Sebu7173-12 B

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BEFORE OPERA OPERATION TION Operation and Maintenance Manual Excerpt


© 2010 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved




SEBU7173-12 November 2010

Operation and Maintenance Manual 784C and 784C and 785C 785C Off Off-H -Hig ighw hway ay Truck/Tractor  (Machine) 1HW1-Up (Machine) 1HW1-Up APX1-Up (Machine) 2PZ1-Up (Machine)




45 Operation Section Before Operation Operation

Operation Section

Machine Access System Specifications

Before Operation

The machine access system has been designed to meet the intent of the technical requirements in “ISO 2867 Earth-moving Earth-moving Machinery Machinery – Access Systems Systems”. ”. The access system provides for operator access to


Mounting and Dismounting

the operatordescribed station and conduct thesection. maintenance procedures in to Maintenance

SMCS Code: 7000 Code:  7000


Daily Inspection SMCS Code: 1000; Code:  1000; 7000 For maximum service life of the machine, make a thorough thoroug h walk-a walk-around round inspection before you mount the machine. Make a complete counterclockwise circle of the machine. Look around the machine and under the machine. Inspect the condition of all major components. Check all grease   fittings. Look for the following discrepancies: ration 47 Illustration Illust


Use steps and handholds whenever you mount the machine. machine. Use steps and handholds whenever  you dismount the machine. Before you mount the machine, clean the step and the handholds. Inspect handholds. lds. Make all necessary repairs. the step step and handho Face the machine whenever you mount the machine and whenever whenever you dismount the machine. Maintain a three-point three-p oint contact with the step and with handholds. handholds. Note:  Three-point contact can be two feet and one Note: hand. Three-point contact can also be one foot and two hands. Do not mount a moving machine. Do not dismount a moving machine. Never jump off the machine. Do  try to mount the machine when you carry tools not try not or supplies. Do not try to dismount the machine when you are carrying tools or supplies. Use a hand line line to pull equipment onto the platform. Do not use any controls as handholds when you enter the operator compartment or when you exit the operator  co compartment. mpartment.

•   loose bolts •   trash buildup •  oil, coolant, or fuel leaks •  broken parts or worn parts •   cracks in the frame Remove any trash and any debris. Report any abnormalities to the shop. Make any necessary repairs before you operate the machine. Note:  If the machine has not been operated for more Note: If than 48 hours, quali fied personnel should complete a service servic e inspec inspection tion before you operate the machine.


46 Operation Section Before Operation Operation



Illustration 48 (A) Ladders and lights (B) Warning light (C) Ground level controls (D) Engine (E) Torque converter and transmission hydraulic systems (F) Fuel tank

(G) Hoist cylinders (H) Tires (I) Frame and body (J) Suspension cylinders (K) Rear axle hydraulic system (L) Hoist and brake hydraulic systems (M) Air system

(N) Steering system (O) Automatic lubrication system (P) Engine air   filters (Q) Rollover protective structure (R) Cab (S) Expansion tank



47 Operation Section Before Operation Operation

(A) Inspec Inspectt the ladders. the ladders. Inspect the lights for broken lamps, lenses and proper operation. Replace broken lamps and lenses.

Illustration 51


(5) Dipstick tion 49 Illustration Illustra


(1) Warning light

(B) Inspec Inspectt warning light light (1).

(D) Inspect Inspect the engine. Use dipstic dipstick k (5) to check the oil level in the oil sump for the engine. Check for oil leaks, coolant leaks, exhaust leaks, and compressed air leaks. Check the belts of the engine for proper tension and for good condition. (E) Inspect Inspect the hydraulic sys system tem for the torque converter and for the transmission. Check for  leaks from the torque converter and from the transmission. transmis sion. Check worn hoses and damage damaged d lines. Repair any leaks, worn hoses and damaged lines.

Illustration 50


(2) Cover  (3) Cover  (4) Cover 

(C) Inspect Inspect the ground level controls. Make sure that cover (2) for the engine shutdown switch and cover (3) for the battery disconnect switch are down. Inspect cover (4) on the RS-232 connection for the VIMS.

Illustration Illustration 52


(6) Fuel tank (7) Truck body

(F) Inspec Inspectt fuel tank (6). Make sure that the fi ller cap is installed correctly. Check the level in fuel tank (6). (6). Check the welds and mounting brackets for  fuel tank (6). Look for any leaks or damage to fuel tank (6). (G) Inspec Inspectt the hoist cylinders. Loo Look k for leaks, cracking, or marks on the chrome.


