Scrubber (1)
Short Description
Venturi Scrubber from Perry, CEHB, VII
http* http*++www pCost+Inde).htm check this web site for costs of scrubbers
Venturi Scrubbers he "enturi scrubber is one of the most widely used types of particulate scrubbers. he desi!ns ha"e become !enerally standardi#ed, and units are manufactured by a lar!e number of companies. Venturi scrubbers may be used as either hi!h$ or lowener!y de"ices but are most commonly employed as hi!h$ener!y units. he units ori!inally studied and used were desi!ned to the proportions of the classical "enturis used for meterin!, but since it was disco"ered that these proportions ha"e no special spe cial merits, simpler and more practical desi!ns ha"e been adopted. %ost &"enturi' contactors in current use are in fact not "enturis but "ariable orifices of one form or another. (ny of a wide ran!e of de"ices can be used, includin! a simple pipe$line contactor. (lthou!h the "enturi scrubber is not inherently more efficient at a !i"en contactin! power than other types of de"ices, its simplicity and fle)ibility fle)ibility fa"or its use. It is also useful usef ul as a
!as absorber for relati"ely soluble !ases, but because it is a cocurrent contactor, contactor, it is not no t well suited to absorption a bsorption of !ases ha"in! low solubilities. Current desi!ns for "enturi scrubbers !enerally use the "ertical downflow of !as throu!h the "enturi contactor and incorporate three features* -/ a &wet$approach' or &flooded$wall' entry section, to a"oid dust buildup at a wet$dry 0unction1 -2/ an ad0ustable throat for the "enturi -or orifice/, to pro"ide for ad0ustment of the pressure drop1 and -3/ a &flooded elbow' located below the "enturi and ahead of the entrainment separator, to reduce wear by abrasi"e particles. he "enturi throat is sometimes fitted with a refractory linin! to resist abrasion by dust particles. he entrainment separator is commonly, but not in"ariably, in"ariably, of the cyclone type. (n e)ample of the &standard form' of "enturi scrubber is shown in 4i!. 5$67. he wet$approach entry section has made practical p ractical the recirculation of slurries. Various forms of ad0ustable throats, which may be under manual or automatic control, duct of some other shape forms the !as$liuid$contactin! #one. he !as stream flowin! at hi!h "elocity throu!h the contactor atomi#es the liuid in essentially the same manner as in a "enturi scrubber. Howe"er, Howe"er, the liuid is fed into the contactor con tactor and later recirculated from the entrainment separator section by !ra"ity instead of bein! circulated by a pump as in "enturi scrubbers. he scheme is well illustrated in 4i!. 5$68a. ( !reat many such de"ices usin! contactor ducts of "arious shapes, as in 4i!. 5$68b are offered commercially. commercially. (lthou!h self$induced spray scrubbers can be built as hi!h$ener!y units and sometimes are, most such de"ices are desi!ned for only low$ener!y ser"ice. he principal ad"anta!e of self$induced spray scrubbers is the elimination of a pump for recirculation of the scrubbin! liuid. Howe"er, the desi!ns for hi!h$ener!y ser"ice are somewhat more comple) and less fle)ible than those for "enturi scrubbers. Plate owers owers Plate -tray/ towers are countercurrent !asatomi#ed spray scrubbers usin! one or more plates for !as$liuid contactin!. hey are essentially the same as, if not n ot identical to, the de"ices used for !as absorption and are freuently employed in applications in which !ases are to be absorbed simultaneously with the remo"al of dust. E)cept possibly in cases in which condensation effects are in"ol"ed, countercurrent operation is not si!nificantly beneficial in dust collection. he plates may be any of se"eral types, includin! sie"e, bubble$cap, and "al"e trays. he impin!ement baffle plate -4i!. 5$9:/ is commonly used for dust collection applications. Impin!ement on the baffles is not the controllin! mechanism of particle collection1 the principal collectin! bodies are the droplets produced from the liuid by the !as as it flows throu!h the perforations and around the baffles. he slot sta!e -4i!. 5$9:/ is in effect a miniature "enturi contactor. Val"e trays constitute multiple self$ad0ustin! orifices that pro"ide nearly constant !as pressure drop o"er considerable ran!es o f "ariation in !as flow. he !as pressure drop that can be taken across a sin!le plate is necessarily limited, so that units desi!ned for hi!h contactin! power must use multiple plates. Plate towers are more sub0ect to plu!!in! and foulin! than "enturitype
scrubbers that ha"e lar!e passa!es for !as and liuid. Packed$Bed Scrubbers Packed$bed scrubbers of the types u sed for !as absorption may also be used for dust collection but are sub0ect to plu!!in! by deposits of insoluble solids. ;andom packin!s, such as dumped ;aschi! rin!s and Berl saddles, are most seriously affected by plu!!in!. ;e!ular packin!s, such as stacked !rids, are better in dustcollection ser"ice. eptune (irPol./
4i! 5$67
4i! 5$68
4i! 5$9:
Croll ;eynolds Scrubbers http*++www.en"ironmental$!y+croll+scrubber.htm?0"s
Venturi Gas Scrubber
E)tracted from %isc Euipment Items
!i"es a start for cost of a "enturi scrubbers
http*++www. High Energy Venturi Scrubbers & Systems Hi!h ener!y "enturi scrubbers are used for control of fine particles i ( !as side pressure drop is used to pro"ide intimate contact betwee ( hi!her !as side pressure drop will remo"e smaller particles from t desi!ns are a"ailable to maintain the pressure drop needed for effe Skid mounted packa!e systems includin! a cyclonic separator with l and pipin! reduce the amount of makeup liuid reuired. System bl
Richardson (100-115) gives a method to sie venturi gas scrubbers! "n e#am$%e is inc%uded!
