Seagull Online Training Quick Guide Admin DOCU0082-Rev4 STA Online B

February 20, 2017 | Author: Ibrahima Fall | Category: N/A
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DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 1

Seagull Training  Administrator Online

Quick guide for the Administrator 

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules Rules for Classification Classification of Maritime Maritime Training Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 2 LOGGING INTO THE APPLICATION .................................................................................................................................. 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................ 2

THE HELP SECTION........................................................................................................................................................................... 2 DOWNLOADING FILES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 SORTING OF LISTS WITH INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................ 2 NOTIFICATION BAR .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 PERSONNEL .................................................................................................................................................................... 3

ADD PERSON .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 BASIC SEARCH ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 ADVANCED SEARCH.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 VIEWING/EDITING PERSON S DETAILS ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Show/add remark .......................................................................................................... ......................................................... 6 ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Changing a person’s password ............................................................................................................................................... Require password change ...................................................................................................................................................... 7  Lock an Account....................................................... ................................................................. .............................................. 7  Unlock an Account .............................................................. ................................................................. ................................... 7  CES TEST ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Schedule / Start a CES tests .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Deleting scheduled CES test ........................................................... ................................................................. ........................ 8 TRAINING STATUS AND RECORDS IN THE PERSONNEL SECTION ......................................................... ......................................................... 9 Training status panels ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 Records tab .................................................................................................................... ....................................................... 12 Import CES applicant test results .............................................................. ................................................................. ........... 13 ’

TRAINING LIBRARY ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 STATISTICS ................................................................................................................................................................... 15

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Overview panel .............................................................................................................. ....................................................... 15 Detailed graphs se ttings and detai led graphs ............................................................... ....................................................... 16 REPORTS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17

ORDERING A REPORT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17 MANAGING REPORTS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 LEARNING RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................. 20 TEST FOR APPLICANTS .................................................................................................................................................. 21

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 21 ADDING AN APPLICANT ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 APPLICANT S DETAILS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 SEARCH FOR AN APPLICANT ............................................................................................................................................................. 22 START A CES TEST FOR AN APPLICANT................................................................................................................................................ 22 APPLICANT RECORDS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 ’

CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 23 CES ............................................................ ............................................................... .............................................................. ... 25 SEAGULL SUPPORT DESK .............................................................................................................................................. 25

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules Rules for Classification Classification of Maritime Maritime Training Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 1

Logging into the application The login screen is available at the web address provided to you by Seagull AS

To log into the system, fill in the following fields:   

Company  Login Password 

When all the information has been entered, click Login. Please note that if another user is logged into the Seagull Training Administrator with your ID and password, this user will be notified and his/her login closed. This function is implemented to prevent several persons using same ID/password and thereby mixing results.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 2

General Information The Help section If you want more details regarding any of the subjects in this guide, please click the HELP link in the top right hand corner of the screen. Here you will find in depth information regarding all the functions in STA Online.

Downloading files STA-Online allows for downloading reports and learning resources. If you use Internet Explorer web browser, depending on IE security settings you can experience different Internet Explorer behaviour. Most probably you will be notified about blocking the site from file downloading with the Internet Explorer Information Bar, as presented in the picture below. Click the Information Bar and then, click Download File. If the file does not open nor the information bar appears, please contact your system administrator ;

Sorting of lists with information  All lists in STA-Online can be sorted. In order to do it, click the column name /header you want to be used to decide the sorting. The whole column will be greyed and in the header there will be an arrow indicated the sorting order. There are the following possibilities:  

 – ascending sort order (a – z) - descending sort order (z – a)

Click the column name to change the sort order. The third click removes the sorting and returns to the default sort order.

Notification bar  If there are any notifications, e.g. generated reports or CES tests these will be displayed in the notification bar. . The notification bar is visible until the link is clicked or the corresponding part is visited.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 3

Personnel  Add person (This function is only available to accounts specified by the company) To add a person to the database, enter the personnel section by clicking the Personnel section button. Now open the Add person panel by clicking on the bar.

