SCRIPT-Facilitating Learning Session

April 25, 2017 | Author: Cnette Siron | Category: N/A
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Short Description

TM1 National Assessment FLS Demo...



PREPARATION A. Set up equipments

B. Set up the Area




LCD Projector Laptop Projector screen/ White board Speaker Extension cords ** Projector screen should not be obscured by the demonstrator

**Make sure that all the equipments are working to prevent lagging of presentations.

Tables, Chairs Signages of Workshop Station according to description and location:

**Areas should be fully utilized during the presentation

C. Prepare CBT Training Delivery / needed files to Orientation be projected/ Video= UEM to facilitate presented training D. Prepare SESSION PLAN /TRAINING guide ACTIVITY MATRIX START DEMONSTRATION 1. Greet and welcome trainees (both new and old) and introduce self

Good Morning Trainees and welcome to _______TVET Training Center! I’m___________, your trainer for Barangay Health Servicing NC II.

a. Attendance should have been checked prior to the start of the session. ** Mention only that you have checked the attendance

I would like to welcome our 5 new trainees who will be training for this competency. And of course, I would also want to acknowledge our 3 old trainees who are currently undergoing the training.

2. Check if the trainees are complete and start the activity 3. Call 1 old trainee to lead the prayer.

Attendance sheet (Dummy only)

As I see, everyone is here basing on the attendance sheet and we can now start our program of activities for this morning. I would like to request Ms. __________to please lead the prayer. >>>>> Amen. Thank you very much Ms. _________

**The name of the trainees to be requested should be THE SAME as reflected in the session plan **Acknowledge the effort of the trainee thereafter.

4. Ask another old trainee to do a recap of the previous activity

=Transition INTRO=

5. Ask another old trainee to perform an unfreezing activity.

Before we start, let us first have a recap of what has transpired during yesterday’s training. I would like to request Ms. ___________to give us a recap of activities that we have done yesterday. Thank you very much Ms. __________for the comprehensive recap of yesterday’s activity. It is very important that everyone is high spirited and eager to participate as well as to learn effectively with today’s activity. Let me ask Mr. _________to perform an unfreezing activity and facilitate so that everybody will join. Thank you very much Mr. _________. The activity surely made everyone alert and alive for today’s activity. Now that we are wide awake and energetic, we can now proceed to our

**Acknowledge the effort of the trainee thereafter.

tasks with much vigor and positivity. Old trainees, you will be assigned to your respective workstations.

6. Call the old trainees and ask them to continue on their activity of the day

=Transition INTRO=

7. Start with the orientation. Orientation will be facilitated with a PowerPoint presentation.

Please go to the Learning Resource Area and Read information Sheet 5.1-4. This is about the utilization of appropriate interpersonal and networking skills. It is very important that you fully understand and have learned the subject matter. Once you are done, you have to accomplish Self-check 5.14 to evaluate yourselves.

PowerPoint file

You are given 1 hour to accomplish these and I will be leaving you to work on your own while I conduct the orientation of the new trainees. New trainees, since your individual Pre training Assessment, TNA, and Recognition of Prior Learning were done yesterday, we will proceed with the Briefing/ and Orientation. This activity is usually conducted at the start of the training. This is to acquaint you about the specific competency that you will be training for, that is Barangay Health Servicing NC II. You will be oriented with the things that you will be needing during the training like the facilities, the material/resources that you will use, what is CBT, the role of the trainer, your role as trainee, the competencies to be covered based on TR, the use of CBLM, the workshop and its stations and the evaluation system.

8. Go over the PowerPoint presentation

**End of presentation

9. Dismiss the new trainees.

10. Go back to the Learning Resource Area and check on the progress of the old trainees.

**Explain comprehensively the following: a. CBT b. Roles of the Trainee c. Roles of the Trainer d. Competencies based on TR e. CBLM f. Instructional Facilities and Resources g. Workshops and its stations h. Evaluation system

>>>>> We are done with the orientation. Thank you very much for listening. Do you have any questions so far? If you don’t have any questions then it is time to dismiss everyone. You can now go home, relax or review your notes since you already know the core competencies being covered in BHS NC II. Please be here tomorrow at 8am for the start of your training. Please come on time and do not forget to log-in and log-out on the attendance sheet. Thank you. Hello again old trainees. Your time is up and please finalize on what you are working on. How have you been doing with the activity that I have assigned to you? I can see that all of you have finished. Ms._______, Ms. _______ and Mr. _______, because you have answered the questions in Self-check 5.1-4 perfectly, you can now proceed to the next

**Reading of the presentation should be done on the Laptop Monitor and not on the projector screen.

11. Assist the OLD trainees to proceed to the Contextual Learning Area

Video file


12. Proceed to the Learning Resource Area for oral questioning

Very good Ms. ______, Ms. ______ and Mr. ______! You have answered the oral questions very well. You can now proceed to the Practical Room Area so that you can observe the demonstration on “How to Utilize Appropriate Interpersonal and Networking Skills”. After the observation, you are required to accomplish the Task Sheet 5.1-1.

