be as cryptic enough not to arouse the least suspicion by the ambassador. And yet, had to be clear enough to be immediately understood by Alex Razin. And he that contain sufficient force for inducing him to action immediately, assuming that I knew where Billie Bradford held her prisoner. T-message, "said Parker.I'm going to read slowly so you can score well. Go on.

"Tell Alex Razin following:" First lady needs your help desperately. Of particular implementation concern KGB planned for this night in Moscow. It would mean that her friend Vera remain permanently in place. First Lady hopes that you can and will intervene in his name. In return for their support, you will ensure entry into the United States. If possible, please inform me the outcome in Claridges hotel in London through the U.S. ambassador in Moscow. Signed, Guy Parker, ' "Parker paused. Final the message.

-N or know anything about all this, "said the voice of ambassador puzzled tone. -A lex Razin will understand. - Is it a clue or what? "More or less. "Well, as you say. It'd better re-read. -P lease. With a faltering voice, read the ambassador again message, word by word. Parker could see that he had been perfectly reflected at the bottom of the letter. So-E is exactly, sir. " "Once we locate Razin, I'll someone to deliver. "No," said Parker.The president wants to be you who personally delivered. - Me? "Said the ambassador Youngdahl with astonishment. Is not it a bit patchy? Are you sure that I want it delivered? T-president stressed that you who handed off to Razin. Iene-T to be very important.Well ... suppose I could carry it Razin-ambassador

hesitated. I'll have too fine a careful, You know? -L or see, "said Parker.I signify also that the president wants to make the message delivered immediately. Aré H-everything you can, "said the ambassador, with a sigh. Although it was late at night MOSCOW, the old building overlooking the square Dzerzhinsky appeared studded with lights. The KGB night shift was working hard. Some of the lights, however, did not correspond to the night shift but illuminating tireless dispatches agents who worked both the day shift such as that of night, one of whom was Alex Razin. Currently, Razin was especially happy. He had completed a accumulated workload and would have a few hours to relax at home, have a or two glasses, get a little a day in his reading and enjoy a well deserved dream. He leaned back in her swivel chair, hands woven into the neck and relaxing with the

contemplating the pale green walls, again Vera mentally caress. He had missed less badly in recent days, but now separation was about to come to an end. Across the usual rumors, had learned that day tomorrow would be crucial to London summit and that the prime minister was to negotiate Kirechenko with Americans from a position of strength. That meant no doubt that Vera had passed the sex test (thanks to their own work intuitive), which had obtained information about and that U.S. strategy had forwarded the prime minister. It also meant that Vera, after having fulfilled its mission triumphantly, back to Moscow within a day or two and be changed by Billie Bradford. Would be relieved from having to Vera again in his arms safe and sound and to be free from responsibility to care for Billie. He decided Vera tell who wanted to marry immediately, take it with you forever and bear children. He felt that nothing in the world could tarnish their happiness, not even the fact that Billie Bradford had been sullen of late and depressed,. His growing depression was understandable and he

knew why. He had continued visiting daily the first lady in social plan since that night love. They had repeated binding and neither had made the slightest allusion to it. Sensed without however, that after his aggressive behavior in the bed, Billie had expected some results. Vera imitate their actions. The president would begin when less suspicious. Plot of red would discovered. She would be released. I have cheated them would have fooled everyone. Each visit will Razin did, she greeted him with a gesture of hope. Seeing he did not offer any words of hope, had been sinking into a increasingly long silences. A few hours earlier when he'd seen, had like it was on the verge of despair, drinking heavily and refusing to eat. But this night he could not pity because she knew, within a day or two, Billie was going to achieve what expected. Would be released to meet in London with his husband and come back to the White House to continue its role as first lady. Would

liked to comfort her with the news today, but was not authorized to do so. In fact, imminent release and exchange were not yet more than a matter of speculation without official notice. Without But he sensed that his release was near. She had got to bring some papers in portfolio when the sound of the phone interrupted him. He reached for the device. His interlocutor was the secretary general Pietrov. "General Pietrov would immediately see purpose of an urgent matter. It was, he told himself, the news of exchange of the first lady and second lady. Pausing before the mirror on the wall combing, Razin left his office, dropped noisily down the stairs and entered the vestibule of Pietrov general's office. The secretary of the director KGB motioned him to pass. Upon entering the office, Razin saw Pietrov studying what appeared to be a long telegram. Pietrov quickly placed face down on the message the desk and motioned to a chair Razin. Razin was settled without taking his eyes of the general, asking

if the urgent message would be if he was expecting. "R Pietrov Azin said," I fear that tonight will you be able to sleep, unless you can sleep in a plane. - A plane, sir? "I have an immediate task for you. Need a courier to deliver a package on hand tonight in London. You must deliver the package. "B ut, am I allowed to enter England? "Your destiny, Westridge airport, located in outside London, it temporarily territory Soviet, in the same way that the Embassy London-Soviet territory is considered ours. With the exception of two British air traffic controllers and two British immigration officials indifferent to the entrance to the base, that no more Soviet personnel. One of us will receive, will take charge of package, and then you climb back on board apparatus and returned to Moscow. - A return immediately? -Immediate. "But, sir, excuse me ... Could not handle Ordinary mail it? -S ince then.But Prime Minister Kirechenko

has demanded that it was you personally. So now you knows. "Yes, sir." -Follow you these instructions. I have arranged a military that his transfer to England. Will You are the only passenger in the appliance. The aircraft will be waiting at the Vnukovo airport and take off brought to you onboard in exactly three hours. Meanwhile, back home and have dinner. Wait for me there. I will pass to make delivery of the sealed package. My driver leave me again here and will stay with you directly to the airport. Do you understand? "Yes, sir," Razin, keeping in ask what all that was due. I will be waiting, sir. As he left the office Pietrov, puzzled by the purpose of this unexpected journey Razin decided not to think about the matter and limited simply following orders, as always had done. He climbed the stairs to return to his office, finished filling out her purse, took it, picked up a

raincoat and left the building to address the public parking garage was a few closed to the Furkosov. The weather was cold. With one hand, buttoned his waterproof walking, entered the parking, located his Volga car color black, bowed and sat at the wheel. He put the wallet in the other seat, the ignition key removed and placed in start the vehicle. He left the engine runs at empty for a minute, turned on the headlights and turned his head back and exit. At that time, saw a tall and elegantly dressed that ran on address. Unable to recognize the stranger, Razin was about to retreat when tall man hit by car other side, opened the door, shoved the purse and another sat in the front seats. - Alex Razin, I suppose? "Said the stranger in english. Razin surreptitiously looked at his visitor, you recognized immediately and not try to hide his surprise speech. Mbajador E-Youngdahl.... What are you?

"I have a private and personal message for you -D ijo Youngdahl in briskly.Out of this parking. Find a deserted street. I think would be much wiser. Razin hesitated momentarily seized by the confusion, then, overcome by curiosity, she decided cooperate. Releasing the hand brake, left Razin parking space and headed toward the exit. At the first traffic light, Razin studied imposing figure of the aged ambassador U.S.. - A message for me? He asked. "Apparently, very important. I do not understand. But I am told that you will understand. With the advent of green light, shifted gears and Razin went on down the street October 25. The street appeared deserted, and no traffic at that hour of night. Razin slowed as he crossed the crossings, one that was looking to his liking, until who found a paved road, almost without lighting, and turned towards it. Were trees and herbs along the curbs lined by old residential buildings damaged by the weather. About fifty yards away, not seeing the slightest sign of life, Razin held the Volga to the curb, temporary fence off a building in

construction. By activating the brakes, turned off the engine and half turned to look at the States ambassador USA. - Who is the message? Razin asked. "From a man who is part of the entourage presidential London. His name is Guy Parker. It seems unless you knew you when ... Memory-L and Razin said, interrupting Ambassador. Drafted speeches of the first lady. And he was also writing a book of it. What do you want from me? -No I know, "replied the ambassador Youngdahl.Me said that he handed you a message to me dictation over the phone to hear the test Youngdahl president had introduced his hand on the coat and in the inside pocket of his jacket and had pulled out a sheet of paper. All I know is that it had to deliver it personally and relate a matter of some urgency. Here it is handed Razin the leaf. Find my phone number in the enclosed card in case you need to contact me at any moment, "Youngdahl moved the handle and opened the door. You'd better leave him

here. Return walk to my car. Good luck, sir Razin. The ambassador left the vehicle and soon was lost in the shadows of the night. Ten minutes later, Alex Razin was still sitting behind the wheel of his car in the same place and in the same street. I had read three times the message from Guy Parker. The first reading had left him confused and puzzled. The second and more careful reading will had stopped cold. And this third reading had been Because the blood began to push with force their burning temples. Had undergone a series of shocks, one behind another, which had affected him as a shock. Only now starting to emerge from his stupor to move to a state of anger that was transformed into a profound excitement. I tried with difficulty organize their thoughts and thinking logically. He had translated the message deliberately obscure Parker's something that I could now understand throughout. The message had said Parker

Billie Bradford was to be murdered tonight. The mention the name of Vera, surprising in itself, had said that it was not coming back to Russia and continue to play its current role. And finally, had told him that if he could save Billie, would be allowed to enter the United States and would be granted asylum. Upon completion of the second reading, all the terrible implications contained in the brief message started to penetrate and take effect in the minds of Razin. First, was the horrible news that First Lady of the United States would be executed immediately. From the beginning until the end of all this project, the death of Billie had never been part of the plan, was a violent act which was not taken into consideration. Why inhumane act that had now become a need? If the prime minister had Kirechenko ordered, or was crazy or was a savage cold-blooded. If the execution was carried out and the news filtered West would lead to a breakdown in Diplomatic relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, perhaps, lead to an escalation

war and a suicidal nuclear exchange. Millions and millions of people would perish because of the senseless death of a woman. The fury of the United States would exceed the limits of understanding. The image of the Union Soviet before the world would be a barbaric nation murderer. Why take that risk? It was almost impossible to imagine. Do you perhaps made to leave Vera expeditious way so that it could continue in the role of first lady in the Over the next five years and the KGB therefore had a spy in the White House and more Later, a spy in the upper strata of the American society? Or perhaps the murder was due to another reason pressing that he could not imagine from afar? Yes, there was probably a immediate and powerful motive which had led to First Minister to order a butcher for a eliminate the most famous and beloved wife of the States USA. What was striking and similarly less understandable was the fact that

Americans-or at least one of them, a lower-level bureaucrat named Parker had discovered that the real first lady was imprisoned in Moscow and that an agent Vera was playing Soviet call successfully dual role. And he, Razin, was involved in somewhat. And now, knowing the identity of the first two drafts, the real was to be removed. Parker had learned how such a thing? That does not mattered at that time. Why Parker immediately denounced him for what had not come to the president why he had not informing the military or the CIA, why not had provoked a confrontation with the Union Soviet? Yet nobody seemed to be more aware of the plot because, apparently, the summit was nearing completion that would have occurred without the slightest alarm. Then a sentence Parker's message related to personal life Razin shook his lifetime and turned upside down. It would mean that your friend Vera would permanently in place. It was not possible

Parker was aware of secret relationships Razin with Vera. And yet, had inadvertently given the target of Razin. Parker's conclusion was unambiguous. It was true. In the event that was executed secret tonight, Billie Bradford continued to live in the person of Vera Vavilova. The United States and the world would know no more than a first lady and this would be Vera. Vera would stay in the White House during the unexpired term of the president and the Over the next four years the mandate and then remain his wife until death separate them. And Alex Razin ... Razin would lose to always. He understood completely: the fate of Vera and were linked to his own life or death Billie Bradford. If Billie died, his relations with Vera would die. If Billie alive, his love and Vera also future would live. Replaced and free, Vera could meet him in the United States. The Parker message promised a reward: the lifting of the ban on entry and permission to reside permanently in the United States.