Fill out the required fields (*) and click the Add person button.

If you try to add a person with an already existing ID, a message box will appear.

If you try to add a person with an already existing name, a message box will appear.

If you are sure the person is unique, click the


Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 4

Basic search To search for a person in the database, enter the personnel section by clicking the Personnel section button. Now open the Search panel by clicking on the Search bar.

Type the first part or the whole ID, First name, Surname or Rank in the Free text field and click the Search button or  press the Enter button on the keyboard. If you don’t enter anything in the Free text field and click the Search button, all the personnel in the database will be listed.

The results of your search will be listed in the Results panel and the Search panel will be closed.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 5

 Advanced search  Access the advanced search options by clicking ADVANCED SEARCH located in the top right corner of the Search panel. You can narrow your search by using the different filter settings available.

The results of your search will be listed in the Results panel.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 6

Viewing/Editing Person’s Details In order to display the details of a person click the person in the Results panel. The selected person will be highlighted in the list and the details shown in the Details panel.

 All details except the ID may be edited. Seagull can configure the edit rights based on requirem ents from your  company. Fields with a white background can be edited. Grey fields are locked. In order to edit a field click the field and type the required data.

Show/add remark Click SHOW / ADD REMARKS, to open the Remarks panel. You can click on a remark to get more details about it.

Changing a person’s password Select the person you want to change password for in the Results panel and click Follow the on-screen instructions and click save to confirm the new password.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 7

Require password change To make a person to change own password the next time the person log in to the application, select the person and click

Lock an Account Select a person for whom you want to lock account in the Results panel and click the Lock account button to lock the person’s account. This will remove the person’s access to STA Online.

Unlock an Account To unlock a locked account click the Unlock account button in the person’s details panel.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 8

CES test Schedule / Start a CES tests To schedule or start a CES test, select a person in the Results panel. Then click the CES Test button in the Details panel. This will open the CES test panel.

To define a new test, select the Test type in the drop down list. Depending on what you choose, new criteria will appear. There are three available test types: STCW - additional criteria to be selected are: Department, Level and Vessel/Propulsion Detailed  – additional criteria to be selected are: Function area and test name Company specific  – select a test defined for your company

 After selecting criteria, click the Schedule test button. The selected person will be notified about the scheduled test in the notification bar after logging in to STA Online. To start the CES test immediately, click the Start test button.

Deleting scheduled CES test  After scheduling a CES test for the selected person, the test is listed in the CES tests scheduled for panel. This panel is displayed when selecting the button CES tests

To delete a scheduled test, click the test and then click the Delete button.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 9

Training status and Records in the personnel section The Training Status panels are used to review the selected person’s development status according the selected person’s rank and vessel type. You can also simulate the training required for higher ranks and other vessel types or training period. The Records panels list all records for the selected person.

Training status panels The Training status panels is divided into four tabs. Pending training This tab displays all training activities that are pending. This means all training activities that has either not been completed or are out of date. Training activities that is either missing or out of date are marked with red color in status column

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 10

All required training In this tab you can view all your required training activities Training activities with the status Out of date or Training  missing are coloured red in the Status column. The completed and valid training activities have status OK and are coloured green. Click the training activity to see the completion details.

Completed training In this tab you can view all training activities that you have com pleted.  All proficiencies here will be displayed in green. Click the training activity to see the completion details

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 11

Requirement simulation In this section you can define the parameters that shall be used for the simulation and view the simulation results. This section is divided into two panels: Requirement simulation and Training activities.

