The English language first made its entrance as the language of a small group of people held the reins of the administ administrati ration on of this this country country more than two centurie centuriess ago. ago. ith ith the ac!uisition of "enang Island #y the $ritish in 1%&'( English was first introduced to the coun country try.. )oreo )oreo*er *er(( with with powe powerr in thei theirr hand hands( s( they they made made thei theirr lang langua uage ge the the most most indispensa#le re!uirement in the achie*ement of social and economic status. During the $ritish colonial era( English was the language of go*ernment( administration and Commerce +ong , Tham#yra-ah( 11/. 0or your acnowledgment( "enang 0ree 2chool +1&1'/ is a secondary school located on 3alan )as-id Negeri +pre*iously 4reen 5ane/( 4eorge Town( "enang. It is the first English6medium school in 2outh East 7sia and is the oldest recorded school in the country. This medium school #ecame the a*enue to #etter -o#s as well as further educational opportunities.
hen )alaysia gained independence in 18%( English lost its status as the main language of administration +$enson( 19/. It was adopted as an alternate official language together with )alay until 19 years after independence. Today( the )alay language or $ahasa )alaysia is the official language of the country. English has #een retained as the compulsory second language throughout all le*els of primary and secondary school. It is still used as a prominent reading language in higher education. This 2ituation has #rought a#out a dramatic decrease in the use of English. In early :9 th century( )alaysian English was as e;act as the $ritish English +$rE/ #ut is spoen without the accent. It #ecame the most important language for generations and it is often associated with power and prestige. 2purred #y the go*ernment desire to push the nation into glo#aliou must #e wondering how well or perfect are our( the )alaysians? English. 7re we using the 2tandard or Non6standard English@ Therefore( here I shall e;plain what are 2tandard English and Nonstandard Nonstandard English and ela#orate the role of the 2tandard English. Then( I shall also e;plain the importance of correct usage of English 5anguage. 5ast #ut least( here I will firmly
state my opinion on why 2tandard English should #e practiced in school or e*en at the professional field.
hen we tal a#out English 5anguage( the most acnowledged ind is called 2tandard English +2E/. In )alaysia( English is widely used( as it is our country?s second language. =owe*er( the type of English that is more commonly used here is nown as )alaysian English +)E/. )E is !uite different from 2E and many *iew it as more inferior. It is popular use among locals. =owe*er( has caused concern a#out the declining standards of English.
:.1 2tandard English +2E/ hat is 2tandard English@ 2tandard English which also nown as Aueen?s English is used with correct grammar and *oca#ulary can #e spoen in many accents( say Indian or 7ustralian. 2E started as a regional dialect that de*eloped in the southeast of England. It is the form of English most widely accepted as #eing clear and proper. 2E should #e used when writing #usiness letters( essays( reports( -o# applications and all formal occasions. B2peaing 2tandard English and #eing understood( is not a#out accent or eliminating the Blah?s and Bleh? in our speech. It is a#out following the #asic grammatical rules( synta;( pronunciation( and so on( of International 2tandard English(? said "rofessor oh Tai 7nn( Chairman of the 2pea 4ood English )o*ement.
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