Could be opened to them a wonderful future. Razin started thinking fast. If I could speak now, Billie protect, rescue and return to London ... and be in advance of According to Parker that he and Vera were sent to a clinic in which they submit to a cosmetic surgery and received subsequently authorized to reside in United States, both were safe and could live together. And Billie could not live and regain its former existence. "S t would be? Dostoyevsky had faced a platoon in this same city of Moscow, about to be executed, and had been saved thanks to a suspension Last minute. Could the First Lady of the United U.S., about to be executed well, save thanks to last-minute intervention? Was repeated once more the question. Is it possible? He answered his own question with a question itself. W hy not? It was certainly possible ... but possible by the hair. Incidentally, the circumstances allowed him to cherish

some hope. First, despite the secrecy of the execution order, he had learned without its have superior knowledge. And secondly place was a plane waiting to twenty miles Moscow ready to move to London with the aim of to deliver a package. Why could not Billie Bradford be the package? For a few moments, he wondered why no Pietrov would have revealed the plan to liquidate Billie Vera and keep the role of first lady United States. Perhaps because he had Pietrov Razin aware of the love felt for Vera. Or maybe because he thought fewer people were aware of the murder, all the better for murderers. Razin sought to focus attention on the following steps. Pietrov be directed to the Kremlin very soon, if it had not already done so. He and his bandits Billie would take trained force. Inside automotive, tethered and the amordazarían. The lead to the outskirts, a lonely wood. Him shoot a bullet in the head from behind. The disfigure so that their identity could not ever known. The buried in an unmarked grave

indication. He never missed her because continue to live in London and Washington. The first logical step was to get up her in the Kremlin before he arrived Pietrov. But no, he said, that would be too fast, too unexpected. Maybe they saw, perhaps both were arrested before they reach the airport. Arrive to Billie in the Kremlin would have to be the second step. Previously you had to go home to prepare it necessary. Only then could dare to lift Billie Kremlin and try to escape with her. Be directed the airport. There would be an airplane, waiting for him with your package. Youngdahl before Telefonearía ambassador out. It would then be the plane to London. Two hours later, Operation Vera would completed satisfactorily. Perhaps, perhaps. Everything was very easy to arrange, but very difficult to carried out. One false step and the first lady would be as dead as they were intended. And Razin also die.

He put his surmise and Parker saw the message on their knees. It separated the card ambassador, was the in his pocket and held the message in his hand as he opened the car door. He drew his lighter from his pocket, lit it, watched rose the flame and applied to the paper containing the message. The paper is lit red. When he started to scorch fingers, dropped it into the road and very soon saw him turned into ashes. He stepped on the ashes in the shoe, shut the door of vehicle and turned the ignition key. Enough thinking. They had to act. He knew the enemy. Time was the enemy. 12. Twelve minutes after he left the Moscow ring road, when entered with the Volga in the yard next to his house with four rooms, Alex Razin seemed strange to be contemplating his house one last time. The old house painted dark green wood, the window of the illuminated facade, was a legacy of his father's dacha who had received as a gift from the State.

Here Razin had been educated by his father as a child and here he had lived comfortably in his middle years. The only other occupant Lutoff his uncle was, seventy-odd years the elder brother of his father, bent and shrunk because of arthritis. Razin parked, the vehicle and fell rapidly approached the trunk. He opened it, lifted the cover and found it spacious. He ran to the house and, as he climbed the narrow steps, the door opened and appeared Lutoff his uncle, waiting to greet him as he did every nights. "T he dinner will be ready in ten minutes," said Lutoff uncle. Razin passed him and went inside. "Leave it, man," he said. No time for dinner tonight. I have to take trip to London immediately. You can help. Do we still have here that old trunk? That great that Dad brought from the United States. -E stoy sure that we have in the attic. "Go for it. Empty it. Drag it to here. Call me

if you need to help you. Take away the dust. Do we have a boring? Otherwise they will be sufficient and a chisel hammer. Fetch me. Lutoff uncle nodded and walked away limping toward the closet. Razin went to his bedroom. Looking at the clock, is lightly coat removed. He sought and found his old black leather jacket lined with wool, the large pockets (one of them was still a bottle of vodka) and put it on. She then approached the comfortable and opened the top drawer. Searching through underwear and socks, found the box ammunition and gun PM. He took both, left the ammunition on the bed and examined the Makarov pistol 9 mm. With professional speed, the dismounted. It was in perfect working order. The remounted and introduced eight cartridges in the charger. He remembered something else and unsuccessfully sought in the top drawer, but found in the second. He took the expensive muffler and introduced quickly

in the barrel of the Makarov. Following up on insurance, put the gun in the second pocket of his jacket. He took out his old wallet in the light jacket I had left on the bed. He examined, checked of the KGB contained his passport and kept the portfolio in the back pocket of his trousers. He pulled another thing jacket, a diplomatic passport that had Pietrov delivered. And another thing I almost forgot, the card Youngdahl ambassador with his phone number. Razin took both cards and put them away. Since not coming back, was there anything else? In some hand, had a worn snapshot of her mother and the last photo of his father. But it did not have time. Billie would have to sacrifice for. A point of leaving the bedroom, she remembered something. He opened a cupboard, reached into the top shelf and pulled out a folded blanket brown. He took her to the salon where Uncle Lutoff just dust the trunk black five feet long, with flanges brass. Razin threw the blanket around it, is knelt, opened the lock, lifted the lid and examined

inside. The chest was spacious, but not enough to restrain him. Anyway, Billie was considerably lower and thinner. He calculated that could fit. He should be scaled down and suffer discomfort, but may not have to stay in there long. At least, he hoped no. He picked up the blanket and stood up, shook it and placed it inside the trunk to serve as a liner. He lowered his cap, closed trunk and placed it sideways. - Have you found a drill? He asked his uncle. -No, but I have a chisel and hammer. "That will be enough. It took a chisel and hammer from his uncle and bent over the trunk, supporting the chisel with one hand against cap and holding the hammer on the chisel with the other. He took a hammer to chisel in an attempt to tip nail her in the trunk. But the boot was very resistant and only gave a little. Razin again give a heavy hammer, then a third and fourth, the

fifth hammer, a chisel went into the trunk, opening a jagged hole in it. Lively, Razin moved the chisel along the trunk and was giving hammer to open half a dozen holes. Delighted, retraced her steps. Anyone locked in the boot need oxygen. Holes allow Billie could breathe. Pocketing the chisel in his pocket, Razin you Hammer gave the bewildered guy. He took the portfolio, took out half of the ruble and left containing tickets on the chest. He went to the desk of the hall and took a paper and pen. He noted the date on the paper and scribbled a letter. The note transferred all property and personal effects to his uncle Razin Lutoff. Razin signed. He took the note and the ruble and deposited mainly in the hand of man. -E s yours, man, "he said.All I have ... if I anything happened. "No, no," protested Uncle Lutoff-please, no nothing happened. G ave that and help me, "he ordered Razin one of the straps holding the trunk. Let

put in the boot of the car. I a lot of hurry. Because of the lateness of the hour, the squares parking in the Kremlin were occupied only in third, so Alex Razin could park their car in a favorable location for their purposes. While heading to the Kremlin, showed, as usual, his move from KGB, despite the guards who were scattered over the area you knew. Upon arriving at the suite in which he remained a prisoner Billie Bradford, Razin stopped to chat with KGB guard whom I knew. - What are you, Boris? "Okay, buddy Razin. - How is your son? "The fever has gone down. Within a week, can return to their sports. -M and am very happy Razin said, later adding indifferently: - Have someone come tonight visit our guest? -T all has been the most quiet. Razin experienced a deep sense of

relief. Their constant fear had been that Pietrov come before him. That had been the final First Lady and all their hopes. Seeking key, tried to act with his usual nonchalance. She opened the door and entered. I had assumed that Billie was asleep and that would be awakened to be launched. But he found awake in the other end of the room with her robe and nightgown, idly by lonely on the coffee table coffee. Razin Once the door was closed behind him, she looked up and greeted him with an expression of slight surprise. Razin index moved quickly to his lips, beckoning him not to move. He went to the radio, which was emitting low symphonic volume. He raised the volume until the music filled entire stay and then approached her. - Is not it an hour a little strange to come here? "She said, watching him. -T enia something urgent to say, "he said in voice low. - Any news? She asked anxiously, posing the deck.

T here is a news-Billie.Not exactly what you expected. Dig love-what, "she said, studying his face. "I will tell. I wish there to be scared. I came to help. Regardless of what may think, remember. -D and remember, "she said, prepared to listen. - Has come to say that they will not even send home? -P cor.Much worse. Have decided to get rid of you. - How? She exclaimed, as if he had not heard well. Books ... -Q ANT rid of you, "he repeated. Eventually, Billie knew what he was saying and panicked. -O h, not ... no ... -No going to happen, "she hastened to tell him to soothingly. But that's what they have planned. They want to kill her. - Kill me, but you really kill me? She repeated in a tone of utter disbelief. -T his night, "said Razin.They want the second lady continues to play the role of first lady. Permanently. "B ut that never could ... "They think they are.