You can select between the following parameters: 

Rank: Choose a rank for which you want to perform a simulation. All training activities required for the chosen rank will be included in the Training activities section; Vessel type: Choose a vessel type for which you want to perform a simulation. All training activities required for the chosen vessel type will be included in the Training activities section; Show training requirements: Choose the time period you want to be included in the simulation. After  performing the simulation the status will be updated regarding the chosen time period, showing which training activities will be outdated.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 12

Records tab The Records tab shows all training activities (Computer Based Training, Company Specific Training and results from knowledge assessment also called (CES) that you have completed or started. This tab is divided into the following panels: Company specific training (CST) Computer based training (CBT) Computer based training (CBT) in progress Crew knowledge Evaluation System (CES)    

The Company specific training panel lists all your completed training act ivities which is company specific

The Computer based training panel lists all completed CBT training activities.

The Computer based training in progress panel lists all CBT training activities that were stared but not yet completed. This means that the results have not been registered yet.

Click the record you are interested in to see the session details.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 13

The CES (Crew knowledge Evaluation System) test panel lists all your completed test results

Import CES applicant test results To import CES results, select a person for which you want to import results to and click the Import results button in the CES panel. The Import CES results from applicant window will be opened.

Use the search to find an applicant or list all applicants. Then select the applicant you want to import the result from and then click the Import results button. For more details on this subject, please read the HELP panel.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 14

Training library  All the CBT modules are started from the Training library section. Enter the training library section by clicking the Training library section button. The Training Library is divided into several categories according to STCW. Each category contains one or more CBT modules. Click the category to expand it and see all the CBT module titles.

 Available CBT modules in the selected category will be listed. Click the CBT to start it.

 A window with the CBT menu will open.

The lesson names are listed on the left side and the status of each lesson on the right. The lesson status can be either not started, in progress or completed. Click a lesson to start it. To exit the CBT module and return to the application, click the Close button.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 15

Statistics Introduction The Statistics section shows training records for all installations in several graphical views. This section contains three panels: Overview, Detailed graphs settings and Detailed graphs.

Overview panel The Overview panel contains two predefined charts: -

Number of records reported per month for all installations


Number of installations reporting per month with different activities.

The built-in charts in this panel are not editable; however the series can be rotated by clicking Rotate series. There is also a possibility to download them in Excel or PDF file by clicking Download Excel or Download PDF. The Number of records reported per month for all  installations presents the number of records that were reported in each month of the current year for all installations. Included records are: CBT, CST and  Assessments.

The Number of installations reporting per month with different activities presents the number of installations that were reporting with CBT, CST and Assessments activities in each month of the current year.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 16

Detailed graphs settings and detailed graphs The Detailed graphs settings panel, allows users to define their own chart by manipulating different settings.

There are two main settings for the detailed graph:

Detailed graphs type This list contains four graphs types specifying the source data for the graphs: CBT summary CBT average score CST summary Activity summary Other settings slightly differ depending on the Detailed graphs type you choose. When choosing CBT summary and CBT average score, you will get a field called Title. When choosing CST summary you will get a field called CST name. When choosing Activity summary this field will be removed and you will get three check boxes instead (located to the right of the Chart type field). These are named CBT and CST and they are ticked on by default. Tick off the corresponding check box if you don’t want to include it in the chart.

Chart type There are two views of detailed charts: Bar; show data in a single bar - e.g. for New CBT records and Accumulated CBT records, each will be presented as two single bars Stacked bar; both data types will be presented as one single bar  For more details on this subject, please read the HELP section.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 17

Reports Ordering a report To generate a report, click the REPORTS link in the upper right corner of the screen. Select which report you want to generate from the report selector panel.  A description of each report is shown in the description field when a report is selected. Click the Generate button to generate the report.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 18

 A panel with different filtering options will open, depending on which report you chose. You may also enter an email address where a notification will be sent when the report is done. When you have set the report criteria, click the Request new report button.

 A confirmation box will tell you that the requested report has been added to the work list for the program. Click the Ok button to return to the report selector.

To generate more reports, follow the steps above or click cancel to return to the main screen.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 19

Managing reports When new reports are available in the report manager, a notice will appear on the main screen below the panel buttons.

