Acknowledgement (e would like to thank my teacher Ms) So*ia Shu+aat for giving us an o$$ortunity to work on this amazing $ro+ect) (e learned a lot of things and earned great ex$erience which will definitely hel$ us $ersonally and $rofessionally in future) (e would *e remiss to fail to acknowledge our heavy de*t to the #e$uty Manager H)R O$erations , HRIS- H)R , Admin #ivision- Mr) .hulam Mahmood for giving us his time and $roviding us with all the knowledge a*out SEAR/E"s Human Resource #e$artment and its functioning) (e would also take this o$$ortunity to thank our $arents and family for always su$$orting us and guiding us at every ste$ of our lives) (e would also like to thank our friends who have given us great suggestions and su$$ort while we are working on our $ro+ect)
Searle – Human Resource Management
Executive Summary 0his re$ort $rovides an analysis and evaluation of the current and $ros$ective standards of the human resource de$artment of Searle) Searle %om$any /imited 10S%/2 is a $rivate limited com$any that ranks seventh in the field of $harmaceuticals) It is recognized as a dedicated $rovider of 3uality healthcare $roducts committed to research and develo$ment and its ethical and $rofessional standards) Searle has one of the leading human resource de$artments in the country) 0he methods of analysis of the com$any involved a visit to the com$any"s head office and an interview with the Assistant Manager of the HR #e$artment)
0he re$ort looks over the methods em$loyed *y the com$any to recruit- decruit- and select em$loyees) It also ex$lores orientation techni3ues and em$lo yee training a$$roaches used *y the com$any) An in4de$th analysis of the com$any hel$ed us identify the various internal and external challenges that are faced *y Searle) 0his $rovided us with an o$$ortunity to $rovide them with some suggestions to im$rove the com$any"s $erformance)
Searle – Human Resource Management
Introduction to the Organization On Octo*er 5- 6785 the Searle %om$any /imited 10S%/2 was incor$orated in !a kistan as a !rivate /imited %om$any 6785 as a su*sidiary of .)#) Searle , %o)- )S)A) 0he mission of the com$any has *een to *uild an organization which $rovides its customers with the *est $ossi*le $roducts and services in the healthcare and consumer industry) 0oday- Searle is one of the leading $harmaceutical com$anies in !akistan) It has two state4of4the art manufacturing facilities in /ahore- and 9arachi- !akistan- which are the most modern in the country) 0he manufacturing facility of 0he Searle %om$any /td) 10S%/2 conforms to the strictest re3uirements and em$loys systems and $rocedures of the highest standards to $rovide manufacturing- 3uality control- warehousing and $hysical distri*ution services to the com$any- medical $rofession and ultimate users) 0he com$any has consistently invested heavily in new technologies and state4of4the4art e3ui$ment) 0he $lants are *eing significantly ex$anded in all areas to cater for its ever ex$anding manufacturing o$erations in future) Searle em$loys around 6:;; $ermanent staff mem*ers) 0he sales force is assisted *y a team of usiness #ivision 1.>#2 which is growing at a fast $ace) 0he o*+ective of .># is to esta*lish Searle $roducts *eyond the geogra$hical *oundaries of !akistan) Adding new $roducts to the $ortfolio in most of the countries $rovides an o$$ortunity to *uild on the *ase already esta*lished in those markets) 0he num*er of em$loyees is the .># team is also increasing in order to $rovide $rofessional services to our customers in each market) It now com$rises of more than ?; men and women from different countries- which include Afghanistan- %am*odia- Myanmar- !hili$$ines- Sri /anka- ganda- and @ietnam) iSearle has also esta*lished re$resentative offices) %ountry >usiness Managers'Sales Managers are *ased in most of these countries to closely monitor the *usiness activities) .># team is geared to grow at an even faster and ready to handle the ever4changing international *usiness scenario) 0S%/ ranks seventh in $harmaceuticals and en+oys an exce llent re$utation in the field of health care $roducts throughout the country and is recognized as a dedicated $rovider of 3uality 4
Searle – Human Resource Management
healthcare $roducts committed to research and de velo$ment and its ethical and $rofessional standards)
Human Resource Management Human resources 1HR2 come under the um*rella of management functions within an organization) HR $rofessionals recruit- manage and $rovide direction for $eo$le who work in an organization to maximize $rofita*ility and em$loyee satisfaction) 0hey ty$ically develo$ and administer $olicies related to hiring- $erformance management- com$ensation- safety and wellness- em$loyee *enefits- communication and training) HR manager"s +o* involves maintaining large data*ases of em$loyee information) In the $ast this information was stored in $a$er files- *ut most organizations today maintain records electronically) However the data is stored- maintaining em$loyee records is a crucial $art of any human resources de$artment) A human resources program teaches many im$ortant skills *ut a key $art of *eing a great HR manager is the a*ility to *uild relationshi$s) Em$loyees enter and exit through the de$artment and are often at their most vulnera*le during these times) 0he a*ility to *e $rofessional *ut em$athetic is im$ortant for HR $rofessionals to *e effective in their coaching- counseling an d conflict management roles) On a more tactical level- HR $rofessionals $roactively get invo lved in& •
Managing talent within the *usiness) In other words- ensuring the *est $eo$le are hired