"Let me speak to them, explain them ... "I she pleaded. -N o. It would be useless.Once you cast your hands above, would you be lost. There is only one possibility. I will help you escape now. I have orders I moved to London tonight as mail. There's a plane waiting for me. I will try to take her with me. We must act quickly. Razin had imagined that she would react immediately obey him, he would rise at a bound and run to the bedroom. But instead, she stayed him with an expression of bitterness drawn in face. He had recovered his poise and taken the deck again. -B illie Razin said, puzzled, "I have not heard you? -L and I heard she said, concentrating on the cards. I do not believe. - Did not believe me?Billie ... "No, I do not believe she said, lifting his eyes. Me once lied by pretending that I was going to help escape. He took advantage of me. I will not allow re occur. I know he is an agent of the KGB. Will you deny it? Do not deny it. I saw his ID card.

Razin was left momentarily speechless. "You're not a friend," said Billie relentlessly. You're one of them. No idea of what you want of me this time. You may want to kill me you. Perhaps he has been ordered to get me out of here without difficulty. Whatever your game, not going back to participate. Are you a liar, can not be trusted you do not want to intervene ... Razin went down on one knee before her and grabbed the arms with such force that forced her to make a face. -B illie listen to me.Please listen to me. Everything you said is true. I am a KGB agent. Me I took advantage of you. They gave me an order and I obeyed it. But not now. " This time. " Why would take advantage of you? What reason could there be? Shocked, she stared into his eyes. His vehemence induced doubt. - How ... how shall I know? He asked in a tone hesitant. -B Ilie, if I was still on their side, not

I had dared to say what I said. They In order to run tonight. How could take advantage of you, what else it worse might ask? What have I to gain? -S upon what you told me is true, why bother to help? Why risk his career and his life? -T engo my reasons, "he said, rising.But now we do not have time for them. I repeat, We must act quickly. Otherwise, no have no chance. " - Are you serious? She asked, rising. Q ANT "really kill me? -V n to do, I swear. - And you ... She said, beginning to show anguished want to help? -P AN I try.General Pietrov coming here tonight to take it. I do not know exactly when. Maybe later. Perhaps a moment. We gotta go. I have the car out. Do the I say. -M u well. "Get dressed right away ... "She went to bedroom while he added: "and put the whole

mink. - Is the set of mink? She said, pausing next to the door. How do you ...? We know everything about you. Is what has Forgot? The costume or set of mink means brown suit jacket, shirt, leather shoes lizard and beige mink coat. Put it on. Is likely that the guard would let us out here. But I prefer the other way, the trap of cuisine leads to the store ... -L to have nailed. I know. But I can open it. Hurry. As soon as she went into the bedroom, Razin walked to the kitchen. He pushed aside the Mat covering the trap. He knelt. Eight nails ensured the trap. He put a hand in his pocket of his leather jacket. He took a chisel. He began use it as a lever to loosen the nails. The nails were very strong and it was not easy. Passed five minutes. He had taken two nails. Intensified its effort. Only one thing troubled him. Its successful flight depend entirely on the hour when the general Pietrov arrived. If he did shortly after they

had gone, Billie discovered missing, Razin and order would suspect that both were arrested at the airport. Where were already in the air, Pietrov send a radio message to driver, ordering him to return. It was possible detention at the airport and not back order the apparatus he cared about to Razin. If the pilot received orders to turn back, is Also find the gun against his Razin head. It was necessary that had already detached when Pietrov know of the escape attempt. Razin pulled the last nail. He put his fingers tn say to both sides of the trap, got lift soil and stepped aside. He saw the steep stairs leading to dark storage. Billie and should be dressed. " A point of getting up and to call, Razin was aware of a break in the could hear music and other sounds clearly. The sound is chilling. His heart stopped. Bowen, Razin listened. The door opened with a creak and slammed. From the angle at which he stood, not Razin I could see anyone, but had someone else in the room.

Razin laboriously rose and fell in silence to the fridge, place from which he could do the rest of stay and the door leading to the bedroom. At that moment came the burly figure of Pietrov General, past the kitchen to go the bedroom. He had almost crossed the room when Billie, wrapped in her mink coat, appeared at the door bedroom. She had also heard the sound of the front door and went out to see what happened and Now he had met with General Pietrov. Although his panic was evident, tried to keep his aplomb. Pietrov, momentarily distracted by the resumption of transmission deafening music, stopped. B-ood evening, Mrs. Bradford said aloud, looking at her from head to feet. Did you on intended to come out? "At the theater, perhaps? To a ballet performance? Nno-N she stammered.I was bored. Me I was trying on clothes. Pietrov momentarily kept silent as if reflect about your response, then spoke about cheerfully. O ne-happy coincidence, "he said.Just me

me decided to drop by to ask her leave. Billie looked like he wanted to gain time. - Come out?Me? Where? "A surprise." You'll see. He has been locked here too long. Come with me. -N o. .. I'm not sure I feel like leaving. She intended to go to bed. -H abrá much time for sleeping.I suggest that with me. "D and really, I do not want, generally.If you do not mind ... "M and imports," he said more harshly in his voice. Moreover, I insist. -B ueno, if I have to ... "Now," ordered the general. "My purse," she said hesitantly, "I'll by the bag. "No. You'll need the bag," he said in a tone Pietrov sulkily. Come voice added adamant. Do not make me him out by force. She walked down the hall, passed slowly along Pietrov without looking into his eyes and walked to the door, followed several paces Pietrov distance. From the kitchen, Razin had been watching the

scene and listening. " The crisis had occurred before than he expected. The ideas are crowded into his brain while trying to analyze the various options offered. One thing could be sure. Pietrov was leading to the first lady death. He had to be stopped by any means. W hy means?Razin's right hand had introduced into the jacket pocket. It was necessary Pietrov disarm, thus forcing down the store below, gagged, tied up and leave him there. He and Billie had to get to safety before they found a Pietrov. Both were moving away from the visual field Razin. Razin's hand squeezed the butt of the Makarov pistol. Razin pulled the pistol from his pocket muffler and dropped his insurance. In fast-moving, went to the room, holding the gun up. -P ietrov shouted. Seized with fright, the director of the KGB stopped dry. He turned with a puzzled expression and Razin stared at with wide eyes. Enga-V Razin, "he ordered, unblinking. With gesture obedient Pietrov stepped forward and began to raise his hands in meek surrender.

As he did, a hand as quick as lightning toward the shoulder holster. Pietrov drew his weapon while the pistol from him Razin pointing. Razin fired first. There was the whistle off silencer. Pietrov gave a gasp, dropped the gun and its hand approached the one hand that was holding his belly. Pietrov took a turn is staggered forward and fell to his knees, extending hand instinctively to prevent falls. Fell from facedown on the pavement. Billie and Razin watched fascinated the body prostrate stomach, study alone was recorded any sign of movement. There was none. The blood was soaking the carpet. Since emerging from a trance, Razin went into action. With the gun, motioned to Billie, telling me to follow him into the kitchen. She also gave the impression of having been hypnotized, but quickly out of that state. Avoiding ran Pietrov body. Razin her to the opening of floor. -Ow you think, "she whispered in his ear.You succeed?

-No I know, but hopefully we will succeed.I can not do nothing but move forward. Sitting at the wheel of his car with Billie Bradford in the next seat was moving Razin rapidly in a southwesterly direction on the motorway that led to the Vnukovo airport. With the exception of a brief delay, had able to leave the Kremlin smoothly. Leaving store, Razin had advised him that Billie covering the lower half face with his neck mink coat. Then, taking her by the elbow, had accompanied him to the yellow unhurried building four floors of the Administration, which stood the other side. Had waved nonchalantly to the few guards who had crossed the which we had recognized and had restored the greeting. In the parking lot had accompanied Razin Billie along the row of black cars officers whose size emphasized the insignificance of their Volga. Reaching the height of her car, had Billie helped to sit back and had

surrounded the vehicle behind the wheel. After making reverse, had gone to the door Spasskaya. A new KGB guard, who did not know him had prevented the passage. The guard had looked to Through the open window of the car. - ID? "I had asked Razin. Razin had removed his wallet and had drawn his KGB identification card. The guard had studied and had then Razin examined face. After being satisfied, The guard had pointed his rifle at Billie. - And the lady? Had asked. "It is the witness of a crime had answered Razin. Pietrov General wants to go to the Lubyanka for questioning. "T hank you, sir," said the guard had.Can you pass. As the car kept going, leaving behind the Kremlin said in Razin enigmatic tone: -N is a step you ... very long. She had tried to comprehend what he wanted say. Noting his expression of curiosity he had explained:

-L bequeath to the airport before we give reach. Sooner or later, someone will miss a And Pietrov come to your search. When questioned on Voorhis his guard, know that I've been in the suite and find that we have used the trap. Try to stop at the airport. But perhaps that's not occurs. - What will I do at the airport? "He had Billie asked, shuddering. N-ada.You'll see soon. Leave it up to me. While going through his recognizable Moscow companion at that late hour, had Razin sit by and threatened. Passing through the square Gagarin, following Lenin Avenue, was able distinguish Friendship University Patrick Patrice Lumumba, the dim lights and some hotel Sputnik dark commercial buildings such as The House of Shoes, The House of Fabrics and Warehouses Moscow. He realized very soon be gone from the city. After crossing the avenue Vernadsky, had begun to see glimpses of countryside. But his fears were not decreased. Hunched over the wheel, had continued

driving the car in silence as Billie huddled in a corner of her seat. As he advanced, was Lenin Avenue turned into the highway concrete four Chaussée lane called Kiev. He had referred to attention all cars with driver, all common engines and all city buses or who had approached him in advance and had all warily observed the headlights lit that had emerged from side streets. Now, looking at a signal that indicated that the airport was four miles, stopped the throttle, slowed the up and was slowly moving toward the vehicle the outside lane of the highway, looking for something in the patches of dark and dense groves beyond. Razin pulled away from the highway and began to enter a dirt road. A slight slope led him to a cross. Further progress and headed to his car a broad road truck that was lost in the woods. Over a hundred meters, moved in zigzags through pine and larch and at end, he stopped at a small clearing. Turning off the headlights, he turned to look at Billie. It sat with anxious expression

and inquisitive. "T he last step," he said.Must be prepared to discomfort for half an hour pass or maybe a. You may notice bruising and experience shock and panic. But if all goes well, live. We hope that it works. "E spera be successful, what? He opened his door: In the trunk of that vehicle, there is a trunk trip. You have to get inside. I shut yourselves up. You have to curl up inside and not making any noise. There's a blanket in the boot. That and the mink coat protect from knocks. I practiced a few small holes for air to enter. You think I can endure? - "After what I have endured? "Very well, then, go ahead. Both descended the Volga through their for doors and gathered in the back of the vehicle. He opened the boot and raised the cover, showing the old trunk Billie trip. I hoped it was enough to contain it. He released the straps and lifted the lid of the trunk. - Do you think you can fit in here? Asked

Billie. -S t would be easier if I take off the mink coat -D ijo her doubtfully. "No," he said, shaking his head.Need the protection of the fur. Let's see if anything-up a hand. Look, get on the bumper and I'll help to get involved. Taking Razin's hand, she climbed. Grasping hand edge of the trunk, got up with the other hand the skirt and coat over knees and introduced carefully one leg in the trunk and then the other. Then he knelt down. "M u and well," he said, now Put aside, bringing the knees to the chin. Thus. Now a little more, if you can-Razin leaned over the trunk, trying cover it better with the mink coat. How are you? "T errible.But more comfortable than a coffin. How much he said? "D and half an hour at most.When we in the air, SAGAR. Strive all you can, Billie. Ready? Here we go. Razin down the lid slowly buckled straps with brass buckles and closed the trunk.