To access the reports you have generated, enter the report manager section by clicking the Report manager  section button. Here you will see a list of all generated and queued reports. Click a report to download it.

 A download confirmation box will appear. Click the Download button.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 20

Click the Save button and choose the location where you want to save the report. Or open the report directly by selecting Open button

Learning resources The Learning resources tab lists all documents that are meant to be knowledge/notification resources for all persons. Click the document to download it.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 21

Test for Applicants Introduction The purpose of adding a person as applicant is when the person to be tested does not yet have a unique ID / employee number because he/she is not yet registered in the database. The test results registered to an applicant can later be merged with a person registered with a unique ID/ employee number.

 Adding an applicant To add a new applicant, go to the Test for applicants tab and expand the Add applicant panel by clicking on the title bar of the panel. Fill out the required fields (*) and click the Add applicant button.

 Applicant’s details If you click an applicant in the Results panel, the personal details will be shown.

Here you can:   

Edit details entered when adding an applicant; Start CES test for the selected applicant; Delete an applicant.

There is one non-editable field in this panel; Imported nationality. It is used when the applicant is import from a CES 4.1 application (old version of CES). This field shows the nationality of the imported person. This nationality may not match the nationalities that are available in the reference table in STA. Based on this information you can choose a nationality from STA in the persons details.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 22

Search for an applicant The Search panel in the Test for applicants tab is visible by default.

Type the first part or the whole; ID, First name, Surname or Rank in the Free text field and click the Search button or press the Enter button on the keyboard. If you leave the Free text field empty and click the Search button, all applicants in the database will be listed. To display the details of a person click the person in the Results panel. The selected person will be highlighted.

Start a CES test for an applicant To start a CES test for an applicant, find her/him using the Search panel and select in the Results panel. The selected person’s details will display.

Click the Start CES test button to start a CES test for a selected person.

 Applicant records The Records panel contains records from CES tests.

Click a record in the CES panel to display details of a selected CES test.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 23

Configuration Introduction To enter the STA Online configuration, click the Configuration link in the top right corner of the screen. The Configuration part is divided into two sections: Training requirements and CES.

Training Requirements The -

Training requirements section is divided into three panels: Training activities: Here you can view all training activities and copy/paste training activities’ matrixes . Rank requirements: This is the requirements matrix for the selected proficiency. Training details: Here you can read details of the selected training activity.

Edit data To edit the training requirements, click Configuration in the top right corner of the screen. The Training activities panel will open. Click the Allow editing button and you can edit the training requirements. Click one of the activity groups to expand it. You can also click the EXPAND ALL link in the right corner of the panel bar to expand all the groups E.g. if you want to see the training requirements for a CBT, click

The CBT list will expand. Now click the CBT you want to view requirements for.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 24

The Rank requirements panel will open.

Tick the check boxes to make the training activity required or not required. Choose the validity period from the Validity period drop down list. You can set the validity period for all ranks by using the drop down list in the top left corner. To set a validity period for a single rank, use the drop down list just under the rank name. Please remember that changes made in the Rank requirements panel are saved as you change them. It is not possible to undo the changes

Training details The Training details panel, displays the guidelines for the selected Training activity.

To edit or add information in the Training details panel: Click the Allow editing button and type in the guidelines for the selected training activity. Click the Save button when you are done. For more details on this subject, please read the HELP section.

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

DOCU0082 STA Online B - Administrator Quick guide 25

CES For information on how to create or modify CES tests, see the HELP section or read the separate document.

Seagull support desk Seagull has a dedicated Support Desk staffed by experienced Support Engineers who are available to help answer questions and to provide help to resolve any problems you may have encountered running our software. Email: [email protected] Phone: +47 330 30 911 Fax: +47 330 46 279 Please enter in the email subject line "Support" or when calling ask for the "Support Desk"

Seagull AS is certified in accordance with DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Simulator Centres  And DNV Rules for Classification of Maritime Training Centres.

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