13. Instruct to proceed to the Practical Room Area

14. Perform DEMO

activity. Let us proceed to the contextual learning area. You will be viewing the video on” How To Utilize Appropriate Interpersonal and Networking Skills. Once you are done, you can proceed to the Learning Resource Area for oral questioning. Let me start with Ms. _______ for the oral questioning, followed by Ms. ________ and the last will be Mr. ______>>>>>>

Table, chairs, group assembly

If you have any questions/clarifications, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Trainees, please be attentive while I demonstrate on “How to Utilize Appropriate Interpersonal and Networking Skills”. Strategies are based on what you have learned on your instructional sheet 5.1-1 and on the video that you viewed awhile ago. DEMO SESSION: Intro: The actions in this demo should be given importance in every community gathering or meeting that you may be conducting later on. We all have to remember that it is not only that

gathering that is essential but the complete understanding of the message that is to be conveyed. A. For example, your agenda for the meeting would be “Planning a project to improve the community environment” e.g. Community clean-up drive. >>> Review data why there is a need to do this activity: a. Unhealthy garbage disposal practices b. Improper cleaning of the surroundings c. Rise of diseases eg. Dengue >>> These may be the basis for your interaction. *Identify key persons who will be helping you with the activity, invite them and talk about the proposed plan: 1. Barangay Captain 2. Barangay Counselors Seek their help in this activity. Invite people on a set Date, time and venue for the meeting: 1. Tanods 2. Barangay Health Workers 3. Community members On the day of the Meeting: >>>BEFORE STARTING THE MEETING, IMPORTANT POINTS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED SO THAT COMMUNICATION WILL BE EFFECTIVE: 1. SPEAK CLEARLY AND MAKE SURE EVERYON CAN HEAR YOU 2. POSITION YOURSELF INFRONT WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE YOU 3. CARRY CONFIDENCE WITHIN YOU SO THAT

1. Review specific data and knowledge about the potential areas of concern and develops a plan for interaction.

PEOPLE WILL VIEW YOU AS A CREDIBLE PERSON. 4. TALK UNHURRIEDLY. 5. BE PREPARED TO BE ASKED AT TIMES 6. CONSIDER EVERY PERSON’S CHARACTEISTICS AS IMPORTANT. >>Good morning everyone. I am pleased to welcome you all in this meeting. Let us all be gathered in the meeting area so that we can start. >>>Again everyone, good morning and welcome to our meeting. I am Cygnette Lumbo, (PLACE HANDS ON YOUR CHEST) your Barangay Health Worker and I will be talking about a proposed activity for the community. This will be a “Clean-up Drive” to help our community to improve the surroundings. ****INTRODUCE YOURSELF. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UTILIZE BODILY MOVEMENTS TO MAKE THE LISTENER UNDERTAND FURTHER >>>I would like to acknowledge the presence of our Barangay Captain and Counselors today They truly helped in the planning of this activity and made sure that everything will be going smooth as planned. >>> I would like also to welcome the Barangay Tanods, my fellow Barangay Health Workers and of course our community members >>>SWAY your HAND and point TOWARDS THEM TO ACNOWLEDGE >>> I am here today to

2. Gathers the participants to the meeting/ consultation area.

3. Introduces self and explains role to give the participants what to expect in the meeting.

4. Calls the names of the participants.

5. Develops a degree of trust with the participants and verbally agree

help everyone facilitate the activity that is intended for the good of the community. It is not the Barangay Health Workers activity alone but you have to take note that it is your activity >>>ACKNOWLEDGE THE EFFORT THAT WILL BE GIVEN BY THE COMMUNITY MEMBERS >>>INCREASE THEIR CONFIDENCE TO LET THEM FEEL THAT THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT IN THE ACTIVITY: THIS IS ONE WAY TO ESTABLISH TRUST >>> Our meeting will only be short today for at least an hour and a half but we will also be meeting again to finalize our plans. >>> To start Off, let us first discuss why there is a need to conduct this clean-up drive… Mrs. Cruz can you give us several reasons for doing this activity? >>> Mrs. Cruz answers… >>>ALWAYS ASK AN OPEN QUESTION, NOT ANSWERABLE BY YES OR NO >>>IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO LISTEN ATTENTIVELY WHILE SOMEONE IS TALKING. >>>NOD ONCE IN A WHILE WHEN AGREEING >>>Thank you Ma’am for that enlightening answer >>>As what Mrs. Cruz has told us, this clean-up drive will improve the surroundings of our community and increase the state of health. >>>RESTATE WHAT HAS BEEN CONVEYED ***This activity has been agreed upon by all Barangay officials as well as all the Barangay Health Workers to clean up our

about the location, frequency and length of the meeting, the over-all purpose of the relationship, how important the topics are to be tackled and tasks to be accomplished.