Closing the trunk, returned hastily to his seat. Despite the urgency of the situation, he reverse carefully, determined not to shake or harm your protected. The Volga bent while back over the road truck and climbed the way. Minutes later, Razin was back in Highway, heading towards the airport. Only one thing worried him: Would the Guard Praetorian Pietrov The firing squad, wait? Nobody seemed to be waiting began and Razin to breathe more easily. While approaching the airport terminal, which had visited very recently, Razin felt momentarily perplexed. I was watching not a airport building but two. Right, I know observed a small stucco building cream, obviously old, with some steps front and a porch. To the left, some three or four-meter stood a newer building, more high and more impressive with a glass facade in which were three rows of windows in frames aluminum. On deck, a sign of light flooded

of at least a foot-height indicated: V NUKOVO. Razin was concluded that that building more new was not the building where he was expected. He turned to the oldest structure, and ignoring overlook the parking spaces on the other hand, advanced along the wide sidewalk, approached a metal signs on the sidewalk concrete in which No parking will be read and parked at the curb. Looking around, he saw that the airport Vnukovo was in high spirits despite the late hour and that was the oldest building did not appear in use. Razin left the vehicle in the hope that service had a waiter in the night shift. At that moment, a soldier emerged from entry Main smaller building and approached Razin quickly. He was wearing a uniform KGB, according to Razin was observed. Razin tightened immediately, but soon saw that the officer not wearing, weapons in sight. He calmed down slightly and waited. The captain stopped in front of Razin.

"Excuse me, are you Alex Razin? "I am. "I have ordered him to wait. I am Captain Meshlauk, the KGB. I have instructions for facilitating the output by all means. Above all, please, your identity card and passport. Razin gave him both. The master card Meshlauk considered the KGB and the passport and nodded. -M u well.It has been assigned a device, a spacious Antonov An-12 transport. You'll have to you, except the crew, of course. There will be a pilot, a copilot, a navigator, an engineer and a radio operator, but will be locked in the front. I have been instructed on the meaning of they do not have to socialize with you or you with them. The device is ready to take to the airport London's once-looked at Westridge Razin up and down. I was told to wait for him to a package. Razin showed empty hands and smiled. "Oh, I got in the trunk of the car and not is exactly what I would call a package. It is a

portmanteau that I should give the prime minister Kirechenko in London. - Is it a trunk?Well, I guess someone might be called a package. -A PEN the trunk.I need two waiters to be picked up on the plane. -L I bring you once, "said the captain, giving around and back into the building. Razin went to the back of the car and opened the luggage rack. Here was the steamer trunk, with Billie in her womb. He wondered how he would find it. He was tempted to speak, but dared not. He stood, surveying the area partially lit by streetlamps. It was observed still no sign of danger. He hoped that the fate continue to accompany him. She hoped the captain would hurry Meshlauk. As if in answer to his desire, the captain was presented, followed by two boys in years, dressed in a drab uniforms. Razin greeted them at the back of the car. "Here," he said, indicating the trunk. Treat them carefully, very carefully. A leather strap on each end. The young men approached the trunk, grabbed a strap

each and lifted him off the car's trunk grumbling. -E ncárguese he was moved to the section appliance-passenger Razin told the captain. Is need to have it constantly in sight. The captain nodded and barked orders to the waiters. "Take the Antonov An-12. Place it in section passengers. While watching the lads going away, Razin closed the boot of the car and handed Captain Meshlauk keys. - Will you park it?Return within about eight hours. -E staré here, waiting for him, "said the captain. You had better take on board. We must not worry about the passport control. Was entering the building when grabbed Razin captain's arm, forcing him to stop. "A nother thing," said Razin.When ready, I to make a call. Where can I find a private phone? So-E is no problem.Allow me to it indicated. The captain went with a small Razin

nearest office. She opened the door, lit the light and Razin beckoned it happened. "T here on the desk phone.I'll see if the boys have climbed on board the packet. Then I meet you in the door and will accompany the plane. Once the captain had gone, Razin searched the inside jacket pocket and pulled out the card Youngdahl ambassador with the phone number of the U.S. Embassy Moscow. Standing, Razin picked up the phone and dialed the Embassy. A night-shift telephone operator answered the First ring. Razin told him he had to talk to Youngdahl ambassador and his call was expected. Ale-Dig referred to a Mr. Guy Parker. There was a long interval of fifteen seconds before they heard the sleepy voice of the ambassador. -A chemical ambassador.Is Alex Razin? "Yes. I have a message to deliver directly to the First Lady or her secretary. -E stoy paper and pencil ready. "Here is the post-began to dictate Razin slowly: - "I'm en route to London with a package.

Go to the airport at dawn to Westridge join me. View all mink. Since I might impose some moment limitations, please take on board the apparatus. There receive further instructions. Signed, Alex Razin ' "Razin paused. End the message. Is Clearly, Mr Ambassador? -F or I do not.But perhaps it is for the first lady. Uélvamelo V-read, if you please.Ambassador what he read. -P erfect Razin said.Will it make me please now send it to Mrs. Bradford? -I ISTRIBUTION. "Thank you, Mr. Ambassador. Now I gotta go. Once hung up the apparatus, Razin realized he was sweating. He took a handkerchief and wiped the forehead and upper lip. Saving the handkerchief, blew out the light of the office and walked into the hall almost empty little building lit. At some distance beyond the passport control desks and recording luggage, near the exit doors, saw Captain

beckoning. Quickly walked away and met with the captain who opened the door. -T all in order, sir. Greetings, Now they were on the outside and cold air Razin struck face. The captain had advanced Razin and followed him toward the giant turbojet that stood before them. The reactors were whistling and gusts up dust and dirt. The captain began to climb the ladder laptop. Turning briefly to look. Razin started up too. Beside the door of the apparatus, the master waited and drawn inwards. Trunk-S or said about the background of the sound of reactors. Has been installed in one row of seats. Choose which like "I reached out to Razin. Bon voyage. I'll see you tomorrow morning. "And I will look Razin said, shaking his hand. And thanks again for your help. Razin happened inside the aircraft. He turned and observed that the captain was talking to the

cabin. Moments later, Capt. left. Then came a crew member and without so even looking at the lone passenger closed the heavy door through which he had entered and Razin said. Then he disappeared again within the cabin. Razin began to orient themselves. The interior of Antonov was empty, except for long benches attached to the internal walls-evidently intended to paratroopers, and a row of four seats. Pitching a sigh of exhaustion, Razin settled into one of outboard and stared at the trunk. Inside was the first lady of the United States. Amazing. No less amazing was the fact that could have come this far. His thoughts went to the executioner, would it have killed the general Pietrov or be alive? If he were alive, would he have found somebody? If he was alive and had been found, still running danger. Razin slapped in his pocket. Still had the gun.

He looked out the window. The apparatus was moving. The first rays of dawn were shaping the domes of the Kremlin. Next to a curb inside the Kremlin, Zil automobile elongated dark blue belonging to the director of the KGB was parked in the same site where they had parked upon arrival. Inside the car, all four occupants still awaited. Sitting at the wheel there was the Konstantin driver and beside the photographer sat Sukoloff. In the spacious rear, two of the three appeared vinyl seats occupied two of the faithful bodyguard Pietrov KGB general: the Ilya Mirsky captain and captain Andrei Dogel. The angry face denoted Mirsky impatience. -S and is doing growled Mirsky day, looking through the window. I do not like. We are delayed. We should have done tonight. - And what? Dogel said. A Mirsky it gave him. A plan was a plan. If people did not fit into their plans, the world, life on the land would be chaos. Without following the plans, things

could fail, things could not be done. This was a of the most admirable qualities of Pietrov. Always planned. Always conformed to what was planned. Getting things done. A delay Mirsky his boss was tonight seemed inexplicable. Now, for the tenth time at least as antidote against the boredom of inactivity. Mirsky returned to review the deferred plan. All missions had accurate but only him and knew beforehand what Dogel was going to happen. The driver had received Konstantin instructions: once you have picked up the new passenger would have to walk three miles, beyond Izmailovo Park, until a dense pine forest Virgin was hidden in an ancient cemetery. The driver should remain in the car and the photographer Sukoloff should keep it up to send him call with your camera. The passenger, the woman he Pietrov had come to collect, would be unconscious. In As the Pietrov did get in the car, you Dogel cover his face with a rag soaked in ether. The would leave on the car floor and the Dogel Mirsky and

would carry through the woods to the cemetery. An open grave would be waiting. Mirsky should fire a shot to the heart and then it should depart to the photographer's photograph. Once Sukoloff had taken some closeups of your face without life and the bullet wound and had been ordered to retire Dogel acid poured over his face to destroy it so that it was impossible recognition. The body would be pushed after the Mirsky and Dogel tomb and blades used for fill the hole with earth and cover everything with a grass layer. After a hurried return to headquarters of the KGB. Copies of the pictures would be delivered to Pietrov, which shall give it to Alex Razin. This was the plan ... still unfulfilled. Mirsky came to a cigarette lighter, gave a furiously sucked and looked at her watch. "And it's almost four," he said, glancing once more through the window. It is almost day. Os I say it's not like he put out his cigarette, mash. I better go and see what happens "He said.

-N or know Dogel he said.We received the order wait. Maybe you fucking surprise last Once the lady. Mirsky opened the door of the car. "I'll take a risk," he said, falling from vehicle and away. Walking with long strides, reached his Mirsky destination within ten minutes. As he approached the suite of Bradford, saw the night watchman watching the door yet. - How are you, Boris? Mirsky said. -M uy good, sir. - Who is in right now? Well, sir, the lady, of course. And then Mr Razin ... - "Mr. Razin? "Take in about four hours. General Pietrov followed shortly afterwards. The general also are inside. - None of them is gone? Asked Mirsky. Are you still there? "Yes, sir. "Well, I must interrupt Pietrov General. Q ANT "open up?