48 Operation Section Before Operation Operation


(H) Inspect Inspect ttir  ir es es for cuts, gouges and proper in flation. Remove large rocks from the treads. Look for  abnormal wear or uneven wear that may indicate oblems elsewhere. elsewhere. Make sure that mechanical pr oblems you check the inside of the tire for damage or  for wear. Inspect the tire treads for damage. If  epair the tires. necessary, r epair

(K) Inspect Inspect the the hydraulic  hydraulic system for the rear axle. Check the level in sight gauge (9). Look for leaks around   filter (8) for the rear axle. Inspect the lights for damage. damage.

Look for damaged rims. Replace any missing valve caps. Check the Check  the wheel bearing for bolts that are loose or missing.

compartments in the  fi nal drive housing and in the al housin housing. g. differential differenti

Note:  Correct oil levels are critical in the rear axle Note: Correct ck the oil level prior to operation. If you housing. housin g. Che Check add oil, allow suf ficient time for the oil to  fi ll all of the

Note:  Rust behind Note: Rust behind a bolt may indicate that the bolt is loose. Shiny metal areas around a bolt may indicate that the bolt is loose. Remove any objects that are wedged between the dual tires. Make sure that the rock ejectors swing freely. (I) Inspect Inspect truck body (7) and the frame. Check the   cracks or damage. Inspect the dump frame for  cracks body for damage, wear or distortion. Check for  uneven wear of the body support pads. (J) Inspect all of the suspens suspension ion cylinders cylinders for leaks. Repair any leaks in the suspension cylinders. Check for for the following conditions. If any of  these conditions are present, see Operation and Maintenance Mainten ance Manual, Manual, “Suspension “Suspension Cylinder or further instructions instructions.. Check” f or chrome has been wiped wiped off and the whole •   The chrome length   of the chrome is used during normal length  operation. MS will display the service code for  VIMS •   The VI collapsed suspension cylinders. de is harsh and the suspension cylinders •   The riride extend fully when the truck is empty.

Illustration 54


(10) Upper sight gauge for the hoist, torque converter, and brake tank (11) Upper sight gauge for the transmission tank

(L) Inspect Inspect the hydraulic syste system m for the hoist and for the brakes. Check for leaks, worn hoses and damaged lines. Repair any leaks, worn hoses and damaged lines. Check the level in the hoist, the torque converter  and the brake tank on upper sight gauge (10). Check the level in the transmission tank on upper  sight gauge (11). Make sure that the   filler caps are installed. Inspect the tank covers for damaged bolts, loose bolts or missing bolts. Tighten loose bolts and replace missing missing bolts. Check the welds and mounting brackets for the hydraulic tank. Inspect the tank for  leaks or for damage. If necessary, make repairs. (M) Inspect the air system. system. Drain the moisture and sediment from the air tanks. Check for leaks.

Illustration 53 (8) Rear axle oil   filter  (9) Sight gauge




Illustration 55

49 Operation Section Before Operation Operation


(12) Upper sight gauge

(N) Inspect Inspect the steering hydraulic hydraulic system for leaks, worn hoses and damaged lines. If necessary, repair leaks, worn hoses and damaged lines. Inspect the steering cylinders and the steering tie rods. Check the level in the steering hydraulic tank on upper sight gauge (12). Inspect the tank cover for  damaged bolts, loose bolts, or missing bolts. Check the welds for the tank. If necessary, make repairs.

Illustration 57


Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS)

(Q) Inspec Inspectt the Rollover Protectiv Protective e Structure (ROPS) for cracks in welds, castings or any metal section on the ROPS. Check mounting bolts and mounting pads for damage. Consult your  Caterpillar Caterp illar dealer for necessary necessary repairs. (R) Inspect the cab. Check Check the level in the washer  fluid bottle. Check the VIMS for diagnostic codes. Correct any discrepancies. (S) Inspect Inspect the expansion tank and the cooling systems system s for leaks, leaks, worn hoses and debris. Repair  any leaks and damaged hoses. Remove any debris that could block the air   flow through the radiator.

Illustration 56

g00648974 g00648974

(13) Level gauge (14) Tank

Inspect the automatic lubricant reservoir. reservoir. Check (O)   Inspect the level gauge (13) on the reservoir. Inspect the tank (14) for leaks. Check all the grease  fi ttings. (P) Che Check ck the engi engine ne air   filter service service indica indicators. tors. Check the engine air precleaners precleaners for accumula accumulated ted bris. If necess necessary ary,, empty the precleaners. precleaners. See de debris. this Operation and Mainten Maintenance ance Manual, “Engine  Air Precleaner - Clean”.

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