=as capacities ran!e from 229 to 78,7:: acfm. Genera% escri$tion!
he scrubber in ;ichardson looks as follows
he M 7:: > 7:: 8:: ::: :: 2:: 3:: 69:
; ma) ; calc 6.: 6.: 6.:3 6.:3 6.:99 6.:9 6.:59 6.:7 6. 6.: 6.2 6.2 6.9 6.9
ig or R1 'a# /hen ; < 400 6.2 m c a 0 0 0 1 > % a G + # a m 1 R
f-)/ F :.:::27) N 3.73966G
6. 6.:9 6 3.89 3.8 5:: 7:: 8:: ::: :: 2:: 3:: 6:: 9:: Sc#rubber Sie+ ;
s at .o%%ector ,n%et 15 10? 4+500 0!04 1!5E-05 002 1 1!
G8,G99 63,6:: 8:: . 7:: isher - 9%osterman ,nc nomenc%ature ft. appro) see ;ichardson pa!e : ft. appro) see ;ichardson pa!e :
=as does not reuire pre$coolin! lb+hr F
lb+cf lb mass+ft$ cP F .7GE$:2 true specific !ra"ity of solids centipoise 2 !a H;S cs Construction o con"ert to C> U
tria% va%ue $ressure dro$ : 20 inches /!c!
mF mF
.G 6.:
4r 4i! 4r 4i! 2
ust under ; ma)imum F :.8 :.5G 0ust under :.2-;/ F 3 F 2.:57->/ + 3F :.G
Column B Jinear -Column B/
.:73G psi see cur"e fit below see cur"e fit below L.S. =al+::: acfm
En 3 En 3 0!35
L.S. =al+::: acfm
L.S. =al+::: acfm
Column B Jinear -Column B/
Column B Jinear -Column B/
, the $artic%e distribution o the so%ids in the eed is @no/n+ the co%%ector eiciency can be determine
p-n/ microns 0!1 0!1 0! 0!5 0!2 0!2 0!5 0!55 0!5 0!35 1!
4iner n Pn 1 5!00? 10!00? 2 13!20? 5!30? 5 2!40? 0!00? 3 6!40? 4 54!50? 6 5!50? 10 3!50? 11 45!0? 1 65!00? 12 66!1? 100!00? ;euired collection efficiency F
Step 9
p mid microns :.: :.2 :.5 :.23 :.27 :.33 :.6 :.9: :.G: :.5: :.87 .G: 3.::
Ep mid 4i! 3 3 6!5 3! 4 6! 6 64!2 66!25 66!3 66!46 66!65 100 100 100
Calculate 4 by Euation 5
Step G Ep mid P-nN/ $ Pn P-nN/ $ Pn 9.:: 2.39 9.:: 2.67 5.3: 9.25 7.6: 5.22 5.: G.9G 5.2: G.8 8.7: 8.G3 7.5: 7.G6 5.:: G.87 8.:: 7.88 .: .:8 8.6: 8.6: 6.6 6.6 :.7G :.7G Et F 8:.96 Step G
Step 5
4 F :.::366-dP/+! Q -; N ;2/D:.695RQ-S+L!/D:.2795R 20 dp F inches w.c. ! F 0!04 lb+cf 2!4 ; F 0!35 ;2 F SF L! F 1!5E-05 lb mass+ft$sec
for use in 4i! 3
Eiciency+ Et+ meets reAuirement!
Euation 5
d as o%%o/s7
Eva$oration Bosses are ca%cu%ated as o%%o/s7
4rom Step 6 and Inut ata Pressure F 1!6 15 emp F 10? ;H F 2!4 ; F 0!35 ;2 F 0!1 ;3 F 4500 F 0!04 ! F 4or > M 7:: M 7::
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