Boris took the keys and opened the door of the suite. As he pushed the door to enter, Mirsky discovered the big Pietrov-general's body was Pietrov no doubt lying on the ground. It was something so unexpected that the aplomb of Mirsky, usually hard as stone, collapsed. Recovering, he shouted over the background of the blaring music: - Boris! Mirsky is a leap forward and bent knee with his head while entering the guard Boris running into the room. Carefully tilting the body, could Mirsky see the blood and horrible gunshot wound. -L and have shot ... Mirsky re-tilt the Pietrov body on the floor, grabbed her wrist and his pulse. Mirsky's still alive, looked up, looking at the guard said. Ask an ambulance to the most quickly as possible! Sound the alarm! The guard turned around and ran out of the stay. Once he had recovered from the shock, Mirsky rose. Drawing his pistol, examined the room.

He had two others in the suite. Where were they? Mirsky went into the bedroom and entered cautiously. The room was empty. He ran to bathroom. The bathroom and shower were empty. Retracing his steps, looked in the kitchen. Empty. His prisoner, first lady, she was gone, the Like Alex Razin. A Mirsky not doubted about what had happened. But how had escaped? Recalled immediately above the trap and attempt to escape. He went to the kitchen. The trap seemed to be in place, but then realized nails that had been removed. By pulling the trap and pushing aside, pulled a small flashlight pocket, bent down and lit up the opening. The light showed just an empty store. Mirsky was up and put the flashlight in the certain that the fugitives had fled across the trap. Shaking off the dust, tried to understand the ground that a loyal and KGB veteran as Alex Razin had done such a thing. Had purchased the CIA? Or perhaps it had always been a double agent serving the U.S.? Does

perhaps would have heard of the imminent execution of the First Lady and would have agreed to save her in exchange for a reward? In any case, how involved Razin was going to be able to take out the first lady of Moscow and Russia? Razin's behavior was disconcerting. It was absurd. Upon returning to the hall, saw the Pietrov body is was surrounded by a medical team consisting of a doctor, two nurses and two orderlies. Mirsky waited to be carried Pietrov. The doctor said: "And to see the seriousness when Clinical reach the Kremlin. Upon leaving the suite, Mirsky was approached by some police investigators in Moscow and several colleagues KGB officers. Mirsky told them I knew quickly and then ran back to the car. He paused a moment to contemplate the ambulance, a small minibus with emblem red cross and a flashing light in the hood, which was speeding toward the door Borovitsky. Already in the car, ordered Konstantin Mirsky who rushed to the clinic Kremlin

located within easy reach. -L to which is across from the Lenin Library -Anne gave. As the car headed to the medical center Mirsky told the perplexed and Sukoloff what Dogel had occurred. When they arrived at the building of granite red five-story, Mirsky said in conclusion: -Sun or Pietrov can answer our questions ... if you live-opened the car door. Come Dogel told, try to find out. The small waiting room and suffocating was front of the surgery section. Mirsky, more restless than ever, all the time spent walking incessantly up and down without quitting, while Dogel sat, flipping through a magazine. None of the two spoke. Was more than an hour before appeared the chief surgeon, removing the mask white. -M ay chance that unless you are unforeseen complications arise, the general Pietrov recover, "the surgeon said. I know you need information. But do not expect to talk to the general for another two or three days.

Will you informed daily and in private, your state. After leaving the hospital, Mirsky knew what had to do. I had to order the driver to bring them immediately to the headquarters of the KGB which was Pietrov clearance. The flight from Moscow to London was three and half hours and Antonov transport apparatus with two passengers aboard was flying North Sea, less than an hour from its destination. Once in the air, Alex Razin had opened the trunk without delay. He had found Billie Bradford huddled and cramped inside, with eyes closed and his features marked by pain. He seemed to be half unconscious. Passing the hands under the armpits, had incorporated Gently, he had taken from the trunk and had propped up next to the seats. Immediately Billie had to bend the knees and it had broth in her arms. He had helped to settle in a seat. He had watched as she lay, almost comatose, unable to speak. At one point, after half an hour,

her eyes were partially opened. - You okay? Had asked him a worried voice. -N o. .. do not know. - Are you in pain? "Everything. - You want me to do massage? She had nodded weakly. He had begun to give a gentle massage shoulders and then did the same with hips, thighs and legs. By the end, she was asleep. He was sitting beside her, thinking, while smoking, about his past and future immediately. After she was asleep. He awoke with a start and found that they had within two hours and that she was awake, staring straight ahead. - How are you? He asked. "Much better. Where are we? "About half an hour from London. - Are we safe? "I think so. "Thank God she turned to face him and brushed her

cheek with her fingers. Greetings, All I owe you. -I the fact nvolve her into this matter Ijo-d him bitterly. "And that I had taken from him," she added.Was so dangerous. Why did that happen? "E s a long story, Billie.I will tell all before we take land. But I think before you need a good drink. "And believe it or else. He took the jacket pocket of the bottle vodka, unscrewed the cap and gave the bottle to Billie. She swallowed a mouthful, choked, coughed and sat up. He took a second sip and you returned the bottle to Razin. -M uy strong, "he said.Now I'm awake. He swallowed a mouthful and then another, corked the bottle and put it. -Ow tell me about it, "she said, looking at him. "May I tell what? "Why has. Why are we here. I was You said that was a long history. Shorten-T Rataro he said, smiling.- Yes

I guess you should know all the details because we shall be faced with a situation extremely delicate and potentially dangerous. You know something about what has happened. Now I should report the rest. Started with Razin discovery history part of a general Pietrov actress provinces Vavilova called Vera in Kiev and the fascination of Pietrov to the almost exact resemblance between Vera and the wife of one of the two candidates for president of the United States. By becoming the wife that First Lady Pietrov launched its Project Second Lady. At first it did not intend Pietrov nothing concrete, just thought that lay ahead several future crises and that the placing in the White House to a Soviet first lady may become a great triumph for the intelligence of his country. Pietrov spent almost three years and a fortune in rubles Vavilova Vera transform a replica of Billie Bradford. -Y or participated in the project from the beginning -D ijo Razin.Because, as you know, knew the

United States and spoke good English. Me given the task of Americanizing Vavilova Vera. Vera falls in love deeply and she me. I was sorry I had to be sent to Washington in place of you, but I had to choice but to accept it. Then I had to ensure that succeed and not be discovered, not only for protect but also to anyone who could return safely to me. Meanwhile the KGB had entrusted the Billie Bradford custody during his confinement. Such Billie knew as now, all the acts he had made-from help given to him in his first attempt to escape his speech to prevent punished for that reason, had been ordered by the KGB. His biggest problem, he said, had been to her need to know how Vera behave in bed with the president. -M and given the task of finding out, "said Razin. I tried to take advantage of you. And you tried take advantage of me. However, upon completion, I wing conclusion that you had tried to induce error and decided to risk it, giving Vera instructions that are behaving entirely contrary to what you had acted. It turned out I was right.

-M and was afraid, "said Billie. I t was my duty, "said Razin.But today I Forgot duty. I refused to obey. His writer, Guy Parker, got not find in London Somehow, you were in Moscow and was being executed tonight. I relayed the news, using as an intermediary to his ambassador in Moscow. Parker guessed I would not allow. He was right. I did not allow it. Suddenly, men he had been obeying struck me about monsters. I decided to risk my life to save hers. He had two reasons. The first was being selfish. If you murdered that Vera would continue to play the role of president's wife as the two live ... and I lost forever. The other reason was ... humanitarian ... but the truth is that I had come to truly estimate and considered in somewhat as a substitute for Vera. His murder was an act of barbarism. I did not want to participate in it. Saved you, you may regain my honor ... and for me to keep the woman I love. There you Throughout history, Billie. During the confession, she had heard

hypnotized, passing alternately from anger to affection. Now, more tolerant and accepting change that he had operated, managed to assess the Razin had run that risk. And finally, spoke. -Y ou have been fired for Pietrov General rescue. What will happen? - What's going to happen?That depends entirely you, Billie. - "Me?What can I do for you? What want? ESEO my life-D and Vera, "he flatly. Vera will be waiting the arrival of our plane. I've prepared well. Will be very disturbed and even frightened when they see you, but I remain tranquil. You and Vera would replace the each other. He even sent word to dress exactly like you so that the exchange easier. And then you should hide for a short time. Surely you can us off the airport without difficulty. Nobody impede the movement of the first lady and his companions. You have to hide a night ... -C onozco a place in the West End.An apartment

owned by a widow and her son ... -C onsíganos U.S. passports.You tell me promised one to me at first. I want one for Vera. Under other names. "S and can be arranged. "Find us a clinic and a surgeon discrete cosmetic surgery specialist in England. Arrange that we immediately undergo a facial surgical interventions. Vera has to stop look like you and do not have to keep your old personality and I should not ever be recognized as Alex Razin. That will prevent us locate the KGB. "S and made immediately. "Once we got home Standing in the United States, help to get a job as a journalist or a teacher and help Vera to resume his stage career. Stoy-E sure I can do. "Another thing Razin said. Do not ever speak in public nor in private what has happened. It should transcend a single word. Because, if this would happen, if her husband or one of U.S. government learned of his kidnapping and the existence of two States

Soviet Union and the United ... Got-Razin manifest despair. The friendship and peace would be impossible and the relations between both countries become a bad dream. Billie was well understood. "Even though I do feel tempted, Alex-the revenge is a powerful emotional force, try not to lose my head. No, Alex, do not worry. I promise to never mention it. "I n that case I would have paid the debt," said Razin, forcing a smile while watching through the window. It's getting by day reclined in his chair and frowned. I do not know what will happening in Moscow. In the KGB headquarters near the Kremlin, Mirsky was standing beside the desk of Pietrov General memorandum with all the notes and decrypted messages sent last night from London spread before it. Beside it found Dogel three other officers and KGB were aware of Project Second Lady. Mirsky last examined the papers of

Pietrov general. The blurry image of everything that had occurred was now clearer. Not in its entirety, of course, but a considerable part of it, the enough. The most significant fact was that, having Prime Minister ordered that Mrs. Bradford be liquidated and having been entrusted to Alex Razin the mission of bringing a package (with photographs body) to London, Razin had learned the imminent execution by any means unknown. And for whatever reasons, had decided Billie Bradford rescue and transported to London at the aircraft assigned to it. After having understood so clearly, Mirsky had telephoned the Vnukovo airport and had talked with a Captain Meshlauk. Mirsky had been informed that the unit transport Antonov with Razin board took off bound to London more than three hours earlier. - Is this Mr. Razin was accompanied by a lady? -H abía Mirsky asked. -No, not anybody with him.Came on board only

with the package ... well, actually, it was a portmanteau Large. -A h, a trunk, a steamer trunk of large size. Mirsky had understood immediately horrible inevitability of what was to come. The KGB had at its first lady to save Vera Vavilova London. Soon, the real first lady Billie London would come to Bradford. Confrontation between the two first ladies would blow up all the intrigue of the KGB. The discovery of those events and their consequences will be of gravity incalculable. Mirsky shook his head and stared at his teammates. "I think we know what has happened." Now question is what we do, stared at Dogel. Are you absolutely sure that there is may order the return of the device? Dogel bent both thumbs down. "Impossible. There is insufficient fuel for the return. We also know that Razin armed. -B ueno Mirsky said, "we can only make a thing. We must immediately notify Kirechenko premier. He alone can save.

