Scrum Open Assessment Score: 27 2 out of 30 0 points Percentage: 9 90% Duration: 00:30:0 00
Feedba ack: Congratullations! Your score s on the O Open assessme ent demonstra ates you know w some Scrum basics. Scrum on, Ken Schwab ber Key: A ticck or cross willl show next to chosen answers. Correcctly answered Incorre ectly answered d Missed d correct multiiple choice opttion
Questio on 1 of 30 The Developme D nt Team should not be interrupted d during the Sprint. The e Sprint Goa al should rema ain intact. Th hese are co onditions tha at foster creativity, quality and prod ductivity. Ba ased on this, w which of the e following iis false? Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) The P Product Ow wner can hellp clarify or optimize the e Sprint whe en asked byy the Develo opment Team. B) The Sprint Backlog and itts contents are fully formulated in the t Sprint Planning P me eeting and do not cchange durin ng the Sprin nt. C) As a decompossition of the selected Prroduct Backklog Items, th he Sprint Ba acklog chan nges and may gro ow as the wo ork emerges. D) The Developme ent Team may work witth the Produ uct Owner to o remove orr add work if it finds it has morre or less ca apacity than n it expected d. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 2 of 30 Whatt does it me ean to say th hat an event has a time ebox? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: B)
A) The e event must happen at a set time. B) The event must happen by b a given tiime. C) The event mustt take at least a minimu um amount of o time. D) The event can n take no mo ore than a m maximum amount of tim me. Points: 0 out of 1
Questio on 3 of 30 Whatt is the maxximum lengtth of a Sprin nt? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: D)
A) Not sso long that the risk is unacceptabl u le to the Pro oduct Owne er. B) Not sso long that other busin ness events can't be rea adily synchrronized with h the develo opment work. C) No m more than on ne calendarr month. D) All of these an nswers are correct. c Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 4 of 30 It is mandatory m tthat the prod duct increment be relea ased to prod duction at th he end of ea ach Sprin nt. Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) True e B) False Points: 1 out of 1 Feedback: The produ uct increment sshould be usa able and poten ntially releasab ble at the end of every Sprin nt, but it does n not have to be release ed.
Questio on 5 of 30 Who has the lasst say on the e order of th he Product B Backlog? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: D)
A) The S Stakeholderrs B) The D Development Team C) The S Scrum Mastter D) The Product O Owner E) The C CEO Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 6 of 30 When n is a Sprintt over? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: D)
A) When n all Producct Backlog ittems meet ttheir definition of done. B) When n the Produ uct Owner sa ays it is don ne. C) When n all the tassks are completed. D) Wh hen the time ebox expires. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 7 of 30 Upon n what type of process control is S Scrum based d? Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) Em mpirical B) Hybrrid C) Defin ned D) Com mplex Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 8 of 30 The CEO C asks the Develop pment Team m to add a "vvery importa ant" item to the current Sprint. Whatt should the e Developme ent Team do? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: D)
A) Add the t item to tthe current Sprint witho out any adju ustments. B) Add the t item to tthe current Sprint and d drop an item m of equal ssize.
C) Add the t item to tthe next Sprint. D) Info form the Pro oduct Owne er so he/she e can work w with the CEO O. Points: 1 out of 1 Feedback: The itemss selected for a Sprint have been b selected as most valua able with the P Product Owner. The items se erve the Sprint's go oal. No changes should be made m that end danger the Sprrint Goal. No changes c can b be pushed on tthe Developm ment Team (Sp print Backlog) and the Produ uct Owner (Pro oduct Backlog).
Questio on 9 of 30 The Product P Baccklog is orde ered by: Correct an nswer: E) You u chose: E)
A) Smalll items at th he top to larrge items at the bottom. B) Saferr items at th he top to riskkier items at the bottom m. C) Least valuable ittems at the top to mostt valuable att the bottom m. D) Itemss are random mly arrange ed. E) Wh hatever is de eemed mosst appropria ate by the Prroduct Owner. Points: 1 out of 1 Feedback: The Produ uct Owner deccides what ord der on the Prod duct Backlog m makes the mosst sense to op ptimize the valu ue of the work being done by the Developmentt Team.
Questio on 10 of 30 When n a Develop pment Team m determine es that it hass over-comm mitted itself for a Sprintt, who has to be e present wh hen reviewin ng and adju usting the Sp print work selected? Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) The S Scrum Mastter, project manager an nd Developm ment Team. B) The Product O Owner and D Developmen nt Team. C) The P Product Ow wner and all stakeholders. D) The D Development Team. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 11 of 30 The maximum m le ength of the e Sprint Revview (its time ebox) is: Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) 2 hou urs. B) 4 hours h for a m monthly Sprrint. For sho orter Sprintss it is usuallyy shorter. C) As lo ong as needed. D) 1 dayy. E) 4 hou urs and long ger as needed. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 12 of 30 The timebox t for a Daily Scrrum is? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: D)
A) The ssame time o of day everyy day. B) Two minutes perr person. C) 4 hou urs.
D) 15 minutes. E) 15 minutes for a 4 week sprrint. For sho orter Sprintss it is usuallyy shorter. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 13 of 30 Whicch of the bellow are role es on a Scru um Team? Correct an nswer: A) D) E E)
You chose e: A) D) E)
A) De evelopment Team B) Userss C) Custo omers D) Pro oduct Owne er E) Scrum Masterr Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 14 of 30 The timebox t for the comple ete Sprint Planning mee eting is? Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) 4 hou urs. B) 8 hours for a monthly Sp print. For sho orter Sprintss it is usuallly shorter. C) When never it is done. D) Montthly. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 15 of 30 Whatt is the prim mary way a Scrum S Mastter keeps a Developme ent Team wo orking at its highest level of productivvity? Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) Byy facilitating Developme ent Team de ecisions and d removing impedimentts. B) By en nsuring the meetings start and end d at the prop per time. C) By prreventing ch hanges to th he backlogss once the S Sprint beginss. D) By ke eeping high value featu ures high in the Producct Backlog. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 16 of 30 Why is the Dailyy Scrum held d at the sam me time and d same placce? Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) The p place can be named. B) Th he consisten ncy reducess complexityy and overhead. C) The P Product Ow wner demand ds it. D) Room ms are hard to book and this lets itt be booked in advance e. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 17 of 30 The purpose p of a Sprint is to o have a wo orking increment of pro oduct done b before the S Sprint Revie ew.
Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) Trrue B) False e Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 18 of 30 When n multiple te eams are w working together, each tteam should d maintain a separate P Product Backklog. Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) True B) Fa alse Points: 1 out of 1 Feedback: Products have one Prod duct Backlog, regardless of how many tea ams are used. Any other settup makes it diifficult for the Develo opment Team m to determine what it should d work on.
Questio on 19 of 30 When n does the next n Sprint begin? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: B)
A) Next Monday. B) Im mmediately ffollowing the e next Sprin nt Planning. C) When n the Produ uct Owner iss ready. D) Im mmediately a after the con nclusion of tthe previouss Sprint. Points: 0 out of 1
Questio on 20 of 30 Whatt is the reco ommended size s for a Developmentt Team (with hin the Scru um Team)? Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: C)
A) Minim mal 7 B) 3 tto 9 C) 7 plus or minu us 2 D) 9 Points: 0 out of 1 Feedback: Optimal D Development T Team size is sm mall enough to o remain nimb ble and large e enough to com mplete significa ant work. Fewer tha an three Devellopment Team m members deccreases intera action and resu ults in smaller productivity ga ains. More than nine members simply requires to oo much coord dination.
Questio on 21 of 30 An ab bnormal terrmination off a Sprint is called when n? Correct an nswer: D) You u chose: D)
A) When n it is clear at the end o of a Sprint th hat everythiing won't be e finished. B) When n the Team feels that th he work is too t hard. C) When n Sales hass an importa ant opportun nity. D) When W the Pro oduct Owne er determine es that it ma akes no sense to finish it. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 22 of 30 Who should kno ow the most about the progress p tow ward a busin ness objective or a rele ease, and be ab ble to explain the altern natives mosst clearly? Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) The Product O Owner. B) The D Development Team. C) The S Scrum Mastter. D) The P Project Man nager. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 23 of 30 How much workk must a Devvelopment T Team do to a Product B Backlog item m it selects for a Sprin nt? Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) As much as it has told the e Product O Owner will be e done for every e Produ uct Backlog item it selects in i conforma ance with the definition of done. B) As m much as it ca an fit into the e Sprint. C) The b best it can do d given tha at it is usually impossible for QA to finish all off the testing that is needed to prove sh hippability. D) Analyysis, design n, programm ming, testing g and docum mentation. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 24 of 30 Whicch statemen nt best describes a Prod duct Owner's responsib bility? Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) Op ptimizing the e value of th he work the e Developme ent Team does. B) Direccting the De evelopment T Team. C) Mana aging the prroject and e ensuring that the work m meets the co ommitmentss to the stakkeholders. D) Keep ping stakeho olders at bay. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 25 of 30 Whicch statemen nt best describes Scrum m? Correct an nswer: C) You u chose: C)
A) A com mplete meth hodology that defines h how to deve elop softwarre. B) A coo okbook thatt defines best practicess for softwarre developm ment. C) A framework within which complex p products in complex en nvironmentss are develo oped. D) A deffined and prredictive pro ocess that cconforms to the principlles of Scien ntific Manage ement. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 26 of 30 A Scrum Masterr is keeping a list of ope en impediments, but it is i growing and a he/she has been able to resolve only o a small portion of tthe impedim ments. Which three tech hniques wou uld be mostt helpful in th his situation n?
Correct an nswer: A) B) F F)
You chose e: A) B) F)
A) Priioritize the list and workk on them in n order. B) Ale ert managem ment to the impedimen nts and theirr impact. C) Arran nge a triage e meeting wiith all other project man nagers. D) Discu uss the abse ence of man nagement ssupport with h the Develo opment Team. E) Tell the Product Owner thatt Scrum isn't working. F) Consult with th he Developm ment Team. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 27 of 30 The Developme D nt Team should have a all the skills needed to: Correct an nswer: C) You u chose: C)
A) Complete the prroject as esttimated whe en the date and cost are committed d to the Pro oduct Owner. B) Do all of the devvelopment work, w but not the types o of testing th hat require sspecialized ttesting, tools, an nd environm ments. C) Tu urn the Prod duct Backlog g items it se elects into a an incremen nt of potentia ally shippab ble product functionalityy. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 28 of 30 Scrum m does not have a role e called "pro oject manag ger." Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) Tru ue B) False e Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 29 of 30 Deve elopment Te eam membe ers voluntee er to own a Sprint S Backklog item: Correct an nswer: B) You u chose: B)
A) At the e Sprint planning meeting. B) Ne ever. All Sprrint Backlog Items are ""owned" by the entire Developmen D nt Team, eve en though each on ne may be done by an individual de evelopmentt team member. C) When never a team member can accomm modate more work. D) Durin ng the Daily Scrum. Points: 1 out of 1
Questio on 30 of 30 Who is responsible for regisstering the w work estima ates during a Sprint? Correct an nswer: A) You u chose: A)
A) Th he Developm ment Team.. B) The S Scrum Mastter. C) The P Product Ow wner. D) The m most junior member of the Team. Points: 1 out of 1
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