ensuring talented em$loyees are fulfilled and have a career $ath and ensuring $eo$le"s *road talents are maximized) Managing the development o the employees & Ensuring they receive the correct
induction and training as well as continuous learning as their careers evolve) Managing people!s reward" 0he com$any has to offer and $rovide an attractive and
com$etitive salary- and incentives and *enefits $ackage) 0he com$lex *ut routine $rocess of $ayroll management is also vital) Managing employee disputes" 0his could *e negotiating with unions on a national scale
or facilitating disci$linary or grievance action at a local level) Em$loyee relations work will involve a good working knowledge of em$loyment law) Managing change & Advising on restructures organizational designs and working
$rocesses) #riting policies and procedures for all working $ractices including managing international mo*ility) At all levels $eing a conidante to the internal $o$ulation you have res$onsi*ility for)
Searle – Human Resource Management
(orking with the HR Inormation System% which is an essential source of management information)
0oday"s HR de$artments are moving away from *asic administrative roles and into strategic utilization of em$loyees) Many $urely transactional tasks such as $a yroll are *eing outsourced and HR $rofessionals are *eing asked to add value to the organization through $olicy recommendations- reorganization of resources and tactical hiring)
Searle – Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management o Searle 0he interviewers had a meeting with the Assistant Manager of the HR de$artment of the Searle %om$any /imited 10S%/2 who gave a general overview and touched almost every dimension of the HR $rocess) He also shared detailed and in4de$th information a*out the $ractices the com$any"s HR de$artment has ado$ted)
Recruitment Searle is currently recruiting candidates from SBA>IS0) 0he com$any recruits the candidates solely on the *asis of %@s) 0heir main em$hasis is on the $resentation of the %@s *y the candidates) 0he Assistant Manager of HR de$artment informed the interviewers that they recruit candidates from all universities regardless of the myths that other com$anies have to recruit I>A candidates only) He mentioned that a fair chance is given to all the university candidates to $rove themselves and their degree)
&ecruitment 0he com$any kee$s the workforce under control- and tries its *est not to terminate the em$loyees until and unless they have done something that threatens the com$any"s re$utation) 0he choices com$any mostly takes for decruitment are transfers mainly for middle level em$loyees and early retirements for to$ level em$loyees)
Selection Once the com$any has a $ool of candidates- the HR de$artment then screens the *est candidates for the re3uired designation) Selection is $rimarily *ased on the following $oints& • •
Cualification !rior Ex$erience of the candidate
0he selection $rocess of Searle is 3uite lengthy and time consuming) 0he candidate is first interviewed *y the Assistant Manager of the HR de$artment) He then looks into the %@ and conducts the following tests for the candidates& 6) 'eneralized (ommunication )est & 0his test is conducted to evaluate the communication and inter$ersonal skills of the candidates) 0he main reason to conduct this test was due to the fact that Searle is a $harmaceutical com$any and has contractors and su$$liers for their medicines outside !akistan) 0herefore they want their em$loyees 7
Searle – Human Resource Management
to *e well versed and $roficient in communication so that it can add value in their relationshi$s with su$$liers a*road) :) I) Skills" 9ee$ing the modern world of growing technology in $ers$ective- the com$any strongly focuses on em$loyees who have command and ex$ertise in I0 skills) Dor exam$le- they should *e com$etent enough to com$lete the tasks in minimum time *y using Microsoft (ord- Excel and !ower!oint instead of relying on manual work) According to the HR manager- the main $art of their selection is *ased on candidate"s ex$ertise in I0 skills) lack arrows J mostly visi*le and clear market influences on the work and $ay) Red arrows J ice*erg rises with success and maturity- ex$erience- etc)- 1*ringing invisi*le $erceived factors into the visi*le agreed contract2) >elow the water level& factors mostly $erceived differently *y *oth sides- or hidden- and not agreed) /eft side of ice*erg J exam$les of em$loyee in$u ts- which e3uate to em$loyer ex$ectations 4 informal- $erceived and unwritten) Right side of ice*erg J rewards exam$les and e m$loyee=s ex$ectations) >lue arrows J influences on em$loyee and em$loyer affecting $erce$tions- mostly invisi*le or misunderstood *y the other side) Durthermore- a communication test is recommended for the candidates and can hel$ in evaluating the communication skills of the a$$licants) 0he following test can *e used *y the HR de$artment to evaluate the communication skills of the a$$licants in an ade3uate manner&
Searle – Human Resource Management
All the questions below are testing your ability to communicate effectiely, listen sensitiely, adapt the style and content of your communication to different audiences, and foster effectie communication with others. 6) 0ell us a*out a situation where your communication skills made a differenceL #escri*e a time when you had to win someone over- who was unres$onsive to what you had to sayL :) #escri*e a situation where you were a*le to influence others on an im$ortant issue)
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