Claridge's Hotel in London, Guy Parker had Nora turned to pick up Judson in his office and she was crossing with the release of Mrs. Dolores Martin to go to breakfast when they heard sound-proof phone tapping of president. Ms. Martin rose and went running to the phone. Nora Parker stopped by the door. "That could be for any of us. Mrs. Martin was already on the line. "Ah, Mr. Ambassador ... Well, I do not think that is up yet, but Nora Judson is here. Want talk to her? "Mrs. Martin paid attention and after the device covered with a hand. Nora! It is the Youngdahl ambassador. Want to talk with you. Nora Parker gave him a meaningful look. - Coming! Yelled Mrs. Martin, its way to quickly to the office of president while he motioned that Parker accompany her. -H ello, Mr. Ambassador, "she said, catching up apparatus. Am. Nora Judson. Want to wake up the Mrs. Bradford? -No, I need only you. "Okay.

"First, I did tell Parker what I said. I spotted Alex Razin and gave the message. I did it personally, then let him. Later, the Mr. Razin called me and I briefly reported a message to the first lady to Mrs. Bradford. -T Endre happy to write it down. "I have here written. I'm going to read. Ready? "One moment, Nora took a notepad and pen. Go on. -M uy, "said the ambassador Youngdahl.Here goes the message. "I am en route to London to pack. Go to the airport at dawn to Westridge meet me. View all mink. Since I might impose some moment limitations, please take on board the apparatus. There receive further instructions. Signed, Alex Razin. " This is the message. I will pass to Mrs Bradford as can talk to her. -L catkin having been so long.He been notified hours ago, but there has been a phone fault. Now everything works again. In However, he already has. Pass on my regards to the Mrs. Bradford.

"T hank you, Mr. Ambassador. While hanging apparatus, Nora pulled the sheet the notebook containing the message. Azin-R is underway.He wants to meet Billie with him at the airport in Westridge. You had better tell what the first lady. Parker took a worried expression. - Will not worry Billie by the fact that you know that a U.S. first lady will meet with a Soviet citizen ...? "M and I will play dumb, Guy.I will say that it has received this to her and do not understand and I will do more comments Nora paused. A advantage. Not have to wake them both. She is sleeping alone in another bedroom. He feared that the President had caught a cold and would not infected. -U n second, Nora, "said Parker, knitting frown. She took the message of the hands and read it. The read again and looked at Nora anguished expression. Razin comes with a package. That's what they had responsible to bring a package of photos from

Billie's body. And do not talk at all about Billie. -No mention Billie was.That is for Billie, What if you do not remember? Parker turned to look at the message and what back to Nora. - Does that mean ... Razin was unable to save her? I do not know what it really means, Guy. Razin not could say much on the message he has given to our ambassador. -E ntonces, why do you want to go to Vera airport? -No I have no idea, "said Nora. That must mean they could not save Billie. It has photographs of his corpse. Wants Vera knows immediately that, henceforth, you can still being the first lady. -N or insist on saying that.We know nothing. Look, you better wake up to Billie and give you the message. It remains our first lady. Are you going to be here? "No," said Parker, making as if to leaving the office of President. G uy, where will you be? -At the airport in Westridge, "said he, lowering

voice. I have to see if Billie is alive or dead ... first lady and how we live. Prime Minister Dmitri was Kirechenko in an effervescent mood while coming up the staircase to the Terrace Suite Hotel Dorchester. Breakfast at the Embassy of the Soviet Union in London, had been fruitful. He had breakfast with almost all members of his delegation and discussed the plan of action with a view to which expected to be one of the last meetings of the summit in the U.S. Embassy tomorrow morning. So far, he and his delegation had tactics used to gain time in each of the session. But tomorrow expected to announce its final decision regarding the Non-Aggression Pact of Boende. That little bitch had Vavilova Vera maintained on a tightrope, holding despotically the valuable information available. Well, since it was in good humor, he could be reasonable about it, and in consciousness, not could blame him. She wanted a guarantee security. Now would have. In these hours the

Bradford had already been implemented. Within an hour, Razin would come with the photographic evidence. As These will be displayed to Vera, he would have the needed information. If the information is favorable, oblige tomorrow Americans knees. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, saw that Razin could have arrived earlier, in which case Vera would be willing to talk. Otherwise why would Chukovsky General had called for twenty minutes, forcing him to interrupt your breakfast on the Embassy? Chukovsky had asked him to return Dorchester immediately because of an issue of the utmost importance that he could not comment on phone. Well, here he was. It fell to salute guards and entered the Terrace Suite, happily anticipating events. Chukovsky General in his uniform studded medals, was strolling in the middle of the room. The first glanced Kirechenko minister. No Vavilova Vera saw anywhere. Perplexed, he went to the desk and sat down heavily on the

chair. "Well, Chukovsky, what is the matter of the utmost importance? Chukovsky not answer. Instead he took a sheet of paper from his pocket, unfolded it and laid before the prime minister. -S and recently received this message from Moscow, Comrade Kirechenko. It is decoded. The prime minister and took Kirechenko started read. Her anger was intensifying by the minute. Keywords muttered as he continued reading. - 'Pietrov being shot ...Razin has fled with first lady ... Has the plane that you assigned to move to London ... " Anger's face lit Kirechenko, which crumpled sheet of the message in his fist while put her eyes and her features contracted as if he had suffered a stroke. Then he started cursing in Russian. - How on earth could it happen? He yelled. "I ... I do not know, sir, "said Chukovsky, backing away. All I know is what you have read in the message. Razin seems that he learned what the

implementation. And she would not be carried out. Apparently, Pietrov been fired and fled with the first lady. Ride the mail plane with Mrs. Bradford. The living is bringing here. - An impossible situation! Roared the first Minister downloading a fist on the table and demolishing empty an inkwell. That can destroy the absolutely, can destroy everything for which We have been working. Vera will be discovered. Never obtain your information ... and if the Americans discover it ... Impossible! Rose-a jump. We must do something. "And I've read, it is too late to order the return the equipment to Moscow. The prime minister was thinking. "But not too late for anything," said slowly. He looked at his wristwatch. Take earth-soon looked up, biting the lip. Okay. We did not execute the first Lady in Moscow. But here we run "Hit hard with the palm of your hand desk surface. Yes, that is. We have to do here, "he glanced at his watch. We do not have long time. But we can do. Who is our best man for the job?

Aginov-B, no doubt. - Let him come here immediately! 13 Inside the Westridge Terminal, next to a panoramic window overlooking the countryside and runways, Guy Parker was riding guard pending the plane from Moscow. Her stockings hour there and his nervousness was increasing every minute happened. Leaving London after the call of Ambassador Youngdahl, Parker had driven his Jaguar rented a breakneck speed in the darkness, along a highway increasingly lonely, then, following a signal had been section of the highway to go to the airport Westridge. Seeing the lights of the small field RAF aircraft left, Parker had slowed down, had discovered a parking lot across from the terminal and had directed towards it. Across the road toward the terminal, just had seen an open glass entrance. Besides this

were two non-British immigration officials armed, standing on smoking indifferent. One of they had asked her politely Parker identification. He had exhibited his documentation of the White House. A by immigration officers had reported his name to another and he had pressed the buttons on a laptop. Al Apparently, what had appeared on the screen had been satisfactory because Parker had crossed the step. He assumed that when the first lady-o the alleged first lady "from the Claridge's, it would not have to submit to such verification. Advancing on the cracked pavement concrete, Parker had reached the gateway to the field. Two guards were armed Soviet stationed there. One had said in a broken English: "No permission to leave the country.You have to wait with window. Parker had turned obediently toward the window, about thirty feet out, he had located in a position where he could see better tracks. In the immediate foreground, was no place for two planes. A space was occupied by a huge

Parker helicopter identified as Mil Mi-6, used to transport cargo. Next to it, perched on a moving platform, a mechanic land wearing blue overalls was repairing any damage using a flashlight in your shopping tools to help in their work. The space next door was empty and two technical Soviets stood beside the ladder phone, awaiting the arrival of special aircraft Moscow. That had been over half an hour. Now, as dawn was, Parker was able see the night lights went out. Space vacuum, for the second apparatus, had not yet been busy. Parker lit his pipe and began to shift the burden your body from one to the leg, trying to to manage fatigue he experienced as following sleep deprivation. Once again, analyzed the reasons that led him to move there. Vera knew that was coming from one moment to another to Moscow to receive the plane he was traveling Alex Razin.