6. Assists participants in exploring thoughts and feelings about the agenda, develops the skill in listening and gains insight to their behavior.

7. Plans the programs with the participants within the capabilities of the community. 8. Conducts the meeting and communicates effectively

9. Provides a calm and relaxed environment.

community. The Tentative schedule will be on the following week-end. That will be on the first Saturday of July, 800 am. Is everyone agreeable to that? I guess everyone agreed with the schedule. >>>I think there is a need for us to form groups or working committees to distribute work to everyone. a. First Aid b. Peace and Order c. Food d. Ways and means ***I will leave all of you to distribute yourselves to the respective committees that you feel you are most helpful with. Do not group in one committee only as each committee is important with another. Please be effective when choosing your committee and always maintain fairness. It is every committee’s responsibility to plan and agree on what they will be doing. Please meet with your group and we will call again everyone for a meeting to collect the details of the plan that has been agreed upon. Before we wrap up, I would like to review what we have discussed in our meeting: We will have a clean-up drive on the first Saturday of July at 8:00 am. The committees will be responsible for the work that they have been assigned upon. The committees will be meeting by themselves to plan and do necessary things so that the activity will push through. And we will be meeting again this Saturday to

10. Summarizes and reviews what has transpired during the meeting and express thankfulness with the participants.

finalize the plans. Thank you very much for your cooperation, We sincerely appreciate your willingness to help in this activity. Good Day everyone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> Thank you very much for your attention. Do you have any clarifications? No one is asking so I assume that everyone learned well on the demonstration. Please refer on your task sheet to guide you on your demonstration afterwards. It is now 12:00 nn and we cannot proceed to your demonstration. I guess everyone is tired already and starving. Have your lunch and be back at exactly 1:00pm. You will perform your demonstration this afternoon. Please do not be late so that we can finish on time. LUNCH BREAK 15. Start PM session

16. Acknowledge the presence of another old

Good afternoon everyone! I can see that you are all here, old trainees. Let me lead you all to the Practical Work Area so that you can start with the demonstration. Ms. _______ will start with her demonstration first, followed by Ms. Aguilar and then the last will be Mr. Andres. You will be evaluated basing on the performance checklist. Please wait as I assist an old trainee for her Institutional assessment. Hello Ms. _______. You will be having your institutional assessment about consultation service

trainee. Assist the trainee for Institutional assessment

17. Go back to the Practical Work area and evaluate the trainees’ performance

18. Go to the Contextual learning area

delivery this afternoon. Please follow me to the Assessment Area. You are given an hour to understand the topic and answer self-check. Refer to the answer key for the answers when checking your work. After you are done please proceed to the Contextual learning Area Okay let us start with Ms. ________>>>> >>> After the performance: Do individual evaluation. Ms. _____you have performed satisfactorily the demonstration and covered all the critical points in performance criteria. Well done Ms. ________. Please proceed to the Contextual learning area >>Ms. _______, you have performed your demonstration very well. You have shown properly on how communication is to be performed effectively in a consultation meeting. Please proceed to the Contextual learning Area. Mr._____, you have performed your demonstration satisfactorily. Some critical points were covered but there were minor details that you forgot when conducting the meeting. You forgot to acknowledge the contribution of the community members and you were not able to summarize at the end. But all in all, you have done everything competently. Please proceed now to the Contextual learning area. Ms. _______, Ms. ______, Mr. ________ based on my evaluation, all of you have performed very well the demonstration on “How To Utilize Appropriate

Interpersonal and Networking Skills”. You can now proceed to the next activity tomorrow Ms. ________, you have successfully answered your self-check and can also proceed to the next activity.

19. Distribute Session Evaluation forms

You can all check on your progress in the progress and Accomplishment chart. Now, I have here the Session Evaluation forms for you to answer on. This will evaluate whether we all have achieved our goal for today’s activity. Please pass the sheets once you are done answering. After this you can go home. Please be on time tomorrow. Thank you very much and have a nice day everyone.

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