Seagull Ces 4.1 Stcw Test Answer

May 17, 2018 | Author: Raden Mas Farih | Category: Water, Ships, Pump, Transport, Nature
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Seagull CES 4.1 STCW answer test...


AAET - Transistor AAJT - A large temperature drop across the dri... AALB - 30 litres pr. naucal mile. AAWE - lowering of at least one lifeoat a!er... ABA" - #e has control of the na$igaon and mo... ABA% - &a$itaon ABB' - "igure ( AB)* - Water +ump +liers ABE, - not less than (0m AB"& - ne long last followed / two short l... AB# - "orward reast line is gi$en / & on th... AB1J - B/ so! machine scruing with red pad... ABL# - 2es e$en if he4 she did not die while... AB+J - The emplo/er4master. A&AJ - 5ecure hatches A&B6 - To a$oid polluon. A&'& - Ensure that the chart and the '+5 use s... A&1J - &hemical foams A&%7 - Atmosphere is not comusle in either... A&+' - B/ smothering and also / pro$iding som... A&61 - 8 h 8 candelas 9aout (: mile range a... A&2L - ,of/ the &hief ;cer or o;cer on... A)L5 - &harts naucal pulicaons '%)55 lo... A),, - %achiner/ spaces of categor/ A A)TB - Because the/ wanted to maide 5oluon AE"B - "irst aspect con=rm death. ,of/ comp... AE1 - E$er/ three months AE%* - ?ed AE,E - To pre$ent the steam and water in the ... AE' - To determine wether the ship is seawort... AE+T - )isperse or dissol$e the oil into the w... AE+ - 2es the o@les can e dumped if the/... A"&L -  / $olume. A"?" - roune A"T2 - select the tele> in on-line posion A"22 - When unsaturat unsaturated ed chemical compounds are... A'&# - "lat =le A'E& - A tan< is onl/ to e considered as gas... A''L - All menoned. A''% - "airlead is gi$en / & on the =gure A'L1 - 30 months 4  /ears A'?J - 'et out of the engine room as soon as p... A'6C - #igh deli$er/ pressure A'2& - 5peci=c heat A#&" - does not sustain urning or connue me... A#&J - This call will normall/ e followed /... A#'% - Emergenc/ +osion Cndicang ?adio Bea... A#C& - 83D83 A#C" - at least (8 distriuted on oth sides o... A#J7 - To a$oid uncontrolled decomposion the... A#T? - The #5E has authorit/ onl/ where an int... A#WA - essels with ulous ow L+'- and L,'-... A#WE - +anama lead is gi$en / & on the =gure... A#W" - Tell the e@/man to stop loading immed... A#6B - outside the sea areas A( A8 and A3 AC'1 - 'ood e/esight and ale to communicate w... AC#' - Water-tue oilers are more e;cient a... ACCW - The o@om washing starts whilst there... AC,7 - &hecimum cargo tan< pressure on an full/... BLA? - &hannel (G BLB" - Conisaon. BL&) - 5LA5 BL)& - ?adar transponder BL)6 - a sea-anchor with a hawser of more than... BL"# - Atmosphere is not comusle in either... BL'" - To relie$e e>cessi$e high pressure in t... BLC? - 0G08 et (8( %#N BLWW - %aico B*&L - 5ecure hatches B*)1 - Luricang oil. B*"B - %" B*"2 - All the answers are good B*CE - %&A B*1T - 2es B*,' - That the shipowner is a ,orwegian sue... B**? - A numer of lifeacimum  hours per da/ or 0 hours pe... &BJ" - once a month &BT# - Wal< to a smoclusi$el/ recei$e %5C-reports mean... )E&L - The diesel speed and e>citaon current... )E&% - &hec< the cargo tann... )E?+ - Ct is oth a pre$enon and protecon... )E* - A caron dio>ide 9&8 s/stem )"&1 - There must alwa/s e one man on the shi... )")C - B/ muster lists e>hiited in conspicuou... )"#% - +roporonal M integral 9+C )"L5 - "E& mode )"%C - 'l/cerine is compale with oth of th... )"+6 - ,on-comusle material )"*5 - 8( o>/gen / $olume and 0 h/drocaron... )"5, - &aron dio>ide )"T6 -  of the total $olume of the space )"6E - Thermocouple sensor )"6' - "igure 8. )"2B - 8  or :0 mm )"2E - All the listed alterna$es )"2J - unl - ( U& )''% - All the menoned alterna$es. )'CC - Lower lifeoat to water )'1? - Adustale wrench )'LL - 5tart with intermi@ent =ring using s... )'?C - 3 sets )'?L - At all mes )'?, - A short circuit occurs etween earth fa... )'T& - &onduc$it/ test. )'T - Two prolonged lasts on the whistle at... )'6& - &learing escape routes )'6) - Lower e>plosi$e limit. )'6% - 5afet/ call )#CB - ?eect itU )#JB - Trip4stop all nonessenal loads that a... )#1T - summoning of passengers and c rew to mus... )#,' - (. %B