Parker could not imagine how she was going to power away from the president at that hour. But Nora then remembered what he had said. Vera had sleeping alone tonight in another bedroom. It would difficult to leave. For Parker, the question that demanded a response and had prompted him to move there was simple: Razin would "only with the package containing the photographs of the body or come with Billie Billie safely? Of course, Vera could not keep aware of this second possibility. His only purpose would be to see photos and make sure Billie was gone and that she was safe and was the only first lady. Second, his would also be the purpose of making Razin exceeded immigration control and could stay in London where she could change her situation, from being an undesirable alien to a visitor accepted. Naturally, she would be able to get it. His next step was to visit in Prime Minister Kirechenko secret in order to reveal what he knew about the president's plans Bradford in connection with the summit. Distracted by these thoughts, not Parker

had noticed the arrival and landing of an aircraft Soviet, but now could see the plane, with its four turboprop single-shaft, the red stripe along the fuselage and the red star on his plane drift back. He watched her begin to gradually reduce velocity on the concrete runway. Has be it, he said, the expected device that would solve the riddle of the Billie Bradford destination. He had turned to look towards the entrance of the terminal, wondering when would Vera, when saw quickly cross the threshold. Lucia on known whole beige mink, whose neck covered much of her famous face. A sleek and slim subject took her arm and after a few seconds, Parker could recognize. It was Fred Willis, the chief of protocol, American traitor. Willis Vera had stopped while they said something quietly to immigration officials British. They had looked at Vera and had inclined to defer to her. Willis departed from its side and left the terminal, heading for what Austin seemed to be a parked at the curb. Vera went on down the departure lounge. While still with his eyes, saw Parker

otherwise on the corner of your eye. The newly landed Soviet apparatus was coming slowly empty space beside the helicopter. Two Mechanical started coming with the ladder Mobile. Keeping face a moment, Parker's eyes went back to Vera. This had fallen Lightly coat collar and mink was with a smile to the two guards Soviet stood beside the door. Both bowed their heads respectfully. Vera came to landing field. The huge Soviet machine had stopped. The engineers were putting the ladder against the fuselage. Vera stood at the foot of the ladder. At the opening of the door of the unit, started up hastily. Parker held his breath, wondering what was going to happen next. During the past forty-five minutes the mechanic perched on the ground platform attached to the helicopter had been maintained

back to the picture window of the terminal and the apparatus that had stopped in the space of the side. He had witnessed the arrival of equipment transport, while being aware of its presence. No was seen approaching the ladder. It had not been witnessed the arrival of Vera Vavilova and neither had seen disappear into the device. He had seen as much as possible because they wanted someone saw him ... and later she could describe. Now two passengers were expected to drop from apparatus of a sudden, turned Baginov face for the first time. Rubbing the face width a dirty hand, he saw a man of high stature beside the picture window of the terminal and Soviets the two guards by the door located output. Turning a bit more, saw the two mechanics who had placed the ramp and other Soviet workers who had gathered some to look beyond the device. Lowering the platform discreetly left the flashlight in shopping tools and began to push the cart away from the helicopter. It found on the side of the newcomer should not Antonov. I knew it would be and ready.

Pushing the cart to a crawl towards the Antonov earlier, moved toward the shed Repair, attached to the terminal. Passing under the nose of the huge apparatus Baginov looked up. The ladder was visible mobile from bottom to top. He saw that the door of the apparatus was wide open. No one went through the same and did not see anyone inside. Perfect, he told Baginov, timing was perfect. He kept pushing forward. Halfway between the foot of the stairs and shed repairs, stopped the cart. He leaned indifferently about it, looking for a small box. He opened the box top and rubbed the palm of his right hand against Mono dry it. Then she stood facing the ladder with his eyes nailed to the door. And waited. Vavilova Vera had crossed the door breathless tract, had returned and had hastened to enter the void inside, waiting to be received by Alex Razin. Upon reaching the passenger section, had remained motionless, gripped by uncertainty. Alex was not there. You could not see any crew member. The

section was empty. At that moment, she heard footsteps and turned return. Alex Razin, who had opened the door and had been partially hidden behind the itself, was approaching her. Seeing him, Vera was noted knees like jelly. It seemed that they had centuries elapsed since he had seen Alex for last time, but here he was so handsome, so virile, so reassuring ... but, interestingly, as surprisingly grim. Extending his arms, ran toward him. - Oh, Alex! He embraced her and she hugged him tightly. Would mourn desired relief. -V was, "he whispered, I love you. His lips pressed together as she stood hugging him. But Vera realized very soon that Razin's hand was on his shoulder and that he was trying to withdraw. He let go and stepped back, stunned. -Vera, there's something ... "Began to tell him. "Alex," she said, interrupting him, you're here and you're safe. Everything will be fine. You'll stay. I've

organizers paused. Photographs. Do you? I need to see them before ... "No photographs, no he said in emphatic tone. There is another thing. Razin was half turned and beckoned to someone who was waiting in the back of the apparatus. Since the unlit section of the plane, someone was emerging, someone was approaching. It was approaching a woman. " Vera opened her eyes, gasped and gave inadvertently strangled cry disbelief. The woman before him and was looking Billie was Bradford. Vera stared at him. I was watching his own hair, eyes, nose, chin, her breasts and even his own fur coat. For a fleeting seconds, believed to be contemplating his own reflection in a mirror at any height. Vera was looking at Vera. But no ... Billie was watching Bradford in the flesh, then sought to recover the trial, realizing that this woman had the true as she was only a copy.

He understood then the consequences of that terrible game. Terrified, he looked anxiously at Alex. He had come between the two. "And you know what all of each other," said quickly. Vera, chilled to the marrow, began to tremble. "Alex, I ... I do not understand ... "I had to do," Alex said. No further remedy. I've done for you, for us, you can believe me. Vera's panic mingled with his anger. - No, stupid! It could do without need of it. But now ... I have destroyed ... You betrayed our people ... I've ruined all. - Enough! Razin cried, seizing by Vera shoulders. It had to do so. We are murderers. "You've killed me," Vera said dully. Billie Bradford spoke for the first time. -Will you be safe, Vera, I promise. Not reproach anything to Alex. He is a man of conscience. No wanted to see me die and not want to lose you. A

Despite what I have, I owe my life to Alex. A Instead, I will help you both. Already we have it all organized ... Vera began to realize that he was losing temper. -N o. .. no, no, no ... nothing can help us. Billie quickly approached Vera, seizing her by the arm. -T iene you my word, Vera, I can help and what I will. In my capacity as first lady ... -L to First Lady Vera repeated horrified to while shaking his head. -H and suffered, I survived, "Billie.Now I hope to get back those years of real living that life owes me. you are suffering ... but survive. Vera was mesmerized and could not get away Billie's eyes, trying to understand warranties that it was offering. During the long seconds that followed, Vera tried to retrieve calm and more objectively to consider that woman who was his spitting image. Understanding that had done to this woman, the consciousness of his own fall from a position of power to his sudden distress, which slowly made feel

negligible. And o. .. sorry, "he muttered," sorry deeply what you have done ... "I know what you have to make," Billie, interrupted. The pardon. Alex has had to do what you done today ... for you ... and me. Everything fix. - Will it be fixed? "Now it is starting to get ready," said Billie. Another thing. If I can be objective in my capacity its severest critic ... "Billie smiled a slight I must tell you that smile you have given the best performance ever offered by an actor in the history. Mixture of hostility and fear that dominated Vera began to wane, leading them to feel respect for that woman. Billie was heading back to her. "Now I have to play another role-Billie He paused. Because what happened was to be so, let me add something that perhaps seems weird. Thanks for having cheated on my spouse ... and

for having care and have lived up to my image so that I can resume my life from today. Y. .. Alex gracias por ... and its fundamental honesty. -B ueno Razin said, "now we have to get going. We have many things to do. He stood between them, taking them to arm two. -Ow we are going to deplaning.To avoid rumors and gossip, you are going to lift collars of their coats so they do not see them face. We'll quickly. Do you have a car, Vera? Vera nodded. Willis would be at the wheel, waiting for. I could not know that there are two women. But taking in the circumstances, would not dare talk about it. -P or the road, Billie will take place again. Now come on. Who here wants to go out first? Guy Parker was standing rigidly to the picture window, staring at the open door of the Soviet apparatus and part top of the ladder. Nobody had not yet risen. Parker gasped and stared. He knew the numbers and knew what was going to mean the

overall. If emerged only a first lady, it would to be Vera and would mean that Billie was dead and the Soviets had beaten. If the first two ladies emerged, it would mean Billie was alive and that the Soviets had suffered defeat. Parker's eyes remained fixed on the door open. Suddenly appeared framed in the door open the device with a beautiful woman clad in a mink coat with his face partially hidden by the neck of it. He began to lose gracefully the steps, clutching the railing. Seconds later, a swarthy, broad-shouldered, dressed in a leather jacket, appeared at the door and began to descend the ladder. Razin was the distant Parker collaborator. Parker kept his eyes on the door open, awaiting the appearance of another person. He realized that his heart was beating each time stronger and faster. A little distance from the foot of the ladder mobile Baginov pretended to be busy with your shopping tools without taking her eyes off the ladder. The Baginov eyes locked on the woman

decline, followed closely by Soviet agent Razin. Baginov watched his foot stepped on the last step, with Razin heels. A foot left the metal step and then by another. By touching the ground, she stopped to wait for Razin. Without losing sight of the hand is Baginov spread to the cart, entered the open box and grabbed the pump light metal fragmentation. The foil containing deadly gelignite. While rapidly approaching the roadside bomb, Baginov recalled the first time I had seen test in a firing range located twenty miles Moscow. The Red Army used a prisoner Czech politician. The bomb had exploded at his feet and, at dust dissipated, Czech gone. The larger piece that was left of him had been a piece of skin of two inches. Baginov saw the woman's mink coat and Razin named man began to walk away from of the portable ladder. Now, he said. His thumb pressed the ignition device

automatically. Eight seconds to detonate. Raised pump over his shoulder, back and spread arm, throwing in an arc toward the couple. While the pump away from his fingers and he kept his course, mentally counting the seconds, captured a movement in the wicket into the top of the ladder. Other women were emerging from the apparatus, preparing to step on the ladder platform. By what he could see, was identical to the woman who had already stepped on the floor ... the same hair, same eyes, the same mink coat. For a tiny instant, remained motionless and bewildered because of the confusion. Mentally I had counted six seconds. Dio instinctively turned and plunged into the ground beside the cart. Seven ... eight ... gelignite and exploded in the air with a deafening roar. The ground shook beneath him, dust him asphyxiation, and the remains of the wreckage rained down over him.

With ears whistling and momentarily blind Baginov got up from his knees and began to crawl ever faster towards the expected escape route, ie the repair shed. He came to the old door, pushed her inside and began to crawl inside. But before disappear, he wanted to make sure that it had reached success. He looked over his shoulder, trying to traverse the dense smoke screen black-gray. Something was burning. She could see the belly damaged the equipment, a void in the place previously occupied by the woman ladder and stuck up on one side of the door. When the smoke rise and disappear in the where they had previously been found lady's mink coat and Razin ... was no one, not was nothing. The couple had broken up by complete, erased from the face of the earth. Baginov had seen all he needed to see. It gave himself a grim smile of congratulations. But the smile soon disappeared. The Other Woman. No part of the plan. He sensed that something had failed. He had carried out its work with all

accuracy. But something went wrong. He stopped crawling, stood inside the dark barn and went stumbling toward output that would lead him to safety. Guy Parker lay dazed and bloodied on the floor of the terminal. The terrible explosion had completely destroyed the window next to where he was. The strength of had detonated on his back. Blood oozing from a wound in the neck and cheek right caused by flying glass from the window. She sat up groggily, trying to recover the meaning and understanding what he saw. The first thing I remembered was that, prior to the explosion, he saw two women. There was a woman at the foot of the ladder and other emerging mobile of the door of the apparatus, at least at first sight both looked the same. This meant that he had Razin Billie managed to save and run away with her in Moscow. It Billie and also meant that Vera had faced each other inside the machine, before leaving.