)#+? - 5taroard Fuarter is gi$en / & on the... )#7 - a painter a@ached to the release de$ic... )CE+ - #arness with a rope secured to a safe p... )C#& - A! part of the tanhaust gases from oiler or... "? - ( "?* - Best use of the sur$i$al cra! facili... "?TC - all of the ao$e "?2' - Tacessi$e high pressure in t... "W"+ - Water e>nguisher. "W#& - Cncomer picic gases '&LC -  hours '&7 - Y.. '&?A - he 5LA5 con$enon '&5 - E5) is Emergenc/ 5hut )own and the rele... ')&T - To all seafarers. '))2 - +ressure diaphragm ')"1 - Turning the plunger piston according t... ')#A - "ull astern and drop the anchor ')#6 - 5ent to ?55 within  hours of closure ')J1 - ?adiotele> and )5& - "reFuenc/ shi! cept on... '"?W - To recei$e informaon aout ships in t... '"5+ - +repare it immediatel/ efore ser$ing. '"7A - The current and wind are holding the $e... ''7* - semi-duple> '#A - Training in lifeoat handling. '#A6 - 5omemes it is necessar/ to facilitate... '#"+ - 0  of the Cnert gas generatorKs capac... '#"6 - Cncondensile $apour in the cargo and... '#'% - during manoeu$re and manoeu$re speed co... '### - Cn chapter C '#15 - 5mall. '#L5 - 88:30000 '#,) - The/ automacall/ pre$ent an/ gap etw... '#T - the test funcon on the 5A?T '#* - *uali=ed Cndi$idual '#7% - 2es. '#2) - Either of the 5en.O.)ec< if he feels... '#26 - Whene$er the gangwa/ is rigged.

'C)" - +h/sicall/ smaller for the same capacit... 'C'' - The Cnternaonal &on$enon on 5tandar... 'C#C - 5afet/net 'C?) - ,o =>ed e>nguishing s/stems are gene... 'CT - To ensure that the proper residuals of... 'J&6 - (ide nitrogen dio>ide nitr... '1)T - +iston '1#" - Ct is the &er=cate of "itness that i... '1L& - The place of welding-wor< to e cleaned... '1? - Cmportant due to diOerent material and... '1+1 - As soon as possile determine how the s... '1+% - Ac$ate the nearest =re alarm u@on... '1*# - 5et the engine to dead slow ahead and... '1?E - ,a$igaonal warning. '1C - the use of %" and4or #" ?4T '16? - a ller permanentl/ linperienced... 'A+ - Ct is important that the rotaon direc... 'A+* - Water 'A*# - nce a weeide ma/ not e stowed in a... 'E+B - (000 000 #N 'E?5 - J3E 'E5# - The master. 'E2' - 5tart slowl/ and closel/ monitor to ens... '"AW - &odes %5& resoluons etc which are im... '"L* - %ade of material resistant to the diOe... '"LW - A relief $al$e. '"+7 - The wheels of hatchco$er ,o. : came out... '"+ - Cn two separate rooms outside the engin... '"+W - (G '"*6 - n all internaonal $o/ages 9e>cept on... '"?W - To recei$e informaon aout ships in t... '"5+ - +repare it immediatel/ efore ser$ing. '"7A - The current and wind are holding the $e... ''7* - semi-duple> '#A - Training in lifeoat handling. '#A6 - 5omemes it is necessar/ to facilitate... '#"+ - 0  of the Cnert gas generatorKs capac... '#"6 - Cncondensile $apour in the cargo and... '#'% - during manoeu$re and manoeu$re speed co... '### - Cn chapter C '#15 - 5mall. '#L5 - 88:30000 '#,) - The/ automacall/ pre$ent an/ gap etw... '#T - the test funcon on the 5A?T '#* - *uali=ed Cndi$idual '#7% - 2es. '#2) - Either of the 5en.O.)ec< if he feels... '#26 - Whene$er the gangwa/ is rigged. 'C)" - +h/sicall/ smaller for the same capacit... 'C'' - The Cnternaonal &on$enon on 5tandar... 'C#C - 5afet/net 'C?) - ,o =>ed e>nguishing s/stems are gene... 'CT - To ensure that the proper residuals of... 'J&6 - (ide nitrogen dio>ide nitr... '1)T - +iston '1#" - Ct is the &er=cate of "itness that i... '1L& - The place of welding-wor< to e cleaned... '1? - Cmportant due to diOerent material and... '1+1 - As soon as possile determine how the s... '1+% - Ac$ate the nearest =re alarm u@on... '1*# - 5et the engine to dead slow ahead and... '1?E - ,a$igaonal warning. '1C - the use of %" and4or #" ?4T '16? - a ller permanentl/ liniliar/ set is switc... #A,# - n the motheroard #A,C - 5top the engine immediatel/ and cluding sea area A( within th... J?)2 - ( J?#' - (0 mtr J?#C - the height of the aerial J?L, - That the watch its and in corridors 1&?J - To plode into steam causi... 11"+ - Within G U& to :Q U& 11"5 - #igh water le$el in the water seal 11#* - : 11C) - ?ump. 11,C - 5trong acidic soluon. 116C - ?opes made of natural =res such as m... 1LA+ - To secure the rope. 1LAT - 5eries of short lasts 1L)2 - At inter$als not e>ceeding Q steps. 1LJ2 - &logged turocharger =lters. 1L2 - All of the answers are good 1L5& - Cn tanample is not i... 1WW - Warm clothes lant... +2W% - A $essel engaged in =shing other than... *AB) - permit the wearer to swim a short distan... *AJ, - &ast steel Cron Brass R BronNe. *A1C - At least one *AL - ,atural ends at inter$alsU *A%T - #e wants the anchor secured thoroughl/ *A+C - &arr/ out a r ight or le! hand search a... *A7& - the water le$el *B)C -  *BEJ - %utual agreement etween parcipang... *BEL - 3: m8 *B'7 - )rain the water into the sloptan< *B# - The chemicals maplosion in case of oil ha... ?+C' - #e is to nof/ the &hief ;cer ?+J5 - To U ?+5& - 5ierra #otel Cndia +apa ?+7A - ensuring that passengers and crew are m... ?+7T - Bro cale ?*?1 - ,o the/ are not compale. ??E, - e$acuaon slide ??L1 - Aeam is de=ned as A on the =gure

???) - At the gangwa/. ???' - +lan for safet/ preparedness ??W) - 7sing sinnguishing a@empt is started immedi... ?TT* - Cnform the master ?7EJ - &hec< for proper a ir $ent of the e>chan... ?7*2 - Cnter-ship channel ?7TJ - Bowl opens unintenonall/ during opera... ?72L - )isposed of in an ashtra/ and ensuring... ?A - "(B ?BW - 2es freon reacts with open Iame to a... ?E) - &losing must e possile from outside t... ?'7 - 5tart engine ?#% - "orward is gi$en / & on the =gure ?2E - %anguishing s/stem and4or... 5'C1 - should e>ceed (  of the lifeoat len... 5'+1 - Wrong if the $al$e is wrongl/ set 5'W5 - il Transfer +rocedures %anual 5'2J - windows on oth sides which can e clos... 5'2, - Worn scrapper and piston rings. 5#)C - 2es within thirt/ 930 minutes 5#EL - %uster staon 5#"" - "oam. 5##* - B/ carr/ing out a ris< assessment 5#,, - ( 5#?5 - &hec< list for periodic inspecons 5#5J - 5ound the =re alarm signal and send th... 5CA6 - the choice o f the inmarsat-region 5CC# - To tapansion $iscous and solid ea... 5E* - 8(: cluding sea areas A( and A8 w... T&E - The main suppl/ line to e lanample 8 ,%W - immersion suit ,,6 - distress , - Cmmersion suit ,?E - 8 houres ,WE - All of the menoned eFuipment. "# - is eFuipped with a pocide 91# a... TB+ - nl/ during da/ me when $isiilit/ t... T& - 'eneraon of caronic acid causes the... TC2 - immersion suit TL? - All the menoned alterna$es T%L - The use of all sur$i$al eFuipment T) - Transfer it to the sloptan WE'% - ecause the $olume adustment of the sp... WEL, - The go$ernor WEA - Cnner diameter of impeller is igger du... WE5J - C am manoeu$ring with di;cult/ - 1eep... WE6L - &entrifugal force W"AW - waterght loc/gen content in the tan< W7"W - "asten seat elts W7C# - A pulicaon which contain all informa... W7C% - 'as dangerous areas onoard gas carrier... W7C - il )etecon %onitoring EFuipment. W7?% - The same as sucon pressure. W7?? - That the pump is stopped in me to a$o... W77& - To ta
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