Rising to one knee, Parker took a quick look at the terminal. The two Russian guards beside the exit door were still on the ground, laying one hand and the other sitting. In entry, two British immigration officials had left their posts and one of them had directed toward the field, while the other was approaching a phone. Further, Fred Willis had left the vehicle was parked and ran toward the entrance of the terminal. With an effort, Parker managed to get up. Moved forward, staggering. He shook legs, but managed to stand. He tried to forward. He could walk. He turned to the shattered window. He saw a big hole. It came to it, hesitated, then passed through the same, stepping on the cement floor of the field aviation. She stopped and tried to put the pieces of that disaster. On one side, several soil mechanics Soviets were wandering, prey start. Near them, a stunned Soviet wearing a military uniform was contemplating the twisted pieces of metal from the mobile ladder scattered everywhere. An immigration officer

Britain had just appeared out of breath at the door exit, crying out in English that had to locate the murderer. Ignoring all, Parker had no eyes only for one thing. Through the smoke that was rising the crater produced by the bomb, looked at the damaged the plane, focusing on the door. A woman and he recognized her. The First Lady had survived and I was trying to rise and back inside the aircraft. The woman looked at the empty space that opened at his feet and the remains of the ladder scattered across the floor. During those fleeting seconds, Parker could make perfectly other human figures, two people, three members of the crew of the Soviet apparatus behind her. The first lady, "Parker said with relief, was alive and had suffered no damage. I knew I had to act. Someone had to help her. Her handkerchief to her mouth and nose, Parker ducked and ran through the smoke, avoiding the huge crater and trying to ignore some

small remnants of charred mink and a creepy piece of human ear. Emerged coughing from the smoke plume and moved stumbled on the concrete floor to be located directly below the door of the appliance in which he was the first lady. He beckoned to Billie with his hand to draw your attention. - Here, Billie!he cried. I! She heard him and moved head. Parker extended his arms toward her. - Come on, drop!It's not very tall! Crew the help! Arrójese! I will pick it up! Without a word, she turned and held out his hands to two of the crew. They were placed on both sides hers, holding each one hand while grabbed both sides of the door. She sat on the edge with his legs dangling. Slid front and left out while they held it strongly. The decreased gradually, and for a seconds, was hanging in space. Extending his hands, brushed her Parker could ankles. - Loosen! He cried. She came off, plummeting, and Parker grabbed her,

her arms around the bottom of the coat mink. The impact made him stagger and threw toward back until she lost her balance and fell on the floor cement, with the body above the first lady own. Were piled up while he shook his head and began to withdraw. He got out and, rising, helped to his feet. - You okay? She asked. She nodded. Heard in the distance the whistle of a siren and then another and another. "T iene get out of here," he said, taking her hand. He left her quickly, dodging the smoke and running toward what remained of the shattered window. When he reached the hole, he said interior the building. She went through the wreckage of the crystal. The followed, pointing to the entry. At that time, he saw someone in the middle of the room, making frantic signals to the first lady. It was Fred Willis. - Mrs. Bradford! Cried Willis said.Hurry! She

pulled away and ran toward Willis. Parker Willis saw her approaching, he observed that the head protocol took her arm and saw both running toward the gate. A point of going outside, she is half turned and gave sign thank Parker. Parker stood in the doorway, his eyes stuck in the car that was moving away. At that moment, she remembered something that had almost Forgot. There were two. Now there was only one. - What! Roared the Prime Minister Dmitri Kirechenko, jumping up from his chair and approaching the agent Baginov KGB. You say he had two ... two? And that was the same? Baginov nervously retreated a few steps toward the center of the room of the suite of the Dorchester, nodding head. "Yes," l and said the prime minister barely able speak. Then, turning to General Vladimir Chukovsky which was standing next to the first

Minister Baginov added: "There were two. One on the ground. Another up, preparing to leave the aircraft. - What were equal? Asked the prime minister. A sa-identical twins, "said Baginov. - Are you sure? "I ... I could only glance at the second, but ... Yes, comrade Kirechenko, sure. The prime minister froze Kirechenko, harshly nailing his steely blue eyes in the KGB agent. -P ermítame one thing clear, "the first Minister. Did you fly to the first lady, the I was on the floor? "And the man beside her. "Razin," muttered the Prime Minister. In good time we got rid of him. But you cleared the first lady entirely? "T otal.These bombs shattered into thousands pieces to people. What remains can not be identify. "And during all this, did you appear another woman at the top of the ladder? -S ince then.

"Another lady. Do you recognize? "Yes, sir. It was exactly like the one below, that the first lady. "T he two were the same ... "Two first ladies? Baginov vigorously nodded. -M uy, "said the prime minister Kirechenko, deeply furrowing his brow. What happened to from above? "He jumped well apart? "No Baginov answered firmly.I could only view briefly before fleeing. The blast knocked sideways and backwards. But it was killed. The that was on the ground died. The airplane experienced. It seemed as if Prime Minister reflect about all this and, to speak, it was like talking inwardly. "So Vera, the very witch, boarded the plane -D ijo.She and Bradford were. Now one has disappeared and one has survived, "he advanced a step towards Baginov and pushed with a finger agent's chest. Baginov, think carefully. What of them died? "Gasped. Which of them alive? -No I know, buddy, "she hastened to answer Baginov. I do not know at all. I fulfilled orders, sir. Delete the first lady. I saw her. The deleted it. And then, to my astonishment, I saw her. It was absurd.

"No worry said the prime minister, launching a profound sigh. Thanks for having carried out the mission. Now you can retire. He waited until the KGB was gone. A Once the door closed, he turned slowly and went to the chair opposite the desk, absently accommodating therein. He sat motionless, looking face blank on the other side of the room. After more than a minute, he turned to look at general Chukovsky. "So," the premier said, "what do you think of that all about? -A s is natural, not like. "We may have killed his," said the Prime Minister meditative tone. But perhaps we killed our own. -C inmate, but we're going to find very soon, "said Chukovsky general, nodding. Available our Vera has died, the first lady will come to visit. However, if Billie is dead Vera will appear and all will be resolved satisfactorily. The prime minister stood and began to surround the

nearby table, lost in thought. He stopped before the general. He shook his head. -N or, generally, you're wrong.No one appears. Available our Vera has died, will not appear. If Billie Vera has been killed and survived, does not appear. Now less than ever. For now has no need to. Now is the first lady ... we can not prove that it is not. And we dare not approach it because it is may be true, it might be Billie Bradford. The prime minister approached the table, looked the bowl of fruit and chose a green apple. - Who the hell told Vera to climb to board the plane? He asked himself as apple wiped his hands together. That is what we has broken. Studied the block and gave a loud bite. He began to chew and said with a shrug: "T here is one American said.You win something, lose something. This time we lost. We'll never know if Americans are taking a lantern Boende relation. We can not run the risk of

test them. We have to walk on safe and wait for another occasion. For now, have to give and accept the non-aggression pact proposed by the United States. Before the world, we offer the image of peace-loving. Someday within ten or twenty years, within half a century, is may be another chance and that there Vera another even better. But not now. Thanks to Vera, We lost, walked to the desk. I'll call the president, I will say that we have reached a decision and request an emergency meeting this afternoon in its embassy. She placed the apple in the ashtray and hit the button phone. "M and wonder who will sleep tonight with president said. The next day, Air Force One was flying over the Atlantic toward the base of the Andrews Air Force and the City of Washington. Judson Parker and Nora were sitting in reclining seats of their section to team of collaborators, sharing the reading of the

front page of the London Telegraph. The owner of the largest held fruitful outcome of the Summit, the non-aggression treaty, peace in Africa and a new age of detente between the United States and the Soviet Union. A headline over little concerned that some mysterious deaths had taken place at the airfield Westridge at an unknown murderer right had thrown a bomb, killing one Russian flight attendant and the Russian pilot of a military Soviet who had just arrived from Moscow. In the end, Parker left the paper to one side and Nora looked at the commotion which had originated something beyond. Inside the device reigned atmosphere of joy and celebration. The president and the first lady had left her suite to deliver with his team for the victory. President Bradford, smiling with a glass in hand and arm about the waist of the smiling first lady was talking animatedly with members team of collaborators from the White House. The

President, excited by his triumph, he was sure I was going to be reelected. The first lady, looking around, found Parker and Nora. Separating the president with his glass of whiskey in hand, walked down the aisle toward them. H ere are-you, "he said, moving closer. I wanted to thank you for everything. Parker started to rise, but the first lady strongly supported a hand on her shoulder stop them. "And I want to propose a toast," added the first lady, raising her glass. Nora Parker and his family up to reciprocate. P-or the success of the Summit, "said Parker. "Therefore, indeed," said the first lady. But in reality, the toast is for you two, if true what I heard. I understand you have the purpose of marriage. Nora nodded, forcing a broad smile. It Billie. Thank you very much. She intended to tell when things calm down a little. "No could happen to two people

nice that you said the first lady, taking a sip of her drink. My best wish is you who are as happy as Andrew and I have been during these past years. -N or we might wish it otherwise, "said Parker. "Hey, do not go to her pregnant right away, Guy said the first lady in mock tone rebuke. I need to Nora for our second term. And you'll also need. In any case, congratulations and best wishes. After that, the first lady left to meet again with the president and his group of collaborators. Parker's smile followed. After a while the eyes again rested it in the paper that beside him. He began leafing thoughtfully, reading again the headlines on the mysterious murders of airfield Westridge. When finished, looked at Nora and she saw it was was looking at him. - Well? "She said. Parker's smile was gone. "There must be some way to find out. - How? Asked Nora. Last night we were

considering all possibilities. Nothing could serve. Your gynecologist is vegetating in a hospital. His dog was accidentally hit California by an automobile a week ago. You said Vera had some revealing scars from cosmetic surgery. I I said that Billie had also been subjected to cosmetic surgery, his big secret. By Therefore, we can not go anywhere unless you learn something in the course of the related research his autobiography. Udo-D that allows me to discover something. - What do we do then? Do you think once we find out? Oy-V to tell you what I really said Parker. I think anyone ever find out achieved truth. Neither the president. Not the country. Nobody in the whole world. Only one person knows it-he pause. She.

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